Exemple #1
def test_order_stability_compat():
    # GH#35922. sort_values is stable both for normal and datetime-like Index
    pidx = PeriodIndex(["2011", "2013", "2015", "2012", "2011"], name="pidx", freq="A")
    iidx = Index([2011, 2013, 2015, 2012, 2011], name="idx")
    ordered1, indexer1 = pidx.sort_values(return_indexer=True, ascending=False)
    ordered2, indexer2 = iidx.sort_values(return_indexer=True, ascending=False)
    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(indexer1, indexer2)
Exemple #2
 def test_intersection_non_monotonic_non_unique(self, index2, expected_arr, sort):
     # non-monotonic non-unique
     index1 = Index(["A", "B", "A", "C"])
     expected = Index(expected_arr, dtype="object")
     result = index1.intersection(index2, sort=sort)
     if sort is None:
         expected = expected.sort_values()
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Exemple #3
def test_order_stability_compat():
    # GH 35584. The new implementation of sort_values for Index.sort_values
    # is stable when sorting in descending order. Datetime-like sort_values
    # currently aren't stable. xfail should be removed after
    # the implementations' behavior is synchronized (xref GH 35922)
    pidx = PeriodIndex(["2011", "2013", "2015", "2012", "2011"], name="pidx", freq="A")
    iidx = Index([2011, 2013, 2015, 2012, 2011], name="idx")
    ordered1, indexer1 = pidx.sort_values(return_indexer=True, ascending=False)
    ordered2, indexer2 = iidx.sort_values(return_indexer=True, ascending=False)
    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(indexer1, indexer2)
    def test_intersection_monotonic(self, index2, keeps_name, sort):
        index1 = Index([5, 3, 2, 4, 1], name="index")
        expected = Index([5, 3, 4])

        if keeps_name:
            expected.name = "index"

        result = index1.intersection(index2, sort=sort)
        if sort is None:
            expected = expected.sort_values()
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Exemple #5
 def _build_result(self, cfg: pd.DataFrame, common_keys: pd.Index,
                   csvs: [pd.DataFrame]) -> pd.DataFrame:
     common_keys = common_keys.sort_values(ascending=False)
     result = pd.DataFrame(common_keys)
     for index, row in cfg.iterrows():
         id_column = row[1]
         id_column_name = self._get_column_name(csvs[index], id_column)
         data_column = row[2]
         data = csvs[index].query(f"`{id_column_name}` in @common_keys")
         data = data.sort_values(by=id_column_name, ascending=False)
         data = pd.Series(data.iloc[:, data_column].values)
         result = pd.concat([result, data], axis=1)
     result = result.dropna()
     return result
Exemple #6
def _generate_candidates(S_a: pd.Index,
                         n_event_tot: int,
                         max_length: int = 100):
    S_a = S_a.sort_values()
    dS = S_a[-1] - S_a[0]
    cycles, covered = compute_cycles_dyn(S_a, n_event_tot, max_length)
    covered = Bitmap(covered)

    if len(S_a) - len(covered) > 3:  # add triples if necessary
        _all = Bitmap(range(len(S_a)))
        _S_a = S_a[_all - covered]
        triples = extract_triples(_S_a, dS)
        merged = merge_triples(triples)

    return list(sorted(cycles, key=lambda _: _.shape[1], reverse=True))
Exemple #7
    def test_symmetric_difference(self, sort):
        # smoke
        index1 = Index([5, 2, 3, 4], name="index1")
        index2 = Index([2, 3, 4, 1])
        result = index1.symmetric_difference(index2, sort=sort)
        expected = Index([5, 1])
        assert tm.equalContents(result, expected)
        assert result.name is None
        if sort is None:
            expected = expected.sort_values()
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # __xor__ syntax
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            expected = index1 ^ index2
        assert tm.equalContents(result, expected)
        assert result.name is None
Exemple #8
def union_categoricals(to_union, sort_categories=False):
    Combine list-like of Categorical-like, unioning categories. All
    categories must have the same dtype.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

    to_union : list-like of Categorical, CategoricalIndex,
               or Series with dtype='category'
    sort_categories : boolean, default False
        If true, resulting categories will be lexsorted, otherwise
        they will be ordered as they appear in the data.

