class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow,

    gradient_options = VarTree(GradientOptions(),

    # flag to determine partitioning of our workflow's System
    system_type = Enum('auto', ['auto', 'serial', 'parallel'],
                       desc="Determines the partitioning of this driver's "
                       "workflow components into Systems. Default is "
                       "'auto', where a hierarchy of serial and parallel "
                       "systems is automatically determined. 'serial' "
                       "and 'parallel' may be specified to force the"
                       "workflow components into a single serial or "
                       "parallel System.  Note that when not running "
                       "under MPI, this option is ignored and the "
                       "resulting System will always be serial.",

    def __init__(self):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__()

        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self._required_compnames = None
        self._reduced_graph = None

        # clean up unwanted trait from Component

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        """For some reason `missing_deriv_policy` gets resurrected."""
        result = super(Driver, self).__deepcopy__(memo)
        return result

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        """callback when new workflow is slotted"""
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf.parent = self

    def requires_derivs(self):
        return False

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def _collapse_subdrivers(self, g):
        """collapse subdriver iteration sets into single nodes."""
        # collapse all subdrivers in our graph
        itercomps = {}
        itercomps['#parent'] = self.workflow.get_names(full=True)

        for child_drv in self.subdrivers(recurse=False):
            itercomps[] = [
       for c in child_drv.iteration_set()

        for child_drv in self.subdrivers(recurse=False):
            excludes = set()
            for name, comps in itercomps.items():
                if name !=
                    for cname in comps:
                        if cname not in itercomps[]:

            collapse_driver(g, child_drv, excludes)

        # now remove any comps that are shared by subdrivers but are not found
        # in our workflow
        to_remove = set()
        for name, comps in itercomps.items():
            if name != '#parent':
                for comp in comps:
                    if comp not in itercomps['#parent']:


    def get_depgraph(self):
        return self.parent._depgraph  # May change this to use a smaller graph later

    def get_reduced_graph(self):
        if self._reduced_graph is None:
            parent_graph = self.parent.get_reduced_graph()

            # copy parent graph
            g = parent_graph.subgraph(parent_graph.nodes_iter())

            nodes = set([ for c in self.workflow])
            g.collapse_subdrivers(nodes, self.workflow.subdrivers())


            g = g.full_subgraph(nodes)


            # create fake edges to/from the driver and each of its
            # components so we can get everything that's relevant
            # by getting all nodes that are strongly connected to the
            # driver in the graph.
            to_add = []
            for name in nodes:
                if not g.has_edge(, name):
                    to_add.append((, name))
                if not g.has_edge(name,
            comps = []
            for comps in strongly_connected_components(g):
                if in comps:
            self._reduced_graph = g.subgraph(comps)

        return self._reduced_graph

    def check_config(self, strict=False):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""

        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config(strict=strict)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_itername(self):
        """Return current 'iteration coordinates'."""
        if self.parent._top_driver is self:
            return self.parent.get_itername()

        return self.itername

    def iteration_set(self, solver_only=False):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow.

        solver_only: Bool
            Only recurse into solver drivers. These are the only kinds
            of drivers whose derivatives get absorbed into the parent
            driver's graph.
        allcomps = set()
        for child in self.workflow:
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
                if solver_only and not has_interface(child, ISolver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        deps = []
        for src, dest in super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends():
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                deps.add((src, dest))
        return list(deps)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_var_depends(self, recurse=True):
        """Returns a tuple of sets of the form (src_set, dest_set)
        containing all dependencies introduced by any parameters,
        objectives, or constraints in this Driver.  If recurse is True,
        include any refs from subdrivers.
        srcset = set()
        destset = set()
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                delegate = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(delegate, HasParameters):
                elif isinstance(
                    (HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints)):
                elif isinstance(delegate, (HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

            if recurse:
                for sub in self.subdrivers(recurse=True):
                    srcs, dests = sub.get_expr_var_depends(recurse=True)

        return srcset, destset

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def subdrivers(self, recurse=False):
        """Returns a generator of all subdrivers
        contained in this driver's workflow.  If recurse is True,
        include all subdrivers in our entire iteration set.
        if recurse:
            itercomps = self.iteration_set()
            itercomps = list(self.workflow)

        for comp in itercomps:
            if has_interface(comp, IDriver):
                yield comp

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        if self._required_compnames is None:
            # call base class version of get_expr_depends so we don't filter out
            # comps in our iterset.  We want required names to be everything between
            # and including comps that we reference in any parameter, objective, or
            # constraint.
            conns = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()

            getcomps = set([u for u, v in conns if u !=])
            setcomps = set([v for u, v in conns if v !=])

            full = set(setcomps)

            compgraph = self.get_depgraph().component_graph()

            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(find_all_connecting(compgraph, start, end))

            self._required_compnames = full

        return self._required_compnames

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def list_pseudocomps(self):
        """Return a list of names of pseudocomps resulting from
        our objectives, and constraints.
        pcomps = []
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name in self._delegates_:
                delegate = getattr(self, name)
                if hasattr(delegate, 'list_pseudocomps'):
        return pcomps

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return a dict of parameter, constraint, and objective
        references to component `name` in preparation for
        subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being referenced.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst,
                              (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                               HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives,
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, objective  and workflow
        references to component `name`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst,
                              (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                               HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives,

    def restore_references(self, refs):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        for inst, inst_refs in refs.items():

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, case_uuid=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if
        necessary, executing, and updating output variables. Do not override
        this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        case_uuid: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run.
        # (Re)configure parameters.
        if hasattr(self, 'config_parameters'):

        # force param pseudocomps to get updated values to start

        # Reset the workflow.
        super(Driver, self).run(case_uuid)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def configure_recording(self, recording_options=None):
        """Called at start of top-level run to configure case recording.
        Returns set of paths for changing inputs."""
        return self.workflow.configure_recording(recording_options)

    def update_parameters(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            params = self.get_parameters()
            for param in params.values():
                param.initialize(self.get_expr_scope(), self)
            if 'u' in self.workflow._system.vec:
                    self.parent, params.keys())

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use
        *pre_iteration*, *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function.
        As a result, none of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()``
        functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the workflow."""
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def end_iteration(self):
        """Called at the end of the iteraton loop.  Override this in
        inherited classes to perform some action after iteration is complete.

