def __init__(self, display, filename="TEST.EDF"): EyeLink.__init__(self) self._disp = display self._filename = filename self.openDataFile(filename) self._surfs = [0,0,1920,1080]#self._disp.get_rect() pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() col = 128 print "1" pylink.setCalibrationColors((0, 0, 0), (col, col, col)) #Sets the calibration target and background color print int(self._surfs[3]/300) # pylink.setTargetSize(int(self._surfs[2]/70), int(self._surfs[3]/300)) #select best size for calibration target print "12" pylink.setCalibrationSounds("off", "off", "off") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("off", "off", "off") self.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % (self._surfs[2], self._surfs[3])) self.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" % (self._surfs[2], self._surfs[3])) #self.sendMessage("heuristic_filter" % (self._surfs[2], self._surfs[3])) #assert self.getTrackerVersion() == 2 self.sendCommand("select_parser_configuration 0") self.setFileEventFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON") self.setFileSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") self.setLinkEventFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") self.setLinkSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") print "2" self.sendCommand("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'")
def _trackerCreate(self): """Helper method not directly called in EyeScript scripts in general configures the Eyelink eyetracker """ try: self.tracker = pylink.EyeLink() except (RuntimeError,AttributeError): self.tracker = EyetrackerStub() #This tells the tracker to use VisionEgg to display Eyelink graphics #including calibration points, camera images, etc. self.eyelinkGraphics = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsVE(self.screen,self.tracker) pylink.openGraphicsEx(self.eyelinkGraphics) self.eyelinkGraphics.setCalibrationColors(self['color'],self['bgcolor']) for key,value in self.iteritems(): command = key.split('_',1) if len(command) > 1 and command[0] == 'tracker': getattr(self.tracker,command[1])(value) if self['heuristic_filter'] == 'off': self.tracker.setHeuristicFilterOff() else: self.tracker.setHeuristicFilterOn() #Set whether beeps should be played during drift correction pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds(*self['setDriftCorrectSounds']) # open the datafile on the operator pc if self['subject'] > 0: self.tracker.openDataFile(self.edffile) self.tracker.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d"%(self['screen_size']))
def _init_calibration(self): # Sets the calibration target and background color pylink.setCalibrationColors((0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) # select best size for calibration target pylink.setTargetSize(self.screenRect.width / 70, self.screenRect.width / 300) pylink.setCalibrationSounds("off", "off", "off") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("off", "off", "off")
def setup_eyelink(self): '''Thank you very much ''' # call for eyelink self.eyelink_tracker = pl.EyeLink("") #parameters for eyelink self.monitor = monitors.Monitor('testMonitor') self.winSize = self.monitor.getSizePix() self.foreground = (250,250,250) self.background = (127,127,127) # create file self.edfFileName = "cbConfig" + str(self.subjectID) if len(self.edfFileName) > 8: self.edfFileName = self.edfFileName[0:8] pl.getEYELINK().openDataFile(self.edfFileName) pl.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() #Eyelink - Gets the display surface and sends a mesage to EDF file; pl.getEYELINK().sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d"%(self.winSize[0]-1, self.winSize[1]-1)) pl.getEYELINK().sendMessage("Resolution %d %d" %((self.winSize[0]-1, self.winSize[1]-1))) pl.getEYELINK().sendMessage("EyeToScreen %d" %(self.monitor.getDistance())) pl.getEYELINK().sendMessage("MonitorWidth %d" %(self.monitor.getWidth())) #EyeLink - Set data file contents pl.getEYELINK().sendCommand("file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT") pl.getEYELINK().sendCommand("link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT") #EyeLink - Set Filter contents pl.getEYELINK().sendCommand("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON,INPUT") pl.getEYELINK().sendCommand("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON,INPUT") #EyeLink - Set Calibration Environment pl.setCalibrationColors(self.foreground, self.background); #Sets the calibration target and background color - background color should match testing background pl.flushGetkeyQueue() pl.getEYELINK().setOfflineMode() winX = int(self.winSize[0]) winY = int(self.winSize[1]) pl.openGraphics((winX,winY),32) pl.getEYELINK().doTrackerSetup() pl.closeGraphics() pl.setCalibrationSounds("", "", ""); pl.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off"); # close configuration file event.clearEvents() pl.getEYELINK().closeDataFile() transferFileName = self.edfFileName + '.edf' # fileName pl.getEYELINK().receiveDataFile(self.edfFileName, transferFileName)
def eyeTrkCalib(self, colordepth=32): """ callibration. not used? @param colordepth - color depth of display (why?) """ sp = self.sp pl.openGraphics(sp, colordepth) pl.setCalibrationColors((255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) pl.setTargetSize(int(sp[0] / 70), int(sp[1] / 300)) pl.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pl.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off") self.el.doTrackerSetup() pl.closeGraphics()
def eyeTrkCalib (el=el,dr=dr,cd=cd): # "opens the graphics if the display mode is not set" pl.openGraphics(dr,cd) pl.setCalibrationColors((255,255,255),(0,177,177)) pl.setTargetSize(10, 5) pl.setCalibrationSounds("","","") el.setCalibrationType('H3') pl.setDriftCorrectSounds("","off","off") el.disableAutoCalibration() el.doTrackerSetup() el.drawCalTarget(calTarg1) el.drawCalTarget(calTarg2) el.drawCalTarget(calTarg3) pl.closeGraphics() el.setOfflineMode()
def eyeTrkCalib (el,dr,cd): # "opens the graphics if the display mode is not set" pl.openGraphics(dr,cd) pl.setCalibrationColors((255,255,255),(0,177,177)) pl.setTargetSize(10, 5) pl.setCalibrationSounds("","","") el.setCalibrationType('H3') pl.setDriftCorrectSounds("","off","off") el.disableAutoCalibration() el.doTrackerSetup() el.drawCalTarget(calTarg1) el.drawCalTarget(calTarg2) el.drawCalTarget(calTarg3) pl.closeGraphics() el.setOfflineMode()