    result : Categorical

        - all inputs do not have the same dtype
        - all inputs do not have the same ordered property
        - all inputs are ordered and their categories are not identical
        - sort_categories=True and Categoricals are ordered
        Emmpty list of categoricals passed
    from pandas import Index, Categorical, CategoricalIndex, Series

    if len(to_union) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No Categoricals to union')

    def _maybe_unwrap(x):
        if isinstance(x, (CategoricalIndex, Series)):
            return x.values
        elif isinstance(x, Categorical):
            return x
            raise TypeError("all components to combine must be Categorical")

    to_union = [_maybe_unwrap(x) for x in to_union]
    first = to_union[0]

    if not all(
            is_dtype_equal(other.categories.dtype, first.categories.dtype)
            for other in to_union[1:]):
        raise TypeError("dtype of categories must be the same")

    ordered = False
    if all(first.is_dtype_equal(other) for other in to_union[1:]):
        # identical categories - fastpath
        categories = first.categories
        ordered = first.ordered
        new_codes = np.concatenate([c.codes for c in to_union])

        if sort_categories and ordered:
            raise TypeError("Cannot use sort_categories=True with "
                            "ordered Categoricals")

        if sort_categories and not categories.is_monotonic_increasing:
            categories = categories.sort_values()
            indexer = categories.get_indexer(first.categories)
            new_codes = take_1d(indexer, new_codes, fill_value=-1)
    elif all(not c.ordered for c in to_union):
        # different categories - union and recode
        cats = first.categories.append([c.categories for c in to_union[1:]])
        categories = Index(cats.unique())
        if sort_categories:
            categories = categories.sort_values()

        new_codes = []
        for c in to_union:
            if len(c.categories) > 0:
                indexer = categories.get_indexer(c.categories)
                new_codes.append(take_1d(indexer, c.codes, fill_value=-1))
                # must be all NaN
        new_codes = np.concatenate(new_codes)
        # ordered - to show a proper error message
        if all(c.ordered for c in to_union):
            msg = ("to union ordered Categoricals, "
                   "all categories must be the same")
            raise TypeError(msg)
            raise TypeError('Categorical.ordered must be the same')

    return Categorical(new_codes,
Exemple #9
def union_categoricals(to_union, sort_categories=False, ignore_order=False):
    Combine list-like of Categorical-like, unioning categories. All
    categories must have the same dtype.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

    to_union : list-like of Categorical, CategoricalIndex,
               or Series with dtype='category'
    sort_categories : boolean, default False
        If true, resulting categories will be lexsorted, otherwise
        they will be ordered as they appear in the data.
    ignore_order: boolean, default False
        If true, the ordered attribute of the Categoricals will be ignored.
        Results in an unordered categorical.

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0

    result : Categorical

        - all inputs do not have the same dtype
        - all inputs do not have the same ordered property
        - all inputs are ordered and their categories are not identical
        - sort_categories=True and Categoricals are ordered
        Empty list of categoricals passed


    To learn more about categories, see `link


    >>> from pandas.api.types import union_categoricals

    If you want to combine categoricals that do not necessarily have
    the same categories, `union_categoricals` will combine a list-like
    of categoricals. The new categories will be the union of the
    categories being combined.

    >>> a = pd.Categorical(["b", "c"])
    >>> b = pd.Categorical(["a", "b"])
    >>> union_categoricals([a, b])
    [b, c, a, b]
    Categories (3, object): [b, c, a]

    By default, the resulting categories will be ordered as they appear
    in the `categories` of the data. If you want the categories to be
    lexsorted, use `sort_categories=True` argument.

