def ascii_specfem2d_obspy(**kwargs): """ Reads seismic traces from text files """ from import Stream from obspy.core.trace import Trace filenames = glob(solver='specfem2d', **kwargs) t = _np.loadtxt(files[0])[:,0] nt = len(t) nr = len(filenames) d = Trace(data=np.zeros(nt, dtype='float32')) trace.stats.starttime = t[0] = _np.mean(_np.diff(t)) trace.stats.nt = len(t) # read data stream = Stream(t)*nr for filename in filenames: = _np.loadtxt(filename)[:, 1] return stream
class drumPlot(Client): _file = 'tr.mseed' # 'traces.mseed' _traces = Stream() _inv = read_inventory("metadata/Braskem_metadata.xml") _rtSft = rtSft _lastData = _traces = Stream() _2minRTraces = Stream() _appTrace = Stream() _drTrace = Stream() _drHTrace = Stream() _rTWindow = rTWindow _tEnd = _tNow = _rtRunning = False _hyRunning = False _saving = False _elRunning = False _status = {} _elab = {} _elabHyst = {} _events = [] _polAn = { 'polWinLen': 3, 'polWinFr': .1, 'fLow': 4, 'fHigh': 12, 'plTh': 0.7 } _polAnResult = [] def plotDrum(self, trace, filename='tmp.png'): print(trace.get_id()) try: = * 1000 / 3.650539e+08 #im,ax=plt.subplots() if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) #im= trace.plot( type='dayplot', dpi=dpi, x_labels_size=int(8 * 100 / int(dpi)), y_labels_size=int(8 * 100 / int(dpi)), title_size=int(1000 / int(dpi)), title=self._tEnd.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), size=(sizex, sizey), color=('#AF0000', '#00AF00', '#0000AF'), vertical_scaling_range=yRange, outfile=filename, #handle=True, time_offset=-3, data_unit='mm/s', events=self._events) # im.savefig(filename) # plt.close(im) return True except: print('ops,something wrong in plotting!!') return False def realTimeDrumPlot(self): print('start ' +"%Y%m%d %H%M%S")) appTrace = Stream() self._rtRunning = True for tr in self._traces: id = tr.get_id() spl = id.split('.') network = spl[0] station = spl[1] channel = spl[3] l = int(self._tEnd - tr.stats['endtime']) self._status[station] = {} self._status[station]["Noise Level"] = "---" self._status[station]["Latency"] = str(l) + 's' self._status[station]["Voltage"] = "---" self._status[station]["Color"] = "#FF0000" for b in band: fileNameRT = 'RT_' + network + '_' + station + '_' + channel + '_' + str( b) + '.png' appTrace = tr.copy() bb = band[b] appTrace.trim(self._tEnd - self._rTWindow * 60, self._tEnd, pad=True, fill_value=0) appTrace.filter('bandpass', freqmin=bb[0], freqmax=bb[1], corners=2, zerophase=True) self.plotDrum(appTrace, self._basePathRT + 'RT/' + fileNameRT) with open(self._basePathRT + 'RT/geophone_network_status.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(self._status, fp) fp.close() print('end ' +"%Y%m%d %H%M%S")) self._rtRunning = False def hystDrumPlot(self, tEnd=0): appTrace = Stream() self._hyRunning = True if tEnd == 0: tEnd = self._tEnd else: self._tEnd = tEnd print('Hyststart ' + tEnd.strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M%S")) for tr in self._traces: id = tr.get_id() # print('hyst '+id) spl = id.split('.') network = spl[0] station = spl[1] channel = spl[3] for h in hystType: if tEnd.hour % int(h / 60) == 0: for b in band: tStart = tEnd - h * 60 p = network + '/' + station + '/' + channel + '/' + str( tStart.year) + '/' + str(tStart.month) + '/' + str( + '/' + str(h) + '/' + str(b) fileName = p + '/' + tStart.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H" ) + '00.png' # + '_' + (self._tEnd-60).strftime( #"%Y%m%d%H") + '.png' appTrace = tr.copy() bb = band[b] appTrace.trim(tStart, tEnd, pad=True, fill_value=0) appTrace.filter('bandpass', freqmin=bb[0], freqmax=bb[1], corners=2, zerophase=True) self.plotDrum(appTrace, self._basePath + fileName) self._hyRunning = False def hystElab(self): tStart = self._tEnd - 1440 * 60 for e in self._elabHyst: p = e.split('_') network = p[0] station = p[1] p = self._basePath + network + '/' + station + '/' + 'ELAB' + '/' + str( tStart.year) + '/' + str(tStart.month) + '/' + str( + '/' + tStart.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H") + '00.json' #ELAB_' + e + '.json' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(p)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(p)) # el = self._elabHyst[e] with open(p, 'w') as fp: json.dump(list(self._elabHyst[e].values()), fp) fp.close() self._elabHyst[e] = {} def elab(self): self._elRunning = True self._2minRTraces = self._traces.copy() self._2minRTraces.trim(self._tEnd - 120, self._tEnd) self._2minRTraces.remove_response(self._inv) tStart = self._tEnd - 60 s = np.asarray(self.get_all_nslc()) intTrace = self._2minRTraces.copy() intTrace.trim(tStart, self._tEnd) for network in np.unique(s[:, 0]): for station in np.unique(s[:, 1]): print('elab ' + station) stTrace =, station) elab = {'ts': np.long(self._tEnd.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))} # TREMOR nTr = network + '_' + station # f = self.elabWhere(nTr, (self._tEnd - 3600).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), # self._tEnd.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) for appTrace in stTrace: rms = {} id = appTrace.get_id() spl = id.split('.') channel = spl[3] elab[channel] = {} # tStart = self._tEnd - 60 # appTrace = tr.copy() # appTrace.trim(tStart, self._tEnd) # appTrace.remove_response(self._inv) for b in band: bb = band[b] trF = appTrace.copy() trF.filter('bandpass', freqmin=bb[0], freqmax=bb[1], corners=2, zerophase=True) rms[b] = np.sqrt(np.mean(**2)) elab[channel]['rms_' + b] = str("%0.2e" % rms[b]) # HC_rms = np.sum([float(s[channel]['rms_' + b]) for s in f]) # elab[channel]['HC_rms_' + b] = str("%0.2e" % HC_rms) try: self._elab[nTr][elab['ts']] = elab self._elabHyst[nTr][elab['ts']] = elab except: self._elab[nTr] = {} self._elab[nTr][elab['ts']] = elab self._elabHyst[nTr] = {} self._elabHyst[nTr][elab['ts']] = elab # pulisco e slavo m = np.long((self._tEnd - 1440 * 60).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) mm = np.min(list(self._elab[nTr].keys())) if mm < m: self._elab[nTr].pop(mm) for e in self._elab: filename = self._basePathRT + 'RT/ELAB_' + e + '.json' with open(filename, 'w') as fp: json.dump(list(self._elab[e].values()), fp) fp.close() # except: # print('failed elab in '+station) # pass np.savez(self._basePath + 'elSave', h=self._elabHyst, e=self._elab) self._elRunning = False def elabWhere(self, id, ts, te): r = [] ts = np.long(ts) te = np.long(te) try: for x in (y for y in self._elab[id].keys() if (y > ts) & (y < te)): r.append(self._elab[id][x]) except: pass return r def polAn(self): a = alert() appTrace = self._2minRTraces.copy() ts = self._tEnd - 120 te = self._tEnd - 10 appTrace.filter('bandpass', freqmin=self._polAn['fLow'], freqmax=self._polAn['fHigh'], corners=2, zerophase=True) s = np.asarray(self.get_all_nslc()) for network in np.unique(s[:, 0]): for station in np.unique(s[:, 1]): nTr = network + '_' + station try: print('polarizzation analisys ' + station) stTrace =, station) u = obspy.signal.polarization.polarization_analysis( stTrace, self._polAn['polWinLen'], self._polAn['polWinFr'], self._polAn['fLow'], self._polAn['fHigh'], ts, te, False, 'flinn') x = np.where(u['planarity'] > self._polAn['plTh']) ur = {k: u[k][x] for k in u.keys()} for u in ur: a._a['utc_time'] = UTCDateTime( u['timestamp']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") a._a['utc_time_str'] = UTCDateTime( u['timestamp']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") a._a['event_type'] = "PL" a._a['station'] = nTr a._a['linearity'] = u['planarity'] a._a['az'] = a['azimuth'] a._a['tkoff'] = a['incidence'] a._a = { 'id_alert': '', 'utc_time': '', 'utc_time_str': '', 'event_type': '', 'station': '', 'channel': '', 'amplitude': '', 'linearity': '', 'az': '', 'tkoff': '', 'freq': '', 'lat': '', 'lon': '', 'note': '' } except: print('polarizzation analisys ' + station + ' failed') def run(self, network, station, channel,, rt=True): logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log', level='WARNING', format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') r = False try: data = np.load(self._basePath + 'elSave.npz') self._elab = data['e'].tolist() self._elabHyst = data['h'].tolist() except: pass self._stationData = { 'BRK0': self._inv.get_coordinates('LK.BRK0..EHZ'), 'BRK1': self._inv.get_coordinates('LK.BRK1..EHZ'), 'BRK2': self._inv.get_coordinates('LK.BRK2..EHZ'), 'BRK3': self._inv.get_coordinates('LK.BRK3..EHZ'), 'BRK4': self._inv.get_coordinates('LK.BRK4..EHZ'), } with open(self._basePathRT + 'elab_status.