def __init__(self, win, clock, sj="TEST", saccadeSensitivity=HIGH, calibrationType='HV9', calibrationTargetColor=WHITE, calibrationBgColor=BLACK, CalibrationSounds=False, screen=(1024, 768)): '''win: psychopy visual window used for the experiment clock: psychopy time clock recording time for whole experiment sj: Subject identifier string (affects EDF filename) saccadeSensitivity: HIGH: Pursuit and neurological work LOW: Cognitive research calibrationType: H3: Horizontal 3-point HV3: 3-point calibration, poor linearization HV5: 5-point calibration, poor at corners HV9: 9-point calibration, best overall calibrationTargetColor and calibrationBgColor: RGB tuple, i.e., (255,0,0) for Red One of: BLACK, WHITE, GRAY calibrationSounds: True: enable feedback sounds when calibrating''' self.edfFileName = str( sj) + ".EDF" # Subject name only can put 8 characters print("Connecting to eyetracker.") self.tracker = pylink.EyeLink() self.timeCorrection = clock.getTime() - self.tracker.trackerTime() print("Loading custom graphics") #Initializes Experiment Graphics genv = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPsychopy(self.tracker, win, screen) pylink.openGraphicsEx(genv) # opendatafile self.tracker.openDataFile(self.edfFileName) #EyeLink Tracker Configuration pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() # Initializes the key queue used by getkey(). It may be called at any time to get rid any of old keys from the queue. self.tracker.setOfflineMode() #Places EyeLink tracker in off-line (idle) mode. Wait till the tracker has finished the mode transition self.tracker.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % (tuple(screen))) self.tracker.setCalibrationType(calibrationType) self.tracker.sendCommand( "driftcorrect_cr_disable=OFF" ) #CF - OFF: turns on drift CORRECT; AUTO: Turns on drift CHECK; ON: Turns off both #self.tracker.sendCommand("generate_default_targets = NO") #self.tracker.sendCommand("calibration_targets = 512,384 512,417 512,351 402,384 622,384 402,417 622,417 402,351 622,351") #self.tracker.sendCommand("validation_targets = 512,384 512,417 512,351 402,384 622,384 402,417 622,417 402,351 622,351") self.tracker.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" % (tuple(screen))) eyelink_ver = self.tracker.getTrackerVersion() if eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = self.tracker.getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") tracker_software_ver = int( float(tvstr[(vindex + len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) else: tracker_software_ver = 0 if eyelink_ver >= 2: self.tracker.sendCommand("select_parser_configuration %d" % saccadeSensitivity) else: if saccadeSensitivity == HIGH: svt, sat = 22, 5000 else: svt, sat = 30, 9500 self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = %d" % svt) self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = %d" % sat) if eyelink_ver == 2: #turn off scenelink camera stuff self.tracker.sendCommand("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents self.tracker.setFileEventFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.tracker.setFileSampleFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET") else: self.tracker.setFileSampleFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (used for gaze cursor) self.tracker.setLinkEventFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.tracker.setLinkSampleFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET") else: self.tracker.setLinkSampleFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") #self.tracker.setAcceptTargetFixationButton(1) # This programs a specific button for use in drift correction. #Set the calibration settings: #pylink.setCalibrationColors(WHITE, BLACK) # Sets the calibration target and background color(foreground_color, background_color) if CalibrationSounds: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off") else: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("off", "off", "off") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("off", "off", "off") print("Beginning tracker setup") self.tracker.doTrackerSetup()
def eyelinkChildFunction( qTo , qFrom , windowSize = [200,200] , windowPosition = [0,0] , stimDisplayRes = [1920,1080] , calibrationDisplaySize = [1920,1080] , calibrationDotSize = 10 , eyelinkIp = '' , edfFileName = 'temp.edf' , edfPath = './_Data/temp.edf' , saccadeSoundFile = '_Stimuli/stop.wav' , blinkSoundFile = '_Stimuli/stop.wav' ): import sdl2 import sdl2.ext import math import OpenGL.GL as gl import sdl2.sdlmixer import pylink import numpy import sys import shutil import subprocess import time import os import array from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw try: import appnope appnope.nope() except: pass byteify = lambda x, enc: x.encode(enc) sdl2.SDL_Init(sdl2.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) window = sdl2.ext.Window("eyelink",size=windowSize,position=windowPosition,flags=sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) windowID = sdl2.SDL_GetWindowID(window.window) windowSurf = sdl2.SDL_GetWindowSurface(window.window) sdl2.ext.fill(windowSurf.contents,sdl2.pixels.SDL_Color(r=0, g=0, b=0, a=255)) window.refresh() for i in range(10): sdl2.SDL_PumpEvents() #to show the windows sdl2.SDL_Init(sdl2.SDL_INIT_AUDIO) sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_OpenAudio(44100, sdl2.sdlmixer.MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024) class Sound: def __init__(self, fileName): self.sample = sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_LoadWAV(sdl2.ext.compat.byteify(fileName, "utf-8")) self.started = False def play(self): = sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_PlayChannel(-1, self.sample, 0) self.started = True def stillPlaying(self): if self.started: if sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_Playing( return True else: self.started = False return False else: return False saccadeSound = Sound(saccadeSoundFile) blinkSound = Sound(blinkSoundFile) def exitSafely(): if 'eyelink' in locals(): if eyelink.isRecording()==0: eyelink.stopRecording() eyelink.setOfflineMode() eyelink.closeDataFile() eyelink.receiveDataFile(edfFileName,'temp.edf') eyelink.close() if os.path.isfile('temp.edf'): shutil.move('temp.edf', edfPath) # if os.path.isfile(edfPath): #'./edf2asc -y ./'+edfPath,shell=True) sys.exit() #process gets hung here if called when showing images from eyelink pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds('off','off','off') pylink.setCalibrationSounds('off','off','off') edfPath = './_Data/temp.edf' #temporary default location, to be changed later when ID is established done = False while not done: try: # print '\neyelink: Attempting to connect to eyelink (check that wifi is off!)' eyelink = pylink.EyeLink(eyelinkIp) done = True except: while not qTo.empty(): message = qTo.get() if message=='quit': exitSafely() else: qTo.put(message) # print 'eyelink: connected' eyelink.sendCommand('select_parser_configuration 0')# 0--> standard (cognitive); 1--> sensitive (psychophysical) # eyelink.sendCommand('sample_rate 500') eyelink.setLinkEventFilter("SACCADE,BLINK,FIXATION,LEFT,RIGHT") eyelink.openDataFile(edfFileName) eyelink.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = %d %d %d %d" %(stimDisplayRes[0]/2 - calibrationDisplaySize[0]/2 , stimDisplayRes[1]/2 - calibrationDisplaySize[1]/2 , stimDisplayRes[0]/2 + calibrationDisplaySize[0]/2 , stimDisplayRes[1]/2 + calibrationDisplaySize[1]/2 )) eyelink.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" %(stimDisplayRes[0],stimDisplayRes[1])) eyelink.