def _to_delaunay(data_dict):
        for name, data in data_dict.items():
            mesh = Delaunay(data['coord'])
            mesh.simplices = data['connect'].astype(np.int32)
            data_dict[name]['mesh'] = mesh

        return data_dict
Exemple #2
 def generateMesh(self):
     points = self.generatePointCloud()
     tri = Delaunay(points)
     tri.simplices = self.filterTriangles(tri)
     return Mesh2D(tri.points,tri.simplices)
     print("Generate Mesh Done")
Exemple #3
def wet_circles(A, B, thetaA, thetaB):
    """Generates a mesh that wets the surface of circles A and B.

    A,B : Circle
    theta : list
        the number of radians that the wet covers and number of the points on
        the surface range

    vector = -
    if vector.x > 0:
        angleA = np.arctan(vector.y / vector.x)
        angleB = PI + angleA
        angleB = np.arctan(vector.y / vector.x)
        angleA = PI + angleB
    # print(vector)
    rA = A.radius
    rB = B.radius

    points = []
    for t in ((np.arange(0, thetaA[1]) / (thetaA[1] - 1) - 0.5) * thetaA[0] +

        x = rA * np.cos(t) +
        y = rA * np.sin(t) +
        points.append([x, y])

    mid = len(points)
    for t in ((np.arange(0, thetaB[1]) / (thetaB[1] - 1) - 0.5) * thetaB[0] +

        x = rB * np.cos(t) +
        y = rB * np.sin(t) +
        points.append([x, y])

    points = np.array(points)

    # Triangulate the polygon
    tri = Delaunay(points)

    # Remove extra triangles
    # print(tri.simplices)
    mask = np.sum(tri.simplices < mid, 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask < 3, mask > 0)
    tri.simplices = tri.simplices[mask, :]
    # print(tri.simplices)

    m = Mesh()
    for t in tri.simplices:
            Triangle(Point([points[t[0], 0], points[t[0], 1]]),
                     Point([points[t[1], 0], points[t[1], 1]]),
                     Point([points[t[2], 0], points[t[2], 1]])))

    return m
Exemple #4
    def _mesh(self):
        """Create mesh of all the atoms in the cluster.

        :return: Mesh
        :rtype: scipy.spatial.Delaunay
        from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
        points = self.cluster.get_positions()
        delaunay = Delaunay(points)
        simplices = self._filter_max_dist_in_element(delaunay.simplices)
        delaunay.simplices = simplices
        return delaunay
Exemple #5
    def Omega_mesh(self, dx, landmark):
        x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1,1+dx,dx), np.arange(-1,1+dx,dx), np.arange(-1,1+dx,dx))
        v = np.hstack((x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1), z.reshape(-1, 1)))
        # v is of size l-by-3
        l = v.shape[0]
        ll = landmark.ndim
        if not ll == 1:
            num_landmark = landmark.shape[0]
            num_landmark = 1
        landmark_index = np.zeros(num_landmark)

        for i in range(num_landmark):
            if not ll == 1:
                check = landmark[i, :] == v
                check = landmark == v
            result = np.matmul(check, np.ones((3, 1)))
            if np.isin(3, result):
                landmark_index[i] = np.argmax(result)
                v = np.vstack((v, landmark))
                landmark_index[i] = l
            l += 1
        tri = Delaunay(v)
        faces = tri.simplices
        numf = np.shape(faces)[0]
        planar = np.zeros(numf)
        for i in range(numf):
            facet = faces[i, :]
            diff = v[facet[0:3], :] - np.tile(v[facet[3], :], (3, 1))
            if not np.linalg.matrix_rank(diff) == args.dimension:
                planar[i] = 1
            # else:
            #     print(np.linalg.det(diff))
        new_face = faces[planar==0, :]
        tri.simplices = new_face
        file2 = open('mesh.txt','w')
        file2.write('triangulation: \n')
        for i in range(new_face.shape[0]):
            for j in range(4):
                file2.write(str(new_face[i, j]))
                file2.write(' ')
        file2.write('vertices: \n')
        for i in range(v.shape[0]):
            for j in range(3):
                file2.write(str(v[i, j]))
                file2.write(' ')
        return v, new_face, landmark_index
def delaunayTriangulation(points):
    N = points.ndim  # The dimensions of points
    options = 'Qt Qbb Qc' if N <= 3 else 'Qt Qbb Qc Qx'  # Set the QHull options
    DT = Delaunay(points, qhull_options=options)
    tri = DT.simplices
    keep = np.ones(len(tri), dtype=bool)
    for i, t in enumerate(tri):
        if abs(np.linalg.det(np.hstack(
            (points[t], np.ones([1, N + 1]).T)))) < 1E-15:
            keep[i] = False  # Point is coplanar, we don't want to keep it
    tri = tri[keep]
    DT.simplices = tri
    return DT
    def create_triangulation(self, ures=4, vres=4, lres=1, **kwargs):
        """Compute the triangulation of the volume using scipy's
        `delaunay` function

