def run(self): print("Communication worker started") mavin = mavutil.mavlink_connection(self.udpin) mavout = mavutil.mavlink_connection(self.udpout) recv = None # wait heartbeat m = mavin.recv_match(type="HEARTBEAT", blocking=True, timeout=5) if m is not None: self.from_pnc.put_nowait(m) self.gui.event_generate('<<NewParam>>', when='tail') mavout.target_system = m.get_srcSystem() else: self.gui.update("Connection time is out") return # acquire PIDs settings self._recv_param_all(mavin, mavout) # main working loop while not (self.__stop.is_set()): recv = None try: recv = self.to_pnc.get_nowait() except Empty: pass if recv is not None: pass time.sleep(0.02) # that's all print("Communication worker stopped")
def mavlink_thread(): # Huge try catch in case we see try: while True: # Downtime time.sleep(0.05) while True: try: msg = inudp.get_nowait() self.master.write(msg) except socket.error as error: if error.errno == ECONNABORTED: errprinter("reestablishing connection after read timeout") try: self.master.close() except: pass self.master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(self.master.address) continue # If connection reset (closed), stop polling. return except Empty: break except Exception as e: errprinter("mav send error:", e) break while True: try: msg = self.master.recv_msg() except socket.error as error: if error.errno == ECONNABORTED: errprinter("reestablishing connection after send timeout") try: self.master.close() except: pass self.master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(self.master.address) continue # If connection reset (closed), stop polling. return except Exception as e: # TODO debug these. # errprinter('mav recv error:', e) msg = None if not msg: break outudp.put((msg, 6760)) except Exception as e: # if self.exiting: pass else: raise e
def playback(filename, images): '''playback one file''' mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, robust_parsing=True) mout = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.out, input=False, baud=opts.baudrate) # get first message msg = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) last_timestamp = msg._timestamp last_print = time.time() # skip any older images while len(images) and images[0].frame_time < msg._timestamp: images.pop(0) params = [] param_send = [] while True: msg = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if msg is None: return if msg.get_type().startswith('DATA'): continue if msg.get_type() == 'PARAM_VALUE': params.append(msg) if not opts.HIL: mout.write(msg.get_msgbuf()) else: send_HIL(mlog, mout) deltat = msg._timestamp - last_timestamp if len(images) == 0 or images[0].frame_time > msg._timestamp + 2: # run at high speed except for the portions where we have images deltat /= 60 time.sleep(max(min(deltat/opts.speedup, 5), 0)) last_timestamp = msg._timestamp if time.time() - last_print > 2.0: print('%s' % (time.asctime(time.localtime(msg._timestamp)))) last_print = time.time() if len(images) and msg._timestamp > images[0].frame_time: img = images.pop(0) try: os.unlink('fake_chameleon.tmp') except Exception: pass os.symlink(img.filename, 'fake_chameleon.tmp') os.rename('fake_chameleon.tmp', 'fake_chameleon.pgm') print(img.filename) # check for parameter fetch messages msg = mout.recv_msg() if msg and msg.get_type() == 'PARAM_REQUEST_LIST': print("Sending %u parameters" % len(params)) param_send = params[:] if len(param_send) != 0: p = param_send.pop(0) mout.write(p.get_msgbuf())
def setup_processes(self, datarate, receive_url): self.send_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection(SERIAL_PORT) self.send_process = SendProcess(self.send_queue, conn, datarate) self.receive_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() receive_conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection(receive_url) self.receive_process = ReceiveProcess(self.receive_queue, receive_conn)
def __init__(self, filename): self.root = Tkinter.Tk() self.filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) self.filepos = 0.0 self.mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, planner_format=opts.planner, robust_parsing=True) self.mout = [] for m in opts.out: self.mout.append(mavutil.mavlink_connection(m, input=False, baud=opts.baudrate)) self.fgout = [] for f in opts.fgout: self.fgout.append(mavutil.mavudp(f, input=False)) self.fdm = fgFDM.fgFDM() self.msg = self.mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if self.msg is None: sys.exit(1) self.last_timestamp = getattr(self.msg, '_timestamp') self.paused = False self.topframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.root) self.topframe.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP) self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.root) self.frame.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) self.slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.topframe, from_=0, to=1.0, resolution=0.01, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, command=self.slew) self.slider.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) self.clock = Tkinter.Label(self.topframe,text="") self.clock.pack(side=Tkinter.RIGHT) self.playback = Tkinter.Spinbox(self.topframe, from_=0, to=20, increment=0.1, width=3) self.playback.pack(side=Tkinter.BOTTOM) self.playback.delete(0, "end") self.playback.insert(0, 1) self.buttons = {} self.button('quit', 'gtk-quit.gif', self.frame.quit) self.button('pause', 'media-playback-pause.gif', self.pause) self.button('rewind', 'media-seek-backward.gif', self.rewind) self.button('forward', 'media-seek-forward.gif', self.forward) self.button('status', 'Status', self.status) self.flightmode = Tkinter.Label(self.frame,text="") self.flightmode.pack(side=Tkinter.RIGHT) self.next_message() self.root.mainloop()
def setUp(self): """Creates a playback and forward of MAVLink packets.""" super(TestMavlink, self).setUp() # Create input and output logs to simulate a source. log_filepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "testdata/mav.tlog") self.mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(log_filepath) self.mout = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', input=False) # Start the forwarding on the CLI. self.forward = subprocess.Popen( self.cli_base_args + ['mavlink', '--device', '']) time.sleep(1) # Allow time to start forward.
def __init__(self, device, baudrate, export_host): self.export_conn = None self.rate = 10 if export_host: self.export_conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection( "udp:" + export_host, input=False) self.conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection(device, baud=baudrate) self.pub_attitude = rospy.Publisher('attitude', rospilot.msg.Attitude) self.pub_rcstate = rospy.Publisher('rcstate', rospilot.msg.RCState) self.pub_gpsraw = rospy.Publisher('gpsraw', rospilot.msg.GPSRaw) self.pub_basic_status = rospy.Publisher('basic_status', rospilot.msg.BasicStatus) rospy.Subscriber("set_mode", rospilot.msg.BasicMode, self.handle_set_mode)
def run(self): master=None dest_mav_udp=None try: print "Firing up PIXHAWK Handler on %s" % self.mav_port master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(self.mav_port) print("PIXHAWK: Waiting for heartbeat") master.wait_heartbeat() print("PIXHAWK: Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" % (master.target_system, master.target_system)) print("PIXHAWK: Sending all stream request for rate %u" % self.mav_streamrate) for i in range(0, 3): master.mav.request_data_stream_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, self.mav_streamrate, 1) dest_mav_udp = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpout:%s:%d' % (self.server_ip, self.mav_server_port)) # Hook up master to the destination. # Any message we receive, we pipe to the destination as well. # TODO(njoubert): we might want to filter messages first before sending them! master.logfile_raw = dest_mav_udp self.ready() while not self.stopped(): msg = master.recv_match(type=self.listen_for_mav, blocking=True) if not msg or msg is None: pass if msg.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': continue else: if master.packet_loss() > self.report_packet_loss_threshold: print "PIXHAWK: Incoming packet loss exceeding %.2f%%" % self.report_packet_loss_threshold ''' We've already hooked up the sockets to each other up above''' print "Exiting!" except: traceback.print_exc() finally: print "Shutting down..." if master: print "Closing Master..." master.close() if dest_mav_udp: print "Closing UDP..." dest_mav_udp.close()
def fly_CopterAVC(binary, viewerip=None, map=False, valgrind=False, gdb=False): """fly ArduCopter in SIL for AVC2013 mission """ global homeloc home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (, AVCHOME.lng, AVCHOME.alt, AVCHOME.heading) sil = util.start_SIL(binary, wipe=True, model="heli", home=home, speedup=speedup_default) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL("ArduCopter", options="--sitl= --out=") mavproxy.expect("Received [0-9]+ parameters") # setup test parameters mavproxy.send("param load %s/Helicopter.parm\n" % testdir) mavproxy.expect("Loaded [0-9]+ parameters") mavproxy.send("param set LOG_REPLAY 1\n") mavproxy.send("param set LOG_DISARMED 1\n") time.sleep(3) # reboot with new parameters util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) sil = util.start_SIL(binary, model="heli", home=home, speedup=speedup_default, valgrind=valgrind, gdb=gdb) options = "--sitl= --out= --streamrate=5" if viewerip: options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip if map: options += " --map" mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL("ArduCopter", options=options) mavproxy.expect("Telemetry log: (\S+)") logfile = print("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/CopterAVC-test.tlog") print("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: pass # the received parameters can come before or after the ready to fly message mavproxy.expect(["Received [0-9]+ parameters", "Ready to FLY"]) mavproxy.expect(["Received [0-9]+ parameters", "Ready to FLY"]) util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([sil, mavproxy]) if map: mavproxy.send("map icon 40.072467969730496 -105.2314389590174\n") mavproxy.send("map icon 40.072600990533829 -105.23146100342274\n") # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection("", robust_parsing=True) except Exception, msg: print("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise
def scan(self, filename): '''scan a tlog file for positions''' mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, robust_parsing=True) idx = 0 print("Scanning %u images" % len(self.images)) while idx < len(self.images): msg = mlog.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT') if msg is None: break bearing = msg.hdg*0.01 speed = math.sqrt(msg.vx**2 + msg.vy**2) while idx < len(self.images) and msg._timestamp > self.images[idx].frame_time: dt = msg._timestamp - self.images[idx].frame_time pos = (*1.0e-7, msg.lon*1.0e-7) pos = cuav_util.gps_newpos(pos[0], pos[1], bearing, speed*dt) self.images[idx].pos = pos latint = int(pos[0]*1000) lonint = int(pos[1]*1000) if not latint in self.latset: self.latset[latint] = set() if not lonint in self.lonset: self.lonset[lonint] = set() self.latset[latint].add(idx) self.lonset[lonint].add(idx) idx += 1 print("Scanned %u images" % idx)
def process_tlog(filename): '''convert a tlog to a .m file''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, dialect=opts.dialect) # first walk the entire file, grabbing all messages into a list, and the last message of each type # into a hash msg_types = {} msg_list = [] types = opts.types if types is not None: types = types.split(',') while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if m is None: break if types is not None and m.get_type() not in types: continue if m.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': continue msg_list.append(m) msg_types[m.get_type()] = m # note that Octave doesn't like any extra '.' characters in the filename basename = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) mfilename = basename.replace('.','_') + '.m' print("Creating %s" % mfilename) create_mfile(mfilename, msg_types, msg_list)
def connect(self): try: print("Connecting to autopilot...") self.mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection(, use_native=False) print("Connected to autopilot!") print("Waiting for heartbeat...") self.mav.wait_heartbeat(blocking=True) print("Got Heartbeat!") print("Waiting for plane GPS") msg = self.mav.recv_match(type=['GLOBAL_POSITION_INT'],blocking=True) print("Got plane GPS!") = ( / (10000000.0) self.lon = (msg.lon) / (10000000.0) self.alt = msg.alt self.relative_alt = (msg.relative_alt) / (1000.0) self.heading = (msg.hdg) / (100.0) self.rally = mavwp.MAVRallyLoader(self.mav.target_system,self.mav.target_component) self.rally.create_and_append_rally_point( * 1e7,self.lon * 1e7 ,100,50,0,0) self.rallypoint = self.rally.rally_point(0) self.rallypoint.target_system = self.mav.target_system self.rallypoint.target_component = self.mav.target_component self.mav.mav.send(self.rallypoint) return True except: return False
