Exemple #1
    def test_set_multiple_column_titles(self):
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val3_1",
            "key1_2": "val3_2",
            "key1_3": "val3_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val4_1",
            "key1_2": "val4_2",
            "key1_3": "val4_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val5_1",
            "key1_2": "val5_2",
            "key1_3": "val5_3"

        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        titles = {"key1_1": "KEY1", "key1_2": "KEY2", "key1_3": "KEY3"}
        for c in grid.columns:
            self.assertTrue(grid.columns[c].get_title() in ("KEY1", "KEY2",
 def openbutton(self, widget, data=None):
     response, path = prompts.choose_directory()
     if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
         media_files = []
         formats = self.supported_audio_formats + self.supported_video_formats
         for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
             for f in files:
                 for format in formats:
                     if f.lower().endswith(format):
                         file_url = "file://" + os.path.join(root, f)
                         data = {"File" : f,
                                 "url" : file_url,
                                 "format" : format,
                 for format in self.supported_album_art_formats:
                     if f.lower().endswith(format):
                         self.image_url = os.path.join(root, f)
         #exception if no supported is found..
         if self.image_url is '':
             self.image_url = "background.png"
         #print media_files
         scrolledwindow = self.builder.get_object('scrolledwindow1')
         #print scrolledwindow
         for c in scrolledwindow.get_children():
         media_grid = DictionaryGrid(media_files, keys=["File"])
         media_grid.connect("selection_changed", self.play_file)
         #print media_files
Exemple #3
    def test_set_a_column_title(self):
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val3_1",
            "key1_2": "val3_2",
            "key1_3": "val3_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val4_1",
            "key1_2": "val4_2",
            "key1_3": "val4_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val5_1",
            "key1_2": "val5_2",
            "key1_3": "val5_3"

        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        for c in grid.get_columns():
            if c.key == "key1_1":
                self.assertEqual(c.get_title(), "KEY")
Exemple #4
class OpenDialog(Gtk.Dialog):
    __gtype_name__ = "OpenDialog"

    def __new__(cls):
        """Special static method that's automatically called by Python when 
        constructing a new instance of this class.
        Returns a fully instantiated OpenDialog object.
        builder = get_builder('OpenDialog')
        new_object = builder.get_object('open_dialog')
        return new_object

    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called when we're finished initializing.

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a OpenDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new OpenDialog
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self)
        #get the jotty document names
        data_dir = GLib.get_user_data_dir()
        jotty_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "jotty")
        filenames = os.listdir(jotty_dir)
        #put them into a grid
        dicts = [{'Name': x, 'File': os.path.join(jotty_dir, x)} for x in filenames]
        self.grid = DictionaryGrid(dictionaries=dicts, keys=['Name'])
        #add grid to dialog
        self.ui.box1.pack_end(self.grid, True, True, 0)

    def on_btn_ok_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected to save the changes.

        Called before the dialog returns Gtk.ResponseType.OK from run().

    def on_btn_cancel_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected cancel changes.

        Called before the dialog returns Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL for run()

    def selected_file(self):
        rows = self.grid.selected_rows
        if len(rows) < 1:
            return None
            return rows[0]['Name']
Exemple #5
    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called when we're finished initializing.

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a OpenDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new OpenDialog
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self)

        #get the jotty document names
        data_dir = GLib.get_user_data_dir()
        jotty_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "jotty")
        filenames = os.listdir(jotty_dir)

        #put them into a grid
        dicts = [{
            'Name': x,
            'File': os.path.join(jotty_dir, x)
        } for x in filenames]
        self.grid = DictionaryGrid(dictionaries=dicts, keys=['Name'])

        #add grid to dialog
        self.ui.box1.pack_end(self.grid, True, True, 0)
Exemple #6
    def test_use_custom_columns(self):
        """Ensure that type hins work so inferred types can be
        overridden and non-inferred type can be set.


