def plot_graph(self, axis_size=[-0.5, 3, -0.5, 3]): for obst in self.obstacles: ObstacleMap.plot_polygon(obst) for edge in self.edges: edge.plot() plt.axis('equal') plt.axis(axis_size)
def removePointsInObstacle(exploreArray, map, plot=False): newexploreArray = [] for p in exploreArray: if plot: plt.plot(p[0], p[1], 'ro') for obst in map.obstacles: ObstacleMap.plot_polygon(obst) isInObstacle = inObstacle(p, map) if not isInObstacle: newexploreArray.append(list(p)) return np.array(newexploreArray)
def keyPressEvent(self, event:QKeyEvent): if event.isAutoRepeat(): return key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_G: img = ObstacleMap(self.obstacles, GRAPH_TABLE_RATIO, self.robot.radius) print("dumping") img.dump_obstacle_grid_to_file("graph.txt") elif key == Qt.Key_Ampersand: self.ivy.send_action(1) elif key == Qt.Key_Eacute: self.ivy.send_action(2) elif key == Qt.Key_QuoteDbl: self.ivy.send_action(3) elif key == Qt.Key_Apostrophe: self.ivy.send_action(4) elif key == Qt.Key_ParenLeft: self.ivy.send_action(5) elif key == Qt.Key_Minus: self.ivy.send_action(6) elif key == Qt.Key_Egrave: self.ivy.send_action(7) elif key == Qt.Key_Underscore: self.ivy.send_action(8) elif key == Qt.Key_Ccedilla: self.ivy.send_action(9) elif key == Qt.Key_Agrave: self.ivy.send_action(10) elif key == Qt.Key_ParenRight: self.ivy.send_action(11) elif key == Qt.Key_Equal: self.ivy.send_action(12) elif key == Qt.Key_Z: self.robot_speed_command[1] = -1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_Q: self.robot_speed_command[0] = 1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_S: self.robot_speed_command[1] = 1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_D: self.robot_speed_command[0] = -1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_A: self.robot_speed_command[2] = 1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_E: self.robot_speed_command[2] = -1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command)
def __init__(self, level, bounding_box): # type: (MCLevel, TransformBox) -> Maps self.__width = bounding_box.size.x self.__length = bounding_box.size.z = bounding_box self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(self.__width, self.__length, self) if level is not None: self.height_map = compute_height_map(level, bounding_box) else: xmin, xmax = bounding_box.minx, bounding_box.maxx zmin, zmax = bounding_box.minz, bounding_box.maxz self.height_map = array([[0 for _ in range(zmin, zmax)] for _ in range(xmin, xmax)]) self.road_network = RoadNetwork(self.__width, self.__length, mc_map=self) self.fluid_map = FluidMap(self, level)
def __init__(self, robot): #initliase the node rospy.init_node('shared_control') #set up obstacle map self.robot = robot self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(robot) #set up locks self.obstacle_map_lock = Lock() self.js_lock = Lock() self.laser_lock = Lock() self.sonar_lock = Lock() self.odom_lock = Lock() self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() #set up internal variables self.curr_cmd = [0.0, 0.0] #0 linear, 0 angular self.curr_vel = [0.0, 0.0] #not moving initially self.sonar_readings = [] self.laser_readings = [] self.angles = [] self.cosangles = [] self.sinangles = [] #basic safeguarding self.max_vel = 0.5 self.max_turn_vel = 0.5 #Forward simulation parameters self.delay_time = 0.1 #max delay before command is issued self.time_applied = 0.2 #how long the command is applied self.time_decc = 0.5 #how long to compute deceleration self.sim_interval = 0.1 #simulation interval #VFH parameters self.prh_smooth_window = 2 self.prh_resolution = 2.0/180.0*np.pi self.polar_range_hist = [0]*int(2.0*np.pi/self.prh_resolution) self.raw_polar_range_hist = [0]*int(2.0*np.pi/self.prh_resolution) self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() self.max_considered_dist = 2.0 self.closeness_weight = 0.5 self.free_zone_weight = 0.5 self.turning_coeff = 2.0 #set up subscribers rospy.Subscriber('js_cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) rospy.Subscriber('base_scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) rospy.Subscriber('sonar_pc', PointCloud, self.sonarCallback) rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, self.odomCallback) #set up publishers self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) self.obs_pub = rospy.Publisher('obstacle', Marker) self.polar_hist_pub = rospy.Publisher('polar_histogram', LaserScan) self.zone_score_pub = rospy.Publisher('zone_scores', LaserScan) self.projection_pub = rospy.Publisher('projection', PoseArray) self.time_taken_pub = rospy.Publisher('sc_time_taken', Float32) return
class SharedControl(): def __init__(self, robot): #initliase the node rospy.init_node('shared_control') #set up obstacle map self.robot = robot self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(robot) #set up locks self.obstacle_map_lock = Lock() self.js_lock = Lock() self.laser_lock = Lock() self.sonar_lock = Lock() self.odom_lock = Lock() self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() #set up internal variables self.curr_cmd = [0.0, 0.0] #0 linear, 0 angular self.curr_vel = [0.0, 0.0] #not moving initially self.sonar_readings = [] self.laser_readings = [] self.angles = [] self.cosangles = [] self.sinangles = [] #basic safeguarding self.max_vel = 0.5 self.max_turn_vel = 0.5 #Forward simulation parameters self.delay_time = 0.1 #max delay before command is issued self.time_applied = 0.2 #how long the command is applied self.time_decc = 0.5 #how long to compute deceleration self.sim_interval = 0.1 #simulation interval #VFH parameters self.prh_smooth_window = 2 self.prh_resolution = 2.0/180.0*np.pi self.polar_range_hist = [0]*int(2.0*np.pi/self.prh_resolution) self.raw_polar_range_hist = [0]*int(2.0*np.pi/self.prh_resolution) self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() self.max_considered_dist = 2.0 self.closeness_weight = 0.5 self.free_zone_weight = 0.5 self.turning_coeff = 2.0 #set up subscribers