Exemple #1
    def _lti_disc(self, dt):
        """Discretization of LTI state-space model

            dt: sampling time

            Ad: Discrete state matrix
            B0d, B1d: Discrete input matrix
            Qd: Upper Cholesky factor process noise covariance
        Ad = expm(self.A * dt)

        if not np.all(self.Q == 0):
            Q2 = self.Q.T @ self.Q
            Qd = pseudo_cholesky(lyap(self.A, -Q2 + Ad @ Q2 @ Ad.T))
            Qd = self._0xx[0, :, :]

        if self.Nu != 0:
            bis = solve(self.A, Ad - self._Ixx[0, :self.Nx, :self.Nx])
            B0d = bis @ self.B
            if self.hold_order == 'foh':
                B1d = solve(self.A, -bis + Ad * dt) @ self.B
                B1d = self._0xu[0, :, :]
            B0d = self._0xu[0, :, :]
            B1d = B0d

        return Ad, B0d, B1d, Qd
Exemple #2
    def proj(self, Y, H):
        eta = self._project_rows(Y, H)

        # Projection onto the horizontal space
        YtY = Y.T.dot(Y)
        AS = Y.T.dot(eta) - H.T.dot(Y)
        Omega = lyap(YtY, -AS)
        return eta - Y.dot((Omega - Omega.T) / 2)
Exemple #3
    def proj(self, Y, H):
        eta = self._project_rows(Y, H)

        # Projection onto the horizontal space
        YtY = Y.T.dot(Y)
        AS = Y.T.dot(eta) - H.T.dot(Y)
        Omega = lyap(YtY, -AS)
        return eta - Y.dot((Omega - Omega.T) / 2)
Exemple #4
 def proj(self, Y, H):
     # Projection onto the horizontal space
     YtY = Y.T.dot(Y)
     AS = Y.T.dot(H) - H.T.dot(Y)
     Omega = lyap(YtY, AS)
     return H - Y.dot(Omega)
Exemple #5
 def proj(self, Y, H):
     # Projection onto the horizontal space
     YtY = Y.T.dot(Y)
     AS = Y.T.dot(H) - H.T.dot(Y)
     Omega = lyap(YtY, AS)
     return H - Y.dot(Omega)
Exemple #6
def get_ergodic(F: np.ndarray, Q: np.ndarray, B: np.ndarray=None,
        x_0: np.ndarray=None, force_diffuse: List[bool]=None, 
        is_warning: bool=True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Calculate initial state covariance matrix, and identify 
    diffuse state. It effectively solves a Lyapuov equation

    F : state transition matrix
    Q : initial error covariance matrix
    B : regression matrix
    x_0 : initial x, used for calculating ergodic mean
    force_diffuse : List of booleans of user-determined diffuse state
    is_warning : whether to show warning message

    P_0 : the initial state covariance matrix, np.inf for diffuse state
    xi_0 : the initial state mean, 0 for diffuse state
    Q_ = Q.copy()
    dim = Q.shape[0]
    # Is is_diffuse is not supplied, create the list
    if force_diffuse is None:
        is_diffuse = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.bool)
        is_diffuse = deepcopy(force_diffuse)
        if len(is_diffuse) != dim:
            raise ValueError('is_diffuse has wrong size')

    # Check F and Q
    if F.shape[0] != F.shape[1]:
        raise TypeError('F must be a square matrix')
    if Q.shape[0] != Q.shape[1]:
        raise TypeError('Q must be a square matrix')
    if F.shape[0] != Q.shape[0]:
        raise TypeError('Q and F must be of same size')
    # If explosive roots, use fully diffuse initialization
    # and issue a warning
    eig = linalg.eigvals(F)
    if np.any(np.abs(eig) > 1):
        if is_warning:
            warnings.warn('Ft contains explosive roots. Assumptions ' + \
                    'of marginal LL correction may be violated, and ' + \
                    'results may be biased or inconsistent. Please provide ' + \
                    'user-defined xi_1_0 and P_1_0.', RuntimeWarning)
        is_diffuse_explosive = get_explosive_diffuse(F)
        is_diffuse = is_diffuse | is_diffuse_explosive

