Exemple #1
def runopf_w_res(*args):
    """Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves.

    Runs an optimal power flow with the addition of reserve requirements
    specified as a set of fixed zonal reserves. See L{runopf} for a
    description of the input and output arguments, which are the same,
    with the exception that the case file or dict C{casedata} must define
    a 'reserves' field, which is a dict with the following fields:
        - C{zones}   C{nrz x ng}, C{zone(i, j) = 1}, if gen C{j} belongs
        to zone C{i} 0, otherwise
        - C{req}     C{nrz x 1}, zonal reserve requirement in MW
        - C{cost}    (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, cost of reserves in $/MW
        - C{qty}     (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, max quantity of reserves
        in MW (optional)
    where C{nrz} is the number of reserve zones and C{ngr} is the number of
    generators belonging to at least one reserve zone and C{ng} is the total
    number of generators.

    In addition to the normal OPF output, the C{results} dict contains a
    new 'reserves' field with the following fields, in addition to those
    provided in the input:
        - C{R}       - C{ng x 1}, reserves provided by each gen in MW
        - C{Rmin}    - C{ng x 1}, lower limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{Rmax}    - C{ng x 1}, upper limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{mu.l}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve lower limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.u}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve upper limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.Pmax} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on C{Pg + R <= Pmax}
        constraint, ($/MW)
        - C{prc}     - C{ng x 1}, reserve price for each gen equal to
        maximum of the shadow prices on the zonal requirement constraint
        for each zone the generator belongs to

    See L{t.t_case30_userfcns} for an example case file with fixed reserves,
    and L{toggle_reserves} for the implementation.

    Calling syntax options::
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, [popt, fname, solvedcase)
        results, success = runopf_w_res(...)

        results = runopf_w_res('t_case30_userfcns')

    @see: L{runopf}, L{toggle_reserves}, L{t.t_case30_userfcns}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc = loadcase(args[0])
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')

    r = runopf(ppc, *args[1:])
    r = toggle_reserves(r, 'off')

    return r
Exemple #2
def runopf_w_res(*args):
    """Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves.

    Runs an optimal power flow with the addition of reserve requirements
    specified as a set of fixed zonal reserves. See L{runopf} for a
    description of the input and output arguments, which are the same,
    with the exception that the case file or dict C{casedata} must define
    a 'reserves' field, which is a dict with the following fields:
        - C{zones}   C{nrz x ng}, C{zone(i, j) = 1}, if gen C{j} belongs
        to zone C{i} 0, otherwise
        - C{req}     C{nrz x 1}, zonal reserve requirement in MW
        - C{cost}    (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, cost of reserves in $/MW
        - C{qty}     (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, max quantity of reserves
        in MW (optional)
    where C{nrz} is the number of reserve zones and C{ngr} is the number of
    generators belonging to at least one reserve zone and C{ng} is the total
    number of generators.

    In addition to the normal OPF output, the C{results} dict contains a
    new 'reserves' field with the following fields, in addition to those
    provided in the input:
        - C{R}       - C{ng x 1}, reserves provided by each gen in MW
        - C{Rmin}    - C{ng x 1}, lower limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{Rmax}    - C{ng x 1}, upper limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{mu.l}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve lower limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.u}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve upper limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.Pmax} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on C{Pg + R <= Pmax}
        constraint, ($/MW)
        - C{prc}     - C{ng x 1}, reserve price for each gen equal to
        maximum of the shadow prices on the zonal requirement constraint
        for each zone the generator belongs to

    See L{t.t_case30_userfcns} for an example case file with fixed reserves,
    and L{toggle_reserves} for the implementation.

    Calling syntax options::
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, [popt, fname, solvedcase)
        results, success = runopf_w_res(...)

        results = runopf_w_res('t_case30_userfcns')

    @see: L{runopf}, L{toggle_reserves}, L{t.t_case30_userfcns}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc = loadcase(args[0])
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')

    r = runopf(ppc, *args[1:])
    r = toggle_reserves(r, 'off')

    return r
def mc_simulation(eqstatus, Testsys, ppopt, Ng, Nl):
    statusgen = eqstatus[0:Ng]
    Testsys["gen"][0:Ng, 8] = 1 - statusgen
    statusbranch = eqstatus[Ng:Ng + Nl]
    Testsys["branch"][0:Nl, 10] = 1 - statusbranch

    Result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt)
    dns = Result["f"] + Testsys["load"]
    if dns < 0.1:
        dns = 0
        return dns
Exemple #4
def rundcopf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname='', solvedcase=''):
    """Runs a DC optimal power flow.

    @see: L{runopf}, L{runduopf}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ## default arguments
    if casedata is None:
        casedata = join(dirname(__file__), 'case9')
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, PF_DC=True)

    return runopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
Exemple #5
def rundcopf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname="", solvedcase=""):
    """Runs a DC optimal power flow.

    @see: L{runopf}, L{runduopf}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ## default arguments
    if casedata is None:
        casedata = join(dirname(__file__), "case9")
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, PF_DC=True)

    return runopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
Exemple #6
def mc_simulation(para):
    ppopt = para[2]
    Ng = para[3]
    Nl = para[4]
    statusgen = para[0][0:Ng]
    Testsys = para[1]
    Testsys["gen"][0:Ng, 7] = 1 - statusgen  # 此处已改
    statusbranch = para[0][Ng:Ng + Nl]
    Testsys["branch"][0:Nl, 10] = 1 - statusbranch
    Result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt)
    dns = Result["f"] + Testsys["load"]
    if dns < 0.1:
        dns = 0
    return dns
Exemple #7
    def run(self,
        Nb = Testsys["bus"].shape[0]  # Load test system,Nb为节点数,Ng为发电机组数,Nl为馈线数
        Ng = Testsys["gen"].shape[0]
        Nl = Testsys["branch"].shape[0]

