Exemple #1
def get_image_ids(conn, plate_id, field_id=0):
    """Get image IDs for images in Plate"""

    query_service = conn.getQueryService()
    params = ParametersI()
    params.add('wsidx', rint(field_id))
    query = "select img.id "\
            "from Well well "\
            "join well.wellSamples ws "\
            "join ws.image img "\
            "where well.plate.id = :id "\
            "and index(ws) = :wsidx"
    p = query_service.projection(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
    img_ids = [i[0].val for i in p]
    return img_ids
Exemple #2
def get_child_counts(conn, link_class, parent_ids):
    Count child links for the specified parent_ids.

    @param conn:        BlitzGateway
    @param link_class:  Type of link, e.g. 'ProjectDatasetLink'
    @param parent_ids:  List of Parent IDs
    @return             A dict of parent_id: child_count
    ctx = deepcopy(conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
    params = ParametersI()
    params.add('ids', wrap([rlong(id) for id in parent_ids]))
    query = ("select chl.parent.id, count(chl.id) from %s chl"
             " where chl.parent.id in (:ids) group by chl.parent.id"
             % link_class)
    result = conn.getQueryService().projection(query, params, ctx)
    counts = {}
    for d in result:
        counts[d[0].val] = unwrap(d[1])
    return counts
Exemple #3
def get_wellsample_indices(conn, plate_id=None, plateacquisition_id=None):
    Return min and max WellSample index for a Plate OR PlateAcquisition

    @param conn:        BlitzGateway
    @param plate_id:    Plate ID
    @param plateacquisition_id:    PlateAcquisition ID
    @return             A dict of parent_id: child_count
    ctx = deepcopy(conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
    params = ParametersI()
    query = "select minIndex(ws), maxIndex(ws) from Well well " \
            "join well.wellSamples ws"
    if plate_id is not None:
        query += " where well.plate.id=:plate_id "
        params.add('plate_id', rlong(plate_id))
    elif plateacquisition_id is not None:
        query += " where ws.plateAcquisition.id=:plateacquisition_id"
        params.add('plateacquisition_id', rlong(plateacquisition_id))
    result = conn.getQueryService().projection(query, params, ctx)
    result = [r for r in unwrap(result)[0] if r is not None]
    return result
Exemple #4
def attributes_by_attributes(conn,
                             name="Gene Symbol",

    Return a list of neighbours attributes
    for given case insensitive attribute value. (Uses the python blitz gateway)
    from omero.rtypes import rstring, rlist, unwrap
    from omero.sys import ParametersI

    params = ParametersI()
    params.addString("value", value.lower())
    q = (
        "select distinct new map( mv.value as value) "
        "from Annotation as a "
        "join a.mapValue as mv "
        "where lower(mv.value) = :value {where_claus}"
    where_claus = []
    if name:
        params.addString("name", name)
        where_claus.append("and mv.name = :name")
    q = q.format(**{'where_claus':" ".join(where_claus)})

    values = [v[0]['value'] for v in unwrap(
        conn.getQueryService().projection(q, params))]

    params = ParametersI()
    valuelist = [rstring(unicode(v)) for v in values]
    params.add('values', rlist(valuelist))
    params.addString("ns", ns)
    params.addString("ns2", ns2)

    q = (
        "select distinct new map("
            "mv.name as name, "
            "mv.value as value, "
            "mv2.name as name2, "
            "mv2.value as value2) "
        "from Image as i "
        "join i.annotationLinks as ial "
        "join i.annotationLinks as ial2 "
        "join ial.child as a "
        "join a.mapValue as mv "
        "join ial2.child as a2 "
        "join a2.mapValue as mv2 "
        "where a.ns = :ns and a2.ns = :ns2 "
        "and mv.value in (:values) {where_claus} "
    where_claus = []
    if name:
        params.addString("name", name)
        where_claus.append("and mv.name = :name")
    if name2:
        params.addString("name2", name2)
        where_claus.append("and mv2.name = :name2")

    q = q.format(**{'where_claus':" ".join(where_claus)})
    if sId != None:
        q = q + ("and i in (select image from WellSample "
            "where well.plate in "
            "(select child from ScreenPlateLink where parent.id = {sId}))")

        screenidList = []
        q = q.format(**{'sId':" ".join(screenidList)})
    res = {}
    for r in unwrap(conn.getQueryService().projection(q, params)):
        r = r[0]
            res[(r['name'], r['value'])].append((r['name2'], r['value2']))
        except KeyError:
            res[(r['name'], r['value'])] = [(r['name2'], r['value2'])]
    return res
Exemple #5
    def testQueryTaggedUnique(self):

        # get group we're working on...
        ctx = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()
        groupId = ctx.groupId
        print 'groupId', groupId

        # Admin sets permissions to read-ann
        admin = self.root.sf.getAdminService()
        rootUpdate = self.root.sf.getUpdateService()
        gr = admin.getGroup(groupId)
        p = PermissionsI()
        gr.details.permissions = p

        # Update context for user
        ctx = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()
        update = self.client.sf.getUpdateService()
        queryService = self.client.sf.getQueryService()
        tagCount = 5
        # User creates tag linked to images
        tag = TagAnnotationI()
        tag.textValue = wrap("test_iQuerySpeed")
        links = []

        for i in range(tagCount):
            iid = createImageWithPixels(self.client, self.uuid())
            link = ImageAnnotationLinkI()
            link.parent = ImageI(iid, False)
            link.child = tag
        links = update.saveAndReturnArray(links)
        tag = links[0].child
        # check permissions
        p = tag.getDetails().getPermissions()
        assert p.isGroupRead()
        assert p.isGroupAnnotate()

