def runopf_w_res(*args): """Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves. Runs an optimal power flow with the addition of reserve requirements specified as a set of fixed zonal reserves. See L{runopf} for a description of the input and output arguments, which are the same, with the exception that the case file or dict C{casedata} must define a 'reserves' field, which is a dict with the following fields: - C{zones} C{nrz x ng}, C{zone(i, j) = 1}, if gen C{j} belongs to zone C{i} 0, otherwise - C{req} C{nrz x 1}, zonal reserve requirement in MW - C{cost} (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, cost of reserves in $/MW - C{qty} (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, max quantity of reserves in MW (optional) where C{nrz} is the number of reserve zones and C{ngr} is the number of generators belonging to at least one reserve zone and C{ng} is the total number of generators. In addition to the normal OPF output, the C{results} dict contains a new 'reserves' field with the following fields, in addition to those provided in the input: - C{R} - C{ng x 1}, reserves provided by each gen in MW - C{Rmin} - C{ng x 1}, lower limit on reserves provided by each gen, (MW) - C{Rmax} - C{ng x 1}, upper limit on reserves provided by each gen, (MW) - C{mu.l} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve lower limit, ($/MW) - C{mu.u} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve upper limit, ($/MW) - C{mu.Pmax} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on C{Pg + R <= Pmax} constraint, ($/MW) - C{prc} - C{ng x 1}, reserve price for each gen equal to maximum of the shadow prices on the zonal requirement constraint for each zone the generator belongs to See L{t.t_case30_userfcns} for an example case file with fixed reserves, and L{toggle_reserves} for the implementation. Calling syntax options:: results = runopf_w_res(casedata) results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt) results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname) results = runopf_w_res(casedata, [popt, fname, solvedcase) results, success = runopf_w_res(...) Example:: results = runopf_w_res('t_case30_userfcns') @see: L{runopf}, L{toggle_reserves}, L{t.t_case30_userfcns} @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) @author: Richard Lincoln """ ppc = loadcase(args[0]) ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, *args[1:]) r = toggle_reserves(r, 'off') return r
def mc_simulation(eqstatus, Testsys, ppopt, Ng, Nl): statusgen = eqstatus[0:Ng] Testsys["gen"][0:Ng, 8] = 1 - statusgen statusbranch = eqstatus[Ng:Ng + Nl] Testsys["branch"][0:Nl, 10] = 1 - statusbranch Result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt) dns = Result["f"] + Testsys["load"] if dns < 0.1: dns = 0 return dns
def rundcopf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname='', solvedcase=''): """Runs a DC optimal power flow. @see: L{runopf}, L{runduopf} @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) """ ## default arguments if casedata is None: casedata = join(dirname(__file__), 'case9') ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, PF_DC=True) return runopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
def rundcopf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname="", solvedcase=""): """Runs a DC optimal power flow. @see: L{runopf}, L{runduopf} @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) """ ## default arguments if casedata is None: casedata = join(dirname(__file__), "case9") ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, PF_DC=True) return runopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
def mc_simulation(para): ppopt = para[2] Ng = para[3] Nl = para[4] statusgen = para[0][0:Ng] Testsys = para[1] Testsys["gen"][0:Ng, 7] = 1 - statusgen # 此处已改 statusbranch = para[0][Ng:Ng + Nl] Testsys["branch"][0:Nl, 10] = 1 - statusbranch Result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt) dns = Result["f"] + Testsys["load"] if dns < 0.1: dns = 0 return dns
def run(self, Testsys=case24_ieee_rts(), BETAlimit=0.0017, ITER_max=10000, SIMUNIT=1000): Nb = Testsys["bus"].shape[0] # Load test system,Nb为节点数,Ng为发电机组数,Nl为馈线数 Ng = Testsys["gen"].shape[0] Nl = Testsys["branch"].shape[0] # Set initial value iter = 0 betavalue = float('inf') # The stopping criteria停止迭代的标准 row_index = 0 # Build matrices that have fix dimension to avoid changing size in each loop eqstatus_total = np.zeros( (ITER_max, Ng + Nl + 3)) # 建一个100000*(33+38+3)的矩阵 beta_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT)) # "//"除法得到的才是整数 edns_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT)) # 存放评价指标,大小为1*1000 lole_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT)) plc_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT)) genbus = np.nonzero((Testsys["bus"][:, PD]))[ 0] # 第三列(python中坐标是2)是节点的有功功率,表示节点有有功负荷,此处返回该列非零元素的索引,共有17个元素非零 sizegenbus = genbus.shape[0] # 有负荷的节点数量赋值给sizegenbus Testsys["load"] = sum(Testsys["bus"][:, PD]) # 系统需要的总有功功率 Testsys["gencost"] = np.tile([2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0], (Ng, 1)) # np.tile建立重复矩阵块(设置机组费用) # treat all load as negtive generator and set their parameters, then add these vitual generators to real gens # 将所有载荷视为负发电机,并设置其参数,然后将这些发电机加到实际的发电机中 loadcost = np.tile([2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0], (sizegenbus, 1)) # np.tile建立重复矩阵块(负荷的“机组费用”) Testsys["gencost"] = np.append(Testsys["gencost"], loadcost, axis=0) Index = copy.deepcopy(Testsys["gen"][0:sizegenbus, :]) # 将前17台机组的数据取出 Index[:, 0:10] = np.hstack( (Testsys["bus"][genbus, 0].reshape(-1, 1), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2].reshape(-1, 1), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros( (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros((sizegenbus, 1)), Testsys["baseMVA"] * np.ones( (sizegenbus, 1)), np.ones((sizegenbus, 1)), np.zeros( (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2].reshape(-1, 1))) # 负荷参数代替取出的机组数据,将负荷套入机组模型,上面矩阵取数注意与matlab相比坐标要减一 Testsys["gen"] = np.append(Testsys["gen"], Index, axis=0) del Index Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2:4] = 0 # 将原来节点中的第3、4列(有功、无功)负荷设为零 totalprob = failprob() # 引用前面定义的函数 ppopt = ppoption( PF_DC=1, VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, OPF_ALG_DC=200, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1 ) # 可以通过ppoption()采用默认变量来看里面需要什么样的输入,这个按照matlab来输入没问题吧? result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt) while (betavalue > BETAlimit) & (iter < ITER_max): eqstatus_indi = mc_sampling( totalprob, SIMUNIT, Ng, Nl) # eqstatus为元件的状态矩阵,为1表示元件故障,为0表示原件正常 eqstatus_indi = np.hstack( (eqstatus_indi, np.ones((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 1)), np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2)))) # 在eqstatus_indi矩阵中加入三列,第一列代表状态重复次数,第二列记载切负荷量大小(没有切负荷则为零),第三列记载是否为容量不足 eqstatus_indi, ia1 = np.unique(eqstatus_indi, axis=0, return_inverse=True) # 找出抽样中的相同结果 for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]): eqstatus_indi[i, Ng + Nl] = sum(ia1 == i) # 将重复记录次数在第Ng + Nl + 1 if iter: x = 0 y = eqstatus_indi.shape[0] for i in range(y): indi_x = eqstatus_indi[x, 0:Ng + Nl] for j in range(row_index): if (indi_x == eqstatus_total[j, 0:Ng + Nl]).all(): eqstatus_total[j, Ng + Nl] = eqstatus_total[ j, Ng + Nl] + eqstatus_indi[ x, Ng + Nl] # 遇见相同的,就在eqstatus_total的计数中累加次数 eqstatus_indi = np.delete(eqstatus_indi, x, axis=0) x = x - 1 break x = x + 1 parfortemp = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2)) para = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0] n_sample = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0] for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]): para[i] = [0] * 5 para[i][0] = eqstatus_indi[i, 0:Ng + Nl] para[i][1] = Testsys para[i][2] = ppopt para[i][3] = Ng para[i][4] = Nl with Pool(self.n_processors) as p: load_shedding = list(, para)) parfortemp[:, 0] = np.asarray(load_shedding) parfortemp[:, 1] = (parfortemp[:, 0]) != 0 eqstatus_indi[:, Ng + Nl + 1:Ng + Nl + 3] = parfortemp eqstatus_total[row_index:row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0], :] = eqstatus_indi row_index = row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0] else: parfortemp = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2)) para = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0] c = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0] for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]): para[i] = [0] * 5 para[i][0] = eqstatus_indi[i, 0:Ng + Nl] para[i][1] = Testsys para[i][2] = ppopt para[i][3] = Ng para[i][4] = Nl with Pool(self.n_processors) as p: load_shedding = list(, para)) # 计算负荷短缺值 parfortemp[:, 0] = np.asarray(load_shedding) parfortemp[:, 1] = (parfortemp[:, 0]) != 0 # 记录是否负荷短缺 eqstatus_indi[:, Ng + Nl + 1:Ng + Nl + 3] = parfortemp eqstatus_total[row_index:row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0], :] = eqstatus_indi row_index = row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0] ## Update index edns = sum( eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] * eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 1]) / (iter + SIMUNIT) lole = sum(eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] * eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 2]) / ( iter + SIMUNIT) * 8760 plc = sum( eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] * eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 2]) / (iter + SIMUNIT) betavalue = (sum(eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] * (eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 1] - edns) **2))**0.5 / (iter + SIMUNIT) / edns beta_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = betavalue edns_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = edns lole_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = lole plc_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = plc iter = iter + SIMUNIT return edns
else: temp["PGMAX"] = 0 temp["PGMIN"] = 0 temp["QGMAX"] = 0 temp["QGMIN"] = 0 temp["a"] = 0 temp["b"] = 0 temp["c"] = 0 temp["PD"] = bus[i, PD] temp["QD"] = bus[i, QD] temp["VMIN"] = bus[i, VMIN] ** 2 temp["VMAX"] = bus[i, VMAX] ** 2 Area.append(temp) return Area if __name__ == "__main__": from pypower import runopf mpc = case33.case33() # Default test case (obj, residual) = run(mpc) result = runopf.runopf(case33.case33()) gap = 100 * (result["f"] - obj) / obj print(gap) print(residual)
def t_dcline(quiet=False): """Tests for DC line extension in L{{toggle_dcline}. @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) """ num_tests = 50 t_begin(num_tests, quiet) tdir = dirname(__file__) casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_dcline') if quiet: verbose = False else: verbose = False t0 = '' ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose) ## set up indices ib_data = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)] ib_voltage = arange(VM, VA + 1) ib_lam = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1) ib_mu = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1) ig_data = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)] ig_disp = array([PG, QG, VG]) ig_mu = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1) ibr_data = arange(ANGMAX + 1) ibr_flow = arange(PF, QT + 1) ibr_mu = array([MU_SF, MU_ST]) ibr_angmu = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX]) ## load case ppc0 = loadcase(casefile) del ppc0['dclinecost'] ppc = ppc0 ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'off') ndc = ppc['dcline'].shape[0] ## run AC OPF w/o DC lines t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (no DC lines) : ']) r0 = runopf(ppc0, ppopt) success = r0['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(r['f'], r0['f'], 8, [t, 'f']) t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_data], r0['bus'][:, ib_data], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r0['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_lam], r0['bus'][:, ib_lam], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is(r['bus'][:, ib_mu], r0['bus'][:, ib_mu], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is(r['gen'][:, ig_data], r0['gen'][:, ig_data], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is(r['gen'][:, ig_disp], r0['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(r['gen'][:, ig_mu], r0['gen'][:, ig_mu], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(r['branch'][:, ibr_data], r0['branch'][:, ibr_data], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r0['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(r['branch'][:, ibr_mu], r0['branch'][:, ibr_mu], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (no DC lines) : ']) ppc1 = { 'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy() } ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1 ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## run with DC lines t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) expected = array([[10, 8.9, -10, 10, 1.0674, 1.0935], [2.2776, 2.2776, 0, 0, 1.0818, 1.0665], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0000, 1.0000], [10, 9.5, 0.0563, -10, 1.0778, 1.0665]]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) expected = array([[0, 0.8490, 0.6165, 0, 0, 0.2938], [0, 0, 0, 0.4290, 0.0739, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 7.2209, 0, 0, 0.0739, 0]]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc1 = { 'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy() } ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on') ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1 ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) #t_is( rp['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['gen'][:2, ig_disp], r['gen'][:2, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['gen'][2, PG], r['gen'][2, PG], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['gen'][2, QG] + rp['dcline'][0, c.QF], r['gen'][2, QG] + r['dcline'][0, c.QF], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## add appropriate P and Q injections and check angles and generation when running PF t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with equivalent injections) : ']) ppc1 = { 'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy() } ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1 ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 for k in range(ndc): if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]: ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS]) tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS]) ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF] ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QF] ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT] ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QT] ppc1['bus'][ff, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VF] ppc1['bus'][tt, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VT] ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## test DC OPF t = ''.join([t0, 'DC OPF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc = ppc0.copy() ppc['gen'][0, PMIN] = 10 ppc['branch'][4, RATE_A] = 100 ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) expected = array([[10, 8.9, 0, 0, 1.01, 1], [2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [10, 9.5, 0, 0, 1, 0.98]]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) expected = array([[0, 1.8602, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.8507, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.2681, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc1 = { 'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy() } ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on') ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## add appropriate P injections and check angles and generation when running PF t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with equivalent injections) : ']) ppc1 = { 'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy() } ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 for k in range(ndc): if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]: ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS]) tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS]) ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF] ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT] ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(rp['bus'][:, ib_voltage], r['bus'][:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is(rp['gen'][:, ig_disp], r['gen'][:, ig_disp], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:, ibr_flow], r['branch'][:, ibr_flow], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## run with DC lines t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + poly cost) : ']) ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) expected1 = array([[10, 8.9, -10, 10, 1.0663, 1.0936], [7.8429, 7.8429, 0, 0, 1.0809, 1.0667], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0000, 1.0000], [6.0549, 5.7522, -0.5897, -10, 1.0778, 1.0667]]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) expected2 = array([[0, 0.7605, 0.6226, 0, 0, 0.2980], [0, 0, 0, 0.4275, 0.0792, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0792, 0]]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu']) ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 7.3, 0]) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + pwl cost) : ']) ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 10, 73]) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu']) t_end()
def t_dcline(quiet=False): """Tests for DC line extension in L{{toggle_dcline}. @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) @author: Richard Lincoln """ num_tests = 50 t_begin(num_tests, quiet) tdir = dirname(__file__) casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_dcline') if quiet: verbose = False else: verbose = False t0 = '' ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose) ## set up indices ib_data = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)] ib_voltage = arange(VM, VA + 1) ib_lam = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1) ib_mu = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1) ig_data = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)] ig_disp = array([PG, QG, VG]) ig_mu = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1) ibr_data = arange(ANGMAX + 1) ibr_flow = arange(PF, QT + 1) ibr_mu = array([MU_SF, MU_ST]) ibr_angmu = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX]) ## load case ppc0 = loadcase(casefile) del ppc0['dclinecost'] ppc = ppc0 ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'off') ndc = ppc['dcline'].shape[0] ## run AC OPF w/o DC lines t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (no DC lines) : ']) r0 = runopf(ppc0, ppopt) success = r0['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(r['f'], r0['f'], 8, [t, 'f']) t_is( r['bus'][:,ib_data ], r0['bus'][:,ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], r0['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( r['bus'][:,ib_lam ], r0['bus'][:,ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( r['bus'][:,ib_mu ], r0['bus'][:,ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( r['gen'][:,ig_data ], r0['gen'][:,ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r0['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( r['gen'][:,ig_mu ], r0['gen'][:,ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(r['branch'][:,ibr_data ], r0['branch'][:,ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(r['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], r0['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(r['branch'][:,ibr_mu ], r0['branch'][:,ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (no DC lines) : ']) ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()} ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1 ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is( rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage], r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( rp['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## run with DC lines t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) expected = array([ [10, 8.9, -10, 10, 1.0674, 1.0935], [2.2776, 2.2776, 0, 0, 1.0818, 1.0665], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0000, 1.0000], [10, 9.5, 0.0563, -10, 1.0778, 1.0665] ]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) expected = array([ [0, 0.8490, 0.6165, 0, 0, 0.2938], [0, 0, 0, 0.4290, 0.0739, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 7.2209, 0, 0, 0.0739, 0] ]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()} ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on') ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1 ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is( rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage], r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) #t_is( rp['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( rp['gen'][:2,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:2,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( rp['gen'][2,PG ], r['gen'][2,PG ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( rp['gen'][2,QG]+rp['dcline'][0,c.QF], r['gen'][2,QG]+r['dcline'][0,c.QF], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## add appropriate P and Q injections and check angles and generation when running PF t = ''.join([t0, 'AC PF (with equivalent injections) : ']) ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()} ppc1['bus'][:, VM] = 1 ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 for k in range(ndc): if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]: ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS]) tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS]) ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF] ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QF] ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT] ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, QD] - r['dcline'][k, c.QT] ppc1['bus'][ff, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VF] ppc1['bus'][tt, VM] = r['dcline'][k, c.VT] ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV rp = runpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is( rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage], r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( rp['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## test DC OPF t = ''.join([t0, 'DC OPF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc = ppc0.copy() ppc['gen'][0, PMIN] = 10 ppc['branch'][4, RATE_A] = 100 ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) expected = array([ [10, 8.9, 0, 0, 1.01, 1], [2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [10, 9.5, 0, 0, 1, 0.98] ]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) expected = array([ [0, 1.8602, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.8507, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.2681, 0, 0, 0, 0] ]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected, 3, [t, 'mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with DC lines) : ']) ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()} ppc1 = toggle_dcline(ppc1, 'on') ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is( rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage], r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( rp['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## add appropriate P injections and check angles and generation when running PF t = ''.join([t0, 'DC PF (with equivalent injections) : ']) ppc1 = {'baseMVA': r['baseMVA'], 'bus': r['bus'][:, :VMIN + 1].copy(), 'gen': r['gen'][:, :APF + 1].copy(), 'branch': r['branch'][:, :ANGMAX + 1].copy(), 'gencost': r['gencost'].copy(), 'dcline': r['dcline'][:, :c.LOSS1 + 1].copy()} ppc1['bus'][:, VA] = 0 for k in range(ndc): if ppc1['dcline'][k, c.BR_STATUS]: ff = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.F_BUS]) tt = find(ppc1['bus'][:, BUS_I] == ppc1['dcline'][k, c.T_BUS]) ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] = ppc1['bus'][ff, PD] + r['dcline'][k, c.PF] ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] = ppc1['bus'][tt, PD] - r['dcline'][k, c.PT] ppc1['bus'][ff, BUS_TYPE] = PV ppc1['bus'][tt, BUS_TYPE] = PV rp = rundcpf(ppc1, ppopt) success = rp['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is( rp['bus'][:,ib_voltage], r['bus'][:,ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( rp['gen'][:,ig_disp ], r['gen'][:,ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is(rp['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], r['branch'][:,ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) ## run with DC lines t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + poly cost) : ']) ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_dcline(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) expected1 = array([ [10, 8.9, -10, 10, 1.0663, 1.0936], [7.8429, 7.8429, 0, 0, 1.0809, 1.0667], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0000, 1.0000], [6.0549, 5.7522, -0.5897, -10, 1.0778, 1.0667] ]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) expected2 = array([ [0, 0.7605, 0.6226, 0, 0, 0.2980], [0, 0, 0, 0.4275, 0.0792, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0792, 0] ]) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu']) ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 7.3, 0]) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu']) t = ''.join([t0, 'AC OPF (with DC lines + pwl cost) : ']) ppc['dclinecost'][3, :8] = array([1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 10, 73]) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) success = r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.PF:c.VT + 1], expected1, 4, [t, 'P Q V']) t_is(r['dcline'][:, c.MU_PMIN:c.MU_QMAXT + 1], expected2, 3, [t, 'mu']) t_end()
def t_opf_ipopt(quiet=False): """Tests for IPOPT-based AC optimal power flow. @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) @author: Richard Lincoln """ num_tests = 101 t_begin(num_tests, quiet) tdir = dirname(__file__) casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_opf') verbose = 0#not quiet t0 = 'IPOPT : ' ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose, OPF_ALG=580) ## set up indices ib_data = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)] ib_voltage = arange(VM, VA + 1) ib_lam = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1) ib_mu = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1) ig_data = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)] ig_disp = array([PG, QG, VG]) ig_mu = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1) ibr_data = arange(ANGMAX + 1) ibr_flow = arange(PF, QT + 1) ibr_mu = array([MU_SF, MU_ST]) ibr_angmu = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX]) ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF t = t0 r = runopf(casefile, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) ## run with automatic conversion of single-block pwl to linear costs t = ''.join([t0, '(single-block PWL) : ']) ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc['gencost'][2, NCOST] = 2 r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) xr = r_[r['var']['val']['Va'], r['var']['val']['Vm'], r['var']['val']['Pg'], r['var']['val']['Qg'], 0, r['var']['val']['y']] t_is(r['x'], xr, 8, [t, 'check on raw x returned from OPF']) ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_Plim = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_Plim.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with active power line limits t = ''.join([t0, '(P line lim) : ']) ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1) r = runopf(casefile, ppopt1) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) ##----- test OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs ----- ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc['gencost'] = array([ [2, 1500, 0, 3, 0.11, 5, 0], [2, 2000, 0, 3, 0.085, 1.2, 0], [2, 3000, 0, 3, 0.1225, 1, 0] ]) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] branch_soln = branch_soln[:, :MU_ST + 1] A = None l = array([]) u = array([]) nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0] # number of buses ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0] # number of gens thbas = 0; thend = thbas + nb vbas = thend; vend = vbas + nb pgbas = vend; pgend = pgbas + ng # qgbas = pgend; qgend = qgbas + ng nxyz = 2 * nb + 2 * ng N = sparse((ppc['baseMVA'] * ones(ng), (arange(ng), arange(pgbas, pgend))), (ng, nxyz)) fparm = ones((ng, 1)) * array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]) ix = argsort(ppc['gen'][:, 0]) H = 2 * spdiags(ppc['gencost'][ix, 4], 0, ng, ng, 'csr') Cw = ppc['gencost'][ix, 5] ppc['gencost'][:, 4:7] = 0 ## run OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs t = ''.join([t0, 'w/quadratic generalized gen cost : ']) r = opf(ppc, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw) f, bus, gen, branch, success = \ r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_is(r['cost']['usr'], f, 12, [t, 'user cost']) ##----- run OPF with extra linear user constraints & costs ----- ## single new z variable constrained to be greater than or equal to ## deviation from 1 pu voltage at bus 1, linear cost on this z ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_extras1 = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_extras1.