Exemple #1
    def shortDescription(self):

        from paramGeneratorModule import ParamGenerator
        T_model = ParamGenerator.timing(self)['T_model']
        desc = (('[ %s ]' % self.Description) + ('\n \t%-25s= %u' %
                                                 ('T_model', T_model)) +
                ('\n \t%-25s= %u' % ('IsLowReturn', self.IsLowReturn)) +
                ('\n \t%-25s= %7.8f' % ('Beta', self.beta)) +
                ('\n \t%-25s= %7.8f' % ('Gamma', self.gamma)) +
                ('\n \t%-25s= %7.8f' % ('Sigma', self.sigma)) +
                ('\n \t%-25s= %e' % ('Model$', self.modelunit_dollar)))

        return desc
    def __init__(self, scenario, DIST=None, Market=None, OPTs=None):

        if not scenario.isSteady():
            raise Exception(
                'Unable to generate income distribution moments for transition paths.'

        # PARAMETERS
        pathFinder = PathFinder(scenario)

        self.scenario = scenario
        save_dir = PathFinder.getCacheDir(scenario)

        # Define time constants and grids
        timing = ParamGenerator.timing(scenario)
        grids = ParamGenerator.grids(scenario)
        T_life = timing['T_life']  # Total life years
        T_model = timing['T_model']  # Transition path model years
        Tmax_work = timing['Tmax_work']  # Largest retirement age
        ng = grids['ng']  # num groups
        nz = grids['nz']  # num labor productivity shocks
        zs = grids['zs']  # shocks grid (by demographic type and age)
        nk = grids['nk']  # num asset points
        nb = grids['nb']  # num avg. earnings points

        # Useful later for a couple of functions
        self.kv = grids['kv']
        self.karray = np.tile(np.reshape(grids['kv'], [1, nk, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
                              [nz, 1, nb, T_life, ng, T_model])
        self.T_work = Tmax_work
        self.T_life = T_life


        # Import households distribution
        if DIST is None:
            with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'distribution.pkl'),
                      'rb') as handle:
                s = pickle.load(handle)
            DIST = s['DIST']
        dist = DIST.flatten(order='F')
        if T_model == 1:
            DIST = DIST[:, :, :, :, :, np.newaxis]

        dist_l = np.zeros((nz, nk, nb, T_life, ng, T_model))
        dist_l[0:nz, 0:nk, 0:nb, 0:Tmax_work, 0:ng,
               0:T_model] = DIST[0:nz, 0:nk, 0:nb, 0:Tmax_work, 0:ng,
                                 0:T_model]  # Working age population
        dist_l[0:nz, 0:nk, 0:nb, Tmax_work - 1:T_life, 0:ng,
               0:T_model] = 0  # Retired population
        dist_l = dist_l.flatten(order='F') / np.sum(dist_l)

        # Useful later for a couple of functions
        self.DIST = DIST

        # Import market variables
        if Market is None:
            with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'market.pkl')) as handle:
                s = pickle.load(handle)
            wages = s['wages']
            capsharesAM = s['capsharesAM']
            bondDividendRates = s['bondDividendRates']
            equityDividendRates = s['equityDividendRates']
            wages = Market['wages']
            capsharesAM = Market['capsharesAM']
            bondDividendRates = Market['bondDividendRates']
            equityDividendRates = Market['equityDividendRates']

        # Import policy functions
        f = lambda X: np.tile(np.reshape(X, [nz, nk, nb, T_life, 1, T_model]),
                              [1, 1, 1, 1, ng, 1])
        if OPTs is None:
            with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'decisions.pkl')) as handle:
                s = pickle.load(handle)
            s = s['OPTs']
            labinc = f(s['LABOR']) * np.tile(
                np.reshape(np.transpose(zs, [2, 1, 0]),
                           [nz, 1, 1, T_life, 1, T_model]),
                [1, nk, nb, 1, ng, 1]) * wages
            k = f(s['SAVINGS'])
            self.ben = f(s['OASI_BENEFITS'])
            self.lab = f(s['LABOR'])
            self.con = f(s['CONSUMPTION'])
            labinc = f(OPTs['LABOR']) * np.tile(
                np.reshape(np.transpose(zs, [2, 1, 0]),
                           [nz, 1, 1, T_life, 1, T_model]),
                [1, nk, nb, 1, ng, 1]) * wages
            k = f(OPTs['SAVINGS'])
            self.ben = f(OPTs['OASI_BENEFITS'])
            self.lab = f(OPTs['LABOR'])
            self.con = f(OPTs['CONSUMPTION'])

        kinc = ((1 - capsharesAM) * bondDividendRates +
                capsharesAM * equityDividendRates) * k
        totinc = labinc.flatten(order='F') + kinc.flatten(
            order='F') + self.ben.flatten(order='F')  # Total income
        labinc = labinc.flatten(order='F')  # Labor income
        k = k.flatten(order='F')  # Asset holdings for tomorrow (k')

        file = pathFinder.getMicrosimInputPath(

        self.a_distdata = pd.read_csv(file)
        self.a_distdata.append([99.9, float('nan'),
                                1])  # Append last point for graph

        file = pathFinder.getMicrosimInputPath(
        self.l_distdata = pd.read_csv(file)
        self.l_distdata.append([99.9, float('nan'),
                                1])  # Append last point for graph


        # Compute wealth distribution
        self.a_distmodel = get_moments(dist, k)
        # Gini and Lorenz curve
        (self.a_ginimodel, self.a_lorenz) = gini(dist, k)

        # Compute labor income distribution
        self.l_distmodel = get_moments(dist_l, labinc)
        # Gini and Lorenz curve
        (self.l_ginimodel, self.l_lorenz) = gini(dist_l, labinc)

        # Compute total income distribution
        self.t_distmodel = get_moments(dist, totinc)
        # Gini and Lorenz curve
        (self.t_ginimodel, self.t_lorenz) = gini(dist, labinc)