Exemple #1
def get_triangles(points):

    return Delaunay(points).simplices
Exemple #2
def thiessen(directions_list, field_ra_deg, field_dec_deg, faceting_radius_deg,
    s=None, check_edges=False, target_ra=None, target_dec=None,
    target_radius_arcmin=None, beam_ratio=None):
    Generates and add thiessen polygons or patches to input directions

    directions_list : list of Direction objects
        List of input directions
    field_ra_deg : float
        RA in degrees of field center
    field_dec_deg : float
        Dec in degrees of field center
    faceting_radius_deg : float
        Maximum radius within which faceting will be done. Direction objects
        with postions outside this radius will get small rectangular patches
        instead of thiessen polygons
    s : LSMTool SkyModel object, optional
        Sky model to use to check for source near facet edges
    check_edges : bool, optional
        If True, check whether any know source falls on a facet edge. If sources
        are found that do, the facet is adjusted
    target_ra : str, optional
        RA of target source. E.g., '14h41m01.884'
    target_dec : str, optional
        Dec of target source. E.g., '+35d30m31.52'
    target_radius_arcmin : float, optional
        Radius in arcmin of target source
    beam_ratio : float, optional
        Ratio of semi-major (N-S) axis to semi-minor (E-W) axis for the primary

    import lsmtool
    import shapely.geometry
    from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
    from itertools import combinations
    from astropy.coordinates import Angle

    # Select directions inside FOV (here defined as ellipse given by
    # faceting_radius_deg and the mean elevation)
    faceting_radius_pix = faceting_radius_deg / 0.066667 # radius in pixels
    field_x, field_y = radec2xy([field_ra_deg], [field_dec_deg],
        refRA=field_ra_deg, refDec=field_dec_deg)

    fx = []
    fy = []
    for th in range(0, 360, 1):
        fx.append(faceting_radius_pix * np.cos(th * np.pi / 180.0) + field_x[0])
        fy.append(faceting_radius_pix * beam_ratio * np.sin(th * np.pi / 180.0) + field_y[0])
    fov_poly_tuple = tuple([(xp, yp) for xp, yp in zip(fx, fy)])
    fov_poly = Polygon(fx, fy)

    points, _, _ = getxy(directions_list, field_ra_deg, field_dec_deg)
    for x, y, d in zip(points[0], points[1], directions_list):
        dist = fov_poly.is_inside(x, y)
        if dist < 0.0:
            # Source is outside of FOV, so use simple rectangular patches
            d.is_patch = True

    # Now do the faceting (excluding the patches)
    directions_list_thiessen = [d for d in directions_list if not d.is_patch]
    points, _, _ = getxy(directions_list_thiessen, field_ra_deg, field_dec_deg)
    points = points.T

    # Generate array of outer points used to constrain the facets
    nouter = 64
    means = np.ones((nouter, 2)) * points.mean(axis=0)
    offsets = []
    angles = [np.pi/(nouter/2.0)*i for i in range(0, nouter)]
    for ang in angles:
        offsets.append([np.cos(ang), np.sin(ang)])

    # Generate initial facets
    radius = 5.0 * faceting_radius_deg / 0.066667 # radius in pixels
    scale_offsets = radius * np.array(offsets)
    outer_box = means + scale_offsets
    points_all = np.vstack([points, outer_box])
    tri = Delaunay(points_all)
    circumcenters = np.array([_circumcenter(tri.points[t])
                              for t in tri.vertices])
    thiessen_polys = [_thiessen_poly(tri, circumcenters, n)
                      for n in range(len(points_all) - nouter)]

    # Check for vertices that are very close to each other, as this gives problems
    # to the edge adjustment below
    for thiessen_poly in thiessen_polys:
        dup_ind = 0
        for i, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(thiessen_poly[:-1], thiessen_poly[1:])):
            if (approx_equal(v1[0], v2[0], rel=1e-6) and
                approx_equal(v1[1], v2[1], rel=1e-6)):
                dup_ind -= 1
            dup_ind += 1

    # Clip the facets at FOV
    for i, thiessen_poly in enumerate(thiessen_polys):
        polyv = np.vstack(thiessen_poly)
        poly_tuple = tuple([(xp, yp) for xp, yp in zip(polyv[:, 0], polyv[:, 1])])
        p1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(poly_tuple)
        p2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(fov_poly_tuple)
        if p1.intersects(p2):
            p1 = p1.intersection(p2)
            xyverts = [np.array([xp, yp]) for xp, yp in
            thiessen_polys[i] = xyverts

    # Check for sources near / on facet edges and adjust regions accordingly
    if check_edges:
        log.info('Adjusting facets to avoid sources...')
        RA, Dec = s.getPatchPositions(asArray=True)
        sx, sy = radec2xy(RA, Dec, refRA=field_ra_deg, refDec=field_dec_deg)
        sizes = s.getPatchSizes(units='degree').tolist()
        fluxes_jy = s.getColValues('I', units='Jy', aggregate='sum').tolist()

        if target_ra is not None and target_dec is not None and target_radius_arcmin is not None:
            log.info('Including target ({0}, {1}) in facet adjustment'.format(
                target_ra, target_dec))
            tra = Angle(target_ra).to('deg').value
            tdec = Angle(target_dec).to('deg').value
            tx, ty = radec2xy([tra], [tdec], refRA=field_ra_deg, refDec=field_dec_deg)

        # Set minimum size to 2 - 10 * FWHM of resolution of high-res image, scaled by
        # sqrt(flux) to include strong artifacts in the avoidance region
        fwhm = 25.0 / 3600.0 # degrees
        min_sizes = [fwhm*min(10.0, max(2.0, np.sqrt(flux_jy/0.01))) for flux_jy in fluxes_jy]
        sizes = [max(size, min_size) for size, min_size in zip(sizes, min_sizes)]

        # Filter sources to get only those close to a boundary. We need to iterate
        # until no sources are found
        niter = 0
        while niter < 3:
            niter += 1
            ind_near_edge = []
            for i, thiessen_poly in enumerate(thiessen_polys):
                polyv = np.vstack(thiessen_poly)
                poly_tuple = tuple([(x, y) for x, y in zip(polyv[:, 0], polyv[:, 1])])
                poly = Polygon(polyv[:, 0], polyv[:, 1])
                dists = poly.is_inside(sx, sy)
                for j, dist in enumerate(dists):
                    pix_radius = sizes[j] * 1.2 / 2.0 / 0.066667 # radius of source in pixels
                    if abs(dist) < pix_radius and j not in ind_near_edge:
            if len(ind_near_edge) == 0:
            sx_filt = np.array(sx)[ind_near_edge]
            sy_filt = np.array(sy)[ind_near_edge]
            sizes_filt = np.array(sizes)[ind_near_edge]

            # Adjust all facets for each source near a boundary
            for x, y, size in zip(sx_filt, sy_filt, sizes_filt):
                for i, thiessen_poly in enumerate(thiessen_polys):
                    polyv = np.vstack(thiessen_poly)
                    poly_tuple = tuple([(xp, yp) for xp, yp in zip(polyv[:, 0], polyv[:, 1])])
                    poly = Polygon(polyv[:, 0], polyv[:, 1])
                    dist = poly.is_inside(x, y)
                    p1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(poly_tuple)

                    pix_radius = size * 1.2 / 2.0 / 0.066667 # size of source in pixels
                    if abs(dist) < pix_radius:
                        p2 = shapely.geometry.Point((x, y))
                        p2buf = p2.buffer(pix_radius)
                        if dist < 0.0:
                            # If point is outside, difference the polys
                            p1 = p1.difference(p2buf)
                            # If point is inside, union the polys
                            p1 = p1.union(p2buf)
                            xyverts = [np.array([xp, yp]) for xp, yp in
                        except AttributeError:
                            log.error('Source avoidance has caused a facet to be '
                                'divided into multple parts. Please adjust the '
                                'parameters (e.g., if a target source is specified, '
                                'reduce its radius if possible)')
                        thiessen_polys[i] = xyverts

    # Add the final facet and patch info to the directions
    patch_polys = []
    for d in directions_list:
        # Make calibrator patch
        sx, sy = radec2xy([d.ra], [d.dec], refRA=field_ra_deg, refDec=field_dec_deg)

        # Compute size of patch in pixels, with a factor of 0.8 so that
        # sources are not added along the edges (the areas outside of this 80%
        # region are masked during imaging in the make_clean_mask() call with
        # trim_by = 0.2
        patch_width = d.cal_imsize * 0.8 * d.cellsize_selfcal_deg / 0.066667
        x0 = sx[0] - patch_width / 2.0
        y0 = sy[0] - patch_width / 2.0
        selfcal_poly = [np.array([x0, y0]),
                np.array([x0, y0+patch_width]),
                np.array([x0+patch_width, y0+patch_width]),
                np.array([x0+patch_width, y0])]

        if d.is_patch:
            # For sources beyond max radius, set facet poly to calibrator poly
            # and clip to facet polys and previous patch polys
            # First, make a copy of the calibrator poly so that it is not
            # altered by the clipping
            patch_poly = [np.copy(vert) for vert in selfcal_poly]

            # Now loop over the facets and patches and clip
            for facet_poly in thiessen_polys + patch_polys:
                polyv = np.vstack(facet_poly)
                poly_tuple = tuple([(xp, yp) for xp, yp in zip(polyv[:, 0], polyv[:, 1])])
                p1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(poly_tuple)
                p2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(patch_poly)
                if p2.intersects(p1):
                    p2 = p2.difference(p1)
                        xyverts = [np.array([xp, yp]) for xp, yp in
                        patch_poly = xyverts
                    except AttributeError:

            add_facet_info(d, selfcal_poly, patch_poly, field_ra_deg, field_dec_deg)
            facet_poly = thiessen_polys[directions_list_thiessen.index(d)]
            add_facet_info(d, selfcal_poly, facet_poly, field_ra_deg, field_dec_deg)
Exemple #3
def linear_tetrahedron_integration(cell,
    """DOS from linear tetrahedron interpolation.

    cell: 3x3 ndarray-like
        Unit cell.
    eigs: (n1, n2, n3, nbands)-shaped ndarray
        Eigenvalues on a Monkhorst-Pack grid (not reduced).
    energies: 1-d array-like
        Energies where the DOS is calculated (must be a uniform grid).
    weights: ndarray of shape (n1, n2, n3, nbands) or (n1, n2, n3, nbands, nw)
        Weights.  Defaults to a (n1, n2, n3, nbands)-shaped ndarray
        filled with ones.  Can also have an extra dimednsion if there are
        nw weights.
    comm: communicator object
            MPI communicator for lti_dos


        DOS as an ndarray of same length as energies or as an
        ndarray of shape (nw, len(energies)).


        Extensions of the tetrahedron method for evaluating
        spectral properties of solids,
        A. H. MacDonald, S. H. Vosko and P. T. Coleridge,
        1979 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 12 2991,

    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

    # Find the 6 tetrahedra:
    size = eigs.shape[:3]
    B = (np.linalg.inv(cell) / size).T
    indices = np.array([[i, j, k] for i in [0, 1] for j in [0, 1]
                        for k in [0, 1]])
    dt = Delaunay(np.dot(indices, B))

    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones_like(eigs)

    if weights.ndim == 4:
        extra_dimension_added = True
        weights = weights[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]
        extra_dimension_added = False

    nweights = weights.shape[4]
    dos = np.empty((nweights, len(energies)))

    lti_dos(indices[dt.simplices], eigs, weights, energies, dos, comm)

    dos /= np.prod(size)

    if extra_dimension_added:
        return dos[0]
    return dos
Exemple #4
def cell_connectivity_exact(disc):

    Calculates contour events of the cells and its neighbors.