rospy.Subscriber('js_cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) rospy.Subscriber('base_scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) rospy.Subscriber('sonar_pc', PointCloud, self.sonarCallback) rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, self.odomCallback) #set up publishers self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) self.obs_pub = rospy.Publisher('obstacle', Marker) self.polar_hist_pub = rospy.Publisher('polar_histogram', LaserScan) self.zone_score_pub = rospy.Publisher('zone_scores', LaserScan) self.projection_pub = rospy.Publisher('projection', PoseArray) self.time_taken_pub = rospy.Publisher('sc_time_taken', Float32) return #============================================================================================= # ROS Callbacks #============================================================================================= def cmdVelCallback(self, data): self.js_lock.acquire() #set the current requested command velocity self.curr_cmd = [data.linear.x, data.angular.z] self.js_lock.release() return def laserCallback(self, data): self.laser_lock.acquire() #initialise angles if not done yet if len(self.angles) != len(data.ranges): self.angles = [] self.angles = np.arange(data.angle_min, data.angle_max+data.angle_increment, data.angle_increment) #calculate the cos and sin angles (caching) if len(self.cosangles) != len(self.angles): self.cosangles = [cos(angle) for angle in self.angles] self.sinangles = [sin(angle) for angle in self.angles] #set the points self.laser_header = data.header #warning: this transformation assumes that the laser is NOT rotated in any way #technically, we should use a tf transform for this (future work) self.laser_readings = [ [ data.ranges[i]*self.cosangles[i] + self.robot.laser_pos[0], data.ranges[i]*self.sinangles[i] + self.robot.laser_pos[1] ] for i in range(len(data.ranges)) ] self.laser_lock.release() return def sonarCallback(self, data): self.sonar_lock.acquire() #set the sonar readings self.sonar_readings = [ [pt.x, pt.y] for pt in data.points] self.sonar_lock.release() return def odomCallback(self, data): self.odom_lock.acquire() self.curr_vel = [data.twist.twist.linear.x, data.twist.twist.angular.z] self.odom_lock.release() #============================================================================================= # Obstacle Map #============================================================================================= def updateObstacleMap(self): """ Updates the obstacle map """ all_sensor_readings = self.laser_readings + self.sonar_readings #we remove all the sensor readings that occur inside the robot frame restricted_sensor_readings = [] for pt in all_sensor_readings: if not self.obstacle_map.inRobot(pt): restricted_sensor_readings.append(pt) #add the obstacles to the obstacle map self.obstacle_map_lock.acquire() self.obstacle_map.addObstacles(restricted_sensor_readings) self.obstacle_map_lock.release() return #============================================================================================= # DWA Functions #============================================================================================= def checkForCollision(self, cmd, rough=False, publish=False): """ Checks for collisions for a given command velocity @param: cmd the desired command @param: rough perform "rough" or point-in-polygon check? @param: publish publish the projection? @returns: True if this command results in a collision, False otherwise """ #we first compute the expected trajectory trajectory = self.computeTrajectoryWithDecceleration(cmd, self.curr_vel, self.delay_time, self.time_applied, self.time_decc) if publish: self.publishProjection(trajectory) #then we check against the obstacle map for possible collisions first_pos = trajectory[0] if rough: for pos in trajectory: if np.linalg.norm(np.array(pos) - np.array(first_pos)) > 0.05: if rough: if self.obstacle_map.checkForCollisionAt_Rough(pos): return True else: if self.obstacle_map.checkForCollisionAt(pos): return True return False def computeTrajectoryWithDecceleration(self, cmd_vel, current_speed, delay_time, time_applied, time_decc): """ computes the trajectory with the cmd_vel applied for time_applied and then back to 0,0 for time_decc @param cmd_vel: the intended command velocities @param current_speed: the current speed @param time_applied: the time for which the current speed is applied @param time_decc: the time for which (0,0) is applied @return: """ accs = [self.robot.acc_x, self.robot.acc_th, self.robot.dacc_x,self.robot.dacc_th ] #project forwards in time sim_interval = self.sim_interval sim_interval_sq = sim_interval*sim_interval cmd_vel = list(cmd_vel) current_speed = list(current_speed) max_acc_x = self.robot.max_acc_x max_acc_th = self.robot.max_acc_th max_decc_x = self.robot.max_dacc_x max_decc_th = self.robot.max_dacc_th code = """ double x, y, th; x = y = th = 0; double vx, vth; vx = current_speed[0]; vth = current_speed[1]; double cmd_x = cmd_vel[0]; double cmd_th = cmd_vel[1]; //are we accelerating or decelerating? double acc_x; double acc_th; bool b_ax = false; if (cmd_x > vx) { acc_x = accs[0]; b_ax = true; } else { acc_x = accs[2]; acc_x = -1*acc_x; } bool b_ath = false; if (cmd_th > vth) { acc_th = accs[1]; b_ath = true; } else { acc_th = -1* (double) accs[3]; } py::list traj; //delay at the beginning for (double i=0; i<=delay_time; i+=sim_interval) { //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx - (double) cmd_x) < 1e-6) vx = cmd_x; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (!b_ax && (vx < cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (fabs(vth - (double) cmd_th) < 1e-6) vth = cmd_th; if (b_ath && (vth > cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; if (!b_ath && (vth < cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); } //application of the command for (double i=0; i<=time_applied; i+=sim_interval) { vx += acc_x*sim_interval; //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx - (double) cmd_x) < 1e-6) vx = cmd_x; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (!b_ax && (vx < cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; vth += acc_th*sim_interval; if (fabs(vth - (double) cmd_th) < 1e-6) vth = cmd_th; if (b_ath && (vth > cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; if (!b_ath && (vth < cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); } //delay before decellerating for (double i=0; i<=delay_time; i+=sim_interval) { //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx - (double) cmd_x) < 1e-6) vx = cmd_x; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (!b_ax && (vx < cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (fabs(vth - (double) cmd_th) < 1e-6) vth = cmd_th; if (b_ath && (vth > cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; if (!b_ath && (vth < cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); } //now we apply a stop b_ax = false; if (0 > vx) { acc_x = accs[0]; b_ax = true; } else { acc_x = -1 * (double) accs[2]; } b_ath = false; if (0 > vth) { acc_th = accs[1]; b_ath = true; } else { acc_th = -1 * (double) accs[3]; } for (double i=0; i<=time_decc; i+=sim_interval) { vx += acc_x*sim_interval; //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx) < 1e-6) vx = 0; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > 0 )) vx = 0; if (!b_ax && (vx < 0 )) vx = 0; vth += acc_th*sim_interval; if (fabs(vth) < 1e-6) vth = 0; if (b_ath && (vth > 0 )) vth = 0; if (!b_ath && (vth < 0 )) vth = 0; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); bool stopped = (fabs(vth) < 1e-2) && (fabs(vx) < 1e-2); if (stopped) break; } return_val = traj; """ traj = weave.inline(code, ['cmd_vel', 'current_speed', 'accs','sim_interval', 'delay_time', 'sim_interval_sq', 'time_applied', 'max_acc_x', 'max_acc_th', 'max_decc_x', 'max_decc_th', 'time_decc'], type_converters=converters.blitz) return traj def findLimitedDWACmd(self, cmd): """ Performs obstacle avoidance with a DWA variant @param: cmd the desired command @returns: cmd the augmented command """ #if no collision, we just return if self.checkForCollision(cmd, rough=True, publish=True) == False: return cmd #create a set of commands to test best_cmd = [0.0,0.0] cmds = [ [scale*cmd[0], scale*cmd[1]] for scale in np.arange(1.0, -0.2, -0.2) ] #print cmds for cmd_to_test in cmds: if not self.checkForCollision(cmd_to_test, rough=True): best_cmd = cmd_to_test break return best_cmd #============================================================================================= # VFH Functions #============================================================================================= def computePolarRangeHist(self): ''' Generates a polar histogram given the obstacle map ''' prh_resolution = self.prh_resolution max_considered_dist = self.max_considered_dist polar_range_hist_len = int((2.0*np.pi/prh_resolution)) obstacles = list(self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory) n_obstacles = len(obstacles) prh_smooth_window = self.prh_smooth_window pi = np.pi code = """ int i; double *polar_range_hist = new double[polar_range_hist_len]; double *temp_polar_range_hist = new double[polar_range_hist_len]; for (int i=0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { polar_range_hist[i] = max_considered_dist; } for (i=0; i<n_obstacles; i++) { double direction = atan2(obstacles[i][1], obstacles[i][0]) + pi; double r = sqrt( pow(obstacles[i][1],2.0) + pow(obstacles[i][0],2.0)); if (r > max_considered_dist) r = max_considered_dist; //int key = ((int) round(direction/prh_resolution))%polar_range_hist_len; int key = ((int) round(direction/prh_resolution)); while (key < 0) { key = polar_range_hist_len + key; } key = key%polar_range_hist_len; if (polar_range_hist[key] > r) { polar_range_hist[key] = r; } } for (int i=0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { temp_polar_range_hist[i] = polar_range_hist[i]; } for (i=0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { int lb = i-prh_smooth_window; int up = i+prh_smooth_window+1; double sum = 0.0; for (int j=lb; j < up; j++) { int key = j; while (key < 0) key = polar_range_hist_len + key; key = key%polar_range_hist_len; sum += (1.0 - fabs(j-i)/(polar_range_hist_len + 1.0))*polar_range_hist[key]; } temp_polar_range_hist[i] = sum/(double) (prh_smooth_window*2.0); } py::list result; for (i =0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { result.append(temp_polar_range_hist[i]); } delete [] polar_range_hist; delete [] temp_polar_range_hist; return_val = result; """ polar_range_hist = weave.inline(code, ['prh_resolution', 'polar_range_hist_len', 'obstacles', 'pi', 'n_obstacles', 'prh_smooth_window', 'max_considered_dist'], type_converters=converters.blitz) self.polar_range_hist_lock.acquire() #self.polar_range_hist = 1.0 - np.exp(-1.0*np.array(polar_range_hist)/1.25) self.polar_range_hist = np.array(polar_range_hist) self.polar_range_hist_lock.release() def getAngleDiff_deg(self,a1, a2): dif = np.mod(np.abs(a1 - a2), 360) if dif > 180: dif = 360 - dif return dif def getClosenessMeasure(self, x, y, sd): return np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(x) - np.array(y)))/sd) def findVFHCmd(self, cmd): """ Performs obstacle avoidance with a VFH variant @param: cmd the desired command @returns: cmd the augmented command """ self.computePolarRangeHist() self.publishPolarHistogram() if cmd == [0, 0]: return cmd #modify based on polar histogram #get new turning velocity prh_threshold = 0.01 #setup variables we'll use local_prh = np.array(self.polar_range_hist) prh_resolution = self.prh_resolution prh_resolution_deg = self.prh_resolution*180/np.pi polar_range_hist_len = int((2.0*np.pi/prh_resolution)) degree_angles = np.arange(-180, 180, prh_resolution_deg ) assert(len(degree_angles) == polar_range_hist_len) closeness_scores = np.array([0.0]*polar_range_hist_len) #compute the closeness of the degree to the user's command for i in