Exemple #1
class Lab3:
    def __init__(self):

        # publish to cmd
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher("car_cmd_switch_node/cmd", Twist2DStamped, queue_size=10)

        # tune pid values below. omega should have opposite sign from d -> use negative p,i
        self.pid_1 = PID(p= -7.5, i= 0, d=0)
        self.pid_2 = PID(p= -5.4, i= -0.1 , d=0)

        self.my_msg = Twist2DStamped()
        self.allow_follow = False
        self.velocity = 0.2  # adjust velocity here

        # receive the phi and d to update PID controller and movement
        rospy.Subscriber("lane_filter_node/lane_pose", LanePose, self.follow_lane)

        # receive command from joystick
        rospy.Subscriber("fsm_node/mode", FSMState, self.callbackFSM)

    # use the pose (d and phi) to calculate omega 
    def follow_lane(self, pose):

        # if joystick key "a" is pressed, run lane follow
        if (self.allow_follow):
            rospy.logwarn("Paprawin B. Lab3: LANE FOLLOWING Code Running")

            self.my_msg.v = self.velocity

            # use first PID controller on d
            omega_1 = self.pid_1.calc_control(pose.d, 0.0015)

            # use second PID controller on phi
            omega_2 = self.pid_2.calc_control(pose.phi, 0.0015)

            # add up omega values
            self.my_msg.omega = omega_1 + omega_2

            # sends new controller message to system 

        # else it will stop running
            self.my_msg.v = 0
            self.my_msg.omega = 0

    # Determine which key was pressed by user
    def callbackFSM(self, keypressed):
        if (keypressed.state == "LANE_FOLLOWING"):
            self.allow_follow = True # program will run once "a" is pressed

        elif (keypressed.state == "NORMAL_JOYSTICK_CONTROL"):
            self.allow_follow = False # disable lane following program when "s" is pressed
Exemple #2
class Homework5:
    def __init__(self):

        # homework 5 publishes to the control input for vehicle_dynamics to read
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher("/control_input", Float32, queue_size=10)
        self.pid_obj = PID(p=0.03, i=0.01, d=0.317)

        # set param controller_ready to true
        rospy.set_param("controller_ready", "true")

        # receives/responds-to messages from error topic published by vehicle_dynamics.py
        rospy.Subscriber("/error", Float32, self.callback)

    # call PID class' control calculation when receiving error message
    def callback(self, error):

        # calculates and updates the pid values using the received error
        result = self.pid_obj.calc_control(error.data, 0.001)

        # sends new controller message to system