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.
        This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" %

    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        self._required_compnames = None
        self._depgraph = None
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def _get_param_constraint_pairs(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (param, constraint)."""
        pairs = []
        if hasattr(self, 'list_param_group_targets'):
            pgroups = self.list_param_group_targets()
            for key, cnst in self.get_eq_constraints().iteritems():
                for params in pgroups:
                    if params[0] == cnst.rhs.text:
                        pairs.append((params[0], cnst.pcomp_name + '.out0'))
                    elif params[0] == cnst.lhs.text:
                        pairs.append((params[0], cnst.pcomp_name + '.out0'))
        return pairs

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def setup_systems(self):
        """Set up system trees from here down to all of our
        child Components.
        if in self.parent._reduced_graph:
            self._system = self.parent._reduced_graph.node[]['system']

    #### MPI related methods ####

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_req_cpus(self):
        """Return requested_cpus."""
        return self.workflow.get_req_cpus()

    def setup_communicators(self, comm):
        """Allocate communicators from here down to all of our
        child Components.

    def setup_scatters(self):

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_full_nodeset(self):
        """Return the full set of nodes in the depgraph
        belonging to this driver (includes full iteration set).
        names = super(Driver, self).get_full_nodeset()
        return names

    def calc_gradient(self,
        """Returns the Jacobian of derivatives between inputs and outputs.

        inputs: list of strings
            List of OpenMDAO inputs to take derivatives with respect to.

        outputs: list of strings
            Lis of OpenMDAO outputs to take derivatives of.

        mode: string in ['forward', 'adjoint', 'auto', 'fd']
            Mode for gradient calculation. Set to 'auto' to let OpenMDAO choose
            forward or adjoint based on problem dimensions. Set to 'fd' to
            finite difference the entire workflow.

        return_format: string in ['array', 'dict']
            Format for return value. Default is array, but some optimizers may
            want a dictionary instead.

        force_regen: boolean
            Set to True to force a regeneration of the system hierarchy. This
            is set to True because this function is meant for manual testing.

        return self.workflow.calc_gradient(inputs=inputs,

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def setup_depgraph(self, dgraph):
        self._reduced_graph = None
        # # add connections for params, constraints, etc.
        # pass

        if self.workflow._calc_gradient_inputs is not None:
            for param in self.workflow._calc_gradient_inputs:
                dgraph.add_param(, param)
        else:  # add connections for our params/constraints/objectives
            # if hasattr(self, 'list_param_group_targets'):
            #     params = self.list_param_group_targets()

            # for now do nothing here because params are already
            # in the depgraph

        # add connections for calc gradient outputs
        if self.workflow._calc_gradient_outputs is not None:
            for vname in self.workflow._calc_gradient_outputs:
                dgraph.add_driver_input(, vname)
            pass  # for now, do nothing

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def pre_setup(self):
        self._reduced_graph = None
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    recorders = List(Slot(ICaseRecorder, required=False),
                     desc='Case recorders for iteration data.')

    # Extra variables for printing
    printvars = List(
        desc='List of extra variables to output in the recorders.')

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow,

    def __init__(self, doc=None):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__(doc=doc)
        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self.force_execute = True

        # This flag is triggered by adding or removing any parameters,
        # constraints, or objectives.
        self._invalidated = False

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf._parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def _invalidate(self):
        """ Method for delegates to declare that the driver is in an invalid
        state so that isvalid() returns false. Presently, this is called when
        a constraint/objective/parameter is set, removed, or cleared.
        self._invalidated = True

    def is_valid(self):
        """Return False if any Component in our workflow(s) is invalid,
        or if any of our variables is invalid, or if the parameters,
        constraints, or objectives have changed.
        if super(Driver, self).is_valid() is False:
            return False

        # force exection if any param, obj, or constraint has changed.
        if self._invalidated:
            return False

        # force execution if any component in the workflow is invalid
        for comp in self.workflow.get_components():
            if not comp.is_valid():
                return False
        return True

    def check_config(self):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""
        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config()

    def _update_workflow(self):
        """Updates workflow contents based on driver dependencies."""
        # if workflow is not defined, or if it contains only Drivers, try to
        # use parameters, objectives and/or constraint expressions to
        # determine the necessary workflow members
            iterset = set( for c in self.iteration_set())
            alldrivers = all([
                isinstance(c, Driver) for c in self.workflow.get_components()
            if len(self.workflow) == 0:
            elif alldrivers is True:
                reqcomps = self._get_required_compnames()
                    [name for name in reqcomps if name not in iterset])
            # calling get_components() here just makes sure that all of the
            # components can be resolved
            comps = self.workflow.get_components()
        except Exception as err:
            self.raise_exception(str(err), type(err))

    def iteration_set(self):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow(s) and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow(s).
        allcomps = set()
        if len(self.workflow) == 0:
            for compname in self._get_required_compnames():
        for child in self.workflow.get_components():
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        setcomps = set()
        getcomps = set()

        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, name)
                if isinstance(inst, HasParameters):
                    setcomps = inst.get_referenced_compnames()
                elif isinstance(
                    (HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

        full = set(setcomps)

        if self.parent:
            graph = self.parent._depgraph
            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(graph.find_all_connecting(start, end))
        return full

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` in preparation for subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(
                    (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                     HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, and objective references to component

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(
                    (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                     HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

    def restore_references(self, refs, name):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(
                    (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                     HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    inst.restore_references(refs[inst], name)

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, ffd_order=0, case_id=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if necessary,
        executing, and updating output variables. Do not override this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        ffd_order: int
            Order of the derivatives to be used when finite differncing (1 for first
            derivatives, 2 for second derivativse). During regular execution,
            ffd_order should be 0. (Default is 0)

        case_id: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run. (Default is '')
            If applied to the top-level assembly, this will be prepended to
            all iteration coordinates.

        for recorder in self.recorders:

        # Override just to reset the workflow :-(
        super(Driver, self).run(force, ffd_order, case_id)
        self._invalidated = False

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use *pre_iteration*,
        *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function. As a result, none
        of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()`` functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def step(self):
        """Similar to the 'execute' function, but this one only
        executes a single Component from the workflow each time
        it's called.
        if self._iter is None:
            self._iter = self._step()
        except StopIteration:
            self._iter = None
        raise RunStopped('Step complete')

    def _step(self):
        while self.continue_iteration():
            for junk in self._step_workflow():
        self._iter = None
        raise StopIteration()

    def _step_workflow(self):
        while True:
            except RunStopped:

    def stop(self):
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.  This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" %
                                 self.get_pathname()), case_id=self._case_id)

    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second)

    def check_derivatives(self, order, driver_inputs, driver_outputs):
        """ Check derivatives for all components in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.check_derivatives(order, driver_inputs, driver_outputs)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def record_case(self):
        """ A driver can call this function to record the current state of the
        current iteration as a Case into all slotted case recorders. Generally,
        the driver should call this function once per iteration and may also
        need to call it at the conclusion.

        All paramters, objectives, and constraints are included in the Case
        output, along with all extra variables listed in self.printvars.

        if not self.recorders:

        case_input = []
        case_output = []

        # Parameters
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
                if isinstance(name, tuple):
                    name = name[0]
                case_input.append([name, param.evaluate(self.parent)])

        # Objectives
        if hasattr(self, 'eval_objective'):
            case_output.append(["Objective", self.eval_objective()])

        # Constraints
        if hasattr(self, 'get_ineq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_ineq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                if '>' in val[2]:
                        ["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val[0] - val[1]])
                        ["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val[1] - val[0]])

        if hasattr(self, 'get_eq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_eq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                    ["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val[1] - val[0]])

        # Additional user-requested variables
        for printvar in self.printvars:

            if '*' in printvar:
                printvars = self._get_all_varpaths(printvar)
                printvars = [printvar]

            for var in printvars:
                iotype = self.parent.get_metadata(var, 'iotype')
                if iotype == 'in':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_input.append([var, val])
                elif iotype == 'out':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_output.append([var, val])
                    msg = "%s is not an input or output" % var
                    self.raise_exception(msg, ValueError)

        # Pull iteration coord from workflow
        coord = self.workflow._iterbase('')

        case = Case(case_input,

        for recorder in self.recorders:

    def _get_all_varpaths(self, pattern, header=''):
        ''' Return a list of all varpaths in the driver's workflow that
        match the specified pattern.