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['f_soln'][0] row = [0, 0, 1, 1] col = [9, 24, 9, 24] A = sparse(([-1, 1, 1, 1], (row, col)), (2, 25)) u = array([Inf, Inf]) l = array([-1, 1]) N = sparse(([1], ([0], [24])), (1, 25)) ## new z variable only fparm = array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]) ## w = r = z H = sparse((1, 1)) ## no quadratic term Cw = array([100.0]) t = ''.join([t0, 'w/extra constraints & costs 1 : ']) r = opf(casefile, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw) f, bus, gen, branch, success = \ r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_is(r['var']['val']['z'], 0.025419, 6, [t, 'user variable']) t_is(r['cost']['usr'], 2.5419, 4, [t, 'user cost']) ##----- test OPF with capability curves ----- ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2')) ## remove angle diff limits ppc['branch'][0, ANGMAX] = 360 ppc['branch'][8, ANGMIN] = -360 ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_PQcap = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_PQcap.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with capability curves t = ''.join([t0, 'w/capability curves : ']) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) ##----- test OPF with angle difference limits ----- ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2')) ## remove capability curves ppc['gen'][ix_(arange(1, 3), [PC1, PC2, QC1MIN, QC1MAX, QC2MIN, QC2MAX])] = zeros((2, 6)) ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_ang = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_ang.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_ang['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_ang['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_ang['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_ang['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with angle difference limits t = ''.join([t0, 'w/angle difference limits : ']) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 1, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_angmu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_angmu ], 2, [t, 'branch angle mu']) ##----- test OPF with ignored angle difference limits ----- ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with ignored angle difference limits t = ''.join([t0, 'w/ignored angle difference limits : ']) ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_IGNORE_ANG_LIM=1) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt1) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] ## ang limits are not in this solution data, so let's remove them branch[0, ANGMAX] = 360 branch[8, ANGMIN] = -360 t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_end()
def t_opf_userfcns(quiet=False): """Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF. Includes high-level tests of reserves and iflims implementations. @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) @author: Richard Lincoln """ t_begin(38, quiet) tdir = dirname(__file__) casefile = join(tdir, 't_case30_userfcns') verbose = 0#not quiet ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose, OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200) #ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=-1, VERBOSE=2, OUT_GEN=1) ## run the OPF with fixed reserves t = 'fixed reserves : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 19.3906, 0.6094], 4, [t, 'reserves.R']) t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims']) t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 177.8047, 4, [t, 'totalcost']) t = 'toggle_reserves(ppc, \'off\') : '; ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims']) t = 'interface flow lims (DC) : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on') r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 8.244, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) t = 'reserves + interface flow lims (DC) : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on') ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on') r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 38.2573], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 16.9, 3.1], 4, [t, 'reserves.R']) t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 179.05, 4, [t, 'totalcost']) t = 'interface flow lims (AC) : ' ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-9.101, 21.432], 3, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 10.198], 3, [t, '']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) t = 'interface flow lims (line out) : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on') ppc['branch'][11, BR_STATUS] = 0 ## take out line 6-10 r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 10.814, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) # r['reserves']['R'] # r['reserves']['prc'] # r['reserves']['mu.Pmax'] # r['reserves']['mu']['l'] # r['reserves']['mu']['u'] # r['reserves']['totalcost'] # # r['if']['P'] # r['if']['mu']['l'] # r['if']['mu']['u'] t_end()
def t_opf_userfcns(quiet=False): """Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF. Includes high-level tests of reserves and iflims implementations. @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) @author: Richard Lincoln """ t_begin(38, quiet) tdir = dirname(__file__) casefile = join(tdir, 't_case30_userfcns') verbose = 0 #not quiet ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose, OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200) #ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=-1, VERBOSE=2, OUT_GEN=1) ## run the OPF with fixed reserves t = 'fixed reserves : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 19.3906, 0.6094], 4, [t, 'reserves.R']) t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims']) t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 177.8047, 4, [t, 'totalcost']) t = 'toggle_reserves(ppc, \'off\') : ' ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims']) t = 'interface flow lims (DC) : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on') r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 8.244, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) t = 'reserves + interface flow lims (DC) : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on') ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on') r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 38.2573], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 16.9, 3.1], 4, [t, 'reserves.R']) t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 179.05, 4, [t, 'totalcost']) t = 'interface flow lims (AC) : ' ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off') r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-9.101, 21.432], 3, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [0, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 10.198], 3, [t, '']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) t = 'interface flow lims (line out) : ' ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on') ppc['branch'][11, BR_STATUS] = 0 ## take out line 6-10 r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt) t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success']) t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, '']) t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 10.814, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14']) t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves']) # r['reserves']['R'] # r['reserves']['prc'] # r['reserves']['mu.Pmax'] # r['reserves']['mu']['l'] # r['reserves']['mu']['u'] # r['reserves']['totalcost'] # # r['if']['P'] # r['if']['mu']['l'] # r['if']['mu']['u'] t_end()
