Exemple #1
def ode_littlerock():
    filename = 'littlerock.nc'
    print 'reading file: %s\n' %(filename)
    nc_file = Dataset(filename)
    var_names = nc_file.variables.keys()
    print nc_file.ncattrs()
    print nc_file.units
    print nc_file.col_names
    sound_var = nc_file.variables[var_names[3]]
    press = sound_var[:,0]
    height = sound_var[:,1]
    temp = sound_var[:,2]
    dewpoint = sound_var[:,3]
    #height must have unique values
    newHeight= nudge(height)
    #Tenv and TdEnv interpolators return temp. in deg C, given height in m
    #Press interpolator returns pressure in hPa given height in m
    interpTenv = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, newHeight, temp)
    interpTdEnv = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, newHeight, dewpoint)
    interpPress = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, newHeight, press)
    p900_level = np.where(abs(900 - press) < 2.)
    p800_level = np.where(abs(800 - press) < 7.)
    thetaeVal=thetaep(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc,temp[p900_level] + c.Tc,press[p900_level]*100.)
    yinit = [0.5, height_800]  #(intial velocity = 0.5 m/s, initial height in m)
    tinit = 0
    tfin = 2500
    dt = 10
    #want to integrate F using ode45 (from MATLAB) equivalent integrator
    r = ode(F).set_integrator('dopri5')
    r.set_f_params(thetaeVal, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress)
    r.set_initial_value(yinit, tinit)
    y = np.array(yinit)
    t = np.array(tinit)
    #stop integration when the parcel changes direction, or time runs out
    while r.successful() and r.t < tfin and r.y[0] > 0:
        #find y at the next time step
        #(r.integrate(t) updates the fields r.y and r.t so that r.y = F(t) and r.t = t 
        #where F is the function being integrated)
        #keep track of y at each time step
        y = np.vstack((y, r.y))
        t = np.vstack((t, r.t))
    wvel = y[:,0]
    height = y[:,1]
    plt.plot(wvel, height)
    plt.xlabel('vertical velocity (m/s)')
    plt.ylabel('height about surface (m)')
Exemple #2
def call_nudge(event):
    if not artistConfigured and _gcodeThread.grbl.ready:
        nudge_window = nudge(tk, nudge_callback, nudge_closed)
        if not _gcodeThread.grbl.ready:
            print("please wait for plotter to be ready")
            print("nudge can only be called when in preview mode")
Exemple #3
def answer_entrain():
    filename = 'littlerock.nc'
    print 'reading file: %s\n' %(filename)
    nc_file = Dataset(filename)
    var_names = nc_file.variables.keys()
    print nc_file.ncattrs()
    print nc_file.units
    print nc_file.col_names
    sound_var = nc_file.variables[var_names[3]]
    press = sound_var[:,0]
    height = sound_var[:,1]
    temp = sound_var[:,2]
    dewpoint = sound_var[:,3]
    #height must have unique values
    envHeight= nudge(height)
    #Tenv and TdEnv interpolators return temp. in deg C, given height in m
    #Press interpolator returns pressure in hPa given height in m
    interpTenv = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, envHeight, temp)
    interpTdEnv = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, envHeight, dewpoint)
    interpPress = lambda zVals: np.interp(zVals, envHeight, press)
    p900_level = np.where(abs(900 - press) < 2.)
    p800_level = np.where(abs(800 - press) < 7.)
    thetaeVal=thetaep(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc,temp[p900_level] + c.Tc,press[p900_level]*100.)
    wTcloud = wsat(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc, press[p900_level]*100.)
    entrain_rate = 2.e-4
    winit = 0.5 #initial velocity (m/s)
    yinit = [winit, height_800, thetaeVal, wTcloud]  
    tinit = 0
    tfin = 2500
    dt = 10
    #want to integrate F using ode45 (from MATLAB) equivalent integrator
    r = ode(F).set_integrator('dopri5')
    r.set_f_params(entrain_rate, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress)
    r.set_initial_value(yinit, tinit)
    y = np.array(yinit)
    t = np.array(tinit)
    #stop tracking the parcel when the time runs out, or if the parcel stops moving/is desecnding
    while r.successful() and r.t < tfin and r.y[0] > 0:
        #find y at the next time step
        #(r.integrate(t) updates the fields r.y and r.t so that r.y = F(t) and r.t = t 
        #where F is the function being integrated)
        if r.y[0] <= 0:
        #keep track of y at each time step
        y = np.vstack((y, r.y))
        t = np.vstack((t, r.t))
    wvel = y[:,0]
    cloud_height = y[:,1]
    thetae_cloud = y[:,2]
    wT_cloud = y[:,3]
    plt.plot(wvel, cloud_height)
    plt.xlabel('vertical velocity (m/s)')
    plt.ylabel('height above surface (m)')
    plt.gca().set_title('vertical velocity of a cloud parcel vs height,\
 entrainment rate of %4.1e $s^{-1}$' %entrain_rate)
    Tcloud = np.zeros(cloud_height.size)
    wvCloud = np.zeros(cloud_height.size)
    wlCloud = np.zeros(cloud_height.size)
    for i in range(0, len(cloud_height)):
        the_press = interpPress(cloud_height[i])*100.
        Tcloud[i], wvCloud[i], wlCloud[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_cloud[i], 
                                                        wT_cloud[i], the_press)
    Tadia= np.zeros(cloud_height.size)
    wvAdia = np.zeros(cloud_height.size)
    wlAdia = np.zeros(cloud_height.size)
    for i in range(0, len(cloud_height)):
        the_press = interpPress(cloud_height[i])*100.
        Tadia[i], wvAdia[i], wlAdia[i] = tinvert_thetae(thetae_cloud[0], 
                                                      wT_cloud[0], the_press)
    TcloudHandle, = plt.plot(Tcloud - c.Tc, cloud_height, 'r-')
    TenvHandle, = plt.plot(temp, envHeight, 'g-')
    TadiaHandle, = plt.plot(Tadia - c.Tc, cloud_height, 'b-')
    plt.xlabel('temperature (deg C)')
    plt.ylabel('height above surface (m)')
    plt.gca().set_title('temp. of rising cloud parcel vs height,\
 entrainment rate of %4.1e $s^{-1}$' %entrain_rate)
    plt.gca().legend([TcloudHandle, TenvHandle, TadiaHandle],['cloud', 'environment', 'moist adiabat'])
Exemple #4
#use 900 hPa sounding level for adiabat
#array.argmin() finds the index of the min. value of array 
p900_level = np.abs(900 - press).argmin()

thetaeVal=thetaep(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc,temp[p900_level] + c.Tc,press[p900_level]*100.)
pressVals,tempVals =calcAdiabat(press[p900_level]*100.,thetaeVal,200.e2)
xTemp=convertTempToSkew(tempVals - c.Tc,pressVals*1.e-2,skew)
p900_adiabat = plt.semilogy(xTemp,pressVals*1.e-2,'r-',linewidth=4)

#interpolator fails if two pressure values are the same
newPress = nudge(press)
#independent variable used to interpolate must be in increasing order 
#pVals must be in hPa
interpTenv = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], temp[::-1])
interpTdenv = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], dewpoint[::-1])
interpDirec = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], direct[::-1])
interpSpeed = lambda pVals: np.interp(pVals, newPress[::-1], speed[::-1])
trytemp = interpTenv(pressVals*1.e-2)
labels = range(100, 1100, 100)
ax2.set_ybound((200, 1000))
ax2.set_xbound((xleft, xright))
plt.gca().set_title('littlerock sounding, %s' %var_names[3])