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = 60") eyelink.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 19500") class EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPySDL2(pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay): def __init__(self): # self.__target_beep__ = Sound('_Stimuli/type.wav') # self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound('qbeep.wav') # self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound('error.wav') if sys.byteorder == 'little': self.byteorder = 1 else: self.byteorder = 0 self.imagebuffer = array.array('I') self.pal = None self.__img__ = None def record_abort_hide(self): pass def play_beep(self,beepid): pass # if beepid == pylink.DC_TARG_BEEP or beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # # elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # # else:# CAL_GOOD_BEEP or DC_GOOD_BEEP # def clear_cal_display(self): # # print 'clear_cal_display' qFrom.put('clearCalDisplay') def setup_cal_display(self): # # print 'setup_cal_display' qFrom.put('setupCalDisplay') def exit_cal_display(self): # # print 'exit_cal_display' qFrom.put('exitCalDisplay') def erase_cal_target(self): # # print 'erase_cal_target' qFrom.put('eraseCalTarget') def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): # # print 'draw_cal_target' qFrom.put(['drawCalTarget',x,y]) def setup_image_display(self, width, height): # # print 'eyelink: setup_image_display' self.img_size = (width,height) return(0) def exit_image_display(self): # # print 'eyelink: exit_image_display' pass def image_title(self,text): # # print 'eyelink: image_title' pass def set_image_palette(self, r,g,b): # # print 'eyelink: set_image_palette' self.imagebuffer = array.array('I') sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) if self.byteorder: self.pal.append((rf<<16) | (gf<<8) | (bf)) else: self.pal.append((bf<<24) | (gf<<16) | (rf<<8)) #for mac i = i+1 def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines,buff): # # print 'eyelink: draw_image_line' i = 0 while i < width: if buff[i]>=len(self.pal): buff[i] = len(self.pal)-1 self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i]&0x000000FF]) i = i+1 if line == totlines: img = Image.fromstring('RGBX', (width,totlines), self.imagebuffer.tostring()) img = img.convert('RGBA') self.__img__ = img.copy() self.__draw__ = ImageDraw.Draw(self.__img__) self.draw_cross_hair() #inherited method, calls draw_line and draw_losenge qFrom.put(['image',numpy.array(self.__img__.resize([self.__img__.size[0]*4,self.__img__.size[1]*4],Image.BICUBIC))]) self.__img__ = None self.__draw__ = None self.imagebuffer = array.array('I') def getColorFromIndex(self,colorindex): if colorindex == pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: return (255,255,255,255) elif colorindex == pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: return (255,255,255,255) elif colorindex == pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: return (0,255,0,255) elif colorindex == pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: return (255,0,0,255) elif colorindex == pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: return (255,0,0,255) else: return (0,0,0,0) def draw_line(self,x1,y1,x2,y2,colorindex): # # print 'eyelink: draw_line' if x1<0: x1 = 0 if x2<0: x2 = 0 if y1<0: y1 = 0 if y2<0: y2 = 0 if x1>self.img_size[0]: x1 = self.img_size[0] if x2>self.img_size[0]: x2 = self.img_size[0] if y1>self.img_size[1]: y1 = self.img_size[1] if y2>self.img_size[1]: y2 = self.img_size[1] imr = self.__img__.size x1 = int((float(x1)/float(self.img_size[0]))*imr[0]) x2 = int((float(x2)/float(self.img_size[0]))*imr[0]) y1 = int((float(y1)/float(self.img_size[1]))*imr[1]) y2 = int((float(y2)/float(self.img_size[1]))*imr[1]) color = self.getColorFromIndex(colorindex) self.__draw__.line( [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] , fill=color) return 0 def draw_lozenge(self,x,y,width,height,colorindex): # # print 'eyelink: draw_lozenge' color = self.getColorFromIndex(colorindex) imr = self.__img__.size x=int((float(x)/float(self.img_size[0]))*imr[0]) width=int((float(width)/float(self.img_size[0]))*imr[0]) y=int((float(y)/float(self.img_size[1]))*imr[1]) height=int((float(height)/float(self.img_size[1]))*imr[1]) if width>height: rad = height/2 self.__draw__.line([(x+rad,y),(x+width-rad,y)],fill=color) self.__draw__.line([(x+rad,y+height),(x+width-rad,y+height)],fill=color) clip = (x,y,x+height,y+height) self.__draw__.arc(clip,90,270,fill=color) clip = ((x+width-height),y,x+width,y+height) self.__draw__.arc(clip,270,90,fill=color) else: rad = width/2 self.__draw__.line([(x,y+rad),(x,y+height-rad)],fill=color) self.__draw__.line([(x+width,y+rad),(x+width,y+height-rad)],fill=color) clip = (x,y,x+width,y+width) self.__draw__.arc(clip,180,360,fill=color) clip = (x,y+height-width,x+width,y+height) self.__draw__.arc(clip,360,180,fill=color) return 0 def get_mouse_state(self): # pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # state = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() # return (pos,state[0]) pass def get_input_key(self): ky=[] while not qTo.empty(): message = qTo.get() # print 'eyelink: ' # print message if message=='button': ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(32,0)) #button translated to space keypress (for drift correct) # if message=='quit': # # print 'received message to exit' # exitSafely() # el elif message[0]=='keycode': keysym = message[1] keycode = keysym.sym if keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F1: keycode = pylink.F1_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F2: keycode = pylink.F2_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F3: keycode = pylink.F3_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F4: keycode = pylink.F4_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F5: keycode = pylink.F5_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F6: keycode = pylink.F6_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F7: keycode = pylink.F7_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F8: keycode = pylink.F8_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F9: keycode = pylink.F9_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F10: keycode = pylink.F10_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_PAGEUP: keycode = pylink.PAGE_UP elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keycode = pylink.PAGE_DOWN elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_UP: keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_DOWN: keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_LEFT: keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_RIGHT: keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_BACKSPACE: keycode = ord('\b') elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_RETURN: keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_ESCAPE: keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_TAB: keycode = ord('\t') elif keycode == pylink.JUNK_KEY: keycode = 0 ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(keycode,keysym.mod)) return ky customDisplay = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPySDL2() pylink.openGraphicsEx(customDisplay) newGazeTarget = False gazeTarget = numpy.array(calibrationDisplaySize)/2.0 gazeTargetCriterion = calibrationDotSize doSounds = False reportSaccades = False reportBlinks = False lastMessageTime = time.time() lastStartBlinkTime = time.time() while True: sdl2.SDL_PumpEvents() for event in sdl2.ext.get_events(): if event.type==sdl2.