        Used by record_case.'''

        # assume we don't want this in driver's imports
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly

        # Start with our driver's settings
        all_vars = []
        for var in self.list_vars():
            all_vars.append('%s.%s' % (, var))

        for comp in self.workflow.__iter__():

            # All variables from components in workflow
            for var in comp.list_vars():
                all_vars.append('%s%s.%s' % (header,, var))

            # Recurse into assemblys
            if isinstance(comp, Assembly):

                assy_header = '%s%s.' % (header,
                assy_vars = comp.driver._get_all_varpaths(pattern, assy_header)
                all_vars = all_vars + assy_vars

        # Match pattern in our var names
        matched_vars = []
        if pattern == '*':
            matched_vars = all_vars
            matched_vars = fnmatch.filter(all_vars, pattern)

        return matched_vars

    def get_workflow(self):
        """ Get the driver info and the list of components that make up the
            driver's workflow; recurse on nested drivers.
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly
        ret = {}
        ret['pathname'] = self.get_pathname()
        ret['type'] = type(self).__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__
        ret['workflow'] = []
        ret['valid'] = self.is_valid()
        for comp in self.workflow:
            pathname = comp.get_pathname()
            if is_instance(comp, Assembly) and comp.driver:
                    type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
            elif is_instance(comp, Driver):
                    type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
        return ret
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow, allow_none=True, required=True,
                    factory=Dataflow, hidden=True)

    gradient_options = VarTree(GradientOptions(), iotype='in',

    def __init__(self):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__()

        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self._required_compnames = None

        # clean up unwanted trait from Component

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        """For some reason `missing_deriv_policy` gets resurrected."""
        result = super(Driver, self).__deepcopy__(memo)
        return result

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        """callback when new workflow is slotted"""
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf.parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def check_config(self, strict=False):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""

        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config(strict=strict)

    def iteration_set(self, solver_only=False):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow.

        solver_only: Bool
            Only recurse into solver drivers. These are the only kinds
            of drivers whose derivatives get absorbed into the parent
            driver's graph.
        allcomps = set()
        for child in self.workflow.get_components(full=True):
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
                if solver_only and not has_interface(child, ISolver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_var_depends(self, recurse=True):
        """Returns a tuple of sets of the form (src_set, dest_set)
        containing all dependencies introduced by any parameters,
        objectives, or constraints in this Driver.  If recurse is True,
        include any refs from subdrivers.
        srcset = set()
        destset = set()
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                delegate = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(delegate, HasParameters):
                elif isinstance(delegate, (HasConstraints,
                                           HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                           HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

            if recurse:
                for sub in self.subdrivers():
                    srcs, dests = sub.get_expr_var_depends(recurse)

        return srcset, destset

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def subdrivers(self):
        """Returns a generator of of subdrivers of this driver."""
        for d in self.iteration_set():
            if has_interface(d, IDriver):
                yield d

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        if self._required_compnames is None:
            conns = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
            getcomps = set([u for u, v in conns if u !=])
            setcomps = set([v for u, v in conns if v !=])

            full = set(setcomps)

            compgraph = self.parent._depgraph.component_graph()

            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(find_all_connecting(compgraph, start, end))

            self._required_compnames = full

        return self._required_compnames

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def list_pseudocomps(self):
        """Return a list of names of pseudocomps resulting from
        our objectives, and constraints.
        pcomps = []
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name in self._delegates_:
                delegate = getattr(self, name)
                if hasattr(delegate, 'list_pseudocomps'):
        return pcomps

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return a dict of parameter, constraint, and objective
        references to component `name` in preparation for
        subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being referenced.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, objective  and workflow
        references to component `name`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

    def restore_references(self, refs):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        for inst, inst_refs in refs.items():

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, ffd_order=0, case_uuid=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if
        necessary, executing, and updating output variables. Do not override
        this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        ffd_order: int
            Order of the derivatives to be used when finite differencing (1
            for first derivatives, 2 for second derivatives). During regular
            execution, ffd_order should be 0. (Default is 0)

        case_uuid: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run.

        # (Re)configure parameters.
        if hasattr(self, 'config_parameters'):

        # force param pseudocomps to get updated values to start
        # KTM1 - probably don't need this anymore

        # Reset the workflow.
        super(Driver, self).run(ffd_order, case_uuid)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def configure_recording(self, includes, excludes):
        """Called at start of top-level run to configure case recording.
        Returns set of paths for changing inputs."""
        return self.workflow.configure_recording(includes, excludes)

    def update_parameters(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for param in self.get_parameters().values():

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use
        *pre_iteration*, *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function.
        As a result, none of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()``
        functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the workflow."""
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.
        This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!"
                                 % self.get_pathname())

    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False, savebase=False,
                         required_inputs=None, required_outputs=None):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second, savebase,
                                       required_inputs, required_outputs)

    def calc_gradient(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
        """Returns the gradient of the passed outputs with respect to
        all passed inputs. The basic driver behavior is to call calc_gradient
        on its workflow. However, some driver (optimizers in particular) may
        want to define their own behavior.
        return self.workflow.calc_gradient(inputs, outputs, upscope=True)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        self._required_compnames = None
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def get_workflow(self):
        """ Get the driver info and the list of components that make up the
            driver's workflow; recurse on nested drivers.
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly
        ret = {}
        ret['pathname'] = self.get_pathname()
        ret['type'] = type(self).__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__
        ret['workflow'] = []
        comps = [comp for comp in self.workflow]
        for comp in comps:

            # Skip pseudo-comps
            if hasattr(comp, '_pseudo_type'):

            pathname = comp.get_pathname()
            if is_instance(comp, Assembly) and comp.driver:
                inames = [cls.__name__
                          for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))]
                    'pathname': pathname,
                    'type': type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'interfaces': inames,
                    'driver': comp.driver.get_workflow(),
            elif is_instance(comp, Driver):
                inames = [cls.__name__
                          for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))]
                    'pathname': pathname,
                    'type': type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'interfaces': inames,
        return ret
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    recorders = List(Slot(ICaseRecorder, required=False),
                     desc='Case recorders for iteration data.')

    # Extra variables for adding to CaseRecorders
    printvars = List(
        desc='List of extra variables to output in the recorders.')

