Exemple #1
def test_sub_access_non_vector():
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", uw(8)), u(2, w(3)), uw(8))
    assert not check(sa)

    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", bdl(a=(vec(uw(8), 10), True))),
                   u(2, w(3)), vec(uw(8), 10))
    assert not check(sa)
Exemple #2
def test_module_basis():
    mod = DefModule("m", [OutputPort("p", uw(8))],
                    Connect(n("p", uw(8)), u(2, w(8))))
    assert check(mod)
        mod, 'module m :\n'
        '  output p : UInt<8>\n'
        '  p <= UInt<8>("h2")')

    mod = DefModule(
        [InputPort("b", uw(8)), OutputPort("a", uw(8))],
            DefNode("n", u(1, w(1))),
            Conditionally(n("n", uw(1)), EmptyStmt(),
                          Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8))))
    assert check(mod)
        mod, 'module m :\n'
        '  input b : UInt<8>\n'
        '  output a : UInt<8>\n'
        '  node n = UInt<1>("h1")\n'
        '  when n :\n'
        '    skip\n'
        '  else :\n'
        '    a <= b')
Exemple #3
def test_circuit_basis():
    m1 = DefModule("m1", [OutputPort("p", uw(8))],
                   Connect(n("p", uw(8)), u(2, w(8))))

    m2 = DefModule(
        [InputPort("b", uw(8)), OutputPort("a", uw(8))],
            DefNode("n", u(1, w(1))),
            Conditionally(n("n", uw(1)), EmptyStmt(),
                          Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8))))
    ct = DefCircuit("m1", [m1, m2])
    assert check(ct)
        ct, 'circuit m1 :\n'
        '  module m1 :\n'
        '    output p : UInt<8>\n'
        '    p <= UInt<8>("h2")\n'
        '  module m2 :\n'
        '    input b : UInt<8>\n'
        '    output a : UInt<8>\n'
        '    node n = UInt<1>("h1")\n'
        '    when n :\n'
        '      skip\n'
        '    else :\n'
        '      a <= b\n'
Exemple #4
def test_init_register_reset_wrong():
    r1 = DefInitRegister("r1", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), n("r", sw(1)),
                         u(5, w(8)))
    assert not check(r1)

    r2 = DefInitRegister("r2", sw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), s(0, w(1)),
                         s(5, w(8)))
    assert not check(r2)
Exemple #5
def test_sub_field_type_wrong():
    bd = bdl(a=(uw(8), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", sw(8))
    assert not check(sf)

    bd = bdl(a=(bdl(c=(uw(8), True)), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", bdl(c=(uw(9), True)))
    assert not check(sf)
Exemple #6
def test_sub_field_non_exist():
    bd = bdl(a=(uw(8), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "c", uw(8))
    assert not check(sf)

    bd = bdl(a=(bdl(c=(uw(8), True)), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "c", bdl(c=(uw(8), True)))
    assert not check(sf)
Exemple #7
def test_sub_access_idx_non_uint():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", vc), s(2, w(3)), uw(8))
    assert not check(sa)

    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", vc), n("a", sw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(sa)
Exemple #8
def test_write_port_clock_wrong():
    mem_ref = n("m", vec(uw(8), 10))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, u(2, w(8)), n("clock", uw(1)))
    assert not check(mw)

    mem_ref = n("m", vec(bdl(a=(uw(8), False)), 10))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, n("a", uw(2)), u(0, w(1)))
    assert not check(mw)
Exemple #9
def test_read_port_mem_wrong():
    mem_ref = n("m", bdl(a=(vec(uw(8), 10), False)))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, u(2, w(8)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mr)

    mem_ref = n("m", uw(9))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, n("a", uw(2)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mr)
Exemple #10
def test_read_port_clock_wrong():
    mem_ref = n("m", vec(uw(8), 10))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, u(2, w(8)), n("clock", uw(1)))
    assert not check(mr)

    mem_ref = n("m", vec(bdl(a=(uw(8), False)), 10))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, n("a", uw(2)), u(0, w(1)))
    assert not check(mr)
Exemple #11
def test_sub_index_over_bound():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 10, uw(8))
    assert not check(si)

    vc = vec(vec(uw(8), 10), 20)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), -1, vec(uw(8), 10))
    assert not check(si)
Exemple #12
def test_init_register_type_not_match():
    r1 = DefInitRegister("r1", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), n("r", uw(1)),
                         s(5, w(8)))
    assert not check(r1)

    r2 = DefInitRegister("r2", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), u(0, w(1)),
                         s(5, w(8)))
    assert not check(r2)
Exemple #13
def test_write_port_mem_wrong():
    mem_ref = n("m", bdl(a=(vec(uw(8), 10), False)))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, u(2, w(8)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mw)

    mem_ref = n("m", uw(9))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, n("a", uw(2)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mw)
Exemple #14
def test_register_basis():
    r1 = DefRegister("r1", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert check(r1)
    serialize_stmt_equal(r1, 'reg r1 : UInt<8>, clock')

    r2 = DefRegister("r2", vec(uw(8), 10), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert check(r2)
    serialize_stmt_equal(r2, 'reg r2 : UInt<8>[10], clock')
Exemple #15
def test_sub_index_type_wrong():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 5, sw(8))
    assert not check(si)

    vc = vec(vec(uw(8), 10), 20)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 19, vec(uw(8), 20))
    assert not check(si)
Exemple #16
def test_read_port_index_wrong():
    mem_ref = n("m", vec(uw(8), 10))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, s(2, w(8)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mr)

    mem_ref = n("m", vec(bdl(a=(uw(8), False)), 10))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, n("a", vec(uw(1), 10)),
                        n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mr)
Exemple #17
def test_mux_basis():
    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert check(mux)
    serialize_equal(mux, "mux(c, a, b)")

