def find_files(adapter, job):
    if "value" in adapter:
        value = resolve_eval(job, adapter["value"])
        return None

    schema = adapter["schema"]

    if "$ref" in schema:
        schema = from_url(schema["$ref"], adapter.get("$ref_base_url"))

    if 'oneOf' in schema:
        for a in schema['oneOf']:
            v = find_files(a, value)
            if v is not None:
                return v
        return None
    elif 'type' in schema:
        if schema["type"] == "array" and isinstance(value, list):
            return [find_files({"value": v,
                                "schema": schema["items"]}, job) for v in value]
        elif schema["type"] == "object" and isinstance(value, dict):
            if "path" in value:
                return value["path"]
                raise Exception("Not expecting a dict %s" % (value))

    return None
    def find_files(self, adapter, job):
        if "value" in adapter:
            value = self.resolve_eval(job, adapter["value"])
            return None

        schema = adapter["schema"]

        if "$ref" in schema:
            schema = from_url(schema["$ref"], self.ref_base_url)

        if 'oneOf' in schema:
            for a in schema['oneOf']:
                v = self.find_files(a, value)
                if v is not None:
                    return v
            return None
        elif 'type' in schema:
            if schema["type"] == "array" and isinstance(value, list):
                return [
                        "value": v,
                        "schema": schema["items"]
                    }, job) for v in value
            elif schema["type"] == "object" and isinstance(value, dict):
                if "path" in value:
                    return value["path"]
                    raise Exception("Not expecting a dict %s" % (value))

        return None
def to_str(schema, value, base_url, path_mapper):
    if "$ref" in schema:
        schema = from_url(schema["$ref"], base_url)

    if 'oneOf' in schema:
        for a in schema['oneOf']:
            v = to_str(a, value, base_url, path_mapper)
            if v is not None:
                return v
        return None
    elif 'type' in schema:
        if schema["type"] == "array" and isinstance(value, list):
            return [to_str(schema["items"], v, base_url, path_mapper) for v in value]
        elif schema["type"] == "object" and isinstance(value, dict):
            if "path" in value:
                return path_mapper(value["path"])
                raise Exception("Not expecting a dict %s" % (value))
        elif schema["type"] in ("string", "number", "integer"):
            return str(value)
        elif schema["type"] == "boolean":
            # need special handling for flags
            return str(value)

    return None
    def to_str(self, schema, value, path_mapper):
        if "$ref" in schema:
            schema = from_url(schema["$ref"], self.ref_base_url)

        if 'oneOf' in schema:
            for a in schema['oneOf']:
                v = self.to_str(a, value, path_mapper)
                if v is not None:
                    return v
            return None
        elif 'type' in schema:
            if schema["type"] == "array" and isinstance(value, list):
                return [
                    self.to_str(schema["items"], v, path_mapper) for v in value
            elif schema["type"] == "object" and isinstance(value, dict):
                if "path" in value:
                    return path_mapper(value["path"])
                    raise Exception("Not expecting a dict %s" % (value))
            elif schema["type"] in ("string", "number", "integer"):
                return str(value)
            elif schema["type"] == "boolean":
                # handled specially by adapt()
                return value

        return None
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("tool", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("job_order", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--conformance-test", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--basedir", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--no-container", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-x", action="store_true", help="Execute")

    args = parser.parse_args()

        t = tool.Tool(from_url(args.tool))
    except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
        print "Tool definition failed validation"
        print e
        return 1

    basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(args.job_order))

        job = t.job(from_url(args.job_order), basedir, use_container=(not args.no_container))
        if args.conformance_test:
            a = {"args": job.command_line}
            if job.stdin:
                a["stdin"] = job.stdin
            if job.stdout:
                a["stdout"] = job.stdout
            print json.dumps(a)
            print '%s%s%s' % (' '.join(job.command_line),
                                ' < %s' % (job.stdin) if job.stdin else '',
                                ' > %s' % (job.stdout) if job.stdout else '')
    except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
        print "Job order failed validation"
        print e
        return 1

    if args.x:

    return 0
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, toolpath_object, docpath):
        self.impl = toolpath_object["impl"]
            self.embedded_tool = makeTool(
                from_url(os.path.join(docpath, self.impl)), docpath)
        except validate.ValidationException as v:
            raise WorkflowException(
                "Tool definition %s failed validation:\n%s" %
                (os.path.join(docpath, self.impl), validate.indent(str(v))))

        if "id" in toolpath_object:
   = toolpath_object["id"]
   = "#step_" + str(random.randint(1, 1000000000))

        for i in toolpath_object["inputs"]:
            d = i["def"][len(self.impl):]
            toolid = i.get("id", + "." + idk(d))
            found = False
            for a in self.embedded_tool.tool["inputs"]:
                if a["id"] == d:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                raise WorkflowException(
                    "Did not find input '%s' in external process" % (i["def"]))

            i["id"] = toolid

        for i in toolpath_object["outputs"]:
            d = i["def"][len(self.impl):]
            toolid = i["id"]
            found = False
            for a in self.embedded_tool.tool["outputs"]:
                if a["id"] == d:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                raise WorkflowException(
                    "Did not find output '%s' in external process" %

            i["id"] = toolid

        super(External, self).__init__(toolpath_object, "Process", docpath)
    def __init__(self, toolpath_object, docpath):
        self.impl = toolpath_object["impl"]
            self.embedded_tool = makeTool(from_url(os.path.join(docpath, self.impl)), docpath)
        except validate.ValidationException as v:
            raise WorkflowException("Tool definition %s failed validation:\n%s" % (os.path.join(docpath, self.impl), validate.indent(str(v))))

        if "id" in toolpath_object:
   = toolpath_object["id"]
   = "#step_" + str(random.randint(1, 1000000000))

        for i in toolpath_object["inputs"]:
            d = i["def"][len(self.impl):]
            toolid = i.get("id", + "." + idk(d))
            found = False
            for a in self.embedded_tool.tool["inputs"]:
                if a["id"] == d:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                raise WorkflowException("Did not find input '%s' in external process" % (i["def"]))

            i["id"] = toolid

        for i in toolpath_object["outputs"]:
            d = i["def"][len(self.impl):]
            toolid = i["id"]
            found = False
            for a in self.embedded_tool.tool["outputs"]:
                if a["id"] == d:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                raise WorkflowException("Did not find output '%s' in external process" % (i["def"]))

            i["id"] = toolid

        super(External, self).__init__(toolpath_object, "External", docpath)
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("workflow", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("job_order", type=str, nargs="?", default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--conformance-test", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--basedir", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--outdir", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--no-container", action="store_true", help="Do not execute jobs in a Docker container, even when specified by the CommandLineTool")
    parser.add_argument("--leave-container", action="store_true", help="Do not delete Docker container after it exits")
    parser.add_argument("--no-pull", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not try to pull the Docker image")
    parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Do not execute")
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print more logging")
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Print even more logging")
    parser.add_argument("--print-rdf", action="store_true", help="Print corresponding RDF graph for workflow")
    parser.add_argument("--rdf-serializer", help="Output RDF serialization format (one of turtle (default), n3, nt, xml)", default="turtle")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.verbose:
    if args.debug:

    if args.print_rdf:
        printrdf(args.workflow, args.rdf_serializer)
        return 0

    if not args.job_order:
        _logger.error("Input object required")
        return 1

    basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(args.job_order))

        t = workflow.makeTool(from_url(args.workflow), basedir)
    except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, validate.ValidationException) as e:
        _logger.error("Tool definition failed validation:\n%s" % e)
        if args.debug:
        return 1
    except RuntimeError as e:
        if args.debug:
        return 1

        final_output = []
        def output_callback(out):

        jobiter = t.job(from_url(args.job_order), basedir, output_callback, use_container=(not args.no_container))
        if args.conformance_test:
            job =
            a = {"args": job.command_line}
            if job.stdin:
                a["stdin"] = job.stdin
            if job.stdout:
                a["stdout"] = job.stdout
            if job.generatefiles:
                a["generatefiles"] = job.generatefiles
            print json.dumps(a)
            last = None
            for r in jobiter:
                if r:
                    if args.dry_run:
                        outdir = "/tmp"
                    elif args.outdir:
                        outdir = args.outdir
                        outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
          , dry_run=args.dry_run, pull_image=(not args.no_pull), rm_container=(not args.leave_container))
                    print "Workflow deadlocked."
                    return 1
                last = r