    :param disc: An object containing the discretization information.
    :type disc: :class:`bet.sample.discretization`

    :rtype: list
    :returns: list of lists of neighboring cells

    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    from collections import defaultdict
    import itertools
    import numpy.linalg as nlinalg

    # Check inputs
    if not isinstance(disc, samp.discretization):
        msg = "The argument must be of type bet.sample.discretization."
        raise wrong_argument_type(msg)

    if not isinstance(disc._input_sample_set, samp.voronoi_sample_set):
        msg = "disc._input_sample_set must be of type bet.sample.voronoi"
        msg += "_sample_set defined with the 2-norm"
        raise wrong_argument_type(msg)
    elif disc._input_sample_set._p_norm != 2.0:
        msg = "disc._input_sample_set must be of type bet.sample.voronoi"
        msg += "_sample_set defined with the 2-norm"
        raise wrong_argument_type(msg)

    num = disc.check_nums()
    # Set up necessary pointers
    if disc.get_io_ptr() is None:

    if disc._input_sample_set._dim == 1:
        # Adding contours on the left
        s_sort = disc._input_sample_set._values.flat[:].argsort()
        neiList = defaultdict(set)
        for p in range(num):
            order = s_sort[p]
            if order > 0:
                val = np.equal(s_sort, order - 1)
                args = np.argwhere(val)
        # Form Delaunay triangulation
        tri = Delaunay(disc._input_sample_set._values)

        # Find neighbors
        neiList = defaultdict(set)
        for p in tri.vertices:
            for i, j in itertools.combinations(p, 2):
    # Get rid of redundant entries
    for i in range(num):
        neiList[i] = list(set(neiList[i]))

    return neiList
Exemple #5
    def update(self, samples):

        # init - add all samples if no data yet
        if len(self.__data) == 0:
            self.__data = samples

        # =======================================
        # 1.  Reduce data/sample data

        if self.dim_reduction > 0:
            basis, mean, var = ExtractMaxVarComponents(self.__data,
            basis, mean = ExtractSubspace(self.__data, 0.8)

        cluster_reduced = ProjectOntoSubspace(self.__data, mean, basis)
        samples_reduced = ProjectOntoSubspace(samples, mean, basis)
        dims = np.shape(cluster_reduced)
        # select minimum data to build convex hull
        # min_nr_elems = dims[1] + 4
        if self.__verbose:
            print "Reducing dimension: {}->{}".format(
                np.shape(self.__data)[1], dims[1])

        # =======================================
        # 2.  Calculate Convex Hull in subspace

        data_hull = cluster_reduced  # take all samples of data
        hull = Delaunay(data_hull)
        if self.__verbose:
            print "Calculating data hull using {}/{} points".format(
                len(data_hull), len(self.__data))

        # =======================================
        # 3.  Select new samples from outside convex hull

        if not self.__inverted:
            inclusion_mask = np.array([
                False if hull.find_simplex(sample) >= 0 else True
                for sample in samples_reduced
            if self.__verbose:
                # Todo: use outside mask counting
                nr_elems_outside_hull = np.sum([
                    0 if hull.find_simplex(sample) >= 0 else 1
                    for sample in samples_reduced
                print "Elements OUTSIDE hull (to include): {}/{}".format(
                    nr_elems_outside_hull, len(samples))
            inclusion_mask = np.array([
                True if hull.find_simplex(sample) >= 0 else False
                for sample in samples_reduced

        # add samples (samples need to be np.array)
        self.__data = np.concatenate((self.__data, samples[inclusion_mask]))

        # =======================================
        # 4.  Recalculate hull with newly added points

        # If memory exceeded: Perform unrefinement process -
        # discharge sampling directions with lowest variance contribution
        if self.dim_reduction > 0:
            nr_comps = self.dim_reduction if len(
                self.__data) <= self.max_size else self.dim_removal
            if len(self.__data) > 150:
                nr_comps = self.dim_removal - 1
            basis, mean, var = ExtractMaxVarComponents(self.__data, nr_comps)
            # automatic dimension selection (based on containing certain variance)
            basis, mean = ExtractSubspace(self.__data, 0.75)

        cluster_reduced = ProjectOntoSubspace(self.__data, mean, basis)
        print "Recuding dimension: {}->{}".format(
        hull = Delaunay(cluster_reduced)

        # =======================================
        # 5.  Discharge samples inside hull

        if not self.__inverted:
            # select samples inside hull
            cl_to_delete = np.array(
                    set(range(0, len(cluster_reduced))) -
            # set(range(len(data_hull))).difference(hull.convex_hull)
            cl_to_delete = np.array([])
            # select samples on hull
            if len(cluster_reduced) > self.max_size:
                hull_indices = list(np.unique(hull.convex_hull))
                if len(hull_indices) > 0:
                    nr_to_del = 5 if len(hull_indices) > 5 else 0
                    cl_to_delete = np.array(hull_indices[0:nr_to_del])

        # print "Points building convex hull: {}".format(set(np.unique(hull.convex_hull)))
        # print "To delete: {}".format(cl_to_delete)

        if len(cl_to_delete[cl_to_delete < 0]) > 0:
            print set(np.unique(hull.convex_hull))
            log.warning("Index elements smaller than 0: {}".format(
                cl_to_delete[cl_to_delete < 0]))

        if self.__log:

        print "Cleaning {} points from inside data".format(len(cl_to_delete))

        # Remove points from inside hull
        self.__data = np.delete(self.__data, cl_to_delete, axis=0)

        # =======================================
        # 6.  KNN point removal: remove similar points

        if self.knn_removal_thresh > 0:
            max_removal = 10 if len(
                self.__data) > self.knn_removal_thresh else 0
            if max_removal > 0:
                filter = KNFilter(self.__data, k=3, threshold=0.25)
                tmp = filter.filter_x_samples(max_removal)
                print "--- Removing {} knn points".format(
                    len(self.__data) - len(tmp))
                self.__data = tmp

            if self.__log:

        print "Cluster size: {}".format(len(self.__data))
Exemple #6
def get_intersect_block(filename_low, filename_height, output_dir, zoom, end_zoom):
    在低精度 tif 中,找到高精度 tif 所影响的地形块,并修改受影响值 生成 terrain
    :param filename: tif 文件路径
    :param zoom: 层级
    if (not os.path.exists(filename_low)) or (not os.path.exists(filename_height)):
        return None
    data_set_low = gdal.Open(filename_low)
    if data_set_low is None:
        print('Read %s failed' %filename_low)
        return None
    data_set_height = gdal.Open(filename_height)
    if data_set_height is None:
        print('Read %s failed' % filename_height)
        return None

    band_low = data_set_low.GetRasterBand(1)
    if band_low is None:
        print('Read %s band failed' % filename_low)
        return None
    x_size_low, y_size_low = data_set_low.RasterXSize, data_set_low.RasterYSize
    x0_low, dx_low, _, y0_low, _, dy_low = data_set_low.GetGeoTransform()

    band_height = data_set_height.GetRasterBand(1)
    if band_height is None:
        print('Read %s band failed' % filename_height)
        return None
    x_size_height, y_size_height = data_set_height.RasterXSize, data_set_height.RasterYSize
    x0_height, dx_height, _, y0_height, _, dy_height = data_set_height.GetGeoTransform()

    for _zoom in range(zoom, end_zoom + 1):
        # 获取高精度 tif 所涉及的 地形块
        bounds = get_tif_tile_bounds(filename_height, output_dir, _zoom)
        # [[min_lng, min_lat, max_lng, max_lat], ...]
        if bounds == {}:
        _, value = next(iter(bounds.items()))
        zoom_size_low = round((value[2]-value[0]) / dx_low * (2 ** (_zoom - zoom)))
        for fname in bounds:
            bound = bounds[fname]
            x_min_low = round((bound[0] - x0_low) / dx_low)
            y_min_low = round((bound[3] - y0_low) / dy_low)
            x_max_low = round((bound[2] - x0_low) / dx_low)
            y_max_low = round((bound[1] - y0_low) / dy_low)
            # 读取低精度 地形 要求低精度地形完整包含整块, 读取时 添加 buffer 防止平滑处理时边界错位
            buf_size = 8
            buf_size_low = round(buf_size / zoom_size_low * (x_max_low - x_min_low))
            x_begine_low = x_min_low - buf_size_low
            if x_begine_low > x_size_low or x_begine_low < 0:
                print('Low-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            y_begine_low = y_min_low - buf_size_low
            if y_begine_low > y_size_low or y_begine_low < 0:
                print('Low-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            x_end_low = x_max_low + buf_size_low
            if x_end_low < 0 or x_end_low > x_size_low:
                print('Low-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            y_end_low = y_max_low + buf_size_low
            if y_end_low < 0 or y_end_low > y_size_low:
                print('Low-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            z_low = band_low.ReadAsArray(x_begine_low,
                                         x_end_low - x_begine_low,
                                         y_end_low - y_begine_low).astype('f4')
            z_low = cv2.resize(z_low, (zoom_size_low + buf_size * 2, zoom_size_low + buf_size * 2), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

            # # 读取 高精度 地形
            # x_min_height = round((bound[0] - x0_height) / dx_height)
            # y_min_height = round((bound[3] - y0_height) / dy_height)
            # x_max_height = round((bound[2] - x0_height) / dx_height)
            # y_max_height = round((bound[1] - y0_height) / dy_height)
            # buf_size_height_left = 0
            # if x_min_height > x_size_height:
            #     print('Height-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            #     continue
            # if x_min_height < 0:
            #     buf_size_height_left = round(max((x_min_height - 0) / (x_max_height - x_min_height) * zoom_size_low, 0))
            #     x_min_height = 0
            # buf_size_height_botton = 0
            # if y_min_height > y_size_height:
            #     print('Height-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            #     continue
            # if y_min_height < 0:
            #     buf_size_height_botton = round(
            #         max((y_min_height - 0) / (x_max_height - x_min_height) * zoom_size_low, 0))
            #     y_min_height = 0
            # buf_size_height_right = 0
            # if x_max_height < 0:
            #     print('Height-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            #     continue
            # if x_max_height > x_size_height:
            #     buf_size_height_right = round(
            #         max((x_size_height - x_max_height) / (x_max_height - x_min_height) * zoom_size_low, 0))
            #     x_max_height = x_size_height
            # buf_size_height_top = 0
            # if y_max_height < 0:
            #     print('Height-precision terrain does not completely cover %s' % fname)
            #     continue
            # if y_max_height > y_size_height:
            #     buf_size_height_top = round(
            #         max((y_size_height - y_max_height) / (x_max_height - x_min_height) * zoom_size_low, 0))
            #     y_max_height = y_size_height
            # zoom_size_x = round(zoom_size_low * (x_max_height - x_min_height) / (x_max_height - x_min_height))
            # zoom_size_y = round(zoom_size_low * (y_max_height - y_min_height) / (y_max_height - y_min_height))
            # _z = band_low.ReadAsArray(x_min_height, y_min_height, x_max_height - x_min_height, y_max_height - y_min_height).astype('f4')
            # z_height = cv2.resize(_z, (zoom_size_x, zoom_size_y), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
            # # 求 高精度地形相对于 低精度地形 offset
            # lng_height = x0_height + x_min_height * dx_height
            # lat_height = y0_height + y_min_height * dy_height
            # lng_low = x0_low + x_min_low * dx_low
            # lat_low = y0_low + y_min_low * dy_low
            # x_offset = round((lng_height - lng_low) / dx_low)
            # y_offset = round((lat_height - lat_low) / dy_low)

            # for y in range(zoom_size_y):
            #     if y + y_offset >= len(z_low):
            #         continue
            #     for x in range(zoom_size_x):
            #         if x + x_offset >= len(z_low[y + y_offset]):
            #             continue
            #         z_height_v = z_height[y][x]
            #         z_low_v = z_low[y + y_offset][x + x_offset]
            #         if z_height_v != 0 and z_height_v != z_low_v:
            #             z_low[y + y_offset][x + x_offset] = z_height_v

            z_low = z_low[buf_size:-buf_size, buf_size:-buf_size]

