Exemple #1
def market_test_vote(request):
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, id = request.POST.get("bill", "0"))
    prediction = int(request.POST.get("prediction", "0"))
    market = bill.get_open_market(request.user)
    if not market: return { }
    from predictionmarket.models import Trade, TradingAccount
    account = TradingAccount.get(request.user)
    if prediction != 0:
        # Buy shares in one of the outcomes.
            t = Trade.place(account, market.outcomes.get(owner_key = 1 if prediction == 1 else 0), 10)
        except ValueError as e:
            return { "error": str(e) }
        # Sell shares.
        positions, pl = account.position_in_market(market)
        for outcome in positions:
            Trade.place(account, outcome, -positions[outcome]["shares"])
    return { "vote": prediction }
Exemple #2
def market_test_vote(request):
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, id = request.POST.get("bill", "0"))
    prediction = int(request.POST.get("prediction", "0"))
    market = bill.get_open_market(request.user)
    if not market: return { }

    from predictionmarket.models import Trade, TradingAccount
    account = TradingAccount.get(request.user)
    if prediction != 0:
        # Buy shares in one of the outcomes.
            t = Trade.place(account, market.outcomes.get(owner_key = 1 if prediction == 1 else 0), 10)
        except ValueError as e:
            return { "error": str(e) }

        # Sell shares.
        positions, pl = account.position_in_market(market)
        for outcome in positions:
            Trade.place(account, outcome, -positions[outcome]["shares"])

    return { "vote": prediction }
	def handle(self, *args, **options):
		bank = TradingAccount.get(User.objects.get(id=settings.PREDICTIONMARKET_BANK_UID))
		bill_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Bill)
		# For every bill, make a market for its next major step and close any other markets.
		for bill in Bill.objects.filter(congress=settings.CURRENT_CONGRESS):
			market_key = None 			# current market to open
			market_name = None			# name of the market to open
			market_outcomes = None 	# dict of outcome names
			market_close = { }				# markets to close, key is market id and value is the key of the winning outcome
			if bill.current_status in (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.referred, BillStatus.reported):
				market_key = 0
				market_name = "Will %s pass the %s?" % (bill.display_number, bill.originating_chamber)
				market_outcomes = { 0: "No", 1: "Yes" }
				market_close = { }
			elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.pass_over_house, BillStatus.pass_over_senate):
				market_key = 1
				market_name = "Will %s pass the %s?" % (bill.display_number, bill.opposite_chamber)
				market_outcomes = { 0: "No", 1: "Yes" }
				market_close = { 0: 1 } # originating chamber passed
			elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.pass_back_house, BillStatus.pass_back_senate):
				market_key = 2
				market_name = "Will %s pass in identical form in the House and Senate?" % bill.display_number
				market_outcomes = { 0: "No", 1: "Yes" }
				market_close = { 0: 1, 1: 1 } # originating chamber passed, other chamber passed
			elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.fail_originating_house, BillStatus.fail_originating_senate):
				market_close = { 0: 0 } # originating chamber failed
			elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.fail_second_house, BillStatus.fail_second_senate):
				market_close = { 0: 1, 1: 0 } # originating chamber passed, second chamber failed
			elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.passed_constamend, BillStatus.passed_concurrentres, BillStatus.passed_bill,
				BillStatus.override_pass_over_house, BillStatus.override_pass_over_senate, BillStatus.vetoed_pocket,
				BillStatus.vetoed_override_fail_originating_house, BillStatus.vetoed_override_fail_originating_senate,
				BillStatus.vetoed_override_fail_second_house, BillStatus.vetoed_override_fail_second_senate,
				BillStatus.enacted_signed, BillStatus.enacted_veto_override):
				market_close = { 0: 1, 1: 1 } # originating chamber passed, other chamber passed
			elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.passed_simpleres,):
				market_close = { 0: 1 } # originating chamber passed
				# Don't know what to do in this state, so just keep whatever we had before.

