Exemple #1
class CategoryEncoder(Encoder):
    """Encodes a list of discrete categories (described by strings), that aren't
  related to each other, so we never emit a mixture of categories.

  The value of zero is reserved for "unknown category"

  Internally we use a ScalarEncoder with a radius of 1, but since we only encode
  integers, we never get mixture outputs.

  The SDRCategoryEncoder uses a different method to encode categories"""
    def __init__(self,
       forced (default False) : if True, skip checks for parameters' settings; see encoders/scalar.py for details

        self.encoders = None
        self.verbosity = verbosity

        # number of categories includes "unknown"
        self.ncategories = len(categoryList) + 1

        self.categoryToIndex = dict()
        self.indexToCategory = dict()
        self.indexToCategory[0] = UNKNOWN
        for i in xrange(len(categoryList)):
            self.categoryToIndex[categoryList[i]] = i + 1
            self.indexToCategory[i + 1] = categoryList[i]

        self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w,
                                     maxval=self.ncategories - 1,
        self.width = w * self.ncategories
        assert self.encoder.getWidth() == self.width

        self.description = [(name, 0)]
        self.name = name

        # These are used to support the topDownCompute method
        self._topDownMappingM = None

        # This gets filled in by getBucketValues
        self._bucketValues = None

    def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
        """ [Encoder class virtual method override]
        # TODO: change back to string meta-type after the decoding logic is fixed
        #       to output strings instead of internal index values.
        #return (FieldMetaType.string,)
        return (FieldMetaType.integer, )

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.width

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def getScalars(self, input):
        """ See method description in base.py """
            return numpy.array([None])
            return numpy.array([self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)])

    def getBucketIndices(self, input):
        """ See method description in base.py """

        # Get the bucket index from the underlying scalar encoder
            return [None]
            return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(
                self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0))

    def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
        # if not found, we encode category 0
            output[0:] = 0
            val = "<missing>"
            val = self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)
            self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(val, output)

        if self.verbosity >= 2:
            print "input:", input, "va:", val, "output:", output
            print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

    def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
        (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
        if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
            return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

        # Expect only 1 field
        assert (len(fieldsDict) == 1)

        # Get the list of categories the scalar values correspond to and
        #  generate the description from the category name(s).
        (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
        outRanges = []
        desc = ""
        for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
            minV = int(round(minV))
            maxV = int(round(maxV))
            outRanges.append((minV, maxV))
            while minV <= maxV:
                if len(desc) > 0:
                    desc += ", "
                desc += self.indexToCategory[minV]
                minV += 1

        # Return result
        if parentFieldName != '':
            fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
            fieldName = self.name
        return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

    def closenessScores(
        """ See the function description in base.py

    kwargs will have the keyword "fractional", which is ignored by this encoder

        expValue = expValues[0]
        actValue = actValues[0]

        if expValue == actValue:
            closeness = 1.0
            closeness = 0.0

        if not fractional:
            closeness = 1.0 - closeness

        return numpy.array([closeness])

    def getBucketValues(self):
        """ See the function description in base.py """

        if self._bucketValues is None:
            numBuckets = len(self.encoder.getBucketValues())
            self._bucketValues = []
            for bucketIndex in range(numBuckets):

        return self._bucketValues

    def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        # For the category encoder, the bucket index is the category index
        bucketInfo = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]

        categoryIndex = int(round(bucketInfo.value))
        category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

        return [

    def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
        """ See the function description in base.py

        encoderResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
        value = encoderResult.value
        categoryIndex = int(round(value))
        category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

        return EncoderResult(value=category,

    def read(cls, proto):
        encoder = object.__new__(cls)

        encoder.verbosity = proto.verbosity
        encoder.encoder = ScalarEncoder.read(proto.encoder)
        encoder.width = proto.width
        encoder.description = [(proto.name, 0)]
        encoder.name = proto.name
        encoder.indexToCategory = {
            x.index: x.category
            for x in proto.indexToCategory
        encoder.categoryToIndex = {
            category: index
            for index, category in encoder.indexToCategory.items()
            if category != UNKNOWN
        encoder._topDownMappingM = None
        encoder._bucketValues = None

        return encoder

    def write(self, proto):
        proto.width = self.width
        proto.indexToCategory = [{
            "index": index,
            "category": category
        } for index, category in self.indexToCategory.items()]
        proto.name = self.name
        proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
Exemple #2
class LogEncoder(Encoder):
  This class wraps the ScalarEncoder class.