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(self._stationData, fp) fp.close() self._tNow = tStart while 1 < 2: if self._tNow > - 5: time.sleep(5) self._tNow = print(self._tNow) else: self._tNow += 10 if (not rt) & (not self._rtRunning) & (not self._hyRunning) & ( not self._saving) & (not self._elRunning): print('sk') print(self._tNow) if self._tNow.second < self._lastData.second: self._tEnd = self._tNow print('getting traces') try: self._traces = self.get_waveforms(network, station, '', channel, self._tEnd - 720 * 60, self._tEnd) self._traces.merge(fill_value=0) except: print('failed to get traces') if (self._tNow.minute % self._rtSft == 0) & ( self._lastData.minute % self._rtSft != 0) & rt: print('getting events') try: self.getCasp() except: print('events failed') pass try: self.pushEv() except: print('push events failed') pass if (not self._rtRunning) & rt: pRt = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.realTimeDrumPlot) pRt.start() if (not self._elRunning): self.elab() self.polAn() if (self._tEnd.minute == 0) & (self._lastData.minute != 0): if not self._hyRunning: pHy = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.hystDrumPlot) pHy.start() if self._tNow.hour < self._lastData.hour: self.hystElab() self._lastData = self._tNow def getCasp(self): connection = psycopg2.connect(host='', port='5432', database='casp_events', user='******', password='******') sql = 'SELECT event_id, t0, lat, lon, dpt, magWA FROM auto_eventi' cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) p = cursor.fetchall() self._events = [] for pp in p: e = { 'id': pp[0], 'time': UTCDateTime(pp[1]), 'text': 'CASP ev. mag' + str(pp[5]), 'lat': np.float(pp[2]), 'lon': np.float(pp[3]), 'dpt': np.float(pp[4]), 'mag': np.float(pp[5]) } self._events.append(e) def pushEv(self): connection = psycopg2.connect(host='', port='5432', user='******', password='******') for e in self._events: sql = 'INSERT INTO seismic.events_casp (geom,lat,lon,utc_time,utc_time_str,magnitudo,depth,id_casp) ' \ "VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(" + str(e['lon']) + ' ' + str(e['lat']) + ")', 4326),"\ + str(e['lat']) + ','+ str(e['lon'])+ ",'"+ str(UTCDateTime(e['time']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))+ "','"+ str(UTCDateTime(e['time']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))+"',"+str(e['mag'])+','+ str(e['dpt']) +','+e['id']+") ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;" connection.cursor().execute(sql) connection.commit() def pushIntEv(self, e, table='seismic.events_swarm', id='id_swarm'): connection = psycopg2.connect(host='', port='5432', user='******', password='******') #for e in events: sql = 'INSERT INTO '+table+ ' (geom,note,lat,lon,utc_time,utc_time_str,magnitudo,depth,'+id+') ' \ "VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(" + str(e['lon']) + ' ' + str(e['lat']) + ")', 4326)" \ + ",'" + e['note'] + "'," + str(e['lat']) + ',' + str(e['lon']) + ",'" + str( UTCDateTime(e['time']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + "','" + str( UTCDateTime(e['time']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + "'," + str(e['mag']) + ',' + str(e['dpt']) + ",'" + \ e['id'] + "') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;" connection.cursor().execute(sql) connection.commit()
def get_s2s_stream(dicread): traces = [] for v in dicread.values(): if v[0] is None: traces.extend(get_stream(v[1]).traces) return Stream(traces)
def find_LFEs(family_file, station_file, template_dir, tbegin, tend, \ TDUR, duration, filt, freq0, dt, nattempts, waittime, type_threshold='MAD', \ threshold=0.0075): """ Find LFEs with the temporary stations from FAME using the templates from Plourde et al. (2015) Input: type family_file = string family_file = File containing the list of LFE families type station_file = string station_file = File containing the list of stations type template_dir = string template_dir = Directory where to find the LFE templates type tbegin = tuplet of 6 integers tbegin = Time when we begin looking for LFEs type tend = tuplet of 6 integers tend = Time we stop looking for LFEs type TDUR = float TDUR = Time to add before and after the time window for tapering type duration = float duration = Duration of the LFE templates type filt = tuple of floats filt = Lower and upper frequencies of the filter type freq0 = float freq0 = Maximum frequency rate of LFE occurrence type dt = float dt = Time step for the LFE templates type nattempts = integer nattempts = Number of times we try to download data type waittime = positive float waittime = Type to wait between two attempts at downloading type type_threshold = string type_threshold = 'MAD' or 'Threshold' type threshold = float threshold = Cross correlation value must be higher than that Output: None """ # Get the network, channels, and location of the stations staloc = pd.read_csv(station_file, \ sep=r'\s{1,}', header=None, engine='python') staloc.columns = ['station', 'network', 'channels', 'location', \ 'server', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'time_on', 'time_off'] # Begin and end time of analysis t1 = UTCDateTime(year=tbegin[0], month=tbegin[1], \ day=tbegin[2], hour=tbegin[3], minute=tbegin[4], \ second=tbegin[5]) t2 = UTCDateTime(year=tend[0], month=tend[1], \ day=tend[2], hour=tend[3], minute=tend[4], \ second=tend[5]) # Number of hours of data to analyze nhour = int(ceil((t2 - t1) / 3600.0)) # Begin and end time of downloading Tstart = t1 - TDUR Tend = t2 + duration + TDUR # Temporary directory to store the data namedir = 'tmp' if not os.path.exists(namedir): os.makedirs(namedir) # Download the data from the stations for ir in range(0, len(staloc)): station = staloc['station'][ir] network = staloc['network'][ir] channels = staloc['channels'][ir] location = staloc['location'][ir] server = staloc['server'][ir] time_on = staloc['time_on'][ir] time_off = staloc['time_off'][ir] # File to write error messages namedir = 'error' if not os.path.exists(namedir): os.makedirs(namedir) errorfile = 'error/' + station + '.txt' # Check whether there are data for this period of time year_on = int(time_on[0:4]) month_on = int(time_on[5:7]) day_on = int(time_on[8:10]) year_off = int(time_off[0:4]) month_off = int(time_off[5:7]) day_off = int(time_off[8:10]) if ((Tstart > UTCDateTime(year=year_on, month=month_on, day=day_on)) \ and (Tend < UTCDateTime(year=year_off, month=month_off, day=day_off))): # First case: we can get the data from IRIS if (server == 'IRIS'): (D, orientation) = get_from_IRIS(station, network, channels, \ location, Tstart, Tend, filt, dt, nattempts, waittime, \ errorfile, DATADIR) # Second case: we get the data from NCEDC elif (server == 'NCEDC'): (D, orientation) = get_from_NCEDC(station, network, channels, \ location, Tstart, Tend, filt, dt, nattempts, waittime, \ errorfile, DATADIR) else: raise ValueError( 'You can only download data from IRIS and NCEDC') # Store the data into temporary files if (type(D) == D.write('tmp/' + station + '.mseed', format='MSEED') namefile = 'tmp/' + station + '.pkl' pickle.dump(orientation, open(namefile, 'wb')) # Loop on families families = pd.read_csv(family_file, \ sep=r'\s{1,}', header=None, engine='python') families.columns = ['family', 'stations'] for i in range(0, len(families)): # Create directory to store the LFEs times namedir = 'LFEs/' + families['family'].iloc[i] if not os.path.exists(namedir): os.makedirs(namedir) # File to write error messages namedir = 'error' if not os.path.exists(namedir): os.makedirs(namedir) errorfile = 'error/' + families['family'].iloc[i] + '.txt' # Create dataframe to store LFE times df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', \ 'minute', 'second', 'cc', 'nchannel']) # Read the templates stations = families['stations'].iloc[i].split(',') templates = Stream() for station in stations: templatefile = template_dir + '/' + \ families['family'].iloc[i] + '/' + station + '.pkl' with open(templatefile, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) if (len(data) == 3): EW = data[0] NS = data[1] UD = data[2] EW.stats.station = station NS.stats.station = station = 'E' = 'N' templates.append(EW) templates.append(NS) else: UD = data[0] UD.stats.station = station = 'Z' templates.append(UD) # Loop on hours of data for hour in range(0, nhour): nchannel = 0 Tstart = t1 + hour * 3600.0 Tend = t1 + (hour + 1) * 3600.0 + duration delta = Tend - Tstart ndata = int(delta / dt) + 1 # Get the data data = [] for station in stations: try: D = read('tmp/' + station + '.mseed') D = D.slice(Tstart, Tend) namefile = 'tmp/' + station + '.pkl' orientation = pickle.load(open(namefile, 'rb')) # Get station metadata for reading response file for ir in range(0, len(staloc)): if (station == staloc['station'][ir]): network = staloc['network'][ir] channels = staloc['channels'][ir] location = staloc['location'][ir] server = staloc['server'][ir] # Orientation of template # Date chosen: April 1st 2008 mychannels = channels.split(',') mylocation = location if (mylocation == '--'): mylocation = '' response = os.path.join( DATADIR, 'response/') + network + '_' + station + '.xml' inventory = read_inventory(response, format='STATIONXML') reference = [] for channel in mychannels: angle = inventory.get_orientation(network + '.' + \ station + '.' + mylocation + '.' + channel, \ UTCDateTime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) reference.append(angle) # Append data to stream if (type(D) == stationdata = fill_data(D, orientation, station, channels, reference) if (len(stationdata) > 0): for stream in stationdata: data.append(stream) except: message = 'No data available for station {} '.format( \ station) + 'at time {}/{}/{} - {}:{}:{}\n'.format( \ Tstart.year, Tstart.month,, Tstart.hour, \ Tstart.minute, Tstart.second) # Loop on channels for channel in range(0, len(data)): subdata = data[channel] # Check whether we have a complete one-hour-long recording if (len(subdata) == 1): if (len(subdata[0].data) == ndata): # Get the template station = subdata[0].stats.station component = subdata[0] template =, \ component=component)[0] # Cross correlation cctemp = correlate.optimized(template, subdata[0]) if (nchannel > 0): cc = np.vstack((cc, cctemp)) else: cc = cctemp nchannel = nchannel + 1 if (nchannel > 0): # Compute average cross-correlation across channels meancc = np.mean(cc, axis=0) if (type_threshold == 'MAD'): MAD = np.median(np.abs(meancc - np.mean(meancc))) index = np.where(meancc >= threshold * MAD) elif (type_threshold == 'Threshold'): index = np.where(meancc >= threshold) else: raise ValueError( 'Type of threshold must be MAD or Threshold') times = np.arange(0.0, np.shape(meancc)[0] * dt, dt) # Get LFE times if np.shape(index)[1] > 0: (time, cc) = clean_LFEs(index, times, meancc, dt, freq0) # Add LFE times to dataframe i0 = len(df.index) for j in range(0, len(time)): timeLFE = Tstart + time[j] df.loc[i0 + j] = [int(timeLFE.year), int(timeLFE.month), \ int(, int(timeLFE.hour), \ int(timeLFE.minute), timeLFE.second + \ timeLFE.microsecond / 1000000.0, cc[j], nchannel] # Add to pandas dataframe and save df_all = df df_all = df_all.astype(dtype={'year':'int32', 'month':'int32', \ 'day':'int32', 'hour':'int32', 'minute':'int32', \ 'second':'float', 'cc':'float', 'nchannel':'int32'}) df_all.to_csv('LFEs/' + families['family'].iloc[i] + '/catalog_' + \ '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}_{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(tbegin[0], \ tbegin[1], tbegin[2], tbegin[3], tbegin[4], tbegin[5]) + '.csv')