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow,

    gradient_options = VarTree(GradientOptions(),

    def __init__(self):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__()

        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self.force_execute = True

        self._required_compnames = None

        # This flag is triggered by adding or removing any parameters,
        # constraints, or objectives.
        self._invalidated = False

        # clean up unwanted trait from Component

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        """callback when new workflow is slotted"""
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf._parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def _invalidate(self):
        """ Method for delegates to declare that the driver is in an invalid
        state so that isvalid() returns false. Presently, this is called when
        a constraint/objective/parameter is set, removed, or cleared.
        self._invalidated = True

    def is_valid(self):
        """Return False if any Component in our workflow(s) is invalid,
        if any of our variables is invalid, or if the parameters,
        constraints, or objectives have changed.
        if super(Driver, self).is_valid() is False:
            return False

        # force exection if any param, obj, or constraint has changed.
        if self._invalidated:
            return False

        # force execution if any component in the workflow is invalid
        for comp in self.workflow.get_components():
            if not comp.is_valid():
                return False
        return True

    def check_config(self):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""

        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config()

    def iteration_set(self, solver_only=False):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow.

        solver_only: Bool
            Only recurse into solver drivers. These are the only kinds
            of drivers whose derivatives get absorbed into the parent
            driver's graph.
        allcomps = set()
        for child in self.workflow.get_components(full=True):
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
                if solver_only and not has_interface(child, ISolver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_var_depends(self, recurse=True):
        """Returns a tuple of sets of the form (src_set, dest_set)
        containing all dependencies introduced by any parameters,
        objectives, or constraints in this Driver.  If recurse is True,
        include any refs from subdrivers.
        srcset = set()
        destset = set()
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                delegate = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(delegate, HasParameters):
                elif isinstance(
                    (HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

            if recurse:
                for sub in self.subdrivers():
                    srcs, dests = sub.get_expr_var_depends(recurse)

        return srcset, destset

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def subdrivers(self):
        """Returns a generator of of subdrivers of this driver."""
        for d in self.iteration_set():
            if has_interface(d, IDriver):
                yield d

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        if self._required_compnames is None:
            conns = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
            getcomps = set([u for u, v in conns if u !=])
            setcomps = set([v for u, v in conns if v !=])

            full = set(setcomps)

            compgraph = self.parent._depgraph.component_graph()

            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(find_all_connecting(compgraph, start, end))

            self._required_compnames = full

        return self._required_compnames

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def list_pseudocomps(self):
        """Return a list of names of pseudocomps resulting from
        our objectives, and constraints.
        pcomps = []
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                delegate = getattr(self, name)
                if hasattr(delegate, 'list_pseudocomps'):
        return pcomps

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return a dict of parameter, constraint, and objective
        references to component `name` in preparation for
        subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being referenced.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(
                    (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                     HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, objective  and workflow
        references to component `name`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(
                    (HasParameters, HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                     HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

    def restore_references(self, refs):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        for inst, inst_refs in refs.items():

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, ffd_order=0, case_id=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if
        necessary, executing, and updating output variables. Do not override
        this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        ffd_order: int
            Order of the derivatives to be used when finite differencing (1
            for first derivatives, 2 for second derivatives). During regular
            execution, ffd_order should be 0. (Default is 0)

        case_id: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run.
            If applied to the top-level assembly, this will be prepended to
            all iteration coordinates. (Default is '')

        # (Re)configure parameters.
        if hasattr(self, 'config_parameters'):

        for recorder in self.recorders:

        # force param pseudocomps to get updated values to start
        # KTM1 - probably don't need this anymore

        # Override just to reset the workflow :-(
        super(Driver, self).run(force, ffd_order, case_id)
        self._invalidated = False

    def update_parameters(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for param in self.get_parameters().values():

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use *pre_iteration*,
        *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function. As a result, none
        of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()`` functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def step(self):
        """Similar to the 'execute' function, but this one only
        executes a single Component from the workflow each time
        it's called.
        if self._iter is None:
            self._iter = self._step()
        except StopIteration:
            self._iter = None
        raise RunStopped('Step complete')

    def _step(self):
        '''Step through a single workflow comp and then return control'''
        while self.continue_iteration():
            for junk in self._step_workflow():
        self._iter = None
        raise StopIteration()

    def _step_workflow(self):
        while True:
            except RunStopped:

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the workflow."""
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.  This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" %
                                 self.get_pathname()), case_id=self._case_id)

    def calc_derivatives(self,
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second, savebase,
                                       required_inputs, required_outputs)

    def calc_gradient(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
        """Returns the gradient of the passed outputs with respect to
        all passed inputs. The basic driver behavior is to call calc_gradient
        on its workflow. However, some driver (optimizers in particular) may
        want to define their own behavior.
        return self.workflow.calc_gradient(inputs, outputs, upscope=True)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        self._required_compnames = None
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def record_case(self):
        """ A driver can call this function to record the current state of the
        current iteration as a Case into all slotted case recorders. Generally,
        the driver should call this function once per iteration and may also
        need to call it at the conclusion.

        All parameters, objectives, and constraints are included in the Case
        output, along with all extra variables listed in self.printvars.

        if not self.recorders:

        case_input = []
        case_output = []
        iotypes = {}

        # Parameters
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
                if isinstance(name, tuple):
                    name = name[0]
                case_input.append([name, param.evaluate(self.parent)])
                iotypes[name] = 'in'

        # Objectives
        if hasattr(self, 'eval_objective'):
            case_output.append(["Objective", self.eval_objective()])
        elif hasattr(self, 'eval_objectives'):
            for j, obj in enumerate(self.eval_objectives()):
                case_output.append(["Objective_%d" % j, obj])

        # Constraints
        if hasattr(self, 'get_ineq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_ineq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val])

        if hasattr(self, 'get_eq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_eq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val])

        tmp_printvars = self.printvars[:]
        tmp_printvars.append('%s.workflow.itername' %
        iotypes[tmp_printvars[-1]] = 'out'

        # Additional user-requested variables
        for printvar in tmp_printvars:

            if '*' in printvar:
                printvars = self._get_all_varpaths(printvar)
                printvars = [printvar]

            for var in printvars:
                iotype = iotypes.get(var)
                if iotype is None:
                    iotype = self.parent.get_metadata(var, 'iotype')
                    iotypes[var] = iotype
                if iotype == 'in':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_input.append([var, val])
                elif iotype == 'out':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_output.append([var, val])
                    msg = "%s is not an input or output" % var
                    self.raise_exception(msg, ValueError)

        #case = Case(case_input, case_output, case_uuid=self.case_id , parent_uuid=self.parent_case_id)
        case = Case(case_input, case_output, parent_uuid=self._case_id)

        for recorder in self.recorders:

    def _get_all_varpaths(self, pattern, header=''):
        ''' Return a list of all varpaths in the driver's workflow that
        match the specified pattern.

        Used by record_case.

        # assume we don't want this in driver's imports
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly

        # Start with our driver's settings
        all_vars = []
        for var in self.list_vars():
            all_vars.append('%s.%s' % (, var))

        for comp in self.workflow.__iter__():

            # The variables in pseudo-comps are not of interest.
            if not hasattr(comp, 'list_vars'):

            # All variables from components in workflow
            for var in comp.list_vars():
                all_vars.append('%s%s.%s' % (header,, var))

            # Recurse into assemblys
            if isinstance(comp, Assembly):

                assy_header = '%s%s.' % (header,
                assy_vars = comp.driver._get_all_varpaths(pattern, assy_header)
                all_vars = all_vars + assy_vars

        # Match pattern in our var names
        matched_vars = []
        if pattern == '*':
            matched_vars = all_vars
            matched_vars = fnmatch.filter(all_vars, pattern)

        return matched_vars

    def get_workflow(self):
        """ Get the driver info and the list of components that make up the
            driver's workflow; recurse on nested drivers.
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly
        ret = {}
        ret['pathname'] = self.get_pathname()
        ret['type'] = type(self).__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__
        ret['workflow'] = []
        ret['valid'] = self.is_valid()
        comps = [comp for comp in self.workflow]
        for comp in comps:

            # Skip pseudo-comps
            if hasattr(comp, '_pseudo_type'):

            pathname = comp.get_pathname()
            if is_instance(comp, Assembly) and comp.driver:
                inames = [
                    cls.__name__ for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))
                    type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
            elif is_instance(comp, Driver):
                inames = [
                    cls.__name__ for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))
                    type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
        return ret
Exemple #5
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    recorders = List(Slot(ICaseRecorder, required=False),
                     desc='Case recorders for iteration data.')