  A Log encoder represents a floating point value on a logarithmic scale.

  valueToEncode = log10(input)

    w -- number of bits to set in output
    minval -- minimum input value. must be greater than 0. Lower values are
              reset to this value
    maxval -- maximum input value (input is strictly less if periodic == True)
    periodic -- If true, then the input value "wraps around" such that minval =
              maxval For a periodic value, the input must be strictly less than
              maxval, otherwise maxval is a true upper bound.

    Exactly one of n, radius, resolution must be set. "0" is a special
    value that means "not set".

    n -- number of bits in the representation (must be > w)
    radius -- inputs separated by more than this distance in log space will have
              non-overlapping representations
    resolution -- The minimum change in scaled value needed to produce a change
                  in encoding. This should be specified in log space. For
                  example, the scaled values 10 and 11 will be distinguishable
                  in the output. In terms of the original input values, this
                  means 10^1 (1) and 10^1.1 (1.25) will be distinguishable.
    name -- an optional string which will become part of the description
    verbosity -- level of debugging output you want the encoder to provide.
    clipInput -- if true, non-periodic inputs smaller than minval or greater
                  than maxval will be clipped to minval/maxval
    forced -- (default False), if True, skip some safety checks

    def __init__(self,

        # Lower bound for log encoding near machine precision limit
        lowLimit = 1e-07

        # Limit minval as log10(0) is undefined.
        if minval < lowLimit:
            minval = lowLimit

        # Check that minval is still lower than maxval
        if not minval < maxval:
            raise ValueError(
                "Max val must be larger than min val or the lower limit "
                "for this encoder %.7f" % lowLimit)

        self.encoders = None
        self.verbosity = verbosity

        # Scale values for calculations within the class
        self.minScaledValue = math.log10(minval)
        self.maxScaledValue = math.log10(maxval)

        if not self.maxScaledValue > self.minScaledValue:
            raise ValueError(
                "Max val must be larger, in log space, than min val.")

        self.clipInput = clipInput
        self.minval = minval
        self.maxval = maxval

        self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w=w,
        self.width = self.encoder.getWidth()
        self.description = [(name, 0)]
        self.name = name

        # This list is created by getBucketValues() the first time it is called,
        #  and re-created whenever our buckets would be re-arranged.
        self._bucketValues = None

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.width

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
    Encoder class virtual method override
        return (FieldMetaType.float, )

    def _getScaledValue(self, inpt):
    Convert the input, which is in normal space, into log space
            return None
            val = inpt
            if val < self.minval:
                val = self.minval
            elif val > self.maxval:
                val = self.maxval

            scaledVal = math.log10(val)
            return scaledVal

    def getBucketIndices(self, inpt):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(inpt)

        if scaledVal is None:
            return [None]
            return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(scaledVal)

    def encodeIntoArray(self, inpt, output):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(inpt)

        if scaledVal is None:
            output[0:] = 0
            self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(scaledVal, output)

            if self.verbosity >= 2:
                print "input:", inpt, "scaledVal:", scaledVal, "output:", output
                print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

    def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
        (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
        if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
            return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

        # Expect only 1 field
        assert (len(fieldsDict) == 1)

        # Convert each range into normal space
        (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
        outRanges = []
        for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
            outRanges.append((math.pow(10, minV), math.pow(10, maxV)))

        # Generate a text description of the ranges
        desc = ""
        numRanges = len(outRanges)
        for i in xrange(numRanges):
            if outRanges[i][0] != outRanges[i][1]:
                desc += "%.2f-%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0], outRanges[i][1])
                desc += "%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0])
            if i < numRanges - 1:
                desc += ", "

