Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, width, height, fullimage, starting_position=(0, 0)):
     if not display.get_init():
     self.width = width
     self.height = height
     self.image = image.load(fullimage).convert()
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
Exemple #2
    def test_init(self):
        """Ensures the module is initialized after init called."""
        # display.init() already called in setUp(), so quit and re-init

Exemple #3
def clearEvents(eventType=None):
    """Clears all events currently in the event buffer.

    Optional argument, eventType, specifies only certain types to be

        eventType : **None**, 'mouse', 'joystick', 'keyboard'
            If this is not None then only events of the given type are cleared
    if not havePygame or not display.get_init():
        #for each (pyglet) window, dispatch its events before checking event buffer
        wins = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display().get_windows()
        for win in wins:
            win.dispatch_events()#pump events on pyglet windows
        if eventType=='mouse':
            return # pump pyglet mouse events but don't flush keyboard buffer
        global _keyBuffer
        _keyBuffer = []
        #for pygame
        if eventType=='mouse':
            junk = evt.get([locals.MOUSEMOTION, locals.MOUSEBUTTONUP,
        elif eventType=='keyboard':
            junk = evt.get([locals.KEYDOWN, locals.KEYUP])
        elif eventType=='joystick':
            junk = evt.get([locals.JOYAXISMOTION, locals.JOYBALLMOTION,
                  locals.JOYHATMOTION, locals.JOYBUTTONUP, locals.JOYBUTTONDOWN])
            junk = evt.get()
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, width, height, fullimage, starting_position=(0, 0)):
     if not display.get_init():
     self.full_image = image.load(fullimage)
     self.width = width
     self.height = height
     self.x_sprites = self.full_image.get_width() / self.width
     self.y_sprites = self.full_image.get_height() / self.height
     self.update_current((0, 0, self.width, self.height))
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.rect.topleft = starting_position
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self,

        self.printing = printing

        self.clock = time.Clock()

        # Make sure display is initialized
        if not display.get_init():
        self.window = display.set_mode(window_size)
        display.set_caption('Connect 4')
        self.window_size = display.get_surface().get_size()
Exemple #6
def clearEvents(eventType=None):
    """Clears all events currently in the event buffer.

    Optional argument, eventType, specifies only certain types to be

        eventType : **None**, 'mouse', 'joystick', 'keyboard'
            If this is not None then only events of the given type are cleared

    if not havePygame or not display.get_init():  # pyglet
        # For each window, dispatch its events before
        # checking event buffer.
        for win in _default_display_.get_windows():
            win.dispatch_events()  # pump events on pyglet windows

        if eventType == 'mouse':
        elif eventType == 'joystick':
        else:  # eventType='keyboard' or eventType=None.
            global _keyBuffer
            _keyBuffer = []
    else:  # pygame
        if eventType == 'mouse':
                locals.MOUSEMOTION, locals.MOUSEBUTTONUP,
        elif eventType == 'keyboard':
            evt.get([locals.KEYDOWN, locals.KEYUP])
        elif eventType == 'joystick':
                locals.JOYAXISMOTION, locals.JOYBALLMOTION,
                locals.JOYHATMOTION, locals.JOYBUTTONUP, locals.JOYBUTTONDOWN
Exemple #7
    def test_quit__multiple(self):
        """Ensures the module is not initialized after multiple quit calls."""

Exemple #8
    def test_quit(self):
        """Ensures the module is not initialized after quit called."""

Exemple #9
    def test_init__multiple(self):
        """Ensures the module is initialized after multiple init calls."""

