def render_nusc_result(nusc, results, sample_token): from nuscenes.utils.data_classes import Box from pyquaternion import Quaternion annos = results[sample_token] sample = nusc.get("sample", sample_token) sd_rec = nusc.get('sample_data', sample['data']["LIDAR_TOP"]) cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', sd_rec['calibrated_sensor_token']) pose_record = nusc.get('ego_pose', sd_rec['ego_pose_token']) boxes = [] for anno in annos: rot = Quaternion(anno["rotation"]) box = Box(anno["translation"], anno["size"], rot, name=anno["detection_name"]) box.translate(-np.array(pose_record['translation'])) box.rotate(Quaternion(pose_record['rotation']).inverse) # Move box to sensor coord system box.translate(-np.array(cs_record['translation'])) box.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record['rotation']).inverse) boxes.append(box) nusc.explorer.render_sample_data(sample["data"]["LIDAR_TOP"], extern_boxes=boxes, nsweeps=10) nusc.explorer.render_sample_data(sample["data"]["LIDAR_TOP"], nsweeps=10)
def box_nuscenes_to_kitti(box: Box, velo_to_cam_rot: Quaternion, velo_to_cam_trans: np.ndarray, r0_rect: Quaternion, kitti_to_nu_lidar_inv: Quaternion = Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=np.pi / 2).inverse) \ -> Box: """ Transform from nuScenes lidar frame to KITTI reference frame. :param box: Instance in nuScenes lidar frame. :param velo_to_cam_rot: Quaternion to rotate from lidar to camera frame. :param velo_to_cam_trans: <np.float: 3>. Translate from lidar to camera frame. :param r0_rect: Quaternion to rectify camera frame. :param kitti_to_nu_lidar_inv: Quaternion to rotate nuScenes to KITTI LIDAR. :return: Box instance in KITTI reference frame. """ # Copy box to avoid side-effects. box = box.copy() # Rotate to KITTI lidar. box.rotate(kitti_to_nu_lidar_inv) # Transform to KITTI camera. box.rotate(velo_to_cam_rot) box.translate(velo_to_cam_trans) # Rotate to KITTI rectified camera. box.rotate(r0_rect) # KITTI defines the box center as the bottom center of the object. # We use the true center, so we need to adjust half height in y direction. box.translate(np.array([0, box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) return box
def project_kitti_box_to_image( box: Box, p_left: np.ndarray, imsize: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Projects 3D box into KITTI image FOV. :param box: 3D box in KITTI reference frame. :param p_left: <np.float: 3, 4>. Projection matrix. :param imsize: (width , height). Image size. :return: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). Bounding box in image plane. """ # Create a new box. box = box.copy() # KITTI defines the box center as the bottom center of the object. # We use the true center, so we need to adjust half height in negative y direction. box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) # Project corners to 2d to get bbox in pixel coords. corners = np.array( [corner for corner in box.corners().T if corner[2] > 0]).T imcorners = view_points(corners, p_left, normalize=True)[:2] bbox = (np.min(imcorners[0]), np.min(imcorners[1]), np.max(imcorners[0]), np.max(imcorners[1])) # Crop bbox to prevent it extending outside image bbox_crop = (max(0, bbox[0]), max(0, bbox[1]), min(imsize[0], bbox[2]), min(imsize[1], bbox[3])) return bbox_crop
def get_binimg(self, rec): egopose = self.nusc.get( 'ego_pose', self.nusc.get('sample_data', rec['data']['LIDAR_TOP'])['ego_pose_token']) trans = -np.array(egopose['translation']) rot = Quaternion(egopose['rotation']).inverse img = np.zeros((self.nx[0], self.nx[1])) for tok in rec['anns']: inst = self.nusc.get('sample_annotation', tok) # add category for lyft if not inst['category_name'].split('.')[0] == 'vehicle': continue box = Box(inst['translation'], inst['size'], Quaternion(inst['rotation'])) box.translate(trans) box.rotate(rot) pts = box.bottom_corners()[:2].T pts = np.round((pts - self.bx[:2] + self.dx[:2] / 2.) / self.dx[:2]).astype(np.int32) pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] cv2.fillPoly(img, [pts], 1.0) return torch.Tensor(img).unsqueeze(0)
def _get_poly_region_in_image(self, instance_annotation, ego_translation, ego_rotation): box = Box(instance_annotation['translation'], instance_annotation['size'], Quaternion(instance_annotation['rotation'])) box.translate(ego_translation) box.rotate(ego_rotation) pts = box.bottom_corners()[:2].T pts = np.round( (pts - self.bev_start_position[:2] + self.bev_resolution[:2] / 2.0) / self.bev_resolution[:2]).astype(np.int32) pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] z = box.bottom_corners()[2, 0] return pts, z
def project_kitti_box_to_image( box: Box, p_left: np.ndarray, imsize: Tuple[int, int]) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: """ Projects 3D box into KITTI image FOV. :param box: 3D box in KITTI reference frame. :param p_left: <np.float: 3, 4>. Projection matrix. :param imsize: (width, height). Image size. :return: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). Bounding box in image plane or None if box is not in the image. """ # Create a new box. # box = box.copy() # KITTI defines the box center as the bottom center of the object. # We use the true center, so we need to adjust half height in negative y direction. box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) # Check that some corners are inside the image. corners = np.array( [corner for corner in box.corners().T if corner[2] > 0]).T if len(corners) == 0: return None # Project corners that are in front of the camera to 2d to get bbox in pixel coords. imcorners = view_points(corners, p_left, normalize=True)[:2] bbox = (np.min(imcorners[0]), np.min(imcorners[1]), np.max(imcorners[0]), np.max(imcorners[1])) # Crop bbox to prevent it extending outside image. bbox_crop = tuple(max(0, b) for b in bbox) bbox_crop = ( min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[0]), min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[1]), min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[2]), min(imsize[1], bbox_crop[3]), ) # Detect if a cropped box is empty. if bbox_crop[0] >= bbox_crop[2] or bbox_crop[1] >= bbox_crop[3]: return None return bbox_crop
def get_boxes(nusc, rec): """Simplified version of nusc.get_boxes""" egopose = nusc.get( 'ego_pose', nusc.get('sample_data', rec['data']['LIDAR_TOP'])['ego_pose_token']) trans = -np.array(egopose['translation']) rot = Quaternion(egopose['rotation']).inverse boxes = [] for tok in rec['anns']: inst = nusc.get('sample_annotation', tok) box = Box(inst['translation'], inst['size'], Quaternion(inst['rotation']), name=inst['category_name']) box.translate(trans) box.rotate(rot) boxes.append(box) return boxes
def boxes_to_sensor(boxes: List[Dict], pose_record: Dict, cs_record: Dict): """ Map boxes from global coordinates to the vehicle's sensor coordinate system. :param boxes: The boxes in global coordinates. :param pose_record: The pose record of the vehicle at the current timestamp. :param cs_record: The calibrated sensor record of the sensor. :return: The transformed boxes. """ boxes_out = [] for box in boxes: # Create Box instance. box = Box(box['translation'], box['size'], Quaternion(box['rotation'])) # Move box to ego vehicle coord system. box.translate(-np.array(pose_record['translation'])) box.rotate(Quaternion(pose_record['rotation']).inverse) # Move box to sensor coord system. box.translate(-np.array(cs_record['translation'])) box.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record['rotation']).inverse) boxes_out.append(box) return boxes_out