range(len(closeness_scores)): closeness_scores[i] = self.getAngleDiff_deg(cmd[1]*180/np.pi, degree_angles[i]) closeness_scores[i] = np.exp(-np.fabs(closeness_scores[i])*np.pi/180) #convert to radians #compute the zone scores zone_scores = closeness_scores*self.closeness_weight + local_prh*self.free_zone_weight #publish the zone scores self.publishZoneScores(zone_scores, prh_resolution) #threshold the zone values for i in range(len(local_prh)): if local_prh[i] < prh_threshold: zone_scores[i] = -100 #search for the best value range_to_search = len(zone_scores)/4 midpoint = round(len(local_prh)/2) max_item = np.argmax(zone_scores[ (midpoint - range_to_search):(midpoint + range_to_search)]) new_turning_vel = degree_angles[max_item + (midpoint-range_to_search)] #perform conversion new_turning_vel = self.turning_coeff*(new_turning_vel/180) #limit to a maximum new_turning_vel = np.sign(new_turning_vel)*max( abs(self.max_turn_vel), abs(new_turning_vel)) #get new forward velocity - this is identify to basic obstacles = list(self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory) curr_xspeed = abs(self.curr_vel[0]) if curr_xspeed > 0.25: #the faster you are going, the more modification is performed front_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5*(self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) side_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5*(self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) else: front_modifier = 1.0 side_modifier = 1.0 for obs in obstacles: new_modifier = 1.0 if (np.sign(cmd[0])*obs[0] > 0) and (abs(obs[1]) < self.robot.footprint[1][1]): dist = abs(obs[0]) if dist < 0.5: new_modifier = 0.0 elif dist > 2.0: new_modifier = 1.0 else: new_modifier = (dist/2.0) front_modifier = min(new_modifier, front_modifier) new_forward_vel = front_modifier*cmd[0] #change the turning velocity if necessary (when going backwards) if new_forward_vel < 0: new_turning_vel *= -1 #set the best command best_cmd = [new_forward_vel, new_turning_vel] return best_cmd #============================================================================================= # Basic Collision Prevention #============================================================================================= def findBasicSafeguardedCmd(self, cmd): """ Performs basic "ad-hoc" safeguarding @param: cmd the desired command @returns: cmd the augmented command """ obstacles = list(self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory) curr_xspeed = abs(self.curr_vel[0]) if curr_xspeed > 0.25: #the faster you are going, the more modification is performed front_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5*(self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) side_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5*(self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) else: front_modifier = 1.0 side_modifier = 1.0 for obs in obstacles: new_modifier = 1.0 if (np.sign(cmd[0])*obs[0] > 0) and (abs(obs[1]) < self.robot.footprint[1][1]): dist = abs(obs[0]) if dist < 0.7: new_modifier = 0.0 elif dist > 2.0: new_modifier = 1.0 else: new_modifier = (dist/2.0) front_modifier = min(new_modifier, front_modifier) for obs in obstacles: new_modifier = 1.0 if (np.sign(cmd[1])*obs[1] > 0) and (abs(obs[0]) < self.robot.footprint[2][0]): dist = abs(obs[1]) if dist < 0.50: new_modifier = 0.0 elif dist > 2.0: new_modifier = 1.0 else: new_modifier = (dist/2.0) side_modifier = min(new_modifier, side_modifier) rospy.loginfo('Basic Modifiers: ' + str(front_modifier) + ', ' + str(side_modifier)) best_cmd = [front_modifier*cmd[0], side_modifier*cmd[1]] return best_cmd #============================================================================================= # ROS Publishing Functions #============================================================================================= def publishCmd(self, cmd): """ Publishes the velocity command """ cmd_to_publish = Twist() cmd_to_publish.linear.x = cmd[0] cmd_to_publish.angular.z = cmd[1] self.cmd_pub.publish(cmd_to_publish) def publishObstacles(self): """ Publishes the obstacles as markers """ mk = Marker() mk.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() mk.header.frame_id = '/base_link' mk.ns='basic_shapes' = 0 mk.type = Marker.POINTS mk.scale.x = 0.3 mk.scale.y = 0.3 mk.scale.z = 0.3 mk.color.r = 1.0 mk.color.a = 1.0 for value in self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory: p = Point() p.x = value[0] p.y = value[1] mk.points.append(p) self.obs_pub.publish(mk) def publishPolarHistogram(self): """ Publishes the polar histogram """ pc = LaserScan() pc.header.frame_id = "/base_link" pc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pc.angle_min = -np.pi pc.angle_max = np.pi pc.angle_increment = self.prh_resolution pc.range_min = 0.00 pc.range_max = 5.0 self.polar_range_hist_lock.acquire() for r in self.polar_range_hist: pc.ranges.append(r) self.polar_range_hist_lock.release() self.polar_hist_pub.publish(pc) def publishZoneScores(self,data, prh_resolution): """ Publishes the zone scores """ pc = LaserScan() pc.header.frame_id = "/base_link" pc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pc.angle_min = -np.pi pc.angle_max = np.pi pc.angle_increment = prh_resolution pc.range_min = 0.00 pc.range_max = 5.0 for r in data: pc.ranges.append(r) self.zone_score_pub.publish(pc) def publishProjection(self, data): """ Publishes the forward projection/simulation """ proj = PoseArray() proj.