def selectCombiner(self): # Check which combiners to use. if not self.paperopts.use_opengl_1_1 and ( GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_register_combiners") or GL.hasExtension("GL_ARB_fragment_program")): # We have at least a NV10, possibly better. # Check the number of general combiners to be sure. #maxcomb = GL.getGLFloat("MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV")[0] #if maxcomb < 4: if 1: #XXX NV20 version is broken # use NV10 version if dbg: print "Using NV10 combiners ", maxcomb texcomb = vob.paper.texcomb_NV1X # from org.nongnu.libvob.paper.texcomb_NV1X import TransparentCombinerPass,DebugCombinerPass else: # use NV20 version if dbg: print "Using NV20 combiners ", maxcomb texcomb = vob.paper.texcomb_NV2X #from org.nongnu.libvob.paper.texcomb_NV2X import TransparentCombinerPass,DebugCombinerPass else: # Must use OpenGL 1.1 specified calls. if dbg: print "Using OpenGL 1.1 texenv and blending" texcomb = vob.paper.texcomb_GL1_1 self.paperopts.use_opengl_1_1 = 1 self.TransparentCombinerPass = texcomb.TransparentCombinerPass self.DebugCombinerPass = texcomb.DebugCombinerPass
def __init__(self): self.useOpengL11 = None self.passMask = None self.trueOpenGL11 = None self.lastState = None # Check which combiners to use. if (GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_register_combiners") or GL.hasExtension("GL_ARB_fragment_program")): self.trueOpenGL11 = 0 self.useOpenGL11 = 0 else: self.trueOpenGL11 = 1 self.useOpenGL11 = 1
def initBuffers(w, h): print "initBuffers(%s,%s)" % (w,h) global width, height, depthTexture, tmpTexture, directDepthCopy if width == w and height == h: return depthTexture = GL.createTexture() tmpTexture = GL.createTexture() if not GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_texture_rectangle"): return width,height = w,h rect = 1 targ = "TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV" if directDepthCopy: depthTexture.loadNull2D(targ, 0, "DEPTH_COMPONENT24", width, height, 0, "DEPTH_COMPONENT", "INT") else: depthTexture.loadNull2D(targ, 0, "RGBA8", width, height, 0, "BGRA", "INT") tmpTexture.loadNull2D(targ, 0, "RGB8", width, height, 0, "RGB", "INT") tmpTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR") tmpTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR") depthTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR") depthTexture.setTexParameter(targ, "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR")
def fancyHalo(paperMill=None): paperMill = getPaperMill(paperMill) if not GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_register_combiners"): print "fancy Halo for text not possible without GL_NV_register_combiners" print "Punting to standard blend" return fancyBlend(paperMill) if paperMill == None: paperMill = PaperMill.getInstance() return (HaloPaperMaker_2tex, [paperMill])
def setupCode(self, texinputs, texscales, colors, rnd, trans = 0): # 4 colors colorbase = rnd.nextInt() c0, c1, c2, c3 = [ colors.getColorStr(colorbase+i) for i in range(0,4) ] #print [round( RGBtoLAB(map(float, rgb.split()))[0] ) for rgb in [c0,c1,c2] ] r0, r1, r2, r3 = [ colors.getNVDP3VecStr(colorbase+i) for i in range(0,4) ] # map alpha dot product a \in [0,1] into clamp(1 - (1-a) * alphascale) if trans > 0: alphascale = 1 - 1.0/trans else: alphascale = 0 alphascale = alphascale * (1. / 16) assert len(texinputs) != 0 while len(texinputs) < 4: texinputs = texinputs + texinputs t0, t1, t2, t3 = texinputs[0:4] #c0, c1, c2 = [ "1 1 1", "1 0 1", "0 1 0"] constantcode = """ Enable BLEND BlendFunc SRC_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA BlendEquation FUNC_ADD Disable ALPHA_TEST Enable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV CombinerParameterNV NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV 2 CombinerParameterNV CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV %(r0)s CombinerParameterNV CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV %(r1)s Color %(c0)s SecondaryColorEXT %(c1)s Fog FOG_COLOR %(c2)s """ type = rnd.nextInt(3) # types: 0=BAND-LIKE, 1=3-COL-LERP, 2=FRACTION-LINE # Random scaling of (dot) products if trans > 