Exemple #1
    def small_rhombicuboctahedron(self, exact=True, base_ring=None):
        Return the (small) rhombicuboctahedron.

        The rhombicuboctahedron is an Archimedean solid with 24 vertices and 26
        faces. See the :wikipedia:`Rhombicuboctahedron` for more information.


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.

        - ``base_ring`` -- the ring in which the coordinates will belong to. If
          it is not provided and ``exact=True`` it will be a the number field
          `\QQ[\phi]` where `\phi` is the golden ratio and if ``exact=False`` it
          will be the real double field.


            sage: sr = polytopes.small_rhombicuboctahedron()
            sage: sr.f_vector()
            (1, 24, 48, 26, 1)
            sage: sr.volume()
            80/3*sqrt2 + 32

        The faces are `8` equilateral triangles and `18` squares::

            sage: sum(1 for f in sr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 3)
            sage: sum(1 for f in sr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 4)

        Its non exact version::

            sage: sr = polytopes.small_rhombicuboctahedron(False)
            sage: sr
            A 3-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^3 defined as the convex hull of 24
            sage: sr.f_vector()
            (1, 24, 48, 26, 1)
        if base_ring is None and exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(2, 'sqrt2')
            sqrt2 = K.gen()
            base_ring = K
            if base_ring is None:
                base_ring = RDF
            sqrt2 = base_ring(2).sqrt()

        one = base_ring.one()
        a = sqrt2 + one
        verts = []
        verts.extend([s1*one, s2*one, s3*a] for s1,s2,s3 in itertools.product([1,-1], repeat=3))
        verts.extend([s1*one, s3*a, s2*one] for s1,s2,s3 in itertools.product([1,-1], repeat=3))
        verts.extend([s1*a, s2*one, s3*one] for s1,s2,s3 in itertools.product([1,-1], repeat=3))
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts)
Exemple #2
    def great_rhombicuboctahedron(self, exact=True, base_ring=None):
        Return the great rhombicuboctahedron.

        The great rohombicuboctahedron (or truncated cuboctahedron) is an
        Archimedean solid with 48 vertices and 26 faces. For more information
        see the :wikipedia:`Truncated_cuboctahedron`.


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.

        - ``base_ring`` -- the ring in which the coordinates will belong to. If
          it is not provided and ``exact=True`` it will be a the number field
          `\QQ[\phi]` where `\phi` is the golden ratio and if ``exact=False`` it
          will be the real double field.


            sage: gr = polytopes.great_rhombicuboctahedron()  # long time ~ 3sec
            sage: gr.f_vector()                               # long time
            (1, 48, 72, 26, 1)

        A faster implementation is obtained by setting ``exact=False``::

            sage: gr = polytopes.great_rhombicuboctahedron(exact=False)
            sage: gr.f_vector()
            (1, 48, 72, 26, 1)

        Its faces are 4 squares, 8 regular hexagons and 6 regular octagons::

            sage: sum(1 for f in gr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 4)
            sage: sum(1 for f in gr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 6)
            sage: sum(1 for f in gr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 8)
        if base_ring is None and exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(2, 'sqrt2')
            sqrt2 = K.gen()
            base_ring = K
            if base_ring is None:
                base_ring = RDF
            sqrt2 = base_ring(2).sqrt()

        one = base_ring.one()
        v1 = sqrt2 + 1
        v2 = 2*sqrt2 + 1
        verts = [ [s1*z1, s2*z2, s3*z3]
                       for z1,z2,z3 in itertools.permutations([one,v1,v2])
                       for s1,s2,s3 in itertools.product([1,-1], repeat=3)]
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=base_ring)
Exemple #3
    def great_rhombicuboctahedron(self, exact=True, base_ring=None):
        Return the great rhombicuboctahedron.

        The great rohombicuboctahedron (or truncated cuboctahedron) is an
        Archimedean solid with 48 vertices and 26 faces. For more information
        see the :wikipedia:`Truncated_cuboctahedron`.


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.