    >>> union_categoricals([a, b], sort_categories=True)
    [b, c, a, b]
    Categories (3, object): [a, b, c]

    `union_categoricals` also works with the case of combining two
    categoricals of the same categories and order information (e.g. what
    you could also `append` for).

    >>> a = pd.Categorical(["a", "b"], ordered=True)
    >>> b = pd.Categorical(["a", "b", "a"], ordered=True)
    >>> union_categoricals([a, b])
    [a, b, a, b, a]
    Categories (2, object): [a < b]

    Raises `TypeError` because the categories are ordered and not identical.

    >>> a = pd.Categorical(["a", "b"], ordered=True)
    >>> b = pd.Categorical(["a", "b", "c"], ordered=True)
    >>> union_categoricals([a, b])
    TypeError: to union ordered Categoricals, all categories must be the same

    New in version 0.20.0

    Ordered categoricals with different categories or orderings can be
    combined by using the `ignore_ordered=True` argument.

    >>> a = pd.Categorical(["a", "b", "c"], ordered=True)
    >>> b = pd.Categorical(["c", "b", "a"], ordered=True)
    >>> union_categoricals([a, b], ignore_order=True)
    [a, b, c, c, b, a]
    Categories (3, object): [a, b, c]

    `union_categoricals` also works with a `CategoricalIndex`, or `Series`
    containing categorical data, but note that the resulting array will
    always be a plain `Categorical`

    >>> a = pd.Series(["b", "c"], dtype='category')
    >>> b = pd.Series(["a", "b"], dtype='category')
    >>> union_categoricals([a, b])
    [b, c, a, b]
    Categories (3, object): [b, c, a]
    from pandas import Index, Categorical, CategoricalIndex, Series
    from pandas.core.categorical import _recode_for_categories

    if len(to_union) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No Categoricals to union')

    def _maybe_unwrap(x):
        if isinstance(x, (CategoricalIndex, Series)):
            return x.values
        elif isinstance(x, Categorical):
            return x
            raise TypeError("all components to combine must be Categorical")

    to_union = [_maybe_unwrap(x) for x in to_union]
    first = to_union[0]

    if not all(is_dtype_equal(other.categories.dtype, first.categories.dtype)
               for other in to_union[1:]):
        raise TypeError("dtype of categories must be the same")

    ordered = False
    if all(first.is_dtype_equal(other) for other in to_union[1:]):
        # identical categories - fastpath
        categories = first.categories
        ordered = first.ordered
        new_codes = np.concatenate([c.codes for c in to_union])

        if sort_categories and not ignore_order and ordered:
            raise TypeError("Cannot use sort_categories=True with "
                            "ordered Categoricals")

        if sort_categories and not categories.is_monotonic_increasing:
            categories = categories.sort_values()
            indexer = categories.get_indexer(first.categories)

            from pandas.core.algorithms import take_1d
            new_codes = take_1d(indexer, new_codes, fill_value=-1)
    elif ignore_order or all(not c.ordered for c in to_union):
        # different categories - union and recode
        cats = first.categories.append([c.categories for c in to_union[1:]])
        categories = Index(cats.unique())
        if sort_categories:
            categories = categories.sort_values()

        new_codes = []
        for c in to_union:
            new_codes.append(_recode_for_categories(c.codes, c.categories,
        new_codes = np.concatenate(new_codes)
        # ordered - to show a proper error message
        if all(c.ordered for c in to_union):
            msg = ("to union ordered Categoricals, "
                   "all categories must be the same")
            raise TypeError(msg)
            raise TypeError('Categorical.ordered must be the same')

    if ignore_order:
        ordered = False

    return Categorical(new_codes, categories=categories, ordered=ordered,
Exemple #10
def union_categoricals(to_union, sort_categories=False, ignore_order=False):
    Combine list-like of Categorical-like, unioning categories. All
    categories must have the same dtype.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

    to_union : list-like of Categorical, CategoricalIndex,
               or Series with dtype='category'
    sort_categories : boolean, default False
        If true, resulting categories will be lexsorted, otherwise
        they will be ordered as they appear in the data.
    ignore_order: boolean, default False
        If true, the ordered attribute of the Categoricals will be ignored.
        Results in an unordered categorical.

