Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, owner, status, uid, clsName, tag):
        """ Initialize the robot-side Interface.
            @param owner:       Namespace to which this interface belongs.
            @type  owner:       rce.robot.Robot
            @param status:      Status observer which is used to inform the
                                Master of the interface's status.
            @type  status:      twisted.spread.pb.RemoteReference
            @param uid:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the internal communication.
            @type  uid:         uuid.UUID
            @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                                package and the name of the message/service,
                                i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
            @type  clsName:     str
            @param tag:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the external communication.
            @type  tag:         str
        self._owner = owner
        self._clsName = clsName
        self._tag = tag

        Interface.__init__(self, owner, status, uid)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, owner, status, uid, clsName, addr):
        """ Initialize the ROS-side Interface.

            @param owner:       Namespace to which this interface belongs.
            @type  owner:       rce.environment.Environment

            @param status:      Status observer which is used to inform the
                                Master of the interface's status.
            @type  status:      twisted.spread.pb.RemoteReference

            @param uid:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the internal communication.
            @type  uid:         uuid.UUID

            @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                                package and the name of the message/service,
                                i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
            @type  clsName:     str

            @param addr:        ROS name/address which the interface should
            @type  addr:        str

            @raise:             rce.util.loader.ResourceNotFound
        Interface.__init__(self, owner, status, uid)

        self._name = addr
        self._reactor = owner.reactor
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, owner, uid, clsName, tag):
        """ Initialize the robot-side Interface.

            @param owner:       Namespace to which this interface belongs.
            @type  owner:       rce.robot.Robot

            @param uid:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the internal communication.
            @type  uid:         uuid.UUID

            @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                                package and the name of the message/service,
                                i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
            @type  clsName:     str

            @param tag:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the external communication.
            @type  tag:         str
        Interface.__init__(self, owner, uid, tag)

        self._clsName = clsName
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, owner, uid, clsName, tag):
        """ Initialize the robot-side Interface.

            @param owner:       Namespace to which this interface belongs.
            @type  owner:       rce.robot.Robot

            @param uid:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the internal communication.
            @type  uid:         uuid.UUID

            @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                                package and the name of the message/service,
                                i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
            @type  clsName:     str

            @param tag:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the external communication.
            @type  tag:         str
        Interface.__init__(self, owner, uid, tag)

        self._clsName = clsName
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, owner, uid, clsName, addr):
        """ Initialize the ROS-side Interface.

            @param owner:       Namespace to which this interface belongs.
            @type  owner:       rce.environment.Environment

            @param uid:         Unique ID which is used to identify the
                                interface in the internal communication.
            @type  uid:         uuid.UUID

            @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                                package and the name of the message/service,
                                i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
            @type  clsName:     str

            @param addr:        ROS name/address which the interface should
            @type  addr:        str

            @raise:             rce.util.loader.ResourceNotFound
        Interface.__init__(self, owner, uid, addr)

        self._reactor = owner.reactor