def Asym_err(P_L, P_R):
    '''Returns the error in the asymmetry data'''
        P_L_err = sqrt(P_L)
        P_R_err = sqrt(P_R)
        A0_err = 2.*(sqrt(((sqr(P_L)*sqr(P_L_err))+(sqr(P_R)*sqr(P_R_err)))/pwr((P_L+P_R),4)))
        return A0_err
        print 'There was a problem finding the error in the asymmetry between the two channels. '\
        'Make sure the data file is correctly formatted, if it is, the asym module may need maintainance'
Exemple #2
    def _forward(self, x, train_flg):
        if self.running_mean is None:
            N, D = x.shape
            self.running_mean = np.zeros(D)
            self.running_var = np.zeros(D)

        if train_flg:
            mu = x.mean(axis=0)
            xc = x - mu
            var = np.mean(xc ** 2, axis=0)
            std = np.sqr(var + 1e-7)
            xn = xc / std

            self.batch_size = x.shape[0]
            self.xc = xc
            self.xn = xn
            self.std = std
            self.running_mean = self.momentum * self.running_mean + (1 - self.momentum) * mu
            self.running_var = self.momentum * self.running_var + (1 - self.momentum) * var

            xc = x - self.running_mean
            xn = xc / np.sqrt(self.running_var + 1e-7)

        return self.gamma * xn + self.beta
    def nusselt_L_vert(self, Ra_L: float, Pr: float) -> float:
        Computes Nusselt number Nu = Nu( Ra_L, Pr ) for natural convection
        at the vertical plate

               Rayleigh number [/] Ra = Gr_L * Pr

               Prandtl number [/]

            Nusselt number [/]

            [INCR96] Equ (9.26) if Ra_L <= 1e9 and Equ. (9.27)
                     if Ra_L > 1e9
        assert Pr > 1e-20
        assert 0 < Ra_L and Ra_L < 1e30

        if Ra_L <= 1e9:
            return 0.68 + 0.67 * pow(Ra_L, 0.25) \
                / pow(1 + pow(0.492 / Pr, 9./16), 4./9)
            return np.sqr(0.825 + 0.387 * np.pow(Ra_L, 1. / 6) /
                          pow(1 + pow(0.492 / Pr, 9. / 16), 8. / 27))
def proj(u, v):
    absu = np.sqr(, u))
    if absu < 0.000000000000001:
        p = float(0.0) * np.array(u)
        p = (, v) /, u)) * np.array(u)
    return p
Exemple #5
    def do_transform_ip(self, buffer: Gst.Buffer) -> Gst.FlowReturn:

        if not self._model:
                f"No model speficied for {self}. Plugin working in passthrough mode"
            return Gst.FlowReturn.OK

        # print(buffer.get_size(), buffer.duration / 10**6)

        # map Gst.Buffer to READ content
        is_ok, map_info =
        if is_ok:
            # parsing audio info
            audio_info = GstAudio.AudioInfo()

            # bpf = bytes per frame (for S16LE bpf = 2 bytes)
            # np.int16 -> due to audio format S16LE
            frame = np.ndarray(map_info.size // audio_info.bpf,


            cut_on_silence = self._silence_threshold > 0
            num_frames = len(self._frames)
            if num_frames >= self._max_num_frames_seq:
                if cut_on_silence and num_frames >= self._min_num_frames_seq:
                    square = np.sqr(frame)
                    peaksquare = np.max(square)
                    squaresum = np.sum(square)

                    normalizer = 1 << 30
                    ncs = float(squaresum) / normalizer


                    if ncs > self._silence_threshold:
                        self._silent_buffers_num += 1

                    if self._silent_buffers_num >= self._silence_duration:

                    # self._amplitude_mean += np.mean(frame)
                    # self._amplitude_mean /= 2
                    # rms = np.sqrt(self._amplitude_mean ** 2)