def run(self): try: self.master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:%s:%d' % (self.bind_ip, self.mav_port)) print "Module %s listening on %s" % (self, self.mav_port) self.ready() while not self.stopped(): msg = self.master.recv_match(type=self.listen_for_mav, blocking=True) if not msg or msg is None: pass if msg.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': continue else: self.handle_incoming(msg) if self.master.packet_loss() > self.report_packet_loss_threshold: print "PIXHAWK UDP: Incoming packet loss exceeding %.2f%%" % self.report_packet_loss_threshold except SystemExit: pass except: traceback.print_exc() finally: if self.master: self.master.close()
def fly_CopterAVC(viewerip=None, map=False): '''fly ArduCopter in SIL for AVC2013 mission ''' global homeloc if TARGET != 'sitl': util.build_SIL('ArduCopter', target=TARGET) home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (, AVCHOME.lng, AVCHOME.alt, AVCHOME.heading) sil = util.start_SIL('ArduCopter', wipe=True, model='heli', home=home, speedup=speedup_default) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('ArduCopter', options='--sitl= --out=') mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters mavproxy.send("param load %s/Helicopter.parm\n" % testdir) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') # reboot with new parameters util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) sil = util.start_SIL('ArduCopter', model='heli', home=home, speedup=speedup_default) options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=5' if viewerip: options += ' --out=%s:14550' % viewerip if map: options += ' --map' mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('ArduCopter', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)') logfile = print("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/CopterAVC-test.tlog") print("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: pass # the received parameters can come before or after the ready to fly message mavproxy.expect(['Received [0-9]+ parameters', 'Ready to FLY']) mavproxy.expect(['Received [0-9]+ parameters', 'Ready to FLY']) util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([sil, mavproxy]) if map: mavproxy.send('map icon 40.072467969730496 -105.2314389590174\n') mavproxy.send('map icon 40.072600990533829 -105.23146100342274\n') # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception, msg: print("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise
def link_add(self, device): '''add new link''' try: print("Connect %s source_system=%d" % (device, self.settings.source_system)) conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection(device, autoreconnect=True, source_system=self.settings.source_system, baud=self.settings.baudrate) conn.mav.srcComponent = self.settings.source_component except Exception as msg: print("Failed to connect to %s : %s" % (device, msg)) return False if self.settings.rtscts: conn.set_rtscts(True) conn.linknum = len(self.mpstate.mav_master) conn.mav.set_callback(self.master_callback, conn) if hasattr(conn.mav, 'set_send_callback'): conn.mav.set_send_callback(self.master_send_callback, conn) conn.linknum = len(self.mpstate.mav_master) conn.linkerror = False conn.link_delayed = False conn.last_heartbeat = 0 conn.last_message = 0 conn.highest_msec = 0 self.mpstate.mav_master.append(conn) self.status.counters['MasterIn'].append(0) try: mp_util.child_fd_list_add(conn.port.fileno()) except Exception: pass return True
def on_click_connect(self,e): """ Process a click on the CONNECT button Attempt to connect to the MAV using the specified port and baud rate, then subscribe a function called check_heartbeat that will listen for a heartbeat message, as well as a function that will print all incoming MAVLink messages to the console. """ port = self.cb_port.GetValue() baud = int(self.cb_baud.GetValue()) self.textOutput.AppendText("Connecting to " + port + " at " + str(baud) + " baud\n") self.master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(port, baud=baud) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.process_messages) self.thread.setDaemon(True) self.thread.start() self.master.message_hooks.append(self.check_heartbeat) self.master.message_hooks.append(self.log_message) print("Connecting to " + port + " at " + str(baud) + "baud") self.textOutput.AppendText("Waiting for APM heartbeat\n") return
def mavloss(logfile): '''work out signal loss times for a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, planner_format=args.planner, notimestamps=args.notimestamps, robust_parsing=args.robust) # Track the reasons for MAVLink parsing errors and print them all out at the end. reason_ids = set() reasons = [] while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=args.condition) # Stop parsing the file once we've reached the end if m is None: break # Save the parsing failure reason for this message if it's a new one if m.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': reason_id = ''.join(m.reason.split(' ')[0:3]) if reason_id not in reason_ids: reason_ids.add(reason_id) reasons.append(m.reason) # Print out the final packet loss results print("%u packets, %u lost %.1f%%" % ( mlog.mav_count, mlog.mav_loss, mlog.packet_loss())) # Also print out the reasons why losses occurred if len(reasons) > 0: print("Packet loss at least partially attributed to the following:") for r in reasons: print(" * " + r)
def __init__(self, master, sysID=1, compoID=250): if master == "/dev/ttyACM0": master = detect_pixhawk() print "Pixhawk Master is", master baud = 115200 reboot = False else: baud = 57600 reboot = True self.conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection(device=master, baud=baud, autoreconnect=True) if reboot:"Reboot pixhawk !") self.conn.reboot_autopilot() time.sleep(0.5) self.sysID = sysID self.compoID = compoID self.heartbeat_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1) self.heartbeat_period.frequency = 1.0 self.recv_msg_count = 0 self.bad_data_count = 0 self.param_names = {} for i in range(1, 8): self.param_names["RC%d_MIN" % i] = None self.param_names["RC%d_MAX" % i] = None self.initialize()
def connectAC(self): '''Connects to aircraft''' self.master = mavutil.mavlink_connection( sys.stdout.flush() timeout = 5 #seconds t0 = time.time() msg = None elapsed = 0 while time.time() - t0 <= timeout and msg == None: msg = self.master.wait_heartbeat(blocking=False) if time.time()-t0 >= elapsed: print('Waiting for aircraft heartbeat...'), print (str(elapsed)+'\r'), sys.stdout.flush() elapsed += 1 if msg == None: #raise StandardError('Cannot communicate with the aircraft.') print ('Waiting for aircraft heartbeat...failure') self.connect_status = 'Not connected' else: print 'Waiting for aircraft heartbeat...success' self.connected = True self.connect_status = 'Connected' time.sleep(1)
def process_tlog(filename): '''convert a tlog to a .m file''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, dialect=opts.dialect, zero_time_base=True) # first walk the entire file, grabbing all messages into a hash of lists, #and the first message of each type into a hash msg_types = {} msg_lists = {} types = opts.types if types is not None: types = types.split(',') # note that Octave doesn't like any extra '.', '*', '-', characters in the filename (head, tail) = os.path.split(filename) basename = '.'.join(tail.split('.')[:-1]) mfilename = re.sub('[\.\-\+\*]','_', basename) + '.m' if head is not None: mfilename = os.path.join(head, mfilename) print("Creating %s" % mfilename) f = open(mfilename, "w") type_counters = {} while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if m is None: break if types is not None and m.get_type() not in types: continue if m.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': continue fieldnames = m._fieldnames mtype = m.get_type() if mtype in ['FMT', 'PARM']: continue if mtype not in type_counters: type_counters[mtype] = 0 f.write("%s.heading = {'timestamp'" % mtype) for field in fieldnames: val = getattr(m, field) if not isinstance(val, str): f.write(",'%s'" % field) f.write("};\n") type_counters[mtype] += 1 f.write(",:) = [%f" % (mtype, type_counters[mtype], m._timestamp)) for field in m._fieldnames: val = getattr(m, field) if not isinstance(val, str): f.write(",%f" % val) f.write("];\n") f.close()
def mavmission(logfile): '''extract mavlink mission''' mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['MISSION_ITEM','CMD','WAYPOINT']) if m is None: break if m.get_type() == 'CMD': m = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message(0, 0, m.CNum, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, m.CId, 0, 1, m.Prm1, m.Prm2, m.Prm3, m.Prm4, m.Lat, m.Lng, m.Alt) while m.seq > wp.count(): print("Adding dummy WP %u" % wp.count()) wp.set(m, wp.count()) wp.set(m, m.seq) print("Saved %u waypoints to %s" % (wp.count(), args.output))
def magfit(logfile): print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps) cal = Calibrator() offsets = Vector3(0,0,0) while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if m is None: break if m.get_type() == "SENSOR_OFFSETS": # update current offsets offsets = Vector3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z) if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU": mag = Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag) # add data point after subtracting the current offsets cal.add_sample(mag - offsets + noise()) if m.get_type() == "MAG": offsets = Vector3(m.OfsX, m.OfsY, m.OfsZ) mag = Vector3(m.MagX, m.MagY, m.MagZ) cal.add_sample(mag - offsets + noise()) (offsets, scaling) = cal.calibrate() print len(cal.samples) print offsets, scaling graph(cal.samples, offsets, scaling) print " %s mag_field(RAW_IMU,SENSOR_OFFSETS,(%f,%f,%f),(%f,%f,%f)" % (filename,offsets.x,offsets.y,offsets.z,scaling.x,scaling.y,scaling.z)
def process_file(filename, source): '''process one file''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=args.notimestamps) position_field_type = sniff_field_spelling(mlog, source) # init fields and field_types lists fields = [args.source + "." + s for s in position_field_type] fields.append(mainstate_field) field_types = [] msg_types = set() re_caps = re.compile('[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+') for f in fields: caps = set(re.findall(re_caps, f)) msg_types = msg_types.union(caps) field_types.append(caps) add_data.new_linestring = True add_data.mainstate_current = -1 add_data.current_kml_linestring = None add_data.position_data = [None for n in position_field_type] add_data.last_time = 0 while True: msg = mlog.recv_match(args.condition) if msg is None: break tdays = (msg._timestamp - time.timezone) / (24 * 60 * 60) tdays += 719163 # pylab wants it since 0001-01-01 add_data(tdays, msg, msg_types, mlog.messages, fields, field_types, position_field_type)
def _initialize(self, sync=False): # Try to close any old connection first if self._master is not None: try: self._master.close() except: pass # Cycle until device becomes available and we can connect to it device_not_found_once = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): device = self._device # If not a network connection, check for matching file if device is None or ':' not in device: device = self._find_device(device) # If no device found if device is None: # Display a warning (first time) if not device_not_found_once: rospy.logwarn("MAVLinkBridge: no device found, " + \ "will keep checking ...") device_not_found_once = True # Wait a moment, then try again time.sleep(1) continue # Try to create connection try: rospy.loginfo("MAVLinkBridge: Connecting to %s ..." % device) self._master = mavutil.mavlink_connection( device, int(self._baudrate), autoreconnect=True) except Exception as ex: rospy.logwarn("MAVLinkBridge: " + str(ex)) # If succeeded, move on to rest of init break # If failed, wait a moment then try again time.sleep(1) # Wait for a heartbeat so we know the target system IDs rospy.loginfo("MAVLinkBridge: Waiting for autopilot heartbeat ...") self._master.wait_heartbeat() # Set up output stream from master self._master.mav.request_data_stream_send( self._master.target_system, self._master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, self._mavlink_rate, 1) # Initialize clock reference self._init_time(sync) rospy.loginfo("MAVLinkBridge initialized.")