        - ``base_ring`` -- the ring in which the coordinates will belong to. If
          it is not provided and ``exact=True`` it will be a the number field
          `\QQ[\phi]` where `\phi` is the golden ratio and if ``exact=False`` it
          will be the real double field.


            sage: gr = polytopes.great_rhombicuboctahedron()  # long time ~ 3sec
            sage: gr.f_vector()                               # long time
            (1, 48, 72, 26, 1)

        A faster implementation is obtained by setting ``exact=False``::

            sage: gr = polytopes.great_rhombicuboctahedron(exact=False)
            sage: gr.f_vector()
            (1, 48, 72, 26, 1)

        Its faces are 4 squares, 8 regular hexagons and 6 regular octagons::

            sage: sum(1 for f in gr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 4)
            sage: sum(1 for f in gr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 6)
            sage: sum(1 for f in gr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 8)
        if base_ring is None and exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(2, 'sqrt2')
            sqrt2 = K.gen()
            base_ring = K
            if base_ring is None:
                base_ring = RDF
            sqrt2 = base_ring(2).sqrt()

        one = base_ring.one()
        v1 = sqrt2 + 1
        v2 = 2 * sqrt2 + 1
        verts = [[s1 * z1, s2 * z2, s3 * z3]
                 for z1, z2, z3 in itertools.permutations([one, v1, v2])
                 for s1, s2, s3 in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=3)]
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=base_ring)
Exemple #4
    def six_hundred_cell(self, exact=False):
        Return the standard 600-cell polytope.

        The 600-cell is a 4-dimensional regular polytope. In many ways this is
        an analogue of the icosahedron.

        .. WARNING::

            The coordinates are not exact by default. The computation with exact
            coordinates takes a huge amount of time.


        - ``exact`` - (boolean, default ``False``) if ``True`` use exact
          coordinates instead of floating point approximations


            sage: p600 = polytopes.six_hundred_cell()
            sage: p600
            A 4-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^4 defined as the convex hull of 120 vertices
            sage: p600.f_vector()
            (1, 120, 720, 1200, 600, 1)

        Computation with exact coordinates is currently too long to be useful::

            sage: p600 = polytopes.six_hundred_cell(exact=True) # not tested - very long time
            sage: len(list(p600.bounded_edges()))               # not tested - very long time
        if exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(5, 'sqrt5')
            sqrt5 = K.gen()
            g = (1 + sqrt5) / 2
            base_ring = K
            g = (1 + RDF(5).sqrt()) / 2
            base_ring = RDF

        q12 = base_ring(1) / base_ring(2)
        z = base_ring.zero()
        verts = [[s1 * q12, s2 * q12, s3 * q12, s4 * q12]
                 for s1, s2, s3, s4 in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=4)]
        V = (base_ring)**4
        verts.extend(-v for v in V.basis())
        pts = [[s1 * q12, s2 * g / 2, s3 / (2 * g), z]
               for (s1, s2, s3) in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=3)]
        for p in AlternatingGroup(4):
            verts.extend(p(x) for x in pts)
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=base_ring)
Exemple #5
    def six_hundred_cell(self, exact=False):
        Return the standard 600-cell polytope.

        The 600-cell is a 4-dimensional regular polytope. In many ways this is
        an analogue of the icosahedron.

        .. WARNING::

            The coordinates are not exact by default. The computation with exact
            coordinates takes a huge amount of time.


        - ``exact`` - (boolean, default ``False``) if ``True`` use exact
          coordinates instead of floating point approximations


            sage: p600 = polytopes.six_hundred_cell()
            sage: p600
            A 4-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^4 defined as the convex hull of 120 vertices
            sage: p600.f_vector()
            (1, 120, 720, 1200, 600, 1)

        Computation with exact coordinates is currently too long to be useful::

            sage: p600 = polytopes.six_hundred_cell(exact=True) # not tested - very long time
            sage: len(list(p600.bounded_edges()))               # not tested - very long time
        if exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(5, 'sqrt5')
            sqrt5 = K.gen()
            g = (1 + sqrt5) / 2
            base_ring = K
            g = (1 + RDF(5).sqrt()) / 2
            base_ring = RDF

        q12 = base_ring(1) / base_ring(2)
        z   = base_ring.zero()
        verts = [[s1*q12, s2*q12, s3*q12, s4*q12] for s1,s2,s3,s4 in itertools.product([1,-1], repeat=4)]
        V = (base_ring)**4
        verts.extend(-v for v in V.basis())
        pts = [[s1 * q12, s2*g/2, s3/(2*g), z] for (s1,s2,s3) in itertools.product([1,-1], repeat=3)]
        for p in AlternatingGroup(4):
            verts.extend(p(x) for x in pts)
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=base_ring)
    def is_quasigeometric(self):
        Decide whether the binary recurrence sequence is degenerate and similar to a geometric sequence,
        i.e. the union of multiple geometric sequences, or geometric after term ``u0``.