            # 生成 terrain 文件
            points_xyz = []
            z_low = np.array(z_low)
            for x in range(z_low.shape[1]):
                for y in range(z_low.shape[0]):
                    point_xyz = [x, y, z_low[y, x]]
            points_xyz = np.array(points_xyz)
            points_xy = points_xyz[:, 0:2]
            tri = Delaunay(points_xy)
            index = tri.simplices
            points_xyz = (points_xyz + (x_min_low, y_min_low, 0)) * (dx_low, dy_low, 1) + (x0_low, y0_low, 0)
            write_terrain(fname, points_xyz, index)
Exemple #7
for i in range(len(orgdata)):
print(" ...",len(orgdata),"個のデータを読み込みました")
newdata = []
zdata = []

for i in range(len(orgdata)):
    for j in range(2):

pts = np.array(newdata).reshape(-1, 2)
ztmp = np.array(zdata)

tri = Delaunay(pts)

newdata = pts.tolist()

for i in range(len(newdata)):

pts = np.array(newdata)

fig = plt.figure()


def flatten(img):
    points = []
    h, w = np.shape(img)

    # Add all valid points to "points"
    for i in range(h):
        for j in range(w):
            if not img[i, j] == 0 and img[i, j] <= 40:
                points.append([i, j, img[i, j]])

    points = np.asarray(points)
    point_list = list(points)
    N = len(point_list)

    # Use RANSAC to get ground plane as "gnd_list" and the rest as "obj_list"
    max_iterations = 100
    goal_inliers = len(point_list) * 0.3
    m, _ = run_ransac(point_list, estimate,
                      lambda x, y: is_inlier(x, y, 0.0005), 3, goal_inliers,
    list_1, list_2 = get_others(point_list, m,
                                lambda x, y: is_inlier(x, y, 0.03))

    a, b, c, d = m
    _, _, zz = plot_plane(a, b, c, d, h, w)
    h1 = int(round(np.average(zz)))

    goal_inliers = len(list_2) * 0.3
    m, _ = run_ransac(list_2, estimate, lambda x, y: is_inlier(x, y, 0.0005),
                      3, goal_inliers, max_iterations)
    list_3, list_4 = get_others(list_2, m, lambda x, y: is_inlier(x, y, 0.03))

    a, b, c, d = m
    _, _, zz = plot_plane(a, b, c, d, h, w)
    h2 = int(round(np.average(zz)))

    if h1 < h2:
        gnd_list = list_1
        obj_list = list_2
        gnd_height = h1
        step_height = h2
        gnd_list = list_3
        obj_list = list_1 + list_4
        gnd_height = h2
        step_height = h1

    if len(obj_list):
        obj = np.asarray(obj_list)
        filt_obj_list = []
        obj_2d = obj[:, :2]

        if len(obj_list) > N * 0.1:
            topview = np.zeros((h, w, 2))
            obj_img = np.zeros((h, w))
            for o in obj_list:
                obj_img[o[0], o[1]] = o[2]
            obj_img = obj_img.astype(np.uint8)
            obj_img = cv2.bilateralFilter(obj_img, 5, 75, 75)
            for o in obj_list:
                if obj_img[o[0], o[1]] > gnd_height + 1:
                    gnd_list.append([o[0], o[1], gnd_height])

        if len(filt_obj_list):
            filt_obj = np.asarray(filt_obj_list)
            filt_obj_2d = filt_obj[:, :2]

            # CLUSTER
            estimator = AgglomerativeClustering(linkage='single')
            labels = estimator.labels_
            cluster_list = [[] for c in range(estimator.n_clusters)]
            for idx, val in enumerate(obj_list):

            for idx, cluster in enumerate(cluster_list):
                N_total = len(cluster)
                N_now = N_total
                cluster = np.asarray(cluster)
                h_cnt = {}
                for p in cluster:
                    if not p[2] in h_cnt:
                        h_cnt[p[2]] = 0
                    h_cnt[p[2]] += 1

                while h_cnt:
                    height = max(h_cnt)
                    height_count = h_cnt[height]
                    del h_cnt[height]
                    if height_count / float(N_total) < 0.1 or height_count < 10:
                    plane = cluster[cluster[:, 2] == height]
                    cluster = cluster[cluster[:, 2] != height]

                    plane_2d = plane[:, :2]
                    N_now = len(cluster)

                        hull = ConvexHull(plane_2d)
                    except Exception as e:
                    edge_2d = np.array(plane_2d[hull.vertices])
                    c_x = sum([p[0] for p in plane_2d]) / len(plane_2d)
                    c_y = sum([p[1] for p in plane_2d]) / len(plane_2d)

                    tri = Delaunay(edge_2d)

                    fill = []
                    for i in range(min(edge_2d[:, 0]), max(edge_2d[:, 0]) + 1):
                        for j in range(min(edge_2d[:, 1]),
                                       max(edge_2d[:, 1]) + 1):
                            fill.append([i, j])
                    fill = np.array(fill)
                    mask = in_hull(fill, tri)
                    fill = fill[mask]
                    if topview[c_x, c_y, 0] == 0 or abs(topview[c_x, c_y, 1] -
                                                        height) > 2:
                        for f in fill:
                            if topview[f[0], f[1], 0] == 0:
                                img[f[0], f[1]] = height
                            topview[f[0], f[1], 0] = height
                            topview[f[0], f[1], 1] = height
                        new_height = topview[c_x, c_y, 0]
                        for f in fill:
                            if topview[f[0], f[1], 0] == 0:
                                img[f[0], f[1]] = new_height
                            topview[f[0], f[1], 0] = new_height
                            topview[f[0], f[1], 1] = height

    if len(gnd_list):
        gnd = np.asarray(gnd_list)
        for g in gnd:
            img[g[0], g[1]] = 0

    img[img > step_height] = 0
    # print("Out")
    # print(h,w,img[0,0],img[0,w-1],img[h-1,0],img[h-1,w-1])
    return img
Exemple #9
def _make_pixel_cache(subject,
    from scipy import sparse
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    flat, polys = db.get_surf(subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True)
    valid = np.unique(polys)
    fmax, fmin = flat.max(0), flat.min(0)
    size = fmax - fmin
    aspect = size[0] / size[1]
    width = int(aspect * height)
    grid = np.mgrid[fmin[0]:fmax[0]:width * 1j,
                    fmin[1]:fmax[1]:height * 1j].reshape(2, -1)

    mask, extents = get_flatmask(subject, height=height)
    assert mask.shape[0] == width and mask.shape[1] == height

    # Get barycentric coordinates
    dl = Delaunay(flat[valid, :2])
    simps = dl.find_simplex(grid.T[mask.ravel()])
    missing = simps == -1
    tfms = dl.transform[simps]
    l1, l2 = (tfms[:, :2].transpose(1, 2, 0) *
              (grid.T[mask.ravel()] - tfms[:, 2]).T).sum(1)
    l3 = 1 - l1 - l2

    ll = np.vstack([l1, l2, l3])
    ll[:, missing] = 0

    from ..mapper import samplers
    xfm = db.get_xfm(subject, xfmname, xfmtype='coord')
    sampclass = getattr(samplers, sampler)

    # Transform fiducial vertex locations to pixel locations using barycentric xfm
        pia, polys = db.get_surf(subject, "pia", merge=True, nudge=False)
        wm, polys = db.get_surf(subject, "wm", merge=True, nudge=False)
        piacoords = xfm(
            (pia[valid][dl.vertices][simps] * ll[np.newaxis].T).sum(1))
        wmcoords = xfm(
            (wm[valid][dl.vertices][simps] * ll[np.newaxis].T).sum(1))

        valid_p = np.array([
            np.all((0 <= piacoords), axis=1), piacoords[:, 0] < xfm.shape[2],
            piacoords[:, 1] < xfm.shape[1], piacoords[:, 2] < xfm.shape[0]
        valid_p = np.all(valid_p, axis=0)

        valid_w = np.array([
            np.all((0 <= wmcoords), axis=1), wmcoords[:, 0] < xfm.shape[2],
            wmcoords[:, 1] < xfm.shape[1], wmcoords[:, 2] < xfm.shape[0]
        valid_w = np.all(valid_w, axis=0)

        valid = np.logical_and(valid_p, valid_w)
        vidx = np.nonzero(valid)[0]
        mapper = sparse.csr_matrix((mask.sum(), np.prod(xfm.shape)))
        if thick == 1:
            i, j, data = sampclass(
                piacoords[valid] * depth + wmcoords[valid] * (1 - depth),
            mapper = mapper + sparse.csr_matrix(
                (data / float(thick), (vidx[i], j)), shape=mapper.shape)
            return mapper

        for t in np.linspace(0, 1, thick + 2)[1:-1]:
            i, j, data = sampclass(
                piacoords[valid] * t + wmcoords[valid] * (1 - t), xfm.shape)
            mapper = mapper + sparse.csr_matrix(
                (data / float(thick), (vidx[i], j)), shape=mapper.shape)
        return mapper

    except IOError:
        fid, polys = db.get_surf(subject, "fiducial", merge=True)
        fidcoords = xfm(
            (fid[valid][dl.vertices][simps] * ll[np.newaxis].T).sum(1))

        valid = reduce(np.logical_and, [
                   (0 <= fidcoords).T), fidcoords[:, 0] < xfm.shape[2],
            fidcoords[:, 1] < xfm.shape[1], fidcoords[:, 2] < xfm.shape[0]

        vidx = np.nonzero(valid)[0]

        i, j, data = sampclass(fidcoords[valid], xfm.shape)
        csrshape = mask.sum(), np.prod(xfm.shape)
        return sparse.csr_matrix((data, (vidx[i], j)), shape=csrshape)
print('Введите количество точек по оси rho')
n_rho = int(input())

z_0, z_f = 0, 200
rho_0, rho_f = 300, 320

points = []
rho = np.linspace(rho_0, rho_f, n_rho)
z = np.linspace(z_0, z_f, n_z)
points = []
for r_i in rho:
    for z_i in z:
        points.append([z_i, r_i])
points = np.array(points)
Th = Delaunay(points)  #Делаем триангуляцию Делоне
Везде далее: 
K - координаты симплексного КЭ в R^2
K = [[z1,r1],[z2,r2],[z3,r3]]

#Вычиление Якобиана
def detB(K):
    z1 = K[0][0]
    z2 = K[1][0]
    z3 = K[2][0]
    r1 = K[0][1]
    r2 = K[1][1]
    r3 = K[2][1]
def in_hull(p, hull):
    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)

    return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Exemple #12
def triangulate_poly(verts):
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    return Delaunay(verts).simplices
cv.imwrite("output2.jpg", output2)
if quad2.toMatrix():
	print quad2.Matrix

cv.imwrite('mask.jpg', quad2.Matrix)
cv.imwrite('mask2.jpg', quad2.Opening)

cv.imwrite('canny.jpg', cv.Canny(image, 100, 250))

points = quad2.getPoints()
print 'check point a'

tri = Delaunay(points)
plt.triplot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], tri.simplices.copy())
plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'o')

points2 = np.array(quad2.Edges)
print tri.simplices.copy()

tri2 = Delaunay(points2)
plt.triplot(points2[:, 0], points2[:, 1], tri2.simplices.copy())
plt.plot(points2[:, 0], points2[:, 1], 'o')

pointsA = quad2.getPoints()
print 'check point a'
Exemple #14
    def find_adsorption_sites(self,
                              positions=['ontop', 'bridge', 'hollow'],
        Finds surface sites according to the above algorithm.  Returns
        a list of corresponding cartesian coordinates.

