Exemple #1
    def _initialize_buffers(self, view_size):
        """ Create the buffers to cache tile drawing

        :param view_size: (int, int): size of the draw area
        :return: None
        import math
        from pygame1 import Rect

        tw, th = self.data.tile_size
        mw, mh = self.data.map_size
        buffer_tile_width = int(math.ceil(view_size[0] / tw) + 2) * 2
        buffer_tile_height = int(math.ceil(view_size[1] / th) + 2) * 2
        buffer_pixel_size = buffer_tile_width * tw, buffer_tile_height * th

        self.map_rect = Rect(0, 0, mw * tw, mh * th)
        self.view_rect.size = view_size
        self._tile_view = Rect(0, 0, buffer_tile_width, buffer_tile_height)
        self._redraw_cutoff = 1  # TODO: optimize this value
        self._create_buffers(view_size, buffer_pixel_size)
        self._half_width = view_size[0] // 2
        self._half_height = view_size[1] // 2
        self._x_offset = 0
        self._y_offset = 0

Exemple #2
class IsometricBufferedRenderer(BufferedRenderer):

    here be dragons.  lots of odd, untested, and unoptimised stuff.

    - coalescing of surfaces is not supported
    - drawing may have depth sorting issues

    def _draw_surfaces(self, surface, rect, surfaces):
        if surfaces is not None:
            [(surface.blit(i[0], i[1]), i[2]) for i in surfaces]

    def _initialize_buffers(self, view_size):
        """ Create the buffers to cache tile drawing

        :param view_size: (int, int): size of the draw area
        :return: None
        import math
        from pygame1 import Rect

        tw, th = self.data.tile_size
        mw, mh = self.data.map_size
        buffer_tile_width = int(math.ceil(view_size[0] / tw) + 2) * 2
        buffer_tile_height = int(math.ceil(view_size[1] / th) + 2) * 2
        buffer_pixel_size = buffer_tile_width * tw, buffer_tile_height * th

        self.map_rect = Rect(0, 0, mw * tw, mh * th)
        self.view_rect.size = view_size
        self._tile_view = Rect(0, 0, buffer_tile_width, buffer_tile_height)
        self._redraw_cutoff = 1  # TODO: optimize this value
        self._create_buffers(view_size, buffer_pixel_size)
        self._half_width = view_size[0] // 2
        self._half_height = view_size[1] // 2
        self._x_offset = 0
        self._y_offset = 0


    def _flush_tile_queue(self):
        """ Blits (x, y, layer) tuples to buffer from iterator
        iterator = self._tile_queue
        surface_blit = self._buffer.blit
        map_get = self._animation_map.get

        bw, bh = self._buffer.get_size()
        bw /= 2

        tw, th = self.data.tile_size
        twh = tw // 2
        thh = th // 2

        for x, y, l, tile, gid in iterator:
            tile = map_get(gid, tile)
            x -= self._tile_view.left
            y -= self._tile_view.top

            # iso => cart
            iso_x = ((x - y) * twh) + bw
            iso_y = (x + y) * thh
            surface_blit(tile, (iso_x, iso_y))

    def center(self, coords):
        """ center the map on a "map pixel"
        x, y = [round(i, 0) for i in coords]
        self.view_rect.center = x, y

        tw, th = self.data.tile_size

        left, ox = divmod(x, tw)
        top, oy = divmod(y, th)

        vec = int(ox / 2), int(oy)

        iso = vector2_to_iso(vec)
        self._x_offset = iso[0]
        self._y_offset = iso[1]


        # center the buffer on the screen
        self._x_offset += (self._buffer.get_width() - self.view_rect.width) // 2
        self._y_offset += (self._buffer.get_height() - self.view_rect.height) // 4

        # adjust the view if the view has changed without a redraw
        dx = int(left - self._tile_view.left)
        dy = int(top - self._tile_view.top)
        view_change = max(abs(dx), abs(dy))

        # force redraw every time: edge queuing not supported yet
        self._redraw_cutoff = 0

        if view_change and (view_change <= self._redraw_cutoff):
            self._buffer.scroll(-dx * tw, -dy * th)
            self._tile_view.move_ip(dx, dy)
            self._queue_edge_tiles(dx, dy)

        elif view_change > self._redraw_cutoff:
            # logger.info('scrolling too quickly.  redraw forced')
            self._tile_view.move_ip(dx, dy)