        # Set initial value
        iter = 0
        betavalue = float('inf')  # The stopping criteria停止迭代的标准
        row_index = 0
        # Build matrices that have fix dimension to avoid changing size in each loop
        eqstatus_total = np.zeros(
            (ITER_max, Ng + Nl + 3))  # 建一个100000*(33+38+3)的矩阵
        beta_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))  # "//"除法得到的才是整数
        edns_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))  # 存放评价指标,大小为1*1000
        lole_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))
        plc_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))
        genbus = np.nonzero((Testsys["bus"][:, PD]))[
            0]  # 第三列(python中坐标是2)是节点的有功功率,表示节点有有功负荷,此处返回该列非零元素的索引,共有17个元素非零
        sizegenbus = genbus.shape[0]  # 有负荷的节点数量赋值给sizegenbus
        Testsys["load"] = sum(Testsys["bus"][:, PD])  # 系统需要的总有功功率
        Testsys["gencost"] = np.tile([2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0],
                                     (Ng, 1))  # np.tile建立重复矩阵块(设置机组费用)
        # treat all load as negtive generator and set their parameters, then add these vitual generators to real gens
        # 将所有载荷视为负发电机,并设置其参数,然后将这些发电机加到实际的发电机中
        loadcost = np.tile([2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0],
                           (sizegenbus, 1))  # np.tile建立重复矩阵块(负荷的“机组费用”)
        Testsys["gencost"] = np.append(Testsys["gencost"], loadcost, axis=0)
        Index = copy.deepcopy(Testsys["gen"][0:sizegenbus, :])  # 将前17台机组的数据取出
        Index[:, 0:10] = np.hstack(
            (Testsys["bus"][genbus, 0].reshape(-1, 1),
             -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2].reshape(-1, 1),
             -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1),
                 (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1),
             np.zeros((sizegenbus, 1)), Testsys["baseMVA"] * np.ones(
                 (sizegenbus, 1)), np.ones((sizegenbus, 1)),
                 (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2].reshape(-1, 1)))
        #  负荷参数代替取出的机组数据,将负荷套入机组模型,上面矩阵取数注意与matlab相比坐标要减一
        Testsys["gen"] = np.append(Testsys["gen"], Index, axis=0)
        del Index
        Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2:4] = 0  # 将原来节点中的第3、4列(有功、无功)负荷设为零
        totalprob = failprob()  # 引用前面定义的函数
        ppopt = ppoption(
            PF_DC=1, VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, OPF_ALG_DC=200, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1
        )  # 可以通过ppoption()采用默认变量来看里面需要什么样的输入,这个按照matlab来输入没问题吧?
        result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt)
        while (betavalue > BETAlimit) & (iter < ITER_max):
            eqstatus_indi = mc_sampling(
                totalprob, SIMUNIT, Ng,
                Nl)  # eqstatus为元件的状态矩阵,为1表示元件故障,为0表示原件正常
            eqstatus_indi = np.hstack(
                (eqstatus_indi, np.ones((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 1)),
                 np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))))
            # 在eqstatus_indi矩阵中加入三列,第一列代表状态重复次数,第二列记载切负荷量大小(没有切负荷则为零),第三列记载是否为容量不足
            eqstatus_indi, ia1 = np.unique(eqstatus_indi,
                                           return_inverse=True)  # 找出抽样中的相同结果
            for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
                              Ng + Nl] = sum(ia1 == i)  # 将重复记录次数在第Ng + Nl + 1
            if iter:
                x = 0
                y = eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                for i in range(y):
                    indi_x = eqstatus_indi[x, 0:Ng + Nl]
                    for j in range(row_index):
                        if (indi_x == eqstatus_total[j, 0:Ng + Nl]).all():
                            eqstatus_total[j, Ng + Nl] = eqstatus_total[
                                j, Ng + Nl] + eqstatus_indi[
                                    Ng + Nl]  # 遇见相同的,就在eqstatus_total的计数中累加次数
                            eqstatus_indi = np.delete(eqstatus_indi, x, axis=0)
                            x = x - 1
                    x = x + 1
                parfortemp = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))
                para = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                n_sample = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
                    para[i] = [0] * 5
                    para[i][0] = eqstatus_indi[i, 0:Ng + Nl]
                    para[i][1] = Testsys
                    para[i][2] = ppopt
                    para[i][3] = Ng
                    para[i][4] = Nl
                with Pool(self.n_processors) as p:
                    load_shedding = list(p.map(mc_simulation, para))
                parfortemp[:, 0] = np.asarray(load_shedding)
                parfortemp[:, 1] = (parfortemp[:, 0]) != 0
                eqstatus_indi[:, Ng + Nl + 1:Ng + Nl + 3] = parfortemp
                eqstatus_total[row_index:row_index +
                               eqstatus_indi.shape[0], :] = eqstatus_indi
                row_index = row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                parfortemp = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))
                para = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                c = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
                    para[i] = [0] * 5
                    para[i][0] = eqstatus_indi[i, 0:Ng + Nl]
                    para[i][1] = Testsys
                    para[i][2] = ppopt
                    para[i][3] = Ng
                    para[i][4] = Nl
                with Pool(self.n_processors) as p:
                    load_shedding = list(p.map(mc_simulation, para))  # 计算负荷短缺值
                parfortemp[:, 0] = np.asarray(load_shedding)
                parfortemp[:, 1] = (parfortemp[:, 0]) != 0  # 记录是否负荷短缺
                eqstatus_indi[:, Ng + Nl + 1:Ng + Nl + 3] = parfortemp
                eqstatus_total[row_index:row_index +
                               eqstatus_indi.shape[0], :] = eqstatus_indi
                row_index = row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
            ## Update index
            edns = sum(
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 1]) / (iter + SIMUNIT)
            lole = sum(eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                       eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 2]) / (
                           iter + SIMUNIT) * 8760
            plc = sum(
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 2]) / (iter + SIMUNIT)
            betavalue = (sum(eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                             (eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 1] - edns)
                             **2))**0.5 / (iter + SIMUNIT) / edns

            beta_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = betavalue
            edns_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = edns
            lole_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = lole
            plc_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = plc
            iter = iter + SIMUNIT
        return edns
            temp["PGMAX"] = 0
            temp["PGMIN"] = 0
            temp["QGMAX"] = 0
            temp["QGMIN"] = 0
            temp["a"] = 0
            temp["b"] = 0
            temp["c"] = 0
        temp["PD"] = bus[i, PD]
        temp["QD"] = bus[i, QD]
        temp["VMIN"] = bus[i, VMIN] ** 2
        temp["VMAX"] = bus[i, VMAX] ** 2


    return Area

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pypower import runopf

    mpc = case33.case33()  # Default test case
    (obj, residual) = run(mpc)

    result = runopf.runopf(case33.case33())

    gap = 100 * (result["f"] - obj) / obj

Exemple #9
def t_dcline(quiet=False):
    """Tests for DC line extension in L{{toggle_dcline}.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    num_tests = 50

    t_begin(num_tests, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_dcline')
    if quiet:
        verbose = False
        verbose = False

    t0 = ''
    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6,
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose)