Exemple #10
 def test_get_init(self):
     """Ensures the module's initialization state can be retrieved."""
     # display.init() already called in setUp()
Exemple #11
def getKeys(keyList=None, modifiers=False, timeStamped=False):
    """Returns a list of keys that were pressed.

        keyList : **None** or []
            Allows the user to specify a set of keys to check for.
            Only keypresses from this set of keys will be removed from
            the keyboard buffer. If the keyList is `None`, all keys will be
            checked and the key buffer will be cleared completely.
            NB, pygame doesn't return timestamps (they are always 0)
        modifiers : **False** or True
            If True will return a list of tuples instead of a list of
            keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, modifiers). The modifiers
            are a dict of keyboard modifier flags keyed by the modifier
            name (eg. 'shift', 'ctrl').
        timeStamped : **False**, True, or `Clock`
            If True will return a list of tuples instead of a list of
            keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, time). If a `core.Clock`
            is given then the time will be relative to the `Clock`'s last

        - 2003 written by Jon Peirce
        - 2009 keyList functionality added by Gary Strangman
        - 2009 timeStamped code provided by Dave Britton
        - 2016 modifiers code provided by 5AM Solutions
    keys = []

    if havePygame and display.get_init():
        # see if pygame has anything instead (if it exists)
        for evts in evt.get(locals.KEYDOWN):
            # pygame has no keytimes
            keys.append((pygame.key.name(evts.key), 0))
    elif havePyglet:
        # for each (pyglet) window, dispatch its events before checking event
        # buffer
        defDisplay = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display()
        for win in defDisplay.get_windows():
                win.dispatch_events()  # pump events on pyglet windows
            except ValueError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                # Pressing special keys, such as 'volume-up', results in a
                # ValueError. This appears to be a bug in pyglet, and may be
                # specific to certain systems and versions of Python.
                logging.error(u'Failed to handle keypress')

        global _keyBuffer
        if len(_keyBuffer) > 0:
            # then pyglet is running - just use this
            keys = _keyBuffer
            # _keyBuffer = []  # DO /NOT/ CLEAR THE KEY BUFFER ENTIRELY

    if keyList is None:
        _keyBuffer = []  # clear buffer entirely
        targets = keys  # equivalent behavior to getKeys()
        nontargets = []
        targets = []
        # split keys into keepers and pass-thrus
        for key in keys:
            if key[0] in keyList:
        _keyBuffer = nontargets  # save these

    # now we have a list of tuples called targets
    # did the user want timestamped tuples or keynames?
    if modifiers == False and timeStamped == False:
        keyNames = [k[0] for k in targets]
        return keyNames
    elif timeStamped == False:
        keyNames = [(k[0], modifiers_dict(k[1])) for k in targets]
        return keyNames
    elif hasattr(timeStamped, 'getLastResetTime'):
        # keys were originally time-stamped with
        #   core.monotonicClock._lastResetTime
        # we need to shift that by the difference between it and
        # our custom clock
        _last = timeStamped.getLastResetTime()
        _clockLast = psychopy.core.monotonicClock.getLastResetTime()
        timeBaseDiff = _last - _clockLast
        relTuple = [[
            _f for _f in (k[0], modifiers and modifiers_dict(k[1]) or None,
                          k[-1] - timeBaseDiff) if _f
        ] for k in targets]
        return relTuple
    elif timeStamped is True:
        return [[
            for _f in (k[0], modifiers and modifiers_dict(k[1]) or None, k[-1])
            if _f
        ] for k in targets]
    elif isinstance(timeStamped, (float, int, int)):
        relTuple = [[
            _f for _f in (k[0], modifiers and modifiers_dict(k[1]) or None,
                          k[-1] - timeStamped) if _f
        ] for k in targets]
        return relTuple
Exemple #12
def getKeys(keyList=None, modifiers=False, timeStamped=False):
    """Returns a list of keys that were pressed.

        keyList : **None** or []
            Allows the user to specify a set of keys to check for.
            Only keypresses from this set of keys will be removed from
            the keyboard buffer. If the keyList is `None`, all keys will be
            checked and the key buffer will be cleared completely.
            NB, pygame doesn't return timestamps (they are always 0)
        modifiers : **False** or True
            If True will return a list of tuples instead of a list of
            keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, modifiers). The modifiers
            are a dict of keyboard modifier flags keyed by the modifier
            name (eg. 'shift', 'ctrl').
        timeStamped : **False**, True, or `Clock`
            If True will return a list of tuples instead of a list of
            keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, time). If a `core.Clock`
            is given then the time will be relative to the `Clock`'s last

