class control_velocity(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear_pid = PID(95, 85, 1, 62.915)
        self.angular_pid = PID(6, 4, 0.1, 3.125)

        self.linear_pid.setpoint = 0
        self.angular_pid.setpoint = 0

        self.left_pub = rospy.Publisher('/wheel_left/duty', Int16, queue_size=1)
        self.right_pub = rospy.Publisher('/wheel_right/duty', Int16, queue_size=1)

        rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", Twist, self.update_setpoints)
        rospy.Subscriber("/wheel_odom", Odometry, self.update_duty)

    def update_setpoints(self, cmd_vel):
        self.linear_pid.setpoint = cmd_vel.linear.x
        self.angular_pid.setpoint = cmd_vel.angular.z

    def update_duty(self, odom):
        twist = odom.twist.twist

        if self.linear_pid.setpoint == 0 and self.angular_pid.setpoint == 0:

        linear = self.linear_pid.calc(twist.linear.x)
        angular = self.angular_pid.calc(twist.angular.z)

        self.left_pub.publish(Int16(-linear + angular))
        self.right_pub.publish(Int16(-linear - angular))
class MotorController:
    def __init__(self, mcp_channel, pins, pid_constants, forward):
        self.current_sensor = CurrentSensor(mcp_channel)
        self._motor = Motor(pins['pwm'], pins['dir'], forward)
        self._encoder = RotaryEncoder(pins['a'], pins['b'])
        self._pid = PID(pid_constants)
        self._vel_filter = IrregularDoubleExponentialFilter(
        self._vel = 0

    def adjust_motor_speed(self, target_vel, time_elapsed):
        # use a pi controller to control the speed and limit the output to
        # [-1, 1] (-1 and 1 correspond to 100% pwm output)
        error = (target_vel - self._vel) / max_wheel_vel
        speed = min(max(self._pid.calc(error, time_elapsed), -1), 1)

    def read_encoder(self, time_elapsed):
        # gets the amount the wheel has turned in the last interval and
        # calculates the wheel's speed with a filter added in
        dist_traveled = self._encoder.get_pos_dif() * distance_ratio
        self._vel = self._vel_filter.filter(dist_traveled / time_elapsed,
        return dist_traveled

    def reset(self):

    def stop(self):
class ServoController:
    """Handles the high-level tasks of controlling a servo. It keeps track of
    the servo's angle and allows for relative movements."""
    def __init__(self,
                 left_limit=-pi * 2 / 3,
                 right_limit=pi / 2):
        self._servo = Servo(pin)
        self._pid = PID(pid_constants)
        if left_limit >= right_limit:
            raise Exception('left_limit >= right_limit')
        self._left_limit = left_limit
        self._right_limit = right_limit
        self.angle = 0.0

        # servo cannot be set faster than 50Hz, so 20ms lower_limit
        self._timer = Timer(0.02)

    def move_by(self, offset):
        time_elapsed = self._timer.elapsed()
        if time_elapsed is None:

        offset = self._pid.calc(offset, time_elapsed)

        # ensure that servo moves at most by max_move
        offset = symmetric_limit(offset, max_servo_move)
        self._move_to(self.angle + offset)

    def _move_to(self, angle):
        # ensure servo doesn't move beyond limits
        angle = limit(angle, self._left_limit, self._right_limit)
        self.angle = angle

    def _angle_ratio(self, angle):
        return (angle - self._left_limit) / (self._right_limit -

    def start(self):

    def stop(self):
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.left_wall_pid = PID(14, 2, 0.5)
        self.right_wall_pid = PID(14, 2, 0.5)
        self.left_wall_pid.setpoint = 0.055
        self.right_wall_pid.setpoint = 0.055

        self.goal_angle = None

        # distance to goal from start position
        self.goal_distance = None

        # distance to goal from current position
        self.dist_to_goal = 0

        self.start_position = None
        self.position = None
        self.start_angle = None
        self.angle = None

        self.left_dist = 0
        self.right_dist = 0
        self.front_dist = 0

        self.commands = []

        self.busy = False

        self.callback = None

        self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
        rospy.Subscriber("/wheel_odom", Odometry, self.update)
        rospy.Subscriber("/sensors/ir_left", Float32, self.ir_left)
        rospy.Subscriber("/sensors/ir_right", Float32, self.ir_right)
        rospy.Subscriber("/sensors/ir_front", Float32, self.ir_front)

    def ir_left(self, data):
        self.left_dist =

    def ir_right(self, data):
        self.right_dist =

    def ir_front(self, data):
        self.front_dist =

    def update(self, odom):
        # populate current state variables
        pose = odom.pose.pose
        twist = odom.twist.twist
        q = pose.orientation
        self.angle = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
            [q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])[2]
        self.position = pose.position

        if not self.busy and self.commands:
            data = self.commands.pop(0)
            self.callback = data[1]
            print("Starting action: " + data[2])
            self.busy = True

