Exemple #1
def get_script(request, script_name, conn):
    """Return a JS function to filter images by various params."""
    dataset_id = request.GET.get('dataset')
    plate_id = request.GET.get('plate')
    field_id = request.GET.get('field')
    image_ids = request.GET.getlist('image')
    if plate_id and field_id:
        img_ids = get_image_ids(conn, plate_id, field_id)
    elif dataset_id:
        objects = conn.getObjects('Image', opts={'dataset': dataset_id})
        img_ids = [i.id for i in objects]
        img_ids = [long(i) for i in image_ids]
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()

    if script_name == "ROI_count":
        # Want to get ROI count for images in plate

        # Get ROI counts
        params = ParametersI()
        query = "select roi.image.id, count(roi.id) from Roi roi "\
                "where roi.image.id in (:ids) group by roi.image"
        p = query_service.projection(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        roi_counts = {}
        for i in p:
            roi_counts[i[0].val] = i[1].val
        min_count = min(roi_counts.values())
        max_count = max(roi_counts.values())

        # Return a JS function that will be passed an object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var roi_counts = %s;
            if (isNaN(params.count) || params.count == '') return true;
            if (params.operator === '=')
                return roi_counts[data.id] == params.count;
            if (params.operator === '<')
                return roi_counts[data.id] < params.count;
            if (params.operator === '>')
                return roi_counts[data.id] > params.count;
        """ % json.dumps(roi_counts)

        filter_params = [
            {'name': 'operator',
             'type': 'text',
             'values': ['>', '=', '<'],
             'default': '>'},
            {'name': 'count',
             'type': 'number',
             'default': '',
             'title': '%s-%s' % (min_count, max_count)}
        return JsonResponse(
                'f': f,
                'params': filter_params,
Exemple #2
def get_data(request, data_name, conn):
    """Return data for images in a Project, Dataset or Plate."""
    project_id = request.GET.get('project')
    dataset_id = request.GET.get('dataset')
    plate_id = request.GET.get('plate')
    field_id = request.GET.get('field')
    if project_id:
        img_ids = get_project_image_ids(conn, project_id)
    elif dataset_id:
        objects = conn.getObjects('Image', opts={'dataset': dataset_id})
        img_ids = [i.id for i in objects]
    elif plate_id and field_id:
        img_ids = get_image_ids(conn, plate_id, field_id)
        img_ids = request.GET.getlist('image')
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()

    if data_name == "ROI_stats_max_size":
        if plate_id:
            ns = "roi.pixel.intensities.summary"
            return get_image_map_annotations(conn, plate_id, 0, ns,
                                             "Max Points")

    if data_name == "ROI_count":
        # Want to get ROI count for images
        params = ParametersI()
        # Include "-1" so that if we have no Image IDs that the query does
        # not fail.  It will not match anything.
        params.addIds([-1] + img_ids)
        query = "select roi.image.id, count(roi.id) from Roi roi "\
                "where roi.image.id in (:ids) group by roi.image"
        p = query_service.projection(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        roi_counts = {}
        for i in img_ids:
            # Add placeholder 0 for all images
            roi_counts[i] = 0
        for i in p:
            roi_counts[i[0].val] = i[1].val
        return roi_counts

    if data_name == "sizeT":
        # Want to get sizeT for images
        params = ParametersI()
        # Include "-1" so that if we have no Image IDs that the query does
        # not fail.  It will not match anything.
        params.addIds([-1] + img_ids)
        query = "select pixels.image.id, pixels.sizeT from Pixels pixels "\
                "where pixels.image.id in (:ids)"
        p = query_service.projection(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        size_t = {}
        for i in p:
            size_t[i[0].val] = i[1].val
        return size_t
def get_data(request, data_name, conn):
    """Return data for images in a Dataset or Plate."""
    dataset_id = request.GET.get('dataset')
    plate_id = request.GET.get('plate')
    field_id = request.GET.get('field')
    if plate_id and field_id:
        img_ids = get_image_ids(conn, plate_id, field_id)
    elif dataset_id:
        objects = conn.getObjects('Image', opts={'dataset': dataset_id})
        img_ids = [i.id for i in objects]
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()

    if data_name == "ROI_stats_max_size":
        if plate_id:
            ns = "roi.pixel.intensities.summary"
            return get_image_map_annotations(conn, plate_id, 0, ns,
                                             "Max Points")

    if data_name == "ROI_count":
        # Want to get ROI count for images
        params = ParametersI()
        query = "select roi.image.id, count(roi.id) from Roi roi "\
                "where roi.image.id in (:ids) group by roi.image"
        p = query_service.projection(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        roi_counts = {}
        for i in p:
            roi_counts[i[0].val] = i[1].val
        return roi_counts