        # Return result
        if parentFieldName != '':
            fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
            fieldName = self.name
        return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

    def getBucketValues(self):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Need to re-create?
        if self._bucketValues is None:
            scaledValues = self.encoder.getBucketValues()
            self._bucketValues = []
            for scaledValue in scaledValues:
                value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

        return self._bucketValues

    def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
    See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

        return [

    def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
    See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

        return EncoderResult(value=value,

    def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Compute the percent error in log space
        if expValues[0] > 0:
            expValue = math.log10(expValues[0])
            expValue = self.minScaledValue

        if actValues[0] > 0:
            actValue = math.log10(actValues[0])
            actValue = self.minScaledValue

        if fractional:
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            pctErr = err / (self.maxScaledValue - self.minScaledValue)
            pctErr = min(1.0, pctErr)
            closeness = 1.0 - pctErr
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            closeness = err

        #print "log::", "expValue:", expValues[0], "actValue:", actValues[0], \
        #      "closeness", closeness
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return numpy.array([closeness])

    def read(cls, proto):
        encoder = object.__new__(cls)
        encoder.verbosity = proto.verbosity
        encoder.minScaledValue = proto.minScaledValue
        encoder.maxScaledValue = proto.maxScaledValue
        encoder.clipInput = proto.clipInput
        encoder.minval = proto.minval
        encoder.maxval = proto.maxval
        encoder.encoder = ScalarEncoder.read(proto.encoder)
        encoder.name = proto.name
        encoder.width = encoder.encoder.getWidth()
        encoder.description = [(encoder.name, 0)]
        encoder._bucketValues = None
        return encoder

    def write(self, proto):
        proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
        proto.minScaledValue = self.minScaledValue
        proto.maxScaledValue = self.maxScaledValue
        proto.clipInput = self.clipInput
        proto.minval = self.minval
        proto.maxval = self.maxval
        proto.name = self.name
Exemple #3
class CategoryEncoder(Encoder):
  Encodes a list of discrete categories (described by strings), that aren't
  related to each other, so we never emit a mixture of categories.

  The value of zero is reserved for "unknown category"

  Internally we use a :class:`.ScalarEncoder` with a radius of 1, but since we
  only encode integers, we never get mixture outputs.

  The :class:`.SDRCategoryEncoder` uses a different method to encode categories.

  :param categoryList: list of discrete string categories
  :param forced: if True, skip checks for parameters' settings; see
                 :class:`.ScalarEncoder` for details. (default False)

  def __init__(self, w, categoryList, name="category", verbosity=0, forced=False):
    self.encoders = None
    self.verbosity = verbosity

    # number of categories includes "unknown"
    self.ncategories = len(categoryList) + 1

    self.categoryToIndex = dict()
    self.indexToCategory = dict()
    self.indexToCategory[0] = UNKNOWN
    for i in xrange(len(categoryList)):
      self.categoryToIndex[categoryList[i]] = i+1
      self.indexToCategory[i+1] = categoryList[i]

    self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w, minval=0, maxval=self.ncategories - 1,
                      radius=1, periodic=False, forced=forced)
    self.width = w * self.ncategories
    assert self.encoder.getWidth() == self.width

    self.description = [(name, 0)]
    self.name = name

    # These are used to support the topDownCompute method
    self._topDownMappingM = None

    # This gets filled in by getBucketValues
    self._bucketValues = None

  def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
    """ [Encoder class virtual method override]
    # TODO: change back to string meta-type after the decoding logic is fixed
    #       to output strings instead of internal index values.
    #return (FieldMetaType.string,)
    return (FieldMetaType.integer,)

  def getWidth(self):
    return self.width

  def getDescription(self):
    return self.description

  def getScalars(self, input):
    """ See method description in base.py """
      return numpy.array([None])
      return numpy.array([self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)])

  def getBucketIndices(self, input):
    """ See method description in base.py """

    # Get the bucket index from the underlying scalar encoder
      return [None]
      return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0))

  def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
    # if not found, we encode category 0
      output[0:] = 0
      val = "<missing>"
      val = self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)
      self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(val, output)

    if self.verbosity >= 2:
      print "input:", input, "va:", val, "output:", output
      print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

  def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
    (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
    if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
      return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

    # Expect only 1 field
    assert(len(fieldsDict) == 1)

    # Get the list of categories the scalar values correspond to and
    #  generate the description from the category name(s).
    (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
    outRanges = []
    desc = ""
    for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
      minV = int(round(minV))
      maxV = int(round(maxV))
      outRanges.append((minV, maxV))
      while minV <= maxV:
        if len(desc) > 0:
          desc += ", "
        desc += self.indexToCategory[minV]
        minV += 1

