Exemple #1
    def run(self, function, x):
        """Finds the projection onto the intersection of two sets.

        function : list or tuple with two Functions
            The two functions.

        x : numpy array (p-by-1)
            The point that we wish to project.
        self.check_compatibility(function[0], self.INTERFACES)
        self.check_compatibility(function[1], self.INTERFACES)

        x_new = x
        p_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        q_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            x_old = x_new
            p_old = p_new
            q_old = q_new

            y_old = function[0].proj(x_old + p_old)
            p_new = x_old + p_old - y_old
            x_new = function[1].proj(y_old + q_old)
            q_new = y_old + q_old - x_new

            if maths.norm(x_new - x_old) / maths.norm(x_old) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

        return x_new
Exemple #2
    def run(self, function, x, factor=1.0):
        """Finds the proximal operator of the sum of two proximal operators.

        function : list or tuple with two Functions
            The two functions.

        x : numpy array (p-by-1)
            The point at which we want to compute the proximal operator.
        self.check_compatibility(function[0], self.INTERFACES)
        self.check_compatibility(function[1], self.INTERFACES)

        x_new = x
        p_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        q_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            x_old = x_new
            p_old = p_new
            q_old = q_new

            y_old = function[0].prox(x_old + p_old, factor=factor)
            p_new = x_old + p_old - y_old
            x_new = function[1].prox(y_old + q_old, factor=factor)
            q_new = y_old + q_old - x_new

            if maths.norm(x_new - x_old) / maths.norm(x_old) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

        return x_new
Exemple #3
    def run(self, XY, wc=None):
        """A NIPALS implementation for sparse PLS regresison.

        XY : List of two numpy arrays. XY[0] is n-by-p and XY[1] is n-by-q. The
                independent and dependent variables.

        wc : List of numpy array. The start vectors.

        w : Numpy array, p-by-1. The weight vector of X.

        c : Numpy array, q-by-1. The weight vector of Y.
        X = XY[0]
        Y = XY[1]

        n, p = X.shape

        l1_1 = penalties.L1(l=self.l[0])
        l1_2 = penalties.L1(l=self.l[1])

        if wc is not None:
            w_new = wc[0]
            maxi = np.argmax(np.sum(Y ** 2, axis=0))
            u = Y[:, [maxi]]
            w_new = np.dot(X.T, u)
            w_new *= 1.0 / maths.norm(w_new)

        for i in range(self.max_iter):
            w = w_new

            c = np.dot(Y.T, np.dot(X, w))
            if self.penalise_y:
                c = l1_2.prox(c)
                normc = maths.norm(c)
                if normc > consts.TOLERANCE:
                    c *= 1.0 / normc

            w_new = np.dot(X.T, np.dot(Y, c))
            w_new = l1_1.prox(w_new)
            normw = maths.norm(w_new)
            if normw > consts.TOLERANCE:
                w_new *= 1.0 / normw

            if maths.norm(w_new - w) / maths.norm(w) < self.eps:

        self.num_iter = i

#        t = np.dot(X, w)
#        tt = np.dot(t.T, t)[0, 0]
#        c = np.dot(Y.T, t)
#        if tt > consts.TOLERANCE:
#            c /= tt

        return w_new, c
    def run(self, X):
        """Runs the K-means clustering algorithm on the given data matrix.

        X : Numpy array of shape (n, p). The matrix of points to cluster.
        K = min(self.K, X.shape[0])  # If K > # points.

        best_wcss = np.infty
        best_mus = None
        for repeat in range(self.repeat):

            mus = self._init_mus(X, K)

            for it in range(self.max_iter):
                closest = self._closest_centers(X, mus, K)
                old_mus = mus
                mus = self._new_centers(X, closest, K)

                if maths.norm(old_mus - mus) / maths.norm(old_mus) < self.eps:

            if self.repeat == 1:
                best_mus = mus
                wcss = self._wcss(X, mus, closest, K)

                if wcss < best_wcss:
                    best_wcss = wcss
                    best_mus = mus

        return best_mus
Exemple #5
    def run(self, function, x):
        """Finds the projection onto the intersection of two sets.

        function : list or tuple with two Functions
            The two functions.

        x : numpy array (p-by-1)
            The point that we wish to project.
        self.check_compatibility(function[0], self.INTERFACES)
        self.check_compatibility(function[1], self.INTERFACES)

        x_new = x
        p_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        q_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            x_old = x_new
            p_old = p_new
            q_old = q_new

            y_old = function[0].proj(x_old + p_old)
            p_new = x_old + p_old - y_old
            x_new = function[1].proj(y_old + q_old)
            q_new = y_old + q_old - x_new

            if maths.norm(x_new - x_old) / maths.norm(x_old) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

        return x_new
    def run(self, XY, wc=None):
        """A NIPALS implementation for sparse PLS regresison.

        XY : List of two numpy arrays. XY[0] is n-by-p and XY[1] is n-by-q. The
                independent and dependent variables.

        wc : List of numpy array. The start vectors.

        w : Numpy array, p-by-1. The weight vector of X.

        c : Numpy array, q-by-1. The weight vector of Y.
        X = XY[0]
        Y = XY[1]

        n, p = X.shape

        l1_1 = penalties.L1(l=self.l[0])
        l1_2 = penalties.L1(l=self.l[1])

        if wc is not None:
            w_new = wc[0]
            maxi = np.argmax(np.sum(Y ** 2.0, axis=0))
            u = Y[:, [maxi]]
            w_new = np.dot(X.T, u)
            w_new *= 1.0 / maths.norm(w_new)

        for i in range(self.max_iter):
            w = w_new

            c = np.dot(Y.T, np.dot(X, w))
            if self.penalise_y:
                c = l1_2.prox(c)
                normc = maths.norm(c)
                if normc > consts.TOLERANCE:
                    c *= 1.0 / normc

            w_new = np.dot(X.T, np.dot(Y, c))
            w_new = l1_1.prox(w_new)
            normw = maths.norm(w_new)
            if normw > consts.TOLERANCE:
                w_new *= 1.0 / normw

            if maths.norm(w_new - w) / maths.norm(w) < self.eps:

        self.num_iter = i

#        t = np.dot(X, w)
#        tt = np.dot(t.T, t)[0, 0]
#        c = np.dot(Y.T, t)
#        if tt > consts.TOLERANCE:
#            c /= tt

        return w_new, c
    def run(self, X):
        """Runs the K-means clustering algorithm on the given data matrix.