    if data_name == "sizeT":
        # Want to get sizeT for images
        params = ParametersI()
        query = "select pixels.image.id, pixels.sizeT from Pixels pixels "\
                "where pixels.image.id in (:ids)"
        p = query_service.projection(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        size_t = {}
        for i in p:
            size_t[i[0].val] = i[1].val
        return size_t
def get_image_map_annotations(conn, plate_id, field_id, ns, key=None):
    """Get image IDs for images in Plate"""
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()
    iids = get_image_ids(conn, plate_id, field_id)
    params = ParametersI()
    query = """select oal from ImageAnnotationLink as oal
            join fetch oal.details.owner
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join fetch oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids)
            and ch.ns='%s'""" % ns
    links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
    if key is None:
        return links
    map_values = {}
    for l in links:
        for kv in l.child.getMapValue():
            if key == kv.name:
                map_values[l.parent.id.val] = long(kv.value)
    return map_values
def get_script(request, script_name, conn):
    """Return a JS function to filter images by various params."""
    dataset_id = request.GET.get('dataset')
    plate_id = request.GET.get('plate')
    dtype = "Image"
    js_object_attr = "id"
    if dataset_id:
        objects = conn.getObjects('Image', opts={'dataset': dataset_id})
        obj_ids = [i.id for i in objects]
    elif plate_id:
        dtype = "Well"
        js_object_attr = "wellId"
        obj_ids = get_well_ids(conn, plate_id)
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()

    if script_name == "Rating":

        params = ParametersI()
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            join fetch oal.details.owner
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join fetch oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=LongAnnotation
            and ch.ns='openmicroscopy.org/omero/insight/rating'""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        ratings = {}
        for l in links:
            ratings[l.parent.id.val] = l.child.longValue.val

        # Return a JS function that will be passed an object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var ratings = %s;
            index = ratings[data.%s] == params.rating
            return (params.rating === '-' || index);
        """ % (json.dumps(ratings), js_object_attr)

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'rating',
            'type': 'text',
            'values': ['-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
            'default': '-',
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,

    if script_name == "Comment":

        params = ParametersI()
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=CommentAnnotation""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        comments = {}
        for l in links:
            iid = l.parent.id.val
            if iid not in comments:
                comments[iid] = ""
            comments[iid] = " ".join([comments[iid], l.child.textValue.val])

        # Return a JS function that will be passed a data object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and a params object of {'paramName': value}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var comments = %s;
            index = comments[data.%s] &&
                    comments[data.%s].indexOf(params.comment) > -1
            return (params.comment === '' || index);
        """ % (json.dumps(comments), js_object_attr, js_object_attr)

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'comment',
            'type': 'text',
            'default': '',
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,

    if script_name == "Tag":

        params = ParametersI()
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=TagAnnotation""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        tags = {}
        all_tags = []
        for l in links:
            iid = l.parent.id.val
            text = l.child.textValue.val
            if iid not in tags:
                tags[iid] = []

        # remove duplicates
        all_tags = list(set(all_tags))

        # Return a JS function that will be passed a data object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and a params object of {'paramName': value}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var tags = %s;
            index = tags[data.%s] && tags[data.%s].indexOf(params.tag) > -1
            return (params.tag === 'Choose_Tag' ||  index);
        """ % (json.dumps(tags), js_object_attr, js_object_attr)

        all_tags.insert(0, "Choose_Tag")

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'tag',
            'type': 'text',
            'default': "Choose_Tag",
            'values': all_tags,
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,
def get_script(request, script_name, conn):
    """Return a JS function to filter images by various params."""
    project_id = request.GET.get('project')
    dataset_id = request.GET.get('dataset')
    plate_id = request.GET.get('plate')
    image_ids = request.GET.getlist('image')
    dtype = "Image"
    js_object_attr = "id"
    if project_id:
        obj_ids = get_project_image_ids(conn, project_id)
    elif dataset_id:
        objects = conn.getObjects('Image', opts={'dataset': dataset_id})
        obj_ids = [i.id for i in objects]
    elif plate_id:
        dtype = "Well"
        js_object_attr = "wellId"
        obj_ids = get_well_ids(conn, plate_id)
        obj_ids = [int(i) for i in image_ids]
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()
    params = ParametersI()
    # Include "-1" so that if we have no object IDs that the query does
    # not fail.  It will not match anything.
    params.addIds([-1] + obj_ids)

    if script_name == "Rating":
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            join fetch oal.details.owner
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join fetch oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=LongAnnotation
            and ch.ns='openmicroscopy.org/omero/insight/rating'""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        ratings = {}
        for l in links:
            ratings[l.parent.id.val] = l.child.longValue.val

