Exemple #1
 def getSubmitCmdArgs(self, test, submissionRules):
     queueSystem = self.getQueueSystem(test)
     extraArgs = test.getEnvironment("QUEUE_SYSTEM_SUBMIT_ARGS", "") # Extra arguments to provide on submission to grid engine
     cmdArgs = queueSystem.getSubmitCmdArgs(submissionRules)
     if extraArgs:
         cmdArgs += plugins.splitcmd(extraArgs)
     return cmdArgs
 def getExtraSubmitArgs(self):
     if not self.optionMap.has_key("reconnect"):
         envSetting = os.path.expandvars(self.test.getEnvironment("QUEUE_SYSTEM_SUBMIT_ARGS", "")) #  Deprecated. See "queue_system_submit_args" in config file docs
         argStr = envSetting or self.test.getConfigValue("queue_system_submit_args")
         return plugins.splitcmd(argStr)
         return []
 def getSubmitCmdArgs(self, test, submissionRules):
     queueSystem = self.getQueueSystem(test)
     extraArgs = submissionRules.getExtraSubmitArgs()
     cmdArgs = queueSystem.getSubmitCmdArgs(submissionRules)
     if extraArgs:
         cmdArgs += plugins.splitcmd(extraArgs)
     return cmdArgs
    def _getFreeTextBody(self):
        if self.binaryFile and \
               (self.newResult() or self.missingResult()):
            message = "Binary file, not showing any preview. " + \
                      "Edit the configuration entry 'binary_file' and re-run if you suspect that this file contains only text.\n"
            return self.previewGenerator.getWrappedLine(message)
        elif self.newResult():
            return self.previewGenerator.getPreview(open(self.tmpCmpFile))
        elif self.missingResult():
            return self.previewGenerator.getPreview(open(self.stdCmpFile))

            stdFileSize = os.path.getsize(self.stdCmpFile)
            tmpFileSize = os.path.getsize(self.tmpCmpFile)
            if self.textDiffToolMaxSize >= 0 and \
                   (stdFileSize > self.textDiffToolMaxSize or \
                    tmpFileSize > self.textDiffToolMaxSize):
                message = "The result files were too large to compare - " + str(stdFileSize) + " and " + \
                          str(tmpFileSize) + " bytes, compared to the limit of " + str(self.textDiffToolMaxSize) + \
                          " bytes. Adjust the configuration entry 'max_file_size' for the tool '" + self.textDiffTool + \
                          "' and re-run to see the difference in this text view.\n"
                return self.previewGenerator.getWrappedLine(message)

            cmdArgs = plugins.splitcmd(self.textDiffTool) + [ self.stdCmpFile, self.tmpCmpFile ]
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
            return self.previewGenerator.getPreview(proc.stdout)
        except OSError, e:
            self.diag.info("No diff report: full exception printout\n" + plugins.getExceptionString())
            return "No difference report could be created: could not find textual difference tool '" + self.textDiffTool + "'\n" + \
                   "(" + str(e) + ")"
Exemple #5
 def getFollowCommand(self, program, fileName):
     remoteHost = self.getRemoteHost()
     if remoteHost:
         remoteShellProgram = guiplugins.guiConfig.getValue("remote_shell_program")
         return [ remoteShellProgram, remoteHost, "env DISPLAY=" + self.getFullDisplay() + " " + \
                  program + " " + fileName ]
         return plugins.splitcmd(program) + [ fileName ]
Exemple #6
 def _performOnFile(self, diffProgram, tmpFile, comparison):
     stdFile = comparison.getStdFile(self.useFiltered(), self.extraPostfix())
     description = diffProgram + " " + os.path.basename(stdFile) + " " + os.path.basename(tmpFile)
     guiplugins.guilog.info("Starting graphical difference comparison using '" + diffProgram + "':")
     guiplugins.guilog.info("-- original file : " + stdFile)
     guiplugins.guilog.info("--  current file : " + tmpFile)
     cmdArgs = plugins.splitcmd(diffProgram) + [ stdFile, tmpFile ]
     self.startViewer(cmdArgs, description=description, exitHandler=self.diffingComplete)
Exemple #7
 def getVirtualServerArgs(self, machine, app):
     binDir = plugins.installationDir("libexec")
     fullPath = os.path.join(binDir, "startXvfb.py")
     logDir = os.path.join(app.writeDirectory, "Xvfb") 
     python = self.findPython(machine)
     xvfbExtraArgs = plugins.splitcmd(app.getConfigValue("virtual_display_extra_args"))
     cmdArgs = [ python, "-u", fullPath, logDir ] + xvfbExtraArgs
     return app.getCommandArgsOn(machine, cmdArgs)
    def getLocalExecuteCmdArgs(self, test, makeDirs=True):
        args = []
        if test.app.hasAutomaticCputimeChecking():
            args += self.getTimingArgs(test, makeDirs)

