def keyPressEvent(self, event:QKeyEvent): if event.isAutoRepeat(): return key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_G: img = ObstacleMap(self.obstacles, GRAPH_TABLE_RATIO, self.robot.radius) print("dumping") img.dump_obstacle_grid_to_file("graph.txt") elif key == Qt.Key_Ampersand: self.ivy.send_action(1) elif key == Qt.Key_Eacute: self.ivy.send_action(2) elif key == Qt.Key_QuoteDbl: self.ivy.send_action(3) elif key == Qt.Key_Apostrophe: self.ivy.send_action(4) elif key == Qt.Key_ParenLeft: self.ivy.send_action(5) elif key == Qt.Key_Minus: self.ivy.send_action(6) elif key == Qt.Key_Egrave: self.ivy.send_action(7) elif key == Qt.Key_Underscore: self.ivy.send_action(8) elif key == Qt.Key_Ccedilla: self.ivy.send_action(9) elif key == Qt.Key_Agrave: self.ivy.send_action(10) elif key == Qt.Key_ParenRight: self.ivy.send_action(11) elif key == Qt.Key_Equal: self.ivy.send_action(12) elif key == Qt.Key_Z: self.robot_speed_command[1] = -1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_Q: self.robot_speed_command[0] = 1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_S: self.robot_speed_command[1] = 1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_D: self.robot_speed_command[0] = -1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_A: self.robot_speed_command[2] = 1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command) elif key == Qt.Key_E: self.robot_speed_command[2] = -1 self.ivy.send_speed_direction(self.robot_speed_command)
def __init__(self, level, bounding_box): # type: (MCLevel, TransformBox) -> Maps self.__width = bounding_box.size.x self.__length = bounding_box.size.z = bounding_box self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(self.__width, self.__length, self) if level is not None: self.height_map = compute_height_map(level, bounding_box) else: xmin, xmax = bounding_box.minx, bounding_box.maxx zmin, zmax = bounding_box.minz, bounding_box.maxz self.height_map = array([[0 for _ in range(zmin, zmax)] for _ in range(xmin, xmax)]) self.road_network = RoadNetwork(self.__width, self.__length, mc_map=self) self.fluid_map = FluidMap(self, level)
def __init__(self, robot): #initliase the node rospy.init_node('shared_control') #set up obstacle map self.robot = robot self.obstacle_map = ObstacleMap(robot) #set up locks self.obstacle_map_lock = Lock() self.js_lock = Lock() self.laser_lock = Lock() self.sonar_lock = Lock() self.odom_lock = Lock() self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() #set up internal variables self.curr_cmd = [0.0, 0.0] #0 linear, 0 angular self.curr_vel = [0.0, 0.0] #not moving initially self.sonar_readings = [] self.laser_readings = [] self.angles = [] self.cosangles = [] self.sinangles = [] #basic safeguarding self.max_vel = 0.5 self.max_turn_vel = 0.5 #Forward simulation parameters self.delay_time = 0.1 #max delay before command is issued self.time_applied = 0.2 #how long the command is applied self.time_decc = 0.5 #how long to compute deceleration self.sim_interval = 0.1 #simulation interval #VFH parameters self.prh_smooth_window = 2 self.prh_resolution = 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi self.polar_range_hist = [0] * int(2.0 * np.pi / self.prh_resolution) self.raw_polar_range_hist = [0] * int( 2.0 * np.pi / self.prh_resolution) self.polar_range_hist_lock = Lock() self.max_considered_dist = 2.0 self.closeness_weight = 0.5 self.free_zone_weight = 0.5 self.turning_coeff = 2.0 #set up subscribers rospy.Subscriber('js_cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) rospy.Subscriber('base_scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) rospy.Subscriber('sonar_pc', PointCloud, self.sonarCallback) rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, self.odomCallback) #set up publishers self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) self.obs_pub = rospy.Publisher('obstacle', Marker) self.polar_hist_pub = rospy.Publisher('polar_histogram', LaserScan) self.zone_score_pub = rospy.Publisher('zone_scores', LaserScan) self.projection_pub = rospy.Publisher('projection', PoseArray) self.time_taken_pub = rospy.Publisher('sc_time_taken', Float32) return
def build_graph(path_to_map, robot_radius): obst_map = ObstacleMap(robot_radius) obst_map.construct_obstacle_map(path_to_map) graph = Graph(obst_map.obstacles, obst_map.map_dimensions, robot_radius) graph.build_visibility_graph() return graph