    ## set up indices
    ib_data = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)]
    ib_voltage = arange(VM, VA + 1)
    ib_lam = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1)
    ib_mu = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1)
    ig_data = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)]
    ig_disp = array([PG, QG, VG])
    ig_mu = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1)
    ibr_data = arange(ANGMAX + 1)
    ibr_flow = arange(PF, QT + 1)
    ibr_mu = array([MU_SF, MU_ST])
    ibr_angmu = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX])

    ## load case
    ppc0 = loadcase(casefile)
    del ppc0['dclinecost']
    ppc = ppc0
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'off')
    ndc = ppc['dcline'].shape[0]

    ## run AC OPF w/o DC lines
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (no DC lines) : '])
    r0 = runopf(ppc0, ppopt)
    success = r0['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['f'], r0['f'], 8, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_data], r0['bus'][:, ib_data], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r0['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3,
         [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_lam], r0['bus'][:, ib_lam], 3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_mu], r0['bus'][:, ib_mu], 2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(r['gen'][:, ig_data], r0['gen'][:, ig_data], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(r['gen'][:, ig_disp], r0['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(r['gen'][:, ig_mu], r0['gen'][:, ig_mu], 3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(r['branch'][:, ibr_data], r0['branch'][:, ibr_data], 10,
         [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r0['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3,
         [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(r['branch'][:, ibr_mu], r0['branch'][:, ibr_mu], 2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (no DC lines) : '])
    ppc1 = {
        'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
        'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
        'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
        'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
        'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
        'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()
    ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3,
         [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3,
         [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## run with DC lines
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    expected = array([[10, 8.9, -10, 10, 1.0674, 1.0935],
                      [2.2776, 2.2776, 0, 0, 1.0818, 1.0665],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0000, 1.0000],
                      [10, 9.5, 0.0563, -10, 1.0778, 1.0665]])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    expected = array([[0, 0.8490, 0.6165, 0, 0, 0.2938],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0.4290, 0.0739, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 7.2209, 0, 0, 0.0739, 0]])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc1 = {
        'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
        'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
        'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
        'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
        'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
        'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()
    ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on')
    ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3,
         [t, 'bus voltage'])
    #t_is(   rp['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][:2, ig_disp], r['gen'][:2, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][2, PG], r['gen'][2, PG], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][2, QG] + rp['dcline'][0, c.QF],
         r['gen'][2, QG] + r['dcline'][0, c.QF], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3,
         [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## add appropriate P and Q injections and check angles and generation when running PF
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with equivalent injections) : '])
    ppc1 = {
        'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
        'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
        'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
        'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
        'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
        'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()
    ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    for k in range(ndc):
        if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]:
            ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS])
            tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS])
            ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QF]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QT]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VF]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VT]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV
            ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV

    rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3,
         [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3,
         [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## test DC OPF
    t = ''.join([t0, 'DC OPF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc = ppc0.copy()
    ppc['gen'][0, PMIN] = 10
    ppc['branch'][4, RATE_A] = 100
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    expected = array([[10, 8.9, 0, 0, 1.01, 1], [2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [10, 9.5, 0, 0, 1, 0.98]])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    expected = array([[0, 1.8602, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.8507, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.2681, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc1 = {
        'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
        'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
        'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
        'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
        'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
        'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()
    ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on')
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3,
         [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3,
         [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## add appropriate P injections and check angles and generation when running PF
    t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with equivalent injections) : '])
    ppc1 = {
        'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
        'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
        'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
        'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
        'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
        'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    for k in range(ndc):
        if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]:
            ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS])
            tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS])
            ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV
            ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV

    rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3,
         [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3,
         [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## run with DC lines
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + poly cost) : '])
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    expected1 = array([[10, 8.9, -10, 10, 1.0663, 1.0936],
                       [7.8429, 7.8429, 0, 0, 1.0809, 1.0667],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0000, 1.0000],
                       [6.0549, 5.7522, -0.5897, -10, 1.0778, 1.0667]])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    expected2 = array([[0, 0.7605, 0.6226, 0, 0, 0.2980],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0.4275, 0.0792, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0792, 0]])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 7.3, 0])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + pwl cost) : '])
    ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 10, 73])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu'])

def t_dcline(quiet=False):
    """Tests for DC line extension in L{{toggle_dcline}.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    num_tests = 50

    t_begin(num_tests, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_dcline')
    if quiet:
        verbose = False
        verbose = False

    t0 = ''
    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8,
            PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose)

    ## set up indices
    ib_data     = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)]
    ib_voltage  = arange(VM, VA + 1)
    ib_lam      = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1)
    ib_mu       = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1)
    ig_data     = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)]
    ig_disp     = array([PG, QG, VG])
    ig_mu       = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1)
    ibr_data    = arange(ANGMAX + 1)
    ibr_flow    = arange(PF, QT + 1)
    ibr_mu      = array([MU_SF, MU_ST])
    ibr_angmu   = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX])

    ## load case
    ppc0 = loadcase(casefile)
    del ppc0['dclinecost']
    ppc = ppc0
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'off')
    ndc = ppc['dcline'].shape[0]