        # Return a JS function that will be passed an object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var ratings = %s;
            var index = ratings[data.%s] == params.rating
            return (params.rating === '-' || index);
        """ % (json.dumps(ratings), js_object_attr)

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'rating',
            'type': 'text',
            'values': ['-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
            'default': '-',
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,

    if script_name == "Comment":
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=CommentAnnotation""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        comments = {}
        for l in links:
            iid = l.parent.id.val
            if iid not in comments:
                comments[iid] = ""
            comments[iid] = " ".join([comments[iid], l.child.textValue.val])

        # Return a JS function that will be passed a data object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and a params object of {'paramName': value}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var comments = %s;
            var index = comments[data.%s] &&
                    comments[data.%s].indexOf(params.comment) > -1
            return (params.comment === '' || index);
        """ % (json.dumps(comments), js_object_attr, js_object_attr)

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'comment',
            'type': 'text',
            'default': '',
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,

    if script_name == "Tag":
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=TagAnnotation""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        tags = {}
        all_tags = []
        for l in links:
            iid = l.parent.id.val
            text = l.child.textValue.val
            if iid not in tags:
                tags[iid] = []

        # remove duplicates
        all_tags = list(set(all_tags))

        # Return a JS function that will be passed a data object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and a params object of {'paramName': value}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """(function filter(data, params) {
            var tags = %s;
            var index = tags[data.%s] && tags[data.%s].indexOf(params.tag) > -1
            return (params.tag === 'Choose_Tag' ||  index);
        """ % (json.dumps(tags), js_object_attr, js_object_attr)

        all_tags.insert(0, "Choose_Tag")

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'tag',
            'type': 'text',
            'default': "Choose_Tag",
            'values': all_tags,
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,

    if script_name == "Key_Value":
        query = """select oal from %sAnnotationLink as oal
            left outer join fetch oal.child as ch
            left outer join oal.parent as pa
            where pa.id in (:ids) and ch.class=MapAnnotation""" % dtype
        links = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        # Dict of {'key': {iid: 'value', iid: 'value'}}
        map_values = defaultdict(dict)
        for l in links:
            iid = l.parent.id.val
            for kv in l.child.getMapValue():
                map_values[kv.name][iid] = kv.value

        key_placeholder = "Pick key..."
        # Return a JS function that will be passed a data object
        # e.g. {'type': 'Image', 'id': 1}
        # and a params object of {'paramName': value}
        # and should return true or false
        f = """
(function filter(data, params) {
    var map_values = %s;
    var key_placeholder = "%s";
    if (params.key === key_placeholder) return true;
    if (map_values[params.key] && map_values[params.key][data.%s]) {
        var match = map_values[params.key][data.%s].indexOf(params.query) > -1;
        return (params.query === '' || match);
    return false;
        """ % (json.dumps(map_values), key_placeholder, js_object_attr,

        keys = list(map_values.keys())
        keys.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())

        filter_params = [{
            'name': 'key',
            'type': 'text',
            'values': [key_placeholder] + keys,
            'default': key_placeholder
        }, {
            'name': 'query',
            'type': 'text',
            'default': ''
        return JsonResponse({
            'f': f,
            'params': filter_params,
rows = query_service.projection(query, params)

plate_ids = [row[0].val for row in rows]

assert plate_ids

# Loop through each field of those plates.

query = """
SELECT id, image.name, image.fileset.id, well.row, well.column, well.plate.name
  FROM WellSample
  WHERE well.plate.id IN (:ids)

params = ParametersI()

rows = query_service.projection(query, params)

for row in rows:
    field_id = row[0].val
    image_name = row[1].val
    fileset_id = row[2].val
    well_row = row[3].val
    well_column = row[4].val
    plate_name = row[5].val

    # Figure the expected image name for this field.

    image_name_expected = '{} [Well {}{}, Field 1]' \
        .format(plate_name, chr(65 + well_row), 1 + well_column)
Exemple #8
rows = query_service.projection(query, params)

plate_ids = [row[0].val for row in rows]

assert plate_ids

# Loop through each field of those plates.

query = """
SELECT id, image.name, image.fileset.id, well.row, well.column, well.plate.name
  FROM WellSample
  WHERE well.plate.id IN (:ids)

params = ParametersI()

rows = query_service.projection(query, params)

for row in rows:
    field_id = row[0].val
    image_name = row[1].val
    fileset_id = row[2].val
    well_row = row[3].val
    well_column = row[4].val
    plate_name = row[5].val

    # Figure the expected image name for this field.

    image_name_expected = '{} [Well {}{}, Field 1]' \
        .format(plate_name, chr(65 + well_row), 1 + well_column)