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (event.window.event==sdl2.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE): exitSafely() if not qTo.empty(): message = qTo.get() if message=='quit': exitSafely() elif message[0]=='edfPath': edfPath = message[1] elif message[0]=='doSounds': doSounds = message[1] elif message[0]=='reportSaccades': reportSaccades = message[1] elif message[0]=='reportBlinks': reportBlinks = message[1] elif message[0]=='sendMessage': eyelink.sendMessage(message[1]) elif message[0]=='doDriftCorrect': # print 'eyelink: drift correct requested' if eyelink.isRecording()==0: eyelink.stopRecording() try: location = message[1] error = eyelink.doDriftCorrect(location[0],location[1],0,1) # print error # print 'eyelink: drift correct attempted' if error != 27: qFrom.put('driftCorrectComplete') else: qFrom.put('doCalibration') except: qFrom.put('doCalibration') elif message=='startRecording': # print 'eyelink: received message to begin recording' eyelink.startRecording(1,1,1,1) #this retuns immediately takes 10-30ms to actually kick in on the tracker while not (eyelink.isRecording()==0): pass # print eyelink.isRecording() qFrom.put('recordingStarted') elif message[0]=='newGazeTarget': # # print message newGazeTarget = True gazeTarget = numpy.array(message[1]) gazeTargetCriterion = numpy.array(message[2]) # # print message # # print 'waiting for gaze confirmation' elif message[0]=='acceptTrigger': eyelink.accept_trigger() elif message=='doCalibration': doSounds = False if eyelink.isRecording()==0: eyelink.stopRecording() eyelink.doTrackerSetup() # # print 'calComplete' qFrom.put('calibrationComplete') if eyelink.isRecording()==0: #stupid, I know, but eyelink.isRecording() returns 0 if it *is* indeed recording! eyeData = eyelink.getNextData() # if eyeData==pylink.SAMPLE_TYPE: # eyeSample = eyelink.getFloatData() # gaze = None # if eyeSample.isRightSample(): # gaze = eyeSample.getRightEye().getGaze() # elif eyeSample.isLeftSample(): # gaze = eyeSample.getLeftEye().getGaze() # if gaze!=None: # if gaze[0]!=-32768.0: # gazeDistFromGazeTarget = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(gaze)-gazeTarget) # if newGazeTarget: # if gazeDistFromGazeTarget<gazeTargetCriterion: # # print ['gazeTargetMet',gaze,gazeTargetCriterion,gazeTarget,gazeDistFromGazeTarget] # qFrom.put(['gazeTargetMet',gazeTarget]) # newGazeTarget = False # else: # qFrom.put(['gazeTargetNotMet',gazeTarget]) # # print ['gazeTargetNotMet',gaze,gazeTarget,gazeDistFromGazeTarget,gazeTargetCriterion] if eyeData==pylink.ENDSACC: eyeSample = eyelink.getFloatData() gazeStartTime = eyeSample.getStartTime() gazeStart = eyeSample.getStartGaze() gazeEnd = eyeSample.getEndGaze() # # print ['eyelink: saccade',gazeStart,gazeEnd] if (gazeStart[0]!=-32768.0) & (gazeEnd[0]!=-32768.0): gazeDistFromGazeTarget = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(gazeEnd)-gazeTarget) if gazeDistFromGazeTarget<1000: if newGazeTarget: # # print [gazeDistFromGazeTarget,gazeTargetCriterion,gazeTarget,gazeEnd] if gazeDistFromGazeTarget<gazeTargetCriterion: # # print ['gazeTargetMet',gazeEnd,gazeTargetCriterion,gazeTarget,gazeDistFromGazeTarget] qFrom.put(['gazeTargetMet',gazeTarget,gazeStartTime]) newGazeTarget = False # # print 'gazeTargetMet' elif gazeDistFromGazeTarget>gazeTargetCriterion: if reportSaccades: qFrom.put(['gazeTargetLost',gazeTarget]) # # print ['gazeTargetLost',gazeTarget] if (not saccadeSound.stillPlaying()) and (not blinkSound.stillPlaying()): if doSounds: elif eyeData==pylink.STARTBLINK: # lastStartBlinkTime = time.time() # elif eyeData==pylink.ENDBLINK: # if (time.time()-lastStartBlinkTime)>.1: if reportBlinks: qFrom.put('blink') # # print 'eyelink: blink' if (not saccadeSound.stillPlaying()) and (not blinkSound.stillPlaying()): if doSounds: qFrom.put('blink')
def __init__(self, win, clock, sj = "TEST", autoCalibration=True, saccadeSensitivity = HIGH, calibrationType = 'HV9', calibrationTargetColor = WHITE, calibrationBgColor = BLACK, CalibrationSounds = False ): ''' win: psychopy visual window used for the experiment clock: psychopy time clock recording time for whole experiment sj: Subject identifier string (affects EDF filename) autoCalibration: True: enable auto-pacing during calibration saccadeSensitivity: HIGH: Pursuit and neurological work LOW: Cognitive research calibrationType: H3: Horizontal 3-point HV3: 3-point calibration, poor linearization HV5: 5-point calibration, poor at corners HV9: 9-point calibration, best overall calibrationTargetColor and calibrationBgColor: RGB tuple, i.e., (255,0,0) for Red One of: BLACK, WHITE, GRAY calibrationSounds: True: enable feedback sounds when calibrating ''' self.edfFileName = str(sj)+".EDF" print(self.edfFileName) inf = info.RunTimeInfo("J","1",win, refreshTest=None, userProcsDetailed=False) self.screenSize = inf['windowSize_pix'] self.units = inf['windowUnits'] self.monitorName = inf[''] monitor = monitors.Monitor(self.monitorName) print("Connecting to eyetracker.") self.tracker = pylink.EyeLink() self.timeCorrection = clock.getTime() - self.tracker.trackerTime() print("Loading custom graphics") genv = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPsychopy(self.tracker, win, self.screenSize) self.tracker.openDataFile(self.edfFileName) pylink.flushGetkeyQueue(); self.tracker.setOfflineMode(); self.tracker.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" %( tuple(self.screenSize) )) self.tracker.setCalibrationType(calibrationType) self.tracker.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" %( tuple(self.screenSize) )) eyelink_ver = self.tracker.getTrackerVersion() if eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = self.tracker.getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") tracker_software_ver = int(float(tvstr[(vindex + len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) else: tracker_software_ver = 0 if eyelink_ver>=2: self.tracker.sendCommand("select_parser_configuration %d" %saccadeSensitivity) else: if saccadeSensitivity == HIGH: svt, sat = 22, 5000 else: svt, sat = 30, 9500 self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = %d" %svt) self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = %d" %sat) if eyelink_ver == 2: #turn off scenelink camera stuff self.tracker.sendCommand("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents self.tracker.sendCommand("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver>=4: self.tracker.sendCommand("file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET") else: self.tracker.sendCommand("file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (used for gaze cursor) self.tracker.sendCommand("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver>=4: self.tracker.sendCommand("link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET") else: self.tracker.sendCommand("link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") #Set the calibration settings: pylink.setCalibrationColors( calibrationTargetColor, calibrationBgColor) if CalibrationSounds: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off") else: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("off", "off", "off") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("off", "off", "off") if autoCalibration: self.tracker.enableAutoCalibration else: self.tracker.disableAutoCalibration win.flip() print("Opening graphics") pylink.openGraphicsEx(genv) print("Begining tracker setup") self.tracker.doTrackerSetup() win.flip()