        If `\\alpha/\\beta` is a `k` th root of unity, where `k>1`, then necessarily `k = 2, 3, 4, 6`.
        Then `F = [[0,1],[c,b]` is diagonalizable, and `F^k = [[\\alpha^k, 0], [0,\\beta^k]]` is scaler
        matrix.  Thus for all values of `j` mod `k`, the `j` mod `k` terms of `u_n` form a geometric

        If `\\alpha` or `\\beta` is zero, this implies that `c=0`.  This is the case when `F` is
        singular.  In this case, `u_1, u_2, u_3, ...` is geometric.


            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(0,1)
            sage: [S(i) for i in range(10)]
            [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
            sage: S.is_quasigeometric()

            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,0)
            sage: [R(i) for i in range(10)]
            [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187, 6561]
            sage: R.is_quasigeometric()

        #First test if F is singular... i.e. beta = 0
        if self.c == 0:
            return True

        #Otherwise test if alpha/beta is a root of unity that is not 1
            if (self.b**2 + 4 * self.c) != 0:  #thus alpha/beta != 1

                if (self.b**2 + 4 * self.c).is_square():
                    A = sqrt((self.b**2 + 4 * self.c))

                    K = QuadraticField((self.b**2 + 4 * self.c), 'x')
                    A = K.gen()

                if ((self.b + A) / (self.b - A))**(6) == 1:
                    return True

        return False
    def is_quasigeometric(self):
        Decide whether the binary recurrence sequence is degenerate and similar to a geometric sequence,
        i.e. the union of multiple geometric sequences, or geometric after term ``u0``.

        If `\\alpha/\\beta` is a `k` th root of unity, where `k>1`, then necessarily `k = 2, 3, 4, 6`.
        Then `F = [[0,1],[c,b]` is diagonalizable, and `F^k = [[\\alpha^k, 0], [0,\\beta^k]]` is scaler
        matrix.  Thus for all values of `j` mod `k`, the `j` mod `k` terms of `u_n` form a geometric

        If `\\alpha` or `\\beta` is zero, this implies that `c=0`.  This is the case when `F` is
        singular.  In this case, `u_1, u_2, u_3, ...` is geometric.


            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(0,1)
            sage: [S(i) for i in range(10)]
            [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
            sage: S.is_quasigeometric()

            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,0)
            sage: [R(i) for i in range(10)]
            [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187, 6561]
            sage: R.is_quasigeometric()

        #First test if F is singular... i.e. beta = 0
        if self.c == 0:
            return True

        #Otherwise test if alpha/beta is a root of unity that is not 1
            if (self.b**2+4*self.c) != 0:    #thus alpha/beta != 1

                if (self.b**2+4*self.c).is_square():
                    A = sqrt((self.b**2+4*self.c))

                    K = QuadraticField((self.b**2+4*self.c), 'x')
                    A = K.gen()

                if ((self.b+A)/(self.b-A))**(6) == 1:
                    return True

        return False
Exemple #8
    def icosidodecahedron(self, exact=True):
        Return the Icosidodecahedron

        The Icosidodecahedron is a polyhedron with twenty triangular faces and
        twelve pentagonal faces. For more information see the


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.


            sage: gr = polytopes.icosidodecahedron()
            sage: gr.f_vector()
            (1, 30, 60, 32, 1)


            sage: polytopes.icosidodecahedron(exact=False)
            A 3-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^3 defined as the convex hull of 30 vertices
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
        from itertools import product

