def Asym_err(P_L, P_R):
    '''Returns the error in the asymmetry data'''
        P_L_err = sqrt(P_L)
        P_R_err = sqrt(P_R)
        A0_err = 2.*(sqrt(((sqr(P_L)*sqr(P_L_err))+(sqr(P_R)*sqr(P_R_err)))/pwr((P_L+P_R),4)))
        return A0_err
        print 'There was a problem finding the error in the asymmetry between the two channels. '\
        'Make sure the data file is correctly formatted, if it is, the asym module may need maintainance'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _forward(self, x, train_flg):
        if self.running_mean is None:
            N, D = x.shape
            self.running_mean = np.zeros(D)
            self.running_var = np.zeros(D)

        if train_flg:
            mu = x.mean(axis=0)
            xc = x - mu
            var = np.mean(xc ** 2, axis=0)
            std = np.sqr(var + 1e-7)
            xn = xc / std

            self.batch_size = x.shape[0]
            self.xc = xc
            self.xn = xn
            self.std = std
            self.running_mean = self.momentum * self.running_mean + (1 - self.momentum) * mu
            self.running_var = self.momentum * self.running_var + (1 - self.momentum) * var

            xc = x - self.running_mean
            xn = xc / np.sqrt(self.running_var + 1e-7)

        return self.gamma * xn + self.beta
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def nusselt_L_vert(self, Ra_L: float, Pr: float) -> float:
        Computes Nusselt number Nu = Nu( Ra_L, Pr ) for natural convection
        at the vertical plate

               Rayleigh number [/] Ra = Gr_L * Pr

               Prandtl number [/]

            Nusselt number [/]

            [INCR96] Equ (9.26) if Ra_L <= 1e9 and Equ. (9.27)
                     if Ra_L > 1e9
        assert Pr > 1e-20
        assert 0 < Ra_L and Ra_L < 1e30

        if Ra_L <= 1e9:
            return 0.68 + 0.67 * pow(Ra_L, 0.25) \
                / pow(1 + pow(0.492 / Pr, 9./16), 4./9)
            return np.sqr(0.825 + 0.387 * np.pow(Ra_L, 1. / 6) /
                          pow(1 + pow(0.492 / Pr, 9. / 16), 8. / 27))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def proj(u, v):
    absu = np.sqr(, u))
    if absu < 0.000000000000001:
        p = float(0.0) * np.array(u)
        p = (, v) /, u)) * np.array(u)
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def do_transform_ip(self, buffer: Gst.Buffer) -> Gst.FlowReturn:

        if not self._model:
                f"No model speficied for {self}. Plugin working in passthrough mode"
            return Gst.FlowReturn.OK

        # print(buffer.get_size(), buffer.duration / 10**6)

        # map Gst.Buffer to READ content
        is_ok, map_info =
        if is_ok:
            # parsing audio info
            audio_info = GstAudio.AudioInfo()

            # bpf = bytes per frame (for S16LE bpf = 2 bytes)
            # np.int16 -> due to audio format S16LE
            frame = np.ndarray(map_info.size // audio_info.bpf,


            cut_on_silence = self._silence_threshold > 0
            num_frames = len(self._frames)
            if num_frames >= self._max_num_frames_seq:
                if cut_on_silence and num_frames >= self._min_num_frames_seq:
                    square = np.sqr(frame)
                    peaksquare = np.max(square)
                    squaresum = np.sum(square)

                    normalizer = 1 << 30
                    ncs = float(squaresum) / normalizer


                    if ncs > self._silence_threshold:
                        self._silent_buffers_num += 1

                    if self._silent_buffers_num >= self._silence_duration:

                    # self._amplitude_mean += np.mean(frame)
                    # self._amplitude_mean /= 2
                    # rms = np.sqrt(self._amplitude_mean ** 2)

                    # if num_frames >= self._min_num_frames_seq and rms < self._rms_threshold:
                    #     self._do_speech_recognition()

        return Gst.FlowReturn.OK
Ejemplo n.º 6
def checknorm(matrix):
    sumvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(matrix)):
        sum = 0.0
        for j in range(0, len(matrix)):
            norm =[i], matrix[j])
            absnorm = np.sqr(norm * norm)
            sum += absnorm
    return sumvec
Ejemplo n.º 7
def chirp_uncertainty(scale_atom: float, frequency_sample_rate_hz: float,
                      gamma: float,
                      index_shift: float) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    Uncertainty of chirp

    :param scale_atom: from chirp_scale or chirp_scale_from_order
    :param frequency_sample_rate_hz: sample rate in hz
    :param gamma: from index_shift, M/(2Q)
    :param index_shift: index of shift
    :return: time std in seconds, frequency std in Hz, angular frequency std in Hz

    time_std_s = scale_atom / np.sqr(2) / frequency_sample_rate_hz
    angular_frequency_std = np.sqrt(1 + (index_shift *
                                         gamma)**2) / scale_atom / np.sqr(2)
    angular_frequency_std_hz = frequency_sample_rate_hz * angular_frequency_std
    frequency_std_hz = angular_frequency_std_hz / 2 / np.pi

    return time_std_s, frequency_std_hz, angular_frequency_std_hz
Ejemplo n.º 8
def make_angle(curr_index, shaped_coords, basedir, n_a):
    import imp

    rot = imp.load_source("operations", str(basedir + "/operations/"))
    angleline = []
    for j in range(0, curr_index - 2):
        angleline.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    unit_v1 = rot.uvec(
        np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    unit_v2 = rot.uvec(
        np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 2]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    phi = rot.angle3d(unit_v1, unit_v2)
    angleelement = (math.cos(phi) * unit_v1 - unit_v2) / math.sin(phi)
    angleline.append([angleelement[0], angleelement[1], angleelement[2]])
    distv1 = np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    distv2 = np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 2]) - np.array(shaped_coords[curr_index - 1])
    sqrtvec = [
        np.sqr(abs(distv1[0] * distv2[0])),
        np.sqr(abs(distv1[1] * distv2[1])),
        np.sqr(abs(distv1[2] * distv2[2])),
    if distv1[0] * distv2[0] < 0.0:
        sqrtvec[0] *= -1.0
    if distv1[1] * distv2[1] < 0.0:
        sqrtvec[1] *= -1.0
    if distv1[2] * distv2[2] < 0.0:
        sqrtvec[2] *= -1.0
    angleelement = (distv1 - math.cos(phi) * distv2) * unit_v1 + unit_v2 * (
        distv2 - distv1 * math.cos(phi)
    ) / (np.array(sqrtvec) * math.sin(phi))
    angleline.append([angleelement[0], angleelement[1], angleelement[2]])
    angleelement = (math.cos(phi) * unit_v2 - unit_v1) / math.sin(phi)
    angleline.append([angleelement[0], angleelement[1], angleelement[2]])
    for j in range(curr_index + 1, n_a):
        angleline.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return angleline
 def normalizaL2(self):              # SO TUDO POSITIVO
     matQuad = np.sqr(self.matrix)
     sumQuad = np.sum(matQuad, axis=0)
     rMS = np.sqrt(sumQuad)
     orientacaoN = copy.deepcopy(self.orientacaoOrg)       # MANTEM AS ORIENTACOES DOS CRITERIOS
     matrixNormL2 = np.zeros((self.nalt,self.ncrit))
     for crit in range(self.ncrit):
         for a in range(self.nalt):
             matrixNormL2[a,crit] = self.matrix[a,crit]/rMS[crit]
     pNj = (self.pjOrg / rMS).tolist()
     qNj = (self.qjOrg / rMS).tolist()
     vNj = (self.vjOrg / rMS).tolist()
     self.errUlt = (0, -1, -1)
     return orientacaoN, matrixNormL2, qNj, pNj, vNj
Ejemplo n.º 10
def nd_rodogram(x, y, *args):
    Inner most calculation step of rodogram

    This function is used in the inner most loop of `neighbour_diff_squared`.

    x, y : np.array


    res = np.sqr(np.abs(x - y))