                    # if num_frames >= self._min_num_frames_seq and rms < self._rms_threshold:
                    #     self._do_speech_recognition()

        return Gst.FlowReturn.OK
def checknorm(matrix):
    sumvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(matrix)):
        sum = 0.0
        for j in range(0, len(matrix)):
            norm =[i], matrix[j])
            absnorm = np.sqr(norm * norm)
            sum += absnorm
    return sumvec
Exemple #7
def chirp_uncertainty(scale_atom: float, frequency_sample_rate_hz: float,
                      gamma: float,
                      index_shift: float) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    Uncertainty of chirp

    :param scale_atom: from chirp_scale or chirp_scale_from_order
    :param frequency_sample_rate_hz: sample rate in hz
    :param gamma: from index_shift, M/(2Q)
    :param index_shift: index of shift
    :return: time std in seconds, frequency std in Hz, angular frequency std in Hz

    time_std_s = scale_atom / np.sqr(2) / frequency_sample_rate_hz
    angular_frequency_std = np.sqrt(1 + (index_shift *
                                         gamma)**2) / scale_atom / np.sqr(2)
    angular_frequency_std_hz = frequency_sample_rate_hz * angular_frequency_std
    frequency_std_hz = angular_frequency_std_hz / 2 / np.pi

    return time_std_s, frequency_std_hz, angular_frequency_std_hz
def make_angle(curr_index, shaped_coords, basedir, n_a):
    import imp

    rot = imp.load_source("operations", str(basedir + "/operations/"))
    angleline = []
    for j in range(0, curr_index - 2):
        angleline.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    unit_v1 = rot.uvec(
        np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    unit_v2 = rot.uvec(
        np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 2]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    phi = rot.angle3d(unit_v1, unit_v2)
    angleelement = (math.cos(phi) * unit_v1 - unit_v2) / math.sin(phi)
    angleline.append([angleelement[0], angleelement[1], angleelement[2]])
    distv1 = np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    distv2 = np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 2]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    sqrtvec = [
        np.sqr(abs(distv1[0] * distv2[0])),
        np.sqr(abs(distv1[1] * distv2[1])),
        np.sqr(abs(distv1[2] * distv2[2])),
    if distv1[0] * distv2[0] < 0.0:
        sqrtvec[0] *= -1.0
    if distv1[1] * distv2[1] < 0.0:
        sqrtvec[1] *= -1.0
    if distv1[2] * distv2[2] < 0.0:
        sqrtvec[2] *= -1.0
    angleelement = (distv1 - math.cos(phi) * distv2) * unit_v1 + unit_v2 * (
        distv2 - distv1 * math.cos(phi)
    ) / (np.array(sqrtvec) * math.sin(phi))
    angleline.append([angleelement[0], angleelement[1], angleelement[2]])
    angleelement = (math.cos(phi) * unit_v2 - unit_v1) / math.sin(phi)
    angleline.append([angleelement[0], angleelement[1], angleelement[2]])
    for j in range(curr_index + 1, n_a):
        angleline.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return angleline
 def normalizaL2(self):              # SO TUDO POSITIVO
     matQuad = np.sqr(self.matrix)
     sumQuad = np.sum(matQuad, axis=0)
     rMS = np.sqrt(sumQuad)
     orientacaoN = copy.deepcopy(self.orientacaoOrg)       # MANTEM AS ORIENTACOES DOS CRITERIOS
     matrixNormL2 = np.zeros((self.nalt,self.ncrit))
     for crit in range(self.ncrit):
         for a in range(self.nalt):
             matrixNormL2[a,crit] = self.matrix[a,crit]/rMS[crit]
     pNj = (self.pjOrg / rMS).tolist()
     qNj = (self.qjOrg / rMS).tolist()
     vNj = (self.vjOrg / rMS).tolist()
     self.errUlt = (0, -1, -1)
     return orientacaoN, matrixNormL2, qNj, pNj, vNj
Exemple #10
def nd_rodogram(x, y, *args):
    Inner most calculation step of rodogram

    This function is used in the inner most loop of `neighbour_diff_squared`.