def validate_from_ppc( ppc_net, net, pf_type="runpp", max_diff_values={ "bus_vm_pu": 1e-6, "bus_va_degree": 1e-5, "branch_p_mw": 1e-6, "branch_q_mvar": 1e-6, "gen_p_mw": 1e-6, "gen_q_mvar": 1e-6 }, run=True): """ This function validates the pypower case files to pandapower net structure conversion via a \ comparison of loadflow calculation results. (Hence the opf cost conversion is not validated.) INPUT: **ppc_net** - The pypower case file, which must already contain the pypower powerflow results or pypower must be importable. **net** - The pandapower network. OPTIONAL: **pf_type** ("runpp", string) - Type of validated power flow. Possible are ("runpp", "rundcpp", "runopp", "rundcopp") **max_diff_values** - Dict of maximal allowed difference values. The keys must be 'vm_pu', 'va_degree', 'p_branch_mw', 'q_branch_mvar', 'p_gen_mw' and 'q_gen_mvar' and the values floats. **run** (True, bool or list of two bools) - changing the value to False avoids trying to run (optimal) loadflows. Giving a list of two bools addresses first pypower and second pandapower. OUTPUT: **conversion_success** - conversion_success is returned as False if pypower or pandapower cannot calculate a powerflow or if the maximum difference values (max_diff_values ) cannot be hold. EXAMPLE: import pandapower.converter as pc net = cv.from_ppc(ppc_net, f_hz=50) conversion_success = cv.validate_from_ppc(ppc_net, net) NOTE: The user has to take care that the loadflow results already are included in the provided \ ppc_net or pypower is importable. """ # check in case of optimal powerflow comparison whether cost information exist if "opp" in pf_type: if not (len(net.polynomial_cost) | len(net.piecewise_linear_cost)): if "gencost" in ppc_net: if not len(ppc_net["gencost"]): logger.debug( 'ppc and pandapower net do not include cost information.' ) return True else: logger.error( 'The pandapower net does not include cost information.' ) return False else: logger.debug( 'ppc and pandapower net do not include cost information.') return True # guarantee run parameter as list, for pypower and pandapower (optimal) powerflow run run = [run, run] if isinstance(run, bool) else run # --- check pypower powerflow success, if possible if pypower_import and run[0]: try: if pf_type == "runpp": ppc_net = runpf.runpf(ppc_net, ppopt)[0] elif pf_type == "rundcpp": ppc_net = rundcpf.rundcpf(ppc_net, ppopt)[0] elif pf_type == "runopp": ppc_net = runopf.runopf(ppc_net, ppopt) elif pf_type == "rundcopp": ppc_net = rundcopf.rundcopf(ppc_net, ppopt) else: raise ValueError("The pf_type %s is unknown" % pf_type) except: logger.debug("The pypower run did not work.") ppc_success = True if 'success' in ppc_net.keys(): if ppc_net['success'] != 1: ppc_success = False logger.error( "The given ppc data indicates an unsuccessful pypower powerflow: " + "'ppc_net['success'] != 1'") if (ppc_net['branch'].shape[1] < 17): ppc_success = False logger.error( "The shape of given ppc data indicates missing pypower powerflow results." ) # --- try to run a pandapower powerflow if run[1]: if pf_type == "runpp": try: pp.runpp(net, init="dc", calculate_voltage_angles=True, trafo_model="pi") except pp.LoadflowNotConverged: try: pp.runpp(net, calculate_voltage_angles=True, init="flat", trafo_model="pi") except pp.LoadflowNotConverged: try: pp.runpp(net, trafo_model="pi", calculate_voltage_angles=False) if "bus_va_degree" in max_diff_values.keys(): max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] = 1e2 if max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] < 1e2 else max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"]"voltage_angles could be calculated.") except pp.LoadflowNotConverged: logger.error( 'The pandapower powerflow does not converge.') elif pf_type == "rundcpp": try: pp.rundcpp(net, trafo_model="pi") except pp.LoadflowNotConverged: logger.error('The pandapower dc powerflow does not converge.') elif pf_type == "runopp": try: pp.runopp(net, init="flat", calculate_voltage_angles=True) except pp.OPFNotConverged: try: pp.runopp(net, init="pf", calculate_voltage_angles=True) except (pp.OPFNotConverged, pp.LoadflowNotConverged, KeyError): try: pp.runopp(net, init="flat", calculate_voltage_angles=False)"voltage_angles could be calculated.") if "bus_va_degree" in max_diff_values.keys(): max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] = 1e2 if max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] < 1e2 else max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] except pp.OPFNotConverged: try: pp.runopp(net, init="pf", calculate_voltage_angles=False) if "bus_va_degree" in max_diff_values.keys(): max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] = 1e2 if max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"] < 1e2 else max_diff_values[ "bus_va_degree"]"voltage_angles could be calculated.") except (pp.OPFNotConverged, pp.LoadflowNotConverged, KeyError): logger.error( 'The pandapower optimal powerflow does not converge.' ) elif pf_type == "rundcopp": try: pp.rundcopp(net) except pp.LoadflowNotConverged: logger.error( 'The pandapower dc optimal powerflow does not converge.') else: raise ValueError("The pf_type %s is unknown" % pf_type) # --- prepare powerflow result comparison by reordering pp results as they are in ppc results if not ppc_success: return False if "opp" in pf_type: if not net.OPF_converged: return elif not net.converged: return False # --- store pypower powerflow results ppc_res = dict.fromkeys(ppc_elms) ppc_res["branch"] = ppc_net['branch'][:, 13:17] ppc_res["bus"] = ppc_net['bus'][:, 7:9] ppc_res["gen"] = ppc_net['gen'][:, 1:3] # --- pandapower bus result table pp_res = dict.fromkeys(ppc_elms) pp_res["bus"] = array(net.res_bus.sort_index()[['vm_pu', 'va_degree']]) # --- pandapower gen result table pp_res["gen"] = zeros([1, 2]) # consideration of parallel generators via storing how much generators have been considered # each node # if in ppc is only one gen -> numpy initially uses one dim array -> change to two dim array if len(ppc_net["gen"].shape) == 1: ppc_net["gen"] = array(ppc_net["gen"], ndmin=2) GENS = DataFrame(ppc_net['gen'][:, [0]].astype(int)) GEN_uniq = GENS.drop_duplicates() already_used_gen = Series(zeros(GEN_uniq.shape[0]).astype(int), index=[int(v) for v in GEN_uniq.values]) change_q_compare = [] for i, j in GENS.iterrows(): current_bus_type, current_bus_idx, same_bus_gen_idx, first_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx, \ last_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx = _gen_bus_info(ppc_net, i) if current_bus_type == 3 and i == first_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx: pp_res["gen"] = append( pp_res["gen"], array(net.res_ext_grid[net.ext_grid.bus == current_bus_idx][[ 'p_mw', 'q_mvar' ]]).reshape((1, 2)), 0) elif current_bus_type == 2 and i == first_same_bus_in_service_gen_idx: pp_res["gen"] = append( pp_res["gen"], array(net.res_gen[net.gen.bus == current_bus_idx][[ 'p_mw', 'q_mvar' ]]).reshape((1, 2)), 0) else: pp_res["gen"] = append( pp_res["gen"], array(net.res_sgen[net.sgen.bus == current_bus_idx][[ 'p_mw', 'q_mvar' ]])[[int(j)]].reshape((1, 2)), 0)[int(j)] += 1 change_q_compare += [int(j)] pp_res["gen"] = pp_res["gen"][1:, :] # delete initial zero row # --- pandapower branch result table pp_res["branch"] = zeros([1, 4]) # consideration of parallel branches via storing how often branches were considered # each node-to-node-connection try: init1 = concat([net.line.from_bus, net.line.to_bus], axis=1, sort=True).drop_duplicates() init2 = concat([net.trafo.hv_bus, net.trafo.lv_bus], axis=1, sort=True).drop_duplicates() except TypeError: # legacy pandas < 0.21 init1 = concat([net.line.from_bus, net.line.to_bus], axis=1).drop_duplicates() init2 = concat([net.trafo.hv_bus, net.trafo.lv_bus], axis=1).drop_duplicates() init1['hv_bus'] = nan init1['lv_bus'] = nan init2['from_bus'] = nan init2['to_bus'] = nan try: already_used_branches = concat([init1, init2], axis=0, sort=True) except TypeError: # pandas < 0.21 legacy already_used_branches = concat([init1, init2], axis=0) already_used_branches['number'] = zeros( [already_used_branches.shape[0], 1]).astype(int) BRANCHES = DataFrame(ppc_net['branch'][:, [0, 1, 8, 9]]) for i in BRANCHES.index: from_bus = pp.get_element_index(net, 'bus', name=int(ppc_net['branch'][i, 0])) to_bus = pp.get_element_index(net, 'bus', name=int(ppc_net['branch'][i, 1])) from_vn_kv = ppc_net['bus'][from_bus, 9] to_vn_kv = ppc_net['bus'][to_bus, 9] ratio = BRANCHES[2].at[i] angle = BRANCHES[3].at[i] # from line results if (from_vn_kv == to_vn_kv) & ((ratio == 0) | (ratio == 1)) & (angle == 0): pp_res["branch"] = append( pp_res["branch"], array(net.res_line[(net.line.from_bus == from_bus) & (net.line.to_bus == to_bus)][[ 'p_from_mw', 'q_from_mvar', 'p_to_mw', 'q_to_mvar' ]]) [int(already_used_branches.number.loc[ (already_used_branches.from_bus == from_bus) & (already_used_branches.to_bus == to_bus)].values)].reshape( 1, 4), 0) already_used_branches.number.loc[ (already_used_branches.from_bus == from_bus) & (already_used_branches.to_bus == to_bus)] += 1 # from trafo results else: if from_vn_kv >= to_vn_kv: pp_res["branch"] = append( pp_res["branch"], array(net.res_trafo[(net.trafo.hv_bus == from_bus) & (net.trafo.lv_bus == to_bus)] [['p_hv_mw', 'q_hv_mvar', 'p_lv_mw', 'q_lv_mvar' ]])[int(already_used_branches.number.loc[ (already_used_branches.hv_bus == from_bus) & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == to_bus)]. values)].reshape(1, 4), 0) already_used_branches.number.loc[ (already_used_branches.hv_bus == from_bus) & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == to_bus)] += 1 else: # switch hv-lv-connection of pypower connection buses pp_res["branch"] = append( pp_res["branch"], array(net.res_trafo[(net.trafo.hv_bus == to_bus) & (net.trafo.lv_bus == from_bus)] [['p_lv_mw', 'q_lv_mvar', 'p_hv_mw', 'q_hv_mvar' ]])[int(already_used_branches.number.loc[ (already_used_branches.hv_bus == to_bus) & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == from_bus)]. values)].reshape(1, 4), 0) already_used_branches.number.loc[ (already_used_branches.hv_bus == to_bus) & (already_used_branches.lv_bus == from_bus)] += 1 pp_res["branch"] = pp_res["branch"][1:, :] # delete initial zero row # --- do the powerflow result comparison diff_res = dict.fromkeys(ppc_elms) diff_res["bus"] = ppc_res["bus"] - pp_res["bus"] diff_res["bus"][:, 1] -= diff_res["bus"][0, 1] # remove va_degree offset diff_res["branch"] = ppc_res["branch"] - pp_res["branch"] diff_res["gen"] = ppc_res["gen"] - pp_res["gen"] # comparison of buses with several generator units only as q sum for i in GEN_uniq.loc[GEN_uniq[0].isin(change_q_compare)].index: next_is = GEN_uniq.index[GEN_uniq.index > i] if len(next_is) > 0: next_i = next_is[0] else: next_i = GENS.index[-1] + 1 if (next_i - i) > 1: diff_res["gen"][i:next_i, 1] = sum(diff_res["gen"][i:next_i, 1]) # logger info logger.debug( "Maximum voltage magnitude difference between pypower and pandapower: " "%.2e pu" % max_(abs(diff_res["bus"][:, 0]))) logger.debug( "Maximum voltage angle difference between pypower and pandapower: " "%.2e degree" % max_(abs(diff_res["bus"][:, 1]))) logger.debug( "Maximum branch flow active power difference between pypower and pandapower: " "%.2e MW" % max_(abs(diff_res["branch"][:, [0, 2]]))) logger.debug( "Maximum branch flow reactive power difference between pypower and " "pandapower: %.2e MVAr" % max_(abs(diff_res["branch"][:, [1, 3]]))) logger.debug( "Maximum active power generation difference between pypower and pandapower: " "%.2e MW" % max_(abs(diff_res["gen"][:, 0]))) logger.debug( "Maximum reactive power generation difference between pypower and pandapower: " "%.2e MVAr" % max_(abs(diff_res["gen"][:, 1]))) if _validate_diff_res(diff_res, {"bus_vm_pu": 1e-3, "bus_va_degree": 1e-3, "branch_p_mw": 1e-6, "branch_q_mvar": 1e-6}) and \ (max_(abs(diff_res["gen"])) > 1e-1).any(): logger.debug( "The active/reactive power generation difference possibly results " "because of a pypower error. Please validate " "the results via pypower loadflow." ) # this occurs e.g. at ppc case9 # give a return if isinstance(max_diff_values, dict): return _validate_diff_res(diff_res, max_diff_values) else: logger.debug("'max_diff_values' must be a dict.")
Index = Testsys["gen"][0:sizegenbus, :] # 将前17台机组的数据取出 Index[:, 0:10] = np.hstack( (Testsys["bus"][genbus, 1].reshape(-1, 1), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 4].reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros( (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 4].reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros((sizegenbus, 1)).reshape(-1, 1), Testsys["baseMVA"] * np.ones( (sizegenbus, 1)), np.ones((sizegenbus, 1)), np.zeros( (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1))) Testsys["gen"] = np.append(Testsys["gen"], Index, axis=0) del Index Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2:4] = 0 # 将原来的节点有功、无功负荷设为零 totalprob = failprob() ppopt = ppoption(PF_DC=1, VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, OPF_ALG_DC=200, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1) result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt) while (betavalue > BETAlimit) & (iter < ITER_max): eqstatus_indi = mc_sampling(totalprob, SIMUNIT, Ng, Nl) aa = np.ones((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 1)) bb = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2)) eqstatus_indi = np.hstack((eqstatus_indi, aa, bb)) eqstatus_indi, ia1 = np.unique(eqstatus_indi, axis=0, return_inverse=True) # 找出抽样中的相同结果 for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]): eqstatus_indi[i, Ng + Nl] = sum(ia1 == i) # 将重复记录次数在第Ng + Nl + 1 if iter: x = 0 for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]): aa = eqstatus_indi[x, 0:Ng + Nl] for j in range(row_index - 1): if (aa == eqstatus_total[j, 0:Ng + Nl]).all():