        K = QuadraticField(5, 'sqrt5')
        one = K.one()
        phi = (one + K.gen()) / 2

        gens = [((-1)**a * one / 2, (-1)**b * phi / 2,
                 (-1)**c * (one + phi) / 2)
                for a, b, c in product([0, 1], repeat=3)]
        gens.extend([(0, 0, phi), (0, 0, -phi)])

        verts = []
        for p in AlternatingGroup(3):
            verts.extend(p(x) for x in gens)

        if exact:
            return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=K)
            verts = [(RR(x), RR(y), RR(z)) for x, y, z in verts]
            return Polyhedron(vertices=verts)
Exemple #9
    def icosidodecahedron(self, exact=True):
        Return the Icosidodecahedron

        The Icosidodecahedron is a polyhedron with twenty triangular faces and
        twelve pentagonal faces. For more information see the


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.


            sage: gr = polytopes.icosidodecahedron()
            sage: gr.f_vector()
            (1, 30, 60, 32, 1)


            sage: polytopes.icosidodecahedron(exact=False)
            A 3-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^3 defined as the convex hull of 30 vertices
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
        from itertools import product

        K = QuadraticField(5, 'sqrt5')
        one = K.one()
        phi = (one+K.gen())/2

        gens = [((-1)**a*one/2, (-1)**b*phi/2, (-1)**c*(one+phi)/2)
                  for a,b,c in product([0,1],repeat=3)]
        gens.extend([(0,0,phi), (0,0,-phi)])

        verts = []
        for p in AlternatingGroup(3):
            verts.extend(p(x) for x in gens)

        if exact:
            return Polyhedron(vertices=verts,base_ring=K)
            verts = [(RR(x),RR(y),RR(z)) for x,y,z in verts]
            return Polyhedron(vertices=verts)
    def is_degenerate(self):
        Decide whether the binary recurrence sequence is degenerate.

        Let `\\alpha` and `\\beta` denote the roots of the characteristic polynomial
        `p(x) = x^2-bx -c`.  Let `a = u_1-u_0\\beta/(\\beta - \\alpha)` and
        `b = u_1-u_0\\alpha/(\\beta - \\alpha)`.  The sequence is, thus, given by
        `u_n = a \\alpha^n - b\\beta^n`.  Then we say that the sequence is nondegenerate
        if and only if `a*b*\\alpha*\\beta \\neq 0` and `\\alpha/\\beta` is not a
        root of unity.

        More concretely, there are 4 classes of degeneracy, that can all be formulated
        in terms of the matrix `F = [[0,1], [c, b]]`.

        - `F` is singular --  this corresponds to ``c`` = 0, and thus `\\alpha*\\beta = 0`. This sequence is geometric after term ``u0`` and so we call it ``quasigeometric``.

        - `v = [[u_0], [u_1]]` is an eigenvector of `F` -- this corresponds to a ``geometric`` sequence with `a*b = 0`.

        - `F` is nondiagonalizable -- this corresponds to `\\alpha = \\beta`.  This sequence will be the point-wise product of an arithmetic and geometric sequence.

        - `F^k` is scaler, for some `k>1` -- this corresponds to `\\alpha/\\beta` a `k` th root of unity. This sequence is a union of several geometric sequences, and so we again call it ``quasigeometric``.


            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(0,1)
            sage: S.is_degenerate()
            sage: S.is_geometric()
            sage: S.is_quasigeometric()

            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,-2)
            sage: R.is_degenerate()

            sage: T = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,-1)
            sage: T.is_degenerate()
            sage: T.is_arithmetic()


        if (self.b**2 + 4 * self.c) != 0:

            if (self.b**2 + 4 * self.c).is_square():
                A = sqrt((self.b**2 + 4 * self.c))

                K = QuadraticField((self.b**2 + 4 * self.c), 'x')
                A = K.gen()

            aa = (self.u1 - self.u0 *
                  (self.b + A) / 2) / (A)  #called `a` in Docstring
            bb = (self.u1 - self.u0 *
                  (self.b - A) / 2) / (A)  #called `b` in Docstring

            #(b+A)/2 is called alpha in Docstring, (b-A)/2 is called beta in Docstring

            if (self.b - A) != 0:
                if ((self.b + A) / (self.b - A))**(6) == 1:
                    return True
                return True

            if aa * bb * (self.b + A) * (self.b - A) == 0:
                return True
            return False
        return True
Exemple #11
    def icosahedron(self, exact=True, base_ring=None):
        Return an icosahedron with edge length 1.