    x, y : np.array


    res = np.sqr(np.abs(x - y))

    return res
Exemple #11
def ray_triangle(self, ray, triangle):
     u = triangle[0] - triangle[1]
     v = triangle[1] - triangle[2]
     n = numpy.cross(u,v)
     nnorm = n / numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.sqr(n)))
     if iszeros(n):
        return (False, None, None)
     direction = ray[1] - ray[0]
     w0 = ray[0] - triangle[0]
     a =, w0)
     b =, direction)
     if abs(b)<1e-6:
        if a==0:
            return (True, None, None)
            return (False, None, None)
Exemple #12
def magnitudes(v, axis=-1):
    "same as magnitude for 1D vectors, but returns array of magnitudes for arrays of vectors"
    return sqrt(sqr(v).sum(axis))
Exemple #13
        ydata = []
        ysum = 0
        ynorm = float(sum(sedata))
        for k in range(len(sedata)):
            ysum += sedata[-(k + 1)]
            ydata.append(ysum / ynorm)
        xscale = "relative rank"
        yscale = "relative cumulative abundance"
        ydata = np.log(sedata).tolist()
        xrdata = list(range(1, len(ydata) + 1))
        if ptype == "log-log":
            xdata = np.log(xrdata).tolist()
            xscale = "log(rank)"
        elif xscale == "log-sqrlog":
            xdata = np.sqr(np.log(xrdata)).tolist()
            xscale = "sqr(log(rank))"
            xdata = xrdata
            xscake = "rank"
        (rx, ry) = ([], [])
        (r2x, r2y) = ([], [])
        if regression != "no":
            (rx, ry) = calc_regression(edata[gscnt])
            rdata.append([rx, ry, r2x, r2y])
        yscale = "log(count)"

    ldata.append([xdata[:], ydata[:], ckey, skey])

print("var ldata = %s;" % json.dumps(ldata))
print("var rdata = %s;" % json.dumps(rdata))
def nma_3Nminus6dof_asfunction(hessfile, basedir):
    extr = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrmass = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrxyz = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"

    hessian = extr.hessian_from_hes(hessfile)
    mass = extrmass.mass_from_hes(hessfile)
    coords = extrxyz.geo_from_hes(hessfile, "B")

    # Begin Center of mass
    com = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        curr_com = float(0.0)
        sum_mass = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            curr_com += float(mass[j]) * float(coords[j * 3 + i])
            sum_mass += float(mass[j])
        com.append(float(curr_com) / float(sum_mass))
    # End Center of mass
    # Begin shift coords
    shift_coords = coords
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            shift_coords[i * 3 + j] = float(shift_coords[i * 3 + j]) - float(com[j])

    t_inert = []
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1])
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
    # generate principal moments and their eigenvectors
    e_princ, princ = np.linalg.eig(np.array(t_inert))
    # begin setup transrot
    transrotmat = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        transvec = []
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            for k in range(0, i):
            for k in range(i + 1, 3):
    # begin rotvecs
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])

        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (py * princ[2][j] - pz * princ[1][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])

        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (pz * princ[0][j] - px * princ[2][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])

        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (px * princ[1][j] - py * princ[0][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    # Begin mass weight Hessianxyz
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            for k in range(0, len(mass)):
                for l in range(0, 3):
                    hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] /= math.sqrt(
                        float(mass[i]) * float(mass[k])
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > -0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
    # end mass weight Hessianxyz
    # begin normalize transrot
    norm_trm = []
    for i in range(0, 6):
        scale =[i], transrotmat[i])
        norm_vec = np.array(transrotmat[i]) / math.sqrt(scale)
    # end normalize transrot