    # Return result
    if parentFieldName != '':
      fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
      fieldName = self.name
    return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

  def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True,):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    kwargs will have the keyword "fractional", which is ignored by this encoder

    expValue = expValues[0]
    actValue = actValues[0]

    if expValue == actValue:
      closeness = 1.0
      closeness = 0.0

    if not fractional:
      closeness = 1.0 - closeness

    return numpy.array([closeness])

  def getBucketValues(self):
    """ See the function description in base.py """

    if self._bucketValues is None:
      numBuckets = len(self.encoder.getBucketValues())
      self._bucketValues = []
      for bucketIndex in range(numBuckets):

    return self._bucketValues

  def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    # For the category encoder, the bucket index is the category index
    bucketInfo = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]

    categoryIndex = int(round(bucketInfo.value))
    category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

    return [EncoderResult(value=category, scalar=categoryIndex,

  def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    encoderResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
    value = encoderResult.value
    categoryIndex = int(round(value))
    category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

    return EncoderResult(value=category, scalar=categoryIndex,

  def getSchema(cls):
    return CategoryEncoderProto

  def read(cls, proto):
    encoder = object.__new__(cls)

    encoder.verbosity = proto.verbosity
    encoder.encoder = ScalarEncoder.read(proto.encoder)
    encoder.width = proto.width
    encoder.description = [(proto.name, 0)]
    encoder.name = proto.name
    encoder.indexToCategory = {x.index: x.category
                               for x in proto.indexToCategory}
    encoder.categoryToIndex = {category: index
                               for index, category
                               in encoder.indexToCategory.items()
                               if category != UNKNOWN}
    encoder._topDownMappingM = None
    encoder.ncategories = len(proto.indexToCategory)
    encoder._bucketValues = None
    encoder.encoders = None

    return encoder

  def write(self, proto):
    proto.width = self.width
    proto.indexToCategory = [
      {"index": index, "category": category}
      for index, category in self.indexToCategory.items()
    proto.name = self.name
    proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
Exemple #4
  net = initializeLSTMnet(nDimInput=len(ds.getSample()[0]), nDimOutput=len(ds.getSample()[1]), nLSTMcells=20)

  trainer = RPropMinusTrainer(net, dataset=ds, verbose=True)
  error = []
  for rpt in xrange(rptNum):
    err = trainer.train()

  print "test LSTM"

  targetInput = np.zeros((len(sequence),))
  trueData = np.zeros((len(sequence),))
  predictedInput = np.zeros((len(sequence),))

  bucketValues = encoderOutput.getBucketValues()

  if encoderOutput is not None:
    predictedDistribution = np.zeros((len(sequence), encoderOutput.n))
    targetDistribution = np.zeros((len(sequence), encoderOutput.n))

  for i in xrange(len(sequence)-predictionStep):
    sample = getSingleSample(i, sequence, useTimeOfDay, useDayOfWeek)
    netActivation = net.activate(sample)

    if encoderOutput is None:
      predictedInput[i] = netActivation
      predictedInput[i] = bucketValues[np.where(netActivation == max(netActivation))[0][0]]
      predictedDistribution[i, :] = netActivation/sum(netActivation)
      targetDistribution[i, :] = encoderOutput.encode(sequence['data'][i+predictionStep])
Exemple #5
class LogEncoder(Encoder):
  This class wraps the ScalarEncoder class.

  A Log encoder represents a floating point value on a logarithmic scale.

  valueToEncode = log10(input) 
    w -- number of bits to set in output
    minval -- minimum input value. must be greater than 0. Lower values are
              reset to this value
    maxval -- maximum input value (input is strictly less if periodic == True)
    periodic -- If true, then the input value "wraps around" such that minval =
              maxval For a periodic value, the input must be strictly less than
              maxval, otherwise maxval is a true upper bound.
    Exactly one of n, radius, resolution must be set. "0" is a special
    value that means "not set".