    # Extra variables for printing
    printvars = List(Str, iotype='in', 
                     desc='List of extra variables to output in the recorders.')

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow, allow_none=True, required=True, 
                    factory=Dataflow, hidden=True)
    def __init__(self, doc=None):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__(doc=doc)
        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self.force_execute = True
        # This flag is triggered by adding or removing any parameters,
        # constraints, or objectives.
        self._invalidated = False

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf._parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def _invalidate(self):
        """ Method for delegates to declare that the driver is in an invalid
        state so that isvalid() returns false. Presently, this is called when
        a constraint/objective/parameter is set, removed, or cleared.
        self._invalidated = True
    def is_valid(self):
        """Return False if any Component in our workflow(s) is invalid,
        or if any of our variables is invalid, or if the parameters,
        constraints, or objectives have changed.
        if super(Driver, self).is_valid() is False:
            return False

        # force exection if any param, obj, or constraint has changed.
        if self._invalidated:
            return False

        # force execution if any component in the workflow is invalid
        for comp in self.workflow.get_components():
            if not comp.is_valid():
                return False
        return True

    def check_config(self):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""
        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config()
    def _update_workflow(self):
        """Updates workflow contents based on driver dependencies."""
        # if workflow is not defined, or if it contains only Drivers, try to
        # use parameters, objectives and/or constraint expressions to
        # determine the necessary workflow members
            iterset = set( for c in self.iteration_set())
            alldrivers = all([isinstance(c, Driver)
                                for c in self.workflow.get_components()])
            if len(self.workflow) == 0:
            elif alldrivers is True:
                reqcomps = self._get_required_compnames()
                self.workflow.add([name for name in reqcomps
                                        if name not in iterset])
            # calling get_components() here just makes sure that all of the
            # components can be resolved
            comps = self.workflow.get_components()
        except Exception as err:
            self.raise_exception(str(err), type(err))

    def iteration_set(self):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow(s) and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow(s).
        allcomps = set()
        if len(self.workflow) == 0:
            for compname in self._get_required_compnames():
        for child in self.workflow.get_components():
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        setcomps = set()
        getcomps = set()

        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, name)
                if isinstance(inst, HasParameters):
                    setcomps = inst.get_referenced_compnames()
                elif isinstance(inst, (HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints,
                                       HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

        full = set(setcomps)
        if self.parent:
            graph = self.parent._depgraph
            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(graph.find_all_connecting(start, end))
        return full

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` in preparation for subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, and objective references to component

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

    def restore_references(self, refs, name):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    inst.restore_references(refs[inst], name)

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, ffd_order=0, case_id=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if necessary,
        executing, and updating output variables. Do not override this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        ffd_order: int
            Order of the derivatives to be used when finite differncing (1 for first
            derivatives, 2 for second derivativse). During regular execution,
            ffd_order should be 0. (Default is 0)

        case_id: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run. (Default is '')
            If applied to the top-level assembly, this will be prepended to
            all iteration coordinates.
        for recorder in self.recorders:
        # Override just to reset the workflow :-(
        super(Driver, self).run(force, ffd_order, case_id)
        self._invalidated = False

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use *pre_iteration*,
        *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function. As a result, none
        of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()`` functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def step(self):
        """Similar to the 'execute' function, but this one only
        executes a single Component from the workflow each time
        it's called.
        if self._iter is None:
            self._iter = self._step()
        except StopIteration:
            self._iter = None
        raise RunStopped('Step complete')

    def _step(self):
        while self.continue_iteration():
            for junk in self._step_workflow():
        self._iter = None
        raise StopIteration()

    def _step_workflow(self):
        while True:
            except RunStopped:

    def stop(self):
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.  This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" % self.get_pathname()), case_id=self._case_id)

    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second)

    def check_derivatives(self, order, driver_inputs, driver_outputs):
        """ Check derivatives for all components in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.check_derivatives(order, driver_inputs, driver_outputs)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def record_case(self):
        """ A driver can call this function to record the current state of the
        current iteration as a Case into all slotted case recorders. Generally,
        the driver should call this function once per iteration and may also
        need to call it at the conclusion.

        All paramters, objectives, and constraints are included in the Case
        output, along with all extra variables listed in self.printvars.

        if not self.recorders:

        case_input = []
        case_output = []

        # Parameters
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
                if isinstance(name, tuple):
                    name = name[0]
                case_input.append([name, param.evaluate(self.parent)])

        # Objectives
        if hasattr(self, 'eval_objective'):
            case_output.append(["Objective", self.eval_objective()])

        # Constraints
        if hasattr(self, 'get_ineq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_ineq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                if '>' in val[2]:
                    case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name,
                                                              val[0] - val[1]])
                    case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name,
                                                              val[1] - val[0]])

        if hasattr(self, 'get_eq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_eq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val[1] - val[0]])

        # Additional user-requested variables
        for printvar in self.printvars:

            if  '*' in printvar:
                printvars = self._get_all_varpaths(printvar)
                printvars = [printvar]

            for var in printvars:
                iotype = self.parent.get_metadata(var, 'iotype')
                if iotype == 'in':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_input.append([var, val])
                elif iotype == 'out':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_output.append([var, val])
                    msg = "%s is not an input or output" % var
                    self.raise_exception(msg, ValueError)

        # Pull iteration coord from workflow
        coord = self.workflow._iterbase('')

        case = Case(case_input, case_output, label=coord,

        for recorder in self.recorders:

    def _get_all_varpaths(self, pattern, header=''):
        ''' Return a list of all varpaths in the driver's workflow that
        match the specified pattern.

        Used by record_case.'''

        # assume we don't want this in driver's imports
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly

        # Start with our driver's settings
        all_vars = []
        for var in self.list_vars():
            all_vars.append('%s.%s' % (, var))

        for comp in self.workflow.__iter__():

            # All variables from components in workflow
            for var in comp.list_vars():
                all_vars.append('%s%s.%s' % (header,, var))

            # Recurse into assemblys
            if isinstance(comp, Assembly):

                assy_header = '%s%s.' % (header,
                assy_vars = comp.driver._get_all_varpaths(pattern, assy_header)
                all_vars = all_vars + assy_vars

        # Match pattern in our var names
        matched_vars = []
        if pattern == '*':
            matched_vars = all_vars
            matched_vars = fnmatch.filter(all_vars, pattern)

        return matched_vars

    def get_workflow(self):
        """ Get the driver info and the list of components that make up the
            driver's workflow; recurse on nested drivers.
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly
        ret = {}
        ret['pathname'] = self.get_pathname()
        ret['type'] = type(self).__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__
        ret['workflow'] = []
        ret['valid'] = self.is_valid()
        for comp in self.workflow:
            pathname = comp.get_pathname()
            if is_instance(comp, Assembly) and comp.driver:
                    'pathname': pathname,
                    'type':     type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'driver':   comp.driver.get_workflow(),
                    'valid':    comp.is_valid()
            elif is_instance(comp, Driver):
                    'pathname': pathname,
                    'type':     type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'valid':    comp.is_valid()
        return ret
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    recorders = List(Slot(ICaseRecorder, required=False),
                     desc='Case recorders for iteration data.')