        X : Numpy array of shape (n, p). The matrix of points to cluster.
        K = min(self.K, X.shape[0])  # If K > # points.

        best_wcss = np.infty
        best_mus = None
        for repeat in range(self.repeat):

            mus = self._init_mus(X, K)

            for it in range(self.max_iter):
                closest = self._closest_centers(X, mus, K)
                old_mus = mus
                mus = self._new_centers(X, closest, K)

                if maths.norm(old_mus - mus) / maths.norm(old_mus) < self.eps:

            if self.repeat == 1:
                best_mus = mus
                wcss = self._wcss(X, mus, closest, K)

                if wcss < best_wcss:
                    best_wcss = wcss
                    best_mus = mus

        return best_mus
Exemple #8
    def run(self, function, x, factor=1.0):
        """Finds the proximal operator of the sum of two proximal operators.

        function : list or tuple with two Functions
            The two functions.

        x : numpy array (p-by-1)
            The point at which we want to compute the proximal operator.
        self.check_compatibility(function[0], self.INTERFACES)
        self.check_compatibility(function[1], self.INTERFACES)

        x_new = x
        p_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        q_new = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            x_old = x_new
            p_old = p_new
            q_old = q_new

            y_old = function[0].prox(x_old + p_old, factor=factor)
            p_new = x_old + p_old - y_old
            x_new = function[1].prox(y_old + q_old, factor=factor)
            q_new = y_old + q_old - x_new

            if maths.norm(x_new - x_old) / maths.norm(x_old) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

        return x_new
    def run(self, X, Y, start_vector=None):
        """Find the right-singular vector of the product of two matrices.

        X : Numpy array with shape (n, p). The first matrix of the product.

        Y : Numpy array with shape (p, m). The second matrix of the product.

        start_vector : BaseStartVector. A start vector generator. Default is to
                use a random start vector.
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            _t = utils.time()

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, False)

        M, N = X.shape

        if start_vector is None:
            start_vector = start_vectors.RandomStartVector(normalise=True)

        v = start_vector.get_vector(Y.shape[1])

        for it in xrange(1, self.max_iter + 1):
            v_ = v
            v = np.dot(X, np.dot(Y, v_))
            v = np.dot(Y.T, np.dot(X.T, v))
            v *= 1.0 / maths.norm(v)

            if maths.norm(v_ - v) / maths.norm(v) < self.eps \
                    and it >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.time, utils.time() - _t)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            _f = maths.norm(np.dot(X, np.dot(Y, v)))  # Largest singular value.
            self.info_set(utils.Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, True)

        return utils.direct_vector(v)
Exemple #10
    def run(self, X, Y, start_vector=None):
        """Find the right-singular vector of the product of two matrices.

        X : Numpy array with shape (n, p). The first matrix of the product.

        Y : Numpy array with shape (p, m). The second matrix of the product.

        start_vector : BaseStartVector. A start vector generator. Default is to
                use a random start vector.
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            _t = utils.time()

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, False)

        M, N = X.shape

        if start_vector is None:
            start_vector = weights.RandomUniformWeights(normalise=True)

        v = start_vector.get_weights(Y.shape[1])

        for it in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):
            v_ = v
            v = np.dot(X, np.dot(Y, v_))
            v = np.dot(Y.T, np.dot(X.T, v))
            v *= 1.0 / maths.norm(v)

            if maths.norm(v_ - v) / maths.norm(v) < self.eps \
                    and it >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.time, utils.time() - _t)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            _f = maths.norm(np.dot(X, np.dot(Y, v)))  # Largest singular value.
            self.info_set(utils.Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, True)

        return utils.direct_vector(v)
Exemple #11
    def run(self, XY, wc=None):
        """A NIPALS implementation for PLS regresison.

        XY : List of two numpy arrays. XY[0] is n-by-p and XY[1] is n-by-q. The
                independent and dependent variables.

        wc : List of numpy array. The start vectors.

        w : Numpy array, p-by-1. The weight vector of X.

        c : Numpy array, q-by-1. The weight vector of Y.
        X = XY[0]
        Y = XY[1]

        n, p = X.shape

        if wc is not None:
            w_new = wc[0]
            maxi = np.argmax(np.sum(Y ** 2, axis=0))
            u = Y[:, [maxi]]
            w_new = np.dot(X.T, u)
            w_new *= 1.0 / maths.norm(w_new)

        for i in range(self.max_iter):
            w = w_new

            c = np.dot(Y.T, np.dot(X, w))
            w_new = np.dot(X.T, np.dot(Y, c))
            normw = maths.norm(w_new)
            if normw > 10.0 * consts.FLOAT_EPSILON:
                w_new *= 1.0 / normw

            if maths.norm(w_new - w) < maths.norm(w) * self.eps:

        self.num_iter = i

        t = np.dot(X, w)
        tt = np.dot(t.T, t)[0, 0]
        c = np.dot(Y.T, t)
        if tt > consts.TOLERANCE:
            c *= 1.0 / tt

        return w_new, c
    def run(self, XY, wc=None):
        """A NIPALS implementation for PLS regresison.

        XY : List of two numpy arrays. XY[0] is n-by-p and XY[1] is n-by-q. The
                independent and dependent variables.

        wc : List of numpy array. The start vectors.

        w : Numpy array, p-by-1. The weight vector of X.

        c : Numpy array, q-by-1. The weight vector of Y.
        X = XY[0]
        Y = XY[1]

        n, p = X.shape

        if wc is not None:
            w_new = wc[0]
            maxi = np.argmax(np.sum(Y ** 2.0, axis=0))
            u = Y[:, [maxi]]
            w_new = np.dot(X.T, u)
            w_new *= 1.0 / maths.norm(w_new)

        for i in range(self.max_iter):
            w = w_new

            c = np.dot(Y.T, np.dot(X, w))
            w_new = np.dot(X.T, np.dot(Y, c))
            normw = maths.norm(w_new)
            if normw > 10.0 * consts.FLOAT_EPSILON:
                w_new *= 1.0 / normw

            if maths.norm(w_new - w) < maths.norm(w) * self.eps:

        self.num_iter = i

        t = np.dot(X, w)
        tt = np.dot(t.T, t)[0, 0]
        c = np.dot(Y.T, t)
        if tt > consts.TOLERANCE:
            c *= 1.0 / tt

        return w_new, c
Exemple #13
    def gap(self, beta, beta_hat=None,
            max_iter=consts.MAX_ITER, eps=consts.TOLERANCE):
        """Compute the duality gap.