        # traverse if needed
        cmd_vel = Twist()
        linear_vel = 0
        angular_vel = 0
        if self.goal_distance != None:
            # heading correction

            if self.left_dist > 0.03 and self.left_dist < 0.08:
                angular_vel -= self.left_wall_pid.calc(self.left_dist)

            if self.right_dist > 0.03 and self.right_dist < 0.08:
                angular_vel += self.right_wall_pid.calc(self.right_dist)
            # vroom
            offset = abs(self.goal_distance) - dist(
                self.position.x, self.position.y, self.start_position.x,
            self.dist_to_goal = offset
            if abs(offset) < 0.01 and abs(twist.linear.x) < 0.01:
                self.goal_distance = None
            elif abs(offset) < 0.05:
                linear_vel = signum(offset) * max(0,
                                                  0.15 - abs(angular_vel) / 10)
                linear_vel = signum(offset) * max(0,
                                                  0.2 - abs(angular_vel) / 10)

            # absolute position correction via front IR
            if offset > 0.08 and offset < 0.18:
                error = self.front_dist - offset - 0.015
                if abs(error) < 0.06:
                    self.goal_distance += error

        if self.goal_angle != None:
            offset = wrap_angle(self.goal_angle - self.angle)
            # print(offset)
            if abs(offset) < 0.06 and abs(twist.angular.z) < 0.2 and signum(
                    offset) == -signum(twist.angular.z):
                self.goal_angle = None
            elif abs(offset) < 0.05:
                angular_vel = signum(offset) * 1.5
            elif abs(offset) < 0.2:
                angular_vel = signum(offset) * 2.5
                angular_vel = signum(offset) * 5

        if self.busy and self.goal_angle == None and self.goal_distance == None:
            self.busy = False
            linear_vel = 0
            angular_vel = 0
            self.callback and self.callback()

        cmd_vel.linear.x = linear_vel
        cmd_vel.angular.z = angular_vel

    def turn(self, angle, cb=None):
        def f():
            self.goal_angle = wrap_angle(self.angle + angle)

        self.commands.append((f, cb, 'turn by ' + str(angle)))

    def turnTo(self, angle, cb=None):
        def f():
            self.goal_angle = wrap_angle(angle)

        self.commands.append((f, cb, 'turn to ' + str(angle)))

    def straight(self, dist, cb=None):
        def f():
            self.start_position = self.position
            self.start_angle = self.angle
            self.goal_distance = dist

        def c():
            theta = atan2(self.position.y - self.start_position.y,
                          self.position.x - self.start_position.x)
            self.goal_angle = theta
            self.busy = True
            self.callback = cb

        self.commands.append((f, c, 'move ' + str(dist * 100) + 'cm'))
Exemple #5
class Run():
    RADIUS = 40  # MIRSのタイヤ間の距離[cm]
    USS_RADIUS = 19
    USS_DIST = 30  # MIRSの中心から超音波センサまでの距離[cm]
    USS_DIFF = 6
    Kp = 50
    Ki = 1
    Kd = 1
    TARGET_DIST = 0.4  # 目標となる壁との距離[m]
    INTERVAL = 0.01  # 制御周期[s]
    USS_DICT_LIST = ["f", "sf", "s", "sb", "b"]

    def __init__(self):
        self.isLeft = True
        self.vel_left_sum = 0
        self.vel_right_sum = 0
        self.uss = {}
        self.speed = 15
        self.cmd_prev = [] = PID((Run.Kp, Run.Ki, Run.Kd), 0.1, Run.TARGET_DIST)

    def set_val(self, is_left, uss):
        self.isLeft = is_left
        self.uss["f"] = uss[0]
        self.uss["b"] = uss[4]
        if self.isLeft:
            self.uss["sf"] = uss[7]
            self.uss["s"] = uss[6]
            self.uss["sb"] = uss[5]
            self.uss["sf"] = uss[1]
            self.uss["s"] = uss[2]
            self.uss["sb"] = uss[3]