    ## run AC OPF w/o DC lines
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (no DC lines) : '])
    r0 = runopf(ppc0, ppopt)
    success = r0['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['f'], r0['f'], 8, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   r['bus'][:,ib_data   ],    r0['bus'][:,ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   r['bus'][:,ib_voltage],    r0['bus'][:,ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   r['bus'][:,ib_lam    ],    r0['bus'][:,ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   r['bus'][:,ib_mu     ],    r0['bus'][:,ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   r['gen'][:,ig_data   ],    r0['gen'][:,ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r0['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   r['gen'][:,ig_mu     ],    r0['gen'][:,ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(r['branch'][:,ibr_data  ], r0['branch'][:,ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(r['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], r0['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(r['branch'][:,ibr_mu    ], r0['branch'][:,ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (no DC lines) : '])
    ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
            'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
            'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
            'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
            'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
            'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()}
    ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(   rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage],    r['bus'][:,ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## run with DC lines
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    expected = array([
        [10,     8.9,  -10,       10, 1.0674, 1.0935],
        [2.2776, 2.2776, 0,        0, 1.0818, 1.0665],
        [0,      0,      0,        0, 1.0000, 1.0000],
        [10,     9.5,    0.0563, -10, 1.0778, 1.0665]
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    expected = array([
        [0, 0.8490, 0.6165, 0,      0,      0.2938],
        [0, 0,      0,      0.4290, 0.0739, 0],
        [0, 0,      0,      0,      0,      0],
        [0, 7.2209, 0,      0,      0.0739, 0]
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
            'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
            'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
            'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
            'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
            'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()}
    ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on')
    ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(   rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage],    r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    #t_is(   rp['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][:2,ig_disp ],    r['gen'][:2,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][2,PG        ],    r['gen'][2,PG        ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][2,QG]+rp['dcline'][0,c.QF], r['gen'][2,QG]+r['dcline'][0,c.QF], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], 3, [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## add appropriate P and Q injections and check angles and generation when running PF
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with equivalent injections) : '])
    ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
            'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
            'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
            'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
            'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
            'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()}
    ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    for k in range(ndc):
        if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]:
            ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS])
            tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS])
            ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QF]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QT]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VF]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VT]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV
            ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV

    rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(   rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage],    r['bus'][:,ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## test DC OPF
    t = ''.join([t0, 'DC OPF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc = ppc0.copy()
    ppc['gen'][0, PMIN] = 10
    ppc['branch'][4, RATE_A] = 100
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    expected = array([
        [10, 8.9, 0, 0, 1.01, 1],
        [2,  2,   0, 0, 1,    1],
        [0,  0,   0, 0, 1,    1],
        [10, 9.5, 0, 0, 1, 0.98]
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    expected = array([
        [0,      1.8602, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [1.8507, 0,      0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0,      0,      0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0,      0.2681, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with DC lines) : '])
    ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
            'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
            'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
            'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
            'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
            'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()}
    ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on')
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(   rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage],    r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], 3, [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## add appropriate P injections and check angles and generation when running PF
    t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with equivalent injections) : '])
    ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'],
            'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(),
            'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(),
            'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(),
            'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(),
            'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()}
    ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0
    for k in range(ndc):
        if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]:
            ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS])
            tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS])
            ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF]
            ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT]
            ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV
            ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV

    rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt)
    success = rp['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(   rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage],    r['bus'][:,ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   rp['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],    r['gen'][:,ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])

    ## run with DC lines
    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + poly cost) : '])
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    expected1 = array([
        [10,     8.9,   -10,       10, 1.0663, 1.0936],
        [7.8429, 7.8429,  0,        0, 1.0809, 1.0667],
        [0,      0,       0,        0, 1.0000, 1.0000],
        [6.0549, 5.7522, -0.5897, -10, 1.0778, 1.0667]
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    expected2 = array([
        [0, 0.7605, 0.6226, 0,      0,      0.2980],
        [0, 0,      0,      0.4275, 0.0792, 0],
        [0, 0,      0,      0,      0,      0],
        [0, 0,      0,      0,      0.0792, 0]
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 7.3, 0])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu'])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + pwl cost) : '])
    ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 10, 73])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    success = r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V'])
    t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu'])

def t_opf_ipopt(quiet=False):
    """Tests for IPOPT-based AC optimal power flow.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    num_tests = 101

    t_begin(num_tests, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_opf')
    verbose = 0#not quiet

    t0 = 'IPOPT : '
    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8,
                   PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose, OPF_ALG=580)

    ## set up indices
    ib_data     = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)]
    ib_voltage  = arange(VM, VA + 1)
    ib_lam      = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1)
    ib_mu       = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1)
    ig_data     = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)]
    ig_disp     = array([PG, QG, VG])
    ig_mu       = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1)
    ibr_data    = arange(ANGMAX + 1)
    ibr_flow    = arange(PF, QT + 1)
    ibr_mu      = array([MU_SF, MU_ST])
    ibr_angmu   = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX])

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF
    t = t0
    r = runopf(casefile, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    ## run with automatic conversion of single-block pwl to linear costs
    t = ''.join([t0, '(single-block PWL) : '])
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc['gencost'][2, NCOST] = 2
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    xr = r_[r['var']['val']['Va'], r['var']['val']['Vm'], r['var']['val']['Pg'],
            r['var']['val']['Qg'], 0, r['var']['val']['y']]
    t_is(r['x'], xr, 8, [t, 'check on raw x returned from OPF'])

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_Plim = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_Plim.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with active power line limits
    t = ''.join([t0, '(P line lim) : '])
    ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1)
    r = runopf(casefile, ppopt1)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    ##-----  test OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs  -----
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc['gencost'] = array([
        [2,   1500, 0,   3,   0.11,    5,   0],
        [2,   2000, 0,   3,   0.085,   1.2, 0],
        [2,   3000, 0,   3,   0.1225,  1,   0]
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    branch_soln = branch_soln[:, :MU_ST + 1]

    A = None
    l = array([])
    u = array([])
    nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0]      # number of buses
    ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0]      # number of gens
    thbas = 0;                thend    = thbas + nb
    vbas     = thend;     vend     = vbas + nb
    pgbas    = vend;      pgend    = pgbas + ng
#    qgbas    = pgend;     qgend    = qgbas + ng
    nxyz = 2 * nb + 2 * ng
    N = sparse((ppc['baseMVA'] * ones(ng), (arange(ng), arange(pgbas, pgend))), (ng, nxyz))
    fparm = ones((ng, 1)) * array([[1, 0, 0, 1]])
    ix = argsort(ppc['gen'][:, 0])
    H = 2 * spdiags(ppc['gencost'][ix, 4], 0, ng, ng, 'csr')
    Cw = ppc['gencost'][ix, 5]
    ppc['gencost'][:, 4:7] = 0

    ## run OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/quadratic generalized gen cost : '])
    r = opf(ppc, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw)
    f, bus, gen, branch, success = \
            r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    t_is(r['cost']['usr'], f, 12, [t, 'user cost'])