def convert_eval_format(self, results): ret = { 'meta': { 'use_camera': True, 'use_lidar': False, 'use_radar': self.opt.pointcloud, 'use_map': False, 'use_external': False }, 'results': {} } print('Converting nuscenes format...') for image_id in self.images: if not (image_id in results): continue image_info = self.coco.loadImgs(ids=[image_id])[0] sample_token = image_info['sample_token'] trans_matrix = np.array(image_info['trans_matrix'], np.float32) velocity_mat = np.array(image_info['velocity_trans_matrix'], np.float32) sensor_id = image_info['sensor_id'] sample_results = [] for item in results[image_id]: class_name = self.class_name[int(item['class'] - 1)] \ if not ('detection_name' in item) else item['detection_name'] if self.opt.tracking and class_name in self._tracking_ignored_class: continue score = float(item['score']) if not ( 'detection_score' in item) else item['detection_score'] if 'size' in item: size = item['size'] else: size = [float(item['dim'][1]), float(item['dim'][2]), \ float(item['dim'][0])] if 'translation' in item: translation = item['translation'] else: translation = trans_matrix, np.array([ item['loc'][0], item['loc'][1] - size[2], item['loc'][2], 1 ], np.float32)) det_id = item['det_id'] if 'det_id' in item else -1 tracking_id = item[ 'tracking_id'] if 'tracking_id' in item else 1 if not ('rotation' in item): rot_cam = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=item['rot_y']) loc = np.array( [item['loc'][0], item['loc'][1], item['loc'][2]], np.float32) box = Box(loc, size, rot_cam, name='2', token='1') box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info['cs_record_rot'])) box.translate(np.array(image_info['cs_record_trans'])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info['pose_record_rot'])) box.translate(np.array(image_info['pose_record_trans'])) rotation = box.orientation rotation = [float(rotation.w), float(rotation.x), \ float(rotation.y), float(rotation.z)] else: rotation = item['rotation'] nuscenes_att = np.array(item['nuscenes_att'], np.float32) \ if 'nuscenes_att' in item else np.zeros(8, np.float32) att = '' if class_name in self._cycles: att = self.id_to_attribute[np.argmax(nuscenes_att[0:2]) + 1] elif class_name in self._pedestrians: att = self.id_to_attribute[np.argmax(nuscenes_att[2:5]) + 3] elif class_name in self._vehicles: att = self.id_to_attribute[np.argmax(nuscenes_att[5:8]) + 6] if 'velocity' in item and len(item['velocity']) == 2: velocity = item['velocity'] else: velocity = item['velocity'] if 'velocity' in item else [ 0, 0, 0 ] velocity = velocity_mat, np.array([velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2], 0], np.float32)) # velocity =, np.array( # [velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2], 0], np.float32)) velocity = [float(velocity[0]), float(velocity[1])] result = { 'sample_token': sample_token, 'translation': [float(translation[0]), float(translation[1]), \ float(translation[2])], 'size': size, 'rotation': rotation, 'velocity': velocity, 'detection_name': class_name, 'attribute_name': att if not ('attribute_name' in item) else item['attribute_name'], 'detection_score': score, 'tracking_name': class_name, 'tracking_score': score, 'tracking_id': tracking_id, 'sensor_id': sensor_id, 'det_id': det_id} sample_results.append(result) if sample_token in ret['results']: ret['results'][sample_token] = ret['results'][ sample_token] + sample_results else: ret['results'][sample_token] = sample_results for sample_token in ret['results'].keys(): confs = sorted([ (-d['detection_score'], ind) for ind, d in enumerate(ret['results'][sample_token]) ]) ret['results'][sample_token] = [ ret['results'][sample_token][ind] for _, ind in confs[:min(500, len(confs))] ] if self.opt.iou_thresh > 0: print("Applying BEV NMS...") n_removed = 0 for sample_token, dets in tqdm(ret['results'].items()): ret['results'][sample_token], n = self.apply_bev_nms( dets, self.opt.iou_thresh, dist_thresh=2) n_removed += n print("Removed {} detections with IOU > {}".format( n_removed, self.opt.iou_thresh)) return ret
def run(self, image_or_path_or_tensor, meta={}, image_info=None): load_time, pre_time, net_time, dec_time, post_time = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 merge_time, track_time, tot_time, display_time = 0, 0, 0, 0 self.debugger.clear() start_time = time.time() # read image pre_processed = False if isinstance(image_or_path_or_tensor, np.ndarray): image = image_or_path_or_tensor elif type(image_or_path_or_tensor) == type(""): image = cv2.imread(image_or_path_or_tensor) else: image = image_or_path_or_tensor["image"][0].numpy() pre_processed_images = image_or_path_or_tensor pre_processed = True loaded_time = time.time() load_time += loaded_time - start_time detections = [] # for multi-scale testing for scale in self.opt.test_scales: scale_start_time = time.time() if not pre_processed: # not prefetch testing or demo images, meta = self.pre_process(image, scale, meta) else: # prefetch testing images = pre_processed_images["images"][scale][0] meta = pre_processed_images["meta"][scale] meta = {k: v.numpy()[0] for k, v in meta.items()} if "pre_dets" in pre_processed_images["meta"]: meta["pre_dets"] = pre_processed_images["meta"]["pre_dets"] if "cur_dets" in pre_processed_images["meta"]: meta["cur_dets"] = pre_processed_images["meta"]["cur_dets"] images =, non_blocking=self.opt.non_block_test) # initializing tracker pre_hms, pre_inds = None, None pre_process_time = time.time() pre_time += pre_process_time - scale_start_time # run the network # output: the output feature maps, only used for visualizing # dets: output tensors after extracting peaks output, dets, forward_time, FeatureMaps = self.process( images, self.pre_images, pre_hms, pre_inds, return_time=True) net_time += forward_time - pre_process_time decode_time = time.time() dec_time += decode_time - forward_time # convert the cropped and 4x downsampled output coordinate system # back to the input image coordinate system result = self.post_process(dets, meta, scale) post_process_time = time.time() post_time += post_process_time - decode_time detections.append(result) if self.opt.debug >= 2: self.debug( self.debugger, images, result, output, scale, pre_images=self.pre_images if not self.opt.no_pre_img else None, pre_hms=pre_hms, ) # merge multi-scale testing results results = self.merge_outputs(detections) torch.cuda.synchronize() end_time = time.time() merge_time += end_time - post_process_time # public detection mode in MOT challenge if self.opt.public_det: results = (pre_processed_images["meta"]["cur_dets"] if self.opt.public_det else None) if self.dataset == "nuscenes": trans_matrix = np.array(image_info["trans_matrix"], np.float32) results_by_class = {} ddd_boxes_by_class = {} depths_by_class = {} ddd_boxes_by_class2 = {} ddd_org_boxes_by_class = {} ddd_box_submission1 = {} ddd_box_submission2 = {} for class_name in NUSCENES_TRACKING_NAMES: results_by_class[class_name] = [] ddd_boxes_by_class2[class_name] = [] ddd_boxes_by_class[class_name] = [] depths_by_class[class_name] = [] ddd_org_boxes_by_class[class_name] = [] ddd_box_submission1[class_name] = [] ddd_box_submission2[class_name] = [] for det in results: cls_id = int(det["class"]) class_name = nuscenes_class_name[cls_id - 1] if class_name not in NUSCENES_TRACKING_NAMES: continue if det["score"] < 0.3: continue if class_name == "pedestrian" and det["score"] < 0.35: continue results_by_class[class_name].append(det["bbox"].tolist() + [det["score"]]) size = [ float(det["dim"][1]), float(det["dim"][2]), float(det["dim"][0]), ] rot_cam = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=det["rot_y"]) translation_submission1 = trans_matrix, np.array( [ det["loc"][0], det["loc"][1] - size[2], det["loc"][2], 1 ], np.float32, ), ).copy() loc = np.array([det["loc"][0], det["loc"][1], det["loc"][2]], np.float32) depths_by_class[class_name].append([float(det["loc"][2]) ].copy()) trans = [det["loc"][0], det["loc"][1], det["loc"][2]] ddd_org_boxes_by_class[class_name].append([ float(det["dim"][0]), float(det["dim"][1]), float(det["dim"][2]) ] + trans + [det["rot_y"]]) box = Box(loc, size, rot_cam, name="2", token="1") box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info["cs_record_rot"])) box.translate(np.array(image_info["cs_record_trans"])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info["pose_record_rot"])) box.translate(np.array(image_info["pose_record_trans"])) rotation = box.orientation rotation = [ float(rotation.w), float(rotation.x), float(rotation.y), float(rotation.z), ] ddd_box_submission1[class_name].append([ float(translation_submission1[0]), float(translation_submission1[1]), float(translation_submission1[2]), ].copy() + size.copy() + rotation.copy()) q = Quaternion(rotation) angle = q.angle if q.axis[2] > 0 else -q.angle ddd_boxes_by_class[class_name].append([ size[2], size[0], size[1],[0],[1],[2], angle, ].copy()) online_targets = [] for class_name in NUSCENES_TRACKING_NAMES: if len(results_by_class[class_name]) > 0 and NMS: boxess = torch.from_numpy( np.array(results_by_class[class_name])[:, :4]) scoress = torch.from_numpy( np.array(results_by_class[class_name])[:, -1]) if class_name == "bus" or class_name == "truck": ovrlp = 0.7 else: ovrlp = 0.8 keep, count = nms(boxess, scoress, overlap=ovrlp) keep = keep = sorted(set(keep)) results_by_class[class_name] = np.array( results_by_class[class_name])[keep] ddd_boxes_by_class[class_name] = np.array( ddd_boxes_by_class[class_name])[keep] depths_by_class[class_name] = np.array( depths_by_class[class_name])[keep] ddd_org_boxes_by_class[class_name] = np.array( ddd_org_boxes_by_class[class_name])[keep] ddd_box_submission1[class_name] = np.array( ddd_box_submission1[class_name])[keep] online_targets += self.tracker[class_name].update( results_by_class[class_name], FeatureMaps, ddd_boxes=ddd_boxes_by_class[class_name], depths_by_class=depths_by_class[class_name], ddd_org_boxes=ddd_org_boxes_by_class[class_name], submission=ddd_box_submission1[class_name], classe=class_name, ) else: online_targets = self.tracker.update(results, FeatureMaps) return online_targets
def render(self, events: DataFrame, timestamp: int, frame_gt: List[TrackingBox], frame_pred: List[TrackingBox], points=None, pose_record=None, cs_record=None, ifplotgt=False,\ threshold=0.1, ifpltsco=False, outscen_class=False,nusc=None, ifplthis=False, pltve=False) \ -> None: """ Render function for a given scene timestamp :param events: motmetrics events for that particular :param timestamp: timestamp for the rendering :param frame_gt: list of ground truth boxes :param frame_pred: list of prediction boxes """ # Init. #print('Rendering {}'.format(timestamp)) switches = events[events.Type == 'SWITCH'] switch_ids = switches.HId.values #对应frame_pred的tracking_id switch_gt_ids = switches.OId.values #对应GT的tracking_id FN = events[events.Type == 'MISS'] #FN = FN.HId.values FN = FN.OId.values #对应GT的tracking_id FP = events[events.Type == 'FP'] FP = FP.HId.values #对应frame_pred的tracking_id fig, ax = plt.subplots()'dark_background') # 黑 背景颜色'classic') # 白 背景颜色 points.render_height(ax, view=np.eye(4), x_lim=(-50, 50), y_lim=(-50, 50), marker_size=0.1) #BEV #points.render_height(ax, view=np.eye(4) )#BEV #points = points.rotate(Quaternion( pose_record["rotation"]).inverse) sam_anno = [] if len(frame_gt) > 0: sample = nusc.get('sample', frame_gt[0].sample_token) sample_annotation_tokens = sample['anns'] #标注 for anno_token in sample_annotation_tokens: sam_anno.append( nusc.get('sample_annotation', anno_token)["instance_token"]) vislev = {'v0-40': 0, 'v40-60': 1, 'v60-80': 2, 'v80-100': 3} #points.render_intensity(ax) # Plot GT boxes. if ifplotgt: for i, b in enumerate(frame_gt): color = 'k' #qua = tuple(self.list_add(list(b.rotation),[0.924,0.0,0.0,0.383])) box = Box(np.array(b.ego_translation, dtype=float), b.size, Quaternion(b.rotation), name=b.tracking_name, token=b.tracking_id) #qua = tuple(self.list_add(list(pose_record["rotation"]),[ 0.831,0.0,0.0,0.556])) #box.translate(-np.array(pose_record["translation"])) box.rotate(Quaternion(pose_record["rotation"]).inverse) # move box to sensor coord system box.translate(-np.array(cs_record["translation"])) box.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record["rotation"]).inverse) if outscen_class: #####TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange = {'0-5nums':0, '5-10nums':0, '10-50nums':0, '50-200nums':0, '>200nums': 0 } #car lidar点云数 #####TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange = {'0-5nums':0, '5-10nums':0, '10-20nums':0, '20-30nums':0, '>30nums': 0 } #ped lidar点云数 num_pts = frame_gt[i].num_pts #####car if TrackingRenderer.outscen == 'car': if num_pts > 0 and num_pts <= 5: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['0-5nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 5 and num_pts <= 10: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['5-10nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 10 and num_pts <= 50: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['10-50nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 50 and num_pts <= 200: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['50-200nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 200: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['>200nums'] += 1 else: ####ped if num_pts > 0 and num_pts <= 5: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['0-5nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 5 and num_pts <= 10: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['5-10nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 10 and num_pts <= 20: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['10-20nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 20 and num_pts <= 30: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['20-30nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 