def flight_time(logfile): '''work out flight time for a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) in_air = False start_time = 0.0 total_time = 0.0 t = None while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['VFR_HUD','GPS'], condition=opts.condition) if m is None: if in_air: total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time if total_time > 0: print("Flight time : %u:%02u" % (int(total_time)/60, int(total_time)%60)) return total_time if m.get_type() == 'VFR_HUD': groundspeed = m.groundspeed else: groundspeed = m.Spd t = time.localtime(m._timestamp) if groundspeed > opts.groundspeed and not in_air: print("In air at %s (percent %.0f%% groundspeed %.1f)" % (time.asctime(t), mlog.percent, groundspeed)) in_air = True start_time = time.mktime(t) elif groundspeed < opts.groundspeed and in_air: print("On ground at %s (percent %.1f%% groundspeed %.1f time=%.1f seconds)" % ( time.asctime(t), mlog.percent, groundspeed, time.mktime(t) - start_time)) in_air = False total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time return total_time
def sigloss(logfile): '''work out signal loss times for a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, planner_format=opts.planner, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps, robust_parsing=opts.robust) last_t = 0 types = opts.types if types is not None: types = types.split(',') while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if m is None: return if types is not None and m.get_type() not in types: continue if opts.notimestamps: if not 'usec' in m._fieldnames: continue t = m.usec / 1.0e6 else: t = m._timestamp if last_t != 0: if t - last_t > opts.deltat: print("Sig lost for %.1fs at %s" % (t-last_t, time.asctime(time.localtime(t)))) last_t = t
def process(filename): '''process one logfile''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps, robust_parsing=opts.robust) output = None count = 1 dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition) if m is None: break if mlog.flightmode.upper() == opts.mode.upper(): if output is None: path = os.path.join(dirname, "%s%u.tlog" % (opts.mode, count)) count += 1 print("Creating %s" % path) output = mavutil.mavlogfile(path, write=True) else: if output is not None: output.close() output = None if output and m.get_type() != 'BAD_DATA': timestamp = getattr(m, '_timestamp', None) output.write(struct.pack('>Q', timestamp*1.0e6)) output.write(m.get_msgbuf())
def mavparms(logfile): '''extract mavlink parameters''' mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['PARAM_VALUE', 'PARM']) if m is None: return except Exception: return if m.get_type() == 'PARAM_VALUE': pname = str(m.param_id).strip() value = m.param_value else: pname = m.Name value = m.Value if len(pname) > 0: if args.changesOnly is True and pname in parms and parms[ pname] != value: print( ( "%s %-15s %.6f -> %.6f" % (time.asctime( time.localtime( m._timestamp)), pname, parms[pname], value))) parms[pname] = value
def drive_APMrover2(viewerip=None, map=False, valgrind=False): '''drive APMrover2 in SIL you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the mission in real time ''' global homeloc options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=10' if viewerip: options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip if map: options += ' --map' home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (, HOME.lng, HOME.alt, HOME.heading) sil = util.start_SIL('APMrover2', wipe=True, model='rover', home=home, speedup=10) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('APMrover2', options=options) print("WAITING FOR PARAMETERS") mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters mavproxy.send("param load %s/Rover.parm\n" % testdir) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') # restart with new parms util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) sil = util.start_SIL('APMrover2', model='rover', home=home, speedup=10, valgrind=valgrind) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('APMrover2', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)') logfile = print("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/APMrover2-test.tlog") print("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: pass mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([sil, mavproxy]) print("Started simulator") # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception, msg: print("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise
def __init__(self, port, baud= 57600, name=id_gen): = name self.master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(device=port, baud=baud, autoreconnect=False) = None self.lon = None self.alt = None self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.update) self.thread.start()
import time import MAVProxy from pymavlink import mavwp from pymavlink import mavutil from MAVProxy.modules.lib import mp_module from MAVProxy.modules.lib import mp_util #from MAVProxy import mavproxy_wp from MAVProxy.modules import mavproxy_wp #to establish connection with sitl mav1 = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:') mav1.wait_heartbeat() #load waypoints from a txt file wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() wp.load("abc.txt") #wp._read_waypoints_v110("abc.txt") #print the no. of waypoints print "%d" % wp.count() #print waypoint info of 2 print "%s" % wp.wp(2) mav1.waypoint_clear_all_send() mav1.waypoint_count_send(wp.count()) for i in range(wp.count()): msg = mav1.recv_match(type=['MISSION_REQUEST'], blocking=True) mav1.mav.send(wp.wp(msg.seq)) print 'Sending waypoint {0}'.format(msg.seq)
parser.add_option("--types", default=None, help="types of messages (comma separated)") parser.add_option("--dialect", default="ardupilotmega", help="MAVLink dialect") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() from pymavlink import mavutil if len(args) < 1: print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE>") sys.exit(1) filename = args[0] mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, planner_format=opts.planner, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps, robust_parsing=opts.robust, dialect=opts.dialect) output = None if opts.output: output = mavutil.mavlogfile(opts.output, write=True) types = opts.types if types is not None: types = types.split(',') while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition, blocking=opts.follow) if m is None: break
def main(): parser = OptionParser(" [options]") parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int', help='master port baud rate', default=57600) parser.add_option("--device", dest="device", default=None, help="serial device") parser.add_option("--modem", dest="mport", default=None, help="modem serial port") parser.add_option("--rate", dest="rate", default=4, type='int', help='requested stream rate') parser.add_option("--source-system", dest="SOURCE_SYSTEM", type='int', default=255, help="MAVLink source system for this GCS") parser.add_option("--showmessages", dest="showmessages", action='store_true', help="show incoming messages", default=False) parser.add_option("--logfile", dest="log", default=None, help="name of logfile") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.device is None or opts.mport is None: print("You must specify a mavlink device and a modem device") sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, catch) # init objects try: master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate) modem = F2414Modem.F2414Modem(opts.mport, opts.baudrate) spabModel = SpabModel.SpabModel() telemManager = TelemManager.TelemManager(task, spabModel, modem, telemPeriod) mavlinkManager = MavlinkManager.MavlinkManager(task, spabModel, telemPeriod, master) except: print('failed to find devices') sys.exit(1) if opts.log is not None: logFile = open(opts.log, "a") sys.stderr = logFile sys.stdout = logFile print("====PYSPAB====\r") # init delegates global Delegates Delegates = { "HEARTBEAT": mavlinkManager.handle_heartbeat, "VFR_HUD": mavlinkManager.handle_hud, "ATTITUDE": mavlinkManager.handle_attitude, "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT": mavlinkManager.handle_gps_filtered, "MISSION_REQUEST": mavlinkManager.handle_mission_request, "MISSION_ACK": mavlinkManager.handle_mission_ack, "RC_CHANNELS_RAW": mavlinkManager.handle_rc_raw, "BAD_DATA": mavlinkManager.handle_bad_data, "MISSION_COUNT": mavlinkManager.handle_mission_count, "MISSION_ITEM": mavlinkManager.handle_mission_item #"MISSION_CURRENT": mavlinkManager.handle_mission_current } # set to run master.wait_heartbeat() master.mav.request_data_stream_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, opts.rate, 1) master.mav.set_mode_send(master.target_system, 216, 216) telemManager.start() mavlinkManager.start() read_loop(master)
def process(filename): '''process one logfile''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=args.notimestamps, robust_parsing=args.robust) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] isbin = ext in ['.bin', '.BIN'] islog = ext in ['.log', '.LOG'] output = None count = 1 dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if isbin or islog: extension = "bin" else: extension = "tlog" file_header = bytearray() messages = [] # we allow a list of modes that map to one mode number. This allows for --mode=AUTO,RTL and consider the RTL as part of AUTO modes = args.mode.upper().split(',') flightmode = None while True: m = mlog.recv_match() if m is None: break if is not None and m._link != continue mtype = m.get_type() if mtype in messages: if older_message(m, messages[mtype]): continue # we don't use mlog.flightmode as that can be wrong if we are extracting a single link if mtype == 'HEARTBEAT' and m.get_srcComponent() != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_COMP_ID_GIMBAL and m.type != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GCS: flightmode = mavutil.mode_string_v10(m).upper() if mtype == 'MODE': flightmode = mlog.flightmode if (isbin or islog) and m.get_type() in ["FMT", "PARM", "CMD", "FMTU", "MULT"]: file_header += m.get_msgbuf() if (isbin or islog) and m.get_type() == 'MSG' and m.Message.startswith("Ardu"): file_header += m.get_msgbuf() if m.get_type() in ['PARAM_VALUE','MISSION_ITEM','MISSION_ITEM_INT']: timestamp = getattr(m, '_timestamp', None) file_header += struct.pack('>Q', int(timestamp*1.0e6)) + m.get_msgbuf() if not mavutil.evaluate_condition(args.condition, mlog.messages): continue if flightmode in modes: if output is None: path = os.path.join(dirname, "%s%u.%s" % (modes[0], count, extension)) count += 1 print("Creating %s" % path) output = open(path, mode='wb') output.write(file_header) else: if output is not None: output.close() output = None if output and m.get_type() != 'BAD_DATA': timestamp = getattr(m, '_timestamp', None) if not isbin: output.write(struct.pack('>Q', int(timestamp*1.0e6))) output.write(m.get_msgbuf())
## Main code starts here ## ###################################################### try: # Note: 'version' attribute is supported from pyrealsense2 2.31 onwards and might require building from source progress("INFO: pyrealsense2 version: %s" % str(rs.__version__)) except Exception: # fail silently pass progress("INFO: Starting Vehicle communications") print(connection_string) conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection( device=str(connection_string), autoreconnect=True, source_system=1, source_component=93, baud=connection_baudrate, force_connected=True, ) mavlink_callbacks = {} mavlink_thread = threading.Thread(target=mavlink_loop, args=(conn, mavlink_callbacks)) mavlink_thread.start() # connecting and configuring the camera is a little hit-and-miss. # Start a timer and rely on a restart of the script to get it working. # Configuring the camera appears to block all threads, so we can't do # this internally. # send_msg_to_gcs('Setting timer...') signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 5) # seconds...