  "Output directory is %s", outdir)
            print json.dumps(final_output[0])
    except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, validate.ValidationException) as e:
        _logger.error("Input object failed validation:\n%s" % e)
        if args.debug:
        return 1
    except workflow.WorkflowException as e:
        _logger.error("Workflow error:\n%s" % e)
        if args.debug:
        return 1

    return 0
def printrdf(workflow, sr):
    from rdflib import Graph, plugin
    from rdflib.serializer import Serializer
    wf = from_url(workflow)
    g = Graph().parse(data=json.dumps(wf), format='json-ld', location=workflow)
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("workflow", type=str, nargs="?", default=None)
    parser.add_argument("job_order", type=str, nargs="?", default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--conformance-test", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--basedir", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--outdir", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--no-container", action="store_true", help="Do not execute jobs in a Docker container, even when specified by the CommandLineTool")
    parser.add_argument("--leave-container", action="store_true", help="Do not delete Docker container used by jobs after they exit")
    parser.add_argument("--no-pull", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not try to pull Docker images")
    parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Load and validate but do not execute")

    parser.add_argument("--print-rdf", action="store_true", help="Print corresponding RDF graph for workflow")
    parser.add_argument("--rdf-serializer", help="Output RDF serialization format (one of turtle (default), n3, nt, xml)", default="turtle")

    parser.add_argument("--print-spec", action="store_true", help="Print HTML specification document")
    parser.add_argument("--print-jsonld-context", action="store_true", help="Print JSON-LD context for CWL file")
    parser.add_argument("--print-rdfs", action="store_true", help="Print JSON-LD context for CWL file")

    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print more logging")
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Print even more logging")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.verbose:
    if args.debug:

    cwl_avsc = os.path.join(module_dir, 'schemas/draft-2/cwl-avro.yml')

    if args.print_jsonld_context:
        with open(cwl_avsc) as f:
            j = yaml.load(f)
        (ctx, g) = avro_ld.jsonld_context.avrold_to_jsonld_context(j)
        print json.dumps(ctx, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return 0

    if args.print_rdfs:
        with open(cwl_avsc) as f:
            j = yaml.load(f)
        (ctx, g) = avro_ld.jsonld_context.avrold_to_jsonld_context(j)
        return 0

    if args.print_spec:
        with open(cwl_avsc) as f:
            j = yaml.load(f)
        avro_ld.makedoc.avrold_doc(j, sys.stdout)
        return 0

    if not args.workflow:
        _logger.error("CWL document required")
        return 1

    if args.print_rdf:
        printrdf(args.workflow, args.rdf_serializer)
        return 0

    if not args.job_order:
        _logger.error("Input object required")
        return 1

    basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(args.job_order))

        t = workflow.makeTool(from_url(args.workflow), basedir)
    except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, validate.ValidationException) as e:
        _logger.error("Tool definition failed validation:\n%s" % e)
        if args.debug:
        return 1
    except RuntimeError as e:
        if args.debug:
        return 1

        final_output = []
        def output_callback(out):

        jobiter = t.job(from_url(args.job_order), basedir, output_callback, use_container=(not args.no_container))
        if args.conformance_test:
            job =
            a = {"args": job.command_line}
            if job.stdin:
                a["stdin"] = job.stdin
            if job.stdout:
                a["stdout"] = job.stdout
            if job.generatefiles:
                a["generatefiles"] = job.generatefiles
            print json.dumps(a)
            last = None
            for r in jobiter:
                if r:
                    if args.dry_run:
                        outdir = "/tmp"
                    elif args.outdir:
                        outdir = args.outdir
                        outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
          , dry_run=args.dry_run, pull_image=(not args.no_pull), rm_container=(not args.leave_container))
                    print "Workflow deadlocked."
                    return 1
                last = r

  "Output directory is %s", outdir)
            print json.dumps(final_output[0])
    except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, validate.ValidationException) as e:
        _logger.error("Input object failed validation:\n%s" % e)
        if args.debug:
        return 1
    except workflow.WorkflowException as e:
        _logger.error("Workflow error:\n%s" % e)
        if args.debug:
        return 1

    return 0