Exemple #1
    def processItem(self, item):
        """Builds the text of one Blosxom entry, saves it in self.path and
        sets its mtime to the timestamp, if present."""

        entry = Entry()
        entry.setFromItem(self.feed, self.channel, item)
        if not entry.write(self.fdir, self.fext):
        if entry._title:

        # logging
        if self.logging:
            name = '' if self.logged else plagg.encode(self.name) + '\n'
            self.logged = True
            plagg.pprint(name + '  ' + entry.logSummary())
Exemple #2
    def setFromItem(self, feed, channel, item):
        """Initializes self from a feed channel and item.
        The item's title and link are both optional. The following logic
        determines what goes where:
        - if there's a title and a link, the title becomes the link.
        - if there's no title but a link, the link goes into the footer.
        The footer consists of the date, the item link (if present and no
        title), an optional comments link, and the channel link."""
        self.channel = channel
        self.item = item

        # body
        bodytype = feed.attrs.get('body', '')
        if bodytype == 'none':
            body = ''
            body = (
                bodytype != 'summary' and item.get('content', [{}])[0].get('value') or
                item.get('summary', '')
            body = feed.replaceText('body', body)
        if body and not body.startswith('<'):
            body = '<p>' + body + '</p>'
            adj = int(feed.attrs['h-adjust'])
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            body = _h14.sub(
                lambda m: '%s%d>' % (m.group(1), int(m.group(2)) + adj),
        self.body = body

        # title
        title = _unescape(item.get('title', '').replace('\n', ' ')).strip()
        title = feed.replaceText('title', title)
        # remove the title if it matches the start of the body (for tumblr quotes)
        if len(title) > 20 and title[0] == title[-1] == '"':
            if title.count('"') == 2:
                title = title[1:-1].rstrip('.')
            if title in self.body:
                title = ''
        elif title.endswith(u'...') and title[:-3] in self.body:
            title = ''
        self._title = title

        # link
        self._link = item.get('link')

        # if the body starts with a link, use it and delete it from the body
        m = _link.match(self.body)
        if m:
            link = m.group(1)
            self.body = self.body[m.end():]
            link = self._link
        if self._title and link:
            self.title = _linktag(link, self._title)
            self.title = self._title

        if feed.attrs.get('tidy', 'yes') == 'yes':
            self.body = self.tidy(self.body)

        # tags
        if 'tags' in item:
            self.setMeta(tags=' '.join(t.term.replace(' ', '+') for t in item.tags))

        # footer
        if plagg.FOOTER:
            footer = '\n<p class="blosxomEntryFoot">' + (
                item.get('date') or item.get('modified', '')
            if self._link and (len(self.body) > 2500 or self._link != link):
                footer += '\n[%s]' % _linktag(self._link, 'Link')
            if 'comments' in item:
                footer += '\n[%s]' % _linktag(item['comments'], 'Comments')
            footer += '\n[%s]\n</p>\n' % _linktag(
                channel['link'], channel['title'], title=channel.get('tagline')
            self.footer = footer

        # modification time
        if feed.attrs.get('ignoredate', 'no') != 'yes':
            self.mdate = item.get('date_parsed') or item.get('modified_parsed') or \
            if self.mdate:
                # convert date/time 9-tuple in UTC to timestamp
                self.tm = time.mktime(self.mdate[:8] + (-1, )) - tz
                self.mdate = time.localtime(self.tm)    # convert timestamp to local 9-tuple

        if plagg.VERBOSE > 1:
            plagg.pprint(('new item', self.__dict__))