        keys = ["id", "price", "bool?", "foo"]
        hints = {
            "id": StringColumn,
            "price": IntegerColumn,
            "bool?": CurrencyColumn,
            "foo": CheckColumn
        dicts = [{"price": 100, "id": "asdfas", "bool?": 10.01, "foo": True}]
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts, keys=keys, type_hints=hints)
        for c in grid.get_columns():
            key = c.key
            col_type = c.column_type
            if key == "id":
                self.assertEqual(col_type, gobject.TYPE_STRING)
            elif key == "price":
                self.assertEqual(col_type, gobject.TYPE_STRING)
            elif key == "bool?":
                self.assertEqual(col_type, gobject.TYPE_STRING)
            elif key == "foo":
                self.assertEqual(col_type, gobject.TYPE_INT)
                self.assertEqual("Extra key Found", False)
    def test_with_set_column_titles(self):
        dicts = [{"key1_1": "val1_1", "key1_2": "val1_2", "key1_3": "val1_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val2_1", "key1_2": "val2_2", "key1_3": "val2_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val3_1", "key1_2": "val3_2", "key1_3": "val3_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val4_1", "key1_2": "val4_2", "key1_3": "val4_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val5_1", "key1_2": "val5_2", "key1_3": "val5_3"}]

        grid = DictionaryGrid(dictionaries = dicts, keys=["key1_1","key1_2","key1_3"])
        titles = {"key1_1":"KEY1","key1_2":"KEY2","key1_3":"KEY3"}
        grid_filter = GridFilter(grid)

        filter_row = grid_filter.rows[0]
        column_combo = filter_row.get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
        #make sure the correct titles are appearing
        itr = column_combo.get_model().get_iter(0)

        itr = column_combo.get_model().get_iter(1)

        itr = column_combo.get_model().get_iter(2)

        #make sure filtering still works
        filter_combo = filter_row.get_children()[1].get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
        entry = filter_row.get_children()[1].get_children()[0].get_children()[1]
Exemple #8
    def test_extra_data_from_selected(self):
        """Ensure that keys starting with _ are not displayed,
        but the valuesa retrievable.


        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "__extra": ["boo", "biz", "baz"]
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "__extra": self
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)

        #make sure there are 2 columns
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 2)

        #ensure that none of the columns are named _extra
        cols = grid.get_columns()
        for c in cols:
            self.assertEqual(c.get_title().startswith("key"), True)

        #select the first row
        selection = grid.get_selection()
        selection.select_path((0, ))
        selected_dict = grid.selected_rows[0]
        self.assertEqual(selected_dict["__extra"], ["boo", "biz", "baz"])
 def test_create_a_grid(self):
     dicts = [{"key1_1": "val1_1", "key1_2": "val1_2", "key1_3": "val1_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val2_1", "key1_2": "val2_2", "key1_3": "val2_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val3_1", "key1_2": "val3_2", "key1_3": "val3_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val4_1", "key1_2": "val4_2", "key1_3": "val4_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val5_1", "key1_2": "val5_2", "key1_3": "val5_3"}]
     grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
     grid_filter = GridFilter(grid)
 def update_list(response, kind):
     '''Return a DictionaryGrid with the sorted response in it'''
     plural = ''.join([kind, 's'])
     label = ''.join(['[All ', plural.capitalize(), ']'])
     kind_id = ''.join([kind, 'id'])
     items = sorted(response[plural], key=lambda k: k['label'])
     items.insert(0, {kind_id: -1, 'label': label})
     grid = DictionaryGrid(items, keys=['label'])
     title = plural.capitalize()
     return grid
    def _refresh_treeview(self):
        _refresh_treeview: internal function to handle rebuilding
        the gtk.TreeView along with columns and cell renderers. extends
        DictionaryGrid._refresh_treeview by retrieving stored desktopcouch
        records before calling DictionaryGrid._refresh_treeview. 

        _refresh_treeview is not typically called directly,
        but may be useful to override in subclasses.


