Exemple #1
    def validate_categories(categories, fastpath: bool = False) -> Index:
        Validates that we have good categories

        categories : array-like
        fastpath : bool
            Whether to skip nan and uniqueness checks

        categories : Index
        from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index

        if not fastpath and not is_list_like(categories):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Parameter 'categories' must be list-like, was {repr(categories)}"
        elif not isinstance(categories, ABCIndex):
            categories = Index._with_infer(categories, tupleize_cols=False)

        if not fastpath:

            if categories.hasnans:
                raise ValueError("Categorical categories cannot be null")

            if not categories.is_unique:
                raise ValueError("Categorical categories must be unique")

        if isinstance(categories, ABCCategoricalIndex):
            categories = categories.categories

        return categories
Exemple #2
def _hash_ndarray(
    vals: np.ndarray,
    encoding: str = "utf8",
    hash_key: str = _default_hash_key,
    categorize: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
    See hash_array.__doc__.
    dtype = vals.dtype

    # we'll be working with everything as 64-bit values, so handle this
    # 128-bit value early
    if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complex128):
        return hash_array(np.real(vals)) + 23 * hash_array(np.imag(vals))

    # First, turn whatever array this is into unsigned 64-bit ints, if we can
    # manage it.
    elif dtype == bool:
        vals = vals.astype("u8")
    elif issubclass(dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
        vals = vals.view("i8").astype("u8", copy=False)
    elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.number) and dtype.itemsize <= 8:
        vals = vals.view(f"u{vals.dtype.itemsize}").astype("u8")
        # With repeated values, its MUCH faster to categorize object dtypes,
        # then hash and rename categories. We allow skipping the categorization
        # when the values are known/likely to be unique.
        if categorize:
            from pandas import (

            codes, categories = factorize(vals, sort=False)
            cat = Categorical(codes,
            return _hash_categorical(cat, encoding, hash_key)

            vals = hash_object_array(vals, hash_key, encoding)
        except TypeError:
            # we have mixed types
            vals = hash_object_array(
                vals.astype(str).astype(object), hash_key, encoding)

    # Then, redistribute these 64-bit ints within the space of 64-bit ints
    vals ^= vals >> 30
    vals *= np.uint64(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9)
    vals ^= vals >> 27
    vals *= np.uint64(0x94D049BB133111EB)
    vals ^= vals >> 31
    return vals
Exemple #3
def box_expected(expected, box_cls, transpose=True):
    Helper function to wrap the expected output of a test in a given box_class.

    expected : np.ndarray, Index, Series
    box_cls : {Index, Series, DataFrame}

    subclass of box_cls
    if box_cls is pd.array:
        if isinstance(expected, RangeIndex):
            # pd.array would return an IntegerArray
            expected = PandasArray(np.asarray(expected._values))
            expected = pd.array(expected)
    elif box_cls is Index:
        expected = Index._with_infer(expected)
    elif box_cls is Series:
        expected = Series(expected)
    elif box_cls is DataFrame:
        expected = Series(expected).to_frame()
        if transpose:
            # for vector operations, we need a DataFrame to be a single-row,
            #  not a single-column, in order to operate against non-DataFrame
            #  vectors of the same length. But convert to two rows to avoid
            #  single-row special cases in datetime arithmetic
            expected = expected.T
            expected = pd.concat([expected] * 2, ignore_index=True)
    elif box_cls is PeriodArray:
        # the PeriodArray constructor is not as flexible as period_array
        expected = period_array(expected)
    elif box_cls is DatetimeArray:
        expected = DatetimeArray(expected)
    elif box_cls is TimedeltaArray:
        expected = TimedeltaArray(expected)
    elif box_cls is np.ndarray:
        expected = np.array(expected)
    elif box_cls is to_array:
        expected = to_array(expected)
        raise NotImplementedError(box_cls)
    return expected