Exemple #1
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Overwrites csr_matrix m[i,:], m[i] operations which are faulty in
        current scipy.sparse releases.


        def __get_row(row):
            start = self.mat.indptr[row]
            end = self.mat.indptr[row + 1]
            return SparseMatrix(
                    (self.mat.data[start:end], self.mat.indices[start:end], [0, end - start]),
                    shape=(1, self.mat.shape[1]),

        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            row = key[0]
            col = key[1]
            if isintlike(row) and row >= 0 and isinstance(col, slice):
                if col == slice(None, None, None):
                    return __get_row(row)

        if isintlike(key) and key >= 0:
            return __get_row(key)

        result = self.mat[key]
        if is_numeric(result):
            return result
            return SparseMatrix(result)
Exemple #2
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            row = key[0]
            col = key[1]

            # TODO implement CSR[ [1,2,3], X ] with sparse matmat
            # TODO make use of sorted indices

            if isintlike(row) and isintlike(col):
                return self._get_single_element(row,col)
                major,minor = self._swap((row,col))
                if isintlike(major) and isinstance(minor,slice):
                    minor_shape = self._swap(self.shape)[1]
                    start, stop, stride = minor.indices(minor_shape)
                    out_shape = self._swap((1, stop-start))
                    return self._get_slice(major, start, stop, stride, out_shape)
                elif isinstance(row, slice) or isinstance(col, slice):
                    return self._get_submatrix(row, col)
                    raise NotImplementedError

        elif isintlike(key):
            return self[key, :]
            raise IndexError("invalid index")
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, shape, dtype, dot=None, dot_adj=None):
     if len(shape)!=2 or not isintlike(shape[0]) or not isintlike(shape[1]):
         raise ValueError('shape must be (m,n) with m and n integer')
     self.shape = shape
     self.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) # defaults to float64
     if dot is None and dot_adj is None:
         raise ValueError('dot or dot_adj have to be defined')
     self._dot = dot
     self._dot_adj = dot_adj
Exemple #4
 def get(self, key, default=0.):
     """This overrides the dict.get method, providing type checking
     but otherwise equivalent functionality.
         i, j = key
         assert isintlike(i) and isintlike(j)
     except (AssertionError, TypeError, ValueError):
         raise IndexError('index must be a pair of integers')
     if (i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]):
         raise IndexError('index out of bounds')
     return ddict.get(self, key, default)
Exemple #5
    def __setitem__(self, index, x):
        if isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2:
            # Integer index fast path
            i, j = index
            if (isintlike(i) and isintlike(j) and 0 <= i < self.shape[0]
                    and 0 <= j < self.shape[1]):
                v = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
                if v.ndim == 0 and v != 0:
                    ddict.__setitem__(self, (int(i), int(j)), v[()])

        i, j = self._unpack_index(index)
        i, j = self._index_to_arrays(i, j)

        if isspmatrix(x):
            x = x.toarray()

        # Make x and i into the same shape
        x = np.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
        x, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(x, i)

        if x.shape != i.shape:
            raise ValueError("shape mismatch in assignment")

        if np.size(x) == 0:

        min_i = i.min()
        if min_i < -self.shape[0] or i.max() >= self.shape[0]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (i.min(), self.shape[0], self.shape[0] - 1))
        if min_i < 0:
            i = i.copy()
            i[i < 0] += self.shape[0]

        min_j = j.min()
        if min_j < -self.shape[0] or j.max() >= self.shape[1]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (j.min(), self.shape[1], self.shape[1] - 1))
        if min_j < 0:
            j = j.copy()
            j[j < 0] += self.shape[1]

        ddict.update(self, izip(izip(i.flat, j.flat), x.flat))

        if 0 in x:
            zeroes = x == 0
            for key in izip(i[zeroes].flat, j[zeroes].flat):
                if ddict.__getitem__(self, key) == 0:
                    # may have been superseded by later update
                    del self[key]
    def test_isintlike(self):
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(np.array([3])), False)

        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(1 + 3j),False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike( (1,) ), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike( (1,2) ), False)
Exemple #7
    def test_isintlike(self):
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(3.0), True)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(-4), True)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(np.array(3)), True)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(np.array([3])), False)

        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(2.5), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(1 + 3j), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike((1, )), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike((1, 2)), False)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, A, p):
        if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator):
            raise ValueError('LinearOperator expected as A')
        if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('square LinearOperator expected, got %r' % A)
        if not isintlike(p) or p < 0:
            raise ValueError('non-negative integer expected as p')

        super(_PowerLinearOperator, self).__init__(_get_dtype([A]), A.shape)
        self.args = (A, p)
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, A, p):
     if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator):
         raise ValueError('LinearOperator expected as A')
     if A.shape[0]!=A.shape[1]:
         raise ValueError('square LinearOperator expected as A')
     if not isintlike(p):
         raise ValueError('integer expected as p')
     self.args = (A,p)
     super(_PowerLinearOperator, self).__init__(A.shape, A.dtype,
             self._dot, self._dot_adj)
Exemple #10
        def __init__(self, A, p):
            if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator):
                raise ValueError('LinearOperator expected as A')
            if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError('square LinearOperator expected, got %r' % A)
            if not isintlike(p):
                raise ValueError('integer expected as p')

            super(_PowerLinearOperator, self).__init__(_get_dtype([A]), A.shape)
            self.args = (A, p)
Exemple #11
    def test_isintlike(self):
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(-4), True)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(np.array(3)), True)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(np.array([3])), False)
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
                       "Inexact indices into sparse matrices are deprecated")
            assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(3.0), True)

        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(2.5), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike(1 + 3j), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike((1,)), False)
        assert_equal(sputils.isintlike((1, 2)), False)
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, A, p):
     if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator):
         raise ValueError('LinearOperator expected as A')
     if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
         raise ValueError('square LinearOperator expected as A')
     if not isintlike(p):
         raise ValueError('integer expected as p')
     super(_PowerLinearOperator, self).__init__(A.shape, self.matvec,
                                                self.rmatvec, self.matmat,
     self.args = (A, p)
Exemple #13
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        assert sputils.issequence(index) or sputils.isintlike(index)

        users = np.array(index).reshape(-1, )

        extracted_sparse_matrix = self._extract(self.interactions_matrix,

        if self.target_interactions_matrix is None:
            return UsersInteractions(
                users=users, interactions_matrix=extracted_sparse_matrix), None
            extracted_target_sparse_matrix = self._extract(
                self.target_interactions_matrix, index)
            return UsersInteractions(users=users, interactions_matrix=extracted_sparse_matrix), \
                   UsersInteractions(users=users, interactions_matrix=extracted_target_sparse_matrix)
Exemple #14
def _process_slice(sl, num):
    if sl is None:
        i0, i1 = 0, num
    elif isinstance(sl, slice):
        i0, i1, stride = sl.indices(num)
        if stride != 1:
            raise ValueError('slicing with step != 1 not supported')
        i0 = min(i0, i1)  # give an empty slice when i0 > i1
    elif isintlike(sl):
        if sl < 0:
            sl += num
        i0, i1 = sl, sl + 1
        if i0 < 0 or i1 > num:
            raise IndexError('index out of bounds: 0 <= %d < %d <= %d' %
                             (i0, i1, num))
        raise TypeError('expected slice or scalar')

    return i0, i1
Exemple #15
        def process_slice(sl, num):
            if isinstance(sl, slice):
                if sl.step not in (1, None):
                    raise ValueError('slicing with step != 1 not supported')
                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
                if i0 is None:
                    i0 = 0
                elif i0 < 0:
                    i0 = num + i0

                if i1 is None:
                    i1 = num
                elif i1 < 0:
                    i1 = num + i1
                return i0, i1

            elif isintlike(sl):
                if sl < 0:
                    sl += num
                return sl, sl + 1
                raise TypeError('expected slice or scalar')
Exemple #16
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Matrix slicing and element access operator

        For the most part, we can piggyback off the superclass implementation,
        but we need to implement additional logic to deal with the case where
        a delta vector's reference row is not in the slice. In this case we
        must reconstruct the full row and store it directly.

        row, col = self._unpack_index(key)

        # fast path for row optimized methods
        if isintlike(row):
            if isinstance(col, slice):
                return self._get_row_slice(row, col)

        # calling the superclass implementation will give us a CSR matrix in
        # which some of the rows might be delta encodings
        raw_matrix = super().__getitem__(key)

        # find out which rows from the matrix are included in the output
        if type(key[0]) == slice:
            start = key[0].start if key[0].start is not None else 0
            stop = key[0].stop if key[0].stop is not None else self.shape[0]
            step = key[0].step if key[0].step is not None else 1
            out_rows = list(range(start, stop, step))
            start = key[0][0]
            out_rows = key[0]

        # mapping from original row indices to slice row indices
        row_map = dict(zip(out_rows, range(len(out_rows))))

        # now correct each of the included rows
        # we will create a matrix of deltas that were not included in the slice,
        # and add to the raw matrix to get the corrected matrix
        d_data = np.array([], dtype=raw_matrix.dtype)
        d_indices = np.array([], dtype=raw_matrix.indices.dtype)
        d_indptr = [0]
        # the sliced matrix will need an adjusted deltas array
        new_deltas = np.arange(raw_matrix.shape[0])
        for i, row in enumerate(out_rows):
            if self.deltas[row] not in out_rows:
                # fetch the reference row
                ref = self.getrow(self.deltas[row])
                # add it to the adjustment matrix
                d_data = np.concatenate((d_data, ref.data))
                d_indices = np.concatenate((d_indices, ref.indices))
                # the delta is still valid, but the row index needs to be updated
                self.deltas[i] = row_map[row]

        # build the adjustment matrix, which we will add to the raw matrix data
        # to get the correct output matrix
        adj_matrix = csr_matrix((d_data, d_indices, d_indptr),

        # now add the adjustment matrix to the raw matrix data
        corrected_matrix = csr_matrix(
            (raw_matrix.data, raw_matrix.indices, raw_matrix.indptr),
            dtype=raw_matrix.dtype) + adj_matrix

        return delta_csr_matrix(
            (corrected_matrix.data, corrected_matrix.indices,
             corrected_matrix.indptr, new_deltas),
Exemple #17
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        def asindices(x):
                x = np.asarray(x)

                # Check index contents, to avoid creating 64-bit arrays needlessly
                idx_dtype = get_index_dtype((x, ), check_contents=True)
                if idx_dtype != x.dtype:
                    x = x.astype(idx_dtype)
                raise IndexError('invalid index')
                return x

        def check_bounds(indices, N):
            if indices.size == 0:
                return (0, 0)

            max_indx = indices.max()
            if max_indx >= N:
                raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range' % max_indx)

            min_indx = indices.min()
            if min_indx < -N:
                raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range' % (N + min_indx))

            return (min_indx, max_indx)

        def extractor(indices, N):
            """Return a sparse matrix P so that P*self implements
            slicing of the form self[[1,2,3],:]
            indices = asindices(indices)

            (min_indx, max_indx) = check_bounds(indices, N)

            if min_indx < 0:
                indices = indices.copy()
                indices[indices < 0] += N

            indptr = da.arange(len(indices) + 1,
            data = da.ones(len(indices), dtype=self.dtype, chunks=self.chunks)
            shape = (len(indices), N)

            return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape)

        row, col = self._unpack_index(key)

        # First attempt to use original row optimized methods
        # [1, ?]
        if isintlike(row):
            # [i, j]
            if isintlike(col):
                return self._get_single_element(row, col)
            # [i, 1:2]
            elif isinstance(col, slice):
                return self._get_row_slice(row, col)
            # [i, [1, 2]]
            elif issequence(col):
                P = extractor(col, self.shape[1]).T
                return self[row, :] * P
        elif isinstance(row, slice):
            # [1:2,??]
            if ((isintlike(col) and row.step in (1, None))
                    or (isinstance(col, slice) and col.step in (1, None)
                        and row.step in (1, None))):
                # col is int or slice with step 1, row is slice with step 1.
                return self._get_submatrix(row, col)
            elif issequence(col):
                # row is slice, col is sequence.
                P = extractor(col, self.shape[1]).T  # [1:2,[1,2]]
                sliced = self
                if row != slice(None, None, None):
                    sliced = sliced[row, :]
                return sliced * P

        elif issequence(row):
            # [[1,2],??]
            if isintlike(col) or isinstance(col, slice):
                P = extractor(row, self.shape[0])  # [[1,2],j] or [[1,2],1:2]
                extracted = P * self
                if col == slice(None, None, None):
                    return extracted
                    return extracted[:, col]

        if not (issequence(col) and issequence(row)):
            # Sample elementwise
            row, col = self._index_to_arrays(row, col)

        row = asindices(row)
        col = asindices(col)
        if row.shape != col.shape:
            raise IndexError('number of row and column indices differ')
        assert row.ndim <= 2

        num_samples = np.size(row)
        if num_samples == 0:
            return csr_matrix(np.atleast_2d(row).shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        check_bounds(row, self.shape[0])
        check_bounds(col, self.shape[1])

        val = np.empty(num_samples, dtype=self.dtype)
        csr_sample_values(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.indptr,
                          self.indices, self.data, num_samples, row.ravel(),
                          col.ravel(), val)
        if row.ndim == 1:
            # row and col are 1d
            return np.asmatrix(val)
        return self.__class__(val.reshape(row.shape))
Exemple #18
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """If key=(i,j) is a pair of integers, return the corresponding
        element.  If either i or j is a slice or sequence, return a new sparse
        matrix with just these elements.
        i, j = self._unpack_index(index)

        i_intlike = isintlike(i)
        j_intlike = isintlike(j)

        if i_intlike and j_intlike:
            # Scalar index case
            i = int(i)
            j = int(j)
            if i < 0:
                i += self.shape[0]
            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0]:
                raise IndexError('index out of bounds')
            if j < 0:
                j += self.shape[1]
            if j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
                raise IndexError('index out of bounds')
            return ddict.get(self, (i, j), 0.)
        elif ((i_intlike or isinstance(i, slice))
              and (j_intlike or isinstance(j, slice))):
            # Fast path for slicing very sparse matrices
            i_slice = slice(i, i + 1) if i_intlike else i
            j_slice = slice(j, j + 1) if j_intlike else j
            i_indices = i_slice.indices(self.shape[0])
            j_indices = j_slice.indices(self.shape[1])
            i_seq = xrange(*i_indices)
            j_seq = xrange(*j_indices)
            newshape = (len(i_seq), len(j_seq))
            newsize = _prod(newshape)

            if len(self) < 2 * newsize and newsize != 0:
                # Switch to the fast path only when advantageous
                # (count the iterations in the loops, adjust for complexity)
                # We also don't handle newsize == 0 here (if
                # i/j_intlike, it can mean index i or j was out of
                # bounds)
                return self._getitem_ranges(i_indices, j_indices, newshape)

        i, j = self._index_to_arrays(i, j)

        if i.size == 0:
            return dok_matrix(i.shape, dtype=self.dtype)

        min_i = i.min()
        if min_i < -self.shape[0] or i.max() >= self.shape[0]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (i.min(), self.shape[0], self.shape[0] - 1))
        if min_i < 0:
            i = i.copy()
            i[i < 0] += self.shape[0]

        min_j = j.min()
        if min_j < -self.shape[0] or j.max() >= self.shape[1]:
            raise IndexError('index (%d) out of range -%d to %d)' %
                             (j.min(), self.shape[1], self.shape[1] - 1))
        if min_j < 0:
            j = j.copy()
            j[j < 0] += self.shape[1]

        newdok = dok_matrix(i.shape, dtype=self.dtype)

        for a in xrange(i.shape[0]):
            for b in xrange(i.shape[1]):
                v = ddict.get(self, (i[a, b], j[a, b]), 0.)
                if v != 0:
                    ddict.__setitem__(newdok, (a, b), v)

        return newdok