    n -- number of bits in the representation (must be > w)
    radius -- inputs separated by more than this distance in log space will have
              non-overlapping representations
    resolution -- The minimum change in scaled value needed to produce a change
                  in encoding. This should be specified in log space. For
                  example, the scaled values 10 and 11 will be distinguishable
                  in the output. In terms of the original input values, this
                  means 10^1 (1) and 10^1.1 (1.25) will be distinguishable.
    name -- an optional string which will become part of the description
    verbosity -- level of debugging output you want the encoder to provide.
    clipInput -- if true, non-periodic inputs smaller than minval or greater
                  than maxval will be clipped to minval/maxval
    forced -- (default False), if True, skip some safety checks


    def __init__(

        # Lower bound for log encoding near machine precision limit
        lowLimit = 1e-07

        # Limit minval as log10(0) is undefined.
        if minval < lowLimit:
            minval = lowLimit

        # Check that minval is still lower than maxval
        if not minval < maxval:
            raise ValueError(
                "Max val must be larger than min val or the lower limit " "for this encoder %.7f" % lowLimit

        self.encoders = None
        self.verbosity = verbosity

        # Scale values for calculations within the class
        self.minScaledValue = math.log10(minval)
        self.maxScaledValue = math.log10(maxval)

        if not self.maxScaledValue > self.minScaledValue:
            raise ValueError("Max val must be larger, in log space, than min val.")

        self.clipInput = clipInput
        self.minval = minval
        self.maxval = maxval

        self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(
        self.width = self.encoder.getWidth()
        self.description = [(name, 0)]
        self.name = name

        # This list is created by getBucketValues() the first time it is called,
        #  and re-created whenever our buckets would be re-arranged.
        self._bucketValues = None

    def getWidth(self):
        return self.width

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
    Encoder class virtual method override
        return (FieldMetaType.float,)

    def _getScaledValue(self, inpt):
    Convert the input, which is in normal space, into log space
            return None
            val = inpt
            if val < self.minval:
                val = self.minval
            elif val > self.maxval:
                val = self.maxval

            scaledVal = math.log10(val)
            return scaledVal

    def getBucketIndices(self, inpt):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(inpt)

        if scaledVal is None:
            return [None]
            return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(scaledVal)

    def encodeIntoArray(self, inpt, output):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scaled value
        scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(inpt)

        if scaledVal is None:
            output[0:] = 0
            self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(scaledVal, output)

            if self.verbosity >= 2:
                print "input:", inpt, "scaledVal:", scaledVal, "output:", output
                print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

    def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=""):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
        (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
        if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
            return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

        # Expect only 1 field
        assert len(fieldsDict) == 1

        # Convert each range into normal space
        (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
        outRanges = []
        for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
            outRanges.append((math.pow(10, minV), math.pow(10, maxV)))

        # Generate a text description of the ranges
        desc = ""
        numRanges = len(outRanges)
        for i in xrange(numRanges):
            if outRanges[i][0] != outRanges[i][1]:
                desc += "%.2f-%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0], outRanges[i][1])
                desc += "%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0])
            if i < numRanges - 1:
                desc += ", "

        # Return result
        if parentFieldName != "":
            fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
            fieldName = self.name
        return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

    def getBucketValues(self):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Need to re-create?
        if self._bucketValues is None:
            scaledValues = self.encoder.getBucketValues()
            self._bucketValues = []
            for scaledValue in scaledValues:
                value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

        return self._bucketValues

    def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
    See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

        return [EncoderResult(value=value, scalar=value, encoding=scaledResult.encoding)]

    def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
    See the function description in base.py

        scaledResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
        scaledValue = scaledResult.value
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

        return EncoderResult(value=value, scalar=value, encoding=scaledResult.encoding)

    def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True):
    See the function description in base.py

        # Compute the percent error in log space
        if expValues[0] > 0:
            expValue = math.log10(expValues[0])
            expValue = self.minScaledValue

        if actValues[0] > 0:
            actValue = math.log10(actValues[0])
            actValue = self.minScaledValue

        if fractional:
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            pctErr = err / (self.maxScaledValue - self.minScaledValue)
            pctErr = min(1.0, pctErr)
            closeness = 1.0 - pctErr
            err = abs(expValue - actValue)
            closeness = err

        # print "log::", "expValue:", expValues[0], "actValue:", actValues[0], \
        #      "closeness", closeness
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return numpy.array([closeness])
Exemple #6
class CategoryEncoder(Encoder):
  """Encodes a list of discrete categories (described by strings), that aren't
  related to each other, so we never emit a mixture of categories.