else: getEYELINK().sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = 35") getEYELINK().sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500") getEYELINK().setFileEventFilter( "LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON") getEYELINK().setFileSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") getEYELINK().setLinkEventFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") getEYELINK().setLinkSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") EYELINK.sendCommand("pupil_size_diameter = True") pylink.setCalibrationColors( (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) # Sets the calibration target and background color pylink.setTargetSize(int(w / 70), int(w / 300)) # select best size for calibration target pylink.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off") if getEYELINK().isConnected() and not getEYELINK().breakPressed(): print('连接成功') getEYELINK().doTrackerSetup() while True: try: error = getEYELINK().doDriftCorrect(w // 2, h // 2, 1, 1) if error != 27: break else: getEYELINK().doTrackerSetup() except: getEYELINK().doTrackerSetup() else: print('NO')
def __init__(self, win, clock, sj = "TEST", saccadeSensitivity = HIGH, calibrationType = 'HV9',calibrationTargetColor = WHITE,calibrationBgColor = BLACK, CalibrationSounds = False,screen=(1024,768)): '''win: psychopy visual window used for the experiment clock: psychopy time clock recording time for whole experiment sj: Subject identifier string (affects EDF filename) saccadeSensitivity: HIGH: Pursuit and neurological work LOW: Cognitive research calibrationType: H3: Horizontal 3-point HV3: 3-point calibration, poor linearization HV5: 5-point calibration, poor at corners HV9: 9-point calibration, best overall calibrationTargetColor and calibrationBgColor: RGB tuple, i.e., (255,0,0) for Red One of: BLACK, WHITE, GRAY calibrationSounds: True: enable feedback sounds when calibrating''' self.edfFileName = str(sj)+".EDF" # Subject name only can put 8 characters print("Connecting to eyetracker.") self.tracker = pylink.EyeLink() self.timeCorrection = clock.getTime() - self.tracker.trackerTime() print("Loading custom graphics") #Initializes Experiment Graphics genv = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPsychopy(self.tracker, win, screen) pylink.openGraphicsEx(genv) # opendatafile self.tracker.openDataFile(self.edfFileName) #EyeLink Tracker Configuration pylink.flushGetkeyQueue();# Initializes the key queue used by getkey(). It may be called at any time to get rid any of old keys from the queue. self.tracker.setOfflineMode();#Places EyeLink tracker in off-line (idle) mode. Wait till the tracker has finished the mode transition self.tracker.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d"%( tuple(screen) )) self.tracker.setCalibrationType(calibrationType) self.tracker.sendCommand("driftcorrect_cr_disable=OFF") #CF - OFF: turns on drift CORRECT; AUTO: Turns on drift CHECK; ON: Turns off both #self.tracker.sendCommand("generate_default_targets = NO") #self.tracker.sendCommand("calibration_targets = 512,384 512,417 512,351 402,384 622,384 402,417 622,417 402,351 622,351") #self.tracker.sendCommand("validation_targets = 512,384 512,417 512,351 402,384 622,384 402,417 622,417 402,351 622,351") self.tracker.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d"%( tuple(screen) )) eyelink_ver = self.tracker.getTrackerVersion() if eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = self.tracker.getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") tracker_software_ver = int(float(tvstr[(vindex + len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) else: tracker_software_ver = 0 if eyelink_ver>=2: self.tracker.sendCommand("select_parser_configuration %d" %saccadeSensitivity) else: if saccadeSensitivity == HIGH:svt, sat = 22, 5000 else: svt, sat = 30, 9500 self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = %d" %svt) self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = %d" %sat) if eyelink_ver == 2: #turn off scenelink camera stuff self.tracker.sendCommand("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents self.tracker.setFileEventFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver>=4:self.tracker.setFileSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET") else:self.tracker.setFileSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (used for gaze cursor) self.tracker.setLinkEventFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver>=4:self.tracker.setLinkSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET") else:self.tracker.setLinkSampleFilter("LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") #self.tracker.setAcceptTargetFixationButton(1) # This programs a specific button for use in drift correction. #Set the calibration settings: #pylink.setCalibrationColors(WHITE, BLACK) # Sets the calibration target and background color(foreground_color, background_color) if CalibrationSounds: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off") else: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("off", "off", "off") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("off", "off", "off") print("Beginning tracker setup") self.tracker.doTrackerSetup()