        From the interface "DualFunction".
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        alpha = self.tv.alpha(beta_)
        g = self.fmu(beta_)

        a = beta_ - self.c
        lstar = (1.0 / 2.0) * maths.norm(a) ** 2.0 + np.dot(self.c.T, a)[0, 0]

        lAta = self.tv.l * self.tv.Aa(alpha)
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            lAta = np.vstack((np.zeros((self.penalty_start, 1)),

        alpha_sqsum = 0.0
        for a_ in alpha:
            alpha_sqsum += np.sum(a_ ** 2.0)

        z = -a
        psistar = (1.0 / 2.0) \
           * np.sum(maths.positive(np.abs(z - lAta) - self.l1.l) ** 2.0) \
           + (0.5 * self.tv.l * self.tv.get_mu() * alpha_sqsum)

        gap = g + lstar + psistar

        return gap
    def run(self, function, beta):
        """Find the minimiser of the given function, starting at beta.

        function : Function. The function to minimise.

        beta : Numpy array. The start vector.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        step = function.step(beta)

        betanew = betaold = beta

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        for i in xrange(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            step = function.step(betanew)

            betaold = betanew
            betanew = betaold - step * function.grad(betaold)

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                    or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):

            if maths.norm(betanew - betaold) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return betanew
    def feasible(self, beta):
        """Feasibility of the constraint.

        From the interface "Constraint".

        beta : Numpy array. The variable to check for feasibility.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from parsimony.functions.penalties import L2
        >>> np.random.seed(42)
        >>> l2 = L2(c=0.3183098861837907)
        >>> y1 = 0.01 * (np.random.rand(50, 1) * 2.0 - 1.0)
        >>> l2.feasible(y1)
        >>> y2 = 10.0 * (np.random.rand(50, 1) * 2.0 - 1.0)
        >>> l2.feasible(y2)
        >>> y3 = l2.proj(50.0 * np.random.rand(100, 1) * 2.0 - 1.0)
        >>> l2.feasible(y3)
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        return maths.norm(beta_) <= self.c
Exemple #16
    def run(self, function, beta):
        """Find the minimiser of the given function, starting at beta.

        function : Function. The function to minimise.

        beta : Numpy array, p-by-1. The start vector.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        aold = anew = 1.0
        thetaold = thetanew = beta
        betanew = betaold = beta
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            step = function.step(betanew)

            betaold = betanew
            thetaold = thetanew
            aold = anew

            thetanew = betaold - step * function.grad(betaold)
            anew = (1.0 + np.sqrt(4.0 * aold * aold + 1.0)) / 2.0
            betanew = thetanew + (aold - 1.0) * (thetanew - thetaold) / anew

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):

            if maths.norm(betanew - betaold) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return betanew
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return randomly generated weights of given shape.

        shape : int or list of ints or tuple of ints
            Shape of the weights to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        if self.limits is not None:
            l = float(self.limits[0])
            u = float(self.limits[1])
        elif self.variance is not None:
            u = np.sqrt(3.0 * self.variance)
            l = -u

        if self.random_state is None:
            vector = np.random.rand(*shape) * (u - l) + l  # Random vector.
            vector = self.random_state.rand(*shape) * (u - l) + l  # Random vector.

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            vector /= maths.norm(vector)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            vector = vector.astype(self.dtype)

        return vector
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return randomly generated weights of given shape.

        shape : int or list of int or tuple of int
            Shape of the weights to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        if self.limits is not None:
            m = np.min(self.limits) + (abs(self.limits[1] - self.limits[0]) / 2.0)
            s = abs(self.limits[1] - self.limits[0]) / 4.0
            m = self.mean
            s = np.sqrt(self.variance)

        if self.random_state is None:
            vector = np.random.randn(*shape) * s + m
            vector = self.random_state.randn(*shape) * s + m  # Random vector.

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            vector /= maths.norm(vector)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            vector = vector.astype(self.dtype)

        return vector
    def get_vector(self, size):
        """Return vector of ones of chosen shape

        size : Positive integer. Size of the vector to generate. The shape of
                the output is (size, 1).

        >>> from parsimony.utils.start_vectors import OnesStartVector
        >>> start_vector = OnesStartVector()
        >>> ones = start_vector.get_vector(3)
        >>> print(ones)
        [[ 1.]
         [ 1.]
         [ 1.]]
        size = int(size)
        vector = np.ones((size, 1))  # Using a vector of ones.

        if self.normalise:
            return vector * (1.0 / maths.norm(vector))
            return vector
    def run(self, function, beta):
        """Find the minimiser of the given function, starting at beta.

        function : Function. The function to minimise.

        beta : Numpy array, p-by-1. The start vector.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        aold = anew = 1.0
        thetaold = thetanew = beta
        betanew = betaold = beta
        for i in xrange(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            step = function.step(betanew)

            betaold = betanew
            thetaold = thetanew
            aold = anew

            thetanew = betaold - step * function.grad(betaold)
            anew = (1.0 + np.sqrt(4.0 * aold * aold + 1.0)) / 2.0
            betanew = thetanew + (aold - 1.0) * (thetanew - thetaold) / anew

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):

            if maths.norm(betanew - betaold) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return betanew
Exemple #21
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return randomly generated weights of given shape.

        shape : int or list of int or tuple of int
            Shape of the weights to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        if self.limits is not None:
            m = np.min(
                self.limits) + (abs(self.limits[1] - self.limits[0]) / 2.0)
            s = abs(self.limits[1] - self.limits[0]) / 4.0
            m = self.mean
            s = np.sqrt(self.variance)

        if self.random_state is None:
            vector = np.random.randn(*shape) * s + m
            vector = self.random_state.randn(*shape) * s + m  # Random vector.

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            vector /= maths.norm(vector)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            vector = vector.astype(self.dtype)

        return vector
Exemple #22
    def run(self, function, beta):
        """Find the minimiser of the given function, starting at beta.

        function : Function. The function to minimise.

        beta : Numpy array. The start vector.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        step = function.step(beta)

        betanew = betaold = beta

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            step = function.step(betanew)

            betaold = betanew
            betanew = betaold - step * function.grad(betaold)

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                    or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):

            if maths.norm(betanew - betaold) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return betanew
Exemple #23
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return randomly generated weights of given shape.

        shape : int or list of ints or tuple of ints
            Shape of the weights to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        if self.limits is not None:
            l = float(self.limits[0])
            u = float(self.limits[1])
        elif self.variance is not None:
            u = np.sqrt(3.0 * self.variance)
            l = -u

        if self.random_state is None:
            vector = np.random.rand(*shape) * (u - l) + l  # Random vector.
            vector = self.random_state.rand(*shape) * (u -
                                                       l) + l  # Random vector.