        ures, vres : int
        Specifies the oversampling of the original
        volume in u and v directions. For example:
        if `ures` = 2, and `self.u` = [0, 1, 2, 3],
        then the surface will be resampled at
        [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3] prior to

        kwargs : dict
        See scipy docs for `scipy.spatial.Delaunay()`

        from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

        if self.tri is not None:
            return self.tri

        # Make new u and v values of (possibly) higher resolution
        # the original ones.
        hru, hrv, hrl = self._resample_uvl(ures, vres, lres)

        N = 3
        volpts = self.ev(hru, hrv, hrl).reshape(3, -1).T
        qhull_options = 'QJ'
        tri = Delaunay(volpts, qhull_options=qhull_options)
        keep = np.ones(len(tri.simplices), dtype=bool)
        for i, t in enumerate(tri.simplices):
            if abs(np.linalg.det(np.hstack(
                (volpts[t], np.ones([1, N + 1]).T)))) < 1E-12:
                keep[i] = False  # Point is coplanar, we don't want to keep it
        tri.simplices = tri.simplices[keep]

        self.tri = tri

        return tri
Exemple #8
def plot_model_grid():
    Plot the grid of models in each metallicity.
    Internal use.
    grid_kurucz = pd.read_csv('files/grid_points_kurucz.csv')
    for m_h in grid_kurucz.groupby('m_h').size().index:
        index = grid_kurucz['m_h'] == m_h
        grid_matrix = np.array(grid_kurucz.loc[index, ['Teff', 'logg']])
        tri = Delaunay(grid_matrix)
        for i in range(len(tri.simplices)-1, -1, -1):
            if min(grid_matrix[tri.simplices[i]][:,0]) >= 35000:
                teff_gap = 5000
                teff_gap = 1500
            if  np.ptp(grid_matrix[tri.simplices[i]][:,0]) >= teff_gap or np.ptp(grid_matrix[tri.simplices[i]][:,1]) > 0.5:
                tri.simplices = np.concatenate([tri.simplices[:i], tri.simplices[i+1:]])

        plt.triplot(grid_matrix[:,0], grid_matrix[:,1], tri.simplices, zorder=0, lw=1, color='gray',alpha=0.5)
        if m_h < 0.5:
            plt.plot([50000, 42500], [5, 5], color='gray', zorder=0, alpha=0.5, lw=1)
        elif m_h == 0.5:
            plt.plot([45000, 40000], [5, 5], color='gray', zorder=0, alpha=0.5, lw=1)
        elif m_h == 1:
            plt.plot([40000, 37500], [5, 5], color='gray', zorder=0, alpha=0.5, lw=1)

        plt.scatter(grid_kurucz.loc[index & (grid_kurucz['length']==72), 'Teff'], grid_kurucz.loc[index & (grid_kurucz['length']==72), 'logg'], s=5, label='Model length: 72')
        plt.scatter(grid_kurucz.loc[index & (grid_kurucz['length']==64), 'Teff'], grid_kurucz.loc[index & (grid_kurucz['length']==64), 'logg'], s=5, c='C3', label='Model length: 64')

        plt.xlim((1175, 52325))
        plt.title('[Fe/H] = {:.1f}'.format(m_h))
        plt.xlabel(r'$T_\mathrm{{eff}}$'); plt.ylabel('logg')
        plt.gca().invert_xaxis(); plt.gca().invert_yaxis()
        plt.savefig('../docs/img/grid_points_kurucz/m_h{:+.1f}.png'.format(m_h), dpi=250)
    set(indx for simplex in triang.simplices if x in simplex
        for indx in simplex if indx != x))