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 11
def ray_triangle(self, ray, triangle):
     u = triangle[0] - triangle[1]
     v = triangle[1] - triangle[2]
     n = numpy.cross(u,v)
     nnorm = n / numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.sqr(n)))
     if iszeros(n):
        return (False, None, None)
     direction = ray[1] - ray[0]
     w0 = ray[0] - triangle[0]
     a =, w0)
     b =, direction)
     if abs(b)<1e-6:
        if a==0:
            return (True, None, None)
            return (False, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def magnitudes(v, axis=-1):
    "same as magnitude for 1D vectors, but returns array of magnitudes for arrays of vectors"
    return sqrt(sqr(v).sum(axis))
Ejemplo n.º 13
        ydata = []
        ysum = 0
        ynorm = float(sum(sedata))
        for k in range(len(sedata)):
            ysum += sedata[-(k + 1)]
            ydata.append(ysum / ynorm)
        xscale = "relative rank"
        yscale = "relative cumulative abundance"
        ydata = np.log(sedata).tolist()
        xrdata = list(range(1, len(ydata) + 1))
        if ptype == "log-log":
            xdata = np.log(xrdata).tolist()
            xscale = "log(rank)"
        elif xscale == "log-sqrlog":
            xdata = np.sqr(np.log(xrdata)).tolist()
            xscale = "sqr(log(rank))"
            xdata = xrdata
            xscake = "rank"
        (rx, ry) = ([], [])
        (r2x, r2y) = ([], [])
        if regression != "no":
            (rx, ry) = calc_regression(edata[gscnt])
            rdata.append([rx, ry, r2x, r2y])
        yscale = "log(count)"

    ldata.append([xdata[:], ydata[:], ckey, skey])

print("var ldata = %s;" % json.dumps(ldata))
print("var rdata = %s;" % json.dumps(rdata))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def nma_3Nminus6dof_asfunction(hessfile, basedir):
    extr = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrmass = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrxyz = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"

    hessian = extr.hessian_from_hes(hessfile)
    mass = extrmass.mass_from_hes(hessfile)
    coords = extrxyz.geo_from_hes(hessfile, "B")

    # Begin Center of mass
    com = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        curr_com = float(0.0)
        sum_mass = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            curr_com += float(mass[j]) * float(coords[j * 3 + i])
            sum_mass += float(mass[j])
        com.append(float(curr_com) / float(sum_mass))
    # End Center of mass
    # Begin shift coords
    shift_coords = coords
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            shift_coords[i * 3 + j] = float(shift_coords[i * 3 + j]) - float(com[j])

    t_inert = []
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1])
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
    # generate principal moments and their eigenvectors
    e_princ, princ = np.linalg.eig(np.array(t_inert))
    # begin setup transrot
    transrotmat = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        transvec = []
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            for k in range(0, i):
            for k in range(i + 1, 3):
    # begin rotvecs
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])

        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (py * princ[2][j] - pz * princ[1][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])

        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (pz * princ[0][j] - px * princ[2][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])

        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (px * princ[1][j] - py * princ[0][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    # Begin mass weight Hessianxyz
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            for k in range(0, len(mass)):
                for l in range(0, 3):
                    hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] /= math.sqrt(
                        float(mass[i]) * float(mass[k])
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > -0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
    # end mass weight Hessianxyz
    # begin normalize transrot
    norm_trm = []
    for i in range(0, 6):
        scale =[i], transrotmat[i])
        norm_vec = np.array(transrotmat[i]) / math.sqrt(scale)
    # end normalize transrot

    # Begin Ortho
    # Ortho for rotvecs
    for i in range(3, 6):
        ortho(6, norm_trm, 3)
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
        norm_trm = newvec(norm_trm, len(mass) * 3, i)
        ortho(i + 1, norm_trm, i)
    enter = 0
    found = False
    for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
        currnorm = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
        if currnorm > 1.01:
            found = True
    while enter <= 500 and found:
        ortho(len(mass) * 3, norm_trm, 6)
        found = False
        for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm = float(0.0)
            for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
                currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
            if currnorm > 1.01:
                found = True
        enter += 1
    if enter >= 500:
        print("had to orthogonalize more than 500 times! Check your results!")
    # ENd Ortho
    d_mat = []
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
    dh =, hessian)
    h_int =, np.transpose(d_mat))
    e_val, nm_matrix = np.linalg.eig(np.array(h_int))
    mass_sqrtvec_matrix = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for p in range(0, 3):
            massline = []
            for j in range(0, len(mass)):
                for k in range(0, 3):
                    if i == j and p == k:
                        massline.extend([float(1.0 / np.sqr(float(mass[i])))])
    mw_d_mat =, np.transpose(d_mat))
    cart_nm =, nm_matrix)
    # begin sort eigenvalues/vectors
    done = False
    while not done:
        done = True
        for i in range(0, len(e_val) - 1):
            if float(e_val[i + 1]) < float(e_val[i]):
                done = False
                nm_matrix[:, [i, i + 1]] = nm_matrix[:, [i + 1, i]]
                cart_nm[:, [i, i + 1]] = cart_nm[:, [i + 1, i]]
                e_val[i + 1], e_val[i] = e_val[i], e_val[i + 1]
    return e_val, nm_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 15
def nma_3Nminus6dof(sysargs):
    basedir = sysargs[2]
    extr = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrmass = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"
    extrxyz = imp.load_source(
        "orcaextractors", str(basedir) + "/operations/"