def fly_ArduPlane(viewerip=None, map=False): '''fly ArduPlane in SIL you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the flight in real time ''' global homeloc options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=10' if viewerip: options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip if map: options += ' --map' sil = util.start_SIL('ArduPlane', wipe=True) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('ArduPlane', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters mavproxy.send('param set SYSID_THISMAV %u\n' % random.randint(100, 200)) mavproxy.send("param load %s/ArduPlane.parm\n" % testdir) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') # restart with new parms util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) cmd = util.reltopdir("Tools/autotest/jsbsim/") cmd += " --home=%s --wind=%s" % (HOME_LOCATION, WIND) if viewerip: cmd += " --fgout=%s:5503" % viewerip runsim = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=10) runsim.delaybeforesend = 0 util.pexpect_autoclose(runsim) runsim.expect('Simulator ready to fly') sil = util.start_SIL('ArduPlane') mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('ArduPlane', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Logging to (\S+)') logfile = print("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduPlane-test.tlog") print("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: pass mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([runsim, sil, mavproxy]) print("Started simulator") # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception, msg: print("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise
def get_battery_status(): master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:') master.wait_heartbeat() battery_status = master.messages['SYS_STATUS'] cell_voltage = master.messages['BATTERY_STATUS'].voltages return cell_voltage, battery_status
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pymavlink import mavutil, mavwp import time import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from drawnow import drawnow import utm # Start a connection listening to a UDP port mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:localhost:14550') # Wait for the first heartbeat # This sets the system and component ID of remote system for the link mav.wait_heartbeat() print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" % (mav.target_system, mav.target_system)) # Make Waypoints wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() #Get home function, lat/long are returned *10^7 def cmd_get_home(): mav.mav.command_long_send(mav.target_system, mav.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_GET_HOME_POSITION, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) msg = mav.recv_match(type=['COMMAND_ACK'], blocking=True) print(msg) msg = mav.recv_match(type=['HOME_POSITION'], blocking=True) return (msg.latitude / 10000000.0, msg.longitude / 10000000.0, msg.altitude / 10000000.0)
def fly_ArduCopter(binary, viewerip=None, use_map=False, valgrind=False, gdb=False, frame=None, params=None, gdbserver=False, speedup=10): """Fly ArduCopter in SITL. you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the flight in real time """ global homeloc if frame is None: frame = '+' home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (, HOME.lng, HOME.alt, HOME.heading) sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, wipe=True, model=frame, home=home, speedup=speedup) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL( 'ArduCopter', options='--sitl= --out= --quadcopter') mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters if params is None: params = vinfo.options["ArduCopter"]["frames"][frame][ "default_params_filename"] if not isinstance(params, list): params = [params] for x in params: mavproxy.send("param load %s\n" % os.path.join(testdir, x)) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') mavproxy.send("param set LOG_REPLAY 1\n") mavproxy.send("param set LOG_DISARMED 1\n") time.sleep(3) # reboot with new parameters util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sitl) sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, model=frame, home=home, speedup=speedup, valgrind=valgrind, gdb=gdb, gdbserver=gdbserver) options = '--sitl= --out= --quadcopter --streamrate=5' if viewerip: options += ' --out=%s:14550' % viewerip if use_map: options += ' --map' mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL('ArduCopter', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)\r\n') logfile = progress("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduCopter-test.tlog") progress("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) copy_tlog = False if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: progress("WARN: Failed to create symlink: " + logfile + " => " + buildlog + ", Will copy tlog manually to target location") copy_tlog = True # the received parameters can come before or after the ready to fly message mavproxy.expect(['Received [0-9]+ parameters', 'Ready to FLY']) mavproxy.expect(['Received [0-9]+ parameters', 'Ready to FLY']) util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([sitl, mavproxy]) # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception as msg: progress("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise mav.message_hooks.append(message_hook) mav.idle_hooks.append(idle_hook) failed = False failed_test_msg = "None" try: mav.wait_heartbeat() setup_rc(mavproxy) homeloc = mav.location() wait_ready_to_arm(mav) # Arm progress("# Arm motors") if not arm_motors(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "arm_motors failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly a square in Stabilize mode progress("#") progress( "########## Fly a square and save WPs with CH7 switch ##########") progress("#") if not fly_square(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_square failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # save the stored mission to file progress("# Save out the CH7 mission to file") if not save_mission_to_file(mavproxy, mav, os.path.join(testdir, "ch7_mission.txt")): failed_test_msg = "save_mission_to_file failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # fly the stored mission progress("# Fly CH7 saved mission") if not fly_mission( mavproxy, mav, height_accuracy=0.5, target_altitude=10): failed_test_msg = "fly ch7_mission failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Throttle Failsafe progress("#") progress("########## Test Failsafe ##########") progress("#") if not fly_throttle_failsafe(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_throttle_failsafe failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Battery failsafe if not fly_battery_failsafe(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_battery_failsafe failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Stability patch progress("#") progress("########## Test Stability Patch ##########") progress("#") if not fly_stability_patch(mavproxy, mav, 30): failed_test_msg = "fly_stability_patch failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL progress("# RTL #") if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after stab patch failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fence test progress("#") progress("########## Test Horizontal Fence ##########") progress("#") if not fly_fence_test(mavproxy, mav, 180): failed_test_msg = "fly_fence_test failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly GPS Glitch Loiter test progress("# GPS Glitch Loiter Test") if not fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test(mavproxy, mav, use_map): failed_test_msg = "fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL after GPS Glitch Loiter test progress("# RTL #") if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly GPS Glitch test in auto mode progress("# GPS Glitch Auto Test") if not fly_gps_glitch_auto_test(mavproxy, mav, use_map): failed_test_msg = "fly_gps_glitch_auto_test failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # take-off ahead of next test progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Loiter for 10 seconds progress("#") progress("########## Test Loiter for 10 seconds ##########") progress("#") if not loiter(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "loiter failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Loiter Climb progress("#") progress("# Loiter - climb to 30m") progress("#") if not change_alt(mavproxy, mav, 30): failed_test_msg = "change_alt climb failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Loiter Descend progress("#") progress("# Loiter - descend to 20m") progress("#") if not change_alt(mavproxy, mav, 20): failed_test_msg = "change_alt descend failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL progress("#") progress("########## Test RTL ##########") progress("#") if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after Loiter climb/descend failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Simple mode progress("# Fly in SIMPLE mode") if not fly_simple(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_simple failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL progress("#") progress("########## Test RTL ##########") progress("#") if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after simple mode failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly a circle in super simple mode progress("# Fly a circle in SUPER SIMPLE mode") if not fly_super_simple(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_super_simple failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL progress("# RTL #") if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after super simple mode failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff progress("# Takeoff") if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav, 10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Circle mode progress("# Fly CIRCLE mode") if not fly_circle(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_circle failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL progress("#") progress("########## Test RTL ##########") progress("#") if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after circle failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True progress("# Fly copter mission") if not fly_auto_test(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_auto_test failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True else: progress("Flew copter mission OK") # wait for disarm mav.motors_disarmed_wait() if not log_download(mavproxy, mav, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduCopter-log.bin")): failed_test_msg = "log_download failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True except pexpect.TIMEOUT as failed_test_msg: failed_test_msg = "Timeout" failed = True mav.close() util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sitl) valgrind_log = util.valgrind_log_filepath(binary=binary, model='+') if os.path.exists(valgrind_log): os.chmod(valgrind_log, 0o644) shutil.copy(valgrind_log, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduCopter-valgrind.log")) # [2014/05/07] FC Because I'm doing a cross machine build (source is on host, build is on guest VM) I cannot hard link # This flag tells me that I need to copy the data out if copy_tlog: shutil.copy(logfile, buildlog) if failed: progress("FAILED: %s" % failed_test_msg) return False return True