        #if the database is not set up, just return
        if self._db is None or self._record_type is None:

        #if keys aren't set, infer them from the collection
        if len(self._dictionaries) > 0 and self.keys is None:

        #retrieve the docs for the record_type, if any
        results = self._db.get_records(

        #if there are no rows and no keys set, there is no
        #way to build the grid, just raise an error
        if len(results) == 0 and self._keys is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot infer columns for CouchGrid")

        dicts = []
        for r in results:
            d = r.value

            #hmmm, maybe make these so they get hidden rather than delete them
            #hide the desktopcouch variabls
            for key in d:
                if key.startswith("_") and not key.startswith("__desktopcouch"):
                    d["__desktopcouch" + key] = d[key]

            d["__record_type"] = d["record_type"]

        self._dictionaries = dicts

        for c in self.get_columns():
            if type(c) == CheckColumn:
                c.renderer.connect("toggled",self._edited_toggled, c)
                c.renderer.connect("edited",self._edited, c)
Exemple #12
    def test_mismatched_col_and_val_types(self):
        """Ensure robustness for strings passed in for non-str
        column types


        keys = ["id", "price", "bool?"]
        dicts = [{"price": "100.00", "id": "50", "bool?": "Yes"}]
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts, keys)
        test_dict = grid.get_dictionaries_copy()[0]
        self.assertEqual(test_dict["id"], 50)
        self.assertEqual(test_dict["price"], 100.00)
        self.assertEqual(test_dict["bool?"], True)
Exemple #13
    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called when we're finished initializing.

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a OpenDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new OpenDialog
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self)

        self.supported_shape_formats = [".shp"]

        #let the user choose a path with the directory chooser
        response, path = prompts.choose_directory()

        #make certain the user said ok before working
        if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
            #make one list of support formats
            formats = self.supported_shape_formats

            #make a list of the supported media files
            media_files = []
            #iterate through root directory
            for files in glob.glob(path + "/*.shp"):
                for format in formats:
                    if files.endswith(format):
                        #create a URI in a format gstreamer likes
                        file_uri = path
                        fileSplit = files.split(path + "/")
                        #add a dictionary to the list of media files
                            "File": fileSplit[1],
                            "uri": file_uri,
                            "format": format

            #remove any children in scrolled window
            #for c in self.ui.scrolledwindow1.get_children():
            #   self.ui.scrolledwindow1.remove(c)

            #create the grid with list of dictionaries
            #only show the File column
            global media_grid
            media_grid = DictionaryGrid(media_files, keys=["File"])

            #show the grid, and add it to the scrolled window
            self.ui.box1.pack_end(media_grid, True, True, 0)
Exemple #14
    def test_dicts_with_different_keys(self):
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "__extra": ["boo", "biz", "baz"]
        }, {
            "key2_1": "val2_1",
            "key2_2": "val2_2",
            "__extra": self
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)

        #make sure there are 5 columns
        self.assertEqual(grid.get_model().get_n_columns(), 5)
 def test_filter_a_row(self):
     dicts = [{"key1_1": "val1_1", "key1_2": "val1_2", "key1_3": "val1_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val2_1", "key1_2": "val2_2", "key1_3": "val2_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val3_1", "key1_2": "val3_2", "key1_3": "val3_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val4_1", "key1_2": "val4_2", "key1_3": "val4_3"},
              {"key1_1": "val5_1", "key1_2": "val5_2", "key1_3": "val5_3"}]
     grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
     grid_filter = GridFilter(grid)
     filter_row = grid_filter.rows[0]
     filter_combo = filter_row.get_children()[1].get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
     entry = filter_row.get_children()[1].get_children()[0].get_children()[1]
Exemple #16
    def test_columns_property(self):
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val3_1",
            "key1_2": "val3_2",
            "key1_3": "val3_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val4_1",
            "key1_2": "val4_2",
            "key1_3": "val4_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val5_1",
            "key1_2": "val5_2",
            "key1_3": "val5_3"

        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        self.assertTrue("key1_1" in grid.columns)
        self.assertTrue("key1_2" in grid.columns)
        self.assertTrue("key1_3" in grid.columns)
Exemple #17
    def test_constructor_with_dicts(self):
        """test creating a grid with dictionaries in the contructor"""
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"

        #build the CouchGrid
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        self.assertEqual(grid.get_model().get_n_columns(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 2)
Exemple #18
    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called when we're finished initializing.