    # Begin Ortho
    # Ortho for rotvecs
    for i in range(3, 6):
        ortho(6, norm_trm, 3)
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
        norm_trm = newvec(norm_trm, len(mass) * 3, i)
        ortho(i + 1, norm_trm, i)
    enter = 0
    found = False
    for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
        currnorm = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
        if currnorm > 1.01:
            found = True
    while enter <= 500 and found:
        ortho(len(mass) * 3, norm_trm, 6)
        found = False
        for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm = float(0.0)
            for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
                currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
            if currnorm > 1.01:
                found = True
        enter += 1
    if enter >= 500:
        print("had to orthogonalize more than 500 times! Check your results!")
    # ENd Ortho
    d_mat = []
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
    dh =, hessian)
    h_int =, np.transpose(d_mat))
    e_val, nm_matrix = np.linalg.eig(np.array(h_int))
    mass_sqrtvec_matrix = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for p in range(0, 3):
            massline = []
            for j in range(0, len(mass)):
                for k in range(0, 3):
                    if i == j and p == k:
                        massline.extend([float(1.0 / np.sqr(float(mass[i])))])
    mw_d_mat =, np.transpose(d_mat))
    cart_nm =, nm_matrix)
    # begin sort eigenvalues/vectors
    done = False
    while not done:
        done = True
        for i in range(0, len(e_val) - 1):
            if float(e_val[i + 1]) < float(e_val[i]):
                done = False
                nm_matrix[:, [i, i + 1]] = nm_matrix[:, [i + 1, i]]
                cart_nm[:, [i, i + 1]] = cart_nm[:, [i + 1, i]]
                e_val[i + 1], e_val[i] = e_val[i], e_val[i + 1]
    return e_val, nm_matrix
def nma_3Nminus6dof(sysargs):
    basedir = sysargs[2]
    extr = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrmass = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrxyz = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"

    hessian = extr.hessian_from_hes(sysargs[1])
    mass = extrmass.mass_from_hes(sysargs[1])
    coords = extrxyz.geo_from_hes(sysargs[1], "B")

    # Begin Center of mass
    com = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        curr_com = float(0.0)
        sum_mass = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            curr_com += float(mass[j]) * float(coords[j * 3 + i])
            sum_mass += float(mass[j])
        com.append(float(curr_com) / float(sum_mass))
    # End Center of mass
    # Begin shift coords
    shift_coords = coords
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            shift_coords[i * 3 + j] = float(shift_coords[i * 3 + j]) - float(com[j])
    # coords still match! good!
    # End shift coords
    # begin inertia tensor
    t_inert = []
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1])
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
    # end inertia tensor
    # generate principal moments and their eigenvectors
    e_princ, princ = np.linalg.eig(np.array(t_inert))
    # e_princ ok, princ ok!
    # begin setup transrot
    transrotmat = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        transvec = []
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            for k in range(0, i):
            for k in range(i + 1, 3):
    # begin rotvecs
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])
        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (py * princ[2][j] - pz * princ[1][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])
        # print curr_coords
        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (pz * princ[0][j] - px * princ[2][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])
        # print curr_coords
        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (px * princ[1][j] - py * princ[0][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    # Begin mass weight Hessianxyz
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            for k in range(0, len(mass)):
                for l in range(0, 3):
                    hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] /= math.sqrt(
                        float(mass[i]) * float(mass[k])
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > -0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
    # end mass weight Hessianxyz
    # begin normalize transrot
    norm_trm = []
    for i in range(0, 6):
        scale =[i], transrotmat[i])
        norm_vec = np.array(transrotmat[i]) / math.sqrt(scale)
    # end normalize transrot
    # Begin Ortho
    # Ortho for rotvecs
    for i in range(3, 6):
        ortho(6, norm_trm, 3)
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
        norm_trm = newvec(norm_trm, len(mass) * 3, i)
        ortho(i + 1, norm_trm, i)
    enter = 0
    found = False
    for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
        currnorm = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
        if currnorm > 1.01:
            found = True
    while (enter <= 500 and found) or enter < 10:
        ortho(len(mass) * 3, norm_trm, 6)
        found = False
        for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm = float(0.0)
            for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
                currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
            if 1.0 - (np.sqr(currnorm * currnorm)) > 0.01:
                found = True
        enter += 1
    if enter >= 500:
        print("had to orthogonalize more than 500 times! Check your results!")
    # ENd Ortho
    d_mat = []
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
    dh =, hessian)
    h_int =, np.transpose(d_mat))
    e_val, nm_matrix = np.linalg.eigh(np.array(hessian))
    b_mat = construct_bmat(shift_coords, basedir)
    # begin sort eigenvalues/vectors
    done = False
    while not done:
        done = True
        for i in range(0, len(e_val) - 1):
            if float(e_val[i + 1]) < float(e_val[i]):
                done = False
                nm_matrix[:, [i, i + 1]] = nm_matrix[:, [i + 1, i]]
                e_val[i + 1], e_val[i] = e_val[i], e_val[i + 1]
    for i in range(0, len(e_val)):
        if e_val[i] < 0.0:
            print(str(-1.0 * np.sqrt(abs(float(e_val[i])) * float(26424608))))
            print(str(np.sqrt(float(e_val[i]) * float(26424608))))
Exemple #16
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data
        t = data[0]
        x0 = data[1]
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(x0) / k1