### remove convex hull for more sensible graph
hull = ConvexHull(points)
delete_indices = []
for tidx in range(tri.simplices.shape[0]):
    for hidx in range(hull.simplices.shape[0]):
        is_hull = (int(
            (tri.simplices[tidx] == hull.simplices[hidx][0]).any()) + int(
                (tri.simplices[tidx] == hull.simplices[hidx][1]).any())) == 2
        if is_hull:
delete_indices = sorted(np.sort(delete_indices), reverse=True)
for idx in delete_indices:
    tri.simplices = np.delete(tri.simplices, idx, 0)

### write graph file
graphfile = open('./graph.graph', 'w+')
for pidx in range(points.size // 2):
    neighbours = find_neighbours(pidx, tri)
    if neighbours != []:
        graphfile.write("%d : %d %s\n" % (pidx, len(neighbours), ' '.join(
            [str(neighbour) for neighbour in neighbours])))

mappingfile = open('./graph.mapping', 'w+')
for pidx in range(points.size // 2):
    neighbours = find_neighbours(pidx, tri)
    if neighbours != []:
        mappingfile.write("(%f , %f) : %d\n" %
                          (points[pidx][0], points[pidx][1], pidx))
Exemple #10
def preprocessingDataReceivers(mesh_file, receivers_file,
                               out_dir, rank):
    ''' Preprocess conductivity model associated to a given mesh in Gmsh
    format. Here, dofs are defined for edge finite element computations.

    :param str mesh_file: mesh file name to be preprocess.
    :param str receivers_file: receiver positions file name to be preprocess.
    :param str out_dir: path for output.
    :param int rank: MPI rank.
    :return: None
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

    if rank == 0:
        PETSc.Sys.Print('  Receiver positions (receivers.dat)')

    # Check if mesh_file exist
    success = checkFilePath(mesh_file)

    if rank == 0:
        if not success:
            msg = ('  preprocessingDataReceivers(): file ' + mesh_file +
                   ' does not exist.')
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # Check if receivers_file exist
    success = checkFilePath(receivers_file)

    if rank == 0:
        if not success:
            msg = ('  preprocessingDataReceivers(): file ' + receivers_file +
                   ' does not exist.')
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # Read receivers_file
    receivers = np.loadtxt(receivers_file)

    # Number of receivers
    if receivers.ndim == 1:
        nReceivers = 1
        dim = receivers.shape
        nReceivers = dim[0]

    # Read nodes
    nodes, nNodes = readGmshNodes(mesh_file)

    # Build Delaunay triangulation with nodes
    tri = Delaunay(nodes)

    # Delete unnecesary arrays
    del nodes

    # Read connectivity
    elemsN, nElems = readGmshConnectivity(mesh_file)

    # Compute dofs
    dofs, _ = computeDofs(elemsN, nElems)

    # Overwrite Delaunay structure with mesh_file connectivity
    tri.simplices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)

    # Delete unnecesary arrays
    del elemsN

    # Find out which tetrahedral element points are in
    recvElems = tri.find_simplex(receivers)

    # Determine if all receiver points were found
    idx = np.where(recvElems < 0)[0]

    # If idx is not empty, there are receivers outside the domain
    if idx.size != 0:
        PETSc.Sys.Print('     Some receivers are were not located')
        PETSc.Sys.Print('     Following ID-receivers will not be taken ' +
                        'into account: ')

        # Update number of receivers
        nReceivers = nReceivers - len(idx)

        if nReceivers == 0:
            PETSc.Sys.Print('     No receiver has been found. Nothing to do.'
                            ' Aborting')