    # Extra variables for adding to CaseRecorders
    printvars = List(Str, iotype='in', framework_var=True,
                     desc='List of extra variables to output in the recorders.')

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow, allow_none=True, required=True,
                    factory=Dataflow, hidden=True)

    gradient_options = VarTree(GradientOptions(), iotype='in')

    def __init__(self):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__()

        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self.force_execute = True

        self._required_compnames = None

        # This flag is triggered by adding or removing any parameters,
        # constraints, or objectives.
        self._invalidated = False

        # clean up unwanted trait from Component

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        """callback when new workflow is slotted"""
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf._parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def _invalidate(self):
        """ Method for delegates to declare that the driver is in an invalid
        state so that isvalid() returns false. Presently, this is called when
        a constraint/objective/parameter is set, removed, or cleared.
        self._invalidated = True

    def is_valid(self):
        """Return False if any Component in our workflow(s) is invalid,
        if any of our variables is invalid, or if the parameters,
        constraints, or objectives have changed.
        if super(Driver, self).is_valid() is False:
            return False

        # force exection if any param, obj, or constraint has changed.
        if self._invalidated:
            return False

        # force execution if any component in the workflow is invalid
        for comp in self.workflow.get_components():
            if not comp.is_valid():
                return False
        return True

    def check_config(self):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""

        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config()

    def iteration_set(self, solver_only=False):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow.

        solver_only: Bool
            Only recurse into solver drivers. These are the only kinds
            of drivers whose derivatives get absorbed into the parent
            driver's graph.
        allcomps = set()
        for child in self.workflow.get_components(full=True):
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
                if solver_only and not has_interface(child, ISolver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_var_depends(self, recurse=True):
        """Returns a tuple of sets of the form (src_set, dest_set)
        containing all dependencies introduced by any parameters,
        objectives, or constraints in this Driver.  If recurse is True,
        include any refs from subdrivers.
        srcset = set()
        destset = set()
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                delegate = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(delegate, HasParameters):
                elif isinstance(delegate, (HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

            if recurse:
                for sub in self.subdrivers():
                    srcs, dests = sub.get_expr_var_depends(recurse)

        return srcset, destset

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def subdrivers(self):
        """Returns a generator of of subdrivers of this driver."""
        for d in self.iteration_set():
            if has_interface(d, IDriver):
                yield d

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        if self._required_compnames is None:
            conns = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
            getcomps = set([u for u, v in conns if u !=])
            setcomps = set([v for u, v in conns if v !=])

            full = set(setcomps)

            compgraph = self.parent._depgraph.component_graph()

            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(find_all_connecting(compgraph, start, end))

            self._required_compnames = full

        return self._required_compnames

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def list_pseudocomps(self):
        """Return a list of names of pseudocomps resulting from
        our objectives, and constraints.
        pcomps = []
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                delegate = getattr(self, name)
                if hasattr(delegate, 'list_pseudocomps'):
        return pcomps

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return a dict of parameter, constraint, and objective
        references to component `name` in preparation for
        subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being referenced.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, objective  and workflow
        references to component `name`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

    def restore_references(self, refs):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        for inst, inst_refs in refs.items():

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, ffd_order=0, case_id=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if
        necessary, executing, and updating output variables. Do not override
        this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        ffd_order: int
            Order of the derivatives to be used when finite differencing (1
            for first derivatives, 2 for second derivatives). During regular
            execution, ffd_order should be 0. (Default is 0)

        case_id: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run.
            If applied to the top-level assembly, this will be prepended to
            all iteration coordinates. (Default is '')

        # (Re)configure parameters.
        if hasattr(self, 'config_parameters'):

        for recorder in self.recorders:

        # force param pseudocomps to get updated values to start
        # KTM1 - probably don't need this anymore

        # Override just to reset the workflow :-(
        super(Driver, self).run(force, ffd_order, case_id)
        self._invalidated = False

    def update_parameters(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for param in self.get_parameters().values():

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use *pre_iteration*,
        *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function. As a result, none
        of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()`` functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def step(self):
        """Similar to the 'execute' function, but this one only
        executes a single Component from the workflow each time
        it's called.
        if self._iter is None:
            self._iter = self._step()
        except StopIteration:
            self._iter = None
        raise RunStopped('Step complete')

    def _step(self):
        '''Step through a single workflow comp and then return control'''
        while self.continue_iteration():
            for junk in self._step_workflow():
        self._iter = None
        raise StopIteration()

    def _step_workflow(self):
        while True:
            except RunStopped:

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the workflow."""
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.  This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" % self.get_pathname()), case_id=self._case_id)

    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False, savebase=False,
                         required_inputs=None, required_outputs=None):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second, savebase,
                                       required_inputs, required_outputs)

    def calc_gradient(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
        """Returns the gradient of the passed outputs with respect to
        all passed inputs. The basic driver behavior is to call calc_gradient
        on its workflow. However, some driver (optimizers in particular) may
        want to define their own behavior.
        return self.workflow.calc_gradient(inputs, outputs, upscope=True)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        self._required_compnames = None
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def record_case(self):
        """ A driver can call this function to record the current state of the
        current iteration as a Case into all slotted case recorders. Generally,
        the driver should call this function once per iteration and may also
        need to call it at the conclusion.

        All parameters, objectives, and constraints are included in the Case
        output, along with all extra variables listed in self.printvars.

        if not self.recorders:

        case_input = []
        case_output = []
        iotypes = {}

        # Parameters
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for name, param in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
                if isinstance(name, tuple):
                    name = name[0]
                case_input.append([name, param.evaluate(self.parent)])
                iotypes[name] = 'in'

        # Objectives
        if hasattr(self, 'eval_objective'):
            case_output.append(["Objective", self.eval_objective()])
        elif hasattr(self, 'eval_objectives'):
            for j, obj in enumerate(self.eval_objectives()):
                case_output.append(["Objective_%d" % j, obj])

        # Constraints
        if hasattr(self, 'get_ineq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_ineq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val])

        if hasattr(self, 'get_eq_constraints'):
            for name, con in self.get_eq_constraints().iteritems():
                val = con.evaluate(self.parent)
                case_output.append(["Constraint ( %s )" % name, val])

        tmp_printvars = self.printvars[:]
        tmp_printvars.append('%s.workflow.itername' %
        iotypes[tmp_printvars[-1]] = 'out'

        # Additional user-requested variables
        for printvar in tmp_printvars:

            if '*' in printvar:
                printvars = self._get_all_varpaths(printvar)
                printvars = [printvar]

            for var in printvars:
                iotype = iotypes.get(var)
                if iotype is None:
                    iotype = self.parent.get_metadata(var, 'iotype')
                    iotypes[var] = iotype
                if iotype == 'in':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_input.append([var, val])
                elif iotype == 'out':
                    val = ExprEvaluator(var, scope=self.parent).evaluate()
                    case_output.append([var, val])
                    msg = "%s is not an input or output" % var
                    self.raise_exception(msg, ValueError)

        case = Case(case_input, case_output, parent_uuid=self._case_id)

        for recorder in self.recorders:

    def _get_all_varpaths(self, pattern, header=''):
        ''' Return a list of all varpaths in the driver's workflow that
        match the specified pattern.