    hessian = extr.hessian_from_hes(sysargs[1])
    mass = extrmass.mass_from_hes(sysargs[1])
    coords = extrxyz.geo_from_hes(sysargs[1], "B")

    # Begin Center of mass
    com = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        curr_com = float(0.0)
        sum_mass = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            curr_com += float(mass[j]) * float(coords[j * 3 + i])
            sum_mass += float(mass[j])
        com.append(float(curr_com) / float(sum_mass))
    # End Center of mass
    # Begin shift coords
    shift_coords = coords
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            shift_coords[i * 3 + j] = float(shift_coords[i * 3 + j]) - float(com[j])
    # coords still match! good!
    # End shift coords
    # begin inertia tensor
    t_inert = []
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1])
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 2] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2]
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele -= float(mass[i]) * (shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 2])
    t_row = []
    ele = float(0.0)
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        ele += float(mass[i]) * (
            shift_coords[i * 3 + 0] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 0]
            + shift_coords[i * 3 + 1] * shift_coords[i * 3 + 1]
    # end inertia tensor
    # generate principal moments and their eigenvectors
    e_princ, princ = np.linalg.eig(np.array(t_inert))
    # e_princ ok, princ ok!
    # begin setup transrot
    transrotmat = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        transvec = []
        for j in range(0, len(mass)):
            for k in range(0, i):
            for k in range(i + 1, 3):
    # begin rotvecs
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])
        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (py * princ[2][j] - pz * princ[1][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])
        # print curr_coords
        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        pz =, np.array(princ[2]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (pz * princ[0][j] - px * princ[2][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    rotvec = []
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        curr_coords = []
        for j in range(0, 3):
            curr_coords.append(shift_coords[3 * i + j])
        # print curr_coords
        px =, np.array(princ[0]).astype(float))
        py =, np.array(princ[1]).astype(float))
        for j in range(0, 3):
                (px * princ[1][j] - py * princ[0][j]) * math.sqrt(float(mass[i]))
    # Begin mass weight Hessianxyz
    for i in range(0, len(mass)):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            for k in range(0, len(mass)):
                for l in range(0, 3):
                    hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] /= math.sqrt(
                        float(mass[i]) * float(mass[k])
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
                    if (
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] > -0.00000000000001
                        and hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] < 0.0
                        hessian[i * 3 + j][k * 3 + l] = float(0.0)
    # end mass weight Hessianxyz
    # begin normalize transrot
    norm_trm = []
    for i in range(0, 6):
        scale =[i], transrotmat[i])
        norm_vec = np.array(transrotmat[i]) / math.sqrt(scale)
    # end normalize transrot
    # Begin Ortho
    # Ortho for rotvecs
    for i in range(3, 6):
        ortho(6, norm_trm, 3)
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
        norm_trm = newvec(norm_trm, len(mass) * 3, i)
        ortho(i + 1, norm_trm, i)
    enter = 0
    found = False
    for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
        currnorm = float(0.0)
        for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
        if currnorm > 1.01:
            found = True
    while (enter <= 500 and found) or enter < 10:
        ortho(len(mass) * 3, norm_trm, 6)
        found = False
        for i in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
            currnorm = float(0.0)
            for j in range(0, len(mass) * 3):
                currnorm +=[i], norm_trm[j])
            if 1.0 - (np.sqr(currnorm * currnorm)) > 0.01:
                found = True
        enter += 1
    if enter >= 500:
        print("had to orthogonalize more than 500 times! Check your results!")
    # ENd Ortho
    d_mat = []
    for i in range(6, len(mass) * 3):
    dh =, hessian)
    h_int =, np.transpose(d_mat))
    e_val, nm_matrix = np.linalg.eigh(np.array(hessian))
    b_mat = construct_bmat(shift_coords, basedir)
    # begin sort eigenvalues/vectors
    done = False
    while not done:
        done = True
        for i in range(0, len(e_val) - 1):
            if float(e_val[i + 1]) < float(e_val[i]):
                done = False
                nm_matrix[:, [i, i + 1]] = nm_matrix[:, [i + 1, i]]
                e_val[i + 1], e_val[i] = e_val[i], e_val[i + 1]
    for i in range(0, len(e_val)):
        if e_val[i] < 0.0:
            print(str(-1.0 * np.sqrt(abs(float(e_val[i])) * float(26424608))))
            print(str(np.sqrt(float(e_val[i]) * float(26424608))))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data
        t = data[0]
        x0 = data[1]
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(x0) / k1

