def initBuffers(w, h): print "initBuffers(%s,%s)" % (w,h) global width, height, depthTexture, tmpTexture, directDepthCopy if width == w and height == h: return depthTexture = GL.createTexture() tmpTexture = GL.createTexture() if not GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_texture_rectangle"): return width,height = w,h rect = 1 targ = "TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV" if directDepthCopy: depthTexture.loadNull2D(targ, 0, "DEPTH_COMPONENT24", width, height, 0, "DEPTH_COMPONENT", "INT") else: depthTexture.loadNull2D(targ, 0, "RGBA8", width, height, 0, "BGRA", "INT") tmpTexture.loadNull2D(targ, 0, "RGB8", width, height, 0, "RGB", "INT") tmpTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR") tmpTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR") depthTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR") depthTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR")
def getCachedTexture(args, shade_all_levels=0): global texcache name = args[6] file = "../libvob/src/texture/" + name binfile = file + ".bin" srcfile = file + ".texture" bintime = File(binfile).lastModified() srctime = File(srcfile).lastModified() if srctime > bintime: os.system("make -C ./libvob/src/texture " + name + ".bin") key = str((args, shade_all_levels)) if texcache.has_key(key) and texcache[(key, "ctime")] == srctime: #print "Returning cached texture" return texcache[key] tex = GL.createTexture() if shade_all_levels: res = tex.shade_all_levels(*args) else: res = tex.shade(*args) texcache[key] = tex texcache[(key, "ctime")] = srctime if dbg: print "SHADER: ", res, tex.getTexId() return tex
def getTexture(*args): key = str(args) if not textures.has_key(key): textures[key] = GL.createTexture() if dbg: print "Generating texture: ", args res = textures[key].shade(*args) if dbg: print "SHADER: ", res return textures[key]
class IrreguFrame(IrregularFrame): dicefactor = .4 # dicefactor = 0.03 if dbg: print "Start Irregu shading..." tex = GL.createTexture() tex = getCachedTexture([ 128, 128, 0, 1, "INTENSITY", "LUMINANCE", "sawnoise", [ "bias", "0.5", "scale", "0.15", "freq", "1", "df", "2", "scale2", "0.25", "freq2", "10", "df2", ".5" ] ]) # "scale", "0.2", "freq", "1", "df", "2", # "scale2", "0.05", "freq2", "12", "df2", "1.5"]) if dbg: print "part 1 done" ripple_scale = 0.25 tex2 = getCachedTexture([ 256, 256, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA", "irregu", [ "radius", "2", "ripple_scale", str(ripple_scale), "angle", "0", "angles", "3", "eps", ".250", "scaling", "const" ] ], shade_all_levels=1) tex3 = getCachedTexture([ 256, 256, 0, 1, "INTENSITY", "LUMINANCE", "irregu", [ "ripple_scale", str(ripple_scale), ] ], shade_all_levels=1) if dbg: print "done" boxtex = GL.createTexture() combiners = "Enable" def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, border, ripple, typeInt=0, contentColor=java.awt.Color.white,, type="square"): self.dbg = 0 if typeInt == 1: type = 'square' elif typeInt == 2: type = 'ellipse' if self.dbg: print "Texture id:", self.tex.getTexId() def code(color): return """ PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT CURRENT_BIT Enable ALPHA_TEST AlphaFunc GREATER 0.0 Disable BLEND Color %(color)s ActiveTexture TEXTURE1 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(boxtex)s Enable TEXTURE_2D TexImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 ALPHA 4 4 0 ALPHA 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL 0 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_S CLAMP TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_T CLAMP TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER NEAREST TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER NEAREST #TexGen S TEXTURE_GEN_MODE EYE_LINEAR #Enable TEXTURE_GEN_S #TexGen T TEXTURE_GEN_MODE EYE_LINEAR #Enable TEXTURE_GEN_T ActiveTexture TEXTURE0 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(tex)s Enable TEXTURE_2D %(comb)s REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV CombinerParameterNV NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV 1 CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_A_NV TEXTURE1 UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV ALPHA CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_B_NV TEXTURE0 SIGNED_NEGATE_NV ALPHA CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_C_NV TEXTURE1 UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV ALPHA CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_D_NV SECONDARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV BLUE CombinerOutputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV SPARE0_NV NONE NONE FALSE FALSE FALSE FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_A_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_B_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_C_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_D_NV PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_G_NV SPARE0_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV ALPHA """ % { "boxtex": self.boxtex.getTexId(), "tex": self.tex.getTexId(), "comb": self.combiners, "color": vob.util.ColorUtil.colorGLString(color) } def code2(color): return parseCombiner(""" PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT COLOR_BUFFER_BIT CombinerParameterNV CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV %(color)s 1 Enable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV SPARE0 = TEX0 . COL0 SPARE0.alpha = TEX0.alpha * COL0.alpha + SPARE0.alpha = + SPARE0.alpha alpha = SPARE0.alpha color = CONST0 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(tex)s TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER LINEAR Enable TEXTURE_2D Enable ALPHA_TEST AlphaFunc GEQUAL 1.0 Color 0 0 0 1 """) % { "tex": self.tex2.getTexId(), "color": vob.util.ColorUtil.colorGLString(color) } def code3(color): return parseCombiner(""" PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT CURRENT_BIT COLOR_BUFFER_BIT BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(tex)s TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER LINEAR Enable TEXTURE_2D TexEnv TEXTURE_ENV TEXTURE_ENV_MODE ADD Enable ALPHA_TEST AlphaFunc GEQUAL 1.0 """) % { "tex": self.tex3.getTexId(), "color": vob.util.ColorUtil.colorGLString(color) } if type == "square": self._content = GLRen.createIrregularQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1, border, ripple, 0, code(contentColor), self.dicefactor) self._frame = GLRen.createIrregularQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1, border, ripple, 1, code(frameColor), self.dicefactor) elif type == "ellipse": texscale = ripple ripple_scale = border / ripple ratio = float(ripple_scale) / self.ripple_scale if ratio < 3. / 4 or ratio > 4. / 3: if self.dbg: print "WARNING: anisotropy ratio", round( ratio, 2), "is far from one" # Irregu flags Y_COLOR = 1 Y_SECCOLOR = 2 DOTVEC_COLOR = 4 INTERP_DOTVEC = 8 SLICE_1D = 16 SLICE_2D = 32 SHIFTS = 64 INSIDE = 128 SHIFTS8 = 256 if GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_register_combiners"): self._content = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 3, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_SECCOLOR + INSIDE, code2(contentColor), 1.0) self._frame = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 3, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_SECCOLOR + DOTVEC_COLOR + INTERP_DOTVEC, code2(frameColor), 1.0) else: self._content = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 0, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_COLOR + INSIDE, code3(contentColor), 1.0) self._frame = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 0, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_COLOR + SHIFTS, code3(frameColor) + """ BlendFunc ZERO ZERO Enable BLEND """, 1.0) def getContent(self): return self._content def getFrame(self): return self._frame def getBlank(self): return self._content
def getOptimizedPaper(self, seed, passmask=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], numcolors=8, minlum=80, blend=0): pap = self.getPaper(seed, passmask, numcolors, minlum, blend) if not GL.hasExtension("GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap"): print "Warning: not returning optimized paper because" print "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap extension is required but not available" return pap if GL.workaroundStupidBuggyAtiDrivers: print "Warning: not returning optimized paper because" print "copyTexImage2D has problems on ATI drivers" return pap # Now, we render a region. v = pap.repeat._getSTVectors() vs = optimizingWindow.createVobScene() cs1 = vs.coords.ortho(0, 0, 0, 0, optimizedPaperSize + 1, optimizedPaperSize + 1) cs2 = vs.coords.affine(0, 0, 0, 0, v[0][0], v[0][1], v[1][0], v[1][1]), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), cs1, cs2) optimizingWindow.renderStill(vs, 1) tex = GL.createTexture() texid = tex.getTexId()""" BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(texid)s TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT 2 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS TRUE TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER LINEAR BindTexture TEXTURE_2D 0 """ % locals()) tex.copyTexImage2D(optimizingWindow.getRenderingSurface(), "FRONT", "TEXTURE_2D", 0, "RGB5", 0, 0, optimizedPaperSize, optimizedPaperSize, 0) # Apparently, NV drivers 44.96 (maybe others) have some trouble # with the 1x1 mipmap getting clobbered. # Usually, that wouldn't be a problem, but papers will be viewed # 1) at largely different scales # 2) blurred for text background # so this matters. # We shall forbid the use of that mipmap tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", "TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL", optimizedPaperMaxLevel) if dbg: vob.putil.texture.printTex(tex.getTexId()) npap = PaperHanger() npap.setNPasses(1) npap.cachedTexture = tex npap.addDepend(tex) # Need this for clones to survive ppass = npap.getPass(0) ppass.setSetupcode(""" PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT COLOR_BUFFER_BIT CURRENT_BIT Disable BLEND ActiveTexture TEXTURE1 Disable TEXTURE_2D ActiveTexture TEXTURE0 Enable DEPTH_TEST DepthFunc LESS BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(texid)s TexEnv TEXTURE_ENV TEXTURE_ENV_MODE REPLACE Color 0 1 0 Enable TEXTURE_2D SecondaryColorEXT 0 0 0 """ % locals()) ppass.setNTexGens(1) # t = pap.repeat.vecs t = v if dbg: print "T ", t ppass.putNormalTexGen(0, [ t[0][0], t[0][1], 0, 0, -t[1][0], -t[1][1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]) ppass.setTeardowncode(""" PopAttrib ActiveTexture TEXTURE0 """) if dbg: print "Ret: ", npap.toString(), npap.getPass(0).getNTexGens() return npap
def makeMipzip(image, mipzip, maxwidth=-1, maxheight=-1, texformat=None, internalTexFormat=None, uncompressedTexType=None): """Convert the given image file into a mipzip file. image -- the image file name mipzip -- the mipzip file name maxwidth -- if image is wider than maxwidth, cut off edge maxheight -- if image is taller than maxheight, cut off edge texformat -- The texture format to use internalTexFormat -- The internal texture format to represent the data in for compressed textures, same as texformat uncompressedTexType -- The datatype (relevant only for uncompressed textures) """ if texformat == None: if not defaultTexFormat: _init() texformat = defaultTexFormat print "TEXFORMAT: ", texformat, defaultTexFormat isCompressed = (java.lang.String(texformat).indexOf("COMPRESS") >= 0) if internalTexFormat == None: internalTexFormat = texformat if not isCompressed: if uncompressedTexType == None: uncompressedTexType = "UNSIGNED_BYTE" _init() GL.freeQueue() im = GL.createImage(image) d0 = im.getSize() print d0 d = java.awt.Dimension( _clipmax(d0.width, maxwidth), _clipmax(d0.height, maxheight), ) w = roundup2(d.width) h = roundup2(d.height) tex = GL.createTexture() tex.loadNull2D('TEXTURE_2D', 0, internalTexFormat, w, h, 0, "RGB", "BYTE") print "WH: ", w, h tex.loadSubImage(0, im, 0, 0, 0, 0, chomp4(d.width), chomp4(d.height)) print "Write ", mipzip out = zip.ZipOutputStream( def metaEntry(name, comment): entry = zip.ZipEntry(name) entry.setComment(comment) entry.setSize(0) out.putNextEntry(entry) out.closeEntry() metaEntry("texformat", texformat) if not isCompressed: metaEntry("internaltexformat", internalTexFormat) metaEntry("datatype", uncompressedTexType) metaEntry("origsize", "%sx%s" % (d.width / float(w), d.height / float(h))) l = 0 while 1: w = int(tex.getLevelParameter(l, "TEXTURE_WIDTH")[0]) h = int(tex.getLevelParameter(l, "TEXTURE_HEIGHT")[0]) print "WH: ", w, h if isCompressed: bytes = tex.getCompressedTexImage(l) else: bpt = bytesPerTexel(texformat, uncompressedTexType) bytes = jarray.zeros(bpt * w * h, "b") tex.getTexImage(l, texformat, uncompressedTexType, bytes) print "Bytes: ", l, len(bytes) entry = zip.ZipEntry(str(l)) entry.setComment("%sx%s" % (int(w), int(h))) entry.setSize(len(bytes)) out.putNextEntry(entry) out.write(bytes) out.closeEntry() if w == 1 and h == 1: break l += 1 out.close() del tex java.lang.System.gc() GL.freeQueue()
# MA 02111-1307 USA # from import GL, GLRen from org.nongnu.libvob.util import ColorUtil from vob.putil import cg from vob.putil.misc import * from vob.putil.demokeys import * from vob.paper.texcache import getCachedTexture tex = getCachedTexture( [1024, 512, 0, 4, "RGBA", "RGBA", "noise", [ "freq", "100", "bias", ".5", "scale", ".8" ]] ) tex = GL.createTexture()""" BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %s TexImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 ALPHA 16 16 0 ALPHA \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 \