			did_see_market = False
			for market in Market.objects.filter(owner_content_type=bill_ct, owner_object_id=bill.id, isopen=True):
				if int(market.owner_key) == market_key:
					did_see_market = True
				elif int(market.owner_key) in market_close:
					print "Closing market:", market
					market.close_market() # do this before the next check to make sure no trades slip in at the last moment
					if Trade.objects.filter(outcome__market=market).exclude(account=bank).count() == 0:
						print "\tDeleting market because the only trader was the bank."
						market.delete() # TODO: Leaves the bank's account balance alone, which is not really good.
						for outcome in market.outcomes.all():
							outcome.liquidate(1.0 if market_close[int(market.owner_key)] == int(outcome.owner_key) else 0.0)
					print "Don't know what to do with market:", market, market.owner_key
			if not did_see_market and market_key != None:
				starting_price = compute_prognosis(bill)["prediction"] / 100.0
				# Create the market.
				m = Market()
				m.owner_object = bill
				m.owner_key = market_key
				m.name = market_name
				m.volatility = 200.0 # large enough so that an integer number of shares can yield .01 precision in pricing
				ocmap = { }
				for k, v in market_outcomes.items():
					o = Outcome()
					o.market = m
					o.owner_key = k
					o.name = v
					ocmap[k] = o
				# The bank buys enough shares to make the starting price match our bill prognosis.
				# Since we have two outcomes and the yes-price is exp(q1/b) / (exp(q1/b) + exp(q2/b))
				# then....
				if starting_price < .01: starting_price = .01
				if starting_price > .99: starting_price = .99
				shares = int(round(m.volatility * log(starting_price / (1.0 - starting_price))))
				t = None
				if starting_price > .5 and shares > 0:
					t = Trade.place(bank, ocmap[1], shares, check_balance=False)
				elif starting_price < .5 and shares < 0:
					t = Trade.place(bank, ocmap[0], -shares, check_balance=False)
				print "Created market", m
				if t:
					print "\twith", t.shares, "of", t.outcome
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        bank = TradingAccount.get(
        bill_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Bill)

        # For every bill, make a market for its next major step and close any other markets.
        for bill in Bill.objects.filter(congress=settings.CURRENT_CONGRESS):
            market_key = None  # current market to open
            market_name = None  # name of the market to open
            market_outcomes = None  # dict of outcome names
            market_close = {
            }  # markets to close, key is market id and value is the key of the winning outcome

            if bill.current_status in (BillStatus.introduced,
                market_key = 0
                market_name = "Will %s pass the %s?" % (
                    bill.display_number, bill.originating_chamber)
                market_outcomes = {0: "No", 1: "Yes"}
                market_close = {}
            elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.pass_over_house,
                market_key = 1
                market_name = "Will %s pass the %s?" % (bill.display_number,
                market_outcomes = {0: "No", 1: "Yes"}
                market_close = {0: 1}  # originating chamber passed
            elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.pass_back_house,
                market_key = 2
                market_name = "Will %s pass in identical form in the House and Senate?" % bill.display_number
                market_outcomes = {0: "No", 1: "Yes"}
                market_close = {
                    0: 1,
                    1: 1
                }  # originating chamber passed, other chamber passed
            elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.fail_originating_house,
                market_close = {0: 0}  # originating chamber failed
            elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.fail_second_house,
                market_close = {
                    0: 1,
                    1: 0
                }  # originating chamber passed, second chamber failed
            elif bill.current_status in (
                    BillStatus.passed_concurrentres, BillStatus.passed_bill,
                market_close = {
                    0: 1,
                    1: 1
                }  # originating chamber passed, other chamber passed
            elif bill.current_status in (BillStatus.passed_simpleres, ):
                market_close = {0: 1}  # originating chamber passed
                # Don't know what to do in this state, so just keep whatever we had before.

            did_see_market = False
            for market in Market.objects.filter(owner_content_type=bill_ct,
                if int(market.owner_key) == market_key:
                    did_see_market = True
                elif int(market.owner_key) in market_close:
                    print "Closing market:", market
                    )  # do this before the next check to make sure no trades slip in at the last moment
                    if Trade.objects.filter(outcome__market=market).exclude(
                            account=bank).count() == 0:
                        print "\tDeleting market because the only trader was the bank."
                        )  # TODO: Leaves the bank's account balance alone, which is not really good.
                        for outcome in market.outcomes.all():
                                1.0 if market_close[int(market.owner_key)] ==
                                int(outcome.owner_key) else 0.0)
                    print "Don't know what to do with market:", market, market.owner_key

            if not did_see_market and market_key != None:
                starting_price = compute_prognosis(bill)["prediction"] / 100.0

                # Create the market.
                m = Market()
                m.owner_object = bill
                m.owner_key = market_key
                m.name = market_name
                m.volatility = 200.0  # large enough so that an integer number of shares can yield .01 precision in pricing
                ocmap = {}
                for k, v in market_outcomes.items():
                    o = Outcome()
                    o.market = m
                    o.owner_key = k
                    o.name = v
                    ocmap[k] = o

                # The bank buys enough shares to make the starting price match our bill prognosis.
                # Since we have two outcomes and the yes-price is exp(q1/b) / (exp(q1/b) + exp(q2/b))
                # then....
                if starting_price < .01: starting_price = .01
                if starting_price > .99: starting_price = .99
                shares = int(
                    round(m.volatility * log(starting_price /
                                             (1.0 - starting_price))))
                t = None
                if starting_price > .5 and shares > 0:
                    t = Trade.place(bank,
                elif starting_price < .5 and shares < 0:
                    t = Trade.place(bank,

                print "Created market", m
                if t:
                    print "\twith", t.shares, "of", t.outcome