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0

    result : Categorical

        - all inputs do not have the same dtype
        - all inputs do not have the same ordered property
        - all inputs are ordered and their categories are not identical
        - sort_categories=True and Categoricals are ordered
        Empty list of categoricals passed
    from pandas import Index, Categorical, CategoricalIndex, Series

    if len(to_union) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No Categoricals to union')

    def _maybe_unwrap(x):
        if isinstance(x, (CategoricalIndex, Series)):
            return x.values
        elif isinstance(x, Categorical):
            return x
            raise TypeError("all components to combine must be Categorical")

    to_union = [_maybe_unwrap(x) for x in to_union]
    first = to_union[0]

    if not all(is_dtype_equal(other.categories.dtype, first.categories.dtype)
               for other in to_union[1:]):
        raise TypeError("dtype of categories must be the same")

    ordered = False
    if all(first.is_dtype_equal(other) for other in to_union[1:]):
        # identical categories - fastpath
        categories = first.categories
        ordered = first.ordered
        new_codes = np.concatenate([c.codes for c in to_union])

        if sort_categories and not ignore_order and ordered:
            raise TypeError("Cannot use sort_categories=True with "
                            "ordered Categoricals")

        if sort_categories and not categories.is_monotonic_increasing:
            categories = categories.sort_values()
            indexer = categories.get_indexer(first.categories)
            new_codes = take_1d(indexer, new_codes, fill_value=-1)
    elif ignore_order or all(not c.ordered for c in to_union):
        # different categories - union and recode
        cats = first.categories.append([c.categories for c in to_union[1:]])
        categories = Index(cats.unique())
        if sort_categories:
            categories = categories.sort_values()

        new_codes = []
        for c in to_union:
            if len(c.categories) > 0:
                indexer = categories.get_indexer(c.categories)
                new_codes.append(take_1d(indexer, c.codes, fill_value=-1))
                # must be all NaN
        new_codes = np.concatenate(new_codes)
        # ordered - to show a proper error message
        if all(c.ordered for c in to_union):
            msg = ("to union ordered Categoricals, "
                   "all categories must be the same")
            raise TypeError(msg)
            raise TypeError('Categorical.ordered must be the same')

    if ignore_order:
        ordered = False

    return Categorical(new_codes, categories=categories, ordered=ordered,
Exemple #11
def _have_same_elements(idx1: pd.Index, idx2: pd.Index) -> bool:
    return idx1.sort_values().equals(idx2.sort_values())
Exemple #12
def assert_index_equal(
    left: Index,
    right: Index,
    exact: Union[bool, str] = "equiv",
    check_names: bool = True,
    check_less_precise: Union[bool, int] = no_default,
    check_exact: bool = True,
    check_categorical: bool = True,
    check_order: bool = True,
    rtol: float = 1.0e-5,
    atol: float = 1.0e-8,
    obj: str = "Index",
) -> None:
    Check that left and right Index are equal.

    left : Index
    right : Index
    exact : bool or {'equiv'}, default 'equiv'
        Whether to check the Index class, dtype and inferred_type
        are identical. If 'equiv', then RangeIndex can be substituted for
        Int64Index as well.
    check_names : bool, default True
        Whether to check the names attribute.
    check_less_precise : bool or int, default False
        Specify comparison precision. Only used when check_exact is False.
        5 digits (False) or 3 digits (True) after decimal points are compared.
        If int, then specify the digits to compare.