    # Modify Q_ to reflect diffuse states
    Q_ = mask_nan(is_diffuse, Q_, diag=inf_val)
    # Calculate raw P_0
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        P_0 = lyap(F, Q_, 'bilinear')

    # Clean up P_0
    for i in range(dim):
        if np.abs(P_0[i][i]) > max_val:
            is_diffuse[i] = True
    P_0 = mask_nan(is_diffuse, P_0, diag=0)
    # Enforce PSD
    P_0_PSD = get_nearest_PSD(P_0)

    # Add nan to diffuse diagonal values
    P_0_PSD += np.diag(np.array([np.nan if i else 0 for i in is_diffuse]))

    # Compute ergodic mean
    if B is None or x_0 is None:
        Bx = np.zeros([dim, 1])
        if B.shape[0] != dim:
            raise ValueError('B has the wrong dimension')
        Bx = B.dot(x_0)
    Bx[is_diffuse] = 0
    F_star = F.copy()
    F_star[is_diffuse] = 0
    xi_0 = inv(np.eye(dim) - F_star).dot(Bx)

    return P_0_PSD, xi_0
Exemple #7
    def sde(self):
        Return the state space representation of the covariance.
        Note! For Sparse GP inference too small or two high values of lengthscale
        lead to instabilities. This is because Qc are too high or too low
        and P_inf are not full rank. This effect depends on approximatio order.
        For N = 10. lengthscale must be in (0.8,8). For other N tests must be conducted.
        N=6: (0.06,31)
        Variance should be within reasonable bounds as well, but its dependence is linear.
        The above facts do not take into accout regularization.
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if self.approx_order is not None:
            N = self.approx_order
            N = 10  # approximation order ( number of terms in exponent series expansion)

        roots_rounding_decimals = 6

        fn = np.math.factorial(N)

        p_lengthscale = float(self.lengthscale)
        p_variance = float(self.variance)
        kappa = 1.0 / 2.0 / p_lengthscale**2

        Qc = np.array(
            ((p_variance * np.sqrt(np.pi / kappa) * fn * (4 * kappa)**N, ), ))

        eps = 1e-12
        if (float(Qc) > 1.0 / eps) or (float(Qc) < eps):
                """sde_RBF kernel: the noise variance Qc is either very large or very small. 
                                It influece conditioning of P_inf: {0:e}""".

        pp1 = np.zeros(
            (2 * N + 1,
             ))  # array of polynomial coefficients from higher power to lower

        for n in range(0, N + 1):  # (2N+1) - number of polynomial coefficients
            pp1[2 * (N - n)] = fn * (4.0 * kappa)**(
                N - n) / np.math.factorial(n) * (-1)**n

        pp = sp.poly1d(pp1)
        roots = sp.roots(pp)

        neg_real_part_roots = roots[
            np.round(np.real(roots), roots_rounding_decimals) < 0]
        aa = sp.poly1d(neg_real_part_roots, r=True).coeffs

        F = np.diag(np.ones((N - 1, )), 1)
        F[-1, :] = -aa[-1:0:-1]

        L = np.zeros((N, 1))
        L[N - 1, 0] = 1

        H = np.zeros((1, N))
        H[0, 0] = 1

        # Infinite covariance:
        Pinf = lyap(F, -np.dot(L, np.dot(Qc[0, 0], L.T)))
        Pinf = 0.5 * (Pinf + Pinf.T)
        # Allocating space for derivatives
        dF = np.empty([F.shape[0], F.shape[1], 2])
        dQc = np.empty([Qc.shape[0], Qc.shape[1], 2])
        dPinf = np.empty([Pinf.shape[0], Pinf.shape[1], 2])