        Used by record_case.

        # assume we don't want this in driver's imports
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly

        # Start with our driver's settings
        all_vars = []
        for var in self.list_vars():
            all_vars.append('%s.%s' % (, var))

        for comp in self.workflow.__iter__():

            # The variables in pseudo-comps are not of interest.
            if not hasattr(comp, 'list_vars'):

            # All variables from components in workflow
            for var in comp.list_vars():
                all_vars.append('%s%s.%s' % (header,, var))

            # Recurse into assemblys
            if isinstance(comp, Assembly):

                assy_header = '%s%s.' % (header,
                assy_vars = comp.driver._get_all_varpaths(pattern, assy_header)
                all_vars = all_vars + assy_vars

        # Match pattern in our var names
        matched_vars = []
        if pattern == '*':
            matched_vars = all_vars
            matched_vars = fnmatch.filter(all_vars, pattern)

        return matched_vars

    def get_workflow(self):
        """ Get the driver info and the list of components that make up the
            driver's workflow; recurse on nested drivers.
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly
        ret = {}
        ret['pathname'] = self.get_pathname()
        ret['type'] = type(self).__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__
        ret['workflow'] = []
        ret['valid'] = self.is_valid()
        comps = [comp for comp in self.workflow]
        for comp in comps:

            # Skip pseudo-comps
            if hasattr(comp, '_pseudo_type'):

            pathname = comp.get_pathname()
            if is_instance(comp, Assembly) and comp.driver:
                inames = [cls.__name__
                          for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))]
                    'pathname':   pathname,
                    'type':       type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'interfaces': inames,
                    'driver':     comp.driver.get_workflow(),
                    'valid':      comp.is_valid()
            elif is_instance(comp, Driver):
                inames = [cls.__name__
                          for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))]
                    'pathname':   pathname,
                    'type':       type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'interfaces': inames,
                    'valid':      comp.is_valid()
        return ret
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """
    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    recorders = List(Slot(ICaseRecorder, required=False), 
                     desc='Case recorders for iteration data.')

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow, allow_none=True, required=True, factory=Dataflow)
    def __init__(self, doc=None):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__(doc=doc)
        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf._parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def is_valid(self):
        """Return False if any Component in our workflow(s) is invalid,
        or if any of our variables is invalid.
        if super(Driver, self).is_valid() is False:
            return False

        # force execution if any component in the workflow is invalid
        for comp in self.workflow.get_components():
            if not comp.is_valid():
                return False
        return True

    def check_config (self):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""
        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config()
        # if workflow is not defined, or if it contains only Drivers, try to
        # use parameters, objectives and/or constraint expressions to
        # determine the necessary workflow members
            iterset = set( for c in self.iteration_set())
            alldrivers = all([isinstance(c, Driver) 
                                for c in self.workflow.get_components()])
            reqcomps = self._get_required_compnames()
            if len(self.workflow) == 0:
            elif alldrivers is True:
                self.workflow.add([name for name in reqcomps 
                                        if name not in iterset])
                diff = reqcomps - iterset
                if len(diff) > 0:
                    #raise RuntimeError("Expressions in this Driver require the following "
                    #                   "Components that are not part of the "
                    #                   "workflow: %s" % list(diff))
            # calling get_components() here just makes sure that all of the
            # components can be resolved
            comps = self.workflow.get_components()
        except Exception as err:
            self.raise_exception(str(err), type(err))

    def iteration_set(self):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow(s), and 
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow(s).
        allcomps = set()
        if len(self.workflow) == 0:
            for compname in self._get_required_compnames():
        for child in self.workflow.get_components():
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
        return allcomps
    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by 
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        setcomps = set()
        getcomps = set()

        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name, dclass in self._delegates_.items():
                inst = getattr(self, name)
                if isinstance(inst, HasParameters):
                    setcomps = inst.get_referenced_compnames()
                elif isinstance(inst, (HasConstraints, HasEqConstraints, 
                                       HasIneqConstraints, HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

        full = set(getcomps)
        if self.parent:
            graph = self.parent._depgraph
            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(graph.find_all_connecting(start, end))
        return full

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use *pre_iteration*,
        *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function. As a result, none
        of the <start/pre/post/continue>_iteration() functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def step(self):
        """Similar to the 'execute' function, but this one only 
        executes a single Component from the workflow each time
        it's called.
        if self._iter is None:
            self._iter = self._step()
        except StopIteration:
            self._iter = None
        raise RunStopped('Step complete')
    def _step(self):
        while self.continue_iteration():
            for junk in self._step_workflow():
        self._iter = None
        raise StopIteration()
    def _step_workflow(self):
        while True:
            except RunStopped:

    def stop(self):
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can 
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any 
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue
    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.  This is where iteration events are set."""
    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" % self.get_pathname()), case_id=self._case_id)
    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second)
    def check_derivatives(self, order, driver_inputs, driver_outputs):
        """ Check derivatives for all components in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.check_derivatives(order, driver_inputs, driver_outputs)
    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        if self.workflow is not None:
class Driver(Component):
    """ A Driver iterates over a workflow of Components until some condition
    is met. """

    implements(IDriver, IHasEvents)

    # set factory here so we see a default value in the docs, even
    # though we replace it with a new Dataflow in __init__
    workflow = Slot(Workflow, allow_none=True, required=True,
                    factory=Dataflow, hidden=True)

    gradient_options = VarTree(GradientOptions(), iotype='in',

    def __init__(self):
        self._iter = None
        super(Driver, self).__init__()

        self.workflow = Dataflow(self)
        self._required_compnames = None

        # clean up unwanted trait from Component

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        """For some reason `missing_deriv_policy` gets resurrected."""
        result = super(Driver, self).__deepcopy__(memo)
        return result

    def _workflow_changed(self, oldwf, newwf):
        """callback when new workflow is slotted"""
        if newwf is not None:
            newwf.parent = self

    def get_expr_scope(self):
        """Return the scope to be used to evaluate ExprEvaluators."""
        return self.parent

    def check_config(self, strict=False):
        """Verify that our workflow is able to resolve all of its components."""