def _plot_kurtosis(wl, fb, trace, kurtosis, corr_cum): print(f'Plot kurtosis for win_len={wl}, f_band={fb}', 'debug') cor = corr_cum.copy() = 'COR' = 'KUR' Stream([trace, kurtosis, cor]).plot(size=(600, 600), equal_scale=False)
mseed_dir_in + '2020/ANMA/ANMA.EN..HH%s.2020.%03d' % (j, k) for j in ['E', 'N', 'Z'] for k in np.arange(0, 78) ]) bad_files = np.append(bad_files_1, bad_files_2) # get list of all days and of unique days days_all = np.array([ datetime.strptime(a[-8:], '%Y.%j').strftime('%Y.%m.%d') for a in dayfiles ]) days = np.unique(days_all) for dy in days: file_list = dayfiles[np.where( days_all == dy)] # files for this day, all stations st = Stream() for fl in file_list: if fl not in bad_files and os.stat(fl).st_size != 0: st += read(fl) if len(st) > 0: # decimate or resample to 1Hz if np.all([tr.stats.sampling_rate == 100 for tr in st]): st.decimate(100, no_filter=True) else: st.resample(1.0, no_filter=True) st.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) # make sure 1 trace per sta/comp for tr in st: # rename channels to L* to match [edited] dataless = 'L' +[1:]
def dataClean(alltrigs, opt, flag=1): """ Examine triggers and weed out spikes and calibration pulses using kurtosis and outlier ratios alltrigs: triggers output from triggering opt: opt from config flag: 1 if defining window to check, 0 if want to check whole waveform for spikes (note that different threshold values should be used for different window lengths) Returns good trigs (trigs) and several junk types (junk, junkFI, junkKurt) """ trigs=Stream() junkFI=Stream() junkKurt=Stream() junk=Stream() for i in range(len(alltrigs)): njunk = 0 ntele = 0 for n in range(opt.nsta): dat = alltrigs[i].data[n*opt.wshape:(n+1)*opt.wshape] if flag == 1: datcut=dat[range(int((opt.ptrig-opt.kurtwin/2)*opt.samprate), int((opt.ptrig+opt.kurtwin/2)*opt.samprate))] else: datcut=dat if np.sum(np.abs(dat))!=0.0: # Calculate kurtosis in window k = stats.kurtosis(datcut) # Compute kurtosis of frequency amplitude spectrum next datf = np.absolute(fft(dat)) kf = stats.kurtosis(datf) # Calculate outlier ratio using z ((data-median)/mad) mad = np.nanmedian(np.absolute(dat - np.nanmedian(dat))) z = (dat-np.median(dat))/mad # Outliers have z > 4.45 orm = len(z[z>4.45])/np.array(len(z)).astype(float) if k >= opt.kurtmax or orm >= opt.oratiomax or kf >= opt.kurtfmax: njunk+=1 winstart = int(opt.ptrig*opt.samprate - opt.winlen/10) winend = int(opt.ptrig*opt.samprate - opt.winlen/10 + opt.winlen) fftwin = np.reshape(fft(dat[winstart:winend]),(opt.winlen,)) if np.median(np.abs(dat[winstart:winend]))!=0: fi = np.log10(np.mean(np.abs(np.real( fftwin[int(opt.fiupmin*opt.winlen/opt.samprate):int( opt.fiupmax*opt.winlen/opt.samprate)])))/np.mean(np.abs(np.real( fftwin[int(opt.filomin*opt.winlen/opt.samprate):int( opt.filomax*opt.winlen/opt.samprate)])))) if fi<opt.telefi: ntele+=1 # Allow if there are enough good stations to correlate if njunk <= (opt.nsta-opt.ncor) and ntele <= opt.teleok: trigs.append(alltrigs[i]) else: if njunk > 0: if ntele > 0: junk.append(alltrigs[i]) else: junkKurt.append(alltrigs[i]) else: junkFI.append(alltrigs[i]) return trigs, junk, junkFI, junkKurt
def trigger(st, stC, rtable, opt): """ Run triggering algorithm on a stream of data. st: OBSPy stream of data rtable: Repeater table contains reference time of previous trigger in samples opt: Options object describing station/run parameters Returns triggered traces as OBSPy trace object updates ptime for next run """ tr = st[0] t = tr.stats.starttime cft = coincidence_trigger("classicstalta", opt.trigon, opt.trigoff, stC, opt.nstaC, sta=opt.swin, lta=opt.lwin, details=True) if len(cft) > 0: ind = 0 # Slice out the data from st and save the maximum STA/LTA ratio value for # use in orphan expiration # Convert ptime from time of last trigger to seconds before start time if rtable.attrs.ptime: ptime = (UTCDateTime(rtable.attrs.ptime) - t) else: ptime = -opt.mintrig for n in range(len(cft)): ttime = cft[n]['time'] # This is a UTCDateTime, not samples if (ttime >= t + opt.atrig) and (ttime >= t + ptime + opt.mintrig) and (ttime < t + len( - 2*opt.atrig): ptime = ttime - t # Slice and save as first trace ttmp = st.slice(ttime - opt.ptrig, ttime + opt.atrig) ttmp[0].data = ttmp[0].data[0:opt.wshape] - np.mean( ttmp[0].data[0:opt.wshape]) for s in range(1,len(ttmp)): ttmp[0].data = np.append(ttmp[0].data, ttmp[s].data[ 0:opt.wshape] - np.mean(ttmp[s].data[0:opt.wshape])) ttmp[0].stats.maxratio = np.max(cft[n]['cft_peaks']) if ind is 0: trigs = Stream(ttmp[0]) ind = ind+1 else: trigs = trigs.append(ttmp[0]) if ind is 0: return [] else: rtable.attrs.ptime = (t + ptime).isoformat() return trigs else: return []
def section_plot(self, assoc_id, files, seconds_ahead=5, record_length=100, channel='Z'): station = self.assoc_db.query(Candidate.sta).\ filter(Candidate.assoc_id == assoc_id).all() sta_list = [] for sta, in station: sta_list.append(str(sta)) station_single = self.assoc_db.query(Pick.sta).\ filter(Pick.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ filter(Pick.locate_flag == None).all() for sta, in station_single: sta_list.append(str(sta)) # print sta_list eve = self.assoc_db.query(Associated).\ filter( == assoc_id).first() # Earthquakes' epicenter eq_lat = eve.latitude eq_lon = eve.longitude # Reading the waveforms ST = Stream() for file in files: st = read(file) ST += st # in case of some seismometer use channel code like BH1, BH2 or BH3, # resign the channel code as: if channel == 'E' or channel == 'e': Chan = 'E1' elif channel == 'N' or channel == 'n': Chan = 'N2' elif channel == 'Z' or channel == 'z': Chan = 'Z3' else: print('Please input component E, e, N, n, Z, or z,' ' the default is Z') # Calculating distance from headers lat/lon ST_new = Stream() # print ST for tr in ST: if[2] in Chan and tr.stats.station in sta_list: if ((tr.stats.starttime.datetime < eve.ot) and (tr.stats.endtime.datetime > eve.ot)): tr.trim( UTCDateTime(eve.ot - timedelta(seconds=seconds_ahead)), UTCDateTime(eve.ot + timedelta(seconds=record_length))) ST_new += tr # print ST_new.__str__(extended=True) while True: ST_new_sta = [] for tr in ST_new: ST_new_sta.append(tr.stats.station) duplicate = list( set([tr for tr in ST_new_sta if ST_new_sta.count(tr) > 1])) if not duplicate: break index = [ i for (i, j) in enumerate(ST_new_sta) if j == duplicate[-1] ] i = 0 while True: if ST_new[index[i]].stats.npts < ST_new[index[i + 1]].stats.npts: del ST_new[index[i]] break elif (ST_new[index[i]].stats.npts >= ST_new[index[i + 1]].stats.npts): del ST_new[index[i + 1]] break # print ST_new.__str__(extended=True) ST_new.detrend('demean') # ST_new.filter('bandpass', freqmin=0.1, freqmax=100) factor = 10 numRows = len(ST_new) segs, ticklocs, sta, circle_x, circle_y = [], [], [], [], [] segs_picks, ticklocs_picks = [], [] for tr in ST_new: dmax = dmin = data = / (dmax - dmin) * factor # due to float point arithmetic issue, can not use: # "t = np.arange(0, tr.stats.npts / tr.stats.sampling_rate, #" t = np.arange( 0, round(tr.stats.npts / tr.stats.sampling_rate / * segs.append(np.hstack((data[:, np.newaxis], t[:, np.newaxis]))) lon, lat = self.tt_stations_db_3D.\ query(Station3D.longitude, Station3D.latitude).\ filter(Station3D.sta == tr.stats.station).first() # gps2DistAzimuth returns in meters, convert to km by /1000 distance = int( gps2DistAzimuth(lat, lon, eq_lat, eq_lon)[0] / 1000.) # distance=self.assoc_db.query(Candidate.d_km).\ # filter(Candidate.assoc_id==assoc_id).\ # filter(Candidate.sta==tr.stats.station).\ # first()[0]#;print distance,tr.stats.station ticklocs.append(distance) sta.append(tr.stats.station) # DOT plot where picks are picked, notice that for vertical trace # plot p is queried from Pick table, s from PickModified table # horizontal trace plot p and s queried from PickModified table if channel == 'Z3': picks_p = self.assoc_db.query(Pick.time).\ filter(Pick.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ filter(Pick.sta == tr.stats.station).\ filter(Pick.chan ==\ filter(Pick.phase == 'P').all() if not picks_p: picks_p = self.assoc_db.query(PickModified.time).\ filter(PickModified.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ filter(PickModified.sta == tr.stats.station).\ filter(PickModified.phase == 'P').all() picks_s = self.assoc_db.query(PickModified.time).\ filter(PickModified.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ filter(PickModified.sta == tr.stats.station).\ filter(PickModified.phase == 'S').all() # print picks_p,picks_s else: picks_p = self.assoc_db.query(PickModified.time).\ filter(PickModified.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ filter(PickModified.sta == tr.stats.station).\ filter(PickModified.phase == 'P').all() picks_s = self.assoc_db.query(PickModified.time).\ filter(PickModified.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ filter(PickModified.sta == tr.stats.station).\ filter(PickModified.phase == 'S').all() # print picks_p,picks_s picks = picks_p + picks_s # picks=self.assoc_db.query(PickModified.time).\ # filter(PickModified.assoc_id == assoc_id).\ # filter(PickModified.sta == tr.stats.station).all() for pick, in picks: pick_delta = pick - eve.ot + timedelta(seconds=seconds_ahead) index = int(pick_delta.total_seconds() / # print pick, eve.ot, index, len(data) circle_x.append(distance + data[index]) circle_y.append(t[index]) # BAR plot where picks are picked t_picks = np.array([t[index], t[index]]) data_picks = np.array([data.min(), data.max()]) segs_picks.append( np.hstack( (data_picks[:, np.newaxis], t_picks[:, np.newaxis]))) ticklocs_picks.append(distance) tick_max = max(ticklocs) tick_min = min(ticklocs) offsets = np.zeros((numRows, 2), dtype=float) offsets[:, 0] = ticklocs offsets_picks = np.zeros((len(segs_picks), 2), dtype=float) offsets_picks[:, 0] = ticklocs_picks # lines = LineCollection(segs, offsets=offsets, transOffset=None, # linewidths=.25, # colors=[colorConverter.to_rgba(i) for i in # ('b','g','r','c','m','y','k')]) # color='gray' lines = LineCollection(segs, offsets=offsets, transOffset=None, linewidths=.25, color='gray') # lines_picks = LineCollection(segs_picks, offsets=offsets_picks, # transOffset=None, linewidths=1, # color='r') lines_picks = LineCollection(segs_picks, offsets=offsets_picks, transOffset=None, linewidths=1, color='k') # print sta,ticklocs fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # blue dots indicating where to cross the waveforms # ax1.plot(circle_x,circle_y,'o') ax1.plot(circle_x, circle_y, 'o', c='gray') # x0 = tick_min - (tick_max - tick_min) * 0.1 x1 = tick_max + (tick_max - tick_min) * 0.1 plt.ylim(0, record_length) plt.xlim(0, x1) ax1.add_collection(lines) ax1.add_collection(lines_picks) ax1.set_xticks(ticklocs) ax1.set_xticklabels(sta) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax1.xaxis.tick_top() # ax2 = ax1.twiny() # ax2.xaxis.tick_bottom() plt.setp(plt.xticks()[1], rotation=45) # xlabel('Station (km)') plt.xlabel('channel: ' + channel, fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Record Length (s)', fontsize=18) # plt.title('Section Plot of Event at %s' % (tr.stats.starttime)) # plt.tight_layout()