    def straight(self):
        speed_mod =  # 近いと正、遠いと負
        speed_l, speed_r = self.speed + speed_mod, self.speed - speed_mod
        return self.is_duplicate_cmd([["velocity", speed_l, speed_r]])

    def is_duplicate_cmd(self, cmd):
        if self.cmd_prev == cmd:
            return cmd
            return []

    def calc_ratio(self):
        front = self.uss["sf"]
        back = self.uss["sb"]
        tmp = ((back - front) / Run.USS_DIST)**2.0
        return (tmp + 1)**-0.5

    def calc_angle(self):
        front = self.uss["sf"]
        back = self.uss["sb"]
        tmp = math.acos(self.calc_ratio())
        if (self.isLeft and front > back) or (not self.isLeft
                                              and back > front):
            tmp *= -1
        return math.degrees(tmp)

    def calc_dist(self):
        tmp = self.calc_ratio()
        return tmp * (self.uss["s"] + Run.USS_RADIUS)
Exemple #6
    def control_process(self, *args):
        '''This function will called from joystick_async as subprocess'''
        control_optflow_pipe_read, control_cv_pipe_read, control_tof_pipe_read, control_imu_pipe_read, ext_control_pipe_write, ext_control_pipe_read, nice_level = args


        # Init the ToF kalman filter
        tof_filter = self.tof_filter_init()
        KFXY, KFXY_z, KFXY_u = self.xy_of_filter_init()
        ''' PID Init '''
        throttle_pd = PID(self.PZ_GAIN, self.IZ_GAIN,
                          self.DZ_GAIN)  #throttle PID
        roll_pd = PID(self.PY_GAIN, self.IY_GAIN, self.DY_GAIN)  #roll PID
        pitch_pd = PID(self.PX_GAIN, self.IX_GAIN, self.DX_GAIN)  #pitch PID
        prev_velocity_pitch = 0
        prev_velocity_roll = 0
        prev_error_roll = 0
        prev_error_pitch = 0
        '''Z-axis init'''
        prev_altitude_sensor = None
        altitude_sensor = None
        altitude = None
        altitude_corrected = None
        value_available = False
        postition_hold = False
        init_altitude = 0
        '''CMDS init'''
        CMDS = {'throttle': 0, 'roll': 0, 'pitch': 0}
        prev_time = time.time()
        OF_DIS = of_dis = 0
        # For init
        error_altitude = error_roll = error_pitch = velocity_pitch = velocity_roll = 0
        '''Angular Speed'''
        pre_roll = 0
        pre_pitch = 0

        while True:
            CMDS['throttle'] = 0
            CMDS['roll'] = 0
            # The betaflight config trim the pitch -10 for unbalance of the drone
            CMDS['pitch'] = 0
            # Let the OF Pipe run
            '''Read the joystick_node trigger the auto mode or not'''
            if ext_control_pipe_write.poll(
            ):  # joystick loop tells when to save the current values
                postition_hold = ext_control_pipe_write.recv()
                if not postition_hold:
                    self.LANDING = True
                    self.DATA = True
                    init_altitude = None
            '''Update the IMU value'''
            if control_imu_pipe_read.poll():
                self.imu, battery_voltage, self.IMU_TIME = control_imu_pipe_read.recv(
                )  # [[accX,accY,accZ], [gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ], [roll,pitch,yaw]]
                #DEBUG USE
                imut = time.time()
                angu_time = prev_time - self.IMU_TIME
                if angu_time > 0.001:
                    angu_roll = (self.imu[2][0] - pre_roll) / angu_time
                    angu_pitch = (self.imu[2][1] - pre_pitch) / angu_time
                    pre_roll = self.imu[2][0]
                    pre_pitch = self.imu[2][1]
                    angu_roll = angu_pitch = 0
                if self.TAKEOFF:
                    # Tested voltage throttle relationship
                    TAKEOFF_THRUST = int(1015 - 60 * (battery_voltage))
            '''Update the ToF Kalman Filter with the ground value'''
            if postition_hold and altitude_sensor:
                # Remember to reset integrator here too!
                prev_altitude_sensor = init_altitude = altitude_sensor
                postition_hold = False
                # initial value from the sensor
                # the cognifly have the initial heigth of 0.11m
                tof_filter.x = np.array([[init_altitude], [0]])
            '''Vertical Movement Control'''
            if init_altitude:
                # Update the ToF Filter
                dt = prev_time - self.TOF_Time
                # For init reading will very large, but normal case would not larger than 1s
                tof_filter.F[0, 1] = dt if abs(dt < 3) else 0
                tof_filter.B[0] = 0.5 * (dt**2) if abs(dt < 3) else 0
                tof_filter.B[1] = dt
                    u=0)  #Just test for non -9.81*(0.99-imu[0][2])
                # Capture the Predicted value
                altitude = tof_filter.x[0, 0]
                velocity = tof_filter.x[1, 0]