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            vector /= maths.norm(vector)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            vector = vector.astype(self.dtype)

        return vector
Exemple #24
    def run(self, functions, x, weights=None):
        """Finds the projection onto the intersection of two sets.

        functions : List or tuple with two or more elements. The functions.

        x : Numpy array. The point that we wish to project.

        weights : List or tuple with floats. Weights for the functions.
                Default is that they all have the same weight. The elements of
                the list or tuple must sum to 1.
        for f in functions:
            self.check_compatibility(f, self.INTERFACES)

        num = len(functions)

        if weights is None:
            weights = [1.0 / float(num)] * num

        x_new = x_old = x
        p = [0.0] * len(functions)
        z = [0.0] * len(functions)
        for i in range(num):
            z[i] = np.copy(x)

        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            for i in range(num):
                p[i] = functions[i].proj(z[i])

            # TODO: Does the weights really matter when the function is the
            # indicator function?
            x_old = x_new
            x_new = np.zeros(x_old.shape)
            for i in range(num):
                x_new += weights[i] * p[i]

            for i in range(num):
                z[i] = x + z[i] - p[i]

            if maths.norm(x_new - x_old) / maths.norm(x_old) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

        return x_new
Exemple #25
    def run(self, functions, x, weights=None):
        """Finds the projection onto the intersection of two sets.

        functions : List or tuple with two or more elements. The functions.

        x : Numpy array. The point that we wish to project.

        weights : List or tuple with floats. Weights for the functions.
                Default is that they all have the same weight. The elements of
                the list or tuple must sum to 1.
        for f in functions:
            self.check_compatibility(f, self.INTERFACES)

        num = len(functions)

        if weights is None:
            weights = [1.0 / float(num)] * num

        x_new = x_old = x
        p = [0.0] * len(functions)
        z = [0.0] * len(functions)
        for i in range(num):
            z[i] = np.copy(x)

        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            for i in range(num):
                p[i] = functions[i].proj(z[i])

            # TODO: Does the weights really matter when the function is the
            # indicator function?
            x_old = x_new
            x_new = np.zeros(x_old.shape)
            for i in range(num):
                x_new += weights[i] * p[i]

            for i in range(num):
                z[i] = x + z[i] - p[i]

            if maths.norm(x_new - x_old) / maths.norm(x_old) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

        return x_new
    def f(self, beta):
        """Function value.

        From the interface "Function".
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        return self.l * (maths.norm(beta_) - self.c)
Exemple #27
    def L(self, w, index):
        """Lipschitz constant of the gradient with given index.

        From the interface "MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient".
        index = int(index)
        grad = np.dot(self.X[index].T,
                      np.dot(self.X[1 - index], w[1 - index])) \
            * (1.0 / self.n)

        return 2.0 * maths.norm(grad) ** 2
Exemple #28
    def L(self, w, index):
        """Lipschitz constant of the gradient with given index.

        From the interface "MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient".
        index = int(index)
        grad = np.dot(self.X[index].T,
                      np.dot(self.X[1 - index], w[1 - index])) \
            * (1.0 / self.n)

        return 2.0 * maths.norm(grad)**2
Exemple #29
    def approx_L(self, shape, max_iter=10000):
        """Monte Carlo approximation of the Lipschitz constant.

        Warning: This will not yield a good approximation within reasonable
        time for very large data sets. Use only if you know what you are doing.

        shape : List or tuple. Usually has the form (p, 1). The shape of the
                points which we draw randomly.
        L = -float("inf")
        for i in xrange(max_iter):
            a = np.random.rand(*shape) * 2.0 - 1.0
            b = np.random.rand(*shape) * 2.0 - 1.0
            grad_a = self.grad(a)
            grad_b = self.grad(b)
            L_ = maths.norm(grad_a - grad_b) / maths.norm(a - b)
            L = max(L, L_)

        return L
    def _approximate_eps(self, function, beta0):
        old_mu = function.set_mu(self.mu_min)

        step = function.step(beta0)
        D1 = maths.norm(function.prox(-step * function.grad(beta0),
                                      # Arbitrary eps ...

        return (2.0 / step) * D1 * self._harmonic_number_approx()
    def approx_L(self, shape, max_iter=10000):
        """Monte Carlo approximation of the Lipschitz constant.

        Warning: This will not yield a good approximation within reasonable
        time for very large data sets. Use only if you know what you are doing.

        shape : List or tuple. Usually has the form (p, 1). The shape of the
                points which we draw randomly.
        L = -float("inf")
        for i in xrange(max_iter):
            a = np.random.rand(*shape) * 2.0 - 1.0
            b = np.random.rand(*shape) * 2.0 - 1.0
            grad_a = self.grad(a)
            grad_b = self.grad(b)
            L_ = maths.norm(grad_a - grad_b) / maths.norm(a - b)
            L = max(L, L_)

        return L
    def f(self, beta):
        """Function value.
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        if maths.norm(beta_) ** 2.0 > self.l2:
            return consts.FLOAT_INF

        return self.l1 * maths.norm1(beta_)
Exemple #33
    def estimate_mu(self, beta):

        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        SS = 0.0
        A = self.A()
        for i in range(len(A)):
            SS = max(SS, maths.norm(A[i].dot(beta_)))

        return SS
    def get_weights(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns the predetermined start vector
        weights = self.weights

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            weights = weights / maths.norm(weights)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            weights = weights.astype(self.dtype)

        return weights
Exemple #35
    def estimate_mu(self, beta):

        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        SS = 0.0
        A = self.A()
        for i in xrange(len(A)):
            SS = max(SS, maths.norm(A[i].dot(beta_)))

        return SS
Exemple #36
    def _approximate_eps(self, function, beta0):

        old_mu = function.set_mu(self.mu_min)

        step = function.step(beta0)
        D1 = maths.norm(function.prox(-step * function.grad(beta0),
                                      # Arbitrary eps ...

        return (2.0 / step) * D1 * self._harmonic_number_approx()
Exemple #37
    def get_weights(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns the predetermined start vector
        weights = self.weights

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            weights = weights / maths.norm(weights)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            weights = weights.astype(self.dtype)

        return weights
Exemple #38
    def feasible(self, beta):
        """Feasibility of the constraint.