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() proj.header.frame_id = "/base_link" for pt in data: pos = Pose() pos.position.x = pt[0] pos.position.y = pt[1] orient = quaternion_from_euler(0,0,pt[2]) pos.orientation.x = orient[0] pos.orientation.y = orient[1] pos.orientation.z = orient[2] pos.orientation.w = orient[3] proj.poses.append(pos) self.projection_pub.publish(proj) def publishTimeTaken(self, data): """ Publishes the time taken """ time_taken = Float32() = data self.time_taken_pub.publish(data) #============================================================================================= # Main Functions #============================================================================================= def updateAndPublish(self): #first we update the obstacle map start_time = time.time() rospy.loginfo("Updating Obstacle map") self.updateObstacleMap() rospy.loginfo("Publishing Obstacles") self.publishObstacles() rospy.loginfo("Finding Shared-Control Command") start_time = rospy.get_time() curr_cmd = self.curr_cmd #uncomment to choose the algorithm you want to test best_cmd = self.findBasicSafeguardedCmd(curr_cmd) #best_cmd = self.findLimitedDWACmd(curr_cmd) #best_cmd = self.findVFHCmd(curr_cmd) elapsed_time = rospy.get_time() - start_time self.publishTimeTaken(elapsed_time) rospy.loginfo("Publishing Shared-Control Command") self.publishCmd(best_cmd) return def startLoop(self, rate=10): rospy.loginfo("Starting shared control") r = rospy.Rate(rate) try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.updateAndPublish() r.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass return
def __init__(self, robot): #initliase the node rospy.init_node('shared_control') #set up obstacle map self.robot = robot self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(robot) #set up locks self.obstacle_map_lock = Lock() self.js_lock = Lock() self.laser_lock = Lock() self.sonar_lock = Lock() self.odom_lock = Lock() self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() #set up internal variables self.curr_cmd = [0.0, 0.0] #0 linear, 0 angular self.curr_vel = [0.0, 0.0] #not moving initially self.sonar_readings = [] self.laser_readings = [] self.angles = [] self.cosangles = [] self.sinangles = [] #basic safeguarding self.max_vel = 0.5 self.max_turn_vel = 0.5 #Forward simulation parameters self.delay_time = 0.1 #max delay before command is issued self.time_applied = 0.2 #how long the command is applied self.time_decc = 0.5 #how long to compute deceleration self.sim_interval = 0.1 #simulation interval #VFH parameters self.prh_smooth_window = 2 self.prh_resolution = 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi self.polar_range_hist = [0] * int(2.0 * np.pi / self.prh_resolution) self.raw_polar_range_hist = [0] * int( 2.0 * np.pi / self.prh_resolution) self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() self.max_considered_dist = 2.0 self.closeness_weight = 0.5 self.free_zone_weight = 0.5 self.turning_coeff = 2.0 #set up subscribers rospy.Subscriber('js_cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) rospy.Subscriber('base_scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) rospy.Subscriber('sonar_pc', PointCloud, self.sonarCallback) rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, self.odomCallback) #set up publishers self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) self.obs_pub = rospy.Publisher('obstacle', Marker) self.polar_hist_pub = rospy.Publisher('polar_histogram', LaserScan) self.zone_score_pub = rospy.Publisher('zone_scores', LaserScan) self.projection_pub = rospy.Publisher('projection', PoseArray) self.time_taken_pub = rospy.Publisher('sc_time_taken', Float32) return
class SharedControl(): def __init__(self, robot): #initliase the node rospy.init_node('shared_control') #set up obstacle map self.robot = robot self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(robot) #set up locks self.obstacle_map_lock = Lock() self.js_lock = Lock() self.laser_lock = Lock() self.sonar_lock = Lock() self.odom_lock = Lock() self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() #set up internal variables self.curr_cmd = [0.0, 0.0] #0 linear, 0 angular self.curr_vel = [0.0, 0.0] #not moving initially self.sonar_readings = [] self.laser_readings = [] self.angles = [] self.cosangles = [] self.sinangles = [] #basic safeguarding self.max_vel = 0.5 self.max_turn_vel = 0.5 #Forward simulation parameters self.delay_time = 0.1 #max delay before command is issued self.time_applied = 0.2 #how long the command is applied self.time_decc = 0.5 #how long to compute deceleration self.sim_interval = 0.1 #simulation interval #VFH parameters self.prh_smooth_window = 2 self.prh_resolution = 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi self.polar_range_hist = [0] * int(2.0 * np.pi / self.prh_resolution) self.raw_polar_range_hist = [0] * int( 2.0 * np.pi / self.prh_resolution) self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() self.max_considered_dist = 2.0 self.closeness_weight = 0.5 self.free_zone_weight = 0.5 self.turning_coeff = 2.0 #set up subscribers rospy.Subscriber('js_cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) rospy.Subscriber('base_scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) rospy.Subscriber('sonar_pc', PointCloud, self.sonarCallback) rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, self.odomCallback) #set up publishers self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) self.obs_pub = rospy.Publisher('obstacle', Marker) self.polar_hist_pub = rospy.Publisher('polar_histogram', LaserScan) self.zone_score_pub = rospy.Publisher('zone_scores', LaserScan) self.projection_pub = rospy.Publisher('projection', PoseArray) self.time_taken_pub = rospy.Publisher('sc_time_taken', Float32) return #============================================================================================= # ROS Callbacks #============================================================================================= def cmdVelCallback(self, data): self.js_lock.acquire() #set the current requested command velocity self.curr_cmd = [data.linear.x, data.angular.z] self.js_lock.release() return def laserCallback(self, data): self.laser_lock.acquire() #initialise angles if not done yet if len(self.angles) != len(data.ranges): self.angles = [] self.angles = np.arange(data.angle_min, data.angle_max + data.angle_increment, data.angle_increment) #calculate the cos and sin angles (caching) if len(self.cosangles) != len(self.angles): self.cosangles = [cos(angle) for