    mux = Mux(u(1, w(1)), n("b", vec(sw(8), 10)), n("c", vec(sw(8), 10)),
              vec(sw(8), 10))
    assert check(mux)
    serialize_equal(mux, 'mux(UInt<1>("h1"), b, c)')
Exemple #18
def test_write_port_index_wrong():
    mem_ref = n("m", vec(uw(8), 10))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, s(2, w(8)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mw)

    mem_ref = n("m", vec(bdl(a=(uw(8), False)), 10))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, n("a", vec(uw(1), 10)),
                         n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert not check(mw)
Exemple #19
def test_sub_index_basis():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 5, uw(8))
    assert check(si)
    serialize_equal(si, "vc[5]")

    vc = vec(vec(uw(8), 10), 20)
    si = SubIndex(n("vc", vc), 19, vec(uw(8), 10))
    assert check(si)
    serialize_equal(si, "vc[19]")
Exemple #20
def test_write_port_basis():
    mem_ref = n("m", vec(uw(8), 10))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, u(2, w(8)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert check(mw)
    serialize_stmt_equal(mw, 'write mport mw = m[UInt<8>("h2")], clock')

    mem_ref = n("m", vec(bdl(a=(uw(8), False)), 10))
    mw = DefMemWritePort("mw", mem_ref, n("a", uw(2)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert check(mw)
    serialize_stmt_equal(mw, 'write mport mw = m[a], clock')
Exemple #21
def test_read_port_basis():
    mem_ref = n("m", vec(uw(8), 10))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, u(2, w(8)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert check(mr)
    serialize_stmt_equal(mr, 'read mport mr = m[UInt<8>("h2")], clock')

    mem_ref = n("m", vec(bdl(a=(uw(8), False)), 10))
    mr = DefMemReadPort("mr", mem_ref, n("a", uw(2)), n("clock", ClockType()))
    assert check(mr)
    serialize_stmt_equal(mr, 'read mport mr = m[a], clock')
Exemple #22
def test_sub_field_basis():
    bd = bdl(a=(uw(8), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", uw(8))
    assert check(sf)
    serialize_equal(sf, "bd.a")

    bd = bdl(a=(bdl(c=(uw(8), True)), False), b=(sw(8), False))
    sf = SubField(n("bd", bd), "a", bdl(c=(uw(8), True)))
    assert check(sf)
    serialize_equal(sf, "bd.a")
Exemple #23
def test_sub_access_basis():
    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", vc), u(2, w(3)), uw(8))
    assert check(sa)
    serialize_equal(sa, 'vc[UInt<3>("h2")]')

    vc = vec(uw(8), 10)
    sa = SubAccess(n("vc", vc), n("a", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert check(sa)
    serialize_equal(sa, 'vc[a]')
Exemple #24
def test_mux_tf_value_type_wrong():
    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(7)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", sw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), sw(8))
    assert not check(mux)
Exemple #25
def test_mux_cond_type_wrong():
    mux = Mux(n("c", uw(2)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", sw(1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)

    mux = Mux(n("c", vec(uw(1), 1)), n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8)), uw(8))
    assert not check(mux)
Exemple #26
def test_circuit_module_not_exist():
    m1 = DefModule("m1", [OutputPort("p", uw(8))],
                   Connect(n("p", uw(8)), u(2, w(8))))

    m2 = DefModule(
        [InputPort("b", uw(8)), OutputPort("a", uw(8))],
            DefNode("n", u(1, w(1))),
            Conditionally(n("n", uw(1)), EmptyStmt(),
                          Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8))))
    ct = DefCircuit("m3", [m1, m2])
    assert not check(ct)
Exemple #27
def test_init_register_basis():
    r1 = DefInitRegister("r1", uw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), n("r", uw(1)),
                         u(5, w(8)))
    assert check(r1)
        r1, 'reg r1 : UInt<8>, clock with :\n'
        '  reset => (r, UInt<8>("h5"))')

    r2 = DefInitRegister("r2", sw(8), n("clock", ClockType()), u(0, w(1)),
                         s(5, w(8)))
    assert check(r2)
        r2, 'reg r2 : SInt<8>, clock with :\n'
        '  reset => (UInt<1>("h0"), SInt<8>("h5"))')
Exemple #28
def test_block_basis():
    blk = Block([EmptyStmt()])
    assert check(blk)
    serialize_stmt_equal(blk, "skip")

    blk = Block([DefNode("n", u(1, w(1))),
                 Conditionally(n("n", uw(1)),
                               Connect(n("a", uw(8)), n("b", uw(8))))
    assert check(blk)
    serialize_stmt_equal(blk, 'node n = UInt<1>("h1")\n'
                              'when n :\n'
                              '  skip\n'
                              'else :\n'
                              '  a <= b')
Exemple #29
def test_asuint():
    serialize_equal(AsUInt(u(20, w(5)), uw(5)), 'asUInt(UInt<5>("h14"))')
    serialize_equal(AsUInt(s(-20, w(6)), uw(5)), 'asUInt(SInt<6>("h-14"))')
    serialize_equal(AsUInt(n("clock", ClockType()), uw(1)), 'asUInt(clock)')
Exemple #30
def s_gen():
    if random.randint(0, 1):
        rand_s_value = random.randint(-1024, 1024)
        rand_s_value_width = signed_num_bin_len(rand_s_value)
        rand_s_width = random.randint(rand_s_value_width,
                                      2 * rand_s_value_width)
        return s(rand_s_value, w(rand_s_width))
        rand_ns_name = name_gen()
        rand_ns_width = random.randint(1, 20)
        return n(rand_ns_name, sw(rand_ns_width))