        From the interface "Constraint".
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        A = self.A()
        normsum = 0.0
        for Ag in A:
            normsum += maths.norm(Ag.dot(beta_))

        return normsum <= self.c
    def estimate_mu(self, beta):
        """ Computes a "good" value of mu with respect to the given beta.

        From the interface "NesterovFunction".
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        SS = 0.0
        A = self.A()
        for i in xrange(len(A)):
            SS = max(SS, maths.norm(A[i].dot(beta_)))

        return np.max(np.sqrt(SS))
Exemple #40
    def feasible(self, beta):
        """Feasibility of the constraint.

        From the interface "Constraint".
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        A = self.A()
        normsum = 0.0
        for Ag in A:
            normsum += maths.norm(Ag.dot(beta_))

        return normsum <= self.c
Exemple #41
    def f(self, beta):
        """ Function value.
        if self.l < consts.TOLERANCE:
            return 0.0

        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        A = self.A()
        normsum = 0.0
        for Ag in A:
            normsum += maths.norm(Ag.dot(beta_))

        return self.l * (normsum - self.c)
Exemple #42
    def f(self, beta):
        """ Function value.
        if self.l < consts.TOLERANCE:
            return 0.0

        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        A = self.A()
        normsum = 0.0
        for Ag in A:
            normsum += maths.norm(Ag.dot(beta_))

        return self.l * (normsum - self.c)
Exemple #43
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return weights that are all one.

        shape : int or list of ints or tuple of ints
            Shape of the vector to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        vector = np.ones(shape)  # Using a vector of ones.

        if self.normalise:
            return vector / maths.norm(vector)
            return vector
    def estimate_mu(self, beta):
        """ Compute a "good" value of mu with respect to the given beta.

        beta : Numpy array (p-by-1). The primal variable at which to compute a
                feasible value of mu.
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        SS = 0.0
        A = self.A()
        for i in range(len(A)):
            SS = max(SS, maths.norm(A[i].dot(beta_)))

        return SS
    def estimate_mu(self, beta):
        """ Compute a "good" value of mu with respect to the given beta.

        beta : Numpy array (p-by-1). The primal variable at which to compute a
                feasible value of mu.
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        SS = 0.0
        A = self.A()
        for i in range(len(A)):
            SS = np.max(SS, maths.norm(A[i].dot(beta_), axis=0))

        return SS
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return weights that are all one.

        shape : int or list of ints or tuple of ints
            Shape of the vector to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        vector = np.ones(shape)  # Using a vector of ones.

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            vector /= maths.norm(vector)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            vector = vector.astype(self.dtype)

        return vector
    def proj(self, beta):
        """The corresponding projection operator.

        From the interface "ProjectionOperator".

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from parsimony.functions.penalties import L2
        >>> np.random.seed(42)
        >>> l2 = L2(c=0.3183098861837907)
        >>> y1 = l2.proj(np.random.rand(100, 1) * 2.0 - 1.0)
        >>> np.linalg.norm(y1)
        >>> y2 = np.random.rand(100, 1) * 2.0 - 1.0
        >>> l2.feasible(y2)
        >>> l2.feasible(l2.proj(y2))
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        norm = maths.norm(beta_)

        # Feasible?
        if norm <= self.c:
            return beta

        # The correction by eps is to nudge the norm just below self.c.
        eps = consts.FLOAT_EPSILON
        beta_ *= self.c / (norm + eps)
        proj = beta_
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            proj = np.vstack((beta[:self.penalty_start, :], beta_))

        return proj
Exemple #48
    def get_weights(self, shape):
        """Return weights that are all one.

        shape : int or list of ints or tuple of ints
            Shape of the vector to generate. The shape of the output is shape
            or (shape, 1) in case shape is an integer.
        if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
            shape = (int(shape), 1)

        vector = np.ones(shape)  # Using a vector of ones.

        # TODO: Normalise columns when a matrix?
        if self.normalise:
            vector /= maths.norm(vector)

        if self.dtype is not None:
            vector = vector.astype(self.dtype)

        return vector
    def prox(self, beta, factor=1.0):
        """The corresponding proximal operator.

        From the interface "ProximalOperator".
        l = self.l * factor
        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            beta_ = beta[self.penalty_start:, :]
            beta_ = beta

        norm = maths.norm(beta_)
        if norm >= l:
            beta_ *= (1.0 - l / norm) * beta_
            beta_ *= 0.0

        if self.penalty_start > 0:
            prox = np.vstack((beta[:self.penalty_start, :], beta_))
            prox = beta_

        return prox
    def get_vector(self, size):
        """Return randomly generated vector of given shape.

        size : Positive integer. Size of the vector to generate. The shape of
                the output is (size, 1).

        >>> from parsimony.utils.start_vectors import RandomStartVector
        >>> start_vector = RandomStartVector(normalise=False, seed=42)
        >>> random = start_vector.get_vector(3)
        >>> print(random)
        [[ 0.37454012]
         [ 0.95071431]
         [ 0.73199394]]
        >>> start_vector = RandomStartVector(normalise=False, seed=1,
        ...                                  limits=(-1, 2))
        >>> random = start_vector.get_vector(3)
        >>> print(random)
        [[ 0.25106601]
         [ 1.16097348]
        l = float(self.limits[0])
        u = float(self.limits[1])

        size = int(size)
        vector = np.random.rand(size, 1) * (u - l) + l  # Random vector.

        if self.normalise:
            return vector * (1.0 / maths.norm(vector))
            return vector
    def run(self, function, beta):

#        self.info.clear()

        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        if self.mu_start is None:
            mu = function.estimate_mu(beta)
            mu = self.mu_start

        # We use 2x as in Chen et al. (2012).
        eps = 2.0 * function.eps_max(mu)

        tmin = function.step(beta)

        if self.info_requested(Info.mu):
            mu = [mu]

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        i = 0
        while True:
            tnew = function.step(beta)
            self.algorithm.set_params(step=tnew, eps=eps,
                                      max_iter=self.max_iter - self.num_iter)
#            self.fista_info.clear()
            beta = self.algorithm.run(function, beta)

            self.num_iter += self.algorithm.num_iter

            if Info.time in self.algorithm.info:
                tval = self.algorithm.info_get(Info.time)
            if Info.fvalue in self.algorithm.info:
                fval = self.algorithm.info_get(Info.fvalue)

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t = t + tval
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
                f = f + fval

            old_mu = function.set_mu(self.mu_min)
            # Take one ISTA step for use in the stopping criterion.
            beta_tilde = function.prox(beta - tmin * function.grad(beta),

            if (1.0 / tmin) * maths.norm(beta - beta_tilde) < self.eps:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


            if self.num_iter >= self.max_iter:

            eps = max(self.tau * eps, consts.TOLERANCE)

#            if eps <= consts.TOLERANCE:
#                break

            if self.info_requested(Info.mu):
                mu_new = max(self.mu_min, self.tau * mu[-1])
                mu = mu + [mu_new] * len(fval)

                mu_new = max(self.mu_min, self.tau * mu)
                mu = mu_new

            print "eps:", eps, ", mu:", mu_new

            i = i + 1

        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i + 1)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.mu):
            self.info_set(Info.mu, mu)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return beta
    def run(self, function, beta):

        # Copy the allowed info keys for FISTA.
        fista_info = list()
        for nfo in self.info_copy():
            if nfo in FISTA.INFO_PROVIDED:
#        if not self.fista_info.allows(Info.num_iter):
#            self.fista_info.add_key(Info.num_iter)
        # Create the inner algorithm.
        algorithm = FISTA(eps=self.eps,
                          max_iter=self.max_iter, min_iter=self.min_iter,

        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        if self.mu_start is None:
            mu = [function.estimate_mu(beta)]
            mu = [self.mu_start]

        tmin = function.step(beta)

        max_eps = function.eps_max(mu[0])

        G = min(max_eps, function.eps_opt(mu[0]))

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.gap):
            Gval = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        i = 0
        while True:
            stop = False

            tnew = function.step(beta)
            eps_plus = min(max_eps, function.eps_opt(mu[-1]))
#            print "current iterations: ", self.num_iter, \
#                    ", iterations left: ", self.max_iter - self.num_iter
            algorithm.set_params(step=tnew, eps=eps_plus,
                                 max_iter=self.max_iter - self.num_iter,
#                                      conesta_stop=[self.mu_min])
#            self.fista_info.clear()
            beta = algorithm.run(function, beta)
            #print "CONESTA loop", i, "FISTA=",self.fista_info[Info.num_iter], "TOT iter:", self.num_iter

            self.num_iter += algorithm.num_iter

            if Info.time in algorithm.info:
                tval = algorithm.info_get(Info.time)
            if Info.fvalue in algorithm.info:
                fval = algorithm.info_get(Info.fvalue)

            self.mu_min = min(self.mu_min, mu[-1])
            tmin = min(tmin, tnew)
            old_mu = function.set_mu(self.mu_min)
            # Take one ISTA step for use in the stopping criterion.
            beta_tilde = function.prox(beta - tmin * function.grad(beta),

            if (1.0 / tmin) * maths.norm(beta - beta_tilde) < self.eps:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)

                stop = True

            if self.num_iter >= self.max_iter:
                stop = True

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                gap_time = utils.time_cpu()

            if self.dynamic:
                G_new = function.gap(beta, eps=eps_plus,
                                     max_iter=self.max_iter - self.num_iter)

                # TODO: Warn if G_new < 0.
                G_new = abs(G_new)  # Just in case ...

                if G_new < G:
                    G = G_new
                    G = self.tau * G

            else:  # Static

                G = self.tau * G

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                gap_time = utils.time_cpu() - gap_time
                tval[-1] += gap_time
                t = t + tval
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
                f = f + fval
            if self.info_requested(Info.gap):

            if (G <= consts.TOLERANCE and mu[-1] <= consts.TOLERANCE) or stop:

            mu_new = min(mu[-1], function.mu_opt(G))
            self.mu_min = min(self.mu_min, mu_new)
            if self.info_requested(Info.mu):
                mu = mu + [max(self.mu_min, mu_new)] * len(fval)
                mu.append(max(self.mu_min, mu_new))

            i = i + 1

        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i + 1)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.gap):
            self.info_set(Info.gap, Gval)
        if self.info_requested(Info.mu):
            self.info_set(Info.mu, mu)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return beta
    def run(self, X, y, beta=None):
        """Find the minimiser of the associated function, starting at beta.

        X : Numpy array, shape n-by-p. The matrix X with independent

        y : Numpy array, shape n-by-1. The response variable y.

        beta : Numpy array. Optional starting point.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        n, p = X.shape

        if beta is None:
            beta = self.start_vector.get_weights(p)
            beta = beta.copy()

        xTx = np.sum(X ** 2.0, axis=0)
        if self.mean:
            xTx *= 1.0 / float(n)

        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            # The update has an error that propagates. This resets the
            # approximation. We may not need to do this at every iteration.
            Xbeta_y = np.dot(X, beta) - y

            betaold = beta.copy()
            for j in range(p):

                xj = X[:, [j]]
                betaj = beta[j]

                # Solve for beta[j].
                if xTx[j] < consts.TOLERANCE:  # Avoid division-by-zero.
                    bj = 0.0
                    # Intercept.
                    S0 = np.dot(xj.T, Xbeta_y - xj * betaj)[0, 0]
                    if self.mean:
                        S0 /= float(n)

                    if j < self.penalty_start:
                        bj = -S0 / xTx[j]
                        if S0 > self.l:
                            bj = (self.l - S0) / xTx[j]
                        elif S0 < -self.l:
                            bj = (-self.l - S0) / xTx[j]
                            bj = 0.0

                Xbeta_y += xj * (bj - betaj)  # Update X.beta.
                beta[j] = bj  # Save result.

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
                f_ = self._f(Xbeta_y, y, beta)
#                print "f:", f[-1]

#            print "err:", maths.norm(beta - betaold)
            if maths.norm(beta - betaold) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)

#                print "iterations: ", i

        self.num_iter = i
        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return beta
    def run(self, X, y, beta=None):
        """Find the minimiser of the associated function, starting at beta.