        ## Stomach fullness
        x = 0.25 * tt.sqr(k1 * t) - k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) + x0

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        a_part1 = k1 * t * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        a_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 *
                              (x + x0) + x0 * tt.pow(theta8, 2) * x)
        a_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        a_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7, 3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (
            theta7 + theta8 * x)
        a_psi = (a_part1 + a_part2_1 * a_part2_2) / a_denom

        a_phi = 1. / (tt.sqr(theta7 + theta8 * x))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(a_phi) - a_psi

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        b_phi = 1. / tt.sqr(theta7)

        b_part1 = k1 * t_cs * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t_cs * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        b_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 * (x0))
        b_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t_cs - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        b_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7,
                              3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (theta7)
        b_psi = (b_part1 + b_part2_1 * b_part2_2) / b_denom
        b_psi = b_psi + (t - t_cs) / tt.sqr(theta7)

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(b_phi) - b_psi

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        return ll_L
Exemple #17
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        theta9 = self.theta9
        k1 = self.k1

        #theta5_print = theano.printing.Print('theta5')(theta5)
        #theta6_print = theano.printing.Print('theta6')(theta6)
        #theta7_print = theano.printing.Print('theta7')(theta7)
        #theta8_print = theano.printing.Print('theta8')(theta8)
        #theta9_print = theano.printing.Print('theta9')(theta9)
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]

        p_lengths_print = theano.printing.Print('p_lengths')(p_lengths)
        g_ends_print = theano.printing.Print('g_ends')(g_ends)
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta5 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta6)))

        #Q_print = theano.printing.Print('Q')(Q)

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)

        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
        ll_S = bound(
            tt.log(theta7) - theta7 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta7 > 0)
        #ll_S = tt.log(theta7) - theta7*p_lengths # just exponential dist
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends) / k1

        #t_cs_print = theano.printing.Print('t_cs')(t_cs)
        #p_lengths_print = theano.printing.Print('p_lengths')(p_lengths)

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        g_pausing_1 = 0.25 * tt.sqr(
            k1 * p_lengths) - tt.sqrt(g_ends) * k1 * p_lengths + g_ends

        phi_L_1 = 1. / (theta8 + theta9 * g_pausing_1)

        psi_L_1 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                 (k1 * p_lengths - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta8 * theta9))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(phi_L_1) - psi_L_1

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        phi_L_2 = 1. / theta8

        psi_L_2 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                 (k1 * t_cs - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta8 * theta9))

        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 + (p_lengths - t_cs) / theta8

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(phi_L_2) - psi_L_2

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)
		ll_1_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_1_print')(ll_L_1)
		ll_2_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_2_print')(ll_L_2)
		ll_L_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_L_print')(ll_L)

        ## Assemble 2 likelihood paths

        ll_Q_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_Q')(ll_Q)
        ll_notQ_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_notQ')(ll_notQ)

        ll_L_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_L')(ll_L)
        ll_S_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_S')(ll_S)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp
        #ll_short = ll_notQ_print + ll_S_print
        #ll_long = ll_Q_print + ll_L_print

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L
		ll_pause = tt.switch(, ll_long),
							 ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short)),
							 ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long)))
        #ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))
        ll_pause = ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long))
        ll_nans = tt.any(tt.isnan(ll_pause))
        ll_nan_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_nans')(ll_nans)
        ll_pause_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_pause')(ll_pause)

        #ll = ll_pause # tt.log(tt.exp(ll_notQ + ll_S) + tt.exp(ll_Q + ll_L))