        ## Stomach fullness
        x = 0.25 * tt.sqr(k1 * t) - k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) + x0

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        a_part1 = k1 * t * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        a_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 *
                              (x + x0) + x0 * tt.pow(theta8, 2) * x)
        a_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        a_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7, 3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (
            theta7 + theta8 * x)
        a_psi = (a_part1 + a_part2_1 * a_part2_2) / a_denom

        a_phi = 1. / (tt.sqr(theta7 + theta8 * x))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(a_phi) - a_psi

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        b_phi = 1. / tt.sqr(theta7)

        b_part1 = k1 * t_cs * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t_cs * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        b_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 * (x0))
        b_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t_cs - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        b_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7,
                              3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (theta7)
        b_psi = (b_part1 + b_part2_1 * b_part2_2) / b_denom
        b_psi = b_psi + (t - t_cs) / tt.sqr(theta7)

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(b_phi) - b_psi

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        return ll_L
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        theta9 = self.theta9
        k1 = self.k1

        #theta5_print = theano.printing.Print('theta5')(theta5)
        #theta6_print = theano.printing.Print('theta6')(theta6)
        #theta7_print = theano.printing.Print('theta7')(theta7)
        #theta8_print = theano.printing.Print('theta8')(theta8)
        #theta9_print = theano.printing.Print('theta9')(theta9)
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]

        p_lengths_print = theano.printing.Print('p_lengths')(p_lengths)
        g_ends_print = theano.printing.Print('g_ends')(g_ends)
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta5 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta6)))

        #Q_print = theano.printing.Print('Q')(Q)

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)

        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
        ll_S = bound(
            tt.log(theta7) - theta7 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta7 > 0)
        #ll_S = tt.log(theta7) - theta7*p_lengths # just exponential dist
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends) / k1

        #t_cs_print = theano.printing.Print('t_cs')(t_cs)
        #p_lengths_print = theano.printing.Print('p_lengths')(p_lengths)

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        g_pausing_1 = 0.25 * tt.sqr(
            k1 * p_lengths) - tt.sqrt(g_ends) * k1 * p_lengths + g_ends

        phi_L_1 = 1. / (theta8 + theta9 * g_pausing_1)

        psi_L_1 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                 (k1 * p_lengths - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta8 * theta9))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(phi_L_1) - psi_L_1

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        phi_L_2 = 1. / theta8

        psi_L_2 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                 (k1 * t_cs - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta8 * theta9))

        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 + (p_lengths - t_cs) / theta8

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(phi_L_2) - psi_L_2

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)
		ll_1_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_1_print')(ll_L_1)
		ll_2_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_2_print')(ll_L_2)
		ll_L_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_L_print')(ll_L)

        ## Assemble 2 likelihood paths

        ll_Q_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_Q')(ll_Q)
        ll_notQ_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_notQ')(ll_notQ)

        ll_L_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_L')(ll_L)
        ll_S_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_S')(ll_S)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp
        #ll_short = ll_notQ_print + ll_S_print
        #ll_long = ll_Q_print + ll_L_print

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L
		ll_pause = tt.switch(, ll_long),
							 ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short)),
							 ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long)))
        #ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))
        ll_pause = ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long))
        ll_nans = tt.any(tt.isnan(ll_pause))
        ll_nan_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_nans')(ll_nans)
        ll_pause_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_pause')(ll_pause)

