Exemple #1
def _checkInitialValue(x0, G, h, A, b):
    if x0 is None:
        if G is None:
            if A is None:
                raise Exception("Fail to obtain an initial value")
                x = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A,b)[0]
                if not feasiblePoint(x, G, h):
                    raise Exception("Fail to obtain an initial value")
            x = feasibleStartingValue(G, h)
        x = checkArrayType(x0)
        x = x.reshape(len(x),1)
        if G is not None:
            if not feasiblePoint(x, G, h):
                x = feasibleStartingValue(G, h)
        # else (we do not care as we can use infeasible Newton steps 

    return x
Exemple #2
def trustRegion(func, grad, hessian=None, x0=None,
                disp=0, full_output=False):

    x = checkArrayType(x0)
    p = len(x)

    if grad is None:
        def finiteForward(x,func,p):
            def finiteForward1(x):
                return forward(func,x.ravel())
            return finiteForward1
        grad = finiteForward(x,func,p)

    if hessian is None:
        approxH = BFGS
    elif type(hessian) is str:
        if hessian.lower()=='bfgs':
            approxH = BFGS
        elif hessian.lower()=='sr1':
            approxH = SR1
        elif hessian.lower()=='dfp':
            approxH = DFP
            raise Exception("Input name of hessian is not recognizable")
        hessian = None

    if method is None:
        trustMethod = trustExact
    elif type(method) is str:
        if method.lower()=='exact':
            trustMethod = trustExact
            raise Exception("Input name of hessian is not recognizable")

    fx = None
    oldGrad = None
    deltaX = None
    oldFx = numpy.inf
    i = 0
    oldi = -1
    j = 0
    tau = 1.0
    radius = 1.0
    maxRadius = 1.0
    dispObj = Disp(disp)

    while maxiter>i:

        # if we have successfully moved on, then
        # we would need to recompute some of the quantities
        if i!=oldi:
            g = grad(x)
            fx = func(x)
            if hessian is None:
                if oldGrad is None:
                    H = numpy.eye(len(x))
                    diffG = numpy.array(g - oldGrad)
                    H = approxH(H, diffG, deltaX)
                H = hessian(x)

        deltaX, tau = trustMethod(x, g, H, radius)
        deltaX = deltaX.real
        M = diffM(deltaX, g, H)
        # print x
        # print deltaX
        newFx = func(x + deltaX)
        predRatio = (fx - newFx) / M(deltaX)
        if predRatio>=0.75:
            if tau>0.0:
                radius = min(2.0*radius, maxRadius)
        elif predRatio<=0.25:
            radius *= 0.25
        if predRatio>=0.25:
            oldGrad = g
            x += deltaX
            oldFx = fx
            fx = newFx
            i +=1
            oldi = i - 1
            # we only allow termination if we make a move
            if (abs(fx-oldFx)/fx)<=reltol:
            if abs(deltaX.dot(g))<=atol:
            oldi = i

        dispObj.d(j, x , fx, deltaX, g, i)
        j += 1

    if full_output:
        output = dict()
        output['totalIter'] = i
        output['outerIter'] = j

        output['fx'] = func(x)
        output['H'] = H
        output['g'] = g

        return x, output
        return x