    ##-----  run OPF with extra linear user constraints & costs  -----
    ## single new z variable constrained to be greater than or equal to
    ## deviation from 1 pu voltage at bus 1, linear cost on this z
    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_extras1 = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_extras1.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['f_soln'][0]

    row = [0, 0, 1, 1]
    col = [9, 24, 9, 24]
    A = sparse(([-1, 1, 1, 1], (row, col)), (2, 25))
    u = array([Inf, Inf])
    l = array([-1, 1])

    N = sparse(([1], ([0], [24])), (1, 25))    ## new z variable only
    fparm = array([[1, 0, 0, 1]])              ## w = r = z
    H = sparse((1, 1))                ## no quadratic term
    Cw = array([100.0])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/extra constraints & costs 1 : '])
    r = opf(casefile, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw)
    f, bus, gen, branch, success = \
            r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    t_is(r['var']['val']['z'], 0.025419, 6, [t, 'user variable'])
    t_is(r['cost']['usr'], 2.5419, 4, [t, 'user cost'])

    ##-----  test OPF with capability curves  -----
    ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2'))
    ## remove angle diff limits
    ppc['branch'][0, ANGMAX] =  360
    ppc['branch'][8, ANGMIN] = -360

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_PQcap = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_PQcap.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with capability curves
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/capability curves : '])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    ##-----  test OPF with angle difference limits  -----
    ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2'))
    ## remove capability curves
    ppc['gen'][ix_(arange(1, 3),
                   [PC1, PC2, QC1MIN, QC1MAX, QC2MIN, QC2MAX])] = zeros((2, 6))

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_ang = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_ang.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_ang['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_ang['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_ang['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_ang['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with angle difference limits
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/angle difference limits : '])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  1, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_angmu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_angmu ],  2, [t, 'branch angle mu'])

    ##-----  test OPF with ignored angle difference limits  -----
    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with ignored angle difference limits
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/ignored angle difference limits : '])
    ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_IGNORE_ANG_LIM=1)
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt1)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    ## ang limits are not in this solution data, so let's remove them
    branch[0, ANGMAX] =  360
    branch[8, ANGMIN] = -360
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

def t_opf_userfcns(quiet=False):
    """Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF.

    Includes high-level tests of reserves and iflims implementations.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    t_begin(38, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case30_userfcns')
    verbose = 0#not quiet

    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8,
                     PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose,
                     OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200)
    #ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=-1, VERBOSE=2, OUT_GEN=1)

    ## run the OPF with fixed reserves
    t = 'fixed reserves : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 19.3906, 0.6094], 4, [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 177.8047, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'toggle_reserves(ppc, \'off\') : ';
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 8.244, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'reserves + interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 38.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 16.9, 3.1], 4, [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 179.05, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (AC) : '
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-9.101, 21.432], 3, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [0, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 10.198], 3, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (line out) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    ppc['branch'][11, BR_STATUS] = 0      ## take out line 6-10
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 10.814, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    # r['reserves']['R']
    # r['reserves']['prc']
    # r['reserves']['mu.Pmax']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['l']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['u']
    # r['reserves']['totalcost']
    # r['if']['P']
    # r['if']['mu']['l']
    # r['if']['mu']['u']

Exemple #13
def t_opf_userfcns(quiet=False):
    """Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF.

    Includes high-level tests of reserves and iflims implementations.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    t_begin(38, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case30_userfcns')
    verbose = 0  #not quiet

    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6,
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt,
    #ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=-1, VERBOSE=2, OUT_GEN=1)

    ## run the OPF with fixed reserves
    t = 'fixed reserves : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 19.3906, 0.6094], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 177.8047, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'toggle_reserves(ppc, \'off\') : '
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 8.244, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'reserves + interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 38.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 16.9, 3.1], 4, [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 179.05, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (AC) : '
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-9.101, 21.432], 3, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [0, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 10.198], 3, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (line out) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    ppc['branch'][11, BR_STATUS] = 0  ## take out line 6-10
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 10.814, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    # r['reserves']['R']
    # r['reserves']['prc']
    # r['reserves']['mu.Pmax']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['l']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['u']
    # r['reserves']['totalcost']
    # r['if']['P']
    # r['if']['mu']['l']
    # r['if']['mu']['u']

Exemple #14
def validate_from_ppc(
            "bus_vm_pu": 1e-6,
            "bus_va_degree": 1e-5,
            "branch_p_mw": 1e-6,
            "branch_q_mvar": 1e-6,
            "gen_p_mw": 1e-6,
            "gen_q_mvar": 1e-6
    This function validates the pypower case files to pandapower net structure conversion via a \
    comparison of loadflow calculation results. (Hence the opf cost conversion is not validated.)


        **ppc_net** - The pypower case file, which must already contain the pypower powerflow
            results or pypower must be importable.

        **net** - The pandapower network.


        **pf_type** ("runpp", string) - Type of validated power flow. Possible are ("runpp",
            "rundcpp", "runopp", "rundcopp")

        **max_diff_values** - Dict of maximal allowed difference values. The keys must be
        'vm_pu', 'va_degree', 'p_branch_mw', 'q_branch_mvar', 'p_gen_mw' and 'q_gen_mvar' and
        the values floats.

        **run** (True, bool or list of two bools) - changing the value to False avoids trying to run
            (optimal) loadflows. Giving a list of two bools addresses first pypower and second


        **conversion_success** - conversion_success is returned as False if pypower or pandapower
        cannot calculate a powerflow or if the maximum difference values (max_diff_values )
        cannot be hold.


        import pandapower.converter as pc

        net = cv.from_ppc(ppc_net, f_hz=50)

        conversion_success = cv.validate_from_ppc(ppc_net, net)


        The user has to take care that the loadflow results already are included in the provided \
        ppc_net or pypower is importable.
    # check in case of optimal powerflow comparison whether cost information exist
    if "opp" in pf_type:
        if not (len(net.polynomial_cost) | len(net.piecewise_linear_cost)):
            if "gencost" in ppc_net:
                if not len(ppc_net["gencost"]):
                        'ppc and pandapower net do not include cost information.'
                    return True
                        'The pandapower net does not include cost information.'
                    return False
                    'ppc and pandapower net do not include cost information.')
                return True

    # guarantee run parameter as list, for pypower and pandapower (optimal) powerflow run
    run = [run, run] if isinstance(run, bool) else run

    # --- check pypower powerflow success, if possible
    if pypower_import and run[0]:
            if pf_type == "runpp":
                ppc_net = runpf.runpf(ppc_net, ppopt)[0]
            elif pf_type == "rundcpp":
                ppc_net = rundcpf.rundcpf(ppc_net, ppopt)[0]
            elif pf_type == "runopp":
                ppc_net = runopf.runopf(ppc_net, ppopt)
            elif pf_type == "rundcopp":
                ppc_net = rundcopf.rundcopf(ppc_net, ppopt)
                raise ValueError("The pf_type %s is unknown" % pf_type)
            logger.debug("The pypower run did not work.")
    ppc_success = True
    if 'success' in ppc_net.keys():
        if ppc_net['success'] != 1:
            ppc_success = False
                "The given ppc data indicates an unsuccessful pypower powerflow: "
                + "'ppc_net['success'] != 1'")
    if (ppc_net['branch'].shape[1] < 17):
        ppc_success = False
            "The shape of given ppc data indicates missing pypower powerflow results."