0: # Try to keep the textures non-fuzzy rndscale = exp(.3*abs(rnd.nextGaussian())) else: rndscale = exp(.5*rnd.nextGaussian()) def avg(*args): sum = 0 for arg in args: sum += arg return sum / float(len(args)) # Then, select the combiner path type. if type == 0: scale = nvcode.combinerscale(avg(*texscales) * 8.0 * rndscale) bandscale = nvcode.combinerscale(3.0 * exp(.5 * rnd.nextGaussian())) # Band-like texture. # # A little different from what Tjl and Jvk originally # planned, where the EF product would have been used; # Sadly, we forgot that E and F are not signed(!). # Make outside of the bands transparent if trans > 0 if trans > 0: finalG = "SPARE1_NV" else: finalG = "ZERO" c = (""" # Band-like texture # SPARE0 <- (TEX0 . TEX1) CI0 RGB A TEXTURE%(t0)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI0 RGB B TEXTURE%(t1)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CO0 RGB SPARE0_NV DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV %(bandscale)s NONE TRUE FALSE FALSE # SPARE1 <- SPARE0 * SPARE0 # SPARE0 <- (TEX0 . CONST0) CI1 RGB A SPARE0_NV SIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CI1 RGB B SPARE0_NV SIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CI1 RGB C TEXTURE%(t0)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI1 RGB D CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CO1 RGB SPARE1_NV SPARE0_NV DISCARD_NV %(scale)s NONE FALSE TRUE FALSE # EF <- SPARE0 * SPARE1 FCI E SPARE1_NV UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV RGB FCI F SPARE0_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB # lerp(EF, PRI_COL, SEC_COL) FCI A E_TIMES_F_NV UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV RGB FCI B PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI C SECONDARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI D ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI G %(finalG)s UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV BLUE """) elif type == 1: scale = nvcode.combinerscale(avg(*texscales) * 8.0 * rndscale) alphascale = nvcode.combinerscale(exp(.5 * abs(rnd.nextGaussian()))) # Interpolate between three colors: # d0 = t0 . r0 # d1 = t1 . r1 # lerp(d1, lerp(d0, c0, c1), c2) # The alpha value is computed as d0^2 - d1^2 if trans > 0: finalG = "SPARE1_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV" else: finalG = "ZERO UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV" c = (""" # Interpolate between three colors using two dot products # SPARE0 <- (TEX0 . CONST0) # SPARE1 <- (TEX1 . CONST1) CI0 RGB A TEXTURE%(t0)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI0 RGB B CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI0 RGB C TEXTURE%(t1)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI0 RGB D CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CO0 RGB SPARE0_NV SPARE1_NV DISCARD_NV %(scale)s NONE TRUE TRUE FALSE # PRI_COL <- lerp(SPARE0, PRI_COL, SEC_COL) CI1 RGB A PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CI1 RGB B SPARE0_NV UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV RGB CI1 RGB C SECONDARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CI1 RGB D SPARE0_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CO1 RGB DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV PRIMARY_COLOR_NV NONE NONE FALSE FALSE FALSE # SPARE1.alpha <- SPARE0^2 - SPARE1^2 CI1 ALPHA A SPARE0_NV SIGNED_IDENTITY_NV BLUE CI1 ALPHA B SPARE0_NV SIGNED_IDENTITY_NV BLUE CI1 ALPHA C SPARE1_NV SIGNED_NEGATE_NV BLUE CI1 ALPHA D SPARE1_NV SIGNED_IDENTITY_NV BLUE CO1 ALPHA DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV SPARE1_NV %(alphascale)s NONE FALSE FALSE FALSE # lerp(SPARE1, PRI_COL, FOG) FCI A SPARE1_NV UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV RGB FCI B PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI C FOG UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI D ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI G %(finalG)s ALPHA """) else: scale = nvcode.combinerscale(avg(*texscales) * 8.0 * rndscale) alphascale = nvcode.combinerscale(avg(*texscales) * 8.0 * rndscale) # Interpolate on the fraction line