class Source_code: def __init__(self, veloc_model_taup): self.veloc_model = veloc_model_taup def get_P(self, epi, depth_m): model = TauPyModel(model=self.veloc_model) tt = model.get_travel_times(source_depth_in_km=depth_m / 1000, distance_in_degree=epi, phase_list=['P']) return tt[0].time def get_S(self, epi, depth_m): model = TauPyModel(model=self.veloc_model) tt = model.get_travel_times(source_depth_in_km=depth_m / 1000, distance_in_degree=epi, phase_list=['S']) return tt[0].time def get_window_obspy(self, seis_traces, epi, depth, time, npts): self.origin = seis_traces tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model sec_per_sample = 1 / (seis_traces[0].meta.sampling_rate) # self.BW_stream = Stream() self.S_stream = Stream() self.P_stream = Stream() p_time = time.timestamp + tt_P s_time = time.timestamp + tt_S self.start_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time - 5) self.start_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time - 15) self.or_S_len = int( (self.start_S - time) / seis_traces.traces[0] self.or_P_len = int( (self.start_P - time) / seis_traces.traces[0] end_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time + 20) end_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time + 35) for i, trace in enumerate(seis_traces.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, self.start_P, end_time_p) self.P_len = len(P_trace) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, self.start_S, end_time_s) self.S_len = len(S_trace) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": self.start_P, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel": }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) self.P_stream.append(total_p_trace) self.S_stream.append(total_s_trace) self.BW_stream.append(total_trace) self.S_stream = self.BW_filter(self.S_stream) self.P_stream = self.BW_filter(self.P_stream) self.BW_stream = self.BW_filter(self.BW_stream) def zero_to_nan(self, values): """Replace every 0 with 'nan' and return a copy.""" return [float('nan') if x == 0 else x for x in values] def BW_filter(self, stream): stream.filter('highpass', freq=1.0 / 30.0) # stream.filter('highpass', freq=0.5) stream.filter('lowpass', freq=0.75) # stream.filter('lowpass', freq=0.1) return stream def stack_BW_SW_Streams(self, traces_BW, traces_RW, traces_LW): stack_stream = traces_BW + traces_RW + traces_LW return stack_stream def stack_traces(self, stream): stacked_traces = np.array([]) for trace in stream.traces: stacked_traces = np.append(stacked_traces, return stacked_traces def split_traces(self, d_syn, traces_obs, time_at_receiver): Stream_split = Stream() for i, trace in enumerate(traces_obs.traces): new_trace = Trace(d_syn[i * len(trace):i * len(trace) + len(trace)], header={ "starttime": time_at_receiver, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel":, "instaseis": trace.meta.instaseis }) Stream_split.append(new_trace) return Stream_split def split_BW_SW(self, BW_SW_stream, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts): BW_stream = Stream() R_stream = Stream() L_stream = Stream() for i in BW_SW_stream: if 'X' in BW_stream.append(i) elif 'R1' in R_stream.append(i) elif 'G1' in L_stream.append(i) P_S_syn, P_syn, S_syn = self.get_window_split_syn( BW_stream, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts) return P_S_syn, P_syn, S_syn, R_stream, L_stream def get_window_split_syn(self, splitted_syn, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts): tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model diff = tt_S - tt_P P_start = time_at_receiver P_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(P_start + 5 + 20) S_start = obspy.UTCDateTime(time_at_receiver.timestamp + diff) S_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(S_start + 5 + 20) p_stream = Stream() s_stream = Stream() total_stream = Stream() for i, trace in enumerate(splitted_syn.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, P_start, P_end) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, S_start, S_end) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": P_start, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel":, "instaseis": trace.meta.instaseis }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) p_stream.append(total_p_trace) s_stream.append(total_s_trace) total_stream.append(total_trace) return total_stream, p_stream, s_stream
def get_window_obspy(self, seis_traces, epi, depth, time, npts): self.origin = seis_traces tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model sec_per_sample = 1 / (seis_traces[0].meta.sampling_rate) # self.BW_stream = Stream() self.S_stream = Stream() self.P_stream = Stream() p_time = time.timestamp + tt_P s_time = time.timestamp + tt_S self.start_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time - 5) self.start_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time - 15) self.or_S_len = int( (self.start_S - time) / seis_traces.traces[0] self.or_P_len = int( (self.start_P - time) / seis_traces.traces[0] end_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time + 20) end_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time + 35) for i, trace in enumerate(seis_traces.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, self.start_P, end_time_p) self.P_len = len(P_trace) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, self.start_S, end_time_s) self.S_len = len(S_trace) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": self.start_P, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel": }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) self.P_stream.append(total_p_trace) self.S_stream.append(total_s_trace) self.BW_stream.append(total_trace) self.S_stream = self.BW_filter(self.S_stream) self.P_stream = self.BW_filter(self.P_stream) self.BW_stream = self.BW_filter(self.BW_stream)
def get_window_split_syn(self, splitted_syn, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts): tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model diff = tt_S - tt_P P_start = time_at_receiver P_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(P_start + 5 + 20) S_start = obspy.UTCDateTime(time_at_receiver.timestamp + diff) S_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(S_start + 5 + 20) p_stream = Stream() s_stream = Stream() total_stream = Stream() for i, trace in enumerate(splitted_syn.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, P_start, P_end) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, S_start, S_end) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": P_start, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel":, "instaseis": trace.meta.instaseis }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) p_stream.append(total_p_trace) s_stream.append(total_s_trace) total_stream.append(total_trace) return total_stream, p_stream, s_stream
def split_BW_SW(self, BW_SW_stream, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts): BW_stream = Stream() R_stream = Stream() L_stream = Stream() for i in BW_SW_stream: if 'X' in BW_stream.append(i) elif 'R1' in R_stream.append(i) elif 'G1' in L_stream.append(i) P_S_syn, P_syn, S_syn = self.get_window_split_syn( BW_stream, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts) return P_S_syn, P_syn, S_syn, R_stream, L_stream
def mergePreviews(stream): """ Merges all preview traces in one Stream object. Does not change the original stream because the data needs to be copied anyway. :type stream: :class:`` :param stream: Stream object to be merged :rtype: :class:`` :return: Merged Stream object. """ copied_traces = copy(stream.traces) stream.sort() # Group traces by id. traces = {} dtypes = [] for trace in stream: # Throw away empty traces. if trace.stats.npts == 0: continue if not hasattr(trace.stats, 'preview') or not trace.stats.preview: msg = 'Trace\n%s\n is no preview file.' % str(trace) raise Exception(msg) traces.setdefault(, []) traces[].append(trace) dtypes.append( if len(traces) == 0: return Stream() # Initialize new Stream object. new_stream = Stream() for value in traces.values(): if len(value) == 1: new_stream.append(value[0]) continue # All traces need to have the same delta value and also be on the same # grid spacing. It is enough to only check the sampling rate because # the algorithm that creates the preview assures that the grid spacing # is correct. sampling_rates = set([tr.stats.sampling_rate for tr in value]) if len(sampling_rates) != 1: msg = 'More than one sampling rate for traces with id %s.' % \ value[0].id raise Exception(msg) delta = value[0] # Check dtype. dtypes = set([native_str( for tr in value]) if len(dtypes) > 1: msg = 'Different dtypes for traces with id %s' % value[0].id raise Exception(msg) dtype = dtypes.pop() # Get the minimum start and maximum end time for all traces. min_starttime = min([tr.stats.starttime for tr in value]) max_endtime = max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in value]) samples = int(round((max_endtime - min_starttime) / delta)) + 1 data = np.empty(samples, dtype=dtype) # Fill with negative one values which corresponds to a gap. data[:] = -1 # Create trace and give starttime. new_trace = Trace(data=data, header=value[0].stats) # Loop over all traces in value and add to data. for trace in value: start_index = int((trace.stats.starttime - min_starttime) / delta) end_index = start_index + len( # Element-by-element comparison. data[start_index:end_index] = \ np.maximum(data[start_index:end_index], # set npts again, because data is changed in place new_trace.stats.npts = len(data) new_stream.append(new_trace) stream.traces = copied_traces return new_stream
