Exemple #1
def cloneWorkflow(workflow, user, group, verbose=True, backfill=False, testbed=False, memory=None, bwl=None):
    clones a workflow
    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow, reqmgrCouchURL)
    # Adapt schema and add original request to it
        cache = reqMgrClient.getWorkloadCache(url, workflow)
        cache = None

    schema = modifySchema(helper, workflow, user, group, cache, None, None, backfill, memory)

    schema['OriginalRequestName'] = workflow
    if verbose:
    if bwl:
        if 'Task1' in schema:
            schema['Task1']['BlockWhitelist'] = bwl.split(',')
            schema['BlockWhitelist'] = bwl.split(',')
    print 'Submitting workflow'
    # Submit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    if testbed:
        newWorkflow = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url_tb, schema)
        newWorkflow = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url, schema)
    if verbose:
        print "RESPONSE", newWorkflow

    # find the workflow name in response
    if newWorkflow:
        print 'Cloned workflow: ' + newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print newWorkflow
            print 'Approving request response:'
        # TODO only for debug
        #response = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowSplitting(url, schema)
        # print "RESPONSE", response
        #schema['requestName'] = requestName
        #schema['splittingTask'] = '/%s/%s' % (requestName, taskName)
        #schema['splittingAlgo'] = splittingAlgo

        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        if testbed:
            data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url_tb, newWorkflow)
            data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        if verbose:
            print data
        # return the name of new workflow
        return newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print newWorkflow
            print "Couldn't clone the workflow."
        return None
def cloneWorkflow(workflow, user, group, verbose=True, backfill=False, testbed=False, memory=None, bwl=None):
    clones a workflow
    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow, reqmgrCouchURL)
    # Adapt schema and add original request to it
        cache = reqMgrClient.getWorkloadCache(url, workflow)
        cache = None

    schema = modifySchema(helper, workflow, user, group, cache, None, None, backfill, memory)

    schema['OriginalRequestName'] = workflow
    if verbose:
    if bwl:
        if 'Task1' in schema:
            schema['Task1']['BlockWhitelist'] = bwl.split(',')
            schema['BlockWhitelist'] = bwl.split(',')
    print 'Submitting workflow'
    # Submit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    if testbed:
        newWorkflow = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url_tb, schema, reqmgr2 = True)
        newWorkflow = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url, schema, reqmgr2 = True)
    if verbose:
        print "RESPONSE", newWorkflow

    # find the workflow name in response
    if newWorkflow:
        print 'Cloned workflow: ' + newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print newWorkflow
            print 'Approving request response:'
        # TODO only for debug
        #response = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowSplitting(url, schema)
        # print "RESPONSE", response
        #schema['requestName'] = requestName
        #schema['splittingTask'] = '/%s/%s' % (requestName, taskName)
        #schema['splittingAlgo'] = splittingAlgo

        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        if testbed:
            data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url_tb, newWorkflow)
            data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        if verbose:
            print data
        # return the name of new workflow
        return newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print newWorkflow
            print "Couldn't clone the workflow."
        return None
def cloneWorkflow(workflow, user, group, verbose=False, backfill=False, testbed=False):
    clones a workflow
    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow, reqmgrCouchURL)
    # Adapt schema and add original request to it
        cache = reqMgrClient.getWorkloadCache(url, workflow)
        cache = None
    schema = modifySchema(helper, user, group, cache, backfill)
    schema['OriginalRequestName'] = workflow
    if verbose:
    print 'Submitting workflow'
    # Sumbit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    if testbed:
        response = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url_tb, schema)
        response = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url, schema)
    if verbose:
        print "RESPONSE", response

    # find the workflow name in response
    m = re.search("details\/(.*)\'", response)
    if m:
        newWorkflow = m.group(1)
        print 'Cloned workflow: ' + newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print response
            print 'Approving request response:'
        # TODO only for debug
        #response = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowSplitting(url, schema)
        # print "RESPONSE", response
        #schema['requestName'] = requestName
        #schema['splittingTask'] = '/%s/%s' % (requestName, taskName)
        #schema['splittingAlgo'] = splittingAlgo

        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        if testbed:
            data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url_tb, newWorkflow)
            data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        if verbose:
            print data
        # return the name of new workflow
        return newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print response
            print "Couldn't clone the workflow."
        return None
Exemple #4
def cloneWorkflow(workflow, user, group, verbose=False, backfill=False):
    clones a workflow
    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow, reqmgrCouchURL)
    # get info from reqMgr
    schema = modifySchema(helper, user, group, backfill)
    if verbose:
    print 'Submitting workflow'

    # Sumbit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    response = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url, schema)
    if verbose:
        print "RESPONSE", response

    #find the workflow name in response
    m = re.search("details\/(.*)\'", response)
    if m:
        newWorkflow = m.group(1)
        print 'Cloned workflow: ' + newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print response
            print 'Approving request response:'
        #TODO only for debug
        #response = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowSplitting(url, schema)
        #print "RESPONSE", response
        #schema['requestName'] = requestName
        #schema['splittingTask'] = '/%s/%s' % (requestName, taskName)
        #schema['splittingAlgo'] = splittingAlgo