  The value of zero is reserved for "unknown category"

  Internally we use a ScalarEncoder with a radius of 1, but since we only encode
  integers, we never get mixture outputs.

  The SDRCategoryEncoder uses a different method to encode categories"""

  def __init__(self, w, categoryList, name="category", verbosity=0, forced=False):
       forced (default False) : if True, skip checks for parameters' settings; see encoders/scalar.py for details

    self.encoders = None
    self.verbosity = verbosity

    # number of categories includes "unknown"
    self.ncategories = len(categoryList) + 1

    self.categoryToIndex = dict()                                 # check_later: what is the purpose of categoryToIndex and indexToCategory?
    self.indexToCategory = dict()
    self.indexToCategory[0] = UNKNOWN
    for i in xrange(len(categoryList)):
      self.categoryToIndex[categoryList[i]] = i+1
      self.indexToCategory[i+1] = categoryList[i]

    self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w, minval=0, maxval=self.ncategories - 1,
                      radius=1, periodic=False, forced=forced)
    self.width = w * self.ncategories
    assert self.encoder.getWidth() == self.width

    self.description = [(name, 0)]
    self.name = name

    # These are used to support the topDownCompute method
    self._topDownMappingM = None

    # This gets filled in by getBucketValues
    self._bucketValues = None

  def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
    """ [Encoder class virtual method override]
    # TODO: change back to string meta-type after the decoding logic is fixed
    #       to output strings instead of internal index values.
    #return (FieldMetaType.string,)
    return (FieldMetaType.integer,)

  def getWidth(self):
    return self.width

  def getDescription(self):
    return self.description

  def getScalars(self, input):
    """ See method description in base.py """
      return numpy.array([None])
      return numpy.array([self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)])          # to_note: returns the scalar value of the input, as stored in the categoryToIndex
                                                                        # Will return in the format of a numpy array (e.g. [1] or [2]), return [0] if the
                                                                        # input does not match with any of the key in categoryToIndex dictionary

  def getBucketIndices(self, input):
    """ See method description in base.py """

    # Get the bucket index from the underlying scalar encoder
      return [None]
      return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0))        # to_note: get the first ON bit from the ScalarEncoder for a given input.
                                                                                      # Unknown value will have the first ON bit at position 1, then other values at k*w
                                                                                      # Value NONE will have all 0s
                                                                                      # problem_with_this_approach: this approach might be fast, but treating
                                                                                      # category encoding as rigid scalar encoding might make it hard for learning

  def encodeIntoArray(self, input, output):
    # if not found, we encode category 0
      output[0:] = 0
      val = "<missing>"
      val = self.categoryToIndex.get(input, 0)
      self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(val, output)

    if self.verbosity >= 2:
      print "input:", input, "va:", val, "output:", output
      print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

  def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
    (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
    if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
      return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

    # Expect only 1 field
    assert(len(fieldsDict) == 1)

    # Get the list of categories the scalar values correspond to and
    #  generate the description from the category name(s).
    (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]         # to_note: dict.values() returns values in [list] form, that's why we need [0]
    outRanges = []
    desc = ""
    for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
      minV = int(round(minV))
      maxV = int(round(maxV))
      outRanges.append((minV, maxV))
      while minV <= maxV:
        if len(desc) > 0:
          desc += ", "
        desc += self.indexToCategory[minV]
        minV += 1

    ## Test with noisy encoding (very likely if such encoding comes from output of the predicting process)
    catfish = numpy.zeros(20, 'int')
    # catfish[5:10] = 1
    # catfish[15:20] = 1

    catfish[5:10] = 1
    catfish[8] = 1
    catfish[11] = 1
    catfish[14] = 1
    catfish[17] = 1

    print "Cat fish =", catfish; print
    ## Note: this kind of encoding is highly unstable, for a little noisy output like this [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0],
    ## it should safely generate 'cat'. However, it generates 'cat', 'dog', 'fish'. To improve this encoding/decoding scheme,
    ## we might need to replace the filling in process, even might need to think about other way to process information.
    ## problem_with_this_approach