def find_LFEs(filename, stations, tbegin, tend, TDUR, filt, \ freq0, nattempts, waittime, draw=False, type_threshold='MAD', \ threshold=0.0075): """ Find LFEs with the temporary stations from FAME using the templates from Plourde et al. (2015) Input: type filename = string filename = Name of the template type stations = list of strings stations = name of the stations used for the matched-filter algorithm type tebgin = tuplet of 6 integers tbegin = Time when we begin looking for LFEs type tend = tuplet of 6 integers tend = Time we stop looking for LFEs type TDUR = float TDUR = Time to add before and after the time window for tapering type filt = tuple of floats filt = Lower and upper frequencies of the filter type freq0 = float freq0 = Maximum frequency rate of LFE occurrence type nattempts = integer nattempts = Number of times we try to download data type waittime = positive float waittime = Type to wait between two attempts at downloading type draw = boolean draw = Do we draw a figure of the cross-correlation? type type_threshold = string type_threshold = 'MAD' or 'Threshold' type threshold = float threshold = Cross correlation value must be higher than that Output: None """ # Get the network, channels, and location of the stations staloc = pd.read_csv('../data/Ducellier/stations_permanent.txt', \ sep=r'\s{1,}', header=None, engine='python') staloc.columns = ['station', 'network', 'channels', 'location', \ 'server', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'time_on', 'time_off'] # Create directory to store the LFEs times namedir = 'LFEs/' + filename if not os.path.exists(namedir): os.makedirs(namedir) # File to write error messages namedir = 'error' if not os.path.exists(namedir): os.makedirs(namedir) errorfile = 'error/' + filename + '.txt' # Read the templates templates = Stream() for station in stations: data = pickle.load(open('templates_new/' + filename + \ '/' + station + '.pkl', 'rb')) if (len(data) == 3): EW = data[0] NS = data[1] UD = data[2] EW.stats.station = station NS.stats.station = station = 'E' = 'N' templates.append(EW) templates.append(NS) else: UD = data[0] UD.stats.station = station = 'Z' templates.append(UD) # Begin and end time of analysis t1 = UTCDateTime(year=tbegin[0], month=tbegin[1], \ day=tbegin[2], hour=tbegin[3], minute=tbegin[4], \ second=tbegin[5]) t2 = UTCDateTime(year=tend[0], month=tend[1], \ day=tend[2], hour=tend[3], minute=tend[4], \ second=tend[5]) # Read the data data = [] for station in stations: # Get station metadata for downloading for ir in range(0, len(staloc)): if (station == staloc['station'][ir]): network = staloc['network'][ir] channels = staloc['channels'][ir] location = staloc['location'][ir] server = staloc['server'][ir] # Duration of template template =, component='Z')[0] dt = nt = template.stats.npts duration = (nt - 1) * dt Tstart = t1 - TDUR Tend = t2 + duration + TDUR delta = t2 + duration - t1 ndata = int(delta / dt) + 1 # Orientation of template # Date chosen: April 1st 2008 mychannels = channels.split(',') mylocation = location if (mylocation == '--'): mylocation = '' response = '../data/response/' + network + '_' + station + '.xml' inventory = read_inventory(response, format='STATIONXML') reference = [] for channel in mychannels: angle = inventory.get_orientation(network + '.' + \ station + '.' + mylocation + '.' + channel, \ UTCDateTime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) reference.append(angle) # First case: we can get the data from IRIS if (server == 'IRIS'): (D, orientation) = get_from_IRIS(station, network, channels, \ location, Tstart, Tend, filt, dt, nattempts, waittime, \ errorfile) # Second case: we get the data from NCEDC elif (server == 'NCEDC'): (D, orientation) = get_from_NCEDC(station, network, channels, \ location, Tstart, Tend, filt, dt, nattempts, waittime, \ errorfile) else: raise ValueError('You can only download data from IRIS and NCEDC') # Append data to stream if (type(D) == stationdata = fill_data(D, orientation, station, channels, reference) if (len(stationdata) > 0): for stream in stationdata: data.append(stream) # Number of hours of data to analyze nhour = int(ceil((t2 - t1) / 3600.0)) # Create dataframe to store LFE times df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', \ 'minute', 'second', 'cc', 'nchannel']) # Loop on hours of data for hour in range(0, nhour): nchannel = 0 Tstart = t1 + hour * 3600.0 Tend = t1 + (hour + 1) * 3600.0 + duration delta = Tend - Tstart ndata = int(delta / dt) + 1 # Loop on channels for channel in range(0, len(data)): # Cut the data subdata = data[channel] subdata = subdata.slice(Tstart, Tend) # Check whether we have a complete one-hour-long recording if (len(subdata) == 1): if (len(subdata[0].data) == ndata): # Get the template station = subdata[0].stats.station component = subdata[0] template =, \ component=component)[0] # Cross correlation cctemp = correlate.optimized(template, subdata[0]) if (nchannel > 0): cc = np.vstack((cc, cctemp)) else: cc = cctemp nchannel = nchannel + 1 if (nchannel > 0): # Compute average cross-correlation across channels meancc = np.mean(cc, axis=0) if (type_threshold == 'MAD'): MAD = np.median(np.abs(meancc - np.mean(meancc))) index = np.where(meancc >= threshold * MAD) elif (type_threshold == 'Threshold'): index = np.where(meancc >= threshold) else: raise ValueError('Type of threshold must be MAD or Threshold') times = np.arange(0.0, np.shape(meancc)[0] * dt, dt) # Get LFE times if np.shape(index)[1] > 0: (time, cc) = clean_LFEs(index, times, meancc, dt, freq0) # Add LFE times to dataframe i0 = len(df.index) for i in range(0, len(time)): timeLFE = Tstart + time[i] df.loc[i0 + i] = [int(timeLFE.year), int(timeLFE.month), \ int(, int(timeLFE.hour), \ int(timeLFE.minute), timeLFE.second + \ timeLFE.microsecond / 1000000.0, cc[i], nchannel] # Draw figure if (draw == True): params = {'xtick.labelsize':16, 'ytick.labelsize':16} pylab.rcParams.update(params) plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 8)) if np.shape(index)[1] > 0: for i in range(0, len(time)): plt.axvline(time[i], linewidth=2, color='grey') plt.plot(np.arange(0.0, np.shape(meancc)[0] * dt, \ dt), meancc, color='black') if (type_threshold == 'MAD'): plt.axhline(threshold * MAD, linewidth=2, color='red', \ label = '{:6.2f} * MAD'.format(threshold)) elif (type_threshold == 'Threshold'): plt.axhline(threshold, linewidth=2, color='red', \ label = 'Threshold = {:8.4f}'.format(threshold)) else: raise ValueError( \ 'Type of threshold must be MAD or Threshold') plt.xlim(0.0, (np.shape(meancc)[0] - 1) * dt) plt.xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=24) plt.ylabel('Cross-correlation', fontsize=24) plt.title('Average cross-correlation across stations', \ fontsize=30) plt.legend(loc=2, fontsize=24) plt.savefig('LFEs/' + filename + '/' + \ '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}_{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format( \ Tstart.year, Tstart.month,, Tstart.hour, \ Tstart.minute, Tstart.second) + '.png', format='png') plt.close(1) # Add to pandas dataframe and save namefile = 'LFEs/' + filename + '/catalog.pkl' if os.path.exists(namefile): df_all = pickle.load(open(namefile, 'rb')) df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True) else: df_all = df df_all = df_all.astype(dtype={'year':'int32', 'month':'int32', \ 'day':'int32', 'hour':'int32', 'minute':'int32', \ 'second':'float', 'cc':'float', 'nchannel':'int32'}) pickle.dump(df_all, open(namefile, 'wb'))
def filterWaveform(self, Waveform):'Filter Waveform: ') cfg = FilterCfg(self.Config) #new_frequence = int (self.Config['new_frequence']) new_frequence = int(cfg.newFrequency()) st = Stream() for i in Waveform:'Downsampling to %d: from %d' % (new_frequence, i.stats.sampling_rate)) j = self.resampleWaveform(i, new_frequence) j.detrend(type='demean') old = True #??? if old: switch = cfg.filterswitch() # ['filterswitch'] if switch == 1: Logfile.add('bandpass filtered stream for station %s ' % (i)) j.filter( 'bandpass', freqmin=cfg.flo(), # ['flo'] freqmax=cfg.fhi(), # ['fhi'] corners=cfg.ns(), # ['ns'] zerophase=bool(self.Config['zph'])) elif switch == 2: Logfile.add('lowpass filtered stream for station %s ' % (i)) j.filter( "lowpass", freq=cfg.l_fc(), # ['l_fc'] corners=cfg.l_ns(), # ['l_ns'] zerophase=bool(self.Config['l_zph'])) elif switch == 3: Logfile.add('highpass filtered stream for station %s ' % (i)) j.filter( "highpass", freq=cfg.h_fc(), # ['h_fc'] corners=cfg.h_ns(), # ['h_ns'] zerophase=bool(self.Config['h_zph'])) else: dummy = 1 #Logfile.add ('bandpass filtered stream for station %s '% (i)) #j.filter ("bandpass", freqmin=0.4, freqmax=3, # corners=3, zerophase=False) st.append(j) else: j1 = filterWaveform_2(Config, j, i) st.append(j1) #endfor return st