                # '''Takeoff Setting'''
                if self.TAKEOFF:
                    if len(self.TAKEOFF_LIST):
                            'throttle'] = self.TAKEOFF_LIST[0] * TAKEOFF_THRUST
                        value_available = True
                        cancel_gravity_value = CMDS['throttle']
                        # control_optflow_pipe_read.send('a')
                        init_altitude = self.TAKEOFF_ALTITUDE
                        velocity = 0
                        self.TAKEOFF = False

                # '''PID at Throttle'''
                if (not self.TAKEOFF):
                    error_altitude = init_altitude - altitude  # altitude
                    next_throttle = throttle_pd.calc(error_altitude,
                    # Set throttle by PID control
                    CMDS['throttle'] = self.value_limit(
                        next_throttle, self.ABS_MAX_VALUE_THROTTLE)
                    # Add the cancel gravity set point with the angle compensate
                    CMDS['throttle'] += cancel_gravity_value / (
                        (np.cos(self.imu[2][0] * np.pi * 1 / 180)) *
                        (np.cos(self.imu[2][1] * np.pi * 1 / 180)))
                    value_available = True
                    prev_altitude_sensor = altitude_corrected

            # LANDING
            if not self.TAKEOFF and self.LANDING:
                CMDS['throttle'] = cancel_gravity_value + (15 /
                                                           (altitude + 0.5))
            '''Update the ToF value'''
            if control_tof_pipe_read.poll():
                if not init_altitude:
                    altitude_sensor, self.TOF_Time = control_tof_pipe_read.recv(
                    )  # Flushing the old value
                    # altitude_sensor = control_tof_pipe_read.recv() # Flushing the old value
                    # turning the altitdue back to ground, reference as global coordinate
                    altitude_sensor, self.TOF_Time = control_tof_pipe_read.recv(
                    #DEBUG USE
                    toft = time.time()
                    # The sensor is not at the center axis of rotation
                    # The following parts are going to turn the offset bact the origin
                    # ROLL: (Measure * cos(roll_angle)) - (sensor_offset * sin(sensor_angle - roll_angle)
                    # PITCH: (Measure - offset) * cos(pitch_angle)
                    # combine: (Measure * cos(roll) * cos(pitch)) - (offset * sin(sensor-roll) * cos(pitch))
                    # CogniFly offset -> z: -40mm, y: +38mm
                    altitude_corrected = altitude_sensor * (np.cos(
                        self.imu[2][0] * np.pi * 1 / 180)) * (np.cos(
                            self.imu[2][1] * np.pi * 1 / 180))
                    offset = self.TOFOFFSET_R * np.sin(self.TOFOFFSET_ANGLE - (
                        self.imu[2][0] * np.pi * 1 / 180)) * (np.cos(
                            self.imu[2][1] * np.pi * 1 / 180))
                        self.truncate(altitude_corrected - offset),
                        self.truncate(((altitude_corrected - offset) -
                                       prev_altitude_sensor) / dt)
            '''Update the XY Filter'''
            # if ((not TAKEOFF) and (abs(error_altitude) < 0.2)):
            if (not self.TAKEOFF):
                # For init reading will very large, but normal case would not larger than 1s
                dt_OF = prev_time - self.OF_TIME
                dt_IMU = prev_time - self.IMU_TIME
                # KFXY.R[0,0] = (0.005+(velocity/90)) # Increase the noise for the filter when up and down
                # KFXY.R[1,1] = (0.005+(velocity/90))
                # # For init reading will very large, but normal case would not larger than 1s
                # KFXY.F[0,2] = dt_OF if abs(dt_OF<3) else 0
                # KFXY.F[1,3] = dt_OF if abs(dt_OF<3) else 0
                # KFXY.B[2,2] = dt_IMU if abs(dt_IMU<3) else 0
                # KFXY.B[3,3] = dt_IMU if abs(dt_IMU<3) else 0
                # # Another angular speed can be optained by (atitude/dt)
                # # linear speed can be optained by angluar_speed*height
                # KFXY_u[2,0] = self.truncate(9.81*(self.imu[0][0])*np.cos(self.imu[2][1])) #imu[0][0]->ax Pitch acc #imu[2][1]->Pitch angle
                # KFXY_u[3,0] = self.truncate(9.81*(self.imu[0][1])*np.cos(self.imu[2][0])) #imu[0][1]->ay Roll acc  #imu[2][0]->Roll angle
                if control_optflow_pipe_read.poll():
                    KFXY_z[0, 0], KFXY_z[
                        0], of_dis, self.OF_TIME = control_optflow_pipe_read.recv(
                        )  # it will block until a brand new value comes.
                    #DEBUG USE
                    oft = time.time()
                    # KFXY.update(KFXY_z*(-altitude))# To real scale # X-Y reversed

