Exemple #1
    def test_empty_construction(self):
        """Test a simple creating An AsynchTaskProgressBox 
        and then adding keys and dictionaries after creation

        grid = DictionaryGrid()
        self.assertEqual((grid != None), True)
        grid.keys = ["key1", "key2"]
        self.assertEqual(grid.get_model().get_n_columns(), 3)
        grid.append_row({"key1": "val11", "key2": "val12"})
        self.assertEqual(len(grid.get_model()), 1)
    def append_row(self, dictionary):
        """append_row: add a row to the TreeView and to DesktopCouch. 
        If keys are already set up only the the keys in the dictionary 
        matching the keys used for columns will be displayed, though 
        all the key value pairs will be saved to the DesktopCouch. 
        If no keys are set up, and this is the first row, keys will be
        inferred from the dictionary keys.

        dictionary - a dictionary to add to the Treeview and to DesktopCouch


        if dictionary is None:
            dictionary = {}

        #Here we add rows to desktopcouch if needed
        if "__desktopcouch_id" not in dictionary: