Exemple #1
def initialize_database(argv=None):
    """Initialize the database tables."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('config', help="configuration file")
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    config = Configuration.from_file(args.config)

    from rhaptos2.repo.backend import initdb

    from rhaptos2.repo.sessioncache import set_config, initdb as sessinitdb
Exemple #2
def setup():
    global TESTCONFIG
    global TESTAPP

    ## Tests can alter decl. THis resets everything

    # using nose-testconfig we obtain the config dict passed in through the
    # nosetests command line
    from testconfig import config
    ## now "convert" to app-style dict
    TESTCONFIG = convert_config(config)
    cj = cookielib.CookieJar()

    ### Are we running by generating HTTP to fire at webserver
    ### or are we testing wsgi calls?
    if 'HTTPPROXY' in config.keys():
        app = WSGIProxyApp(config['HTTPPROXY'])
        app.debug = True
        TESTAPP = TestApp(app, extra_environ={
                          'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}, cookiejar=cj)
        set_constants(config['HTTPPROXY'], TESTAPP)
        app = make_app(TESTCONFIG)
        app.debug = True
        TESTAPP = TestApp(app.wsgi_app, cookiejar=cj)
        set_constants("", TESTAPP)
Exemple #3
def main_2():
    opts, args = parse_args()
    config = Configuration.from_file(opts.conf)
    app = make_app(config)
    app.debug = True

    from waitress import serve
    serve(app.wsgi_app, host=opts.host,
Exemple #4
def get_app(opts, args, config, as_standalone = False, with_testuser = False):
    creates and sets up the app, *but does not run it through flask server unless told to*
    This intends to return a valid WSGI app to later be called by say gunicorn

    todo: I would like to use @pumazi approach of only importing _standalone server as needed

    returns a Flask app.wsgi_app, which can be passed into wsgi chain


    app = make_app(config)
    app.debug = True

    if as_standalone:

        if not os.path.isdir(opts.jslocation):
            raise IOError(
                "dir to serve static files (%s) does not exist" % opts.jslocation)

        ### Creating a mapping of URLS to file locations
        ### TODO: simplify this - proabbly need change atc and this
        ### may want to consider a config list of dirs, or grab
        ### list of dirs from FS (at jslocation) at startup time
        sloc = opts.jslocation
        stat = StaticURLParser(sloc)
        stat_config = StaticURLParser(os.path.join(sloc, "config"))
        stat_lib = StaticURLParser(os.path.join(sloc, "lib"))
        stat_bookish = StaticURLParser(os.path.join(sloc, "bookish"))
        stat_helpers = StaticURLParser(os.path.join(sloc, "helpers"))
        stat_node_modules = StaticURLParser(os.path.join(sloc, "node_modules"))

        ### give repo a simple response - /api/ will get rewritten
        ### todo: can I force URLMap not to adjust PATH info etc?
        mymaps = {"/": app.wsgi_app,
             "/js/": stat,
             "/js/config/": stat_config,
             "/js/lib/": stat_lib,
             "/js/bookish/": stat_bookish,
             "/js/helpers/": stat_helpers,
             "/js/node_modules/": stat_node_modules}

        urlmap = URLMap()
	# Need a fake user for testing, especially in the standalone case
        wrappedapp = urlmap
        wrappedapp = app.wsgi_app

    if with_testuser:
        wrappedapp = AddTestUser(wrappedapp)

    return wrappedapp
Exemple #5
def paste_app_factory(global_config, **local_config):
    """Makes a WSGI application (in Flask this is ``app.wsgi_app``)
    and wraps it to serve the static web files.
        config_filepath = local_config['config']
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeError("You must supply a reference as 'config' in "
                           "the paste ini configuration file "
                           "to the configuration ini file "
                           "used by this application.")
    config = Configuration.from_file(config_filepath)
    app = make_app(config)
    # TODO This should be assigned in the app factory.
    app.debug = True
    return app
Exemple #6
def mainold():
    """Run the application, to be used to start up one instance"""
    opts, args = parse_args()

    confd = conf.get_config(opts.conf)
    app = make_app(confd)
    set_logger(APPTYPE, app.config)
    print app, "<-- Intialised app"

    # NOTE Do not use module reloading, even in debug mode, because it
    #      produces new stray processes that supervisor does not ctl.
Exemple #7
def setup():
    global TESTCONFIG
    global TESTAPP

    # using nose-testconfig we obtain the config dict passed in through the
    # nosetests command line
    from testconfig import config
    ## now "convert" to app-style dict
    TESTCONFIG = convert_config(config)

    if 'HTTPPROXY' in config.keys():
        app = WSGIProxyApp(config['HTTPPROXY'])
        TESTAPP = TestApp(app, extra_environ={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''})
        app = make_app(TESTCONFIG)
        app.debug = True
        TESTAPP = TestApp(app.wsgi_app)

    print "Running setup"
    print "cookies", TESTAPP.cookies 
Exemple #8
def setup():

    global TESTCONFIG
    global TESTAPP

    # using nose-testconfig we obtain the config dict passed in through the
    # nosetests command line
    from testconfig import config
    ## now "convert" to app-style dict
    TESTCONFIG = convert_config(config)

    # cleardown(TESTCONFIG)
    # initdb(TESTCONFIG)

    if 'HTTPPROXY' in config.keys():
        app = WSGIProxyApp(config['HTTPPROXY'])
        TESTAPP = TestApp(app, extra_environ={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''})
#        cleardown(TESTCONFIG)  # use this in setup - via a renaming?
        app = make_app(TESTCONFIG)
        app.debug = True
        TESTAPP = TestApp(app.wsgi_app)