    # Return result
    if parentFieldName != '':
      fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
      fieldName = self.name
    return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

  def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True,):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    kwargs will have the keyword "fractional", which is ignored by this encoder

    expValue = expValues[0]
    actValue = actValues[0]

    if expValue == actValue:
      closeness = 1.0
      closeness = 0.0

    if not fractional:
      closeness = 1.0 - closeness

    return numpy.array([closeness])

  def getBucketValues(self):
    """ See the function description in base.py """

    if self._bucketValues is None:
      numBuckets = len(self.encoder.getBucketValues())
      self._bucketValues = []
      for bucketIndex in range(numBuckets):
        self._bucketValues.append(self.getBucketInfo([bucketIndex])[0].value)     # to_note: list of category corresponding to bucket indices
                                                                                  # each bucket is a number that is spaced (radius/w) each other
    return self._bucketValues

  def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    # For the category encoder, the bucket index is the category index
    bucketInfo = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]

    categoryIndex = int(round(bucketInfo.value))
    category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]              # to_note: map the bucket index to category

    return [EncoderResult(value=category, scalar=categoryIndex,

  def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
    """ See the function description in base.py

    encoderResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]       # to_note: return EncoderResult, which includes the value (depend on ScalarEncoder)
    value = encoderResult.value
    categoryIndex = int(round(value))
    category = self.indexToCategory[categoryIndex]

    return EncoderResult(value=category, scalar=categoryIndex,

  def read(cls, proto):
    encoder = object.__new__(cls)

    encoder.verbosity = proto.verbosity
    encoder.encoder = ScalarEncoder.read(proto.encoder)
    encoder.width = proto.width
    encoder.description = [(proto.name, 0)]
    encoder.name = proto.name
    encoder.indexToCategory = {x.index: x.category
                               for x in proto.indexToCategory}
    encoder.categoryToIndex = {category: index
                               for index, category
                               in encoder.indexToCategory.items()
                               if category != UNKNOWN}
    encoder._topDownMappingM = None
    encoder._bucketValues = None

    return encoder

  def write(self, proto):
    proto.width = self.width
    proto.indexToCategory = [
      {"index": index, "category": category}
      for index, category in self.indexToCategory.items()
    proto.name = self.name
    proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
Exemple #7
class LogEncoder(Encoder):
  This class wraps the :class:`.ScalarEncoder`.

  A Log encoder represents a floating point value on a logarithmic scale.

  .. code-block:: python

     valueToEncode = log10(input)

  :param resolution: The minimum change in scaled value needed to produce a
                     change in encoding. This should be specified in log space.
                     For example, the scaled values 10 and 11 will be
                     distinguishable in the output. In terms of the original
                     input values, this means 10^1 (1) and 10^1.1 (1.25) will be
  :param radius: inputs separated by more than this distance in log space will
                 have non-overlapping representations

  def __init__(self,

    # Lower bound for log encoding near machine precision limit
    lowLimit = 1e-07

    # Limit minval as log10(0) is undefined.
    if minval < lowLimit:
      minval = lowLimit

    # Check that minval is still lower than maxval
    if not minval < maxval:
      raise ValueError("Max val must be larger than min val or the lower limit "
                       "for this encoder %.7f" % lowLimit)

    self.encoders = None
    self.verbosity = verbosity

    # Scale values for calculations within the class
    self.minScaledValue = math.log10(minval)
    self.maxScaledValue = math.log10(maxval)

    if not self.maxScaledValue > self.minScaledValue:
      raise ValueError("Max val must be larger, in log space, than min val.")

    self.clipInput = clipInput
    self.minval = minval
    self.maxval = maxval

    self.encoder = ScalarEncoder(w=w,
    self.width = self.encoder.getWidth()
    self.description = [(name, 0)]
    self.name = name

    # This list is created by getBucketValues() the first time it is called,
    #  and re-created whenever our buckets would be re-arranged.
    self._bucketValues = None

  def getWidth(self):
    return self.width

  def getDescription(self):
    return self.description

  def getDecoderOutputFieldTypes(self):
    Encoder class virtual method override
    return (FieldMetaType.float, )

  def _getScaledValue(self, inpt):
    Convert the input, which is in normal space, into log space
      return None
      val = inpt
      if val < self.minval:
        val = self.minval
      elif val > self.maxval:
        val = self.maxval

      scaledVal = math.log10(val)
      return scaledVal

  def getBucketIndices(self, inpt):
    See the function description in base.py

    # Get the scaled value
    scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(inpt)

    if scaledVal is None:
      return [None]
      return self.encoder.getBucketIndices(scaledVal)

  def encodeIntoArray(self, inpt, output):
    See the function description in base.py