        #ll = ll_pause # tt.log(tt.exp(ll_notQ + ll_S) + tt.exp(ll_Q + ll_L))

        #ll_print = theano.printing.Print('ll')(ll)

        return ll_pause_print + ll_nan_print
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta4 = self.theta4
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        #theta9 = self.theta9
        #self.theta10 = theta10
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta4 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta5)))

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)
        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
		p = 0.5
		ll_bout = p + bound(tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
		ll_drink = (1. - p) + bound(tt.log(theta9) - theta9 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta9 > 0)

		ll_S = ll_drink + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_bout - ll_drink))
        ll_S = bound(
            tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends) / k1

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        g_pausing_1 = 0.25 * tt.sqr(
            k1 * p_lengths) - tt.sqrt(g_ends) * k1 * p_lengths + g_ends

        phi_L_1 = 1. / (theta7 + theta8 * g_pausing_1)

        psi_L_1 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                 (k1 * p_lengths - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta7 * theta8))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(phi_L_1) - psi_L_1

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        phi_L_2 = 1. / theta7

        psi_L_2 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                 (k1 * t_cs - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta7 * theta8))

        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 + (p_lengths - t_cs) / theta7

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(phi_L_2) - psi_L_2

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L

        ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))

        return ll_pause
Ejemplo n.º 19
def compute_stats(data_chunk):
    chunkcount = data_chunk.size
    chunksum = np.sum(data_chunk)
    chunksqrsum = np.sum(np.sqr(data_chunk))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def sqr_magnitudes(v, axis=-1):
    "same as sqr_magnitude for 1D vectors, but returns array of magnitudes for arrays of vectors"
    return sqr(v).sum(axis)

y = customers['Yearly Amount Spent']
X = customers[['Avg. Session Length', 'Time on App',
               'Time on Website', 'Length of Membership']]

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=101)

lm = LinearRegression()
# Dealing with training data, y_train)

prediction = lm.predict(X_test)

plt.scatter(y_test, prediction)
plt.xlabel('Y test(true value)')
plt.ylabel('Predicted values')

print('MAE', metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_test, prediction))
print('MSE', metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, prediction))
print('RMSE', np.sqr(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, prediction)))

metrics.explained_variance_score(y_test, prediction)

sns.distplot((y_test - prediction), bins=50)

# So which data feature have got the highest effect on the ecommerce
cdf = pd.DataFrame(lm.coef_, X.columns, columns=['Coeff'])

Ejemplo n.º 22
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta4 = self.theta4
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        theta9 = self.theta9
        p = self.p
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta4 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta5)))

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)
        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
        #ll_S = bound(tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
        #p = 0.8
        ll_bout = p + bound(
            tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
        ll_drink = (1. - p) + bound(
            tt.log(theta9) - theta9 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta9 > 0)

        ll_S = ll_drink + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_bout - ll_drink))
		Long pause ll
        x0 = g_ends
        t = p_lengths

        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(x0) / k1

        ## Stomach fullness
        x = 0.25 * tt.sqr(k1 * t) - k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) + x0

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        a_part1 = k1 * t * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        a_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 *
                              (x + x0) + x0 * tt.pow(theta8, 2) * x)
        a_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        a_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7, 3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (
            theta7 + theta8 * x)
        a_psi = (a_part1 + a_part2_1 * a_part2_2) / a_denom

        a_phi = 1. / (tt.sqr(theta7 + theta8 * x))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(a_phi) - a_psi

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        b_phi = 1. / tt.sqr(theta7)

        b_part1 = k1 * t_cs * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t_cs * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        b_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 * (x0))
        b_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t_cs - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        b_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7,
                              3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (theta7)
        b_psi = (b_part1 + b_part2_1 * b_part2_2) / b_denom
        b_psi = b_psi + (t - t_cs) / tt.sqr(theta7)

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(b_phi) - b_psi

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L

        #ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))
        ll_pause = ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long))

        return ll_pause
Ejemplo n.º 23
def sqr_magnitudes(v):
  "same as sqr_magnitude for 1D vectors, but returns array of magnitudes for arrays of vectors"
  return sqr(v).sum(-1)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def f1(x):
    return (2 * np.sqr(x)) + (5 * x) - 2