    # --- try to run a pandapower powerflow
    if run[1]:
        if pf_type == "runpp":
            except pp.LoadflowNotConverged:
                except pp.LoadflowNotConverged:
                        if "bus_va_degree" in max_diff_values.keys():
                                "bus_va_degree"] = 1e2 if max_diff_values[
                                    "bus_va_degree"] < 1e2 else max_diff_values[
                        logger.info("voltage_angles could be calculated.")
                    except pp.LoadflowNotConverged:
                            'The pandapower powerflow does not converge.')
        elif pf_type == "rundcpp":
                pp.rundcpp(net, trafo_model="pi")
            except pp.LoadflowNotConverged:
                logger.error('The pandapower dc powerflow does not converge.')
        elif pf_type == "runopp":
                pp.runopp(net, init="flat", calculate_voltage_angles=True)
            except pp.OPFNotConverged:
                    pp.runopp(net, init="pf", calculate_voltage_angles=True)
                except (pp.OPFNotConverged, pp.LoadflowNotConverged, KeyError):
                        logger.info("voltage_angles could be calculated.")
                        if "bus_va_degree" in max_diff_values.keys():
                                "bus_va_degree"] = 1e2 if max_diff_values[
                                    "bus_va_degree"] < 1e2 else max_diff_values[
                    except pp.OPFNotConverged:
                            if "bus_va_degree" in max_diff_values.keys():
                                    "bus_va_degree"] = 1e2 if max_diff_values[
                                        "bus_va_degree"] < 1e2 else max_diff_values[
                            logger.info("voltage_angles could be calculated.")
                        except (pp.OPFNotConverged, pp.LoadflowNotConverged,
                                'The pandapower optimal powerflow does not converge.'
        elif pf_type == "rundcopp":
            except pp.LoadflowNotConverged:
                    'The pandapower dc optimal powerflow does not converge.')
            raise ValueError("The pf_type %s is unknown" % pf_type)

    # --- prepare powerflow result comparison by reordering pp results as they are in ppc results
    if not ppc_success:
        return False
    if "opp" in pf_type:
        if not net.OPF_converged:
    elif not net.converged:
        return False

    # --- store pypower powerflow results
    ppc_res = dict.fromkeys(ppc_elms)
    ppc_res["branch"] = ppc_net['branch'][:, 13:17]
    ppc_res["bus"] = ppc_net['bus'][:, 7:9]
    ppc_res["gen"] = ppc_net['gen'][:, 1:3]

    # --- pandapower bus result table
    pp_res = dict.fromkeys(ppc_elms)
    pp_res["bus"] = array(net.res_bus.sort_index()[['vm_pu', 'va_degree']])

    # --- pandapower gen result table
    pp_res["gen"] = zeros([1, 2])
    # consideration of parallel generators via storing how much generators have been considered
    # each node
    # if in ppc is only one gen -> numpy initially uses one dim array -> change to two dim array
    if len(ppc_net["gen"].shape) == 1:
        ppc_net["gen"] = array(ppc_net["gen"], ndmin=2)
    GENS = DataFrame(ppc_net['gen'][:, [0]].astype(int))
    GEN_uniq = GENS.drop_duplicates()
    already_used_gen = Series(zeros(GEN_uniq.shape[0]).astype(int),
                              index=[int(v) for v in GEN_uniq.values])
    change_q_compare = []
    for i, j in GENS.iterrows():
        current_bus_type, current_bus_idx, same_bus_gen_idx, first_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx, \
            last_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx = _gen_bus_info(ppc_net, i)
        if current_bus_type == 3 and i == first_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx:
            pp_res["gen"] = append(
                array(net.res_ext_grid[net.ext_grid.bus == current_bus_idx][[
                    'p_mw', 'q_mvar'
                ]]).reshape((1, 2)), 0)
        elif current_bus_type == 2 and i == first_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx:
            pp_res["gen"] = append(
                array(net.res_gen[net.gen.bus == current_bus_idx][[
                    'p_mw', 'q_mvar'
                ]]).reshape((1, 2)), 0)
            pp_res["gen"] = append(
                array(net.res_sgen[net.sgen.bus == current_bus_idx][[
                    'p_mw', 'q_mvar'
                ]])[already_used_gen.at[int(j)]].reshape((1, 2)), 0)
            already_used_gen.at[int(j)] += 1
            change_q_compare += [int(j)]
    pp_res["gen"] = pp_res["gen"][1:, :]  # delete initial zero row