def mavfft_fttd(logfile): '''display fft for raw ACC data in logfile''' '''object to store data about a single FFT plot''' class PlotData(object): def __init__(self, ffth): self.seqno = -1 self.fftnum = ffth.N self.sensor_type = ffth.type self.instance = ffth.instance self.sample_rate_hz = ffth.smp_rate self.multiplier = ffth.mul = {}["X"] = []["Y"] = []["Z"] = [] self.holes = False self.freq = None def add_fftd(self, fftd): if fftd.N != self.fftnum: print("Skipping ISBD with wrong fftnum (%u vs %u)\n" % (fftd.fftnum, self.fftnum)) return if self.holes: print("Skipping ISBD(%u) for ISBH(%u) with holes in it" % (fftd.seqno, self.fftnum)) return if fftd.seqno != self.seqno + 1: print("ISBH(%u) has holes in it" % fftd.N) self.holes = True return self.seqno += 1["X"].extend(fftd.x)["Y"].extend(fftd.y)["Z"].extend(fftd.z) def overlap_windows(self, plotdata): newplotdata = copy.deepcopy(self) if plotdata.tag() != self.tag(): print("Invalid FFT data tag (%s vs %s) for window overlap" % (plotdata.tag(), self.tag())) return self if plotdata.fftnum <= self.fftnum: print("Invalid FFT sequence (%u vs %u) for window overlap" % (plotdata.fftnum, self.fftnum)) return self["X"] = numpy.split(numpy.asarray(["X"]), 2)[1].tolist() + numpy.split( numpy.asarray(["X"]), 2)[0].tolist()["Y"] = numpy.split(numpy.asarray(["Y"]), 2)[1].tolist() + numpy.split( numpy.asarray(["Y"]), 2)[0].tolist()["Z"] = numpy.split(numpy.asarray(["Z"]), 2)[1].tolist() + numpy.split( numpy.asarray(["Z"]), 2)[0].tolist() return newplotdata def prefix(self): if self.sensor_type == 0: return "Accel" elif self.sensor_type == 1: return "Gyro" else: return "?Unknown Sensor Type?" def tag(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return "%s[%u]" % (self.prefix(), self.instance) print("Processing log %s" % logfile) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(logfile) # see for a description of the techniques used here things_to_plot = [] plotdata = None prev_plotdata = {} msgcount = 0 hntch_mode = None hntch_option = None batch_mode = None start_time = time.time() while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=args.condition) if m is None: break msgcount += 1 if msgcount % 1000 == 0: sys.stderr.write(".") msg_type = m.get_type() if msg_type == "ISBH": if plotdata is not None: sensor = plotdata.tag() # close off previous data collection # in order to get 50% window overlap we need half the old data + half the new data and then the new data itself if args.fft_overlap and sensor in prev_plotdata: things_to_plot.append( prev_plotdata[sensor].overlap_windows(plotdata)) things_to_plot.append(plotdata) prev_plotdata[sensor] = plotdata plotdata = PlotData(m) continue if msg_type == "ISBD": if plotdata is None: sys.stderr.write("?(fftnum=%u)" % m.N) continue plotdata.add_fftd(m) if msg_type == "PARM": if m.Name == "INS_HNTCH_MODE": hntch_mode = m.Value elif m.Name == "INS_HNTCH_OPTS": hntch_option = m.Value elif m.Name == "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": batch_mode = m.Value print("", file=sys.stderr) time_delta = time.time() - start_time print("%us messages %u messages/second %u kB/second" % (msgcount, msgcount / time_delta, os.stat(filename).st_size / time_delta)) print("Extracted %u fft data sets" % len(things_to_plot), file=sys.stderr) sum_fft = {} freqmap = {} sample_rates = {} counts = {} window = {} S2 = {} hntch_mode_names = {0: "No", 1: "Throttle", 2: "RPM", 3: "ESC", 4: "FFT"} hntch_option_names = {0: "Single", 1: "Double"} batch_mode_names = {0: "Pre-filter", 1: "Sensor-rate", 2: "Post-filter"} first_freq = None for thing_to_plot in things_to_plot: fft_len = len(["X"]) if thing_to_plot.tag() not in sum_fft: sum_fft[thing_to_plot.tag()] = { "X": numpy.zeros(fft_len // 2 + 1), "Y": numpy.zeros(fft_len // 2 + 1), "Z": numpy.zeros(fft_len // 2 + 1), } counts[thing_to_plot.tag()] = 0 if thing_to_plot.tag() not in window: if args.fft_window == 'hanning': # create hanning window window[thing_to_plot.tag()] = numpy.hanning(fft_len) elif args.fft_window == 'blackman': # create blackman window window[thing_to_plot.tag()] = numpy.blackman(fft_len) else: window[thing_to_plot.tag()] = numpy.arange(fft_len) window[thing_to_plot.tag()].fill(1) # calculate NEBW constant S2[thing_to_plot.tag()] = numpy.inner(window[thing_to_plot.tag()], window[thing_to_plot.tag()]) for axis in ["X", "Y", "Z"]: # normalize data and convert to dps in order to produce more meaningful magnitudes if thing_to_plot.sensor_type == 1: d = numpy.array(numpy.degrees([axis])) / float( thing_to_plot.multiplier) else: d = numpy.array([axis]) / float( thing_to_plot.multiplier) if len(d) == 0: print("No data?!?!?!") continue if len(window[thing_to_plot.tag()]) != fft_len: print("Skipping corrupted frame of length %d" % fft_len) continue # apply window to the input d *= window[thing_to_plot.tag()] # perform RFFT d_fft = numpy.fft.rfft(d) # convert to squared complex magnitude d_fft = numpy.square(abs(d_fft)) # remove DC component d_fft[0] = 0 d_fft[-1] = 0 # accumulate the sums sum_fft[thing_to_plot.tag()][axis] += d_fft freq = numpy.fft.rfftfreq(len(d), 1.0 / thing_to_plot.sample_rate_hz) freqmap[thing_to_plot.tag()] = freq sample_rates[thing_to_plot.tag()] = thing_to_plot.sample_rate_hz counts[thing_to_plot.tag()] += 1 numpy.seterr(divide='ignore') for sensor in sum_fft: print("Sensor: %s" % str(sensor)) fig = pylab.figure(str(sensor)) for axis in ["X", "Y", "Z"]: # normalize output to averaged PSD psd = 2 * (sum_fft[sensor][axis] / counts[sensor]) / (sample_rates[sensor] * S2[sensor]) # linerize of requested if args.fft_output == 'lsd': psd = numpy.sqrt(psd) # convert to db if requested if args.fft_scale == 'db': psd = 10 * numpy.log10(psd) pylab.plot(freqmap[sensor], psd, label=axis) pylab.legend(loc='upper right') pylab.xlabel('Hz') scale_label = '' psd_label = 'PSD' if args.fft_scale == 'db': scale_label = "dB " if args.fft_output == 'lsd': if str(sensor).startswith("Gyro"): pylab.ylabel('LSD $' + scale_label + 'd/s/\sqrt{Hz}$') else: pylab.ylabel('LSD $' + scale_label + 'm/s^2/\sqrt{Hz}$') else: if str(sensor).startswith("Gyro"): pylab.ylabel('PSD $' + scale_label + 'd^2/s^2/Hz$') else: pylab.ylabel('PSD $' + scale_label + 'm^2/s^4/Hz$') if hntch_mode is not None and hntch_option is not None and batch_mode is not None: textstr = '\n'.join( (r'%s tracking' % (hntch_mode_names[hntch_mode], ), r'%s notch' % (hntch_option_names[hntch_option], ), r'%s sampling' % (batch_mode_names[batch_mode], ))) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5) pylab.text(0.5, 0.95, textstr, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes)
def magfit(logfile): '''find best magnetometer offset fit to a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % logfile) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(logfile) global earth_field, declination global data data = [] ATT = None BAT = None mag_msg = 'MAG%s' % mag_idx count = 0 parameters = {} # get parameters while True: msg = mlog.recv_match(type=['PARM']) if msg is None: break parameters[msg.Name] = msg.Value mlog.rewind() # extract MAG data while True: msg = mlog.recv_match( type=['GPS', mag_msg, 'ATT', 'CTUN', 'BARO', 'BAT'], condition=args.condition) if msg is None: break if msg.get_type() == 'GPS' and msg.Status >= 3 and earth_field is None: earth_field = mavextra.expected_earth_field(msg) (declination, inclination, intensity) = mavextra.get_mag_field_ef(msg.Lat, msg.Lng) print("Earth field: %s strength %.0f declination %.1f degrees" % (earth_field, earth_field.length(), declination)) if msg.get_type() == 'ATT': ATT = msg if msg.get_type() == 'BAT': BAT = msg if msg.get_type() == mag_msg and ATT is not None: if count % args.reduce == 0: data.append((msg, ATT, BAT)) count += 1 old_corrections.offsets = Vector3( parameters.get('COMPASS_OFS%s_X' % mag_idx, 0.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_OFS%s_Y' % mag_idx, 0.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_OFS%s_Z' % mag_idx, 0.0)) old_corrections.diag = Vector3( parameters.get('COMPASS_DIA%s_X' % mag_idx, 1.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_DIA%s_Y' % mag_idx, 1.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_DIA%s_Z' % mag_idx, 1.0)) old_corrections.offdiag = Vector3( parameters.get('COMPASS_ODI%s_X' % mag_idx, 0.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_ODI%s_Y' % mag_idx, 0.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_ODI%s_Z' % mag_idx, 0.0)) if parameters.get('COMPASS_MOTCT', 0) == 2: # only support current based corrections for now old_corrections.cmot = Vector3( parameters.get('COMPASS_MOT%s_X' % mag_idx, 0.