30: TrackingRenderer.gt_ptsnumrange['>30nums'] += 1 if box.token in FN: #####distance dis = math.sqrt([0]**2 +[1]**2) if dis > 0 and dis <= 15: TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '<15m'] = TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '<15m'] + 1 elif dis > 15 and dis <= 30: TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '15-30m'] = TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '15-30m'] + 1 elif dis > 30 and dis <= 45: TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '30-45m'] = TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '30-45m'] + 1 elif dis > 45 and dis <= 54: TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '45-54m'] = TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '45-54m'] + 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange[ '-1'] = TrackingRenderer.fn_disrange['-1'] + 1 #####ve TrackingRenderer.fn_verange = {'0-0.1m/s':0, '0.1-2.5m/s':0, '2.5-5m/s':0, '5-10m/s':0, '>10m/s': 0 } #car 绝对速度 ##### TrackingRenderer.fn_verange = {'0-0.1m/s':0, '0.1-1.0m/s':0, '1.0-1.5m/s':0, '1.5-2m/s':0, '>2m/s': 0 } #ped 绝对速度 ve = math.sqrt(frame_gt[i].velocity[0]**2 + frame_gt[i].velocity[1]**2) if TrackingRenderer.outscen == 'car': if ve > 0 and ve <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['0-0.1m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 0.1 and ve <= 2.5: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['0.1-2.5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 2.5 and ve <= 5: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['2.5-5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 5 and ve <= 10: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['5-10m/s'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['>10m/s'] += 1 else: if ve > 0 and ve <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['0-0.1m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 0.1 and ve <= 1.0: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['0.1-1.0m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 1.0 and ve <= 1.5: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['1.0-1.5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 1.5 and ve <= 2: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['1.5-2m/s'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fn_verange['>2m/s'] += 1 #####num_pts TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange = {'0-5nums':0, '5-10nums':0, '10-50nums':0, '50-200nums':0, '>200nums': 0 } #car lidar点云数 抽样参考比例:0.21 0.23 0.26,0.2,0.1 #############TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange = {'0-5nums':0, '5-10nums':0, '10-20nums':0, '20-30nums':0, '>30nums': 0 } #ped lidar点云数 num_pts = frame_gt[i].num_pts if TrackingRenderer.outscen == 'car': if num_pts > 0 and num_pts <= 5: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange['0-5nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 5 and num_pts <= 10: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '5-10nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 10 and num_pts <= 50: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '10-50nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 50 and num_pts <= 200: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '50-200nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 200: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '>200nums'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange['-1'] += 1 else: if num_pts > 0 and num_pts <= 5: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange['0-5nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 5 and num_pts <= 10: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '5-10nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 10 and num_pts <= 20: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '10-20nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 20 and num_pts <= 30: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange[ '20-30nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 200: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange['>30nums'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fn_ptsnumrange['-1'] += 1 ######读取 #sample = nusc.get('sample', frame_gt[i].sample_token) #sample_annotation_tokens = sample['anns'] #标注 try: ind = sam_anno.index(b.tracking_id) sample_annotation = nusc.get( 'sample_annotation', sample_annotation_tokens[ind]) ####TrackingRenderer.vis_ratio = {'0-0.4':0, '0.4-0.6':0, '0.6-0.8':0, '0.8-1.0':0} #相机视角 0-40%, 40-60%, 60-80% and 80-100% The visibility of an instance is the fraction of annotation visible in all 6 images. visibility = nusc.get( 'visibility', sample_annotation['visibility_token']) vis_level = vislev[visibility["level"]] if vis_level == 0: TrackingRenderer.vis_ratio['0-0.4'] += 1 elif vis_level == 1: TrackingRenderer.vis_ratio['0.4-0.6'] += 1 elif vis_level == 2: TrackingRenderer.vis_ratio['0.6-0.8'] += 1 elif vis_level == 3: TrackingRenderer.vis_ratio['0.8-1.0'] += 1 ####TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio = {'ang_muta':0, 've_muta':0, 'aug_other':0, 've_other':0, 'firfn_trk':0, 'nonfirfn_trk':0} #仅包含与上一帧持续追踪的样本,角度和速度突变分别与other相并 pre_token = sample_annotation['prev'] if pre_token == '': #仅作为first_FN TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio['firfn_trk'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio['nonfirfn_trk'] += 1 pre_annotation = nusc.get( 'sample_annotation', pre_token) vari_ang = abs( R.from_quat(list(frame_gt[i].rotation)). as_euler('zxy', degrees=False)[0] - R.from_quat( list(pre_annotation['rotation']) ).as_euler('zxy', degrees=False)[0]) if vari_ang > 0.52: #30度 TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio['angvar>30'] += 1 elif 0.52 > vari_ang and vari_ang > 0.35: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio[ '30>angvar>20'] += 1 elif 0.35 > vari_ang and vari_ang > 0.17: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio[ '20>angvar>10'] += 1 elif vari_ang < 0.17: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio['10>angvar'] += 1 else: pass pre_ve = nusc.box_velocity( pre_annotation['token']) ve_varity = abs(ve - math.sqrt(pre_ve[0]**2 + pre_ve[1]**2)) if ve_varity > TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0]: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio[ 'vevari>%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0])] += 1 elif ve_varity < TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 0] and ve_varity >= TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 1]: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio[ '%s<vevari<%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[1], TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0])] += 1 elif ve_varity < TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 1] and ve_varity >= TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 2]: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio[ '%s<vevari<%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[2], TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[1])] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.gt_ratio[ 'vevari<%s' % TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[2]] += 1 except ValueError: #标注错误 TrackingRenderer.fault_datas += 1 box.render(ax, view=np.eye(4), colors=(color, color, color), linewidth=1) else: pass # Plot predicted boxes. pred_trackid = [] for i, b in enumerate(frame_pred): box = Box( b.ego_translation, b.size, Quaternion(b.rotation), name=b.tracking_name, token=b.tracking_id, score=b.tracking_score, ) # move box to ego vehicle coord system before has done the translation box.rotate(Quaternion(pose_record["rotation"]).inverse) # move box to sensor coord system box.translate(-np.array(cs_record["translation"])) box.