    # --- pandapower branch result table
    pp_res["branch"] = zeros([1, 4])
    # consideration of parallel branches via storing how often branches were considered
    # each node-to-node-connection
        init1 = concat([net.line.from_bus, net.line.to_bus], axis=1,
        init2 = concat([net.trafo.hv_bus, net.trafo.lv_bus], axis=1,
    except TypeError:
        # legacy pandas < 0.21
        init1 = concat([net.line.from_bus, net.line.to_bus],
        init2 = concat([net.trafo.hv_bus, net.trafo.lv_bus],
    init1['hv_bus'] = nan
    init1['lv_bus'] = nan
    init2['from_bus'] = nan
    init2['to_bus'] = nan
        already_used_branches = concat([init1, init2], axis=0, sort=True)
    except TypeError:
        # pandas < 0.21 legacy
        already_used_branches = concat([init1, init2], axis=0)
    already_used_branches['number'] = zeros(
        [already_used_branches.shape[0], 1]).astype(int)
    BRANCHES = DataFrame(ppc_net['branch'][:, [0, 1, 8, 9]])
    for i in BRANCHES.index:
        from_bus = pp.get_element_index(net,
                                        name=int(ppc_net['branch'][i, 0]))
        to_bus = pp.get_element_index(net,
                                      name=int(ppc_net['branch'][i, 1]))
        from_vn_kv = ppc_net['bus'][from_bus, 9]
        to_vn_kv = ppc_net['bus'][to_bus, 9]
        ratio = BRANCHES[2].at[i]
        angle = BRANCHES[3].at[i]
        # from line results
        if (from_vn_kv == to_vn_kv) & ((ratio == 0) |
                                       (ratio == 1)) & (angle == 0):
            pp_res["branch"] = append(
                array(net.res_line[(net.line.from_bus == from_bus)
                                   & (net.line.to_bus == to_bus)][[
                                       'p_from_mw', 'q_from_mvar', 'p_to_mw',
                    (already_used_branches.from_bus == from_bus) &
                    (already_used_branches.to_bus == to_bus)].values)].reshape(
                        1, 4), 0)
                (already_used_branches.from_bus == from_bus)
                & (already_used_branches.to_bus == to_bus)] += 1
        # from trafo results
            if from_vn_kv >= to_vn_kv:
                pp_res["branch"] = append(
                    array(net.res_trafo[(net.trafo.hv_bus == from_bus)
                                        & (net.trafo.lv_bus == to_bus)]
                          [['p_hv_mw', 'q_hv_mvar', 'p_lv_mw', 'q_lv_mvar'
                                (already_used_branches.hv_bus == from_bus)
                                & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == to_bus)].
                                    values)].reshape(1, 4), 0)
                    (already_used_branches.hv_bus == from_bus)
                    & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == to_bus)] += 1
            else:  # switch hv-lv-connection of pypower connection buses
                pp_res["branch"] = append(
                    array(net.res_trafo[(net.trafo.hv_bus == to_bus)
                                        & (net.trafo.lv_bus == from_bus)]
                          [['p_lv_mw', 'q_lv_mvar', 'p_hv_mw', 'q_hv_mvar'
                                (already_used_branches.hv_bus == to_bus)
                                & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == from_bus)].
                                    values)].reshape(1, 4), 0)
                    (already_used_branches.hv_bus == to_bus)
                    & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == from_bus)] += 1
    pp_res["branch"] = pp_res["branch"][1:, :]  # delete initial zero row

    # --- do the powerflow result comparison
    diff_res = dict.fromkeys(ppc_elms)
    diff_res["bus"] = ppc_res["bus"] - pp_res["bus"]
    diff_res["bus"][:, 1] -= diff_res["bus"][0, 1]  # remove va_degree offset
    diff_res["branch"] = ppc_res["branch"] - pp_res["branch"]
    diff_res["gen"] = ppc_res["gen"] - pp_res["gen"]
    # comparison of buses with several generator units only as q sum
    for i in GEN_uniq.loc[GEN_uniq[0].isin(change_q_compare)].index:
        next_is = GEN_uniq.index[GEN_uniq.index > i]
        if len(next_is) > 0:
            next_i = next_is[0]
            next_i = GENS.index[-1] + 1
        if (next_i - i) > 1:
            diff_res["gen"][i:next_i, 1] = sum(diff_res["gen"][i:next_i, 1])
    # logger info
        "Maximum voltage magnitude difference between pypower and pandapower: "
        "%.2e pu" % max_(abs(diff_res["bus"][:, 0])))
        "Maximum voltage angle difference between pypower and pandapower: "
        "%.2e degree" % max_(abs(diff_res["bus"][:, 1])))
        "Maximum branch flow active power difference between pypower and pandapower: "
        "%.2e MW" % max_(abs(diff_res["branch"][:, [0, 2]])))
        "Maximum branch flow reactive power difference between pypower and "
        "pandapower: %.2e MVAr" % max_(abs(diff_res["branch"][:, [1, 3]])))
        "Maximum active power generation difference between pypower and pandapower: "
        "%.2e MW" % max_(abs(diff_res["gen"][:, 0])))
        "Maximum reactive power generation difference between pypower and pandapower: "
        "%.2e MVAr" % max_(abs(diff_res["gen"][:, 1])))
    if _validate_diff_res(diff_res, {"bus_vm_pu": 1e-3, "bus_va_degree": 1e-3, "branch_p_mw": 1e-6,
                                     "branch_q_mvar": 1e-6}) and \
            (max_(abs(diff_res["gen"])) > 1e-1).any():
            "The active/reactive power generation difference possibly results "
            "because of a pypower error. Please validate "
            "the results via pypower loadflow."
        )  # this occurs e.g. at ppc case9
    # give a return
    if isinstance(max_diff_values, dict):
        return _validate_diff_res(diff_res, max_diff_values)
        logger.debug("'max_diff_values' must be a dict.")
Index = Testsys["gen"][0:sizegenbus, :]  # 将前17台机组的数据取出
Index[:, 0:10] = np.hstack(
                               1), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1),
     -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 4].reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros(
         (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 4].reshape(-1, 1),
     np.zeros((sizegenbus, 1)).reshape(-1, 1), Testsys["baseMVA"] * np.ones(
         (sizegenbus, 1)), np.ones((sizegenbus, 1)), np.zeros(
             (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1)))
Testsys["gen"] = np.append(Testsys["gen"], Index, axis=0)
del Index
Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2:4] = 0  # 将原来的节点有功、无功负荷设为零
totalprob = failprob()
ppopt = ppoption(PF_DC=1, VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, OPF_ALG_DC=200, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1)
result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt)
while (betavalue > BETAlimit) & (iter < ITER_max):
    eqstatus_indi = mc_sampling(totalprob, SIMUNIT, Ng, Nl)
    aa = np.ones((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 1))
    bb = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))
    eqstatus_indi = np.hstack((eqstatus_indi, aa, bb))
    eqstatus_indi, ia1 = np.unique(eqstatus_indi, axis=0,
                                   return_inverse=True)  # 找出抽样中的相同结果
    for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
        eqstatus_indi[i, Ng + Nl] = sum(ia1 == i)  # 将重复记录次数在第Ng + Nl + 1
    if iter:
        x = 0
        for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
            aa = eqstatus_indi[x, 0:Ng + Nl]
            for j in range(row_index - 1):
                if (aa == eqstatus_total[j, 0:Ng + Nl]).all():
Exemple #16
def t_opf_pips(quiet=False):
    """Tests for PIPS-based AC optimal power flow.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    num_tests = 101

    t_begin(num_tests, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_opf')
    verbose = 0#not quiet

    t0 = 'PIPS : '
    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8,
                   PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose, OPF_ALG=560)

