def random_aabb(self):
     aabb = AABB(
         lower_bound=(rand_float(-self.world_extent, self.world_extent),
                      rand_float(0.0, 2.0 * self.world_extent)))
     w = (2.0 * self.proxy_extent, 2.0 * self.proxy_extent)
     aabb.upper_bound = aabb.lower_bound + w
     return aabb
 def random_aabb(self):
     aabb = AABB(
         lower_bound=(rand_float(-self.world_extent, self.world_extent), rand_float(0.0, 2.0 * self.world_extent))
     w = (2.0 * self.proxy_extent, 2.0 * self.proxy_extent)
     aabb.upper_bound = aabb.lower_bound + w
     return aabb
    def move_aabb(self, aabb):
        d = Vec2(rand_float(-0.5, 0.5), rand_float(-0.5, 0.5))
        aabb.lower_bound += d
        aabb.upper_bound += d

        c0 = 0.5 * (aabb.lower_bound + aabb.upper_bound)
        min_ = (-self.world_extent, 0.0)
        max_ = (self.world_extent, 2.0 * self.world_extent)
        c = clamp_vector(c0, min_, max_)

        aabb.lower_bound += c - c0
        aabb.upper_bound += c - c0
    def move_aabb(self, aabb):
        d = Vec2(rand_float(-.5, .5), rand_float(-.5, .5))
        aabb.lower_bound += d
        aabb.upper_bound += d

        c0 = 0.5 * (aabb.lower_bound + aabb.upper_bound)
        min_ = (-self.world_extent, 0.0)
        max_ = (self.world_extent, 2.0 * self.world_extent)
        c = clamp_vector(c0, min_, max_)

        aabb.lower_bound += (c - c0)
        aabb.upper_bound += (c - c0)
 def rand_dist():
     while True:
         yield numpy.array([
             for dimensions in 
    def update(self, best_neighbor_position):
        """Update the particle's position, velocity, and inertia."""
        cognitive_mod = rand_float()
        social_mod = rand_float()

        current_inertia = self._inertial_dampening_schedule(self._initial_inertia, self._inertial_dampening, self._time)

        inertial_velocity = current_inertia * self._velocity
        cognitive_velocity = self._cognitive_comp * cognitive_mod * (self._best_position - self.position)
        social_velocity = self._social_comp * social_mod * (best_neighbor_position - self.position)

        self._velocity = inertial_velocity + cognitive_velocity + social_velocity
        numpy.clip(self._velocity, -self.MAX_VELOCITY, self.MAX_VELOCITY, out=self._velocity)

        self.position += self._velocity * self._velocity_dampening
        numpy.clip(self.position, self.MIN_POSITION, self.MAX_POSITION, out=self.position)

        self._time += 1
def break_two_way_tie(team_one: str, team_two: str, simulated_season: List):
    teams = {team_one, team_two}
    game = [
        game for game in simulated_season
        if game['winner'] in teams and game['loser'] in teams
    if game:
        return game[0]['winner']
    return team_one if rand_float() > 0.5 else team_two
def simulate_game(game):
    home_team, away_team = game['home_team'], game['away_team']
    if game.get('home_points') is not None:
        winner, loser = (
            away_team) if game['home_points'] > game['away_points'] else (
                away_team, home_team)
        winner, loser = (
            away_team) if game['home_team_win_pct'] > rand_float() else (
                away_team, home_team)
    are_both_teams_division_one = home_team in TEAMS and away_team in TEAMS
    is_conf_game = are_both_teams_division_one and TEAMS[home_team][
        'conference'] == TEAMS[away_team]['conference']
    return dict(winner=winner, loser=loser, is_conf_game=is_conf_game)
Exemple #9
def evolve(roads,
    solutions = []
    for __ in range(pop_size):
        solution = {}
        solution["vals"] = starting_vals
        solution["score"] = 0
        solution["delete_prob"] = 0

    score_curve = []

    for __ in range(epochs):

        # delete 50% according to randomised scores

        # for i in range (50%)
        # copy a random solution
        # randomly change solution
        # add into list of solutions