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record["rotation"]).inverse) pred_trackid.append(b.tracking_id) if outscen_class: if b.tracking_id in FP: #####distance TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange = {'<15m':0, '15-30m':0, '30-45m':0, '45-54m':0} dis = math.sqrt([0]**2 +[1]**2) if dis > 0 and dis <= 15: TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '<15m'] = TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange['<15m'] + 1 elif dis > 15 and dis <= 30: TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '15-30m'] = TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '15-30m'] + 1 elif dis > 30 and dis <= 45: TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '30-45m'] = TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '30-45m'] + 1 elif dis > 45 and dis <= 54: TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '45-54m'] = TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '45-54m'] + 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange[ '-1'] = TrackingRenderer.fp_disrange['-1'] + 1 #####ve TrackingRenderer.fp_verange = {'0-0.1m/s':0, '0.1-2.5m/s':0, '2.5-5m/s':0, '5-10m/s':0, '>10m/s': 0 } #car 绝对速度 #####TrackingRenderer.fp_verange = {'0-0.1m/s':0, '0.1-1.0m/s':0, '1.0-1.5m/s':0, '1.5-2m/s':0, '>2m/s': 0 } #ped 绝对速度 ve = math.sqrt(frame_pred[i].velocity[0]**2 + frame_pred[i].velocity[1]**2) if TrackingRenderer.outscen == 'car': if ve > 0 and ve <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['0-0.1m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 0.1 and ve <= 2.5: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['0.1-2.5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 2.5 and ve <= 5: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['2.5-5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 5 and ve <= 10: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['5-10m/s'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['>10m/s'] += 1 else: if ve > 0 and ve <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['0-0.1m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 0.1 and ve <= 1.0: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['0.1-1.0m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 1.0 and ve <= 1.5: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['1.0-1.5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 1.5 and ve <= 2: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['1.5-2m/s'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.fp_verange['>2m/s'] += 1 #####num_pts TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange = {'0-5nums':0, '5-10nums':0, '10-50nums':0, '50-200nums':0, '>200nums': 0 } #car lidar点云数 抽样参考比例:0.21 0.23 0.26,0.2,0.1 ########## TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange = {'0-5nums':0, '5-10nums':0, '10-20nums':0, '20-30nums':0, '>30nums': 0 } #ped lidar点云数 points_xyzr = np.stack(points.points, 1) points_xyz = points_xyzr[:, :3] points_mask = points_in_box(box, points.points[:3]) mask_indx = np.arange(points_mask.shape[0]) mask_indx = mask_indx[points_mask] num_pts = mask_indx.shape[0] if TrackingRenderer.outscen == 'car': if num_pts > 0 and num_pts <= 5: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['0-5nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 5 and num_pts <= 10: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['5-10nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 10 and num_pts <= 50: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['10-50nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 50 and num_pts <= 200: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['50-200nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 200: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['>200nums'] += 1 else: if num_pts > 0 and num_pts <= 5: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['0-5nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 5 and num_pts <= 10: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['5-10nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 10 and num_pts <= 20: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['10-20nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 20 and num_pts <= 30: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['20-30nums'] += 1 elif num_pts > 30: TrackingRenderer.fp_ptsnumrange['>30nums'] += 1 #####TrackingRenderer.fpscorrange = {'0-0.1':0, '0.2-0.4':0, '0.4-0.6':0,'0.6-1.0':0} score = box.score if score >= 0 and score <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.fpscorrange['0-0.1'] += 1 if score >= 0.2 and score <= 0.4: TrackingRenderer.fpscorrange['0.2-0.4'] += 1 if score >= 0.4 and score <= 0.6: TrackingRenderer.fpscorrange['0.4-0.6'] += 1 if score >= 0.6 and score <= 1.0: TrackingRenderer.fpscorrange['0.6-1.0'] += 1 #####TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio = {'ang_muta':0, 've_muta':0, 'aug_other':0, 've_other':0} #仅包含与上一帧持续追踪的样本,角度和速度突变分别与other相并 if box.token in TrackingRenderer.his_trackid: pre_box = TrackingRenderer.his_track[ TrackingRenderer.his_trackid.index(box.token)] vari_ang = abs( (R.from_quat(list(frame_pred[i].rotation)). as_euler('zxy', degrees=False)[0]) - (R.from_quat(list(pre_box.rotation)).as_euler( 'zxy', degrees=False)[0])) if vari_ang > 0.52: #30度 TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio['angvar>30'] += 1 elif 0.52 > vari_ang > 0.35: TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio['30>angvar>20'] += 1 elif 0.35 > vari_ang > 0.17: TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio['20>angvar>10'] += 1 elif vari_ang < 0.17: TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio['10>angvar'] += 1 pre_ve = pre_box.velocity ve = frame_pred[i].velocity ve_varity = abs( math.sqrt(ve[0]**2 + ve[1]**2) - math.sqrt(pre_ve[0]**2 + pre_ve[1]**2)) if ve_varity > TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 0]: # car均匀加速度为2.778m/s^2 3*0.5s=1.5 TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio[ 'vevari>%s' % TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0]] += 1 elif ve_varity < TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 0] and ve_varity >= TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 1]: TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio[ '%s<vevari<%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[1], TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0])] += 1 elif ve_varity < TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 1] and ve_varity >= TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 2]: TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio[ '%s<vevari<%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[2], TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[1])] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.trk_ratio[ 'vevari<%s' % TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[2]] += 1 # Determine color for this tracking id. if b.tracking_id not in self.id2color.keys(): self.id2color[b.tracking_id] = ( float(hash(b.tracking_id + 'r') % 256) / 255, float(hash(b.tracking_id + 'g') % 256) / 255, float(hash(b.tracking_id + 'b') % 256) / 255) if ifplthis: box_for_path = copy.deepcopy(box) box_for_path.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record["rotation"])) box_for_path.translate(np.array(cs_record["translation"])) box_for_path.rotate(Quaternion(pose_record["rotation"])) box_for_path.translate(np.array( pose_record["translation"])) #到全局 # 记录轨迹坐标 if b.tracking_id in self.track_path.keys(): self.track_path[b.tracking_id].append(box_for_path) else: self.track_path[b.tracking_id] = [box_for_path] # Render box. Highlight identity switches in red. if b.tracking_id in switch_ids: color = self.id2color[b.tracking_id] box.render(ax, view=np.eye(4), colors=('r', 'r', color)) if outscen_class: ###TrackingRenderer.ids_verange = {'0-0.1m/s':0, '0.1-2.5m/s':0, '2.5-5m/s':0, '5-10m/s':0, '>10m/s': 0 } #car 绝对速度 ###TrackingRenderer.ids_verange = {'0-0.1m/s':0, '0.1-1.0m/s':0, '1.0-1.5m/s':0, '1.5-2m/s':0, '>2m/s': 0 } #ped 绝对速度 ve = math.sqrt(frame_pred[i].velocity[0]**2 + frame_pred[i].velocity[1]**2) if TrackingRenderer.outscen == 'car': if ve > 0 and ve <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['0-0.1m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 0.1 and ve <= 2.5: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['0.1-2.5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 2.5 and ve <= 5: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['2.5-5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 5 and ve <= 10: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['5-10m/s'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['>10m/s'] += 1 else: if ve > 0 and ve <= 0.1: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['0-0.1m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 0.1 and ve <= 1.0: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['0.1-1.0m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 1.0 and ve <= 1.5: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['1.0-1.5m/s'] += 1 elif ve > 1.5 and ve <= 2: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['1.5-2m/s'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.ids_verange['>2m/s'] += 1 ####TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio = {'delay_trk':0, 'del_oth_trk':0, 'reappear':0, 'reapother':0, 've_muta':0, 've_other':0, 'reapdeltrk':0 } indx = np.where(switch_ids == b.tracking_id) gt_id = switch_gt_ids[indx] try: x = sam_anno.index(gt_id) #sample = nusc.get('sample', frame_gt[x].sample_token) #sample_annotation_tokens = sample['anns'] #标注 sample_annotation = nusc.get( 'sample_annotation', sample_annotation_tokens[x]) if sample_annotation['prev'] == '': #参考意义不大 TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio['del_oth_trk'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio['delay_trk'] += 1 visibility = nusc.get( 'visibility', sample_annotation['visibility_token']) vis_level = vislev[visibility["level"]] pre_annotation = nusc.get( "sample_annotation", sample_annotation['prev']) pre_vis = nusc.get( 'visibility', pre_annotation['visibility_token']) pre_vislevel = vislev[pre_vis["level"]] if vis_level > pre_vislevel or (vis_level == pre_vislevel and vis_level < 3): TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio['reappear'] += 1 elif vis_level == pre_vislevel: TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio[ 'reapdeltrk'] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio[ 'reapother'] += 1 pre_ve = nusc.box_velocity(pre_annotation['token']) ve = nusc.box_velocity(sample_annotation['token']) ve_varity = abs( math.sqrt(ve[0]**2 + ve[1]**2) - math.sqrt(pre_ve[0]**2 + pre_ve[1]**2)) if ve_varity > TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 0]: # car均匀加速度为2.778m/s^2 3*0.5s=1.5 TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio[ 'vevari>%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0])] += 1 elif ve_varity < TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 0] and ve_varity >= TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 1]: TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio[ '%s<vevari<%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[1], TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[0])] += 1 elif ve_varity < TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 1] and ve_varity >= TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[ 2]: TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio[ '%s<vevari<%s' % (TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[2], TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[1])] += 1 else: TrackingRenderer.ids_factratio[ 'vevari<%s' % TrackingRenderer.mutave_thr[2]] += 1 except: #标注错误 pass else: color = self.id2color[b.tracking_id] box.render(ax, view=np.eye(4), colors=(color, color, color)) # Render other infos if ifpltsco: corners = view_points(box.corners(), view=np.eye(4), normalize=False)[:2, :] # ax.text(4,5,"hhaa0.8", fontsize=5) # ax.text(4,5,"%.2f\n%.2f,%.2f"%(b.tracking_score,b.velocity[0],b.velocity[1]), fontsize=5) ax.text([0],[1], "%.2f\nvx=%.2f,vy=%.2f" % (b.tracking_score, b.velocity[0], b.velocity[1]), fontdict={ 'size': '6', 'color': 'b' }) #ax.text([0],[1],"%.2f\n%.2f,%.2f"%(b.tracking_score,b.velocity[0],b.velocity[1]), fontsize=5) #if pltve: #删去当前帧多余轨迹线 keys = list(self.track_path.keys()) for key in keys: if key not in pred_trackid: self.track_path.pop(key) # 画历史轨迹线: if ifplthis: for id in self.track_path.keys(): color = self.id2color[id] for box_path in self.track_path[id]: #转到当前帧局部 # move box to ego vehicle coord system before has done the translation box_path.translate(-np.array(pose_record["translation"])) box_path.rotate( Quaternion(pose_record["rotation"]).inverse) # move box to sensor coord system box_path.translate(-np.array(cs_record["translation"])) box_path.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record["rotation"]).inverse) ax.scatter([0],[1], 10, color) #转回全局 box_path.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record["rotation"])) box_path.translate(np.array(cs_record["translation"])) box_path.rotate(Quaternion(pose_record["rotation"])) box_path.translate(np.array(pose_record["translation"])) TrackingRenderer.his_track = frame_pred TrackingRenderer.his_trackid = pred_trackid # Plot MOTA metrics. ly # 目标位置 左上角,距离 Y 轴 0.01 倍距离,距离 X 轴 0.95倍距离 self.cursumfp += len(FP) #当前场景累积值 self.cursumfn += len(FN) #print("FN=%d,FP=%d,switch_ids=%d,cursumfp=%d,cursumfn=%d" % ( len(FN), len(FP), len(switch_ids), self.cursumfp, self.cursumfn )) #ax.text(0.01, 0.95, "IDS:%d\nFP:%d\nFN:%d\ncur_sce sumfp:%d sumfn:%d\nthreshold:%f"%(len(switch_ids),len(FP),len(FN),self.cursumfp,self.cursumfn,threshold), transform=ax.transAxes, fontdict={'size': '10', 'color': 'b'}) # Plot ego pose. plt.scatter(0, 0, s=96, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k', marker='o') plt.xlim(-50, 50) plt.ylim(-50, 50) plt.axis('off') # Save to disk and close figure. fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.save_path, '{}.png'.format(timestamp))) plt.close(fig)
