Exemple #1
    def add_grid_bounds(self,lon_p=None,lat_p=None):
        """Generate grid cell boundaries
        either by sub-sampling lon and lat or from input arguments

        lon_p,lat_p : 2D arrays, optional
            lon,lat axes of grid cell boundaries

        Attributes added
        lon_p,lat_p : lon,lat axes of p vertices (u boundaries)
        if lon_p is None or lat_p is None:
            lo,la = geo.waypoints_segments(self.lon,self.lat,n=2)
            self.lon_p = lo[1:len(lo):2]
            self.lat_p = la[1:len(la):2]
            self.lon_p = lon_p[self.j,self.ii]
            self.lat_p = lat_p[self.j,self.ii]
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, longrid, latgrid, 
            lat0, lonw=None, lone=None,
        self.lat0 = lat0

        # take care of NaN masks
        latgrid = np.ma.masked_invalid(latgrid)
        longrid = np.ma.masked_invalid(longrid)
        longrid = np.mod(longrid[:], 360)

        # mask the latgrid for mean taking
        if lonw is None or lone is None:
            latgrid_masked = latgrid
            self.lone = np.mod(lone, 360) or 360
            self.lonw = np.mod(lonw, 360) or 360

            # limit the selectable region zonally
            if self.lonw <= self.lone:
                latgrid_masked = np.ma.masked_where(
                    ((longrid >= self.lonw) & (longrid <= self.lone)),latgrid[:])
                latgrid_masked = np.ma.masked_where(
                    ((longrid >= self.lonw) | (longrid <= self.lone)),latgrid[:])

        # find position of best fitting zonal section
        latmean = np.mean(latgrid_masked, axis=1)
        self.j = j = np.argmin(np.abs(latmean-lat0))

        # find the zonal boundaries of the section
        lonband = longrid[j,:]
        if lonw is None or lone is None:
            regmask = ~np.ma.getmaskarray(latgrid_masked[j,:])
            if regmask.all(): # nothing masked
                iw,ie = 0,len(lonband)-1
            elif regmask[[0,-1]].all(): # region wraps around
                # find largest connected region of False
                cr = np.cumsum(regmask)
                regmask_largest = cr == np.argmax(np.bincount(cr))
                ie,iw = np.where(regmask_largest)[0][[0,-1]] ; ie+=1
                iw,ie = np.where(regmask)[0][[0,-1]]
            iw = np.argmin(np.abs(lonband-self.lonw))
            ie = np.argmin(np.abs(lonband-self.lone))

        if iw > ie:
            ii = np.concatenate([np.arange(iw,len(lonband)),np.arange(0,ie+1)])
            ii = np.arange(iw,ie+1)

        self.ii = ii

        if add_bounds:
            iipad = np.concatenate(([ii[0]-1], ii, [ii[-1]+1]))
            iipad = np.mod(iipad, len(lonband))
            iipad = ii
        # make sure longitude axis is monotonically increasing
        lontmp = geo.make_lon_continuous(np.ma.getdata(longrid[j,iipad]))
        lattmp = np.ma.getdata(latgrid[j,iipad])

        if add_bounds:
            self.lon_p, self.lat_p = geo.waypoints_segments(lontmp, lattmp, f=0.5)
            self.lon_p = geo.make_lon_continuous(self.lon_p)
            self.lon = lontmp[1:-1]
            self.lat = lattmp[1:-1] 
            self.lon = lontmp
            self.lat = lattmp

        self.ii = ii
        self.jj = np.ones(len(ii), 'i4') * j

        # latitude axis
        self.meanlat = np.mean(self.lat)

        # add descriptions
        self.desc = 'zonal transect around {:.2f} N'.format(self.meanlat)
        self.lat0str = '{:.0f}S'.format(-lat0) if lat0 < 0 else '{:.0f}N'.format(lat0)
        self.meanlatstr = '{:.2f}S'.format(-self.meanlat) if lat0 < 0 else '{:.2f}N'.format(self.meanlat)