        #ll_print = theano.printing.Print('ll')(ll)

        return ll_pause_print + ll_nan_print
Exemple #18
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta4 = self.theta4
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        #theta9 = self.theta9
        #self.theta10 = theta10
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta4 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta5)))

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)
        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
		p = 0.5
		ll_bout = p + bound(tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
		ll_drink = (1. - p) + bound(tt.log(theta9) - theta9 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta9 > 0)

		ll_S = ll_drink + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_bout - ll_drink))
        ll_S = bound(
            tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends) / k1

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        g_pausing_1 = 0.25 * tt.sqr(
            k1 * p_lengths) - tt.sqrt(g_ends) * k1 * p_lengths + g_ends

        phi_L_1 = 1. / (theta7 + theta8 * g_pausing_1)

        psi_L_1 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                 (k1 * p_lengths - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta7 * theta8))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(phi_L_1) - psi_L_1

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        phi_L_2 = 1. / theta7

        psi_L_2 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                 (k1 * t_cs - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta7 * theta8))

        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 + (p_lengths - t_cs) / theta7

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(phi_L_2) - psi_L_2

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L

        ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))

        return ll_pause
Exemple #19
def compute_stats(data_chunk):
    chunkcount = data_chunk.size
    chunksum = np.sum(data_chunk)
    chunksqrsum = np.sum(np.sqr(data_chunk))
Exemple #20
def sqr_magnitudes(v, axis=-1):
    "same as sqr_magnitude for 1D vectors, but returns array of magnitudes for arrays of vectors"
    return sqr(v).sum(axis)

y = customers['Yearly Amount Spent']
X = customers[['Avg. Session Length', 'Time on App',
               'Time on Website', 'Length of Membership']]

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=101)

lm = LinearRegression()
# Dealing with training data, y_train)

prediction = lm.predict(X_test)

plt.scatter(y_test, prediction)
plt.xlabel('Y test(true value)')
plt.ylabel('Predicted values')

print('MAE', metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_test, prediction))
print('MSE', metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, prediction))
print('RMSE', np.sqr(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, prediction)))

metrics.explained_variance_score(y_test, prediction)

sns.distplot((y_test - prediction), bins=50)

# So which data feature have got the highest effect on the ecommerce
cdf = pd.DataFrame(lm.coef_, X.columns, columns=['Coeff'])

Exemple #22
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta4 = self.theta4
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        theta9 = self.theta9
        p = self.p
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta4 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta5)))

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)
        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
        #ll_S = bound(tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
        #p = 0.8
        ll_bout = p + bound(
            tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
        ll_drink = (1. - p) + bound(
            tt.log(theta9) - theta9 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta9 > 0)

        ll_S = ll_drink + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_bout - ll_drink))
		Long pause ll
        x0 = g_ends
        t = p_lengths

        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(x0) / k1

        ## Stomach fullness
        x = 0.25 * tt.sqr(k1 * t) - k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) + x0

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        a_part1 = k1 * t * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        a_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 *
                              (x + x0) + x0 * tt.pow(theta8, 2) * x)
        a_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        a_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7, 3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (
            theta7 + theta8 * x)
        a_psi = (a_part1 + a_part2_1 * a_part2_2) / a_denom

        a_phi = 1. / (tt.sqr(theta7 + theta8 * x))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(a_phi) - a_psi

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        b_phi = 1. / tt.sqr(theta7)

        b_part1 = k1 * t_cs * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t_cs * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        b_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 * (x0))
        b_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t_cs - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        b_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7,
                              3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (theta7)
        b_psi = (b_part1 + b_part2_1 * b_part2_2) / b_denom
        b_psi = b_psi + (t - t_cs) / tt.sqr(theta7)

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(b_phi) - b_psi

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L

        #ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))
        ll_pause = ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long))

        return ll_pause
Exemple #23
def sqr_magnitudes(v):
  "same as sqr_magnitude for 1D vectors, but returns array of magnitudes for arrays of vectors"
  return sqr(v).sum(-1)
Exemple #24
def f1(x):
    return (2 * np.sqr(x)) + (5 * x) - 2