def eyelinkChildFunction(qTo, qFrom, windowSize=[200, 200], windowPosition=[0, 0], stimDisplayRes=[1920, 1080], calibrationDisplaySize=[1920, 1080], calibrationDotSize=10, eyelinkIp='', edfFileName='temp.edf', edfPath='./_Data/temp.edf', saccadeSoundFile='_Stimuli/stop.wav', blinkSoundFile='_Stimuli/stop.wav'): import sdl2 import sdl2.ext import math import OpenGL.GL as gl import sdl2.sdlmixer import pylink import numpy import sys import shutil import subprocess import time import os import array from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw try: import appnope appnope.nope() except: pass byteify = lambda x, enc: x.encode(enc) sdl2.SDL_Init(sdl2.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) window = sdl2.ext.Window("eyelink", size=windowSize, position=windowPosition, flags=sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) windowID = sdl2.SDL_GetWindowID(window.window) windowSurf = sdl2.SDL_GetWindowSurface(window.window) sdl2.ext.fill(windowSurf.contents, sdl2.pixels.SDL_Color(r=0, g=0, b=0, a=255)) window.refresh() for i in range(10): sdl2.SDL_PumpEvents() #to show the windows sdl2.SDL_Init(sdl2.SDL_INIT_AUDIO) sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_OpenAudio(44100, sdl2.sdlmixer.MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024) class Sound: def __init__(self, fileName): self.sample = sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_LoadWAV( sdl2.ext.compat.byteify(fileName, "utf-8")) self.started = False def play(self): = sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_PlayChannel(-1, self.sample, 0) self.started = True def stillPlaying(self): if self.started: if sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_Playing( return True else: self.started = False return False else: return False saccadeSound = Sound(saccadeSoundFile) blinkSound = Sound(blinkSoundFile) def exitSafely(): if 'eyelink' in locals(): if eyelink.isRecording() == 0: eyelink.stopRecording() eyelink.setOfflineMode() eyelink.closeDataFile() eyelink.receiveDataFile(edfFileName, 'temp.edf') eyelink.close() if os.path.isfile('temp.edf'): shutil.move('temp.edf', edfPath) # if os.path.isfile(edfPath): #'./edf2asc -y ./'+edfPath,shell=True) sys.exit( ) #process gets hung here if called when showing images from eyelink pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds('off', 'off', 'off') pylink.setCalibrationSounds('off', 'off', 'off') edfPath = './_Data/temp.edf' #temporary default location, to be changed later when ID is established done = False while not done: try: # print '\neyelink: Attempting to connect to eyelink (check that wifi is off!)' eyelink = pylink.EyeLink(eyelinkIp) done = True except: while not qTo.empty(): message = qTo.get() if message == 'quit': exitSafely() else: qTo.put(message) # print 'eyelink: connected' eyelink.sendCommand( 'select_parser_configuration 0' ) # 0--> standard (cognitive); 1--> sensitive (psychophysical) # eyelink.sendCommand('sample_rate 500') eyelink.setLinkEventFilter("SACCADE,BLINK,FIXATION,LEFT,RIGHT") eyelink.openDataFile(edfFileName) eyelink.sendCommand( "screen_pixel_coords = %d %d %d %d" % (stimDisplayRes[0] / 2 - calibrationDisplaySize[0] / 2, stimDisplayRes[1] / 2 - calibrationDisplaySize[1] / 2, stimDisplayRes[0] / 2 + calibrationDisplaySize[0] / 2, stimDisplayRes[1] / 2 + calibrationDisplaySize[1] / 2)) eyelink.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" % (stimDisplayRes[0], stimDisplayRes[1])) eyelink.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = 60") eyelink.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 19500") class EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPySDL2(pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay): def __init__(self): # self.__target_beep__ = Sound('_Stimuli/type.wav') # self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound('qbeep.wav') # self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound('error.wav') if sys.byteorder == 'little': self.byteorder = 1 else: self.byteorder = 0 self.imagebuffer = array.array('I') self.pal = None self.__img__ = None def record_abort_hide(self): pass def play_beep(self, beepid): pass # if beepid == pylink.DC_TARG_BEEP or beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # # elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # # else:# CAL_GOOD_BEEP or DC_GOOD_BEEP # def clear_cal_display(self): # # print 'clear_cal_display' qFrom.put('clearCalDisplay') def setup_cal_display(self): # # print 'setup_cal_display' qFrom.put('setupCalDisplay') def exit_cal_display(self): # # print 'exit_cal_display' qFrom.put('exitCalDisplay') def erase_cal_target(self): # # print 'erase_cal_target' qFrom.put('eraseCalTarget') def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): # # print 'draw_cal_target' qFrom.put(['drawCalTarget', x, y]) def setup_image_display(self, width, height): # # print 'eyelink: setup_image_display' self.img_size = (width, height) return (0) def exit_image_display(self): # # print 'eyelink: exit_image_display' pass def image_title(self, text): # # print 'eyelink: image_title' pass def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b): # # print 'eyelink: set_image_palette' self.imagebuffer = array.array('I') sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) if self.byteorder: self.pal.append((rf << 16) | (gf << 8) | (bf)) else: self.pal.append( (bf << 24) | (gf << 16) | (rf << 8)) #for mac i = i + 1 def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff): # # print 'eyelink: draw_image_line' i = 0 while i < width: if buff[i] >= len(self.pal): buff[i] = len(self.pal) - 1 self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i] & 0x000000FF]) i = i + 1 if line == totlines: img = Image.fromstring('RGBX', (width, totlines), self.imagebuffer.tostring()) img = img.convert('RGBA') self.__img__ = img.copy() self.__draw__ = ImageDraw.Draw(self.__img__) self.draw_cross_hair( ) #inherited method, calls draw_line and draw_losenge qFrom.put([ 'image', numpy.array( self.__img__.resize([ self.__img__.size[0] * 4, self.__img__.size[1] * 4 ], Image.BICUBIC)) ]) self.__img__ = None self.__draw__ = None self.imagebuffer = array.array('I') def getColorFromIndex(self, colorindex): if colorindex == pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: return (255, 255, 255, 255) elif colorindex == pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: return (255, 255, 255, 255) elif colorindex == pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: return (0, 255, 0, 255) elif colorindex == pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: return (255, 0, 0, 255) elif colorindex == pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: return (255, 0, 0, 255) else: return (0, 0, 0, 0) def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex): # # print 'eyelink: draw_line' if x1 < 0: x1 = 0 if x2 < 0: x2 = 0 if y1 < 0: y1 = 0 if y2 < 0: y2 = 0 if x1 > self.img_size[0]: x1 = self.img_size[0] if x2 > self.img_size[0]: x2 = self.img_size[0] if y1 > self.img_size[1]: y1 = self.img_size[1] if y2 > self.img_size[1]: y2 = self.img_size[1] imr = self.__img__.size x1 = int((float(x1) / float(self.img_size[0])) * imr[0]) x2 = int((float(x2) / float(self.img_size[0])) * imr[0]) y1 = int((float(y1) / float(self.img_size[1])) * imr[1]) y2 = int((float(y2) / float(self.img_size[1])) * imr[1]) color = self.getColorFromIndex(colorindex) self.__draw__.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)], fill=color) return 0 def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, width, height, colorindex): # # print 'eyelink: draw_lozenge' color = self.getColorFromIndex(colorindex) imr = self.