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_MOT%s_Y' % mag_idx, 0.0), parameters.get('COMPASS_MOT%s_Z' % mag_idx, 0.0)) old_corrections.scaling = parameters.get('COMPASS_SCALE%s' % mag_idx, None) if old_corrections.scaling is None: force_scale = False old_corrections.scaling = 1.0 else: force_scale = True # remove existing corrections data2 = [] for (MAG, ATT, BAT) in data: if remove_offsets(MAG, BAT, old_corrections): data2.append((MAG, ATT, BAT)) data = data2 print("Extracted %u points" % len(data)) print("Current: %s diag: %s offdiag: %s cmot: %s scale: %.2f" % (old_corrections.offsets, old_corrections.diag, old_corrections.offdiag, old_corrections.cmot, old_corrections.scaling)) # do fit c = fit_WWW() # normalise diagonals to scale factor if force_scale: avgdiag = (c.diag.x + c.diag.y + c.diag.z) / 3.0 c.scaling *= avgdiag c.diag *= 1.0 / avgdiag c.offdiag *= 1.0 / avgdiag print("New: %s diag: %s offdiag: %s cmot: %s scale: %.2f" % (c.offsets, c.diag, c.offdiag, c.cmot, c.scaling)) if not args.plot: return x = [] corrected = {} corrected['Yaw'] = [] expected1 = {} expected2 = {} uncorrected = {} uncorrected['Yaw'] = [] yaw_change1 = [] yaw_change2 = [] for i in range(len(data)): (MAG, ATT, BAT) = data[i] yaw1 = get_yaw(ATT, MAG, BAT, c) corrected['Yaw'].append(yaw1) ef1 = expected_field(ATT, yaw1) cf = correct(MAG, BAT, c) yaw2 = get_yaw(ATT, MAG, BAT, old_corrections) ef2 = expected_field(ATT, yaw2) uncorrected['Yaw'].append(yaw2) uf = correct(MAG, BAT, old_corrections) yaw_change1.append(mavextra.wrap_180(yaw1 - yaw2)) yaw_change2.append(mavextra.wrap_180(yaw1 - ATT.Yaw)) for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']: if not axis in corrected: corrected[axis] = [] uncorrected[axis] = [] expected1[axis] = [] expected2[axis] = [] corrected[axis].append(getattr(cf, axis)) uncorrected[axis].append(getattr(uf, axis)) expected1[axis].append(getattr(ef1, axis)) expected2[axis].append(getattr(ef2, axis)) x.append(i) c.show_parms() fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']: axs[0].plot(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(uncorrected[axis]), label='Uncorrected %s' % axis.upper()) axs[0].plot(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(expected2[axis]), label='Expected %s' % axis.upper()) axs[0].legend(loc='upper left') axs[0].set_title('Original') axs[0].set_ylabel('Field (mGauss)') axs[1].plot(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(corrected[axis]), label='Corrected %s' % axis.upper()) axs[1].plot(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(expected1[axis]), label='Expected %s' % axis.upper()) axs[1].legend(loc='upper left') axs[1].set_title('Corrected') axs[1].set_ylabel('Field (mGauss)') # show change in yaw estimate from old corrections to new axs[2].plot(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(yaw_change1), label='Mag Yaw Change') axs[2].plot(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(yaw_change2), label='ATT Yaw Change') axs[2].set_title('Yaw Change (degrees)') axs[2].legend(loc='upper left')
def process_tlog(filename): '''convert a tlog to a .m file''' print("Processing %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, dialect=args.dialect, zero_time_base=True) # first walk the entire file, grabbing all messages into a hash of lists, #and the first message of each type into a hash msg_types = {} msg_lists = {} types = args.types if types is not None: types = types.split(',') # note that Octave doesn't like any extra '.', '*', '-', characters in the filename (head, tail) = os.path.split(filename) basename = '.'.join(tail.split('.')[:-1]) mfilename = re.sub('[\.\-\+\*]','_', basename) + '.m' # Octave also doesn't like files that don't start with a letter if re.match('^[a-zA-z]', mfilename) is None: mfilename = 'm_' + mfilename if head is not None: mfilename = os.path.join(head, mfilename) print("Creating %s" % mfilename) f = open(mfilename, "w") type_counters = {} while True: m = mlog.recv_match(condition=args.condition) if m is None: break if types is not None and m.get_type() not in types: continue if m.get_type() == 'BAD_DATA': continue fieldnames = m._fieldnames mtype = m.get_type() if mtype in ['FMT', 'PARM']: continue if mtype not in type_counters: type_counters[mtype] = 0 f.write("%s.columns = {'timestamp'" % mtype) for field in fieldnames: val = getattr(m, field) if not isinstance(val, str): if type(val) is not list: f.write(",'%s'" % field) else: for i in range(0, len(val)): f.write(",'%s%d'" % (field, i + 1)) f.write("};\n") type_counters[mtype] += 1 f.write(",:) = [%f" % (mtype, type_counters[mtype], m._timestamp)) for field in m._fieldnames: val = getattr(m, field) if not isinstance(val, str): if type(val) is not list: f.write(",%.20g" % val) else: for i in range(0, len(val)): f.write(",%.20g" % val[i]) f.write("];\n") f.close()
# Import mavutil from pymavlink import mavutil import time # Create the connection master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:') # Wait a heartbeat before sending commands master.wait_heartbeat() # Arm # master.arducopter_arm() or: master.mav.command_long_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def get_all_params(mavconn): '''given a mavlink_connection, gets the parameters with the names specified in params''' received_params = [] # send the "get all parameters" request mavconn.param_fetch_all() while mavconn.param_fetch_complete(): msg = mavconn.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE', blocking=True, timeout=1) received_params.append(msg) return received_params # create a mavlink serial instance master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(args.device, baud=args.baudrate, source_system=args.SOURCE_SYSTEM) params = master.param_fetch_all() wait_id(master) # params = get_all_params(master) # print(params) # for p in params:# don't print None params - ones we requested that didn't exist # if not p: # continue # print(str(p.param_id),'\t', p.param_value ) master.close() # wait for the heartbeat msg to find the system ID # wait_heartbeat(master) ## Get the autopilot version
from pymavlink import mavutil import beepy mavlink = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:') mavlink.wait_heartbeat() print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" % (mavlink.target_system, mavlink.target_component)) mavlink.mav.set_mode_send(mavlink.target_system, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED, 11) print("cekam na odpoved") while True: # Wait for ACK command ack_msg = mavlink.recv_match(type='COMMAND_ACK', blocking=True) ack_msg = ack_msg.to_dict() print("ACK", ack_msg) # Check if command in the same in `set_mode` if ack_msg['command'] != mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_MODE: continue # Print the ACK result ! print(mavutil.mavlink.enums['MAV_RESULT'][ack_msg['result']].description) break print("Prepnuti dokonceno")
def fly_CopterAVC(binary, viewerip=None, use_map=False, valgrind=False, gdb=False, frame=None, params=None, gdbserver=False, speedup=10): """Fly ArduCopter in SITL for AVC2013 mission.""" global homeloc if frame is None: frame = 'heli' home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (, AVCHOME.lng, AVCHOME.alt, AVCHOME.heading) sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, wipe=True, model=frame, home=home, speedup=speedup) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL( 'ArduCopter', options='--sitl= --out=') mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters if params is None: params = vinfo.options["ArduCopter"]["frames"][frame][ "default_params_filename"] if not isinstance(params, list): params = [params] for x in params: mavproxy.send("param load %s\n" % os.path.join(testdir, x)) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') mavproxy.send("param set LOG_REPLAY 1\n") mavproxy.send("param set LOG_DISARMED 1\n") time.sleep(3) # reboot with new parameters util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sitl) sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, model='heli', home=home, speedup=speedup, valgrind=valgrind, gdb=gdb, gdbserver=gdbserver) options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=5' if viewerip: options += ' --out=%s:14550' % viewerip if use_map: options += ' --map' mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL('ArduCopter', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)\r\n') logfile = progress("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/CopterAVC-test.tlog") progress("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: pass # the received parameters can come before or after the ready to fly message mavproxy.expect(['Received [0-9]+ parameters', 'Ready to FLY']) mavproxy.expect(['Received [0-9]+ parameters', 'Ready to FLY']) util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([sitl, mavproxy]) if use_map: mavproxy.send('map icon 40.072467969730496 -105.2314389590174\n') mavproxy.send('map icon 40.072600990533829 -105.23146100342274\n') # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception as msg: progress("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise mav.message_hooks.append(message_hook) mav.idle_hooks.append(idle_hook) failed = False failed_test_msg = "None" try: mav.wait_heartbeat() setup_rc(mavproxy) homeloc = mav.location() progress("Lowering rotor speed") mavproxy.send('rc 8 1000\n') wait_ready_to_arm(mav) # Arm progress("# Arm motors") if not arm_motors(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "arm_motors failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True progress("Raising rotor speed") mavproxy.send('rc 8 2000\n') progress("# Fly AVC mission") if not fly_avc_test(mavproxy, mav): failed_test_msg = "fly_avc_test failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True else: progress("Flew AVC mission OK") progress("Lowering rotor speed") mavproxy.send('rc 8 1000\n') # mission includes disarm at end so should be ok to download logs now if not log_download(mavproxy, mav, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/CopterAVC-log.bin")): failed_test_msg = "log_download failed" progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True except pexpect.TIMEOUT as failed_test_msg: failed_test_msg = "Timeout" failed = True mav.close() util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sitl) valgrind_log = util.valgrind_log_filepath(binary=binary, model='heli') if os.path.exists(valgrind_log): os.chmod(valgrind_log, 0o644) shutil.copy(valgrind_log, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/Helicopter-valgrind.log")) if failed: progress("FAILED: %s" % failed_test_msg) return False return True