channels.append(file.split('.')[2][-3:]) all_files.append(root + '/' + file) sites = list(set(sites)) # Define site list channels = list(set(channels)) # Define channel list split_files = [[[] for n in range(len(channels))] for m in range(len(sites))] for file in all_files: print(file) site_idx = sites.index(file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) channel_idx = channels.index(file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[2][-3:]) split_files[site_idx][channel_idx].append(file) # Load in data for each site and perform noise analysis for m, site in enumerate(sites): print('Parsing data for site: ' + site) for n, channel in enumerate(channels): streams = Stream() for o in range(len(split_files[m][n])): print('Parsing file:') print(split_files[m][n][o]) streams +=[m][n][o]) print('Merging streams...') streams.merge() print('Current data is:') print(streams) # Build probabilistic power spectral density objects for each trace all_ppsds = [] all_ppsd_names = [] for stream in streams: print('Calculating PPSDs for stream:') print(stream)
def getData(tstart, tend, opt): """ Download data from files in a folder, from IRIS, or a Earthworm waveserver A note on SAC/miniSEED files: as this makes no assumptions about the naming scheme of your data files, please ensure that your headers contain the correct SCNL information! tstart: UTCDateTime of beginning of period of interest tend: UTCDateTime of end of period of interest opt: Options object describing station/run parameters Returns ObsPy stream objects, one for cutting and the other for triggering """ nets =',') stas = opt.station.split(',') locs = opt.location.split(',') chas =',') st = Stream() if opt.server == 'SAC' or opt.server == 'miniSEED': # Generate list of files if opt.server == 'SAC': flist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(os.path.join( root,'*.sac')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.sacdir)))+list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(os.path.join( root,'*.SAC')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.sacdir))) elif opt.server == 'miniSEED': flist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(os.path.join( root,'*.mseed')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.mseeddir)))+list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(os.path.join( root,'*.MSEED')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.mseeddir))) # Determine which subset of files to load based on start and end times and # station name; we'll fully deal with stations below flist_sub = [] for f in flist: # Load header only stmp =, headonly=True) # Check if station is contained in the stas list if stmp[0].stats.station in stas: # Check if contains either start or end time ststart = stmp[0].stats.starttime stend = stmp[0].stats.endtime if (ststart<=tstart and tstart<=stend) or (ststart<=tend and tend<=stend): flist_sub.append(f) # Fully load data from file stmp = Stream() for f in flist_sub: tmp =, starttime=tstart, endtime=tend+opt.maxdt) if len(tmp) > 0: stmp = stmp.extend(tmp) # Filter and merge stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2, zerophase=True) stmp = stmp.taper(0.05,type='hann',max_length=opt.mintrig) for m in range(len(stmp)): if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate: stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate) stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) # Only grab stations/channels that we want and in order netlist = [] stalist = [] chalist = [] loclist = [] for s in stmp: stalist.append(s.stats.station) chalist.append( netlist.append( loclist.append(s.stats.location) # Find match of SCNL in header or fill empty for n in range(len(stas)): for m in range(len(stalist)): if (stas[n] in stalist[m] and chas[n] in chalist[m] and nets[n] in netlist[m] and locs[n] in loclist[m]): st = st.append(stmp[m]) if len(st) == n: print("Couldn't find "+stas[n]+'.'+chas[n]+'.'+nets[n]+'.'+locs[n]) trtmp = Trace() trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate trtmp.stats.station = stas[n] st = st.append(trtmp.copy()) else: if '.' not in opt.server: client = Client(opt.server) else: client = EWClient(opt.server, opt.port) for n in range(len(stas)): try: stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n], tstart, tend+opt.maxdt) stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2, zerophase=True) stmp = stmp.taper(0.05,type='hann',max_length=opt.mintrig) for m in range(len(stmp)): if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate: stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate) stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) except (obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNException): try: # try again stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n], tstart, tend+opt.maxdt) stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2, zerophase=True) stmp = stmp.taper(0.05,type='hann',max_length=opt.mintrig) for m in range(len(stmp)): if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate: stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate) stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) except (obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNException): print('No data found for {0}.{1}'.format(stas[n],nets[n])) trtmp = Trace() trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate trtmp.stats.station = stas[n] stmp = Stream().extend([trtmp.copy()]) # Last check for length; catches problem with empty waveserver if len(stmp) != 1: print('No data found for {0}.{1}'.format(stas[n],nets[n])) trtmp = Trace() trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate trtmp.stats.station = stas[n] stmp = Stream().extend([trtmp.copy()]) st.extend(stmp.copy()) # Edit 'start' time if using offset option if opt.maxdt: dts = np.fromstring(opt.offset, sep=',') for n, tr in enumerate(st): tr.stats.starttime = tr.stats.starttime-dts[n] st = st.trim(starttime=tstart, endtime=tend, pad=True, fill_value=0) stC = st.copy() return st, stC
def getStreamObject(starttime, endtime, lslat, lslon, radius=100.): """ Uses seisk reviewData module to grab seismic data using FDSN webservices for stations within a specified radius of the landslide as a stream object. Increments radius until minimum number of traces or maximum search radius is achieved. INPUTS starttime (UTCDateTime) - start time of stream object endtime (UTCDateTime) - end time of stream object lslat (float) - latitudinal coordinate of landslide (make negative for south of Equator) lslon (float) - longitudinal coordinate of landslide (make negative for west of Prime Meridian) OUTPUT st - obspy stream object with seismic data """ # Seismic channels to search for channels = 'EHZ,BHZ,HHZ' # Search for data within initial radius print('Retrieving data for radius = %i km...' % int(radius)) st = Stream() st_init = reviewData.getepidata(lslat, lslon, starttime, tstart=0., tend=endtime - starttime, minradiuskm=0., maxradiuskm=radius, chanuse=channels, location='*', clientnames=['IRIS'], savedat=False, detrend='demean') for trace in st_init: st.append(trace) # Check if number of traces in stream object less than minimum; if so, # increment radius by 50 km and search for data again maxradius = 350 # maximum radius to search within (in km) mintraces = 5 # minimum number of traces accepted while (not st or len(st) < mintraces) and radius <= maxradius: radius += 50. # km print('Incrementing radius to %i km and retrieving data...' % int(radius)) st = reviewData.getepidata(lslat, lslon, starttime, tstart=0., tend=endtime - starttime, minradiuskm=0., maxradiuskm=radius, chanuse=channels, location='*', clientnames=['IRIS'], savedat=False, detrend='demean') if st: print('%i stations within %i km of landslide.' % (len(st), int(radius))) return (st)
# In[7]: headerP = stP_og[0].stats headerS = stS_og[0].stats model_Pangles = [45.75] model_Sangles = [48.27] n = 0 for a in model_Pangles: print('P') stP = stP_og.copy() hhQ, hhL = rotate(stP[1].data, stP[2].data, a) t1, t2, t3 = Trace(stP[0].data, header=headerP), Trace( hhQ, header=headerP), Trace(hhL, header=headerP) stP_LQ = Stream(traces=[t1, t2, t3]) stP_LQ[0].stats.component = 'T' stP_LQ[1].stats.component = 'Q' stP_LQ[2].stats.component = 'L' stP_LQ.plot(equal_scale=True) n += 1 #S-wave n = 0 for a in model_Sangles: print('S') stS = stS_og.copy() hhQ, hhL = rotate(stS[1].data, stS[2].data, a) t1, t2, t3 = Trace(stS[0].data, header=headerS), Trace( hhQ, header=headerS), Trace(hhL, header=headerS)
n_chans = float(len(channels)) axs = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) for i in range(int(n_chans)): if i == 0: ax2 = fig.add_axes( [0.1, 0.1 + (i * 0.8) / n_chans, 0.7, 0.8 / n_chans]) axs.append(ax2) else: axs.append( fig.add_axes( [0.1, 0.1 + (i * 0.8) / n_chans, 0.7, 0.8 / n_chans], sharex=axs[i - 1])) axs.append(fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8])) #fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_chans) st = Stream() for i, channel in enumerate(channels): channel_path = os.path.join(station_path, channel) chan = read(channel_path) st.append(chan[0]) ax2 = chan.spectrogram(title='Canal: %s' % (channel), show=False, axes=axs[i], cmap=j) #print(ax2[0].images[0]) #canvas = FigureCanvas(fig2) #image = np.fromstring(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') #print(list(axs[0]y.get_images())) mappable = ax2[0].images[0] plt.colorbar(mappable=mappable, cax=axs[-1]) try:
def rel_calib_stack(st1, st2, calib_file, window_len, overlap_frac=0.5, smooth=0, save_data=True): """ Method for relative calibration of sensors using a sensor with known transfer function :param st1: Stream or Trace object, (known) :param st2: Stream or Trace object, (unknown) :type calib_file: str :param calib_file: file name of calibration file containing the PAZ of the known instrument in GSE2 standard. :type window_len: float :param window_len: length of sliding window in seconds :type overlap_frac: float :param overlap_frac: fraction of overlap, defaults to fifty percent (0.5) :type smooth: float :param smooth: variable that defines if the Konno-Ohmachi taper is used or not. default = 0 -> no taper generally used in geopsy: smooth = 40 :type save_data: bool :param save_data: Whether or not to save the result to a file. If True, two output files will be created: * The new response in station_name.window_length.resp * The ref response in station_name.refResp Defaults to True :returns: frequency, amplitude and phase spectrum implemented after rel_calib_stack.c by M.Ohrnberger and J.Wassermann. """ # transform given trace objects to streams if isinstance(st1, Trace): st1 = Stream([st1]) if isinstance(st2, Trace): st2 = Stream([st2]) # check if sampling rate and trace length is the same if st1[0].stats.npts != st2[0].stats.npts: msg = "Traces don't have the same length!" raise ValueError(msg) elif st1[0].stats.sampling_rate != st2[0].stats.sampling_rate: msg = "Traces don't have the same sampling rate!" raise ValueError(msg) else: ndat1 = st1[0].stats.npts sampfreq = st1[0].stats.sampling_rate # read waveforms tr1 = st1[0].data.astype(np.float64) tr2 = st2[0].data.astype(np.float64) # get window length, nfft and frequency step ndat = int(window_len * sampfreq) nfft = next_pow_2(ndat) # read calib file and calculate response function gg, _freq = _calc_resp(calib_file, nfft, sampfreq) # calculate number of windows and overlap nwin = int(np.floor((ndat1 - nfft) / (nfft / 2)) + 1) noverlap = nfft * overlap_frac auto, _freq, _t = \ spectral_helper(tr1, tr1, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sampfreq, noverlap=noverlap) cross, freq, _t = \ spectral_helper(tr2, tr1, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sampfreq, noverlap=noverlap) res = (cross / auto).sum(axis=1) * gg # The first item might be zero. Problems with phase calculations. res = res[1:] freq = freq[1:] gg = gg[1:] res /= nwin # apply Konno-Ohmachi smoothing taper if chosen if smooth > 0: # Write in one matrix for performance reasons. spectra = np.empty((2, len(res.real))) spectra[0] = res.real spectra[1] = res.imag new_spectra = \ konno_ohmachi_smoothing(spectra, freq, bandwidth=smooth, count=1, max_memory_usage=1024, normalize=True) res.real = new_spectra[0] res.imag = new_spectra[1] amp = np.abs(res) # include phase unwrapping phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(res)) # + 2.0 * np.pi ra = np.abs(gg) rpha = np.unwrap(np.angle(gg)) if save_data: trans_new = (st2[0].stats.station + "." + st2[0] + "." + str(window_len) + ".resp") trans_ref = st1[0].stats.station + ".refResp" # Create empty array for easy saving temp = np.empty((len(freq), 3)) temp[:, 0] = freq temp[:, 1] = amp temp[:, 2] = phase np.savetxt(trans_new, temp, fmt=native_str('%.10f')) temp[:, 1] = ra temp[:, 2] = rpha np.savetxt(trans_ref, temp, fmt=native_str('%.10f')) return freq, amp, phase
else: sts =[i], location=locations[i]) # Fix to remove overlaps, but not mask the data sts = sts.merge() sts = sts.split() sts.sort(keys=['starttime', 'endtime', 'channel']) print(sts) for j, tr in enumerate(sts): print("Working on trace {}".format(j)) print(tr) length = tr.stats['endtime'] - tr.stats['starttime'] cumlen = cumlen + length nevents_tr = nevents * length / secyear ppsd = PPSD(tr.stats, metadata=inv, ppsd_length=200.0) ppsd.add(Stream(tr)) psdmean = 0 for period in psdperiodrange: psds = ppsd.extract_psd_values(period)[0] psdmean = psdmean + math.pow(10.0, 0.05 * np.mean(psds)) psdamp = psdmean / len(psdperiodrange) threshold = psdamp * snr print("{} Threshold: {}".format(j, threshold)) nev_tr = np.zeros_like(nevents) for k, mag in enumerate(magarray): idx = next((x for x, v in enumerate(amp_mag_dist[k][::-1]) if v > threshold), None) if idx is not None: idx = len(distarray) - idx - 1 nev_tr[:, :, k] = afrac[idx] * nevents_tr[:, :, k]
def main(): # hypo params win_size = 30 # in seconds step_len = 100 # length of each time step (frame size) step_stride = step_len / 2 # half overlap of time steps num_step = -(step_len / step_stride - 1) + win_size * 100 / step_stride out_class = 'test' stream_paths = '/data/WC_AItrain/finetune/Events/%s/*Z.SAC' % out_class stream_dir = '/data/WC_AItrain/finetune/Events/%s' % out_class output_dir = '/home/zhouyj/Documents/AIDP/data/%s/finetune/ppk_frame100_stride50' % out_class if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) stream_files = sorted(glob.glob(stream_paths)) done_file = [] for stream_file in stream_files: # one-day's data in a tfrecord file sta, time, aug_idx, chn, _ = stream_file.split('.') jday = time[0:7] # events happened on one day if [jday, aug_idx] not in done_file: done_file.append([jday, aug_idx]) else: continue # Write event waveforms and labels in .tfrecords output_name = 'frames_' + jday + '_' + aug_idx + ".tfrecords" output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_name) writer = DataWriter(output_path) # Load stream stz_paths = sorted( glob.glob(stream_dir + '/*{}*.{}.BHZ.SAC'.format(jday, aug_idx))) # for all streams: for i, stz_path in enumerate(stz_paths): sta, time, aug_idx, chn, _ = stz_path.split('.') stx = '.'.join([sta, time, aug_idx, 'BHE', 'SAC']) sty = '.'.join([sta, time, aug_idx, 'BHN', 'SAC']) stz = '.'.join([sta, time, aug_idx, 'BHZ', 'SAC']) if not (os.path.exists(stx) and os.path.exists(sty) and os.path.exists(stz)): print 'missing trace!' continue stream = Stream(traces=[read(stx)[0], read(sty)[0], read(stz)[0]]) stream = stream.detrend('constant').filter( 'highpass', freq=1.0).normalize() #TODO # drop bad data if stream.max()[0] == 0.0 or stream.max()[1] == 0.0 or stream.max( )[2] == 0.0: print 'brocken trace!' continue # stream info n_traces = len(stream) n_samples = len(stream[0].data) n_pts = stream[0].stats.sampling_rate * win_size + 1 lebel, p_time, s_time = 1, stream[0].stats.sac.t0, stream[ 0].stats.sac.t1 # convert to time_steps and write to TFRecord if (n_traces == 3) and (n_pts == n_samples): # def input of RNN input_array = np.zeros((num_step, n_traces, step_len + 1), dtype=np.float32) # three chn data xdata = np.float32(stream[0].data) ydata = np.float32(stream[1].data) zdata = np.float32(stream[2].data) st_data = np.array([xdata, ydata, zdata]) # convert to time steps for j in range(num_step): idx_s = j * step_stride idx_e = idx_s + step_len + 1 current_step = st_data[:, idx_s:idx_e] input_array[j, :, :] = current_step # Write tfrecords writer.write(input_array, step_stride / 100., lebel, p_time, s_time) print("+ Creating tfrecords for ppk time steps {}, idx = {}". format(jday, i)) else: print("Missing waveform for ppk time steps: %s" % (jday)) writer.close()
for s, array in enumerate(array_list): seislist = glob.glob(array + '/*PICKLE') array_name = os.path.split(array)[1] test = read(array+'/'+array_name+'*PICKLE',format='PICKLE') if test[0].stats['az']<az_min or test[0].stats['az']>az_max: continue if (test[0].stats['dist']< cut_distance_max1 and test[0].stats['dist']> cut_distance_min1) or \ (test[0].stats['dist']< cut_distance_max2 and test[0].stats['dist']> cut_distance_min2) : if if_postcursor_cut: if test[0].stats['dist']< cut_distance_max1 and test[0].stats['dist']> cut_distance_min1: time_min = np.interp(test[0].stats['az'],cut_y1,cut_x1) elif test[0].stats['dist']< cut_distance_max2 and test[0].stats['dist']> cut_distance_min2: time_min = np.interp(test[0].stats['az'],cut_y2,cut_x2) else: continue st = Stream() stime_list = [] # Loop in the specific arrays for i, seisname in enumerate(seislist): print(seisname) seis = read(seisname,format='PICKLE') st += st[i].stats.coordinates = AttribDict({ 'latitude': seis[0].stats['stla'], 'elevation': 0, #seis[0].stats['stelv']/1000, 'longitude': seis[0].stats['stlo']}) stime_list.append(seis[0].stats.traveltimes['Sdiff']) st.resample(10) stime_list = np.array(stime_list) print('Sdiff time deviation of %s is %f' %(array_name,stime_list.max()-stime_list.min())) print(stime_list)
def fill_data(D, orientation, station, channels, reference): """ Return the data that must be cross correlated with the template Input: type D = obspy Stream D = Data downloaded type orientation = list of dictionnaries orientation = azimuth, dip for 3 channels (for data) type station = string station = Name of station type channels = string channels = Names of channels type reference = list of dictionnaries reference = azimuth, dip for 3 channels (for template) Output: type data = list of obspy Stream data = Data to be analyzed with correct azimuth """ # East-West channel EW = Stream() if (channels == 'EH1,EH2,EHZ'): if (len('EH1')) > 0): EW ='EH1') else: if (len('E')) > 0): EW ='E') # North-South channel NS = Stream() if (channels == 'EH1,EH2,EHZ'): if (len('EH2')) > 0): NS ='EH2') else: if (len('N')) > 0): NS ='N') # Vertical channel UD = Stream() if (channels == 'EH1,EH2,EHZ'): if (len('EHZ')) > 0): UD ='EHZ') else: if (len('Z')) > 0): UD ='Z') # Rotation of the data data = [] if ((len(EW) > 0) and (len(NS) > 0) and (len(EW) == len(NS))): # Orientation of the data dE = orientation[0]['azimuth'] * pi / 180.0 dN = orientation[1]['azimuth'] * pi / 180.0 # Orientation of the template tE = reference[0]['azimuth'] * pi / 180.0 tN = reference[1]['azimuth'] * pi / 180.0 EWrot = Stream() NSrot = Stream() for i in range(0, len(EW)): if (len(EW[i].data) == len(NS[i].data)): EWrot0 = EW[i].copy() NSrot0 = NS[i].copy() = cos(dE - tE) * EW[i].data + \ cos(dN - tE) * NS[i].data = cos(dE - tN) * EW[i].data + \ cos(dN - tN) * NS[i].data EWrot0.stats.station = station = 'E' NSrot0.stats.station = station = 'N' EWrot.append(EWrot0) NSrot.append(NSrot0) data.append(EWrot) data.append(NSrot) if (len(UD) > 0): for i in range(0, len(UD)): UD[i].stats.station = station UD[i] = 'Z' data.append(UD) return (data)
