Exemple #1
def phosphorylated_is_active(agent):
    Macro for 'phosphorylated "B" is active'.

        agent: an instance of structure.Structure

        a Syndra predicate (that is, an instance of predicate.Predicate)
    return ForAllRules(lambda r: And(
        Implies(PregraphHas(r, agent.labeled(phosphate)),
                PregraphHas(r, agent.labeled(active))),
        Implies(PostgraphHas(r, agent.labeled(phosphate)),
                PostgraphHas(r, agent.labeled(active)))))
Exemple #2
def directly_activates(kinase, substrate):
    Macro for 'activated "kinase" activates "substrate"'.

        kinase: an instance of structure.Structure
        substrate: an instance of structure.Structure

        a Syndra predicate (that is, an instance of predicate.Predicate)
    return ModelHasRule(lambda r: And(
        PregraphHas(r, kinase.labeled(active)),
        PregraphHas(r, substrate),
        PostgraphHas(r, kinase.labeled(active)),
        PostgraphHas(r, substrate.labeled(active)),
        Not(PregraphHas(r, substrate.labeled(active))),
Exemple #3
def detect_ambiguous(*predicates):
    from datatypes import Rule, Graph, Node, Edge, Nodeset, Edgeset, Labelset, Labelmap
    pred = And(*predicates)
    model = pred.get_python_model()
def detect_ambiguous(*predicates):
    from datatypes import Rule, Graph, Node, Edge, Nodeset, Edgeset, Labelset, Labelmap
    pred = And(*predicates)
    model = pred.get_python_model()
    from datatypes import Rule, Graph, Node, Edge, Nodeset, Edgeset, Labelset, Labelmap
    pred = And(*predicates)
    model = pred.get_python_model()

    # TODO assert that the model is not true, etc etc

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "---"
    kinase = Agent("kinase")
    # phosphate = Label("phosphate")
    # oxalate = Label("oxalate")
    substrate = Agent("substrate")
    pred = ModelHasRule(lambda r: And(
        PregraphHas(r, kinase.bound(substrate)),
        PostgraphHas(r, kinase),
        PostgraphHas(r, substrate),

    solver = MySolver("kinase", "substrate")
    print "---"
    print solver.check()
    print solver.model()
    print "---"

    # RAF = Agent("RAF")
    # HRAS = Agent("HRAS")
    # MEK1 = Agent("MEK1")
    # ERK1 = Agent("ERK1")
    # SAF1 = Agent("SAF1")
Exemple #6
# Get this file working!

from predicate import Implies, And
from macros import directly_phosphorylates, directly_activates, phosphorylated_is_active

i = directly_phosphorylates("MEK", "ERK")
ii = phosphorylated_is_active("ERK")
iii = directly_activates("MEK", "ERK")

# Implies(And(i, ii), iii): check a theorem over all possible models
pred1 = Implies(And(i, ii), iii)
assert pred1.check_sat() # This should be true.
pred2 = Not(Implies(And(i, ii), iii))
assert pred2.check_sat() # This should be false.

pred3 = And(i, ii, iii)
assert pred3.check_sat() # This should be true.
pred4 = Not(And(i, ii, iii))
assert pred4.check_sat() # This should be true.

# inconsistencies in a model: And(i, ii, iii) and see what happens

# indirectly_activates

# be sure to address in thesis: why not just straight inference rules?
# (answer: easy to introduce inconsistencies, use different definitions
# across different rules)

# x: A activates B
# y: B activates C