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a OpenDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new OpenDialog
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self)

        self.supported_shape_formats = [".shp"]

        #let the user choose a path with the directory chooser
        response, path = prompts.choose_directory()

        #make certain the user said ok before working
        if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
           #make one list of support formats
           formats = self.supported_shape_formats

           #make a list of the supported media files
           media_files = []
           #iterate through root directory
           for files in glob.glob(path + "/*.shp"):
                for format in formats:
                    if files.endswith(format):
                        #create a URI in a format gstreamer likes
                        file_uri = path
                        fileSplit = files.split(path + "/")
                        #add a dictionary to the list of media files
                        media_files.append({"File":fileSplit[1],"uri":file_uri, "format":format})

           #remove any children in scrolled window
           #for c in self.ui.scrolledwindow1.get_children():
            #   self.ui.scrolledwindow1.remove(c)

           #create the grid with list of dictionaries
           #only show the File column
           global media_grid
           media_grid = DictionaryGrid(media_files, keys=["File"])

           #show the grid, and add it to the scrolled window
           self.ui.box1.pack_end(media_grid, True, True, 0)
Exemple #19
 def test_infer_boolean_values(self):
     """Ensure that inferring boolean values from strings works"""
     keys = ["a?", "b?", "c?", "d?", "e?", "f?"]
     dicts = [{
         "a?": True,
         "b?": False,
         "c?": "Yes",
         "d?": "No",
         "e?": 1.5,
         "f?": 0
     grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts, keys)
     test_dict = grid.get_dictionaries_copy()[0]
     self.assertEqual(test_dict["a?"], True)
     self.assertEqual(test_dict["b?"], False)
     self.assertEqual(test_dict["c?"], True)
     self.assertEqual(test_dict["d?"], False)
     self.assertEqual(test_dict["e?"], True)
     self.assertEqual(test_dict["f?"], False)
    def append_row(self, dictionary):
        """append_row: add a row to the TreeView and to DesktopCouch. 
        If keys are already set up only the the keys in the dictionary 
        matching the keys used for columns will be displayed, though 
        all the key value pairs will be saved to the DesktopCouch. 
        If no keys are set up, and this is the first row, keys will be
        inferred from the dictionary keys.

        dictionary - a dictionary to add to the Treeview and to DesktopCouch


        if dictionary is None:
            dictionary = {}

        #Here we add rows to desktopcouch if needed
        if "__desktopcouch_id" not in dictionary:
Exemple #21
    def test_constructor_with_dicts_and_keys(self):
        """test creating a grid with dictionaries in the contructor
        as well as keys in the contructor, with fewer keys than
        items in the dictionary

        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"
        keys = ["key1_1", "key1_3"]

        #build the CouchGrid
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts, keys)
        self.assertEqual(grid.get_model().get_n_columns(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 2)
Exemple #22
    def test_empty_construction(self):
        """Test a simple creating An AsynchTaskProgressBox 
        and then adding keys and dictionaries after creation

        grid = DictionaryGrid()
        self.assertEqual((grid != None), True)
        grid.keys = ["key1", "key2"]
        self.assertEqual(grid.get_model().get_n_columns(), 3)
        grid.append_row({"key1": "val11", "key2": "val12"})
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 1)
Exemple #23
    def openbutton_clicked_event(self, widget, data=None):
        #let the user choose a path with the directory chooser
        response, path = prompts.choose_directory()
        #make certain the user said ok before working
        if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
            #make one list of support formats
            formats = self.allowed_formats

            #make a list of the supported media files
            media_files = []
            #iterate through root directory 
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
                #iterate through each file
                for f in files:
                    #check if the file is a supported formats
                    for format in formats:
                        if f.lower().endswith(format):
                            #create a URI in a format gstreamer likes
                            file_uri = "file://" + os.path.join(root,f)

                            #add a dictionary to the list of media files
                            media_files.append({"File":f,"uri":file_uri, "format":format})

            #remove any children in scrolled window
            for c in self.ui.scrolledwindow1.get_children():

            #create the grid with list of dictionaries
            #only show the File column
            media_grid = DictionaryGrid(media_files, keys=["File"])

            #hook up to the selection_changed event
            media_grid.connect("selection_changed", self.play_file)

            #show the grid, and add it to the scrolled window
Exemple #24
    def test_auto_set_col_types(self):
        """Ensure that collumn types are set properly"""

        data = [{
            "id": 0,
            "price": 1.00,
            "bool?": True,
            "sale price": .50,
            "count": 50,
            "full count": 100,
            "date": "2010-05-05",
            "sale date": "2010-05-06"
        grid = DictionaryGrid(data)
        c_type = type(grid.columns["id"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, IntegerColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["price"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, CurrencyColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["bool?"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, CheckColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["sale price"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, CurrencyColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["count"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, IntegerColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["full count"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, IntegerColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["date"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, DateColumn)

        c_type = type(grid.columns["sale date"])
        self.assertEqual(c_type, DateColumn)
Exemple #25
    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called when we're finished initializing.