    # Get the scaled value
    scaledVal = self._getScaledValue(inpt)

    if scaledVal is None:
      output[0:] = 0
      self.encoder.encodeIntoArray(scaledVal, output)

      if self.verbosity >= 2:
        print "input:", inpt, "scaledVal:", scaledVal, "output:", output
        print "decoded:", self.decodedToStr(self.decode(output))

  def decode(self, encoded, parentFieldName=''):
    See the function description in base.py

    # Get the scalar values from the underlying scalar encoder
    (fieldsDict, fieldNames) = self.encoder.decode(encoded)
    if len(fieldsDict) == 0:
      return (fieldsDict, fieldNames)

    # Expect only 1 field
    assert(len(fieldsDict) == 1)

    # Convert each range into normal space
    (inRanges, inDesc) = fieldsDict.values()[0]
    outRanges = []
    for (minV, maxV) in inRanges:
      outRanges.append((math.pow(10, minV),
                        math.pow(10, maxV)))

    # Generate a text description of the ranges
    desc = ""
    numRanges = len(outRanges)
    for i in xrange(numRanges):
      if outRanges[i][0] != outRanges[i][1]:
        desc += "%.2f-%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0], outRanges[i][1])
        desc += "%.2f" % (outRanges[i][0])
      if i < numRanges-1:
        desc += ", "

    # Return result
    if parentFieldName != '':
      fieldName = "%s.%s" % (parentFieldName, self.name)
      fieldName = self.name
    return ({fieldName: (outRanges, desc)}, [fieldName])

  def getBucketValues(self):
    See the function description in base.py

    # Need to re-create?
    if self._bucketValues is None:
      scaledValues = self.encoder.getBucketValues()
      self._bucketValues = []
      for scaledValue in scaledValues:
        value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

    return self._bucketValues

  def getBucketInfo(self, buckets):
    See the function description in base.py

    scaledResult = self.encoder.getBucketInfo(buckets)[0]
    scaledValue = scaledResult.value
    value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

    return [EncoderResult(value=value, scalar=value,
                         encoding = scaledResult.encoding)]

  def topDownCompute(self, encoded):
    See the function description in base.py

    scaledResult = self.encoder.topDownCompute(encoded)[0]
    scaledValue = scaledResult.value
    value = math.pow(10, scaledValue)

    return EncoderResult(value=value, scalar=value,
                         encoding = scaledResult.encoding)

  def closenessScores(self, expValues, actValues, fractional=True):
    See the function description in base.py

    # Compute the percent error in log space
    if expValues[0] > 0:
      expValue = math.log10(expValues[0])
      expValue = self.minScaledValue

    if actValues  [0] > 0:
      actValue = math.log10(actValues[0])
      actValue = self.minScaledValue

    if fractional:
      err = abs(expValue - actValue)
      pctErr = err / (self.maxScaledValue - self.minScaledValue)
      pctErr = min(1.0, pctErr)
      closeness = 1.0 - pctErr
      err = abs(expValue - actValue)
      closeness = err

    #print "log::", "expValue:", expValues[0], "actValue:", actValues[0], \
    #      "closeness", closeness
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    return numpy.array([closeness])

  def read(cls, proto):
    encoder = object.__new__(cls)
    encoder.verbosity = proto.verbosity
    encoder.minScaledValue = proto.minScaledValue
    encoder.maxScaledValue = proto.maxScaledValue
    encoder.clipInput = proto.clipInput
    encoder.minval = proto.minval
    encoder.maxval = proto.maxval
    encoder.encoder = ScalarEncoder.read(proto.encoder)
    encoder.name = proto.name
    encoder.width = encoder.encoder.getWidth()
    encoder.description = [(encoder.name, 0)]
    encoder._bucketValues = None
    return encoder

  def write(self, proto):
    proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
    proto.minScaledValue = self.minScaledValue
    proto.maxScaledValue = self.maxScaledValue
    proto.clipInput = self.clipInput
    proto.minval = self.minval
    proto.maxval = self.maxval
    proto.name = self.name