        .. deprecated:: 1.1.0
           Use `rtol` and `atol` instead to define relative/absolute
           tolerance, respectively. Similar to :func:`math.isclose`.
    check_exact : bool, default True
        Whether to compare number exactly.
    check_categorical : bool, default True
        Whether to compare internal Categorical exactly.
    check_order : bool, default True
        Whether to compare the order of index entries as well as their values.
        If True, both indexes must contain the same elements, in the same order.
        If False, both indexes must contain the same elements, but in any order.

        .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
    rtol : float, default 1e-5
        Relative tolerance. Only used when check_exact is False.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
    atol : float, default 1e-8
        Absolute tolerance. Only used when check_exact is False.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
    obj : str, default 'Index'
        Specify object name being compared, internally used to show appropriate
        assertion message.

    >>> from pandas.testing import assert_index_equal
    >>> a = pd.Index([1, 2, 3])
    >>> b = pd.Index([1, 2, 3])
    >>> assert_index_equal(a, b)
    __tracebackhide__ = True

    def _check_types(left, right, obj="Index"):
        if exact:
            assert_class_equal(left, right, exact=exact, obj=obj)

            # Skip exact dtype checking when `check_categorical` is False
            if check_categorical:
                assert_attr_equal("dtype", left, right, obj=obj)

            # allow string-like to have different inferred_types
            if left.inferred_type in ("string"):
                assert right.inferred_type in ("string")
                assert_attr_equal("inferred_type", left, right, obj=obj)

    def _get_ilevel_values(index, level):
        # accept level number only
        unique = index.levels[level]
        level_codes = index.codes[level]
        filled = take_1d(unique._values,
        return unique._shallow_copy(filled, name=index.names[level])

    if check_less_precise is not no_default:
            "The 'check_less_precise' keyword in testing.assert_*_equal "
            "is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. "
            "You can stop passing 'check_less_precise' to silence this warning.",
        rtol = atol = _get_tol_from_less_precise(check_less_precise)

    # instance validation
    _check_isinstance(left, right, Index)

    # class / dtype comparison
    _check_types(left, right, obj=obj)

    # level comparison
    if left.nlevels != right.nlevels:
        msg1 = f"{obj} levels are different"
        msg2 = f"{left.nlevels}, {left}"
        msg3 = f"{right.nlevels}, {right}"
        raise_assert_detail(obj, msg1, msg2, msg3)

    # length comparison
    if len(left) != len(right):
        msg1 = f"{obj} length are different"
        msg2 = f"{len(left)}, {left}"
        msg3 = f"{len(right)}, {right}"
        raise_assert_detail(obj, msg1, msg2, msg3)

    # If order doesn't matter then sort the index entries
    if not check_order:
        left = left.sort_values()
        right = right.sort_values()

    # MultiIndex special comparison for little-friendly error messages
    if left.nlevels > 1:
        left = cast(MultiIndex, left)
        right = cast(MultiIndex, right)

        for level in range(left.nlevels):
            # cannot use get_level_values here because it can change dtype
            llevel = _get_ilevel_values(left, level)
            rlevel = _get_ilevel_values(right, level)

            lobj = f"MultiIndex level [{level}]"
            # get_level_values may change dtype
            _check_types(left.levels[level], right.levels[level], obj=obj)

    # skip exact index checking when `check_categorical` is False
    if check_exact and check_categorical:
        if not left.equals(right):
            diff = (np.sum((left._values != right._values).astype(int)) *
                    100.0 / len(left))
            msg = f"{obj} values are different ({np.round(diff, 5)} %)"
            raise_assert_detail(obj, msg, left, right)

    # metadata comparison
    if check_names:
        assert_attr_equal("names", left, right, obj=obj)
    if isinstance(left, PeriodIndex) or isinstance(right, PeriodIndex):
        assert_attr_equal("freq", left, right, obj=obj)
    if isinstance(left, IntervalIndex) or isinstance(right, IntervalIndex):
        assert_interval_array_equal(left._values, right._values)

    if check_categorical:
        if is_categorical_dtype(left.dtype) or is_categorical_dtype(
                                     obj=f"{obj} category")