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a OpenDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new OpenDialog
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self)
        #get the jotty document names
        data_dir = GLib.get_user_data_dir()
        jotty_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "jotty")
        filenames = os.listdir(jotty_dir)
        #put them into a grid
        dicts = [{'Name': x, 'File': os.path.join(jotty_dir, x)} for x in filenames]
        self.grid = DictionaryGrid(dictionaries=dicts, keys=['Name'])
        #add grid to dialog
        self.ui.box1.pack_end(self.grid, True, True, 0)
Exemple #26
    def openbutton_clicked_event(self, widget, data=None):
        #let the user choose a path with the directory chooser
        response, path = prompts.choose_directory()

        #make certain the user said ok before working
        if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
            #make one list of support formats
            formats = self.allowed_formats

            #make a list of the supported media files
            media_files = []
            #iterate through root directory
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
                #iterate through each file
                for f in files:
                    #check if the file is a supported formats
                    for format in formats:
                        if f.lower().endswith(format):
                            #create a URI in a format gstreamer likes
                            file_uri = "file://" + os.path.join(root, f)

                            #add a dictionary to the list of media files
                                "File": f,
                                "uri": file_uri,
                                "format": format

            #remove any children in scrolled window
            for c in self.ui.scrolledwindow1.get_children():

            #create the grid with list of dictionaries
            #only show the File column
            media_grid = DictionaryGrid(media_files, keys=["File"])

            #hook up to the selection_changed event
            media_grid.connect("selection_changed", self.play_file)

            #show the grid, and add it to the scrolled window
Exemple #27
    def test_copy_dictionaries(self):
        """Testcase for LP: #497664"""
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"

        #build the CouchGrid
        grid1 = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        # added two dicts, so length should be 2
        self.assertEqual(len(grid1.get_dictionaries_copy()), 2)

        #no dicts, so it should be 0
        grid2 = DictionaryGrid()
        self.assertEqual(len(grid2.get_dictionaries_copy()), 0)
    def test_remove_selected_with_filter(self):
        dicts = [{"key1_1": "val1_1", "key1_2": "val1_2", "key1_3": "val1_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val2_1", "key1_2": "val2_2", "key1_3": "val2_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val3_1", "key1_2": "val3_2", "key1_3": "val3_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val4_1", "key1_2": "val4_2", "key1_3": "val4_3"},
                 {"key1_1": "val5_1", "key1_2": "val5_2", "key1_3": "val5_3"}]
        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        grid_filter = GridFilter(grid)
        filter_row = grid_filter.rows[0]
        filter_combo = filter_row.get_children()[1].get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
        entry = filter_row.get_children()[1].get_children()[0].get_children()[1]
        selection = grid.get_selection()


    def __init__(
            self, database_name, record_type=None, dictionaries=None, editable=False, keys=None, type_hints=None, uri=None):
        """Create a new Couchwidget
        database_name - specify the name of the database in the desktop
        couchdb to use. If the specified database does not exist, it
        will be created.

        optional arguments:
        record_type - a string to specify the record_type to use in
        retrieving and creating records. Note that if no records exist
        in the CouchDB then the keys argument must also be used or
        a RuntimeError will result.

        dictionaries - a list of dictionaries to initialize in the 
        grid. If these haven't been added to desktopcouch, the will
        be automatically persisted and updated using the recored_type
        specified. Any previously saved data of the same record_type will
        also be displayed. 

        keys - a list of strings specifying keys to use in
        the columns of the CouchGrid. The keys will also be used for the
        column titles and keys in desktop couch.