__img__.size x = int((float(x) / float(self.img_size[0])) * imr[0]) width = int((float(width) / float(self.img_size[0])) * imr[0]) y = int((float(y) / float(self.img_size[1])) * imr[1]) height = int((float(height) / float(self.img_size[1])) * imr[1]) if width > height: rad = height / 2 self.__draw__.line([(x + rad, y), (x + width - rad, y)], fill=color) self.__draw__.line([(x + rad, y + height), (x + width - rad, y + height)], fill=color) clip = (x, y, x + height, y + height) self.__draw__.arc(clip, 90, 270, fill=color) clip = ((x + width - height), y, x + width, y + height) self.__draw__.arc(clip, 270, 90, fill=color) else: rad = width / 2 self.__draw__.line([(x, y + rad), (x, y + height - rad)], fill=color) self.__draw__.line([(x + width, y + rad), (x + width, y + height - rad)], fill=color) clip = (x, y, x + width, y + width) self.__draw__.arc(clip, 180, 360, fill=color) clip = (x, y + height - width, x + width, y + height) self.__draw__.arc(clip, 360, 180, fill=color) return 0 def get_mouse_state(self): # pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # state = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() # return (pos,state[0]) pass def get_input_key(self): ky = [] while not qTo.empty(): message = qTo.get() # print 'eyelink: ' # print message if message == 'button': ky.append( pylink.KeyInput(32, 0) ) #button translated to space keypress (for drift correct) # if message=='quit': # # print 'received message to exit' # exitSafely() # el elif message[0] == 'keycode': keysym = message[1] keycode = keysym.sym if keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F1: keycode = pylink.F1_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F2: keycode = pylink.F2_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F3: keycode = pylink.F3_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F4: keycode = pylink.F4_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F5: keycode = pylink.F5_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F6: keycode = pylink.F6_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F7: keycode = pylink.F7_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F8: keycode = pylink.F8_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F9: keycode = pylink.F9_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F10: keycode = pylink.F10_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_PAGEUP: keycode = pylink.PAGE_UP elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keycode = pylink.PAGE_DOWN elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_UP: keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_DOWN: keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_LEFT: keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_RIGHT: keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_BACKSPACE: keycode = ord('\b') elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_RETURN: keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_ESCAPE: keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_TAB: keycode = ord('\t') elif keycode == pylink.JUNK_KEY: keycode = 0 ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(keycode, keysym.mod)) return ky customDisplay = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPySDL2() pylink.openGraphicsEx(customDisplay) newGazeTarget = False gazeTarget = numpy.array(calibrationDisplaySize) / 2.0 gazeTargetCriterion = calibrationDotSize doSounds = False reportSaccades = False reportBlinks = False lastMessageTime = time.time() lastStartBlinkTime = time.time() while True: sdl2.SDL_PumpEvents() for event in sdl2.ext.get_events(): if event.type == sdl2.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (event.window.event == sdl2.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE): exitSafely() if not qTo.empty(): message = qTo.get() if message == 'quit': exitSafely() elif message[0] == 'edfPath': edfPath = message[1] elif message[0] == 'doSounds': doSounds = message[1] elif message[0] == 'reportSaccades': reportSaccades = message[1] elif message[0] == 'reportBlinks': reportBlinks = message[1] elif message[0] == 'sendMessage': eyelink.sendMessage(message[1]) elif message[0] == 'doDriftCorrect': # print 'eyelink: drift correct requested' if eyelink.isRecording() == 0: eyelink.stopRecording() try: location = message[1] error = eyelink.doDriftCorrect(location[0], location[1], 0, 1) # print error # print 'eyelink: drift correct attempted' if error != 27: qFrom.put('driftCorrectComplete') else: qFrom.put('doCalibration') except: qFrom.put('doCalibration') elif message == 'startRecording': # print 'eyelink: received message to begin recording' eyelink.startRecording( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) #this retuns immediately takes 10-30ms to actually kick in on the tracker while not (eyelink.isRecording() == 0): pass # print eyelink.isRecording() qFrom.put('recordingStarted') elif message[0] == 'newGazeTarget': # # print message newGazeTarget = True gazeTarget = numpy.array(message[1]) gazeTargetCriterion = numpy.array(message[2]) # # print message # # print 'waiting for gaze confirmation' elif message[0] == 'acceptTrigger': eyelink.accept_trigger() elif message == 'doCalibration': doSounds = False if eyelink.isRecording() == 0: eyelink.stopRecording() eyelink.doTrackerSetup() # # print 'calComplete' qFrom.put('calibrationComplete') if eyelink.isRecording( ) == 0: #stupid, I know, but eyelink.isRecording() returns 0 if it *is* indeed recording! eyeData = eyelink.getNextData() # if eyeData==pylink.SAMPLE_TYPE: # eyeSample = eyelink.getFloatData() # gaze = None # if eyeSample.isRightSample(): # gaze = eyeSample.getRightEye().getGaze() # elif eyeSample.isLeftSample(): # gaze = eyeSample.getLeftEye().getGaze() # if gaze!=None: # if gaze[0]!=-32768.0: # gazeDistFromGazeTarget = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(gaze)-gazeTarget) # if newGazeTarget: # if gazeDistFromGazeTarget<gazeTargetCriterion: # # print ['gazeTargetMet',gaze,gazeTargetCriterion,gazeTarget,gazeDistFromGazeTarget] # qFrom.put(['gazeTargetMet',gazeTarget]) # newGazeTarget = False # else: # qFrom.put(['gazeTargetNotMet',gazeTarget]) # # print ['gazeTargetNotMet',gaze,gazeTarget,gazeDistFromGazeTarget,gazeTargetCriterion] if eyeData == pylink.ENDSACC: eyeSample = eyelink.getFloatData() gazeStartTime = eyeSample.getStartTime() gazeStart = eyeSample.getStartGaze() gazeEnd = eyeSample.getEndGaze() # # print ['eyelink: saccade',gazeStart,gazeEnd] if (gazeStart[0] != -32768.0) & (gazeEnd[0] != -32768.0): gazeDistFromGazeTarget = numpy.linalg.norm( numpy.array(gazeEnd) - gazeTarget) if gazeDistFromGazeTarget < 1000: if newGazeTarget: # # print [gazeDistFromGazeTarget,gazeTargetCriterion,gazeTarget,gazeEnd] if gazeDistFromGazeTarget < gazeTargetCriterion: # # print ['gazeTargetMet',gazeEnd,gazeTargetCriterion,gazeTarget,gazeDistFromGazeTarget] qFrom.put([ 'gazeTargetMet', gazeTarget, gazeStartTime ]) newGazeTarget = False # # print 'gazeTargetMet' elif gazeDistFromGazeTarget > gazeTargetCriterion: if reportSaccades: qFrom.put(['gazeTargetLost', gazeTarget]) # # print ['gazeTargetLost',gazeTarget] if (not saccadeSound.stillPlaying()) and ( not blinkSound.stillPlaying()): if doSounds: elif eyeData == pylink.STARTBLINK: # lastStartBlinkTime = time.time() # elif eyeData==pylink.ENDBLINK: # if (time.time()-lastStartBlinkTime)>.1: if reportBlinks: qFrom.put('blink') # # print 'eyelink: blink' if (not saccadeSound.stillPlaying()) and ( not blinkSound.stillPlaying()): if doSounds: qFrom.put('blink')