        # Root also links user's tag to images
        rootLinks = []
        for l in links:
            link = ImageAnnotationLinkI()
            link.parent = ImageI(l.parent.id, False)
            link.child = TagAnnotationI(l.child.id, False)
        rootUpdate.saveAndReturnArray(rootLinks, {'omero.group': str(groupId)})

        q = """select distinct new map(obj.id as id,
               obj.name as name,
               obj.details.owner.id as ownerId,
               obj as image_details_permissions,
               obj.fileset.id as filesetId,
               lower(obj.name) as n
             pix.sizeX as sizeX,
             pix.sizeY as sizeY,
             pix.sizeZ as sizeZ
            from Image obj  left outer join obj.pixels pix
            join obj.annotationLinks alink
            where %s
            order by lower(obj.name), obj.id """

        params = ParametersI()
        params.add('tid', tag.id)

        # We can get all the tagged images like this.
        # We use an additional select statement to give 'unique' results
        uniqueClause = """alink.id = (select max(alink.id)
                from ImageAnnotationLink alink
                where alink.child.id=:tid and alink.parent.id=obj.id)"""
        query = q % uniqueClause
        result1 = queryService.projection(query, params,
                                          {'omero.group': str(groupId)})
        assert len(result1) == tagCount

        # Without the select statement, we get the same image returned
        # multiple times if there is no 'distinct'
        clause = "alink.child.id=:tid"
        query = q % clause
        result2 = queryService.projection(query, params,
                                          {'omero.group': str(groupId)})
        assert len(result2) == tagCount
        for idx in range(len(result1)-1):
            # Omit final since == isn't defined for Ice objects.
            assert result1[idx] == result2[idx]
                    host=os.environ.get('IDR_HOST', 'localhost'))
conn.setGroupForSession(3)  # Public

query_service = conn.getQueryService()

# Find the plates of idr0004.

query = """
SELECT child.id
  FROM ScreenPlateLink
  WHERE parent.name LIKE :name

params = ParametersI()
params.add('name', wrap('idr0004-%'))

rows = query_service.projection(query, params)

plate_ids = [row[0].val for row in rows]

assert plate_ids

# Loop through each field of those plates.

query = """
SELECT id, image.name, image.fileset.id, well.row, well.column, well.plate.name
  FROM WellSample
  WHERE well.plate.id IN (:ids)
    def testQueryTaggedUnique(self):

        # get group we're working on...
        ctx = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()
        groupId = ctx.groupId
        print 'groupId', groupId

        # Admin sets permissions to read-ann
        admin = self.root.sf.getAdminService()
        rootUpdate = self.root.sf.getUpdateService()
        gr = admin.getGroup(groupId)
        p = PermissionsI()
        gr.details.permissions = p

        # Update context for user
        ctx = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext()
        update = self.client.sf.getUpdateService()
        queryService = self.client.sf.getQueryService()
        tagCount = 5
        # User creates tag linked to images
        tag = TagAnnotationI()
        tag.textValue = wrap("test_iQuerySpeed")
        links = []

        for i in range(tagCount):
            iid = createImageWithPixels(self.client, self.uuid())
            link = ImageAnnotationLinkI()
            link.parent = ImageI(iid, False)
            link.child = tag
        links = update.saveAndReturnArray(links)
        tag = links[0].child
        # check permissions
        p = tag.getDetails().getPermissions()
        assert p.isGroupRead()
        assert p.isGroupAnnotate()

        # Root also links user's tag to images
        rootLinks = []
        for l in links:
            link = ImageAnnotationLinkI()
            link.parent = ImageI(l.parent.id, False)
            link.child = TagAnnotationI(l.child.id, False)
        rootUpdate.saveAndReturnArray(rootLinks, {'omero.group': str(groupId)})

        q = """select distinct new map(obj.id as id,
               obj.name as name,
               obj.details.owner.id as ownerId,
               obj as image_details_permissions,
               obj.fileset.id as filesetId,
               lower(obj.name) as n
             pix.sizeX as sizeX,
             pix.sizeY as sizeY,
             pix.sizeZ as sizeZ
            from Image obj  left outer join obj.pixels pix
            join obj.annotationLinks alink
            where %s
            order by lower(obj.name), obj.id """

        params = ParametersI()
        params.add('tid', tag.id)

        # We can get all the tagged images like this.
        # We use an additional select statement to give 'unique' results
        uniqueClause = """alink.id = (select max(alink.id)
                from ImageAnnotationLink alink
                where alink.child.id=:tid and alink.parent.id=obj.id)"""
        query = q % uniqueClause
        result1 = queryService.projection(query, params,
                                          {'omero.group': str(groupId)})
        assert len(result1) == tagCount

        # Without the select statement, we get the same image returned
        # multiple times if there is no 'distinct'
        clause = "alink.child.id=:tid"
        query = q % clause
        result2 = queryService.projection(query, params,
                                          {'omero.group': str(groupId)})
        assert len(result2) == tagCount
        for idx in range(len(result1)-1):
            # Omit final since == isn't defined for Ice objects.
            assert result1[idx] == result2[idx]
Exemple #8
    host=os.environ.get('IDR_HOST', 'localhost'))
conn.setGroupForSession(3)  # Public

query_service = conn.getQueryService()

# Find the plates of idr0004.

query = """
SELECT child.id
  FROM ScreenPlateLink
  WHERE parent.name LIKE :name

params = ParametersI()
params.add('name', wrap('idr0004-%'))

rows = query_service.projection(query, params)

plate_ids = [row[0].val for row in rows]

assert plate_ids

# Loop through each field of those plates.

query = """
SELECT id, image.name, image.fileset.id, well.row, well.column, well.plate.name
  FROM WellSample
  WHERE well.plate.id IN (:ids)