c0,c1,c2: # d0 = t0 . t1 # c(d0) = # -1 -> c0 # 0 -> c1 # +1 -> c2 # lerp(d1, lerp(d0, c0, c1), c2) # The alpha value is computed as d0^2 - d1^2 if trans > 0: finalG = "SPARE1_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV" else: finalG = "ZERO UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV" c = (""" # Fraction-line color interpolate # SPARE0 <- (TEX0 . TEX1) # SPARE1 <- -(TEX0 . TEX1) CI0 RGB A TEXTURE%(t0)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI0 RGB B TEXTURE%(t1)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CI0 RGB C TEXTURE%(t0)s EXPAND_NEGATE_NV RGB CI0 RGB D TEXTURE%(t1)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV RGB CO0 RGB SPARE0_NV SPARE1_NV DISCARD_NV %(scale)s NONE TRUE TRUE FALSE # PRI_COL <- lerp(SPARE1, SEC_COL, PRI_COL) CI1 RGB A PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CI1 RGB B SPARE1_NV UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV RGB CI1 RGB C SECONDARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CI1 RGB D SPARE1_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB CO1 RGB DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV PRIMARY_COLOR_NV NONE NONE FALSE FALSE FALSE # lerp(SPARE0, PRI_COL, FOG) FCI A SPARE0_NV UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV RGB FCI B PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI C FOG UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FCI D ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB # SPARE1.alpha <- TEX0.b * CONST0.b + TEX1.b * CONST1.b CI1 ALPHA A TEXTURE%(t0)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV BLUE CI1 ALPHA B CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV EXPAND_NORMAL_NV BLUE CI1 ALPHA C TEXTURE%(t1)s EXPAND_NORMAL_NV BLUE CI1 ALPHA B CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV EXPAND_NORMAL_NV BLUE CO1 ALPHA DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV SPARE1_NV %(alphascale)s NONE FALSE FALSE FALSE FCI G %(finalG)s ALPHA """) c = (constantcode + c) % locals() c = nvcode.combinercode(c) # print "c: ",c if not GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_register_combiners"): # Kluge: emulate using fragment program c = nvcode.convCombiner(c, GL) return c
def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, border, ripple, typeInt=0, contentColor=java.awt.Color.white,, type="square"): self.dbg = 0 if typeInt == 1: type = 'square' elif typeInt == 2: type = 'ellipse' if self.dbg: print "Texture id:", self.tex.getTexId() def code(color): return """ PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT CURRENT_BIT Enable ALPHA_TEST AlphaFunc GREATER 0.0 Disable BLEND Color %(color)s ActiveTexture TEXTURE1 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(boxtex)s Enable TEXTURE_2D TexImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 ALPHA 4 4 0 ALPHA 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL 0 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_S CLAMP TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_T CLAMP TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER NEAREST TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER NEAREST #TexGen S TEXTURE_GEN_MODE EYE_LINEAR #Enable TEXTURE_GEN_S #TexGen T TEXTURE_GEN_MODE EYE_LINEAR #Enable TEXTURE_GEN_T ActiveTexture TEXTURE0 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(tex)s Enable TEXTURE_2D %(comb)s REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV CombinerParameterNV NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV 1 CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_A_NV TEXTURE1 UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV ALPHA CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_B_NV TEXTURE0 SIGNED_NEGATE_NV ALPHA CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_C_NV TEXTURE1 UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV ALPHA CombinerInputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA VARIABLE_D_NV SECONDARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV BLUE CombinerOutputNV COMBINER0_NV ALPHA DISCARD_NV DISCARD_NV SPARE0_NV NONE NONE FALSE FALSE FALSE FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_A_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_B_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_C_NV ZERO UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_D_NV PRIMARY_COLOR_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV RGB FinalCombinerInputNV VARIABLE_G_NV SPARE0_NV UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV ALPHA """ % { "boxtex": self.boxtex.getTexId(), "tex": self.tex.getTexId(), "comb": self.combiners, "color": vob.util.ColorUtil.colorGLString(color) } def code2(color): return parseCombiner(""" PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT COLOR_BUFFER_BIT CombinerParameterNV CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV %(color)s 1 Enable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV SPARE0 = TEX0 . COL0 SPARE0.alpha = TEX0.alpha * COL0.alpha + SPARE0.alpha = + SPARE0.alpha alpha = SPARE0.alpha color = CONST0 BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(tex)s TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER LINEAR Enable TEXTURE_2D Enable ALPHA_TEST AlphaFunc GEQUAL 1.0 Color 0 0 0 1 """) % { "tex": self.tex2.getTexId(), "color": vob.util.ColorUtil.colorGLString(color) } def code3(color): return parseCombiner(""" PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT CURRENT_BIT COLOR_BUFFER_BIT BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(tex)s TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER LINEAR Enable TEXTURE_2D TexEnv TEXTURE_ENV TEXTURE_ENV_MODE ADD Enable ALPHA_TEST AlphaFunc GEQUAL 1.0 """) % { "tex": self.tex3.getTexId(), "color": vob.util.ColorUtil.colorGLString(color) } if type == "square": self._content = GLRen.createIrregularQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1, border, ripple, 0, code(contentColor), self.dicefactor) self._frame = GLRen.createIrregularQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1, border, ripple, 1, code(frameColor), self.dicefactor) elif type == "ellipse": texscale = ripple ripple_scale = border / ripple ratio = float(ripple_scale) / self.ripple_scale if ratio < 3. / 4 or ratio > 4. / 3: if self.dbg: print "WARNING: anisotropy ratio", round( ratio, 2), "is far from one" # Irregu flags Y_COLOR = 1 Y_SECCOLOR = 2 DOTVEC_COLOR = 4 INTERP_DOTVEC = 8 SLICE_1D = 16 SLICE_2D = 32 SHIFTS = 64 INSIDE = 128 SHIFTS8 = 256 if GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_register_combiners"): self._content = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 3, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_SECCOLOR + INSIDE, code2(contentColor), 1.0) self._frame = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 3, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_SECCOLOR + DOTVEC_COLOR + INTERP_DOTVEC, code2(frameColor), 1.0) else: self._content = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 0, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_COLOR + INSIDE, code3(contentColor), 1.0) self._frame = GLRen.createIrregularEdge( 8, texscale, 2.0, 128, 0, -1 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0 * ripple_scale * texscale, 0, "1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0", "", 0, 0, SLICE_1D + Y_COLOR + SHIFTS, code3(frameColor) + """ BlendFunc ZERO ZERO Enable BLEND """, 1.0)
def getOptimizedPaper(self, seed, passmask=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], numcolors=8, minlum=80, blend=0): pap = self.getPaper(seed, passmask, numcolors, minlum, blend) if not GL.hasExtension("GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap"): print "Warning: not returning optimized paper because" print "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap extension is required but not available" return pap if GL.workaroundStupidBuggyAtiDrivers: print "Warning: not returning optimized paper because" print "copyTexImage2D has problems on ATI drivers" return pap # Now, we render a region. v = pap.repeat._getSTVectors() vs = optimizingWindow.createVobScene() cs1 = vs.coords.ortho(0, 0, 0, 0, optimizedPaperSize + 1, optimizedPaperSize + 1) cs2 = vs.coords.affine(0, 0, 0, 