def __init__(self, win, clock, sj="TEST", autoCalibration=True, saccadeSensitivity=HIGH, calibrationType='HV9', calibrationTargetColor=WHITE, calibrationBgColor=BLACK, CalibrationSounds=False): ''' win: psychopy visual window used for the experiment clock: psychopy time clock recording time for whole experiment sj: Subject identifier string (affects EDF filename) autoCalibration: True: enable auto-pacing during calibration saccadeSensitivity: HIGH: Pursuit and neurological work LOW: Cognitive research calibrationType: H3: Horizontal 3-point HV3: 3-point calibration, poor linearization HV5: 5-point calibration, poor at corners HV9: 9-point calibration, best overall calibrationTargetColor and calibrationBgColor: RGB tuple, i.e., (255,0,0) for Red One of: BLACK, WHITE, GRAY calibrationSounds: True: enable feedback sounds when calibrating ''' self.edfFileName = str(sj) + ".EDF" print(self.edfFileName) inf = info.RunTimeInfo("J", "1", win, refreshTest=None, userProcsDetailed=False) self.screenSize = inf['windowSize_pix'] self.units = inf['windowUnits'] self.monitorName = inf[''] monitor = monitors.Monitor(self.monitorName) print("Connecting to eyetracker.") self.tracker = pylink.EyeLink() self.timeCorrection = clock.getTime() - self.tracker.trackerTime() print("Loading custom graphics") genv = EyeLinkCoreGraphicsPsychopy(self.tracker, win, self.screenSize) self.tracker.openDataFile(self.edfFileName) pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() self.tracker.setOfflineMode() self.tracker.sendCommand("screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % (tuple(self.screenSize))) self.tracker.setCalibrationType(calibrationType) self.tracker.sendMessage("DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" % (tuple(self.screenSize))) eyelink_ver = self.tracker.getTrackerVersion() if eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = self.tracker.getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") tracker_software_ver = int( float(tvstr[(vindex + len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) else: tracker_software_ver = 0 if eyelink_ver >= 2: self.tracker.sendCommand("select_parser_configuration %d" % saccadeSensitivity) else: if saccadeSensitivity == HIGH: svt, sat = 22, 5000 else: svt, sat = 30, 9500 self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = %d" % svt) self.tracker.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = %d" % sat) if eyelink_ver == 2: #turn off scenelink camera stuff self.tracker.sendCommand("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") # set EDF file contents self.tracker.sendCommand( "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON" ) if tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.tracker.sendCommand( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.tracker.sendCommand( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS") # set link data (used for gaze cursor) self.tracker.sendCommand( "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON") if tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.tracker.sendCommand( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET" ) else: self.tracker.sendCommand( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS") #Set the calibration settings: pylink.setCalibrationColors(calibrationTargetColor, calibrationBgColor) if CalibrationSounds: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off") else: pylink.setCalibrationSounds("off", "off", "off") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("off", "off", "off") if autoCalibration: self.tracker.enableAutoCalibration else: self.tracker.disableAutoCalibration win.flip() print("Opening graphics") pylink.openGraphicsEx(genv) print("Begining tracker setup") self.tracker.doTrackerSetup() win.flip()
def Start_exp(self): # --------------------------------------------------- # point de départ de l'expérience # --------------------------------------------------- pylink.openGraphics((self.screen_width_px, self.screen_height_px), 32) # Initialise les graphiques self.eyelink.openDataFile(self.edfFileName) # Ouvre le fichier EDF. # réinitialise les touches et réglez le mode de suivi en mode hors connexion. pylink.flushGetkeyQueue() self.eyelink.setOfflineMode() # Définit le système de coordonnées d'affichage et envoie un message à cet effet au fichier EDF; self.eyelink.sendCommand( "screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 %d %d" % (self.screen_width_px - 1, self.screen_height_px - 1)) self.eyelink.sendMessage( "DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 %d %d" % (self.screen_width_px - 1, self.screen_height_px - 1)) # --------------------------------------------------- # NETOYER ??? version = 3 # --------------------------------------------------- tracker_software_ver = 0 eyelink_ver = self.eyelink.getTrackerVersion() if eyelink_ver == 3: tvstr = self.eyelink.getTrackerVersionString() vindex = tvstr.find("EYELINK CL") tracker_software_ver = int( float(tvstr[(vindex + len("EYELINK CL")):].strip())) if eyelink_ver >= 2: self.eyelink.sendCommand("select_parser_configuration 0") if eyelink_ver == 2: # Éteignez les caméras scenelink self.eyelink.sendCommand("scene_camera_gazemap = NO") else: self.eyelink.sendCommand("saccade_velocity_threshold = 35") self.eyelink.sendCommand("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500") # Définir le contenu du fichier EDF self.eyelink.sendCommand( "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON,INPUT" ) if tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.eyelink.sendCommand( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT" ) else: self.eyelink.sendCommand( "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,INPUT" ) # Définir les données du lien (utilisé pour le curseur du regard) self.eyelink.sendCommand( "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,FIXUPDATE,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON,INPUT" ) if tracker_software_ver >= 4: self.eyelink.sendCommand( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT" ) else: self.eyelink.sendCommand( "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,INPUT" ) ############################# # Calibration ############################# pylink.setCalibrationColors( (255, 255, 255), (128, 128, 128) ) # Définit couleur de la cible d'étalonnage (blanc) et de l'arrière-plan (gris) pylink.setTargetSize(self.screen_width_px // 70, self.screen_width_px // 300) # Définit taille de la cible d'étalonnage pylink.setCalibrationSounds("", "", "") pylink.setDriftCorrectSounds("", "off", "off")