        # Derivatives:
        dFvariance = np.zeros(F.shape)
        dFlengthscale = np.zeros(F.shape)
        dFlengthscale[-1, :] = -aa[-1:0:-1] / p_lengthscale * np.arange(
            -N, 0, 1)

        dQcvariance = Qc / p_variance
        dQclengthscale = np.array(
            ((p_variance * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * fn * 2**N *
              p_lengthscale**(-2 * N) * (1 - 2 * N), ), ))

        dPinf_variance = Pinf / p_variance

        lp = Pinf.shape[0]
        coeff = np.arange(1, lp + 1).reshape(lp, 1) + np.arange(
            1, lp + 1).reshape(1, lp) - 2
        coeff[np.mod(coeff, 2) != 0] = 0
        dPinf_lengthscale = -1 / p_lengthscale * Pinf * coeff

        dF[:, :, 0] = dFvariance
        dF[:, :, 1] = dFlengthscale
        dQc[:, :, 0] = dQcvariance
        dQc[:, :, 1] = dQclengthscale
        dPinf[:, :, 0] = dPinf_variance
        dPinf[:, :, 1] = dPinf_lengthscale

        P0 = Pinf.copy()
        dP0 = dPinf.copy()

        if self.balance:
            # Benefits of this are not very sound. Helps only in one case:
            # SVD Kalman + RBF kernel
            import GPy.models.state_space_main as ssm
            (F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf,
             dP0) = ssm.balance_ss_model(F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf,

        return (F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf, dP0)
    def sde(self):
        Return the state space representation of the covariance.

        N = 10  # approximation order ( number of terms in exponent series expansion)
        roots_rounding_decimals = 6

        fn = np.math.factorial(N)

        kappa = 1.0 / 2.0 / self.lengthscale**2

        Qc = np.array(
            (self.variance * np.sqrt(np.pi / kappa) * fn * (4 * kappa)**N, ), )

        pp = np.zeros(
            (2 * N + 1,
             ))  # array of polynomial coefficients from higher power to lower

        for n in range(0, N + 1):  # (2N+1) - number of polynomial coefficients
            pp[2 * (N - n)] = fn * (4.0 * kappa)**(
                N - n) / np.math.factorial(n) * (-1)**n

        pp = sp.poly1d(pp)
        roots = sp.roots(pp)

        neg_real_part_roots = roots[
            np.round(np.real(roots), roots_rounding_decimals) < 0]
        aa = sp.poly1d(neg_real_part_roots, r=True).coeffs

        F = np.diag(np.ones((N - 1, )), 1)
        F[-1, :] = -aa[-1:0:-1]

        L = np.zeros((N, 1))
        L[N - 1, 0] = 1

        H = np.zeros((1, N))
        H[0, 0] = 1

        # Infinite covariance:
        Pinf = lyap(F, -np.dot(L, np.dot(Qc[0, 0], L.T)))
        Pinf = 0.5 * (Pinf + Pinf.T)
        # Allocating space for derivatives
        dF = np.empty([F.shape[0], F.shape[1], 2])
        dQc = np.empty([Qc.shape[0], Qc.shape[1], 2])
        dPinf = np.empty([Pinf.shape[0], Pinf.shape[1], 2])

        # Derivatives:
        dFvariance = np.zeros(F.shape)
        dFlengthscale = np.zeros(F.shape)
        dFlengthscale[-1, :] = -aa[-1:0:-1] / self.lengthscale * np.arange(
            -N, 0, 1)

        dQcvariance = Qc / self.variance
        dQclengthscale = np.array(
            ((self.variance * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * fn * 2**N *
              self.lengthscale**(-2 * N) * (1 - 2 * N, ), )))

        dPinf_variance = Pinf / self.variance

        lp = Pinf.shape[0]
        coeff = np.arange(1, lp + 1).reshape(lp, 1) + np.arange(
            1, lp + 1).reshape(1, lp) - 2
        coeff[np.mod(coeff, 2) != 0] = 0
        dPinf_lengthscale = -1 / self.lengthscale * Pinf * coeff

        dF[:, :, 0] = dFvariance
        dF[:, :, 1] = dFlengthscale
        dQc[:, :, 0] = dQcvariance
        dQc[:, :, 1] = dQclengthscale
        dPinf[:, :, 0] = dPinf_variance
        dPinf[:, :, 1] = dPinf_lengthscale

        P0 = Pinf.copy()
        dP0 = dPinf.copy()