""" Example of how to read all the parameters from the Autopilot with pymavlink """ # Disable "Broad exception" warning # pylint: disable=W0703 import time import sys # Import mavutil from pymavlink import mavutil # Create the connection master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcp:') # Wait a heartbeat before sending commands master.wait_heartbeat() # Request all parameters master.mav.param_request_list_send(master.target_system, master.target_component) while True: time.sleep(0.01) try: message = master.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE', blocking=True).to_dict() print('name: %s\tvalue: %d' % (message['param_id'], message['param_value'])) except Exception as error: print(error) sys.exit(0)
import socket class Drone(): def __init__(self): self.posx = [] self.posy = [] self.posz = [] self.last_send_ts = 0 self.tracked = False drones = [Drone() for i in range(20)] sampling_period = 1.0 / 120.0 uwb_anchor = mavutil.mavlink_connection(device="com3", baud=3000000, source_system=255) uwb_last_send_ts = 0 last_sys_time = 0 start_ts = time.time() msgs = deque() # This is a callback function that gets connected to the NatNet client and called once per mocap frame. def receiveNewFrame(frameNumber, markerSetCount, unlabeledMarkersCount, rigidBodyCount, skeletonCount, labeledMarkerCount, timecode, timecodeSub, timestamp, isRecording, trackedModelsChanged): print("Received frame", frameNumber)
def mavflightview(filename): print("Loading %s ..." % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() if opts.mission is not None: wp.load(opts.mission) fen = mavwp.MAVFenceLoader() if opts.fence is not None: fen.load(opts.fence) path = [[]] types = ['MISSION_ITEM'] if opts.rawgps: types.extend(['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']) if opts.rawgps2: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW','GPS2']) if opts.dualgps: types.extend(['GPS2_RAW','GPS2', 'GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS']) if opts.ekf: types.extend(['EKF1', 'GPS']) if opts.ahr2: types.extend(['AHR2', 'GPS']) if len(types) == 1: types.extend(['GPS','GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']) print("Looking for types %s" % str(types)) while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=types) if m is None: break except Exception: break if m.get_type() == 'MISSION_ITEM': try: wp.set(m, m.seq) except Exception: pass continue if not mlog.check_condition(opts.condition): continue if opts.mode is not None and mlog.flightmode.lower() != opts.mode.lower(): continue if m.get_type() in ['GPS','GPS2']: status = getattr(m, 'Status', None) if status is None: status = getattr(m, 'FixType', None) if status is None: print("Can't find status on GPS message") print(m) break if status < 2: continue # flash log lat = m.Lat lng = getattr(m, 'Lng', None) if lng is None: lng = getattr(m, 'Lon', None) if lng is None: print("Can't find longitude on GPS message") print(m) break elif m.get_type() == 'EKF1': pos = mavextra.ekf1_pos(m) if pos is None: continue (lat, lng) = pos elif m.get_type() == 'AHR2': (lat, lng) = (m.Lat, m.Lng) else: lat = * 1.0e-7 lng = m.lon * 1.0e-7 instance = 0 if opts.dualgps and m.get_type() in ['GPS2_RAW', 'GPS2']: instance = 1 if m.get_type() == 'EKF1': if opts.dualgps: instance = 2 else: instance = 1 if m.get_type() == 'AHR2': if opts.dualgps: instance = 2 else: instance = 1 if lat != 0 or lng != 0: if getattr(mlog, 'flightmode','') in colourmap: colour = colourmap[mlog.flightmode] (r,g,b) = colour (r,g,b) = (r+instance*50,g+instance*50,b+instance*50) if r > 255: r = 205 if g > 255: g = 205 if b > 255: b = 205 colour = (r,g,b) point = (lat, lng, colour) else: point = (lat, lng) while instance >= len(path): path.append([]) path[instance].append(point) if len(path[0]) == 0: print("No points to plot") return bounds = mp_util.polygon_bounds(path[0]) (lat, lon) = (bounds[0]+bounds[2], bounds[1]) (lat, lon) = mp_util.gps_newpos(lat, lon, -45, 50) ground_width = mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat-bounds[2], lon+bounds[3]) while (mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, bounds[0], bounds[1]) >= ground_width-20 or mp_util.gps_distance(lat, lon, lat, bounds[1]+bounds[3]) >= ground_width-20): ground_width += 10 path_objs = [] for i in range(len(path)): if len(path[i]) != 0: path_objs.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('FlightPath[%u]-%s' % (i,filename), path[i], layer='FlightPath', linewidth=2, colour=(255,0,180))) plist = wp.polygon_list() mission_obj = None if len(plist) > 0: mission_obj = [] for i in range(len(plist)): mission_obj.append(mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Mission-%s-%u' % (filename,i), plist[i], layer='Mission', linewidth=2, colour=(255,255,255))) else: mission_obj = None fence = fen.polygon() if len(fence) > 1: fence_obj = mp_slipmap.SlipPolygon('Fence-%s' % filename, fen.polygon(), layer='Fence', linewidth=2, colour=(0,255,0)) else: fence_obj = None if opts.imagefile: create_imagefile(opts.imagefile, (lat,lon), ground_width, path_objs, mission_obj, fence_obj) else: global multi_map if opts.multi and multi_map is not None: map = multi_map else: map = mp_slipmap.MPSlipMap(title=filename, service=opts.service, elevation=True, width=600, height=600, ground_width=ground_width, lat=lat, lon=lon, debug=opts.debug) if opts.multi: multi_map = map for path_obj in path_objs: map.add_object(path_obj) if mission_obj is not None: for m in mission_obj: map.add_object(m) if fence_obj is not None: map.add_object(fence_obj) for flag in opts.flag: a = flag.split(',') lat = a[0] lon = a[1] icon = 'flag.png' if len(a) > 2: icon = a[2] + '.png' icon = map.icon(icon) map.add_object(mp_slipmap.SlipIcon('icon - %s' % str(flag), (float(lat),float(lon)), icon, layer=3, rotation=0, follow=False))
UAV_SUBNET="" DEFAULT_UAV_PORT=14550 #TODO: need targets based on UAVID uav_ids = [2,4] ids_to_remove = [] uav_params = {} target_component = 1 param_provider = "A/P" #ATMY or A/P done_checking = False previous_rcv_time = time.time() mavutil.set_dialect("gtri_uav") master = mavutil.mavlink_connection( "udpin:" + UAV_SUBNET + ":" + str(DEFAULT_UAV_PORT), dialect="gtri_uav") #"udpbcast:" + UAV_SUBNET + ":" + str(DEFAULT_UAV_PORT), dialect="gtri_uav") out = mavutil.mavlink_connection( "udpbcast:" + UAV_SUBNET + ":" + str(DEFAULT_UAV_PORT), dialect="gtri_uav") def uint_to_float(val_int): s = struct.pack(">I", val_int) return float(struct.unpack(">f", s)[0]) def uint_to_int(val_int): s = struct.pack(">I", val_int) return struct.unpack(">i", s)[0] def to_uint(val): if type(val) == float:
def flight_modes(logfile): '''show flight modes for a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) mode = "" previous_mode = "" mode_start_timestamp = -1 time_in_mode = {} previous_percent = -1 seconds_per_percent = -1 filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) while True: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['SYS_STATUS', 'HEARTBEAT', 'MODE'], condition='MAV.flightmode!="%s"' % mlog.flightmode) if m is None: break print('%s MAV.flightmode=%-12s (MAV.timestamp=%u %u%%)' % (time.asctime(time.localtime( m._timestamp)), mlog.flightmode, m._timestamp, mlog.percent)) mode = mlog.flightmode if (mode not in time_in_mode): time_in_mode[mode] = 0 if (mode_start_timestamp == -1): mode_start_timestamp = m._timestamp elif (previous_mode != "" and previous_mode != mode): time_in_mode[previous_mode] = time_in_mode[previous_mode] + ( m._timestamp - mode_start_timestamp) #figure out how many seconds per percentage point so I can #calculate how many seconds for the final mode if (seconds_per_percent == -1 and previous_percent != -1 and previous_percent != mlog.percent): seconds_per_percent = (m._timestamp - mode_start_timestamp) / ( mlog.percent - previous_percent) mode_start_timestamp = m._timestamp previous_mode = mode previous_percent = mlog.percent #put a whitespace line before the per-mode report print() print("Time per mode:") #need to get the time in the final mode if (seconds_per_percent != -1): seconds_remaining = (100.0 - previous_percent) * seconds_per_percent time_in_mode[ previous_mode] = time_in_mode[previous_mode] + seconds_remaining total_flight_time = 0 for key, value in time_in_mode.items(): total_flight_time = total_flight_time + value for key, value in time_in_mode.items(): print('%-12s %s %.2f%%' % (key, str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(value))), (value / total_flight_time) * 100.0)) else: #can't print time in mode if only one mode during flight print(previous_mode, " 100% of flight time")
