def lineReceived(line):
    global count, prompting
    count += 1
    print("Got line: %s" % line)
    if count > maxlines:
        prompting = False
        readline.callback_handler_install('Got %s of %s, more typing please:' % (count, maxlines)
                                          + os.linesep, lineReceived)
def main():
    readline.callback_handler_install('Starting test, please do type:' + os.linesep, lineReceived)
    index = 0
    start = int(time.time())
    while prompting:
        # demonstrate that async stuff is possible:
        if start + index < time.time():
            rl.console.title("NON-BLOCKING: %d" % index)
            index += 1
        # ugly busy waiting/polling on windows, using 'select' on Unix: (or use twisted)
        if msvcrt.kbhit():
    print("Done, index =", index)