        # Benefits of this are not very sound. Helps only in one case:
        # SVD Kalman + RBF kernel
        import GPy.models.state_space_main as ssm
        (F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf, dP0,
         T) = ssm.balance_ss_model(F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf, dP0)

        return (F, L, Qc, H, Pinf, P0, dF, dQc, dPinf, dP0)
Exemple #9
    def _lti_jacobian_disc(self, dt):
        """Discretization of augmented LTI state-space model

            dt: sampling time

            Ad: Discrete state matrix
            B0d, B1d: Discrete input matrix
            Qd: Upper Cholesky factor process noise covariance
            dAd: Derivative discrete state matrix
            dB0d, dB1d: Derivative discrete input matrix
            dQd: Derivative upper Cholesky factor process noise covariance
        names = self.parameters.names_free
        N = len(names)

        # Discrete state matrix and its derivative
        self._AA[:N, :self.Nx, :self.Nx] = self.A
        self._AA[:N, self.Nx:, self.Nx:] = self.A
        self._AA[:N, self.Nx:, :self.Nx] = [self.dA[n] for n in names]
        dA = self._AA[:N, self.Nx:, :self.Nx]

        Ad = expm(self.A * dt)
        for i in range(N):
            self._AAd[i, :self.Nx, :self.Nx] = Ad
            self._AAd[i, self.Nx:, self.Nx:] = Ad
            if not np.all(dA[i, :, :] == 0):
                self._AAd[i, self.Nx:, :self.Nx] = (expm_frechet(
                    self.A * dt, dA[i, :, :] * dt, 'SPS', False))
        dAd = self._AAd[:N, self.Nx:, :self.Nx]

        if not np.all(self.Q == 0):
            dQ = np.asarray([self.dQ[k] for k in names])

            # transform to covariance matrix
            Q2 = self.Q.T @ self.Q
            dQ2 = dQ.swapaxes(1, 2) @ self.Q + self.Q.T @ dQ

            # covariance matrix of the process noise
            Qd2 = lyap(self.A, -Q2 + Ad @ Q2 @ Ad.T)

            eq = (-dA @ Qd2 - Qd2 @ dA.swapaxes(1, 2) - dQ2 + dAd @ Q2 @ Ad.T +
                  Ad @ dQ2 @ Ad.T + Ad @ Q2 @ dAd.swapaxes(1, 2))

            # Derivative process noise covariance
            dQd2 = np.asarray([lyap(self.A, eq[i, :, :]) for i in range(N)])

            # Get Cholesky factor
            Qd = pseudo_cholesky(Qd2)
            tmp = solve(Qd.T, solve(Qd.T, dQd2).swapaxes(1, 2))
            dQd = (np.triu(tmp, 1) + self._Ixx[0, :self.Nx, :self.Nx] * 0.5 *
                   tmp.diagonal(0, 1, 2)[:, np.newaxis, :]) @ Qd
            Qd = self._0xx[0, :, :]
            dQd = self._0xx[:N, :, :]

        if self.Nu != 0:
            # Discrete input matrices and their derivatives
            self._BB[:N, :self.Nx, :] = self.B
            self._BB[:N, self.Nx:, :] = [self.dB[k] for k in names]

            AA = self._AA[:N, :, :]
            AAd = self._AAd[:N, :, :]
            BB = self._BB[:N, :, :]
            bis = solve(AA, AAd - self._Ixx[:N, :, :])
            BB0d = bis @ BB
            B0d = BB0d[0, :self.Nx, :]
            dB0d = BB0d[:, self.Nx:, :]

            if self.hold_order == 'foh':
                BBd1_free = solve(AA, -bis + AAd * dt) @ BB
                B1d = BBd1_free[0, :self.Nx, :]
                dB1d = BBd1_free[:, self.Nx:, :]
                B1d = self._0xu[0, :, :]
                dB1d = self._0xu[:N, :, :]
            B0d = self._0xu[0, :, :]
            dB0d = self._0xu[:N, :, :]
            B1d = B0d
            dB1d = dB0d

        return Ad, B0d, B1d, Qd, dAd, dB0d, dB1d, dQd