                # KFXY.predict(u=0)#KFXY_u) # [dx, dy, vx, vy]

                OF_DIS += of_dis * altitude
                '''X-Y control'''
                factor = 1.6  #Seem the data is scaled up 1.6 times

                error_roll = self.truncate((OF_DIS[1]) / factor)
                error_pitch = self.truncate((OF_DIS[0]) / factor)
                velocity_roll_tmp = self.truncate(KFXY_z[1, 0] * (-altitude))
                velocity_pitch_tmp = self.truncate(KFXY_z[0, 0] * (-altitude))
                self.a = np.exp(-abs(velocity_pitch_tmp - velocity_pitch))
                velocity_pitch += self.a * (velocity_pitch_tmp -
                self.a = np.exp(-abs(velocity_roll_tmp - velocity_roll))
                velocity_roll += self.a * (velocity_roll_tmp - velocity_roll)
                # prev_error_roll = error_roll
                # prev_error_pitch = error_pitch
                # velocity_roll_tmp = -self.truncate((error_roll-prev_error_roll)/dt_OF)
                # velocity_pitch_tmp = -self.truncate((error_pitch-prev_error_pitch)/dt_OF)
                # velocity_roll += self.a*(velocity_roll_tmp - prev_velocity_roll)
                # velocity_pitch += self.a*(velocity_pitch_tmp - prev_velocity_pitch)
                # prev_velocity_roll = velocity_roll
                # prev_velocity_pitch = velocity_pitch
                # velocity_roll = self.truncate(KFXY.x[3,0])
                # velocity_pitch = self.truncate(KFXY.x[2,0])

                # The new cognifly is reversed the pi orientation
                next_roll = roll_pd.calc(-error_roll,
                                         velocity=velocity_roll)  # Y
                next_pitch = pitch_pd.calc(-error_pitch,
                                           velocity=velocity_pitch)  # X
                CMDS['roll'] = next_roll if abs(
                    next_roll) <= self.ABS_MAX_VALUE_ROLL else (
                        -1 if next_roll < 0 else 1) * self.ABS_MAX_VALUE_ROLL
                CMDS['pitch'] = next_pitch if abs(
                    next_pitch) <= self.ABS_MAX_VALUE_PITCH else (
                        -1 if next_pitch < 0 else 1) * self.ABS_MAX_VALUE_PITCH
                value_available = True

                print("OF Distance: ", OF_DIS)
                    "THROTTLE :{2:.2f}    | ALT:{1:.2f}   |   ERR:{0:.2f}     |   Vec:{3:.2f}"
                    .format(error_altitude, altitude, next_throttle, velocity))
                print("dt_OF:{:.2f} |   dt_IMU:{:.2f}".format(dt_OF, dt_IMU))
                print("Angular Roll: {:.2f}     |   Pitch: {:.2f}".format(
                    angu_roll, angu_pitch))
                print("ERROR ROLL : %2.2f  error|  %2.2f roll|  %2.2f of" %
                      (error_roll, next_roll, 0))
                print("ERROR PITCH: %2.2f  error|  %2.2f pitch|  %2.2f of" %
                      (error_pitch, next_pitch, 0))
                    "ROLL velocity: ", -KFXY.x[3, 0],
                    KFXY_z[1, 0] * (-altitude),
                        (self.imu[2][0] * np.pi * 1 / 180 * altitude / dt)))
                    "PITCH velocity", -KFXY.x[2, 0],
                    KFXY_z[0, 0] * (-altitude),
                        (self.imu[2][1] * np.pi * 1 / 180 * altitude / dt)))
                    "TIME:{0:1.2f}  |  OF:{1:.2f}   |   IMU:{2:.2f}    |   TOF:{3:.2f}"
                    .format(time.time(), (self.OF_TIME - oft),
                            (self.IMU_TIME - imut), (self.TOF_Time - toft)))