# open master link for mdev in opts.master: if not mpstate.module('link').link_add(mdev): sys.exit(1) if not opts.master and len(serial_list) == 1: print("Connecting to %s" % serial_list[0]) mpstate.module('link').link_add(serial_list[0].device) elif not opts.master: wifi_device = '' mpstate.module('link').link_add(wifi_device) # open any mavlink output ports for port in opts.output: mpstate.mav_outputs.append(mavutil.mavlink_connection(port, baud=int(opts.baudrate), input=False)) if opts.sitl: mpstate.sitl_output = mavutil.mavudp(opts.sitl, input=False) mpstate.settings.streamrate = opts.streamrate mpstate.settings.streamrate2 = opts.streamrate if opts.state_basedir is not None: mpstate.settings.state_basedir = opts.state_basedir msg_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15) heartbeat_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1) heartbeat_check_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.33) mpstate.input_queue = Queue.Queue()
def drive_APMrover2(viewerip=None, map=False): '''drive APMrover2 in SIL you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the mission in real time ''' global homeloc options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=10' if viewerip: options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip if map: options += ' --map' sim_cmd = util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/pysim/' ) + ' --rate=200 --nowait --home=%f,%f,%u,%u' % (, HOME.lng, HOME.alt, HOME.heading) sil = util.start_SIL('APMrover2', wipe=True) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('APMrover2', options=options, synthetic_clock=True) runsim = pexpect.spawn(sim_cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=10) runsim.delaybeforesend = 0 runsim.expect('Starting at lat') print("WAITING FOR PARAMETERS") mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters mavproxy.send("param load %s/Rover.parm\n" % testdir) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') # restart with new parms util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) util.pexpect_close(runsim) sil = util.start_SIL('APMrover2') mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('APMrover2', options=options, synthetic_clock=True) mavproxy.expect('Logging to (\S+)') logfile = print("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) sim_cmd = util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/pysim/' ) + ' --rate=200 --nowait --home=%f,%f,%u,%u' % (, HOME.lng, HOME.alt, HOME.heading) runsim = pexpect.spawn(sim_cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=10) runsim.delaybeforesend = 0 util.pexpect_autoclose(runsim) runsim.expect('Starting at lat') buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/APMrover2-test.tlog") print("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) try:, buildlog) except Exception: pass mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([runsim, sil, mavproxy]) print("Started simulator") # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception, msg: print("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise
import numpy as np import serial from datetime import datetime SIMULATOR_UDP = 'udp:' UDP_IP_LOCAL = "" UDP_PORT = 2992 UDP_IP_650_TCP = 'tcp:' RPI_SERIAL = '/dev/ttyS0' sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP sock.bind((UDP_IP_LOCAL, UDP_PORT)) master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(UDP_IP_650_TCP, dialect="ardupilotmega") #master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(RPI_SERIAL, baud = 115200) #mavutil.set_dialect("ardupilotmega") ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyS0', baudrate=115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=0) def timeFrom00(timeInInt): miSec = timeInInt % 1000000 timeInInt = timeInInt / 1000000 sec = timeInInt % 100 timeInInt = timeInInt / 100
print("Connecting to %s" % serial_list[0]) mpstate.module('link').link_add(serial_list[0].device) elif not opts.master and len(serial_list) > 1: print( "Error: multiple possible serial ports; use --master to select a single port" ) sys.exit(1) elif not opts.master: wifi_device = '' mpstate.module('link').link_add(wifi_device) # open any mavlink output ports for port in opts.output: mpstate.mav_outputs.append( mavutil.mavlink_connection(port, baud=int(opts.baudrate), input=False)) if opts.sitl: mpstate.sitl_output = mavutil.mavudp(opts.sitl, input=False) mpstate.settings.streamrate = opts.streamrate mpstate.settings.streamrate2 = opts.streamrate if opts.state_basedir is not None: mpstate.settings.state_basedir = opts.state_basedir msg_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0 / 15) heartbeat_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1) heartbeat_check_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.33)
def magfit(logfile): '''find best magnetometer rotation fit to a log file''' print("Processing log %s" % filename) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps) last_mag = None last_usec = 0 count = 0 total_error = [0]*len(rotations) AHRS_ORIENTATION = 0 COMPASS_ORIENT = 0 COMPASS_EXTERNAL = 0 last_gyr = None # now gather all the data while True: m = mlog.recv_match() if m is None: break if m.get_type() in ["PARAM_VALUE", "PARM"]: if m.get_type() == "PARM": name = str(m.Name) value = int(m.Value) else: name = str(m.param_id) value = int(m.param_value) if name == "AHRS_ORIENTATION": AHRS_ORIENTATION = value if name == 'COMPASS_ORIENT': COMPASS_ORIENT = value if name == 'COMPASS_EXTERNAL': COMPASS_EXTERNAL = value if m.get_type() in ["RAW_IMU", "MAG","IMU"]: if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU": mag = Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag) gyr = Vector3(m.xgyro, m.ygyro, m.zgyro) * 0.001 usec = m.time_usec elif m.get_type() == "IMU": last_gyr = Vector3(m.GyrX,m.GyrY,m.GyrZ) continue elif last_gyr is not None: mag = Vector3(m.MagX,m.MagY,m.MagZ) gyr = last_gyr usec = m.TimeMS * 1000 mag = mag_fixup(mag, AHRS_ORIENTATION, COMPASS_ORIENT, COMPASS_EXTERNAL) if last_mag is not None and gyr.length() > radians(opts.min_rotation): add_errors(mag, gyr, last_mag, (usec - last_usec)*1.0e-6, total_error, rotations) count += 1 last_mag = mag last_usec = usec best_i = 0 best_err = total_error[0] for i in range(len(rotations)): r = rotations[i] if not r.is_90_degrees(): continue if opts.verbose: print("%s err=%.2f" % (r, total_error[i]/count)) if total_error[i] < best_err: best_i = i best_err = total_error[i] r = rotations[best_i] print("Current rotation is AHRS_ORIENTATION=%s COMPASS_ORIENT=%s COMPASS_EXTERNAL=%u" % ( rotations[AHRS_ORIENTATION], rotations[COMPASS_ORIENT], COMPASS_EXTERNAL)) print("Best rotation is %s err=%.2f from %u points" % (r, best_err/count, count)) print("Please set AHRS_ORIENTATION=%s COMPASS_ORIENT=%s COMPASS_EXTERNAL=1" % ( rotations[AHRS_ORIENTATION], r))
def playback(mavcon, images, targets, target_lat, target_lon, C_params): '''create synthetic images matching target position''' print("Connecting to %s" % mavcon) mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(mavcon) # get first message msg = mlog.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) mavtime = msg.time_boot_ms * 0.001 last_print = time.time() last_image = mavtime mpos = mav_position.MavInterpolator() Xres = 1640 Yres = 1232 tmpimages = "tmpimages" print("Using %s directory" % tmpimages) try: os.mkdir(tmpimages) except Exception: pass while True: msg = mlog.recv_match(blocking=False) if not msg: time.sleep(0.1) continue mpos.add_msg(msg) mtype = msg.get_type() if mtype == "ATTITUDE": mavtime = msg.time_boot_ms * 0.001 if mavtime - last_image > 0.8: last_image = mavtime if not 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT' in mlog.messages: continue frame_time = time.time() - 2.0 try: pos = mpos.position(frame_time) except Exception: continue imgfile = random.choice(images) img = cv2.imread(imgfile) filename = os.path.join( tmpimages, cuav_util.frame_time(frame_time) + ".jpg") # see if the target should be in the image xy = find_xy_in_image(target_lat, target_lon, pos, Xres, Yres, C_params) if xy is None: # when we are not modifying the image use a hardlink to save space, filename) else: # overlay a random target on the image (x, y) = xy tgtfile = random.choice(targets) # targets come from an 80m reference height tgt_scale = 80.0 / max(pos.altitude, 1) tgt = cv2.imread(tgtfile) tgt = cv2.resize(tgt, (0, 0), fx=tgt_scale, fy=tgt_scale) try: img[y:y + tgt.shape[0], x:x + tgt.shape[1]] = tgt cv2.imwrite(filename, img) except Exception:, filename) # create symlink try: os.unlink("capture.jpg") except Exception: pass os.symlink(filename, "capture.jpg") print(filename, xy)
""" msg = None while not msg: master.mav.ping_send( int(time.time() * 1e6), # Unix time in microseconds 0, # Ping number 0, # Request ping of all systems 0 # Request ping of all components ) msg = master.recv_match() time.sleep(0.5) # Connect to the default listening port for # mavproxy on Blue Robotics companion computer master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpout:localhost:9000') # Send a ping to start connection and wait for any reply. wait_conn() # Configure the autopilot to use mavlink rangefinder, the autopilot # will need to be rebooted after this to use the updated setting master.mav.param_set_send( 1, 1, b"RNGFND_TYPE", 10, # "MAVLink" mavutil.mavlink.MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT8) min_measurement = 10 # minimum valid measurement that the autopilot should use max_measurement = 40 # maximum valid measurement that the autopilot should use
from pymavlink import mavutil, mavwp master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:localhost:14551') master.wait_heartbeat(blocking=True) wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader() seq = 1 frame = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT radius = 10 for i in range(N): wp.add( mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message( master.target_system, master.target_component, seq, frame, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 0, 0, radius, 0, 0, lat[i], lon[i], alt[i])) seq += 1 master.waypoint_clear_all_send() master.waypoint_count_send(wp.count()) for i in range(wp.count()): msg = master.recv_match(type=['MISSION_REQUEST'], blocking=True) master.mav.send(wp.wp(msg.seq)) print 'Sending waypoint {0}'.format(msg.seq)
parser.add_argument("--zero-time-base", action='store_true', help="use Z time base for DF logs") parser.add_argument("--show-flightmode", default=True, help="Add background colour to plot corresponding to current flight mode. Cannot be specified with --xaxis.") parser.add_argument("--dialect", default="ardupilotmega", help="MAVLink dialect") parser.add_argument("--output", default=None, help="provide an output format") parser.add_argument("--timeshift", type=float, default=0, help="shift time on first graph in seconds") parser.add_argument("logs_fields", metavar="<LOG or FIELD>", nargs="+") args = parser.parse_args() mg = MavGraph() filenames = [] for f in args.logs_fields: if os.path.exists(f): mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(f, notimestamps=args.notimestamps, zero_time_base=args.zero_time_base, dialect=args.dialect) mg.add_mav(mlog) else: mg.add_field(f) mg.set_condition(args.condition) mg.set_xaxis(args.xaxis) mg.set_marker(args.marker) mg.set_legend(args.legend) mg.set_legend2(args.legend2) mg.set_multi(args.multi) mg.set_title(args.title) mg.set_show_flightmode(args.show_flightmode) mg.process([],[],0), output=args.output)