            distance (float): distance from the coordinating ensemble
                of atoms along the miller index for the site (i. e.
                the distance from the slab itself)
            put_inside (bool): whether to put the site inside the cell
            symm_reduce (float): symm reduction threshold
            near_reduce (float): near reduction threshold
            positions (list): which positions to include in the site finding
                "ontop": sites on top of surface sites
                "bridge": sites at edges between surface sites in Delaunay
                    triangulation of surface sites in the miller plane
                "hollow": sites at centers of Delaunay triangulation faces
                "subsurface": subsurface positions projected into miller plane
            no_obtuse_hollow (bool): flag to indicate whether to include
                obtuse triangular ensembles in hollow sites
        ads_sites = {k: [] for k in positions}
        if 'ontop' in positions:
            ads_sites['ontop'] = [s.coords for s in self.surface_sites]
        if 'subsurface' in positions:
            # Get highest site
            ref = self.slab.sites[np.argmax(self.slab.cart_coords[:, 2])]
            # Project diff between highest site and subs site into miller
            ss_sites = [
                self.mvec * np.dot(ref.coords - s.coords, self.mvec) + s.coords
                for s in self.subsurface_sites()
            ads_sites['subsurface'] = ss_sites
        if 'bridge' in positions or 'hollow' in positions:
            mesh = self.get_extended_surface_mesh()
            sop = get_rot(self.slab)
            dt = Delaunay([sop.operate(m.coords)[:2] for m in mesh])
            # TODO: refactor below to properly account for >3-fold
            for v in dt.simplices:
                if -1 not in v:
                    dots = []
                    for i_corner, i_opp in zip(range(3),
                                               ((1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1))):
                        corner, opp = v[i_corner], [v[o] for o in i_opp]
                        vecs = [
                            mesh[d].coords - mesh[corner].coords for d in opp
                        vecs = [vec / np.linalg.norm(vec) for vec in vecs]
                        # Add bridge sites at midpoints of edges of D. Tri
                        if 'bridge' in positions:
                                self.ensemble_center(mesh, opp))
                    # Prevent addition of hollow sites in obtuse triangles
                    obtuse = no_obtuse_hollow and (np.array(dots) < 1e-5).any()
                    # Add hollow sites at centers of D. Tri faces
                    if 'hollow' in positions and not obtuse:
                            self.ensemble_center(mesh, v))
        ads_sites['all'] = sum(ads_sites.values(), [])
        for key, sites in ads_sites.items():
            # Pare off outer sites for bridge/hollow
            if key in ['bridge', 'hollow']:
                frac_coords = [
                    for ads_site in sites
                frac_coords = [
                    frac_coord for frac_coord in frac_coords
                    if (frac_coord[0] > 1 and frac_coord[0] < 4
                        and frac_coord[1] > 1 and frac_coord[1] < 4)
                sites = [
                    for frac_coord in frac_coords
            if near_reduce:
                sites = self.near_reduce(sites, threshold=near_reduce)
            if put_inside:
                sites = [
                    put_coord_inside(self.slab.lattice, coord)
                    for coord in sites
            if symm_reduce:
                sites = self.symm_reduce(sites, threshold=symm_reduce)
            sites = [site + distance * self.mvec for site in sites]

            ads_sites[key] = sites
        return ads_sites
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay, delaunay_plot_2d

# The Delaunay triangulation of a set of random points:

points = np.random.rand(30, 2)
tri = Delaunay(points)

# Plot it:

_ = delaunay_plot_2d(tri)
Exemple #16
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

import pylab
import numpy

# 10 random points (x,y) in the plane
x, y = numpy.array(numpy.random.standard_normal((2, 30)))
tri = Delaunay(x, y)

for t in tri:  # t[0], t[1], t[2] are the points indexes of the triangle
    t_i = [t[0], t[1], t[2], t[0]]
    pylab.plot(x[t_i], y[t_i])

pylab.plot(x, y, 'o')
def generate_quadric(K, nstep=50, ax=1, ay=1, random_sampling=True,
                     ratio=0.2, random_distribution_type='gaussian'):
    generate a quadric mesh
    ratio and random_distribution_type parameters are unused if
    random_sampling is set to False
    :param K:
    :param nstep:
    :param ax:
    :param ay:
    :param random_sampling:
    :param ratio:
    :param random_distribution_type:

    # Parameters
    xmin, xmax = [-ax, ax]
    ymin, ymax = [-ay, ay]

    # Coordinates
    stepx = (xmax - xmin) / nstep
    x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, stepx)
    # x, stepx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nstep, retstep=True)
    stepy = stepx * np.sqrt(3) / 2  # to ensure equilateral faces
    y = np.arange(ymin, ymax, stepy)
    # y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nstep)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    X[::2] += stepx / 2
    # Y += np.sqrt(3) / 2
    X = X.flatten()
    Y = Y.flatten()

    if random_sampling:
        sigma = stepx * ratio  # characteristic size of the mesh * ratio
        nb_vert = len(x) * len(y)
        if random_distribution_type == 'gamma':
            theta = np.random.rand(nb_vert, ) * np.pi * 2
            mean = sigma
            variance = sigma ** 2
            radius = \
                np.random.gamma(mean ** 2 / variance, variance / mean, nb_vert)
            X = X + radius * np.cos(theta)
            Y = Y + radius * np.sin(theta)
        elif random_distribution_type == 'uniform':
            X = X + np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 100)
            Y = Y + np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 100)
            X = X + sigma * np.random.randn(nb_vert, )
            Y = Y + sigma * np.random.randn(nb_vert, )

    # Delaunay triangulation, based on scipy binding of Qhull.
    # See https://scipy.github.io/devdocs/generated/scipy.spatial.Delaunay.html#scipy.spatial.Delaunay
    # and http://www.qhull.org/html/qdelaun.htm for more informations
    faces_tri = Delaunay(np.vstack((X, Y)).T, qhull_options='QJ Qt Qbb')# Qbb Qc Qz Qj')

    Z = quadric(K[0], K[1])(X, Y)
    coords = np.array([X, Y, Z]).transpose()

    return trimesh.Trimesh(faces=faces_tri.simplices,
Exemple #18
def juego():
    global p,V,i,l,Area1,Area2,area,maximo
    #Se obtiene la posicion donde se ha hecho click
    raton = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    #Si se selecciona el boton de return se debe volver al menu
    if return_rect.collidepoint(raton):

    #Si el raton sale del tablero no debe ocurrir nada
    if raton[1]>700:
    #Para cuando hay menos de 3 puntos no se puede obtener la triangulacion
    if len(p)<3:

        #Si se selecciona la posicion ya ocupada por otro punto se hace un pequeño desplazamiento inapreciable y se añade el punto
        if raton in p:
        #Se añade el punto

        #Se calcula la region asociada al punto como interseccion de semiplanos
        for k in range(len(p)):
                #Se hace uso de la funcion VoronoiRegion
                #Los puntos con indice par son del primer jugador
                if k%2:
                    #Se pinta el punto
                    #Se calcula el area asociada al punto y se suma al area total de ese jugador
                #Los puntos con indice  impar son del primer jugador
                else :
                    #Se pinta el punto
                    #Se calcula el area
        #Se muestra el marcador
    #Caso para cuando hay mas de 4 puntos en el tablero, ya se pueden obtener las regiones mediante la triangulacion
    #Limitado el numero de puntos maximo que puede poner cada jugador
    if len(p)<2*maximo:
        #Si se intenta hacer click sobre un punto ya existente se hace un ligero e inapreciable desplazamiento
        if raton in p:
        #Se añade el punto
        #Se calcula la triangulacion del conjunto de puntos
        #Se obtiene el diagrama de Voronoi a partir de la triangulacion
        #Se pintan los puntos, las regiones y se calcula el area asociada a cada region
        for v in range (len(p)):
            #Regiones de indice par son las asociadas a los puntos del primer jugador
            if v%2:
                #Se pintan los puntos
            #Regiones de indice impar son las asociadas a los puntos del segundo jugador
                #Se pintan los puntos
        #Se muestra el marcador
Exemple #19
def merge_and_cut(filename_low, filename_height, output_dir, start_zoom, end_zoom):
    if not os.path.exists(filename_low) or not os.path.exists(filename_height):
        return None
    data_set_low = gdal.Open(filename_low)
    if data_set_low is None:
        print('Read %s failed' % filename_low)
        return None
    data_set_height = gdal.Open(filename_height)
    if data_set_height is None:
        print('Read %s failed' % filename_height)
        return None
    band_low = data_set_low.GetRasterBand(1)
    if band_low is None:
        print('Read %s band failed' % filename_low)
        return None
    x_size_low, y_size_low = data_set_low.RasterXSize, data_set_low.RasterYSize
    x0_low, dx_low, _, y0_low, _, dy_low = data_set_low.GetGeoTransform()

    band_height = data_set_height.GetRasterBand(1)
    if band_height is None:
        print('Read %s band failed' % filename_height)
        return None
    x_size_height, y_size_height = data_set_height.RasterXSize, data_set_height.RasterYSize
    x0_height, dx_height, _, y0_height, _, dy_height = data_set_height.GetGeoTransform()

    min_lng_height = x0_height
    min_lat_height = y0_height
    max_lng_height = x0_height + x_size_height * dx_height
    max_lat_height = y0_height + y_size_height * dy_height
    min_lng_low = x0_low
    min_lat_low = y0_low
    max_lng_low = x0_low + x_size_low * dx_low
    max_lat_low = y0_low + y_size_low * dy_low
    x_offset = round((min_lng_height - min_lng_low) / dx_low)
    y_offset = round((min_lat_height - min_lat_low) / dy_low)
    x_size = round((max_lng_height - min_lng_height) / dx_low)
    y_size = round((max_lat_height - min_lat_height) / dy_low)

    bounds = get_tif_tile_bounds(filename_height, output_dir, start_zoom)
    if bounds == {}:
    _, value = next(iter(bounds.items()))
    _zoom_size_low = round((value[2] - value[0]) / dx_low)
    buf_size = _zoom_size_low + 128     # 设置 buf 大小大于一块地形的 size,保证按块取数据时,块是完整的

    z_low_with_buf = band_low.ReadAsArray(x_offset - buf_size, y_offset - buf_size, x_size + buf_size * 2, y_size +
                                          buf_size * 2).astype('f4')
    # z_height = band_height.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x_size_height, y_size_height).astype('f4')

    for zoom in range(start_zoom, end_zoom + 1):
        ratio = 2 ** (zoom - start_zoom)
        dsize_low = ((x_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio, (y_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio)
        _z_low_with_buf = cv2.resize(src=z_low_with_buf, dsize=dsize_low, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        dsize_height = (x_size * ratio, y_size * ratio)
        _z_height = cv2.resize(src=z_height, dsize=dsize_height, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        z_height = band_height.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x_size_height, y_size_height, x_size * ratio, y_size * ratio).\
        _z_height = z_height
        bound_yx = get_data_bound(_z_height, 0.8)
        # 如果没有边界 则,不融合,直接采用低精度数据 cut
        if bound_yx.shape[0] != 0:
            bound_yx = bound_yx.astype('i4')
            _x = np.zeros(shape=(0, 1))     # x y z 添加边界值
            _y = np.zeros(shape=(0, 1))
            _z = np.zeros(shape=(0, 1))
            for _bound_yx in bound_yx:
                _bound_y_height = _bound_yx[0]
                _bound_x_height = _bound_yx[1]
                _bound_z_height = _z_height[_bound_y_height, _bound_x_height]
                _bound_y_low = _bound_yx[0] + buf_size * ratio
                _bound_x_low = _bound_yx[1] + buf_size * ratio
                _bound_z_low = _z_low_with_buf[_bound_y_low, _bound_x_low]
                _z_d = _bound_z_height - _bound_z_low
                _x = np.vstack((_x, _bound_x_low))
                _y = np.vstack((_y, _bound_y_low))
                _z = np.vstack((_z, _z_d))
            # x y z 添加边界值缓冲边界 0 值
            _xy = np.hstack((_x, _y))
            _m_point = MultiPoint(_xy)
            _zero_bound = _m_point.buffer(50)
            _zero_bound_xy = _zero_bound.exterior.coords.xy
            _zero_bound_x = np.around(np.array(_zero_bound_xy[0])).reshape(len(_zero_bound_xy[0]), -1)
            _zero_bound_y = np.around(np.array(_zero_bound_xy[1])).reshape(len(_zero_bound_xy[1]), -1)
            _zero_bound_z = np.zeros(shape=(_zero_bound_x.shape))
            _x = np.vstack((_x, _zero_bound_x))
            _y = np.vstack((_y, _zero_bound_y))
            _z = np.vstack((_z, _zero_bound_z))
            # x y z 添加数据边界 0 值
            for _x_edge in range(0, (x_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio):
                _x = np.vstack((_x, [_x_edge]))
                _y = np.vstack((_y, [0]))
                _x = np.vstack((_x, [_x_edge]))
                _y = np.vstack((_y, [(y_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio]))
                _z = np.vstack((_z, [[0], [0]]))
            for _y_edge in range(0, (y_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio):
                _y = np.vstack((_y, [_y_edge]))
                _x = np.vstack((_x, [0]))
                _y = np.vstack((_y, [_y_edge]))
                _x = np.vstack((_x, [(x_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio]))
                _z = np.vstack((_z, [[0], [0]]))