def t_opf_pips(quiet=False): """Tests for PIPS-based AC optimal power flow. @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) """ num_tests = 101 t_begin(num_tests, quiet) tdir = dirname(__file__) casefile = join(tdir, 't_case9_opf') verbose = 0#not quiet t0 = 'PIPS : ' ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9) ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose, OPF_ALG=560) ## set up indices ib_data = r_[arange(BUS_AREA + 1), arange(BASE_KV, VMIN + 1)] ib_voltage = arange(VM, VA + 1) ib_lam = arange(LAM_P, LAM_Q + 1) ib_mu = arange(MU_VMAX, MU_VMIN + 1) ig_data = r_[[GEN_BUS, QMAX, QMIN], arange(MBASE, APF + 1)] ig_disp = array([PG, QG, VG]) ig_mu = arange(MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN + 1) ibr_data = arange(ANGMAX + 1) ibr_flow = arange(PF, QT + 1) ibr_mu = array([MU_SF, MU_ST]) ibr_angmu = array([MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX]) ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF t = t0 r = runopf(casefile, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) ## run with automatic conversion of single-block pwl to linear costs t = ''.join([t0, '(single-block PWL) : ']) ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc['gencost'][2, NCOST] = 2 r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) xr = r_[r['var']['val']['Va'], r['var']['val']['Vm'], r['var']['val']['Pg'], r['var']['val']['Qg'], 0, r['var']['val']['y']] t_is(r['x'], xr, 8, [t, 'check on raw x returned from OPF']) ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_Plim = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_Plim.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_Plim['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with active power line limits t = ''.join([t0, '(P line lim) : ']) ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1) r = runopf(casefile, ppopt1) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) ##----- test OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs ----- ppc = loadcase(casefile) ppc['gencost'] = array([ [2, 1500, 0, 3, 0.11, 5, 0], [2, 2000, 0, 3, 0.085, 1.2, 0], [2, 3000, 0, 3, 0.1225, 1, 0] ]) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] branch_soln = branch_soln[:, :MU_ST + 1] A = None l = array([]) u = array([]) nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0] # number of buses ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0] # number of gens thbas = 0; thend = thbas + nb vbas = thend; vend = vbas + nb pgbas = vend; pgend = pgbas + ng # qgbas = pgend; qgend = qgbas + ng nxyz = 2 * nb + 2 * ng N = sparse((ppc['baseMVA'] * ones(ng), (arange(ng), arange(pgbas, pgend))), (ng, nxyz)) fparm = ones((ng, 1)) * array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]) ix = argsort(ppc['gen'][:, 0]) H = 2 * spdiags(ppc['gencost'][ix, 4], 0, ng, ng, 'csr') Cw = ppc['gencost'][ix, 5] ppc['gencost'][:, 4:7] = 0 ## run OPF with quadratic gen costs moved to generalized costs t = ''.join([t0, 'w/quadratic generalized gen cost : ']) r = opf(ppc, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw) f, bus, gen, branch, success = \ r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_is(r['cost']['usr'], f, 12, [t, 'user cost']) ##----- run OPF with extra linear user constraints & costs ----- ## single new z variable constrained to be greater than or equal to ## deviation from 1 pu voltage at bus 1, linear cost on this z ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_extras1 = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_extras1.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_extras1['f_soln'][0] row = [0, 0, 1, 1] col = [9, 24, 9, 24] A = sparse(([-1, 1, 1, 1], (row, col)), (2, 25)) u = array([Inf, Inf]) l = array([-1, 1]) N = sparse(([1], ([0], [24])), (1, 25)) ## new z variable only fparm = array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]) ## w = r = z H = sparse((1, 1)) ## no quadratic term Cw = array([100.0]) t = ''.join([t0, 'w/extra constraints & costs 1 : ']) r = opf(casefile, A, l, u, ppopt, N, fparm, H, Cw) f, bus, gen, branch, success = \ r['f'], r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_is(r['var']['val']['z'], 0.025419, 6, [t, 'user variable']) t_is(r['cost']['usr'], 2.5419, 4, [t, 'user cost']) ##----- test OPF with capability curves ----- ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2')) ## remove angle diff limits ppc['branch'][0, ANGMAX] = 360 ppc['branch'][8, ANGMIN] = -360 ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_PQcap = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_PQcap.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_PQcap['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with capability curves t = ''.join([t0, 'w/capability curves : ']) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) ##----- test OPF with angle difference limits ----- ppc = loadcase(join(tdir, 't_case9_opfv2')) ## remove capability curves ppc['gen'][ix_(arange(1, 3), [PC1, PC2, QC1MIN, QC1MAX, QC2MIN, QC2MAX])] = zeros((2, 6)) ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf_ang = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf_ang.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf_ang['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf_ang['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf_ang['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf_ang['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with angle difference limits t = ''.join([t0, 'w/angle difference limits : ']) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 1, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_angmu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_angmu ], 2, [t, 'branch angle mu']) ##----- test OPF with ignored angle difference limits ----- ## get solved AC power flow case from MAT-file soln9_opf = loadmat(join(tdir, 'soln9_opf.mat'), struct_as_record=True) ## defines bus_soln, gen_soln, branch_soln, f_soln bus_soln = soln9_opf['bus_soln'] gen_soln = soln9_opf['gen_soln'] branch_soln = soln9_opf['branch_soln'] f_soln = soln9_opf['f_soln'][0] ## run OPF with ignored angle difference limits t = ''.join([t0, 'w/ignored angle difference limits : ']) ppopt1 = ppoption(ppopt, OPF_IGNORE_ANG_LIM=1) r = runopf(ppc, ppopt1) bus, gen, branch, f, success = \ r['bus'], r['gen'], r['branch'], r['f'], r['success'] ## ang limits are not in this solution data, so let's remove them branch[0, ANGMAX] = 360 branch[8, ANGMIN] = -360 t_ok(success, [t, 'success']) t_is(f, f_soln, 3, [t, 'f']) t_is( bus[:, ib_data ], bus_soln[:, ib_data ], 10, [t, 'bus data']) t_is( bus[:, ib_voltage], bus_soln[:, ib_voltage], 3, [t, 'bus voltage']) t_is( bus[:, ib_lam ], bus_soln[:, ib_lam ], 3, [t, 'bus lambda']) t_is( bus[:, ib_mu ], bus_soln[:, ib_mu ], 2, [t, 'bus mu']) t_is( gen[:, ig_data ], gen_soln[:, ig_data ], 10, [t, 'gen data']) t_is( gen[:, ig_disp ], gen_soln[:, ig_disp ], 3, [t, 'gen dispatch']) t_is( gen[:, ig_mu ], gen_soln[:, ig_mu ], 3, [t, 'gen mu']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_data ], branch_soln[:, ibr_data ], 10, [t, 'branch data']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_flow ], branch_soln[:, ibr_flow ], 3, [t, 'branch flow']) t_is(branch[:, ibr_mu ], branch_soln[:, ibr_mu ], 2, [t, 'branch mu']) t_end()