def convert_eval_format(self, results): from nuscenes.utils.data_classes import Box ret = { "meta": { "use_camera": True, "use_lidar": False, "use_radar": False, "use_map": False, "use_external": False, }, "results": {}, } print("Converting nuscenes format...") for image_id in self.images: if not (image_id in results): continue image_info = self.coco.loadImgs(ids=[image_id])[0] sample_token = image_info["sample_token"] trans_matrix = np.array(image_info["trans_matrix"], np.float32) sensor_id = image_info["sensor_id"] sample_results = [] for item in results[image_id]: class_name = ( self.class_name[int(item["class"] - 1)] if not ("detection_name" in item) else item["detection_name"] ) if self.opt.tracking and class_name in self._tracking_ignored_class: continue score = ( float(item["score"]) if not ("detection_score" in item) else item["detection_score"] ) if "size" in item: size = item["size"] else: size = [ float(item["dim"][1]), float(item["dim"][2]), float(item["dim"][0]), ] if "translation" in item: translation = item["translation"] else: translation = trans_matrix, np.array( [ item["loc"][0], item["loc"][1] - size[2], item["loc"][2], 1, ], np.float32, ), ) det_id = item["det_id"] if "det_id" in item else -1 tracking_id = item["tracking_id"] if "tracking_id" in item else 1 if not ("rotation" in item): rot_cam = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=item["rot_y"]) loc = np.array( [item["loc"][0], item["loc"][1], item["loc"][2]], np.float32 ) box = Box(loc, size, rot_cam, name="2", token="1") box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info["cs_record_rot"])) box.translate(np.array(image_info["cs_record_trans"])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info["pose_record_rot"])) box.translate(np.array(image_info["pose_record_trans"])) rotation = box.orientation rotation = [ float(rotation.w), float(rotation.x), float(rotation.y), float(rotation.z), ] else: rotation = item["rotation"] nuscenes_att = ( np.array(item["nuscenes_att"], np.float32) if "nuscenes_att" in item else np.zeros(8, np.float32) ) att = "" if class_name in self._cycles: att = self.id_to_attribute[np.argmax(nuscenes_att[0:2]) + 1] elif class_name in self._pedestrians: att = self.id_to_attribute[np.argmax(nuscenes_att[2:5]) + 3] elif class_name in self._vehicles: att = self.id_to_attribute[np.argmax(nuscenes_att[5:8]) + 6] if "velocity" in item and len(item["velocity"]) == 2: velocity = item["velocity"] else: velocity = item["velocity"] if "velocity" in item else [0, 0, 0] velocity = trans_matrix, np.array( [velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2], 0], np.float32 ), ) velocity = [float(velocity[0]), float(velocity[1])] result = { "sample_token": sample_token, "translation": [ float(translation[0]), float(translation[1]), float(translation[2]), ], "size": size, "rotation": rotation, "velocity": velocity, "detection_name": class_name, "attribute_name": att if not ("attribute_name" in item) else item["attribute_name"], "detection_score": score, "tracking_name": class_name, "tracking_score": score, "tracking_id": tracking_id, "sensor_id": sensor_id, "det_id": det_id, } sample_results.append(result) if sample_token in ret["results"]: ret["results"][sample_token] = ( ret["results"][sample_token] + sample_results ) else: ret["results"][sample_token] = sample_results for sample_token in ret["results"].keys(): confs = sorted( [ (-d["detection_score"], ind) for ind, d in enumerate(ret["results"][sample_token]) ] ) ret["results"][sample_token] = [ ret["results"][sample_token][ind] for _, ind in confs[: min(500, len(confs))] ] return ret
def get_boxes(self, token: str, filter_classes: List[str] = None, max_dist: float = None) -> List[Box]: """ Load up all the boxes associated with a sample. Boxes are in nuScenes lidar frame. :param token: KittiDB unique id. :param filter_classes: List of Kitti classes to use or None to use all. :param max_dist: Maximum distance in m to still draw a box. :return: Boxes in nuScenes lidar reference frame. """ # Get transforms for this sample transforms = self.get_transforms(token, root=self.root) boxes = [] if token.startswith('test_'): # No boxes to return for the test set. return boxes with open(KittiDB.get_filepath(token, 'label_2', root=self.root), 'r') as f: for line in f: # Parse this line into box information. parsed_line = self.parse_label_line(line) if parsed_line['name'] in {'DontCare', 'Misc'}: continue center = parsed_line['xyz_camera'] wlh = parsed_line['wlh'] yaw_camera = parsed_line['yaw_camera'] name = parsed_line['name'] score = parsed_line['score'] # Optional: Filter classes. if filter_classes is not None and name not in filter_classes: continue # The Box class coord system is oriented the same way as as KITTI LIDAR: x forward, y left, z up. # For orientation confer: # 1: Create box in Box coordinate system with center at origin. # The second quaternion in yaw_box transforms the coordinate frame from the object frame # to KITTI camera frame. The equivalent cannot be naively done afterwards, as it's a rotation # around the local object coordinate frame, rather than the camera frame. quat_box = Quaternion(axis=(0, 1, 0), angle=yaw_camera) * Quaternion( axis=(1, 0, 0), angle=np.pi / 2) box = Box([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], wlh, quat_box, name=name) # 2: Translate: KITTI defines the box center as the bottom center of the vehicle. We use true center, # so we need to add half height in negative y direction, (since y points downwards), to adjust. The # center is already given in camera coord system. box.translate(center + np.array([0, -wlh[2] / 2, 0])) # 3: Transform to KITTI LIDAR coord system. First transform from rectified camera to camera, then # camera to KITTI lidar. box.rotate(Quaternion(matrix=transforms['r0_rect']).inverse) box.translate(-transforms['velo_to_cam']['T']) box.rotate( Quaternion(matrix=transforms['velo_to_cam']['R']).inverse) # 4: Transform to nuScenes LIDAR coord system. box.rotate(self.kitti_to_nu_lidar) # Set score or NaN. box.score = score # Set dummy velocity. box.velocity = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Optional: Filter by max_dist if max_dist is not None: dist = np.sqrt(np.sum([:2]**2)) if dist > max_dist: continue boxes.append(box) return boxes