        X : Numpy array, shape n-by-p. The matrix X with independent

        y : Numpy array, shape n-by-1. The response variable y.

        beta : Numpy array. Optional starting point.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        n, p = X.shape

        if beta is None:
            beta = self.start_vector.get_weights(p)
            beta = beta.copy()

        function = functions.CombinedFunction()
        function.add_loss(functions.losses.LinearRegression(X, y, mean=False))

        xTx = np.sum(X ** 2.0, axis=0)
        if self.mean:
            xTx *= 1.0 / float(n)

        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            # The update has an error that propagates. This resets the
            # approximation. We may not need to do this at every iteration.
            y_Xbeta = y - np.dot(X, beta)

            betaold = beta.copy()
            for j in range(p):

                xj = X[:, [j]]
                betaj = beta[j, 0]

                if xTx[j] < consts.TOLERANCE:  # Avoid division-by-zero.
                    bj = 0.0
                    bj = np.dot(xj.T, y_Xbeta + xj * betaj)[0, 0]
                    if self.mean:
                        bj /= float(n)

                    if j < self.penalty_start:
                        bj = bj / xTx[j]
                        # Soft thresholding.
                        bj = np.sign(bj) \
                                * max(0.0, (abs(bj) - self.l) / xTx[j])

                y_Xbeta -= xj * (bj - betaj)  # Update X.beta.
                beta[j] = bj  # Save result.

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
                f_ = self._f(y_Xbeta, y, beta)

#            print "err:", maths.norm(beta - betaold)
            if maths.norm(beta - betaold) < self.eps \
                    and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)

#                print "iterations: ", i

        self.num_iter = i
        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return beta
Exemple #55
    def run(self, X, start_vector=None):
        """Find the right-singular vector of the given sparse matrix.

        X : Scipy sparse array. The sparse matrix to decompose.

        start_vector : BaseStartVector. A start vector generator. Default is
                to use a random start vector.
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            _t = utils.time()

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, False)

        if start_vector is None:
            start_vector = weights.RandomUniformWeights(normalise=True)

        v0 = start_vector.get_weights(np.min(X.shape))

        # determine when to use power method or scipy_sparse
        use_power = True if X.shape[1] >= 10 ** 3 else False
        if not use_power:
                if not sp.sparse.issparse(X):
                    X = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(X)

                    [_, _, v] = sparse_linalg.svds(X, k=1, v0=v0,
                except TypeError:  # For scipy 0.9.0.
                    [_, _, v] = sparse_linalg.svds(X, k=1, tol=self.eps)

                v = v.T

                if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)

            except ArpackNoConvergence:
                use_power = True

        if use_power:  # Use the power method if scipy failed or if determined.

            # TODO: Use estimators for this!
            M, N = X.shape
            if M < N:

                K = X.dot(X.T)
                t = v0
                for it in range(self.max_iter):
                    t_ = t
                    t = K.dot(t_)
                    t *= 1.0 / maths.norm(t)

                    crit = float(maths.norm(t_ - t)) / float(maths.norm(t))
                    if crit < consts.TOLERANCE:

                        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)


                v = X.T.dot(t)
                v *= 1.0 / maths.norm(v)


                K = X.T.dot(X)
                v = v0
                for it in range(self.max_iter):
                    v_ = v
                    v = K.dot(v_)
                    v *= 1.0 / maths.norm(v)

                    crit = float(maths.norm(v_ - v)) / float(maths.norm(v))
                    if crit < consts.TOLERANCE:

                        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.time, utils.time() - _t)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            _f = maths.norm(X.dot(v))  # Largest singular value.
            self.info_set(utils.Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, True)

        return utils.direct_vector(v)
Exemple #56
    def run(self, function, w):
        """Apply the algorithm to minimise function, starting at the positions
        of the vectors in the list w.

        function : MultiblockFunction
            The function to minimise.

        w : list of numpy arrays
            Each element of the list is the parameter vector corresponding to a
        # Not ok until the end.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        # Initialise info variables. Info variables have the prefix "_".
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            _t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            _f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        w_old = [0] * len(w)
        it = 0
        while True:

            for i in range(len(w)):

                # Wrap a function around the ith block:
                func = mb_losses.MultiblockFunctionWrapper(function, w, i)
                if hasattr(function, "at_point"):

                    def new_at_point(self, w):
                        return function.at_point(self.w[:self.index] + [w] +
                                                 self.w[self.index + 1:])

                    import types
                    func.at_point = types.MethodType(new_at_point, func)

                w_old[i] = w[i]
                w[i] = self.algorithm.run(func, w_old[i])

                # Store info from algorithm:
                if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                    time = self.algorithm.info_get(Info.time)
                if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
                    func_val = self.algorithm.info_get(Info.func_val)

                # Update iteration counts.
                self.num_iter += self.algorithm.num_iter

            # Test global stopping criterion.
            all_converged = True
            for i in range(len(w)):

                # Wrap a function around the ith block.
                func = mb_losses.MultiblockFunctionWrapper(function, w, i)

                # Test if converged for block i.
                if maths.norm(w[i] - w_old[i]) > self.eps:
                    all_converged = False

            # Converged in all blocks!
            if all_converged:
                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


            # Stop after maximum number of iterations.
            if self.num_iter >= self.max_iter:

            it += 1

        # Store information.
        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, self.num_iter)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, _t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return w
Exemple #57
    def run(self, function, w):

        #        self.info.clear()

        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

#        print "len(w):", len(w)
#        print "max_iter:", self.max_iter

        num_iter = [0] * len(w)

        for it in range(1, self.outer_iter + 1):

            all_converged = True

            for i in range(len(w)):
                #                print "it: %d, i: %d" % (it, i)

                if function.has_nesterov_function(i):
                    #                    print "Block %d has a Nesterov function!" % (i,)
                    func = mb_losses.MultiblockNesterovFunctionWrapper(
                        function, w, i)
                    algorithm = self.conesta
                    func = mb_losses.MultiblockFunctionWrapper(function, w, i)
                    algorithm = self.fista

#                self.alg_info.clear()
#                self.algorithm.set_params(max_iter=self.max_iter - num_iter[i])
#                w[i] = self.algorithm.run(func, w_old[i])
                if i == 1:
                w[i] = algorithm.run(func, w[i])

                if algorithm.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
                    num_iter[i] += algorithm.info_get(Info.num_iter)
                if algorithm.info_requested(Info.time):
                    tval = algorithm.info_get(Info.time)
                if algorithm.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
                    fval = algorithm.info_get(Info.fvalue)

                if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                    t = t + tval
                if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
                    f = f + fval

#                print "l0 :", maths.norm0(w[i]), \
#                    ", l1 :", maths.norm1(w[i]), \
#                    ", l2²:", maths.norm(w[i]) ** 2.0

#            print "f:", fval[-1]

            for i in range(len(w)):

                # Take one ISTA step for use in the stopping criterion.
                step = function.step(w, i)
                w_tilde = function.prox(
                    w[:i] + [w[i] - step * function.grad(w, i)] + w[i + 1:], i,

                #                func = mb_losses.MultiblockFunctionWrapper(function, w, i)
                #                step2 = func.step(w[i])
                #                w_tilde2 = func.prox(w[i] - step2 * func.grad(w[i]), step2)
                #                print "diff:", maths.norm(w_tilde - w_tilde2)

                #                print "err:", maths.norm(w[i] - w_tilde) * (1.0 / step)
                if (1.0 / step) * maths.norm(w[i] - w_tilde) > self.eps:
                    all_converged = False

            if all_converged:
                #                print "All converged!"