        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        if verbose:
            print data
        #return the name of new workflow
        return newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print response
            print "Couldn't clone the workflow."
        return None
def cloneWorkflow(workflow, user, group, verbose=False, backfill=False):
    clones a workflow
    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow)
    # get info from reqMgr
    schema = modifySchema(helper, user, group, backfill)
    if verbose:
    print 'Submitting workflow'

    # Sumbit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    response = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url,schema)
    if verbose:
        print "RESPONSE", response
    #find the workflow name in response
    m = re.search("details\/(.*)\'",response)
    if m:
        newWorkflow = m.group(1)
        print 'Cloned workflow: '+newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print response    
            print 'Approving request response:'
        #TODO only for debug
        #response = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowSplitting(url, schema)
        #print "RESPONSE", response
        #schema['requestName'] = requestName
        #schema['splittingTask'] = '/%s/%s' % (requestName, taskName)
        #schema['splittingAlgo'] = splittingAlgo

        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        if verbose:
            print data
        #return the name of new workflow
        return newWorkflow
        if verbose:
            print response
            print "Couldn't clone the workflow."
        return None
Exemple #6
def extendWorkflow(workflow, user, group, verbose=False, events=None, firstlumi=None):
    if events is None:
        events = getMissingEvents(workflow)
    events = int(events)
    if firstlumi is None:
        #get the last lumi of the dataset
        dataset = reqMgrClient.outputdatasetsWorkflow(url, workflow).pop()
        lastLumi = dbs3Client.getMaxLumi(dataset)
        firstlumi = lastLumi
    firstlumi = int(firstlumi)
    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow)
    schema = modifySchema(helper, workflow, user, group, events, firstlumi)
    schema['OriginalRequestName'] = workflow
    if verbose:
    print 'Submitting workflow'
    # Sumbit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    response = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url,schema)
    if verbose:
        print "RESPONSE", response
    #find the workflow name in response
    m = re.search("details\/(.*)\'",response)
    if m:
        newWorkflow = m.group(1)
        print 'Cloned workflow: '+newWorkflow
        print 'Extended with', events, 'events'
        print response
        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        print 'Approve request response:'
        data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        print data
        print response
def main():
    # Check the arguements, get info from them
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print "Usage:"
        print "  ./resubmit WORKFLOW_NAME USER GROUP [EVENTS]"
    workflow = sys.argv[1]
    user = sys.argv[2]
    group = sys.argv[3]
    if len(sys.argv) > 4:
        events = int(sys.argv[4])
        events = getMissingEvents(workflow)

    # Get info about the workflow to be cloned
    helper = reqMgrClient.retrieveSchema(workflow)
    schema = modifySchema(helper, workflow, user, group, events)

    print 'Submitting workflow'
    # Sumbit cloned workflow to ReqMgr
    response = reqMgrClient.submitWorkflow(url,schema)
    #find the workflow name in response
    m = re.search("details\/(.*)\'",response)
    if m:
        newWorkflow = m.group(1)
        print 'Cloned workflow: '+newWorkflow
        print 'Extended with', events, 'events'
        print response
        # Move the request to Assignment-approved
        print 'Approve request response:'
        data = reqMgrClient.setWorkflowApproved(url, newWorkflow)
        print data
        print response
        elif value != None:
                schema[key] = value
    return schema

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print "Usage:"
        print "  ./resubmit WORKFLOW_NAME USER GROUP"
    #print "Going to attempt to resubmit %s..." % sys.argv[1]
    wfInfo = Workflow(oldworkflow)
    helper = retrieveSchema(oldworkflow)
    schema = modifySchema(helper, user, group, oldworkflow)
    schema['OriginalRequestName'] = oldworkflow
    #print schema
    newWorkflow = submitWorkflow(url, schema)
    print 'Cloned workflow:',newWorkflow
    team = wfInfo.info["team"]
    if 'teams' in wfInfo.info:
        site = wfInfo.info['Site Whitelist']
    activity = "reprocessing"
    era = wfInfo.info["AcquisitionEra"]
    procversion = wfInfo.info["ProcessingVersion"]
    procstring = wfInfo.info["ProcessingString"]
    lfn = wfInfo.info["MergedLFNBase"]
            schema[key] = value
    return schema

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print "Usage:"
        print "  ./resubmit WORKFLOW_NAME USER GROUP"
    oldworkflow = sys.argv[1]
    user = sys.argv[2]
    group = sys.argv[3]
    url = 'cmsweb.cern.ch'
    #print "Going to attempt to resubmit %s..." % sys.argv[1]
    wfInfo = Workflow(oldworkflow)
    helper = retrieveSchema(oldworkflow)
    schema = modifySchema(helper, user, group, oldworkflow)
    schema['OriginalRequestName'] = oldworkflow
    #print schema
    newWorkflow = submitWorkflow(url, schema)
    approveRequest(url, newWorkflow)
    print 'Cloned workflow:', newWorkflow

    team = wfInfo.info["team"]
    if 'teams' in wfInfo.info:
        site = wfInfo.info['Site Whitelist']
    activity = "reprocessing"
    era = wfInfo.info["AcquisitionEra"]
    procversion = wfInfo.info["ProcessingVersion"]
    procstring = wfInfo.info["ProcessingString"]
    lfn = wfInfo.info["MergedLFNBase"]