        The icosahedron is one of the Platonic sold. It has 20 faces and is dual
        to the :meth:`dodecahedron`.


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.

        - ``base_ring`` -- (optional) the ring in which the coordinates will
          belong to.  Note that this ring must contain `\sqrt(5)`. If it is not
          provided and ``exact=True`` it will be the number field
          `\QQ[\sqrt(5)]` and if ``exact=False`` it will be the real double


            sage: ico = polytopes.icosahedron()
            sage: ico.f_vector()
            (1, 12, 30, 20, 1)
            sage: ico.volume()
            5/12*sqrt5 + 5/4

        Its non exact version::

            sage: ico = polytopes.icosahedron(exact=False)
            sage: ico.base_ring()
            Real Double Field
            sage: ico.volume()

        A version using `AA <sage.rings.qqbar.AlgebraicRealField>`::

            sage: ico = polytopes.icosahedron(base_ring=AA)   # long time
            sage: ico.base_ring()                             # long time
            Algebraic Real Field
            sage: ico.volume()                                # long time

        Note that if base ring is provided it must contain the square root of
        `5`. Otherwise you will get an error::

            sage: polytopes.icosahedron(base_ring=QQ)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: unable to convert 1/4*sqrt(5) + 1/4 to a rational
        if base_ring is None and exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(5, 'sqrt5')
            sqrt5 = K.gen()
            g = (1 + sqrt5) / 2
            base_ring = K
            if base_ring is None:
                base_ring = RDF
            g = (1 + base_ring(5).sqrt()) / 2

        r12 = base_ring.one() / 2
        z = base_ring.zero()
        pts = [[z, s1*r12, s2*g/2] for s1,s2 in itertools.product([1,-1],repeat=2)]
        verts = [p(v) for p in AlternatingGroup(3) for v in pts]
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=base_ring)
    def is_degenerate(self):
        Decide whether the binary recurrence sequence is degenerate.

        Let `\\alpha` and `\\beta` denote the roots of the characteristic polynomial
        `p(x) = x^2-bx -c`.  Let `a = u_1-u_0\\beta/(\\beta - \\alpha)` and
        `b = u_1-u_0\\alpha/(\\beta - \\alpha)`.  The sequence is, thus, given by
        `u_n = a \\alpha^n - b\\beta^n`.  Then we say that the sequence is nondegenerate
        if and only if `a*b*\\alpha*\\beta \\neq 0` and `\\alpha/\\beta` is not a
        root of unity.

        More concretely, there are 4 classes of degeneracy, that can all be formulated
        in terms of the matrix `F = [[0,1], [c, b]]`.

        - `F` is singular --  this corresponds to ``c`` = 0, and thus `\\alpha*\\beta = 0`. This sequence is geometric after term ``u0`` and so we call it ``quasigeometric``.

        - `v = [[u_0], [u_1]]` is an eigenvector of `F` -- this corresponds to a ``geometric`` sequence with `a*b = 0`.

        - `F` is nondiagonalizable -- this corresponds to `\\alpha = \\beta`.  This sequence will be the point-wise product of an arithmetic and geometric sequence.

        - `F^k` is scaler, for some `k>1` -- this corresponds to `\\alpha/\\beta` a `k` th root of unity. This sequence is a union of several geometric sequences, and so we again call it ``quasigeometric``.


            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(0,1)
            sage: S.is_degenerate()
            sage: S.is_geometric()
            sage: S.is_quasigeometric()

            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,-2)
            sage: R.is_degenerate()

            sage: T = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,-1)
            sage: T.is_degenerate()
            sage: T.is_arithmetic()


        if (self.b**2+4*self.c) != 0:

            if (self.b**2+4*self.c).is_square():
                A = sqrt((self.b**2+4*self.c))

                K = QuadraticField((self.b**2+4*self.c), 'x')
                A = K.gen()

            aa = (self.u1 - self.u0*(self.b + A)/2)/(A)        #called `a` in Docstring
            bb = (self.u1 - self.u0*(self.b - A)/2)/(A)        #called `b` in Docstring

            #(b+A)/2 is called alpha in Docstring, (b-A)/2 is called beta in Docstring

            if (self.b - A) != 0:
                if ((self.b+A)/(self.b-A))**(6) == 1:
                    return True
                return True

            if aa*bb*(self.b + A)*(self.b - A) == 0:
                return True
            return False
        return True
Exemple #13
    def small_rhombicuboctahedron(self, exact=True, base_ring=None):
        Return the (small) rhombicuboctahedron.