        # Don't expand environment if we're running on a different file system
        expandVars = test.app.getRunMachine() == "localhost" or not test.getConfigValue("remote_copy_program")
        args += self.getInterpreterArgs(test, expandVars)
        args += test.getInterpreterOptions()
        args += plugins.splitcmd(test.getConfigValue("executable", expandVars=expandVars))
        args += test.getCommandLineOptions()
        return args
    def getViewCommand(self, fileName, viewProgram):
        # viewProgram might have arguments baked into it...
        cmdArgs = plugins.splitcmd(viewProgram) + [fileName]
        program = cmdArgs[0]
        descriptor = " ".join([os.path.basename(program)] + cmdArgs[1:-1])
        env = self.getViewerEnvironment(cmdArgs)
        interpreter = plugins.getInterpreter(program)
        if interpreter:
            cmdArgs = [interpreter] + cmdArgs

        if guiplugins.guiConfig.getCompositeValue("view_file_on_remote_machine", self.getStem(fileName)):
            cmdArgs = self.getRemoteArgs(cmdArgs)

        return cmdArgs, descriptor, env
Exemple #10
    def getViewCommand(self, fileName, viewProgram):
        # viewProgram might have arguments baked into it...
        cmdArgs = plugins.splitcmd(viewProgram) + [ fileName ]
        program = cmdArgs[0]
        descriptor = " ".join([ os.path.basename(program) ] + cmdArgs[1:-1])
        env = self.getViewerEnvironment(cmdArgs)
        interpreter = plugins.getInterpreter(program)
        if interpreter:
            cmdArgs = [ interpreter ] + cmdArgs

        if guiplugins.guiConfig.getCompositeValue("view_file_on_remote_machine", self.getStem(fileName)):
            remoteHost = self.getRemoteHost()
            if remoteHost:
                remoteShellProgram = guiplugins.guiConfig.getValue("remote_shell_program")
                cmdArgs = [ remoteShellProgram, remoteHost, "env DISPLAY=" + self.getFullDisplay() + " " + " ".join(cmdArgs) ]

        return cmdArgs, descriptor, env
 def getVirtualServerArgs(self, machine, app):
     binDir = plugins.installationDir("libexec")
     fullPath = os.path.join(binDir, "startXvfb.py")
     appTmpDir = app.getRemoteTmpDirectory()[1]
     if appTmpDir:
         logDir = os.path.join(appTmpDir, "Xvfb")
         app.ensureRemoteDirExists(machine, logDir)
         remoteXvfb = os.path.join(appTmpDir, "startXvfb.py")
         app.copyFileRemotely(fullPath, "localhost", remoteXvfb, machine)
         fullPath = remoteXvfb
         pythonArgs = [ "python", "-u" ]
         logDir = os.path.join(app.writeDirectory, "Xvfb") 
         pythonArgs = self.findPythonArgs(machine)
     xvfbExtraArgs = plugins.splitcmd(app.getConfigValue("virtual_display_extra_args"))
     cmdArgs = pythonArgs + [ fullPath, logDir ] + xvfbExtraArgs
     return app.getCommandArgsOn(machine, cmdArgs)
Exemple #12
    def getLocalExecuteCmdArgs(self, test, postfix="", makeDirs=True):
        args = []
        if test.app.hasAutomaticCputimeChecking() and test.app.executingOnPerformanceMachine(test):
            args += self.getTimingArgs(test, makeDirs)

        # Don't expand environment if we're running on a different file system
        expandVars = test.app.getRunMachine() == "localhost" or not test.getConfigValue("remote_copy_program")
        for interpreterName, interpreter in test.getConfigValue("interpreters", expandVars=expandVars).items():
            args += self.getInterpreterArgs(test, interpreter)
            args += test.getCommandLineOptions(stem=interpreterName + "_options")
            if postfix:
                args += test.getCommandLineOptions(stem=interpreterName + "_options" + postfix)
            if "storytext" in interpreter and test.app.useVirtualDisplay():
                # Don't display storytext editor under a virtual display!
        args += plugins.splitcmd(test.getConfigValue("executable", expandVars=expandVars))
        args += test.getCommandLineOptions(stem="options")
        if postfix:
            args += test.getCommandLineOptions(stem="options" + postfix)
        return args
 def getInterpreterArgs(self):
     interpreterArg = os.getenv("TEXTTEST_DYNAMIC_GUI_INTERPRETER", "") # Alternative interpreter for the dynamic GUI : mostly useful for coverage / testing
     if interpreterArg:
         return plugins.splitcmd(interpreterArg.replace("ttpython", sys.executable))
     else: # pragma: no cover - cannot test without StoryText on dynamic GUI
         return [ sys.executable ]
Exemple #14
 def getInterpreterArgs(self, test, interpreter):
     args = plugins.splitcmd(interpreter)
     if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "ttpython": # interpreted to mean "whatever python TextTest runs with"
         return [ sys.executable, "-u" ] + args[1:]
         return args
 def getInterpreterArgs(self, test, expandVars):
     args = plugins.splitcmd(test.getConfigValue("interpreter", expandVars=expandVars))
     if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "ttpython": # interpreted to mean "whatever python TextTest runs with"
         return [ sys.executable, "-u" ] + args[1:]
         return args
 def getFollowCommand(self, program, fileName):
     localArgs = plugins.splitcmd(program) + [fileName]
     return self.getRemoteArgs(localArgs)
 def runDiff(self, diffProgram, stdFile, tmpFile):
     description = diffProgram + " " + os.path.basename(stdFile) + " " + os.path.basename(tmpFile)
     cmdArgs = plugins.splitcmd(diffProgram) + [stdFile, tmpFile]
     self.startViewer(cmdArgs, description=description, exitHandler=self.diffingComplete)