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


#            # If all blocks have used max_iter iterations, stop.
#            if np.all(np.asarray(num_iter) >= self.max_iter):
#                break

#            it += 1

        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, num_iter)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return w
Exemple #58
    def run(self, function, w):

        # Not ok until the end.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        # Initialise info variables. Info variables have the prefix "_".
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            _t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            _f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.smooth_func_val):
            _fmu = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        FISTA = True
        if FISTA:
            exp = 4.0 + consts.FLOAT_EPSILON
            exp = 2.0 + consts.FLOAT_EPSILON
        block_iter = [1] * len(w)

        it = 0
        while True:

            for i in range(len(w)):
                #                print "it: %d, i: %d" % (it, i)

                #                if True:
                #                    pass

                # Wrap a function around the ith block.
                func = mb_losses.MultiblockFunctionWrapper(function, w, i)

                # Run FISTA.
                w_old = w[i]
                for k in range(
                        max(self.min_iter + 1,
                            self.max_iter - self.num_iter + 1)):

                    if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                        time = utils.time_wall()

                    if FISTA:
                        # Take an interpolated step.
                        z = w[i] + ((k - 2.0) / (k + 1.0)) * (w[i] - w_old)
                        z = w[i]

                    # Compute the step.
                    step = func.step(z)
                    # Compute inexact precision.
                    eps = max(consts.FLOAT_EPSILON, 1.0 / (block_iter[i]**exp))
                    #                    eps = consts.TOLERANCE

                    w_old = w[i]
                    # Take a FISTA step.
                    w[i] = func.prox(z - step * func.grad(z),

                    # Store info variables.
                    if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                        _t.append(utils.time_wall() - time)
                    if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
                    if self.info_requested(Info.smooth_func_val):

                    # Update iteration counts.
                    self.num_iter += 1
                    block_iter[i] += 1

                    #                    print i, function.fmu(w), step, \
                    #                           (1.0 / step) * maths.norm(w[i] - z), self.eps, \
                    #                           k, self.num_iter, self.max_iter
                    # Test stopping criterion.
                    if maths.norm(w[i] - z) < step * self.eps \
                            and k >= self.min_iter:

            # Test global stopping criterion.
            all_converged = True
            for i in range(len(w)):

                # Wrap a function around the ith block.
                func = mb_losses.MultiblockFunctionWrapper(function, w, i)

                # Compute the step.
                step = func.step(w[i])
                # Compute inexact precision.
                eps = max(consts.FLOAT_EPSILON, 1.0 / (block_iter[i]**exp))
                #                eps = consts.TOLERANCE
                # Take one ISTA step for use in the stopping criterion.
                w_tilde = func.prox(w[i] - step * func.grad(w[i]),

                # Test if converged for block i.
                if maths.norm(w[i] - w_tilde) > step * self.eps:
                    all_converged = False

            # Converged in all blocks!
            if all_converged:
                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


            # Stop after maximum number of iterations.
            if self.num_iter >= self.max_iter:

            it += 1

        # Store information.
        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, self.num_iter)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, _t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.smooth_func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.smooth_func_val, _fmu)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return w
Exemple #59
    def run(self, function, beta):
        """Find the minimiser of the given function, starting at beta.

        function : Function
            The function to minimise.

        beta : numpy.ndarray or list of numpy.ndarray
            The starting point.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        is_list = False
        if isinstance(beta, list):
            is_list = True

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        aold = anew = 1.0
        thetaold = thetanew = beta
        betanew = betaold = beta
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            step = function.step(betanew, iteration=i)

            betaold = betanew
            thetaold = thetanew
            aold = anew

#            thetanew = betaold - step * function.grad(betaold)
            anew = (1.0 + np.sqrt(4.0 * aold * aold + 1.0)) / 2.0
#            betanew = thetanew + (aold - 1.0) * (thetanew - thetaold) / anew
            grad = function.grad(betaold)
            acc_step = ((aold - 1.0) / anew)
            if not is_list:
                thetanew = betaold - step * grad
                betanew = thetanew + acc_step * (thetanew - thetaold)
                thetanew = [betaold[i] - step * grad[i]
                            for i in range(len(betaold))]
                betanew = [thetanew[i] + acc_step * (thetanew[i] - thetaold[i])
                           for i in range(len(thetanew))]

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):

            if not is_list:
                err = maths.norm(betanew - betaold)
                err = np.sqrt(np.sum([np.sum((betanew[i] - betaold[i])**2.0)
                                      for i in range(len(betanew))]))
            if err < self.eps and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return betanew
Exemple #60
    def run(self, function, beta):
        """Find the minimiser of the given function, starting at beta.

        function : parsimony.functions.properties.Function
            The function to minimise.

        beta : numpy.ndarray or list of numpy.ndarray
            The start point.
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        is_list = False
        if isinstance(beta, list):
            is_list = True

#        step = function.step(beta, iteration=0)

        betanew = betaold = beta

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            t = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            f = []
        if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
            self.info_set(Info.converged, False)

        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                tm = utils.time_cpu()

            step = function.step(betanew, iteration=i)

            betaold = betanew
            grad = function.grad(betaold)
            if not is_list:
                betanew = betaold - step * grad
                betanew = [
                    betaold[i] - step * grad[i] for i in range(len(betaold))

            if self.info_requested(Info.time):
                t.append(utils.time_cpu() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                    or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):

            if not is_list:
                err = maths.norm(betanew - betaold)
                err = np.sqrt(
                        np.sum((betanew[i] - betaold[i])**2.0)
                        for i in range(len(betanew))
            if err < self.eps and i >= self.min_iter:

                if self.info_requested(Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(Info.converged, True)


        self.num_iter = i

        if self.info_requested(Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(Info.num_iter, i)
        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.fvalue) \
                or self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.fvalue, f)
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, f)
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return betanew