angle in self.angles] self.sinangles = [sin(angle) for angle in self.angles] #set the points self.laser_header = data.header #warning: this transformation assumes that the laser is NOT rotated in any way #technically, we should use a tf transform for this (future work) self.laser_readings = [[ data.ranges[i] * self.cosangles[i] + self.robot.laser_pos[0], data.ranges[i] * self.sinangles[i] + self.robot.laser_pos[1] ] for i in range(len(data.ranges))] self.laser_lock.release() return def sonarCallback(self, data): self.sonar_lock.acquire() #set the sonar readings self.sonar_readings = [[pt.x, pt.y] for pt in data.points] self.sonar_lock.release() return def odomCallback(self, data): self.odom_lock.acquire() self.curr_vel = [data.twist.twist.linear.x, data.twist.twist.angular.z] self.odom_lock.release() #============================================================================================= # Obstacle Map #============================================================================================= def updateObstacleMap(self): """ Updates the obstacle map """ all_sensor_readings = self.laser_readings + self.sonar_readings #we remove all the sensor readings that occur inside the robot frame restricted_sensor_readings = [] for pt in all_sensor_readings: if not self.obstacle_map.inRobot(pt): restricted_sensor_readings.append(pt) #add the obstacles to the obstacle map self.obstacle_map_lock.acquire() self.obstacle_map.addObstacles(restricted_sensor_readings) self.obstacle_map_lock.release() return #============================================================================================= # DWA Functions #============================================================================================= def checkForCollision(self, cmd, rough=False, publish=False): """ Checks for collisions for a given command velocity @param: cmd the desired command @param: rough perform "rough" or point-in-polygon check? @param: publish publish the projection? @returns: True if this command results in a collision, False otherwise """ #we first compute the expected trajectory trajectory = self.computeTrajectoryWithDecceleration( cmd, self.curr_vel, self.delay_time, self.time_applied, self.time_decc) if publish: self.publishProjection(trajectory) #then we check against the obstacle map for possible collisions first_pos = trajectory[0] if rough: for pos in trajectory: if np.linalg.norm(np.array(pos) - np.array(first_pos)) > 0.05: if rough: if self.obstacle_map.checkForCollisionAt_Rough(pos): return True else: if self.obstacle_map.checkForCollisionAt(pos): return True return False def computeTrajectoryWithDecceleration(self, cmd_vel, current_speed, delay_time, time_applied, time_decc): """ computes the trajectory with the cmd_vel applied for time_applied and then back to 0,0 for time_decc @param cmd_vel: the intended command velocities @param current_speed: the current speed @param time_applied: the time for which the current speed is applied @param time_decc: the time for which (0,0) is applied @return: """ accs = [ self.robot.acc_x, self.robot.acc_th, self.robot.dacc_x, self.robot.dacc_th ] #project forwards in time sim_interval = self.sim_interval sim_interval_sq = sim_interval * sim_interval cmd_vel = list(cmd_vel) current_speed = list(current_speed) max_acc_x = self.robot.max_acc_x max_acc_th = self.robot.max_acc_th max_decc_x = self.robot.max_dacc_x max_decc_th = self.robot.max_dacc_th code = """ double x, y, th; x = y = th = 0; double vx, vth; vx = current_speed[0]; vth = current_speed[1]; double cmd_x = cmd_vel[0]; double cmd_th = cmd_vel[1]; //are we accelerating or decelerating? double acc_x; double acc_th; bool b_ax = false; if (cmd_x > vx) { acc_x = accs[0]; b_ax = true; } else { acc_x = accs[2]; acc_x = -1*acc_x; } bool b_ath = false; if (cmd_th > vth) { acc_th = accs[1]; b_ath = true; } else { acc_th = -1* (double) accs[3]; } py::list traj; //delay at the beginning for (double i=0; i<=delay_time; i+=sim_interval) { //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx - (double) cmd_x) < 1e-6) vx = cmd_x; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (!b_ax && (vx < cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (fabs(vth - (double) cmd_th) < 1e-6) vth = cmd_th; if (b_ath && (vth > cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; if (!b_ath && (vth < cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); } //application of the command for (double i=0; i<=time_applied; i+=sim_interval) { vx += acc_x*sim_interval; //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx - (double) cmd_x) < 1e-6) vx = cmd_x; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (!b_ax && (vx < cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; vth += acc_th*sim_interval; if (fabs(vth - (double) cmd_th) < 1e-6) vth = cmd_th; if (b_ath && (vth > cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; if (!b_ath && (vth < cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); } //delay before decellerating for (double i=0; i<=delay_time; i+=sim_interval) { //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx - (double) cmd_x) < 1e-6) vx = cmd_x; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (!b_ax && (vx < cmd_x )) vx = cmd_x; if (fabs(vth - (double) cmd_th) < 1e-6) vth = cmd_th; if (b_ath && (vth > cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; if (!b_ath && (vth < cmd_th )) vth = cmd_th; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); } //now we apply a stop b_ax = false; if (0 > vx) { acc_x = accs[0]; b_ax = true; } else { acc_x = -1 * (double) accs[2]; } b_ath = false; if (0 > vth) { acc_th = accs[1]; b_ath = true; } else { acc_th = -1 * (double) accs[3]; } for (double i=0; i<=time_decc; i+=sim_interval) { vx += acc_x*sim_interval; //check if we have already attained our velocity if (fabs(vx) < 1e-6) vx = 0; //check if we have exceeded our target if (b_ax && (vx > 0 )) vx = 0; if (!b_ax && (vx < 0 )) vx = 0; vth += acc_th*sim_interval; if (fabs(vth) < 1e-6) vth = 0; if (b_ath && (vth > 0 )) vth = 0; if (!b_ath && (vth < 0 )) vth = 0; x += vx*cos(th)*sim_interval; y += vx*sin(th)*sim_interval; th += vth*sim_interval; py::list new_pt; new_pt.append(x); new_pt.append(y); new_pt.append(th); traj.append(new_pt); bool stopped = (fabs(vth) < 1e-2) && (fabs(vx) < 1e-2); if (stopped) break; } return_val = traj; """ traj = weave.inline(code, [ 'cmd_vel', 'current_speed', 'accs', 'sim_interval', 'delay_time', 'sim_interval_sq', 'time_applied', 'max_acc_x', 'max_acc_th', 'max_decc_x', 'max_decc_th', 'time_decc' ], type_converters=converters.blitz) return traj def findLimitedDWACmd(self, cmd): """ Performs obstacle avoidance with a DWA variant @param: cmd the desired command @returns: cmd the augmented command """ #if no collision, we just return if self.checkForCollision(cmd, rough=True, publish=True) == False: return cmd #create a set of commands to test best_cmd = [0.0, 0.0] cmds = [[scale * cmd[0], scale * cmd[1]] for scale in np.arange(1.0, -0.2, -0.2)] #print cmds for cmd_to_test in cmds: if not self.checkForCollision(cmd_to_test, rough=True): best_cmd = cmd_to_test break return best_cmd #============================================================================================= # VFH Functions #============================================================================================= def computePolarRangeHist(self): ''' Generates a polar histogram given the obstacle map ''' prh_resolution = self.prh_resolution max_considered_dist = self.max_considered_dist polar_range_hist_len = int((2.0 * np.pi / prh_resolution)) obstacles = list(self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory) n_obstacles = len(obstacles) prh_smooth_window = self.prh_smooth_window pi = np.pi code = """ int i; double *polar_range_hist = new double[polar_range_hist_len]; double *temp_polar_range_hist = new double[polar_range_hist_len]; for (int i=0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { polar_range_hist[i] = max_considered_dist; } for (i=0; i<n_obstacles; i++) { double direction = atan2(obstacles[i][1], obstacles[i][0]) + pi; double r = sqrt( pow(obstacles[i][1],2.0) + pow(obstacles[i][0],2.0)); if (r > max_considered_dist) r = max_considered_dist; //int key = ((int) round(direction/prh_resolution))%polar_range_hist_len; int key = ((int) round(direction/prh_resolution)); while (key < 0) { key = polar_range_hist_len + key; } key = key%polar_range_hist_len; if (polar_range_hist[key] > r) { polar_range_hist[key] = r; } } for (int i=0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { temp_polar_range_hist[i] = polar_range_hist[i]; } for (i=0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { int lb = i-prh_smooth_window; int up = i+prh_smooth_window+1; double sum = 0.0; for (int j=lb; j < up; j++) { int key = j; while (key < 0) key = polar_range_hist_len + key; key = key%polar_range_hist_len; sum += (1.0 - fabs(j-i)/(polar_range_hist_len + 1.0))*polar_range_hist[key]; } temp_polar_range_hist[i] = sum/(double) (prh_smooth_window*2.0); } py::list result; for (i =0; i<polar_range_hist_len; i++) { result.append(temp_polar_range_hist[i]); } delete [] polar_range_hist; delete [] temp_polar_range_hist; return_val = result; """ polar_range_hist = weave.inline(code, [ 'prh_resolution', 'polar_range_hist_len', 'obstacles', 'pi', 'n_obstacles', 'prh_smooth_window', 'max_considered_dist' ], type_converters=converters.blitz) self.polar_range_hist_lock.acquire() #self.polar_range_hist = 1.0 - np.exp(-1.0*np.array(polar_range_hist)/1.25) self.polar_range_hist = np.array(polar_range_hist) self.polar_range_hist_lock.release() def getAngleDiff_deg(self, a1, a2): dif = np.mod(np.abs(a1 - a2), 360) if dif > 180: dif = 360 - dif return dif def getClosenessMeasure(self, x, y, sd): return np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(x) - np.array(y))) / sd) def findVFHCmd(self, cmd): """ Performs obstacle avoidance with a VFH variant @param: cmd the desired command @returns: cmd the augmented command """ self.computePolarRangeHist() self.publishPolarHistogram() if cmd == [0, 0]: return cmd #modify based on polar histogram #get new turning velocity prh_threshold = 0.01 #setup variables we'll use local_prh = np.array(self.polar_range_hist) prh_resolution = self.prh_resolution prh_resolution_deg = self.prh_resolution * 180 / np.pi polar_range_hist_len = int((2.0 * np.pi / prh_resolution)) degree_angles = np.arange(-180, 180, prh_resolution_deg) assert (len(degree_angles) == polar_range_hist_len) closeness_scores = np.array([0.0] * polar_range_hist_len) #compute the closeness of the degree to the user's command for i in range(len(closeness_scores)): closeness_scores[i] = self.getAngleDiff_deg( cmd[1] * 180 / np.pi, degree_angles[i]) closeness_scores[i] = np.exp(-np.fabs(closeness_scores[i]) * np.pi / 180) #convert to radians #compute the zone scores zone_scores = closeness_scores * self.closeness_weight + local_prh * self.free_zone_weight #publish the zone scores self.publishZoneScores(zone_scores, prh_resolution) #threshold the zone values for i in range(len(local_prh)): if local_prh[i] < prh_threshold: zone_scores[i] = -100 #search for the best value range_to_search = len(zone_scores) / 4 midpoint = round(len(local_prh) / 2) max_item = np.argmax(zone_scores[(midpoint - range_to_search):(midpoint + range_to_search)]) new_turning_vel = degree_angles[max_item + (midpoint - range_to_search)] #perform conversion new_turning_vel = self.turning_coeff * (new_turning_vel / 180) #limit to a maximum new_turning_vel = np.sign(new_turning_vel) * max( abs(self.max_turn_vel), abs(new_turning_vel)) #get new forward velocity - this is identify to basic obstacles = list(self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory) curr_xspeed = abs(self.curr_vel[0]) if curr_xspeed > 0.25: #the faster you are going, the more modification is performed front_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5 * (self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) side_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5 * (self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) else: front_modifier = 1.0 side_modifier = 1.0 for obs in obstacles: new_modifier = 1.0 if (np.sign(cmd[0]) * obs[0] > 0) and (abs(obs[1]) < self.robot.footprint[1][1]): dist = abs(obs[0]) if dist < 0.5: new_modifier = 0.0 elif dist > 2.0: new_modifier = 1.0 else: new_modifier = (dist / 2.0) front_modifier = min(new_modifier, front_modifier) new_forward_vel = front_modifier * cmd[0] #change the turning velocity if necessary (when going backwards) if new_forward_vel < 0: new_turning_vel *= -1 #set the best command best_cmd = [new_forward_vel, new_turning_vel] return best_cmd #============================================================================================= # Basic Collision Prevention #============================================================================================= def findBasicSafeguardedCmd(self, cmd): """ Performs basic "ad-hoc" safeguarding @param: cmd the desired command @returns: cmd the augmented command """ obstacles = list(self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory) curr_xspeed = abs(self.curr_vel[0]) if curr_xspeed > 0.25: #the faster you are going, the more modification is performed front_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5 * (self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) side_modifier = 0.5 + 0.5 * (self.max_vel - curr_xspeed) else: front_modifier = 1.0 side_modifier = 1.0 for obs in obstacles: new_modifier = 1.0 if (np.sign(cmd[0]) * obs[0] > 0) and (abs(obs[1]) < self.robot.footprint[1][1]): dist = abs(obs[0]) if dist < 0.7: new_modifier = 0.0 elif dist > 2.0: new_modifier = 1.0 else: new_modifier = (dist / 2.0) front_modifier = min(new_modifier, front_modifier) for obs in obstacles: new_modifier = 1.0 if (np.sign(cmd[1]) * obs[1] > 0) and (abs(obs[0]) < self.robot.footprint[2][0]): dist = abs(obs[1]) if dist < 0.50: new_modifier = 0.0 elif dist > 2.0: new_modifier = 1.0 else: new_modifier = (dist / 2.0) side_modifier = min(new_modifier, side_modifier) rospy.loginfo('Basic Modifiers: ' + str(front_modifier) + ', ' + str(side_modifier)) best_cmd = [front_modifier * cmd[0], side_modifier * cmd[1]] return best_cmd #============================================================================================= # ROS Publishing Functions #============================================================================================= def publishCmd(self, cmd): """ Publishes the velocity command """ cmd_to_publish = Twist() cmd_to_publish.linear.x = cmd[0] cmd_to_publish.angular.z = cmd[1] self.cmd_pub.publish(cmd_to_publish) def publishObstacles(self): """ Publishes the obstacles as markers """ mk = Marker() mk.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() mk.header.frame_id = '/base_link' mk.ns = 'basic_shapes' = 0 mk.type = Marker.POINTS mk.scale.x = 0.3 mk.scale.y = 0.3 mk.scale.z = 0.3 mk.color.r = 1.0 mk.color.a = 1.0 for value in self.obstacle_map.obstacles_in_memory: p = Point() p.x = value[0] p.y = value[1] mk.points.append(p) self.obs_pub.publish(mk) def publishPolarHistogram(self): """ Publishes the polar histogram """ pc = LaserScan() pc.header.frame_id = "/base_link" pc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pc.angle_min = -np.pi pc.angle_max = np.pi pc.angle_increment = self.prh_resolution pc.range_min = 0.00 pc.range_max = 5.0 self.polar_range_hist_lock.acquire() for r in self.polar_range_hist: pc.ranges.append(r) self.polar_range_hist_lock.release() self.polar_hist_pub.publish(pc) def publishZoneScores(self, data, prh_resolution): """ Publishes the zone scores """ pc = LaserScan() pc.header.frame_id = "/base_link" pc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pc.angle_min = -np.pi pc.angle_max = np.pi pc.angle_increment = prh_resolution pc.range_min = 0.00 pc.range_max = 5.0 for r in data: pc.ranges.append(r) self.zone_score_pub.publish(pc) def publishProjection(self, data): """ Publishes the forward projection/simulation """ proj = PoseArray() proj.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() proj.header.frame_id = "/base_link" for pt in data: pos = Pose() pos.position.x = pt[0] pos.position.y = pt[1] orient = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pt[2]) pos.orientation.x = orient[0] pos.orientation.y = orient[1] pos.orientation.z = orient[2] pos.orientation.w = orient[3] proj.poses.append(pos) self.projection_pub.publish(proj) def publishTimeTaken(self, data): """ Publishes the time taken """ time_taken = Float32() = data self.time_taken_pub.publish(data) #============================================================================================= # Main Functions #============================================================================================= def updateAndPublish(self): #first we update the obstacle map start_time = time.time() rospy.loginfo("Updating Obstacle map") self.updateObstacleMap() rospy.loginfo("Publishing Obstacles") self.publishObstacles() rospy.loginfo("Finding Shared-Control Command") start_time = rospy.get_time() curr_cmd = self.curr_cmd #uncomment to choose the algorithm you want to test best_cmd = self.findBasicSafeguardedCmd(curr_cmd) #best_cmd = self.findLimitedDWACmd(curr_cmd) #best_cmd = self.findVFHCmd(curr_cmd) elapsed_time = rospy.get_time() - start_time self.publishTimeTaken(elapsed_time) rospy.loginfo("Publishing Shared-Control Command") self.publishCmd(best_cmd) return def startLoop(self, rate=10): rospy.loginfo("Starting shared control") r = rospy.Rate(rate) try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.updateAndPublish() r.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass return
def build_graph(path_to_map, robot_radius): obst_map = ObstacleMap(robot_radius) obst_map.construct_obstacle_map(path_to_map) graph = Graph(obst_map.obstacles, obst_map.map_dimensions, robot_radius) graph.build_visibility_graph() return graph