def get_binimg(self, rec): egopose = self.nusc.get( 'ego_pose', self.nusc.get('sample_data', rec['data']['LIDAR_TOP'])['ego_pose_token']) trans = -np.array(egopose['translation']) rot = Quaternion(egopose['rotation']).inverse #vehicle label img_vehicle = np.zeros((self.nx[0], self.nx[1])) for tok in rec['anns']: inst = self.nusc.get('sample_annotation', tok) # add category for lyft if not inst['category_name'].split('.')[0] == 'vehicle': continue box = Box(inst['translation'], inst['size'], Quaternion(inst['rotation'])) box.translate(trans) box.rotate(rot) pts = box.bottom_corners()[:2].T pts = np.round((pts - self.bx[:2] + self.dx[:2] / 2.) / self.dx[:2]).astype(np.int32) pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] cv2.fillPoly(img_vehicle, [pts], 1.0) # cv2.imwrite('./output/vehicle{}.png'.format(rec['timestamp']),img_vehicle*255) #map label map_name = self.scene2map[self.nusc.get('scene', rec['scene_token'])['name']] rot_map = Quaternion(egopose['rotation']).rotation_matrix rot_map = np.arctan2(rot_map[1, 0], rot_map[0, 0]) center = np.array([ egopose['translation'][0], egopose['translation'][1], np.cos(rot_map), np.sin(rot_map) ]) lmap = get_local_map(self.nusc_maps[map_name], center, 50.0, ['road_segment', 'lane'], ['lane_divider', 'road_divider']) #road_segment img_road_segment = np.zeros((self.nx[0], self.nx[1])) arr_pts = [] for pts in lmap['road_segment']: pts = np.round((pts - self.bx[:2] + self.dx[:2] / 2.) / self.dx[:2]).astype(np.int32) pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] arr_pts.append(pts) cv2.fillPoly(img_road_segment, arr_pts, 1.0) #lane #lane = np.zeros((self.nx[0], self.nx[1])) arr_pts = [] for pts in lmap['lane']: pts = np.round((pts - self.bx[:2] + self.dx[:2] / 2.) / self.dx[:2]).astype(np.int32) pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] arr_pts.append(pts) # cv2.fillPoly(lane,arr_pts,1.0) cv2.fillPoly(img_road_segment, arr_pts, 1.0) #road_divider # img_road_divider = np.zeros((self.nx[0], self.nx[1])) # arr_pts=[] # for pts in lmap['road_divider']: # pts = np.round( # (pts - self.bx[:2] + self.dx[:2]/2.) / self.dx[:2] # ).astype(np.int32) # pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] # arr_pts.append(pts) # cv2.polylines(img_road_divider,arr_pts,False,1.0,1) #lane_divider img_lane_divider = np.zeros((self.nx[0], self.nx[1])) arr_pts = [] for pts in lmap['lane_divider']: pts = np.round((pts - self.bx[:2] + self.dx[:2] / 2.) / self.dx[:2]).astype(np.int32) pts[:, [1, 0]] = pts[:, [0, 1]] arr_pts.append(pts) cv2.polylines(img_lane_divider, arr_pts, False, 1.0, 2) # cv2.imwrite('./output/lane_divider{}.png'.format(rec['timestamp']),img_lane_divider*255) #plt.plot(pts[:, 1], pts[:, 0], c=(159./255., 0.0, 1.0), alpha=0.5) return torch.Tensor( np.stack([img_vehicle, img_road_segment, img_lane_divider]))
def evaluation(self, det_annos, class_names, **kwargs): eval_det_annos = copy.deepcopy(det_annos) # Create NuScenes JSON output file nusc_annos = {} for sample in eval_det_annos: try: sample_idx = sample['sample_idx'][0] except: continue sample_results = [] calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx) sample['boxes_lidar'] = np.array(sample['boxes_lidar']) positions = sample['boxes_lidar'][:, :3] dimensions = sample['boxes_lidar'][:, 3:6] rotations = sample['boxes_lidar'][:, 6] for center, dimension, yaw, label, score in zip( positions, dimensions, rotations, sample['name'], sample['score']): quaternion = Quaternion(axis=[0, 0, 1], radians=yaw) box = Box(center, dimension, quaternion) # Move box to ego vehicle coord system box.rotate(Quaternion(calib.lidar_calibrated['rotation'])) box.translate(np.array(calib.lidar_calibrated['translation'])) # Move box to global coord system box.rotate(Quaternion(calib.ego_pose['rotation'])) box.translate(np.array(calib.ego_pose['translation'])) if (float(score) < 0): score = 0 if (float(score) > 1): score = 1 if (label == 'Cyclist'): label = 'bicycle' sample_results.append({ "sample_token": sample_idx, "translation":, "size": box.wlh.tolist(), "rotation": box.orientation.elements.tolist(), "lidar_yaw": float(yaw), "velocity": (0, 0), "detection_name": label.lower(), "detection_score": float(score), "attribute_name": self.DefaultAttribute[label.lower()], }) nusc_annos[sample_idx] = sample_results for sample_id in self.sample_id_list: if sample_id not in nusc_annos: nusc_annos[sample_id] = [] nusc_submission = { "meta": { "use_camera": False, "use_lidar": True, "use_radar": False, "use_map": False, "use_external": False, }, "results": nusc_annos, } eval_file = os.path.join(kwargs['output_dir'], 'nusc_results.json') with open(eval_file, "w") as f: json.dump(nusc_submission, f, indent=2) # Call NuScenes evaluation cfg = config_factory('detection_cvpr_2019') nusc_eval = DetectionEval(self.nusc, config=cfg, result_path=eval_file, eval_set=self.split, output_dir=kwargs['output_dir'], verbose=True) metric_summary = nusc_eval.main(plot_examples=10, render_curves=True) # Reformat the metrics summary a bit for the tensorboard logger err_name_mapping = { 'trans_err': 'mATE', 'scale_err': 'mASE', 'orient_err': 'mAOE', 'vel_err': 'mAVE', 'attr_err': 'mAAE' } result = {} result['mean_ap'] = metric_summary['mean_ap'] for tp_name, tp_val in metric_summary['tp_errors'].items(): result[tp_name] = tp_val class_aps = metric_summary['mean_dist_aps'] class_tps = metric_summary['label_tp_errors'] for class_name in class_aps.keys(): result['mAP_' + class_name] = class_aps[class_name] for key, val in err_name_mapping.items(): result[val + '_' + class_name] = class_tps[class_name][key] return str(result), result
def _get_bboxes(self, anns, image_info=None): bboxes, track_ids, classes = [], [], [] if self.dataset == "nuscenes": for ann in anns: trans_matrix = np.array(image_info["trans_matrix"], np.float32) cls_id = int(self.cat_ids[ann["category_id"]]) class_name = self.class_name[cls_id - 1] if class_name not in NUSCENES_TRACKING_NAMES: continue center_location = ann["location"] wlh = ann["dim"] rotation = ann["rotation_y"] size = [float(wlh[1]), float(wlh[2]), float(wlh[0])] rot_cam = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=rotation) loc = np.array( [ center_location[0], center_location[1], center_location[2] ], np.float32, ).copy() translation = trans_matrix, np.array( [ center_location[0], center_location[1] - size[2] / 2, center_location[2], 1, ], np.float32, ), ).copy() box = Box(loc, size, rot_cam, name="2", token="1") box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info["cs_record_rot"])) box.translate(np.array(image_info["cs_record_trans"])) box.rotate(Quaternion(image_info["pose_record_rot"])) box.translate(np.array(image_info["pose_record_trans"])) rotation = box.orientation rotation = [ float(rotation.w), float(rotation.x), float(rotation.y), float(rotation.z), ] q = Quaternion(rotation) angle = q.angle if q.axis[2] > 0 else -q.angle bboxes.append([ size[2], size[0], size[1],[0],[1],[2], angle, ].copy()) track_ids.append(ann["track_id"]) classes.append(class_name) else: for ann in anns: cls_id = int(self.cat_ids[ann["category_id"]]) if (cls_id > self.opt.num_classes or cls_id <= -99 or ("iscrowd" in ann and ann["iscrowd"] > 0)): continue bbox = self._coco_box_to_bbox(ann["bbox"]) h, w = bbox[3] - bbox[1], bbox[2] - bbox[0] if h > 0 and w > 0: bboxes.append([bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]].copy()) track_ids.append(ann["track_id"] if "track_id" in ann else -1) return bboxes, track_ids, classes