        # workflow will raise an exception if it can't resolve a Component
        super(Driver, self).check_config(strict=strict)

    def iteration_set(self, solver_only=False):
        """Return a set of all Components in our workflow and
        recursively in any workflow in any Driver in our workflow.

        solver_only: Bool
            Only recurse into solver drivers. These are the only kinds
            of drivers whose derivatives get absorbed into the parent
            driver's graph.
        allcomps = set()
        for child in self.workflow.get_components(full=True):
            if has_interface(child, IDriver):
                if solver_only and not has_interface(child, ISolver):
        return allcomps

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_depends(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples of the form (src_comp_name,
        dest_comp_name) for each dependency introduced by any ExprEvaluators
        in this Driver, ignoring any dependencies on components that are
        inside of this Driver's iteration set.
        iternames = set([ for c in self.iteration_set()])
        conn_list = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
        new_list = []
        for src, dest in conn_list:
            if src not in iternames and dest not in iternames:
                new_list.append((src, dest))
        return new_list

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_expr_var_depends(self, recurse=True):
        """Returns a tuple of sets of the form (src_set, dest_set)
        containing all dependencies introduced by any parameters,
        objectives, or constraints in this Driver.  If recurse is True,
        include any refs from subdrivers.
        srcset = set()
        destset = set()
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                delegate = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(delegate, HasParameters):
                elif isinstance(delegate, (HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

            if recurse:
                for sub in self.subdrivers():
                    srcs, dests = sub.get_expr_var_depends(recurse)

        return srcset, destset

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def subdrivers(self):
        """Returns a generator of of subdrivers of this driver."""
        for d in self.iteration_set():
            if has_interface(d, IDriver):
                yield d

    def _get_required_compnames(self):
        """Returns a set of names of components that are required by
        this Driver in order to evaluate parameters, objectives
        and constraints.  This list will include any intermediate
        components in the data flow between components referenced by
        parameters and those referenced by objectives and/or constraints.
        if self._required_compnames is None:
            boundary_vars = self.parent.list_vars()
            conns = super(Driver, self).get_expr_depends()
            getcomps = set([u for u, v in conns if u != \
                            if u not in boundary_vars and v not in boundary_vars])
            setcomps = set([v for u, v in conns if v != \
                            if u not in boundary_vars and v not in boundary_vars])

            full = set(setcomps)

            compgraph = self.parent._depgraph.component_graph()

            for end in getcomps:
                for start in setcomps:
                    full.update(find_all_connecting(compgraph, start, end))

            self._required_compnames = full

        return self._required_compnames

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def list_pseudocomps(self):
        """Return a list of names of pseudocomps resulting from
        our objectives, and constraints.
        pcomps = []
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for name in self._delegates_:
                delegate = getattr(self, name)
                if hasattr(delegate, 'list_pseudocomps'):
        return pcomps

    def get_references(self, name):
        """Return a dict of parameter, constraint, and objective
        references to component `name` in preparation for
        subsequent :meth:`restore_references` call.

        name: string
            Name of component being referenced.
        refs = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):
                    refs[inst] = inst.get_references(name)
        return refs

    def remove_references(self, name):
        """Remove parameter, constraint, objective  and workflow
        references to component `name`.

        name: string
            Name of component being removed.
        if hasattr(self, '_delegates_'):
            for dname in self._delegates_:
                inst = getattr(self, dname)
                if isinstance(inst, (HasParameters, HasConstraints,
                                     HasEqConstraints, HasIneqConstraints,
                                     HasObjective, HasObjectives)):

    def restore_references(self, refs):
        """Restore parameter, constraint, and objective references to component
        `name` from `refs`.

        refs: object
            Value returned by :meth:`get_references`.
        for inst, inst_refs in refs.items():

    @rbac('*', 'owner')
    def run(self, force=False, ffd_order=0, case_uuid=''):
        """Run this object. This should include fetching input variables if
        necessary, executing, and updating output variables. Do not override
        this function.

        force: bool
            If True, force component to execute even if inputs have not
            changed. (Default is False)

        ffd_order: int
            Order of the derivatives to be used when finite differencing (1
            for first derivatives, 2 for second derivatives). During regular
            execution, ffd_order should be 0. (Default is 0)

        case_uuid: str
            Identifier for the Case that is associated with this run.

        # (Re)configure parameters.
        if hasattr(self, 'config_parameters'):

        # force param pseudocomps to get updated values to start
        # KTM1 - probably don't need this anymore

        # Reset the workflow.
        super(Driver, self).run(ffd_order, case_uuid)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def configure_recording(self, recording_options=None):
        """Called at start of top-level run to configure case recording.
        Returns set of paths for changing inputs."""
        return self.workflow.configure_recording(recording_options)

    def update_parameters(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'get_parameters'):
            for param in self.get_parameters().values():

    def execute(self):
        """ Iterate over a workflow of Components until some condition
        is met. If you don't want to structure your driver to use
        *pre_iteration*, *post_iteration*, etc., just override this function.
        As a result, none of the ``<start/pre/post/continue>_iteration()``
        functions will be called.
        self._iter = None
        while self.continue_iteration():

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the workflow."""
        self._stop = True

    def start_iteration(self):
        """Called just prior to the beginning of an iteration loop. This can
        be overridden by inherited classes. It can be used to perform any
        necessary pre-iteration initialization.
        self._continue = True

    def continue_iteration(self):
        """Return False to stop iterating."""
        return self._continue

    def pre_iteration(self):
        """Called prior to each iteration.
        This is where iteration events are set."""

    def run_iteration(self):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if len(wf) == 0:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!"
                                 % self.get_pathname())

    def calc_derivatives(self, first=False, second=False, savebase=False,
                         required_inputs=None, required_outputs=None):
        """ Calculate derivatives and save baseline states for all components
        in this workflow."""
        self.workflow.calc_derivatives(first, second, savebase,
                                       required_inputs, required_outputs)

    def calc_gradient(self, inputs=None, outputs=None):
        """Returns the gradient of the passed outputs with respect to
        all passed inputs. The basic driver behavior is to call calc_gradient
        on its workflow. However, some driver (optimizers in particular) may
        want to define their own behavior.
        return self.workflow.calc_gradient(inputs, outputs, upscope=True)

    def post_iteration(self):
        """Called after each iteration."""
        self._continue = False  # by default, stop after one iteration

    def config_changed(self, update_parent=True):
        """Call this whenever the configuration of this Component changes,
        for example, children are added or removed or dependencies may have
        super(Driver, self).config_changed(update_parent)
        self._required_compnames = None
        if self.workflow is not None:

    def get_workflow(self):
        """ Get the driver info and the list of components that make up the
            driver's workflow; recurse on nested drivers.
        from openmdao.main.assembly import Assembly
        ret = {}
        ret['pathname'] = self.get_pathname()
        ret['type'] = type(self).__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__
        ret['workflow'] = []
        comps = [comp for comp in self.workflow]
        for comp in comps:

            # Skip pseudo-comps
            if hasattr(comp, '_pseudo_type'):

            pathname = comp.get_pathname()
            if is_instance(comp, Assembly) and comp.driver:
                inames = [cls.__name__
                          for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))]
                    'pathname':   pathname,
                    'type':       type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'interfaces': inames,
                    'driver':     comp.driver.get_workflow(),
            elif is_instance(comp, Driver):
                inames = [cls.__name__
                          for cls in list(implementedBy(comp.__class__))]
                    'pathname':   pathname,
                    'type':       type(comp).__module__ + '.' + type(comp).__name__,
                    'interfaces': inames,
        return ret