Exemple #1
def print_orb(o: Orbit):
    """Prints orbit details."""
    a, e, i, raan, argp, nu = o.classical()
    if e < 1:
        b = a * sqrt(1 - e * e)
        b = 0 * u.km
    a = a.to(u.km)
    b = b.to(u.km)
    apo = o.r_a.to(u.km)
    per = o.r_p.to(u.km)

    # Let's also calculate above surface
    surface = o.attractor.R
    apo_surface = apo - surface
    per_surface = per - surface
    #print("Semimajor axis (𝑎), minor semi-axis (b), eccentricity (e), inclination (i), RAAN (Ω) - right ascension of the ascending node,
    #       argument or perigeum (𝜔), nu (𝜈) - true anomaly")

    if a > 10e7 * u.km or b > 10e7 * u.km or apo > 10e7 * u.km or per > 10e7 * u.km:
        a = a.to(u.au)
        b = b.to(u.au)
        apo = apo.to(u.au)
        per = per.to(u.au)
        period = o.period.to(u.day)
        if period.value > 1000:
            period = period.to(u.year)
        print("a(𝑎)=%4.4f%s, b=%4.4f%s, e=%4.4f%s, i=%4.4f%s raan(Ω)=%4.2f%s argp(𝜔)=%4.2f%s nu(𝜈)=%4.2f%s" % \
            (a.value, a.unit, b.value, b.unit, e.value, e.unit, i.value, i.unit, raan.value, raan.unit, argp.value, argp.unit, nu.value, nu.unit))
        print("period=%4.2f%s perapis=%4.4f%s apoapsis=%4.4f%s" % \
            (period.value, period.unit, per.value, per.unit, apo.value, apo.unit))
        print("a(𝑎)=%4.4f%s, b=%4.4f%s, e=%4.2f%s, i=%4.2f%s raan(Ω)=%4.2f%s argp(𝜔)=%4.2f%s nu(𝜈)=%4.2f%s" % \
            (a.value, a.unit, b.value, b.unit, e.value, e.unit, i.value, i.unit, raan.value, raan.unit, argp.value, argp.unit, nu.value, nu.unit))
        print("period=%4.2f%s periapsis=%4.4f%s(%4.2f%s) apoapsis=%4.4f%s(%4.2f%s)" % \
            (o.period.value, o.period.unit, \
            per.value, per.unit, per_surface.value, per_surface.unit, \
            apo.value, apo.unit, apo_surface.value, apo_surface.unit))