    ## set up indices
    ib_data     = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)]
    ib_voltage  = arange(VM, VA + 1)
    ib_lam      = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1)
    ib_mu       = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1)
    ig_data     = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)]
    ig_disp     = array([PG, QG, VG])
    ig_mu       = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1)
    ibr_data    = arange(ANGMAX + 1)
    ibr_flow    = arange(PF, QT + 1)
    ibr_mu      = array([MU_SF, MU_ST])
    ibr_angmu   = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX])

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF
    t = t0
    r = runopf(casefile, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    ## run with automatic conversion of single-block pwl to linear costs
    t = ''.join([t0, '(single-block PWL) : '])
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc['gencost'][2, NCOST] = 2
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    xr = r_[r['var']['val']['Va'], r['var']['val']['Vm'], r['var']['val']['Pg'],
            r['var']['val']['Qg'], 0, r['var']['val']['y']]
    t_is(r['x'], xr, 8, [t, 'check on raw x returned from OPF'])

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_Plim = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_Plim.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with active power line limits
    t = ''.join([t0, '(P line lim) : '])
    ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1)
    r = runopf(casefile, ppopt1)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    ##-----  test OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs  -----
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc['gencost'] = array([
        [2,   1500, 0,   3,   0.11,    5,   0],
        [2,   2000, 0,   3,   0.085,   1.2, 0],
        [2,   3000, 0,   3,   0.1225,  1,   0]
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    branch_soln = branch_soln[:, :MU_ST + 1]

    A = None
    l = array([])
    u = array([])
    nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0]      # number of buses
    ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0]      # number of gens
    thbas = 0;                thend    = thbas + nb
    vbas     = thend;     vend     = vbas + nb
    pgbas    = vend;      pgend    = pgbas + ng
#    qgbas    = pgend;     qgend    = qgbas + ng
    nxyz = 2 * nb + 2 * ng
    N = sparse((ppc['baseMVA'] * ones(ng), (arange(ng), arange(pgbas, pgend))), (ng, nxyz))
    fparm = ones((ng, 1)) * array([[1, 0, 0, 1]])
    ix = argsort(ppc['gen'][:, 0])
    H = 2 * spdiags(ppc['gencost'][ix, 4], 0, ng, ng, 'csr')
    Cw = ppc['gencost'][ix, 5]
    ppc['gencost'][:, 4:7] = 0

    ## run OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/quadratic generalized gen cost : '])
    r = opf(ppc, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw)
    f, bus, gen, branch, success = \
            r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    t_is(r['cost']['usr'], f, 12, [t, 'user cost'])

    ##-----  run OPF with extra linear user constraints & costs  -----
    ## single new z variable constrained to be greater than or equal to
    ## deviation from 1 pu voltage at bus 1, linear cost on this z
    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_extras1 = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_extras1.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['f_soln'][0]

    row = [0, 0, 1, 1]
    col = [9, 24, 9, 24]
    A = sparse(([-1, 1, 1, 1], (row, col)), (2, 25))
    u = array([Inf, Inf])
    l = array([-1, 1])

    N = sparse(([1], ([0], [24])), (1, 25))    ## new z variable only
    fparm = array([[1, 0, 0, 1]])              ## w = r = z
    H = sparse((1, 1))                ## no quadratic term
    Cw = array([100.0])

    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/extra constraints & costs 1 : '])
    r = opf(casefile, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw)
    f, bus, gen, branch, success = \
            r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    t_is(r['var']['val']['z'], 0.025419, 6, [t, 'user variable'])
    t_is(r['cost']['usr'], 2.5419, 4, [t, 'user cost'])

    ##-----  test OPF with capability curves  -----
    ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2'))
    ## remove angle diff limits
    ppc['branch'][0, ANGMAX] =  360
    ppc['branch'][8, ANGMIN] = -360

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_PQcap = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_PQcap.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with capability curves
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/capability curves : '])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])

    ##-----  test OPF with angle difference limits  -----
    ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2'))
    ## remove capability curves
    ppc['gen'][ix_(arange(1, 3),
                   [PC1, PC2, QC1MIN, QC1MAX, QC2MIN, QC2MAX])] = zeros((2, 6))

    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf_ang = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_ang.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf_ang['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf_ang['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf_ang['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf_ang['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with angle difference limits
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/angle difference limits : '])
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  1, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_angmu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_angmu ],  2, [t, 'branch angle mu'])

    ##-----  test OPF with ignored angle difference limits  -----
    ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file
    soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True)
    ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln
    bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln']
    gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln']
    branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln']
    f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0]

    ## run OPF with ignored angle difference limits
    t = ''.join([t0, 'w/ignored angle difference limits : '])
    ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_IGNORE_ANG_LIM=1)
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt1)
    bus, gen, branch, f, success = \
            r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success']
    ## ang limits are not in this solution data, so let's remove them
    branch[0, ANGMAX] =  360
    branch[8, ANGMIN] = -360
    t_ok(success, [t, 'success'])
    t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_data   ],    bus_soln[:, ib_data   ], 10, [t, 'bus data'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_voltage],    bus_soln[:, ib_voltage],  3, [t, 'bus voltage'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_lam    ],    bus_soln[:, ib_lam    ],  3, [t, 'bus lambda'])
    t_is(   bus[:, ib_mu     ],    bus_soln[:, ib_mu     ],  2, [t, 'bus mu'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_data   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_data   ], 10, [t, 'gen data'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_disp   ],    gen_soln[:, ig_disp   ],  3, [t, 'gen dispatch'])
    t_is(   gen[:, ig_mu     ],    gen_soln[:, ig_mu     ],  3, [t, 'gen mu'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_data  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data  ], 10, [t, 'branch data'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow  ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow  ],  3, [t, 'branch flow'])
    t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu    ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu    ],  2, [t, 'branch mu'])