        # get scores

        sum_scores = 0
        for s in solutions:
            score = shitty_simulate(roads, cars, s["vals"], bonus, counts)
            s["score"] = score
            sum_scores += score

        for s in solutions:
            s["delete_prob"] = np.random.normal(s["score"], temp)

        sorted_solutions = sorted(solutions, key=lambda s: s[
            "delete_prob"])  # delete probability is actaully the random score
        solutions = sorted_solutions[int(delete_frac * len(sorted_solutions)):]

        for s in solutions.copy():
            s_copy = s.copy()
            for schedule in s_copy["vals"]:
                for idx in range(len(schedule)):
                    if rand_float() < mutation_chance:
                        if rand_float() > 0.5:
                            schedule[idx] = (schedule[idx][0],
                                             schedule[idx][1] +
                                             np.random.normal(0, std))
                            schedule[idx] = (schedule[idx][0],
                                             schedule[idx][1] -
                                             np.random.normal(0, std))

                        schedule[idx] = (schedule[idx][0],
                                         max(int(schedule[idx][1]), 0))


    for s in solutions:
        score = shitty_simulate(roads, cars, s["vals"], bonus, counts)
        s["score"] = score

    best_score = 0
    best_solution = None

    for s in solutions:
        if s["score"] > best_score:
            best_score = s["score"]
            best_solution = s

    for schedule in best_solution["vals"]:
        schedule = sorted(schedule, key=lambda s: s[1], reverse=True)


    return best_solution["vals"], best_score
Exemple #10
    from random import randrange as rand_range, uniform as rand_float
    N = 1000
    print("Running randomized trials (boolean)")
    avg_comp = None
    for i in range(10):  # run this many trials
        timeseries = [(t / N, float(rand_range(0.0, 2.0))) for t in range(N)]
        assert_equal(uncompress(*compress(timeseries)), timeseries)
        comp = assert_positive_compression(compress(timeseries)[0], timeseries)
        avg_comp = comp if not avg_comp else (comp + i * avg_comp) / (i + 1)
    print('  Average compression: {:3.2f}%'.format(avg_comp))

    print("Running randomized trials (integer [0, 9])")
    avg_comp = None
    for i in range(10):  # run this many trials
        timeseries = [(t / N, float(rand_range(0.0, 10.0))) for t in range(N)]
        assert_equal(uncompress(*compress(timeseries)), timeseries)
        comp = assert_positive_compression(compress(timeseries)[0], timeseries)
        avg_comp = comp if not avg_comp else (comp + i * avg_comp) / (i + 1)
    print('  Average compression: {:3.2f}%'.format(avg_comp))

    print("Running randomized trials (normal dist [-10.0, 10.0])")
    avg_comp = None
    for i in range(10):  # run this many trials
        timeseries = [(t / N, rand_float(-10.0, 10.0)) for t in range(N)]
        assert_equal(uncompress(*compress(timeseries)), timeseries)
        comp = assert_positive_compression(compress(timeseries)[0], timeseries)
        avg_comp = comp if not avg_comp else (comp + i * avg_comp) / (i + 1)
    print('  Average compression: {:3.2f}%'.format(avg_comp))

    print('compress()/uncompress() Testing Passed!')
Exemple #11
 def set_active_random(self):
     self.is_active = rand_float() < self.probability_buffer
Exemple #12
num_acc = int(arguments[1])
host = arguments[2]
rmi_port = int(arguments[3])
ReaderList = []

# Fetch the remote client handler object

name_server = pyro.locateNS(host=host, port=rmi_port)
client_handler_uri = name_server.lookup('client_handler')
client_handler = pyro.Proxy(client_handler_uri)

for iteration in range(0, num_acc):

    rSeq, sSeq, oVal = client_handler.handle_reader(rID)
    ReaderList.append((rSeq, sSeq, oVal))
    sleep(rand_float(0, 10))


# Create log file

    ["Client Type: Reader \nClient Name: ",
     str(rID), "\nrSeq\tsSeq\toVal"]))

# Iterate through the Readerlist and write to file
for row in ReaderList:
    row_string = ''
    for item in row:
        row_string += (str(item) + '\t' * 2)
Exemple #13
 def set_active_random(self):
     self.is_active = rand_float() < self.probability_buffer