        - 2003 written by Jon Peirce
        - 2009 keyList functionality added by Gary Strangman
        - 2009 timeStamped code provided by Dave Britton
        - 2016 modifiers code provided by 5AM Solutions
    keys = []

    if havePygame and display.get_init():
        # see if pygame has anything instead (if it exists)
        for evts in evt.get(locals.KEYDOWN):
            # pygame has no keytimes
            keys.append((pygame.key.name(evts.key), 0))
    elif havePyglet:
        # for each (pyglet) window, dispatch its events before checking event
        # buffer
        defDisplay = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display()
        for win in defDisplay.get_windows():
                win.dispatch_events()  # pump events on pyglet windows
            except ValueError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                # Pressing special keys, such as 'volume-up', results in a
                # ValueError. This appears to be a bug in pyglet, and may be
                # specific to certain systems and versions of Python.
                logging.error(u'Failed to handle keypress')

        global _keyBuffer
        if len(_keyBuffer) > 0:
            # then pyglet is running - just use this
            keys = _keyBuffer
            # _keyBuffer = []  # DO /NOT/ CLEAR THE KEY BUFFER ENTIRELY

    elif haveGLFW:
        # 'poll_events' is called when a window is flipped, all the callbacks
        # populate the buffer
        if len(_keyBuffer) > 0:
            keys = _keyBuffer

    if keyList is None:
        _keyBuffer = []  # clear buffer entirely
        targets = keys  # equivalent behavior to getKeys()
        nontargets = []
        targets = []
        # split keys into keepers and pass-thrus
        for key in keys:
            if key[0] in keyList:
        _keyBuffer = nontargets  # save these

    # now we have a list of tuples called targets
    # did the user want timestamped tuples or keynames?
    if modifiers == False and timeStamped == False:
        keyNames = [k[0] for k in targets]
        return keyNames
    elif timeStamped == False:
        keyNames = [(k[0], modifiers_dict(k[1])) for k in targets]
        return keyNames
    elif hasattr(timeStamped, 'getLastResetTime'):
        # keys were originally time-stamped with
        #   core.monotonicClock._lastResetTime
        # we need to shift that by the difference between it and
        # our custom clock
        _last = timeStamped.getLastResetTime()
        _clockLast = psychopy.core.monotonicClock.getLastResetTime()
        timeBaseDiff = _last - _clockLast
        relTuple = [[_f for _f in (k[0], modifiers and modifiers_dict(k[1]) or None, k[-1] - timeBaseDiff) if _f] for k in targets]
        return relTuple
    elif timeStamped is True:
        return [[_f for _f in (k[0], modifiers and modifiers_dict(k[1]) or None, k[-1]) if _f] for k in targets]
    elif isinstance(timeStamped, (float, int, int)):
        relTuple = [[_f for _f in (k[0], modifiers and modifiers_dict(k[1]) or None, k[-1] - timeStamped) if _f] for k in targets]
        return relTuple
Exemple #13
def getKeys(keyList=None, timeStamped=False):
    """Returns a list of keys that were pressed.

        keyList : **None** or []
            Allows the user to specify a set of keys to check for.
            Only keypresses from this set of keys will be removed from the keyboard buffer.
            If the keyList is None all keys will be checked and the key buffer will be cleared
            completely. NB, pygame doesn't return timestamps (they are always 0)
        timeStamped : **False** or True or `Clock`
            If True will return a list of
            tuples instead of a list of keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, time).
            If a `core.Clock` is given then the time will be relative to the `Clock`'s last reset

        - 2003 written by Jon Peirce
        - 2009 keyList functionality added by Gary Strangman
        - 2009 timeStamped code provided by Dave Britton

    if havePygame and display.get_init():#see if pygame has anything instead (if it exists)
        for evts in evt.get(locals.KEYDOWN):
            keys.append( (pygame.key.name(evts.key),0) )#pygame has no keytimes

    elif havePyglet:
        #for each (pyglet) window, dispatch its events before checking event buffer
        wins = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display().get_windows()
        for win in wins:
                win.dispatch_events()#pump events on pyglet windows
            except ValueError as e:
                # Pressing special keys, such as 'volume-up', results in a
                # ValueError. This appears to be a bug in pyglet, and may be
                # specific to certain systems and versions of Python.
                logging.error(u'Failed to handle keypress')

        global _keyBuffer
        if len(_keyBuffer)>0:
            #then pyglet is running - just use this
            keys = _keyBuffer
    #        _keyBuffer = []  # DO /NOT/ CLEAR THE KEY BUFFER ENTIRELY

    if keyList==None:
        _keyBuffer = [] #clear buffer entirely
        targets=keys  # equivalent behavior to getKeys()
        nontargets = []
        targets = []
        # split keys into keepers and pass-thrus
        for key in keys:
            if key[0] in keyList:
        _keyBuffer = nontargets  # save these

    #now we have a list of tuples called targets
    #did the user want timestamped tuples or keynames?
    if timeStamped==False:
        keyNames = [k[0] for k in targets]
        return keyNames
    elif hasattr(timeStamped, 'getLastResetTime'):
        relTuple = [(k[0],k[1]-timeStamped.getLastResetTime()) for k in targets]
        return relTuple
    elif timeStamped==True:
        return targets
def screen_size():
    '''  '''
    assert display.get_init()
    info = display.Info()
    return (info.current_w, info.current_h)
Exemple #15
def getKeys(keyList=None, timeStamped=False):
    """Returns a list of keys that were pressed.

        keyList : **None** or []
            Allows the user to specify a set of keys to check for.
            Only keypresses from this set of keys will be removed from the keyboard buffer.
            If the keyList is None all keys will be checked and the key buffer will be cleared
            completely. NB, pygame doesn't return timestamps (they are always 0)
        timeStamped : **False** or True or `Clock`
            If True will return a list of
            tuples instead of a list of keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, time).
            If a `core.Clock` is given then the time will be relative to the `Clock`'s last reset

        - 2003 written by Jon Peirce
        - 2009 keyList functionality added by Gary Strangman
        - 2009 timeStamped code provided by Dave Britton
    keys = []

    if havePygame and display.get_init(
    ):  #see if pygame has anything instead (if it exists)
        for evts in evt.get(locals.KEYDOWN):
                (pygame.key.name(evts.key), 0))  #pygame has no keytimes

    elif havePyglet:
        #for each (pyglet) window, dispatch its events before checking event buffer
        wins = pyglet.window.get_platform().get_default_display().get_windows()
        for win in wins:
            win.dispatch_events()  #pump events on pyglet windows

        global _keyBuffer
        if len(_keyBuffer) > 0:
            #then pyglet is running - just use this
            keys = _keyBuffer
    #        _keyBuffer = []  # DO /NOT/ CLEAR THE KEY BUFFER ENTIRELY

    if keyList == None:
        _keyBuffer = []  #clear buffer entirely
        targets = keys  # equivalent behavior to getKeys()
        nontargets = []
        targets = []
        # split keys into keepers and pass-thrus
        for key in keys:
            if key[0] in keyList:
        _keyBuffer = nontargets  # save these

    #now we have a list of tuples called targets
    #did the user want timestamped tuples or keynames?
    if timeStamped == False:
        keyNames = [k[0] for k in targets]
        return keyNames
    elif hasattr(timeStamped, 'timeAtLastReset'):
        relTuple = [(k[0], k[1] - timeStamped.timeAtLastReset)
                    for k in targets]
        return relTuple
    elif timeStamped == True:
        return targets
Exemple #16
def load(width, height, scale=1, fullscreen=False):
    if (display.get_init()):
        raise Exception("ALREADY INITIATED")
    SCREEN_WIDTH = width * scale
    SCREEN_HEIGHT = height * scale
    SCALE = scale