        The rhombicuboctahedron is an Archimedean solid with 24 vertices and 26
        faces. See the :wikipedia:`Rhombicuboctahedron` for more information.


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.

        - ``base_ring`` -- the ring in which the coordinates will belong to. If
          it is not provided and ``exact=True`` it will be a the number field
          `\QQ[\phi]` where `\phi` is the golden ratio and if ``exact=False`` it
          will be the real double field.


            sage: sr = polytopes.small_rhombicuboctahedron()
            sage: sr.f_vector()
            (1, 24, 48, 26, 1)
            sage: sr.volume()
            80/3*sqrt2 + 32

        The faces are `8` equilateral triangles and `18` squares::

            sage: sum(1 for f in sr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 3)
            sage: sum(1 for f in sr.faces(2) if len(f.vertices()) == 4)

        Its non exact version::

            sage: sr = polytopes.small_rhombicuboctahedron(False)
            sage: sr
            A 3-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^3 defined as the convex hull of 24
            sage: sr.f_vector()
            (1, 24, 48, 26, 1)
        if base_ring is None and exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(2, 'sqrt2')
            sqrt2 = K.gen()
            base_ring = K
            if base_ring is None:
                base_ring = RDF
            sqrt2 = base_ring(2).sqrt()

        one = base_ring.one()
        a = sqrt2 + one
        verts = []
        verts.extend([s1 * one, s2 * one, s3 * a]
                     for s1, s2, s3 in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=3))
        verts.extend([s1 * one, s3 * a, s2 * one]
                     for s1, s2, s3 in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=3))
        verts.extend([s1 * a, s2 * one, s3 * one]
                     for s1, s2, s3 in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=3))
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts)
Exemple #14
    def icosahedron(self, exact=True, base_ring=None):
        Return an icosahedron with edge length 1.

        The icosahedron is one of the Platonic sold. It has 20 faces and is dual
        to the :meth:`dodecahedron`.


        - ``exact`` -- (boolean, default ``True``) If ``False`` use an
          approximate ring for the coordinates.

        - ``base_ring`` -- (optional) the ring in which the coordinates will
          belong to.  Note that this ring must contain `\sqrt(5)`. If it is not
          provided and ``exact=True`` it will be the number field
          `\QQ[\sqrt(5)]` and if ``exact=False`` it will be the real double


            sage: ico = polytopes.icosahedron()
            sage: ico.f_vector()
            (1, 12, 30, 20, 1)
            sage: ico.volume()
            5/12*sqrt5 + 5/4

        Its non exact version::

            sage: ico = polytopes.icosahedron(exact=False)
            sage: ico.base_ring()
            Real Double Field
            sage: ico.volume()

        A version using `AA <sage.rings.qqbar.AlgebraicRealField>`::

            sage: ico = polytopes.icosahedron(base_ring=AA)   # long time
            sage: ico.base_ring()                             # long time
            Algebraic Real Field
            sage: ico.volume()                                # long time

        Note that if base ring is provided it must contain the square root of
        `5`. Otherwise you will get an error::

            sage: polytopes.icosahedron(base_ring=QQ)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: unable to convert 1/4*sqrt(5) + 1/4 to a rational
        if base_ring is None and exact:
            from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import QuadraticField
            K = QuadraticField(5, 'sqrt5')
            sqrt5 = K.gen()
            g = (1 + sqrt5) / 2
            base_ring = K
            if base_ring is None:
                base_ring = RDF
            g = (1 + base_ring(5).sqrt()) / 2

        r12 = base_ring.one() / 2
        z = base_ring.zero()
        pts = [[z, s1 * r12, s2 * g / 2]
               for s1, s2 in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=2)]
        verts = [p(v) for p in AlternatingGroup(3) for v in pts]
        return Polyhedron(vertices=verts, base_ring=base_ring)