def retrieving(self, prox, ir): """ Calls the retrieve function in the retrieveal module to find wheel speeds for retrieving the food source. """ retrieve.retrieve(ir, self.IR_THRESHOLD) self.set_wheel_speeds(retrieve.get_left_wheel_speed(), retrieve.get_right_wheel_speed()) self.do_timed_action(1.0)
def retrieving(self, prox, ir): """ Calls the retrieve function in the retrieveal module to find wheel speeds for retrieving the food source. """ retrieve.retrieve(ir, self.IR_THRESHOLD) # Calculate new wheel speeds based on IR sensor values self.set_wheel_speeds(retrieve.get_left_wheel_speed(), retrieve.get_right_wheel_speed()) self.do_timed_action(self.timestep_duration) self.time_since_last_review = self.time_since_last_review + self.timestep_duration # update time since last stagnation review