            # _xy = np.hstack((_x, _y))
            # grid = np.mgrid[0:(x_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio, 0:(y_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio]
            # _z_d_new = interpolate.griddata(_xy, _z, grid, method='linear')
            func = interpolate.interp2d(_x, _y, _z,  kind='linear')
            _x_new = np.arange(0, (x_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio)
            _y_new = np.arange(0, (y_size + buf_size * 2) * ratio)
            _z_d_new = func(_x_new, _y_new)

            _z_low_with_buf = _z_low_with_buf + _z_d_new

            for y in range(y_size * ratio):
                for x in range(x_size * ratio):
                    _z_height_v = _z_height[y][x]
                    y_low = y + buf_size * ratio
                    x_low = x + buf_size * ratio
                    _z_low_v = _z_low_with_buf[y_low][x_low]
                    if abs(_z_height_v - 0) > 0.001 and abs(_z_height_v - _z_low_v) > 0.001:
                        _z_low_with_buf[y_low][x_low] = _z_height_v
        # cut
        z_merged = _z_low_with_buf
        blc_bounds = get_tif_tile_bounds(filename_height, output_dir, zoom)
        for fname in blc_bounds:
            blc_bound = blc_bounds[fname]
            blc_x_min_low = round((blc_bound[0] - min_lng_low) / dx_low)
            blc_y_min_low = round((blc_bound[3] - min_lat_low) / dy_low)
            blc_x_max_low = round((blc_bound[2] - min_lng_low) / dx_low)
            blc_y_max_low = round((blc_bound[1] - min_lat_low) / dy_low)

            blc_x_offset_low = (blc_x_min_low - x_offset + buf_size) * ratio
            blc_y_offset_low = (blc_y_min_low - y_offset + buf_size) * ratio
            blc_x_size_low = (blc_x_max_low - blc_x_min_low) * ratio
            blc_y_size_low = (blc_y_max_low - blc_y_min_low) * ratio
            blc_z_low = z_merged[blc_y_offset_low:blc_y_offset_low + blc_y_size_low, blc_x_offset_low:blc_x_offset_low + blc_x_size_low]
            points_xyz = []
            z_low = np.array(blc_z_low)
            for x in range(blc_z_low.shape[1]):
                for y in range(blc_z_low.shape[0]):
                    point_xyz = [x, y, blc_z_low[y, x]]
            points_xyz = np.array(points_xyz)
            points_xy = points_xyz[:, 0:2]
            tri = Delaunay(points_xy)
            index = tri.simplices
            points_xyz = (points_xyz + (blc_x_min_low, blc_y_min_low, 0)) * (dx_low, dy_low, 1) + (x0_low, y0_low, 0)
            write_terrain(fname, points_xyz, index)
Exemple #20
def get_segdata(json_data, datap, labels=None):
    Z = len(datap["segmentation"])
    X = len(datap["segmentation"][0])
    Y = len(datap["segmentation"][0][0])

    for slice in range(0, Z):
        nbr_drawings = json_data['drawings'][slice][0]['length']
        for draw in range(0, nbr_drawings):
            # zpracovavany label
            dict_key = json_data['drawingsDetails'][slice][0][draw]['textExpr']
            if labels != None and dict_key not in labels:  # zpracovavani jen nekterych objektu

            # riznuti jsonu u souradnic krajnich bodu
            draw_info = json_data['drawings'][slice][0][str(draw)]
            start = draw_info.find("points")
            end = draw_info.find("stroke")
            points_data = draw_info[start + 9:end - 3].split(',')

            # prepsani souradnic do pole
            len_array = int(len(points_data) / 2)
            points = np.empty((len_array, 2))
            i = 0
            for j in range(0, len_array):
                points[j] = [int(points_data[i + 1]), int(points_data[i])]
                i += 2

            # vyplneni nakresleneho obrazce
            # pri spatnem nakresleni krivky muze zde padnout
            hull = Delaunay(points)
            x, y = np.mgrid[0:X, 0:Y]
            grid = np.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()]).T
            simplex = hull.find_simplex(grid)
            fill = grid[simplex >= 0, :]

            # vlozeni markeru do dat
            # pokud je label ve slovniku, pouzije se hodnota z nej, neprepise se na novou!
            # pokud label neni ve slovniku, priradi se mu nahodna hodnota v rozmezi 100 - 254,
            # jestlize neobsahuje v popisu vlastni hodnotu
            # pokud neni uveden label, ale pouze hodnota, vytvori se label se strukturou "lbl_" + hodnota
            # jestlize neni uveden ani label, ani hodnota, nic se neprovede
            dict_value = 0
            dict_description = json_data['drawingsDetails'][slice][0][draw][
                'longText'].replace("'", '"')
            if dict_description == '':
                if dict_key == '':
                    print("Drawing is not defined at slice", slice)
                    if dict_key in datap["slab"].keys():
                        dict_value = datap["slab"][dict_key]
                        dict_value = random.randint(100, 254)
                        datap["slab"][dict_key] = dict_value
                dict_description = json.loads(dict_description)
                if dict_key != '' and dict_key in datap["slab"].keys():
                    dict_value = datap["slab"][dict_key]
                elif "value" in dict_description.keys():
                    dict_value = dict_description["value"]
                    if dict_key != '':
                        datap["slab"][dict_key] = dict_value
                        dict_key = "lbl_" + str(dict_value)
                        datap["slab"][dict_key] = dict_value
                elif dict_key != '':
                    dict_value = random.randint(100, 254)
                    datap["slab"][dict_key] = dict_value
                    print("Drawing is not defined at slice", slice)

            for i, j in fill:
                datap["segmentation"][Z - 1 - slice][i][j] = dict_value

            # ziskani zbytku popisu
            if dict_key not in description.keys():
                description[dict_key] = {}
                i_color = draw_info.find('#') + 1
                description[dict_key]["r"] = int(
                    draw_info[i_color:(i_color + 2)], 16)
                description[dict_key]["g"] = int(
                    draw_info[(i_color + 2):(i_color + 4)], 16)
                description[dict_key]["b"] = int(
                    draw_info[(i_color + 4):(i_color + 6)], 16)
                description[dict_key]["value"] = dict_value

            if dict_description != '':
                if "threshold" in dict_description.keys():
                    description[dict_key]["threshold"] = dict_description[
                        "threshold"]  # nastavit kolem 100 - 120
                if "two" in dict_description.keys():
                    description[dict_key]["two"] = dict_description["two"]
                if "three" in dict_description.keys():
                    description[dict_key]["three"] = dict_description["three"]
Exemple #21
def place(env, idx):
    #if no box in env add the current box add origin with a random rotation along axis z;
    if 0 == len(env['box']):
        theta = np.random.uniform(0, 0.25 * np.pi)
        r = R.from_quat([0, 0, np.sin(theta),
        env['box'].append(r.apply(box_vert[idx, ...]))
        env['R'].append(np.array([0, 0, np.sin(theta),
        env['t'].append(np.zeros([1, 3], np.float32))
        # if there is a box larger than current one that is not occupied then place on top
        #count available top:
        cnt = 0
        for i in range(len(env['box'])):
            if (env['top'][i] == 1) and (env['base'][i] > box_base[idx]):
                cnt += 1
        if cnt > 0:
            top = int(np.random.uniform(0, cnt))
            for i in range(len(env['box'])):
                if (env['top'][i] == 1) and (env['base'][i] > box_base[idx]):
                    top -= 1
                    if top > 0:
                    env['top'][i] = 0
                    #occupy this top;
                    theta = np.random.uniform(0, 0.25 * np.pi)
                    r = R.from_quat([0, 0, np.sin(theta),
                    top_vert = env['box'][i][4:8, :]
                    w = np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.0, [4, 1])
                    w = w / np.sum(w, keepdims=True)
                    t = np.sum(w * top_vert, axis=0, keepdims=True)
                    #append current box
                    env['box'].append(r.apply(box_vert[idx, ...]) + t)
                        np.array([0, 0, np.sin(theta),
        else:  #else place on ground
            #randomly rotate current box;
            theta = np.random.uniform(0, 0.25 * np.pi)
            r = R.from_quat([0, 0, np.sin(theta),
            cbox = r.apply(box_vert[idx, ...])
            hull_pts = np.zeros([1, 2])
            for i in range(len(env['box'])):
                base_pts = env['box'][i][0:4, :]
                if (base_pts[:, 2] == 0.0).all():
                    hull_pts = np.concatenate([hull_pts, base_pts[:, 0:2]],
            hull = Delaunay(hull_pts)
            pts = np.sum(box_border_w * cbox[0:4, 0:2].reshape(1, 4, 2),
            tell = (hull.find_simplex(pts) >= 0).any()
            dt = np.zeros([1, 3])
            dxy = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0, [1, 2])
            dxy = 0.01 * dxy / np.linalg.norm(dxy, 2)
            dt[0, 0:2] = dxy
            t = np.zeros([1, 3])
            while tell:
                t += dt
                cbox = cbox + dt
                pts = np.sum(box_border_w * cbox[0:4, 0:2].reshape(1, 4, 2),
                tell = (hull.find_simplex(pts) >= 0).any()
            env['R'].append(np.array([0, 0, np.sin(theta),
Exemple #22
N_part = len(particle)
N_sol = len(solution)
N_oxy = N_sol / 3

outPoints = []
points = particle.positions
init = particle.positions
iteration = 0
while iteration < 3:
    iteration += 1
    boundaryVertices = []
    boundaryFacets = []
    boundaryEdges = []
    boundaryCell = []
    triCells = Delaunay(points, False)
    allCells = triCells.simplices
    allCellsl = allCells.tolist()
    ncells = triCells.nsimplex
    #for vert in tri.triangles:
    print allCells, ncells

    neighborCells = triCells.neighbors

    #Searching for facets at the boundary of the triangulation
    l = -1
    for i in range(ncells):
        atBoundary = False
        for k in range(DIM + 1):
            if neighborCells[i, k] == -1:
                l += 1
 Trans = np.eye(4)
 Trans[0, 3] = -Centroid.x
 Trans[1, 3] = -Centroid.y
 Trans[2, 3] = -Centroid.z
 Rot = np.eye(4)
 Rot[0:3, 0:3] = axes.transpose()
 T = Rot.dot(Trans)
 VH2D = transformPoints(T, VH)
 VH2D = VH2D[:, 0:2]
 [minx, miny] = VH2D.min(0)
 [maxx, maxy] = VH2D.max(0)
 ux, uy = np.mgrid[minx:maxx:6j, miny:maxy:6j]
 ux = ux.flatten()
 uy = uy.flatten()
 uindices = []
 tri = Delaunay(VH2D)
 Vs = tri.vertices
 for i in range(len(ux)):
     #print "\n"
     #Check the CCW of this point against every point on the hole
     isInside = False
     for j in range(Vs.shape[0]):
         [i1, i2, i3] = Vs[j]
         D1 = np.array([[1, ux[i], uy[i]], [1, VH2D[i1, 0], VH2D[i1, 1]],
                        [1, VH2D[i2, 0], VH2D[i2, 1]]])
         D2 = np.array([[1, ux[i], uy[i]], [1, VH2D[i2, 0], VH2D[i2, 1]],
                        [1, VH2D[i3, 0], VH2D[i3, 1]]])
         D3 = np.array([[1, ux[i], uy[i]], [1, VH2D[i3, 0], VH2D[i3, 1]],
                        [1, VH2D[i1, 0], VH2D[i1, 1]]])
         det1 = np.sign(linalg.det(D1))
         det2 = np.sign(linalg.det(D2))
 def constructIntermediateImageBlending(self):
     myadd = lambda xs, ys: tuple(int(x + y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys))
     self.inter_image = self.list2
     self.tri = Delaunay(self.inter_image)
     # print(tri.simplices)
     # tri.simplices is a 2d-numpy array kx3 array with indices of points of each simplex in each row
     m, n, _ = self.i2Shape
     print((m, n))
     final_image_coordinates = list(itertools.product(range(m), range(n)))
     p = self.tri.find_simplex(final_image_coordinates)
     self.inside = p
     # Blending
     if p[k] is >= 0 then k belongs to Omega
     |N_p| = 4
     q \in N_p AND Omega 
     interior_points = {}
     count = 0
     for i in range(m):
         for j in range(n):
             if p[i * n + j] >= 0:
                 interior_points[(i, j)] = count
                 count += 1
     bary_coordinates = self.barycentric_coordinates(
         final_image_coordinates, p)
     simplices = self.tri.simplices
     int_image1 = np.zeros((m, n, 3))
     top_pixel = np.zeros((m, n, 3))
     right_pixel = np.zeros((m, n, 3))
     down_pixel = np.zeros((m, n, 3))
     left_pixel = np.zeros((m, n, 3))
     for i in range(m):
         for j in range(n):
             triangle_number = p[i * n + j]
             if triangle_number < 0:
                 int_image1[i, j] = self.image2_unmod[i, j]
             corner_points = simplices[triangle_number]
             barycentric = bary_coordinates[i * n + j]
             p1 = myadd(
                     tuple(x * barycentric[0]
                           for x in self.list1[corner_points[0]]),
                     tuple(x * barycentric[1]
                           for x in self.list1[corner_points[1]])),
                 tuple(x * barycentric[2]
                       for x in self.list1[corner_points[2]]))
             int_image1[i, j] = self.image1_unmod[p1]
             top_pixel[i, j] = self.image1_unmod[(p1[0] - 1, p1[1])]
             right_pixel[i, j] = self.image1_unmod[(p1[0], p1[1] + 1)]
             down_pixel[i, j] = self.image1_unmod[(p1[0] + 1, p1[1])]
             left_pixel[i, j] = self.image1_unmod[(p1[0], p1[1] - 1)]
     # Now p has the triangle number for each of the pixels
     grad_x = cv2.Sobel(int_image1, cv2.CV_8U, 1, 0)
     grad_y = cv2.Sobel(int_image1, cv2.CV_8U, 0, 1)
     row_indices = []
     column_indices = []
     data = []
     right_r = []
     right_g = []
     right_b = []
     for i in range(m):
         for j in range(n):
             triangle_number = p[i * n + j]
             if triangle_number < 0:
             row_indices.append(interior_points[(i, j)])
             column_indices.append(interior_points[(i, j)])
             right = np.zeros(3)
             count = 0
             for neighbor in [(i + 1, j), (i - 1, j), (i, j + 1),
                              (i, j - 1)]:
                 count += 1
                 if self.inside[neighbor[0] * n + neighbor[1]] >= 0:
                     row_indices.append(interior_points[(i, j)])
                 elif self.in_delta_omega(neighbor):
                     right += self.image2_unmod[neighbor]
                     if count == 1:
                         right += int_image1[i, j] - down_pixel[i, j]
                     if count == 2:
                         right += int_image1[i, j] - top_pixel[i, j]
                     if count == 3:
                         right += int_image1[i, j] - right_pixel[i, j]
                     if count == 4:
                         right += int_image1[i, j] - left_pixel[i, j]
                 right += int_image1[i, j] - int_image1[neighbor]
     A = sparse.csr_matrix(
         (data, (row_indices, column_indices)),
         shape=(len(interior_points), len(interior_points)))
     b_r = np.array(right_r)
     b_g = np.array(right_g)
     b_b = np.array(right_b)
     f_r = spsolve(A, b_r)
     f_g = spsolve(A, b_g)
     f_b = spsolve(A, b_b)
     # cv2.imwrite('final.png',final_image)
     cv2.imwrite('before_change_swap.png', int_image1)
     for i in range(m):
         for j in range(n):
             if self.inside[i * n + j] < 0:
             int_image1[i, j][0] = f_r[interior_points[(i, j)]]
             int_image1[i, j][1] = f_g[interior_points[(i, j)]]
             int_image1[i, j][2] = f_b[interior_points[(i, j)]]
     cv2.imwrite('final_swap.png', int_image1)
def delaunay_plot(points):

    #points = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1.1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])
    tri = Delaunay(points)

Exemple #26
def voronoi(seeds, bnd):

    if seeds.shape[0] == 1:
        return None

    if seeds.shape[0] == 2:
        return None

    if all(x == seeds[0, 0] for x in seeds[:, 0]) or all(x == seeds[0, 1]
                                                         for x in seeds[:, 1]):
        raise Exception(
            'seeds have the same value for x or y:\n {}'.format(seeds))

    # Delaunay triangulation
    tri = Delaunay(seeds)

    # find  neighbor indices for each seed point
    neib_inices = [[] for seed in seeds]
    # iterate over seeds
    for j, seed in enumerate(seeds):
        neib_inices[j] = []
        # check if simplice contains seed
        for simplex in tri.simplices:
            intersect = np.intersect1d(simplex, j)
            if intersect.size > 0:
                # add points of simplice that are not the seed
                neib_inices[j].append(np.setdiff1d(simplex, j))
        # get rid of duplicates
        neib_inices[j] = np.unique(neib_inices[j])

    # linear equations for the boundary
    bndhull = ConvexHull(bnd)
    bndTmp = bndhull.equations
    bndMat = np.matrix(bndTmp)
    Abnd = bndMat[:, 0:2]
    bbnd = bndMat[:, 2]

    # find linear equations for perpendicular bisectors
    mylistA = []  # Contains vectors between seeds to their neighbours
    mylistb = [
    ]  # Contains dot products of vectors in listA to centre between seeds

    for i, seed in enumerate(seeds):
        A = []
        b = []
        for ind in neib_inices[i]:
            Altmp, bltmp = perpBisector2d(seed, seeds[ind])

    # obtain voronoi vertices
    cells = []
    for j in range(len(mylistA)):
        cell = []
        Atmp = np.concatenate((mylistA[j], Abnd))
        btmp = np.concatenate((mylistb[j].transpose(), -bbnd))
        combinations = itertools.combinations(range(Atmp.shape[0]), 2)
        for tupl in combinations:
            lineA = [
                Atmp[tupl[0]][0, 0], Atmp[tupl[0]][0, 1], btmp[tupl[0]][0, 0]
            lineB = [
                Atmp[tupl[1]][0, 0], Atmp[tupl[1]][0, 1], btmp[tupl[1]][0, 0]
            vertex = interLine(lineA, lineB)
            if type(vertex) != type(False):
                if (np.round(np.dot(Atmp, vertex), 6) <= np.round(
                        btmp.transpose(), 6)).all():
                    if not any((vertex == x).all() for x in cell):
        cell = np.asarray(counterClockwise(seeds[j], cell))
    return cells
def in_hull(p, hull):
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
        hull = Delaunay(hull)
    return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0
Exemple #28
def process_file(input_file, output_file):

    max_points = 1000
    merge_percent = 500
    save_debug_images = False

    image = face_recognition.load_image_file(input_file)

    face_landmarks_list_ = face_recognition.face_landmarks(image)
    face_landmarks_list = [face_landmarks_list_[0]]
    face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image)

    im = Image.open(input_file)
    pil_image = Image.new('RGB', im.size, color='black')
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_image)

    input_points = []

    feature_min = 99999
    feature_max = 0

    eye_centers = []
    mouth = (0, 0)
    for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:
        for facial_feature in face_landmarks.keys():
            d.line(face_landmarks[facial_feature], width=2)
            if facial_feature is "left_eye" or facial_feature is "right_eye":
                avg = (0, 0)
                l = 0
                for pt in face_landmarks[facial_feature]:
                    avg = (avg[0] + pt[0], avg[1] + pt[1])
                    l = l + 1
                avg = (avg[0] / l, avg[1] / l)
            if facial_feature is not "nose_bridge":
                for pt in face_landmarks[facial_feature]:
                    if pt[0] < feature_min:
                        feature_min = pt[0]
                    if pt[0] > feature_max:
                        feature_max = pt[0]

    feature_width = abs(feature_max - feature_min)

    feature_min = feature_min - feature_width / 20
    feature_max = feature_max + feature_width / 20

    edge_image = im.copy()
    edge_image = edge_image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)

    enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(edge_image)
    edge_image = enhancer.enhance(2)

    #edge_image = edge_image.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE)
    #edge_image = edge_image.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE)

    #max_points = 30
    points_placed = 0

    edge_points = []
    border = 20

    feature_distance = 60

    for loc in face_locations:
        aloc = (loc[0] - (loc[2] - loc[0]) / 2, loc[1] + (loc[1] - loc[3]) / 2,
                loc[2], loc[3] - (loc[1] - loc[3]) / 2)
        #if x > aloc[3] and x < aloc[1] and y > aloc[0] and y < aloc[2]:
        for y in range(int(aloc[0]), int(aloc[2])):
            for x in range(int(aloc[3]), int(aloc[1])):
                if x > feature_min and x < feature_max:
                    px = edge_image.getpixel((x, y))
                    brightness = (im.getpixel((x, y))[0] + im.getpixel(
                        (x, y))[1] + im.getpixel((x, y))[2]) / 3
                    probability = brightness
                    max_brightness = 200
                    eye_distance = 9999
                    edge_min = 100
                    for eye in eye_centers:
                        distance = math.sqrt(
                            math.pow(eye[0] - x, 2) + math.pow(eye[1] - y, 2))
                        if distance < eye_distance:
                            eye_distance = distance
                    if eye_distance < 10:
                        probability = 0
                        max_brightness = 200
                        edge_min = 80
                    random_insert = random.randint(0, 1000) > 997
                    if random_insert or (brightness < max_brightness and
                                         random.randint(0, 600) > probability
                                         and px[2] > edge_min):
                        edge_points.append((x, y))

    de = ImageDraw.Draw(edge_image)

    for ep in edge_points:
        #filter out points below the jawline
        doAppend = True
        for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:
            lastPt = None
            for pt in face_landmarks['chin']:
                de.rectangle([pt, (pt[0] + 10, pt[1] + 10)],
                             fill=(0, 255, 255, 255))
            if lastPt is not None:
                vec = (pt[0] - lastPt[0], pt[1] - lastPt[1])
                vecNorm = LA.norm(vec)
                vec = (vec[1] / vecNorm, -vec[0] / vecNorm)
                de.line([lastPt, (lastPt[0] + vec[0], lastPt[1] + vec[1])],
                        fill=(255, 0, 0, 255),
                vecToPt = (ep[0] - lastPt[0], ep[1] - lastPt[1])
                vecNorm = LA.norm(vecToPt)
                if vecNorm == 0:
                    vecNorm = 0000.1
                vecToPt = (vecToPt[0] / vecNorm, vecToPt[1] / vecNorm)
                if numpy.dot(vec, vecToPt) < -0.5:
                        (lastPt[0] + vecToPt[0] * 2000,
                         lastPt[1] + vecToPt[1] * 2000)
                            fill=(255, 255, 0, 255),
                    doAppend = False
            lastPt = (pt[0], pt[1])
        for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:
            for pt in face_landmarks['nose_tip']:
                if ep[1] < pt[1]:
                    doAppend = True

        if doAppend:
            de.rectangle([ep, (ep[0] + 10, ep[1] + 10)], fill=(0, 255, 0, 255))
            de.rectangle([ep, (ep[0] + 10, ep[1] + 10)], fill=(255, 0, 0, 255))

    if save_debug_images:
        for loc in face_locations:
            face_location = (loc[0] - (loc[2] - loc[0]) / 2,
                             loc[1] + (loc[1] - loc[3]) / 2, loc[2],
                             loc[3] - (loc[1] - loc[3]) / 2)
            top, right, bottom, left = face_location
            de.rectangle([left, top, right, bottom],
                         outline=(255, 255, 0, 255))
            face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right]
            fimage = Image.fromarray(face_image)

    if save_debug_images:

    pmin = [edge_image.size[0], edge_image.size[1]]
    pmax = [0, 0]

    #merge vertices

    merged_points = []
    merge_thresh = 3
    for i in input_points:
        merge = False
        for m in merged_points:
            if abs(i[0] - m[0]) < merge_thresh and abs(i[1] -
                                                       m[1]) < merge_thresh:
                merge = True
        if not merge:

    for p in merged_points:
        if p[0] > pmax[0]:
            pmax[0] = p[0]
        if p[1] > pmax[1]:
            pmax[1] = p[1]
        if p[0] < pmin[0]:
            pmin[0] = p[0]
        if p[1] < pmin[1]:
            pmin[1] = p[1]

    tri = Delaunay(merged_points)

    tri_normalized = []
    tri_normalized_thick = []

    psize = pmax[0] - pmin[0]
    if pmax[1] - pmin[1] > psize:
        psize = pmax[1] - pmin[1]
    psize = float(psize)

    tri_colors = []
    norm_min = 99999.0
    norm_max = 0.0
    for t in tri.simplices:
        #  print("Line: {}".format(t))
        triline = [
            merged_points[t[0]], merged_points[t[1]], merged_points[t[2]],
        pn0 = [
            float(triline[0][0] - pmin[0]) / psize,
            float(triline[0][1] - pmin[1]) / psize
        pn1 = [
            float(triline[1][0] - pmin[0]) / psize,
            float(triline[1][1] - pmin[1]) / psize
        pn2 = [
            float(triline[2][0] - pmin[0]) / psize,
            float(triline[2][1] - pmin[1]) / psize

        px = int((triline[0][0] + triline[1][0] + triline[2][0]) / 3)
        py = int((triline[0][1] + triline[1][1] + triline[2][1]) / 3)
        color = im.getpixel((px, py))

        eye_distance = 9999
        edge_min = 100
        for eye in eye_centers:
            distance = math.sqrt(
                math.pow(eye[0] - px, 2) + math.pow(eye[1] - py, 2))
            if distance < eye_distance:
                eye_distance = distance
        if eye_distance < 5:
            color = (color[0] / 1.5, color[1] / 1.5, color[2] / 1.5)
            color = (min(255, color[0] * 2), min(255, color[1] * 2),
                     min(255, color[2] * 2))

        color = (min(255, color[0] + 20), min(255, color[1] + 20),
                 min(255, color[2] + 20))

        if pn0[0] < norm_min:
            norm_min = pn0[0]
        if pn1[0] < norm_min:
            norm_min = pn1[0]
        if pn2[0] < norm_min:
            norm_min = pn2[0]

        if pn0[0] > norm_max:
            norm_max = pn0[0]
        if pn1[0] > norm_max:
            norm_max = pn1[0]
        if pn2[0] > norm_max:
            norm_max = pn2[0]

        tri_normalized.append([pn0, pn1, pn2])
        #if random.randint(0, 10) > 3:
        d.line(triline, width=2)

    x_offset = -(norm_min + abs(norm_max - norm_min) / 2.0)

    #tri_centered = []
    #for tri in tri_normalized:
    #	tri_centered.append([(tri[0][0] + x_offset, tri[0][1]), (tri[1][0] + x_offset, tri[1][1]), (tri[2][0] + x_offset, tri[2][1])])
    #tri_normalized = tri_centered

    #fill thick array
    for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:
        for facial_feature in face_landmarks.keys():
            if facial_feature is "chin":
                thick_line = []
                for pt in face_landmarks[facial_feature]:
                    pn0 = (float(pt[0] - pmin[0]) / psize,
                           float(pt[1] - pmin[1]) / psize)

    for face_landmarks in face_landmarks_list:
        for facial_feature in face_landmarks.keys():
            d.line(face_landmarks[facial_feature], width=5)

    if save_debug_images:

    #snap to grid

#	tri_snapped = []
#	gridsize = 1.0/32.0
#	for t in tri_normalized:
#		triline = []
#		for pt in t:
#			triline.append((rnd(pt[0], gridsize), rnd(pt[1], gridsize)))
#		tri_snapped.append(triline)
#	tri_normalized = tri_snapped
#	thick_snapped = []
#	for line in tri_normalized_thick:
#		sline = []
#		for pt in line:
#			sline.append((rnd(pt[0], gridsize), rnd(pt[1], gridsize)))
#		thick_snapped.append(sline)
#	tri_normalized_thick = thick_snapped

    bigsize = 1024
    big_image = Image.new('RGB', (bigsize, bigsize), color='white')
    db = ImageDraw.Draw(big_image)

    draw_filled = False
    draw_both = False

    if draw_both:
        bigsize = float(bigsize)
        idx = 0
        for t in tri_normalized:
            triline = [(t[0][0] * bigsize, t[0][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[1][0] * bigsize, t[1][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[2][0] * bigsize, t[2][1] * bigsize)]
            color = tri_colors[idx]
            val = (color[0] + color[1] + color[2]) / 3
            val = float(val) / 255.0
            val = val * val * 3.0
            val = int(val * 255.0)
            db.polygon(triline, fill=(val, val, val, 255))
            idx = idx + 1
        for t in tri_normalized:
            triline = [(t[0][0] * bigsize, t[0][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[1][0] * bigsize, t[1][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[2][0] * bigsize, t[2][1] * bigsize)]
            db.line(triline, width=2, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))
        for line in tri_normalized_thick:
            bigline = []
            for pt in line:
                bpt = (pt[0] * bigsize, pt[1] * bigsize)
            db.line(bigline, width=2, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))

    elif draw_filled:
        bigsize = float(bigsize)
        idx = 0
        for t in tri_normalized:
            triline = [(t[0][0] * bigsize, t[0][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[1][0] * bigsize, t[1][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[2][0] * bigsize, t[2][1] * bigsize)]
            db.polygon(triline, fill=tri_colors[idx])
            idx = idx + 1
        bigsize = float(bigsize)
        for t in tri_normalized:
            triline = [(t[0][0] * bigsize, t[0][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[1][0] * bigsize, t[1][1] * bigsize),
                       (t[2][0] * bigsize, t[2][1] * bigsize)]
            db.line(triline, width=2, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))

    big_lines = []
    for line in tri_normalized_thick:
        bigline = []
        for pt in line:
            bpt = (pt[0] * bigsize, pt[1] * bigsize)
        db.line(bigline, width=4, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))

    if save_debug_images:

    output_file = "project/media/" + output_file
    fout = open(output_file, 'wb')
    fout.write(struct.pack('i', len(tri_normalized)))

    idx = 0
    for t in tri_normalized:
            struct.pack('ffffff', t[0][0] + x_offset, t[0][1],
                        t[1][0] + x_offset, t[1][1], t[2][0] + x_offset,
        color = tri_colors[idx]
            struct.pack('fff', color[0] / 255.0, color[1] / 255.0,
                        color[2] / 255.0))
        idx = idx + 1

def compute(myVelfield, MyParams):
	print("Computing strain via Hammond method.");
	z = np.array([myVelfield.elon,myVelfield.nlat]);
	z = z.T;

	triangle_vertices = z[tri.simplices];
	trishape = np.shape(triangle_vertices);  # 516 x 3 x 2, for example
	print("Number of triangle elements: %d" % (trishape[0]));

	# We are going to solve for the velocity gradient tensor at the centroid of each triangle. 
	for i in range(trishape[0]):
		xcor_mean = np.mean([triangle_vertices[i,0,0],triangle_vertices[i,1,0],triangle_vertices[i,2,0]]);
		ycor_mean = np.mean([triangle_vertices[i,0,1],triangle_vertices[i,1,1],triangle_vertices[i,2,1]]);
	xcentroid=[x[0] for x in centroids];
	ycentroid=[x[1] for x in centroids];

	# Initialize arrays.
	e1=[]; # eigenvalues
	v00=[];  # eigenvectors
	dilatation=[]; # dilatation	= e1+e2

	# for each triangle:
	for i in range(trishape[0]):

		# Get the velocities of each vertex (VE1, VN1, VE2, VN2, VE3, VN3)
		# Get velocities for Vertex 1 (triangle_vertices[i,0,0] and triangle_vertices[i,0,1])
		xindex1 = np.where(myVelfield.elon==triangle_vertices[i,0,0])
		yindex1 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat==triangle_vertices[i,0,1])
		index1  = int(np.intersect1d(xindex1,yindex1)[0]);
		xindex2 = np.where(myVelfield.elon==triangle_vertices[i,1,0])
		yindex2 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat==triangle_vertices[i,1,1])
		index2  = int(np.intersect1d(xindex2,yindex2)[0]);
		xindex3 = np.where(myVelfield.elon==triangle_vertices[i,2,0])
		yindex3 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat==triangle_vertices[i,2,1])
		index3  = int(np.intersect1d(xindex3,yindex3)[0]);
		phi=np.array([triangle_vertices[i,0,0], triangle_vertices[i,1,0], triangle_vertices[i,2,0] ]);
		theta=np.array([triangle_vertices[i,0,1], triangle_vertices[i,1,1], triangle_vertices[i,2,1] ]);
		theta=[i-90 for i in theta];
		u_theta=np.array([-i for i in u_theta]);  # colatitude needs negative theta values. 

		[e_phiphi,e_thetaphi,e_thetatheta,omega_r,U_theta,U_phi,s_omega_r,s_e_phiphi,s_e_thetaphi,s_e_thetatheta,s_U_theta,s_U_phi,chi2,OMEGA,THETA_p,PHI_p,s_OMEGA,s_THETA_p,s_PHI_p,r_PHITHETA,u_phi_p,u_theta_p] = strain_sphere(phi,theta,u_phi,u_theta,s_phi,s_theta,weight,paramsel);

		# print_all_values(e_phiphi,e_thetaphi,e_thetatheta,omega_r,U_theta,U_phi,s_omega_r,s_e_phiphi,s_e_thetaphi,s_e_thetatheta,s_U_theta,s_U_phi,chi2,OMEGA,THETA_p,PHI_p,s_OMEGA,s_THETA_p,s_PHI_p,r_PHITHETA,u_phi_p,u_theta_p);

		# The components that are easily computed
		# Units: nanostrain per year. 

		# # Compute a number of values based on tensor properties. 
		I2nd_tri = np.log10(np.abs(strain_tensor_toolbox.second_invariant(exx, exy, eyy)));
		[e11, e22, v] = strain_tensor_toolbox.eigenvector_eigenvalue(exx, exy, eyy);

		e1.append(-e11);  # the convention of this code returns negative eigenvalues compared to my other codes. 
		max_shear.append((e11 - e22)/2);
		dilatation.append(-e11+-e22);  # # the convention of this code returns negative eigenvalues compared to my other codes. 

	return [xcentroid, ycentroid, triangle_vertices, I2nd, max_shear, rot, e1, e2, v00, v01, v10, v11, dilatation];
Exemple #30
    def run(self, setup):
        """Run a preprocessing task.

        :param obj setup: inputSetup object.
        :return: None
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Initialization
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Start timer

        # Parameters shortcut (for code legibility)
        model = setup.model
        output = setup.output

        # Obtain the MPI environment
        parEnv = MPIEnvironment()

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Import mesh file (gmsh format)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Read nodes
        nodes, _ = readGmshNodes(model.mesh_file)

        # Read connectivity
        elemsN, nElems = readGmshConnectivity(model.mesh_file)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing nodal coordinates
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Nodal coordinates')

        # Build coordinates in PETGEM format where each row
        # represent the xyz coordinates of the 4 tetrahedral element
        num_dimensions = 3
        num_nodes_per_element = 4
        data = np.array((nodes[elemsN[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
        data = data.reshape(nElems, num_dimensions*num_nodes_per_element)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/nodes.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing mesh connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Mesh connectivity')

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = elemsN.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], elemsN)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/meshConnectivity.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM connectivity in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing edges connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Edges connectivity')

        # Compute edges
        elemsE, edgesNodes = computeEdges(elemsN, nElems)
        nEdges = edgesNodes.shape[0]

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = elemsE.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], elemsE)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/edges.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # Reshape edgesNodes and save
        num_nodes_per_edge = 2
        num_edges_per_element = 6
        data = np.array((edgesNodes[elemsE[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
        data = data.reshape(nElems, num_nodes_per_edge*num_edges_per_element)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/edgesNodes.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edgesNodes in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing faces connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Faces connectivity')

        # Compute faces
        elemsF, facesN = computeFaces(elemsN, nElems)
        nFaces = facesN.shape[0]

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = elemsF.shape
        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], elemsF)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/faces.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing faces-edges connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Faces-edges connectivity')

        N = invConnectivity(elemsF, nFaces)

        if nElems != 1:
            N = np.delete(N, 0, axis=1)

        # Allocate
        facesE = np.zeros((nFaces, 3), dtype=np.int)

        # Compute edges list for each face
        for i in np.arange(nFaces):
            iEle = N[i, 0]
            edgesEle = elemsE[iEle,:]
            facesEle = elemsF[iEle,:]
            kFace = np.where(facesEle == i)[0]
            if kFace == 0:  # Face 1
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[0], edgesEle[1], edgesEle[2]]
            elif kFace == 1:  # Face 2
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[0], edgesEle[4], edgesEle[3]]
            elif kFace == 2:  # Face 3
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[1], edgesEle[5], edgesEle[4]]
            elif kFace == 3:  # Face 4
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[2], edgesEle[5], edgesEle[3]]

        num_faces_per_element = 4
        num_edges_per_face = 3
        data = np.array((facesE[elemsF[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
        data = data.reshape(nElems, num_faces_per_element*num_edges_per_face)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/facesEdges.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing dofs connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     DOFs connectivity')

        # Compute degrees of freedom connectivity
        dofs, dof_edges, dof_faces, _, total_num_dofs = computeConnectivityDOFS(elemsE,elemsF,model.basis_order)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = dofs.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], dofs)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/dofs.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing boundaries
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Boundaries')

        # Compute boundary faces
        bFacesN, bFaces = computeBoundaryFaces(elemsF, facesN)

        # Compute boundary edges
        bEdges = computeBoundaryEdges(edgesNodes, bFacesN)

        # Compute dofs on boundaries
        _, indx_boundary_dofs = computeBoundaries(dofs, dof_edges, dof_faces, bEdges, bFaces, model.basis_order);

        # Build PETSc structures
        vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(indx_boundary_dofs)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/boundaries.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing sigma model
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Conductivity model')

        # Read element's tag
        elemsS, nElems = readGmshPhysicalGroups(model.mesh_file)

        # Build conductivity arrays
        conductivityModel = np.zeros((nElems, 2), dtype=np.float)
        for i in np.arange(nElems):
            # Set horizontal sigma
            conductivityModel[i, 0] = model.sigma_horizontal[np.int(elemsS[i])]
            # Set vertical sigma
            conductivityModel[i, 1] = model.sigma_vertical[np.int(elemsS[i])]

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = conductivityModel.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], conductivityModel)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/conductivityModel.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing receivers
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Receivers')

        # Open receivers_file
        fileID = h5py.File(model.receivers_file, 'r')

        # Read receivers
        receivers = fileID.get('data')[()]

        # Number of receivers
        if receivers.ndim == 1:
            nReceivers = 1
            dim = receivers.shape
            nReceivers = dim[0]

        # Build Delaunay triangulation with nodes
        tri = Delaunay(nodes)

        # Overwrite Delaunay structure with mesh_file connectivity and points
        tri.simplices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)
        tri.vertices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)

        # Find out which tetrahedral element points are in
        recvElems = tri.find_simplex(receivers, bruteforce=True, tol=1.e-12)

        # Find out which tetrahedral element source point is in
        srcElem = tri.find_simplex(model.src_position, bruteforce=True, tol=1.e-12)

        # Determine if all receiver points were found
        idx = np.where(np.logical_or(recvElems>nElems, recvElems<0))[0]

        # If idx is not empty, there are receivers outside the domain
        if idx.size != 0:
            Print.master('        The following receivers were not located and will not be taken into account ' + str(idx))
            # Update number of receivers
            nReceivers = nReceivers - len(idx)

            if nReceivers == 0:
                Print.master('     No receiver has been found. Nothing to do. Aborting')

            # Remove idx from receivers matrix
            receivers = np.delete(receivers, idx, axis=0)

            # Remove idx from recvElems
            recvElems = np.delete(recvElems, idx, axis=0)

        # If srcElem is empty, source not located
        if srcElem == 0:
            Print.master('        Source no located in the computational domain. Please, improve the mesh quality')

        # Compute number of dofs per element
        num_dof_in_element = np.int(model.basis_order*(model.basis_order+2)*(model.basis_order+3)/2)

        # Allocate
        data_receiver = np.zeros((nReceivers, 53+num_dof_in_element), dtype=np.float)

        # Fill tmp matrix with receiver positions, element coordinates and
        # nodal indexes
        for i in np.arange(nReceivers):
            # If there is one receiver
            if nReceivers == 1:
                # Get index of tetrahedral element (receiver container)
                iEle = recvElems
                # Get dofs of element container
                dofsElement = dofs[iEle]
            # If there are more than one receivers
                # Get index of tetrahedral element (receiver container)
                iEle = recvElems[i]
                # Get dofs of element container
                dofsElement = dofs[iEle, :]

            # Get indexes of nodes for iand insert
            nodesReceiver = elemsN[iEle, :]
            data_receiver[i, 0:4] = nodesReceiver
            # Get nodes coordinates for i and insert
            coordEle = nodes[nodesReceiver, :]
            coordEle = coordEle.flatten()
            data_receiver[i, 4:16] = coordEle
            # Get indexes of faces for i and insert
            facesReceiver = elemsF[iEle, :]
            data_receiver[i, 16:20] = facesReceiver
            # Get edges indexes for faces in i and insert
            edgesReceiver = facesE[facesReceiver, :]
            edgesReceiver = edgesReceiver.flatten()
            data_receiver[i, 20:32] = edgesReceiver
            # Get indexes of edges for i and insert
            edgesReceiver = elemsE[iEle, :]
            data_receiver[i, 32:38] = edgesReceiver
            # Get node indexes for edges in i and insert
            edgesNodesReceiver = edgesNodes[edgesReceiver, :]
            edgesNodesReceiver = edgesNodesReceiver.flatten()
            data_receiver[i, 38:50] = edgesNodesReceiver
            # Get receiver coordinates
            coordReceiver = receivers[i,: ]
            data_receiver[i, 50:53] = coordReceiver
            # Get dofs for srcElem and insert
            dofsReceiver = dofsElement
            data_receiver[i, 53::] = dofsReceiver

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data_receiver.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data_receiver)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/receivers.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM receivers in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # Compute number of dofs per element
        num_dof_in_element = np.int(model.basis_order*(model.basis_order+2)*(model.basis_order+3)/2)

        # Build data for source insertion
        vector = np.zeros(50+num_dof_in_element, dtype=np.float)

        # Get indexes of nodes for srcElem and insert
        nodesSource = elemsN[srcElem, :]
        vector[0:4] = nodesSource
        # Get nodes coordinates for srcElem and insert
        coordSource = nodes[nodesSource, :]
        coordSource = coordSource.flatten()
        vector[4:16] = coordSource
        # Get indexes of faces for srcElem and insert
        facesSource = elemsF[srcElem, :]
        vector[16:20] = facesSource
        # Get edges indexes for faces in srcElem and insert
        edgesFace = facesE[facesSource, :]
        edgesFace = edgesFace.flatten()
        vector[20:32] = edgesFace
        # Get indexes of edges for srcElem and insert
        edgesSource = elemsE[srcElem, :]
        vector[32:38] = edgesSource
        # Get node indexes for edges in srcElem and insert
        edgesNodesSource = edgesNodes[edgesSource, :]
        edgesNodesSource = edgesNodesSource.flatten()
        vector[38:50] = edgesNodesSource
        # Get dofs for srcElem and insert
        dofsSource = dofs[srcElem,:]
        vector[50::] = dofsSource

        # Build PETSc structures
        vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(vector)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/source.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Sparsity pattern
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Setup valence for each basis order (adding a small percentage to keep safe)
        valence = np.array([50, 200, 400, 800, 1400, 2500])

        # Build nnz pattern for each row
        nnz = np.full((total_num_dofs), valence[model.basis_order-1], dtype=np.int)

        # Build PETSc structures
        vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(nnz)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/nnz.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Print mesh statistics
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master(' ')
        Print.master('  Mesh statistics')
        Print.master('     Number of elements:   {0:12}'.format(str(nElems)))
        Print.master('     Number of faces:      {0:12}'.format(str(nFaces)))
        Print.master('     Number of edges:      {0:12}'.format(str(nEdges)))
        Print.master('     Number of dofs:       {0:12}'.format(str(total_num_dofs)))
        Print.master('     Number of boundaries: {0:12}'.format(str(len(indx_boundary_dofs))))

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Print data model
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master(' ')
        Print.master('  Model data')
        Print.master('     Number of materials:    {0:12}'.format(str(np.max(elemsS)+1)))
        Print.master('     Vector basis order:     {0:12}'.format(str(model.basis_order)))
        Print.master('     Frequency (Hz):         {0:12}'.format(str(model.frequency)))
        Print.master('     Source position (xyz):  {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_position)))
        Print.master('     Source azimuth:         {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_azimuth)))
        Print.master('     Source dip:             {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_dip)))
        Print.master('     Source current:         {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_current)))
        Print.master('     Source length:          {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_length)))
        Print.master('     Sigma horizontal:       {0:12}'.format(str(model.sigma_horizontal)))
        Print.master('     Sigma vertical:         {0:12}'.format(str(model.sigma_vertical)))
        Print.master('     Number of receivers:    {0:12}'.format(str(nReceivers)))

        # Apply barrier for MPI tasks alignement

        # Stop timer