0, v[0][0], v[0][1], v[1][0], v[1][1]), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), cs1, cs2) optimizingWindow.renderStill(vs, 1) tex = GL.createTexture() texid = tex.getTexId()""" BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(texid)s TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT 2 TexParameter TEXTURE_2D GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS TRUE TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR TexParameter TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER LINEAR BindTexture TEXTURE_2D 0 """ % locals()) tex.copyTexImage2D(optimizingWindow.getRenderingSurface(), "FRONT", "TEXTURE_2D", 0, "RGB5", 0, 0, optimizedPaperSize, optimizedPaperSize, 0) # Apparently, NV drivers 44.96 (maybe others) have some trouble # with the 1x1 mipmap getting clobbered. # Usually, that wouldn't be a problem, but papers will be viewed # 1) at largely different scales # 2) blurred for text background # so this matters. # We shall forbid the use of that mipmap tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", "TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL", optimizedPaperMaxLevel) if dbg: vob.putil.texture.printTex(tex.getTexId()) npap = PaperHanger() npap.setNPasses(1) npap.cachedTexture = tex npap.addDepend(tex) # Need this for clones to survive ppass = npap.getPass(0) ppass.setSetupcode(""" PushAttrib ENABLE_BIT TEXTURE_BIT DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT COLOR_BUFFER_BIT CURRENT_BIT Disable BLEND ActiveTexture TEXTURE1 Disable TEXTURE_2D ActiveTexture TEXTURE0 Enable DEPTH_TEST DepthFunc LESS BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %(texid)s TexEnv TEXTURE_ENV TEXTURE_ENV_MODE REPLACE Color 0 1 0 Enable TEXTURE_2D SecondaryColorEXT 0 0 0 """ % locals()) ppass.setNTexGens(1) # t = pap.repeat.vecs t = v if dbg: print "T ", t ppass.putNormalTexGen(0, [ t[0][0], t[0][1], 0, 0, -t[1][0], -t[1][1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]) ppass.setTeardowncode(""" PopAttrib ActiveTexture TEXTURE0 """) if dbg: print "Ret: ", npap.toString(), npap.getPass(0).getNTexGens() return npap
dbg = 1 # Discriminate between different renderers. # These are for debug output only. if dbg: vendor = GL.getGLString("VENDOR") renderer = GL.getGLString("RENDERER") version = GL.getGLString("VERSION") print "GL strings: '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (vendor, renderer, version) # # Now, go through some questions. # # Check which texture operations to use. if not paperopt.use_opengl_1_1 and GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_texture_shader3"): # We can use the general texture shaders. # XXX Should check separately for texture_shader2, # otherwise it'll be SLOW. if dbg: print "Using NV20 texture shaders" from vob.paper.texops_NV2X import makeNormalShaderPass, scaleFactor numpasses = 2 else: if dbg: print "Using unextended OpenGL texture accesses" from vob.paper.texops_STD import makeNormalShaderPass, scaleFactor numpasses = 3 # Check whether anisotropic filtering is supported if GL.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"): if dbg: print "Anisotropic filtering available" else:
# The programs here are best-first # The following program gives a 30% improvement # to rendering speeds on a GF FX 5600 # by using a biased texture unit instead of # calculating the bias explicitly in the program. # Replacing some of the MULH:s with MULX makes # it faster but it stops working - the results are # not accurate enough. # On the 5900, 5700 this should be a lot faster... # It's sad that we can't take advantage of the fixed-point # units at all except at the very end. nvBlurProgram = None if GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_fragment_program"): nvBlurProgram = GL.createProgram("""!!FP1.0 # Get the blurred value of the text texture # Texture unit 2 is blurred TEX H2, f[TEX1], TEX2, 2D; # Get the sharp value of the text texture TEX H3, f[TEX1], TEX1, 2D; # Map blurred 'text' texture intensity to background blur # as follows: # 1 -> no bias # 0 -> large bias DP4H H2, {-10,-10,-10,31}, H2; # The derivatives of the paper texture