def getData(tstart, tend, opt): """ Download data from files in a folder, from IRIS, or a Earthworm waveserver A note on SAC/miniSEED files: as this makes no assumptions about the naming scheme of your data files, please ensure that your headers contain the correct SCNL information! tstart: UTCDateTime of beginning of period of interest tend: UTCDateTime of end of period of interest opt: Options object describing station/run parameters Returns ObsPy stream objects, one for cutting and the other for triggering """ nets =',') stas = opt.station.split(',') locs = opt.location.split(',') chas =',') st = Stream() if opt.server == 'SAC' or opt.server == 'miniSEED': # Generate list of files if opt.server == 'SAC': flist = glob.glob(opt.sacdir + '*.sac') + glob.glob(opt.sacdir + '*.SAC') elif opt.server == 'miniSEED': flist = glob.glob(opt.mseeddir + '*.mseed') + glob.glob(opt.mseeddir + '*.MSEED') # Load data from file stmp = Stream() for f in flist: tmp =, starttime=tstart, endtime=tend) if len(tmp) > 0: stmp = stmp.extend(tmp) # Filter and merge stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2, zerophase=True) stmp = stmp.taper(0.05, type='hann', max_length=opt.mintrig) for m in range(len(stmp)): if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate: stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate) stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) # Only grab stations/channels that we want and in order netlist = [] stalist = [] chalist = [] loclist = [] for s in stmp: stalist.append(s.stats.station) chalist.append( netlist.append( loclist.append(s.stats.location) # Find match of SCNL in header or fill empty for n in range(len(stas)): for m in range(len(stalist)): if (stas[n] in stalist[m] and chas[n] in chalist[m] and nets[n] in netlist[m] and locs[n] in loclist[m]): st = st.append(stmp[m]) if len(st) == n: print("Couldn't find " + stas[n] + '.' + chas[n] + '.' + nets[n] + '.' + locs[n]) trtmp = Trace() trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate trtmp.stats.station = stas[n] st = st.append(trtmp.copy()) else: if '.' not in opt.server: client = Client(opt.server) else: client = EWClient(opt.server, opt.port) for n in range(len(stas)): try: stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n], tstart, tend) stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2, zerophase=True) stmp = stmp.taper(0.05, type='hann', max_length=opt.mintrig) for m in range(len(stmp)): if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate: stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate) stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) except (obspy.fdsn.header.FDSNException): try: # try again stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n], tstart, tend) stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2, zerophase=True) stmp = stmp.taper(0.05, type='hann', max_length=opt.mintrig) for m in range(len(stmp)): if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate: stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate) stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0) except (obspy.fdsn.header.FDSNException): print('No data found for {0}.{1}'.format(stas[n], nets[n])) trtmp = Trace() trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate trtmp.stats.station = stas[n] stmp = Stream().extend([trtmp.copy()]) st.extend(stmp.copy()) st = st.trim(starttime=tstart, endtime=tend, pad=True, fill_value=0) stC = st.copy() return st, stC
def keys_with_gaps(obspy_dic): keys = set() for key, trace in obspy_dic.items(): if Stream(trace).get_gaps(): keys.add(key) return keys
def ProcessStream(stream): n_day = 0 for trace in stream: if != channel: continue net = sta = trace.stats.station station_path = sacPath + sta + '-' + net if not os.path.exists(station_path): os.makedirs(station_path) starttime = trace.stats.starttime endtime = trace.stats.endtime day_gap = endtime.year, endtime.month, - starttime.year, starttime.month, time_day = [starttime] for ii in range(day_gap.days): splittime =[ii].year, time_day[ii].month, time_day[ii].day) + datetime.timedelta(1) splittime = str(splittime.year) + '-' + str( splittime.month) + '-' + str( + 'T00:00:00' splittime = UTCDateTime(splittime) time_day.append(splittime) time_day.append(endtime) for ii in range(len(time_day) - 1): starttime = time_day[ii] endtime = time_day[ii + 1] st_day = trace.slice(starttime, endtime, nearest_sample=False) if st_day.stats.npts < 10: continue day_name = sacPath + sta + '-' + net + '/' + sta + '-' + net + '-' + str( starttime.year) + '-' + str( starttime.julday).zfill(3) + '-' + channel + '.SAC' if os.path.exists(day_name): st_tmp = read(day_name, format='SAC') if int(st_tmp[0].stats.sampling_rate) != int(resamplingRate): resampling_rate = int( round(st_tmp[0].stats.sampling_rate / resamplingRate)) st_tmp[0].decimate(resampling_rate) day_name_tmp = day_name + '.tmp' st_day.write(day_name_tmp, format='SAC') st_day = read(day_name_tmp, format='SAC') os.remove(day_name_tmp) if int(st_day[0].stats.sampling_rate) != int(resamplingRate): resampling_rate = int( round(st_day[0].stats.sampling_rate / resamplingRate)) if resampling_rate == 100: st_day[0].decimate(10, no_filter=True) st_day[0].decimate(10, no_filter=True) else: st_day[0].decimate(resampling_rate, no_filter=True) if np.abs(st_day[0].stats.sampling_rate - resamplingRate) > 0.01: st_day[0].resample(resamplingRate) else: st_day[0].stats.sampling_rate = resamplingRate st_tmp[0].data = st_tmp[0].data.astype(np.float32) st_day[0].data = st_day[0].data.astype(np.float32) merge_data = Stream() merge_data.append(st_tmp[0]) merge_data.append(st_day[0]) merge_data.sort(['starttime']) merge_data.merge(method=1, fill_value='latest') os.remove(day_name) merge_data.write(day_name, format='SAC') else: if int(st_day.stats.sampling_rate) != int(resamplingRate): resampling_rate = int( round(st_day.stats.sampling_rate / resamplingRate)) if resampling_rate == 100: st_day.decimate(10, no_filter=True) st_day.decimate(10, no_filter=True) else: st_day.decimate(resampling_rate, no_filter=True) if np.abs(st_day.stats.sampling_rate - resamplingRate) > 0.01: st_day.resample(resamplingRate) else: st_day.stats.sampling_rate = resamplingRate st_day.write(day_name, format='SAC') n_day = n_day + 1 print(sta + ' now julday is: ' + str(, n_day)
def get_preview(self, trace_ids=[], starttime=None, endtime=None, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, pad=False): """ Returns the preview trace. """ # build up query session = self.session() query = session.query(WaveformChannel) # start and end time try: starttime = UTCDateTime(starttime) except: starttime = UTCDateTime() - 60 * 20 finally: query = query.filter(WaveformChannel.endtime > starttime.datetime) try: endtime = UTCDateTime(endtime) except: # 10 minutes endtime = UTCDateTime() finally: query = query.filter(WaveformChannel.starttime < endtime.datetime) # process arguments if trace_ids: # filter over trace id list trace_filter = or_() for trace_id in trace_ids: temp = trace_id.split('.') if len(temp) != 4: continue trace_filter.append( and_( == temp[0], WaveformChannel.station == temp[1], WaveformChannel.location == temp[2], == temp[3])) if trace_filter.clauses: query = query.filter(trace_filter) else: # filter over network/station/location/channel id kwargs = { 'network': network, 'station': station, 'location': location, 'channel': channel } for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is None: continue col = getattr(WaveformChannel, key) if '*' in value or '?' in value: value = value.replace('?', '_') value = value.replace('*', '%') query = query.filter( else: query = query.filter(col == value) # execute query results = query.all() session.close() # create Stream st = Stream() for result in results: preview = result.get_preview() st.append(preview) # merge and trim st = merge_previews(st) st.trim(starttime, endtime, pad=pad) return st
def test_ppsd(self): """tests that the psd with the algorithm used in this module and the original evaluation algorithm (see _old class) produce the same results with scores that do not differ by more than 0.01 (roughly) """ psd_periods_to_test = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20] feats_rtol = 0.01 # 1e-2 scores_rtol = 0.013 # 1.2e-2 # dataroot = join(dirname(__file__), 'data') for file, inv in ( [ join(dataroot, 'trace_GE.APE.mseed'), join(dataroot, 'inventory_GE.APE.xml') ], [ join(dataroot, 'GE.FLT1..HH?.mseed'), join(dataroot, 'GE.FLT1.xml') ], [ ('' '&net=TA&sta=A2*&start=2019-01-04T23:22:00&cha=BH?' '&end=2019-01-04T23:24:00'), ('' '&sta=A2*&start=2019-01-04T23:22:00&cha=BH?' '&end=2019-01-04T23:24:00&level=response') ], ): # trace, inv = 'GE.FLT1..HH?.mseed', 'GE.FLT1.xml' orig_stream = read(file) # print([_.get_id() for _ in orig_stream]) metadata = read_inventory(inv) for multip_fact in [-1000, 1, 10000]: stream = Stream() for t in orig_stream: t = t.copy() *= multip_fact stream.append(t) # calculate features but do not capture stderr cause it causes # problems with temporarily set output captures: feats = traces_features(stream, metadata) feats_old = np.asarray([obspyPSD.psd_values([5], _, metadata) for _ in stream]) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(feats, feats_old, rtol=feats_rtol, atol=0, equal_nan=True)) scores = aa_scores(feats) scores_old = aa_scores(feats_old) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(scores, scores_old, rtol=scores_rtol, atol=0, equal_nan=True)) # test that the current version of psd is the same as our # first implementation (copied below in this module): feats_old2 = np.asarray([_old_psd_values([5], _, metadata) for _ in stream]) assert np.allclose(feats, feats_old2, rtol=1.e-8) # test actually that more PSDs are the same (not only at the # feature(s) computed above) for _ in stream: _psds_old = _old_psd_values(psd_periods_to_test, _, metadata) _psds_new = trace_psd(_, metadata, psd_periods_to_test)[0] assert np.allclose(_psds_old, _psds_new, equal_nan=True)