Exemple #1
def build_flight_plan(flight_plan_form):
    new_flight_plan = flight_plan_form.save(commit=False)

    # PySAL wants lat/lon as lon/lat
    depart = (new_flight_plan.depart_longitude,
    arrive = (new_flight_plan.arrive_longitude,
    interval = new_flight_plan.report_interval
    utc_depart_time = new_flight_plan.depart_time

    miles = sphere.arcdist(depart, arrive, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
    hours = miles / float(new_flight_plan.planned_speed)
    utc_arrive_time = utc_depart_time + timedelta(hours=hours)
    reports = min(int(math.floor(hours / min(interval, hours))), 50)

    # Provides the point to center the map on
    midpoint = sphere.geointerpolate(depart, arrive, 0.5)
    new_flight_plan.midpoint_latitude = midpoint[1]
    new_flight_plan.midpoint_longitude = midpoint[0]

    weather_reports = []
    for i in range(reports):
        coords = sphere.geointerpolate(depart, arrive,
                                       (i * interval) / float(hours))
        utc_report_time = utc_depart_time + timedelta(hours=(i * interval))
            build_weather_report(coords[1], coords[0], utc_report_time))

        build_weather_report(arrive[1], arrive[0], utc_arrive_time))

    return (new_flight_plan, weather_reports)
Exemple #2
 def test_linear2arcdist(self):
     d = sphere.arcdist(self.pt0, self.pt1, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     ad = sphere.linear2arcdist(2.0, radius=sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     self.assertEquals(d, ad)
Exemple #3
 def test_arcdist2linear(self):
     d = sphere.arcdist(self.pt0, self.pt1, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     ld = sphere.arcdist2linear(d, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     self.assertEquals(ld, 2.0)
Exemple #4
 def test_arcdist(self):
     d = sphere.arcdist(self.pt0, self.pt1, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     self.assertEquals(d, math.pi * sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
 def compute_distance(a, b):
     return arcdist(a, b, radius=EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS)
Exemple #6
 def test_linear2arcdist(self):
     d = sphere.arcdist(self.pt0, self.pt1, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     ad = sphere.linear2arcdist(2.0, radius=sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     self.assertEquals(d, ad)
Exemple #7
 def test_arcdist2linear(self):
     d = sphere.arcdist(self.pt0, self.pt1, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     ld = sphere.arcdist2linear(d, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     self.assertEquals(ld, 2.0)
Exemple #8
 def test_arcdist(self):
     d = sphere.arcdist(self.pt0, self.pt1, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
     self.assertEquals(d, math.pi * sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
from geopy.distance import great_circle

with open('short.csv', 'r') as f:
    # with open('../tz.csv', 'r') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    next(reader)  # skipp header
    # filter: title[starts(EMS)]
    accidentPoints = list(filter(lambda x: x[4].startswith("EMS:"), reader))

print("EMS item count:", len(accidentPoints))

# list: lat, lng, desc, zip, title, time, twp, e

NEW_YORK = [40.678492, -73.899734]

print(arcdist([0, 0], NEW_YORK))
print(great_circle([0, 0], NEW_YORK))

#this is too much - arc through center?
print(arcdist([40.2978759, -75.5812935], [40.678492, -73.899734]))
# this measures distance fine
# great_circle is right
print(great_circle([40.2978759, -75.5812935], [40.678492, -73.899734]))

print(arcdist([60, -70], [60, -115]))
print(great_circle([60, -70], [60, -115]))

for x in accidentPoints:
    print("p1", x[0], ",", x[1], "p2", NEW_YORK[0], ",", NEW_YORK[1], x[3:])
    print(arcdist([float(x[0]), float(x[1])], NEW_YORK))
    print(great_circle([float(x[0]), float(x[1])], NEW_YORK))
Exemple #10
from pysal.cg import sphere

jfk = (-73.778925, 40.639751)
sfo = (-122.374889, 37.618972)
gso = (-79.937306, 36.09775)
mia = (-80.290556, 25.79325)
mph = 300

miles = sphere.arcdist(gso, mia, sphere.RADIUS_EARTH_MILES)
hours = miles / mph

print "Reach MIA from GSO in {0} hours at {1} mph".format(hours, mph)
print "Hourly weather forecast coordinates:"

# WeatherSource only returns hourly forecasts on the hour
reports = int(round(hours))

for i in range(reports):
    print sphere.geointerpolate(jfk, sfo, i / float(reports))