                    (CMDS['throttle'], CMDS['roll'], CMDS['pitch'], altitude,
                     error_altitude, velocity, error_roll, velocity_roll,
                     angu_roll, error_pitch, velocity_pitch, angu_pitch))

            if self.DATA:
                self.DATA = False
            '''Send out the CMDS values back to the joystick loop'''
            if value_available and (not ext_control_pipe_read.poll()):
                value_available = False
            prev_time = time.time()
Exemple #7
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.left_wall_pid = PID(14, 2, 0.5)
        self.right_wall_pid = PID(14, 2, 0.5)
        self.left_wall_pid.setpoint = 0.055
        self.right_wall_pid.setpoint = 0.055

        self.goal_angle = None
        self.goal_distance = None

        self.start_position = None
        self.position = None
        self.start_angle = None
        self.angle = None

        self.left_dist = 0
        self.right_dist = 0
        self.front_dist = 0

        self.commands = []

        self.busy = False

        self.callback = None

        self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
        rospy.Subscriber("/wheel_odom", Odometry, self.update)
        rospy.Subscriber("/sensors/ir_left", Float32, self.ir_left)
        rospy.Subscriber("/sensors/ir_right", Float32, self.ir_right)
        rospy.Subscriber("/sensors/ir_front", Float32, self.ir_front)

    def ir_left(self, data):
        self.left_dist =

    def ir_right(self, data):
        self.right_dist =

    def ir_front(self, data):
        self.front_dist =

    def update(self, odom):
        # populate current state variables
        pose = odom.pose.pose
        twist = odom.twist.twist
        q = pose.orientation
        self.angle = transformations.euler_from_quaternion([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])[2]
        self.position = pose.position

        if not self.busy and self.commands:
            data = self.commands.pop(0)
            self.callback = data[1]
            print("Starting action: " + data[2])
            self.busy = True

        # traverse if needed
        cmd_vel = Twist()
        linear_vel = 0
        angular_vel = 0
        if self.goal_distance != None:
            # heading correction

            if self.left_dist > 0.03 and self.left_dist < 0.08:
                angular_vel -= self.left_wall_pid.calc(self.left_dist)

            if self.right_dist > 0.03 and self.right_dist < 0.08:
                angular_vel += self.right_wall_pid.calc(self.right_dist)

            # vroom
            offset = abs(self.goal_distance) - dist(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.start_position.x, self.start_position.y)
            if abs(offset) < 0.01 and abs(twist.linear.x) < 0.01:
                self.goal_distance = None
            elif abs(offset) < 0.05:
                linear_vel = signum(offset) * 0.12
                linear_vel = signum(offset) * 0.18

            # absolute position correction via front IR
            if offset > 0.08 and offset < 0.18:
                error = self.front_dist - offset - 0.015
                if abs(error) < 0.06:
                    self.goal_distance += error

        if self.goal_angle != None:
            offset = wrap_angle(self.goal_angle - self.angle)
            # print(offset)
            if abs(offset) < 0.06 and abs(twist.angular.z) < 0.2 and signum(offset) == -signum(twist.angular.z):
                self.goal_angle = None
            elif abs(offset) < 0.05:
                angular_vel = signum(offset) * 1.5
            elif abs(offset) < 0.2:
                angular_vel = signum(offset) * 2.5
                angular_vel = signum(offset) * 5

        if self.busy and self.goal_angle == None and self.goal_distance == None:
            self.busy = False
            linear_vel = 0
            angular_vel = 0
            self.callback and self.callback()

        cmd_vel.linear.x = linear_vel
        cmd_vel.angular.z = angular_vel

    def turn(self, angle, cb=None):
        def f():
            self.goal_angle = wrap_angle(self.angle + angle)
        self.commands.append((f, cb, 'turn by ' + str(angle)))

    def turnTo(self, angle, cb=None):
        def f():
            self.goal_angle = wrap_angle(angle)
        self.commands.append((f, cb, 'turn to ' + str(angle)))

    def straight(self, dist, cb=None):
        def f():
            self.start_position = self.position
            self.start_angle = self.angle
            self.goal_distance = dist
        def c():
            theta = atan2(self.position.y - self.start_position.y, self.position.x - self.start_position.x)
            self.goal_angle = theta
            self.busy = True
            self.callback = cb
        self.commands.append((f, c, 'move ' + str(dist * 100) + 'cm'))