        If a record does not contain a value for a specified key
        the CouchGrid will simply display an empty cell of the 
        appropriate type. If the widget is set to editable, 
        the user will be able to add values to the database.

        The types for the columns will be inferred by the key based on
        some conventions. the key "id" is assumed to be an integer, as
        is any key ending in " count". A key ending in "?" is assumed
        to be a Boolean displayed with a checkbox. The key "price" is
        assumed to be currency, as is any key ending in "count". There
        may be others. Defaults can be overridden using type-hints. All
        other keys will be assumed to be strings.
        type-hints - a dictionary containing keys specificed for the
        TreeView and GridColumns. Used to override types inferred
        by convention, or for changing the type of a column from
        the default of a string to something else.

        uri - A uri for the DesktopCouch. This is only used to 
        choose a Couch database running remotely. The default is
        to use the local desktopcouch database.


        if type(database_name) is not type(str()):
            raise TypeError("database_name is required and must be a string")

        #set up the database before trying to use it
        self.uri = uri
        self._record_type = None
        self._db = None
        if record_type is not None:
            self._record_type = record_type

        if dictionaries is not None and keys is None:
            DictionaryGrid.__init__(self, None, editable, keys, type_hints)
            DictionaryGrid.__init__(self, None, editable, keys, type_hints)

        if self.uri:
            self._db = CouchDatabase(database_name, create=True, uri=self.uri)
            self._db = CouchDatabase(database_name, create=True)

        if dictionaries is not None:
            for d in dictionaries:

Exemple #30
    def test_remove_selected_rows(self):
        dicts = [{
            "key1_1": "val1_1",
            "key1_2": "val1_2",
            "key1_3": "val1_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val2_1",
            "key1_2": "val2_2",
            "key1_3": "val2_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val3_1",
            "key1_2": "val3_2",
            "key1_3": "val3_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val4_1",
            "key1_2": "val4_2",
            "key1_3": "val4_3"
        }, {
            "key1_1": "val5_1",
            "key1_2": "val5_2",
            "key1_3": "val5_3"

        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
        selection = grid.get_selection()

        #select the last row and remove it
        selection.select_path((4, ))

        #the last row should then be selected and there should be 4 rows now
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 4)
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.selected_rows), 1)
        self.assertEqual(grid.selected_rows[0]["key1_1"], "val4_1")

        #select the first and third rows and remove them
        selection = grid.get_selection()
        selection.select_path((0, ))
        selection.select_path((2, ))

        #make sure the now last row is selected, and there are 2 rows left
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.selected_rows), 1)
        self.assertEqual(grid.selected_rows[0]["key1_2"], "val4_2")
Exemple #31
class OpenDialog(Gtk.Dialog):
    __gtype_name__ = "OpenDialog"

    def __new__(cls):
        """Special static method that's automatically called by Python when 
        constructing a new instance of this class.
        Returns a fully instantiated OpenDialog object.
        builder = get_builder('OpenDialog')
        new_object = builder.get_object('open_dialog')
        return new_object

    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called when we're finished initializing.

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a OpenDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new OpenDialog
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self)

        #get the jotty document names
        data_dir = GLib.get_user_data_dir()
        jotty_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "jotty")
        filenames = os.listdir(jotty_dir)

        #put them into a grid
        dicts = [{
            'Name': x,
            'File': os.path.join(jotty_dir, x)
        } for x in filenames]
        self.grid = DictionaryGrid(dictionaries=dicts, keys=['Name'])

        #add grid to dialog
        self.ui.box1.pack_end(self.grid, True, True, 0)

    def on_btn_ok_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected to save the changes.

        Called before the dialog returns Gtk.ResponseType.OK from run().

    def on_btn_cancel_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected cancel changes.

        Called before the dialog returns Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL for run()

    def selected_file(self):
        rows = self.grid.selected_rows
        if len(rows) < 1:
            return None
            return rows[0]['Name']
 def remove_selected_rows(self, delete=False):
     rows_to_delete = self.selected_rows
     if delete:
         for r in rows_to_delete:
Exemple #33
 def test_NONE_values(self):
     keys = ["id", "price", "bool?", "foo"]
     dicts = [{"price": None, "id": None, "bool?": None, "foo": None}]
     grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)
     self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 1)