        # Remove idx from receivers matrix
        receivers = np.delete(receivers, idx, axis=0)

        # Create new file with located points coordinates
        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = out_dir + 'receiversPETGEM.txt'
        PETSc.Sys.Print('     Saving file with localized receiver positions ' +
        np.savetxt(out_path, receivers, fmt='%1.8e')

    # Allocate space for receives in PETGEM format
    numDimensions = 3
    nodalOrder = 4
    edgeOrder = 6
    allocate = numDimensions+nodalOrder*numDimensions+nodalOrder+edgeOrder
    tmp = np.zeros((nReceivers, allocate), dtype=np.float)

    # Fill tmp matrix with receiver positions, element coordinates and
    # nodal indexes
    for iReceiver in np.arange(nReceivers):
        # If there is one receiver
        if nReceivers == 1:
            # Get receiver coordinates
            coordiReceiver = receivers[0:]
            # Get element coordinates (container element)
            coordElement = tri.points[tri.simplices[recvElems, :]]
            coordElement = coordElement.flatten()
            # Get nodal indexes (container element)
            nodesElement = tri.simplices[recvElems, :]
            # Get element-dofs indices (container element)
            dofsElement = dofs[recvElems, :]
        # If there are more than one receivers
            # Get receiver coordinates
            coordiReceiver = receivers[iReceiver, :]
            # Get element coordinates (container element)
            coordElement = tri.points[tri.simplices[recvElems[iReceiver], :]]
            coordElement = coordElement.flatten()
            # Get nodal indexes (container element)
            nodesElement = tri.simplices[recvElems[iReceiver], :]
            # Get element-dofs indices (container element)
            dofsElement = dofs[recvElems[iReceiver], :]
        # Insert data for iReceiver
        tmp[iReceiver, 0:3] = coordiReceiver
        tmp[iReceiver, 3:15] = coordElement
        tmp[iReceiver, 15:19] = nodesElement
        tmp[iReceiver, 19:] = dofsElement

    # Delete unnecesary arrays
    del tri
    del dofs

    # Get matrix dimensions
    size = tmp.shape

    # Build PETSc structures
    matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], tmp)

    # Delete unnecesary arrays
    del tmp

    # Verify if OUT_DIR exists

    # Build path to save the file
    out_path = out_dir + 'receivers.dat'

    # Write PETGEM receivers in PETSc format
    writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

    return nReceivers
Exemple #11
def ComputeTriangularMesh(vertices, segments):
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    from copy import deepcopy

    nVertices = len(vertices)
    tri = Delaunay(np.array(vertices))
    trigs = deepcopy(tri.simplices)
    #compute vertices2simplices list:
    vertices2simplices = [[]]*nVertices
    cnt = 0
    for trig in trigs:
        for i in trig:
            vertices2simplices[i] = alist    
        cnt += 1 #trig counter
    #compute neighbors:
    trigNeighbors = 0*trigs #-1 means no neighbor trig!
    trigNeighbors[:,:] = -1
    #run over all triangles
    for i in range(len(trigs)):
        for j in range(3):
            i0 = trigs[i,j]
            i1 = trigs[i,(j+1)%3]
            actSeg = [i0, i1]
            listTest = vertices2simplices[i0] + vertices2simplices[i1]
            for trigIndex in listTest:
                if trigIndex < i:
                    for k in range(3):
                        t0 = trigs[trigIndex, k]
                        t1 = trigs[trigIndex, (k+1)%3]
                        if (i0 == t1) and (i1 == t0): #opposite trig orientation is reversed ...
                            trigNeighbors[i,j] = trigIndex
                            trigNeighbors[trigIndex,k] = i

    #print("neighbors=", trigNeighbors)                

    #compute inside triangles:
    trianglesInside = [-1]*len(trigs) #-1 is undefined, 0=outside, 1=inside
    for seg in segments: #triangles left to segment are inside
        listTest = vertices2simplices[seg[0]] + vertices2simplices[seg[1]]
        for trigIndex in listTest:
            for k in range(3):
                t0 = trigs[trigIndex, k]
                t1 = trigs[trigIndex, (k+1)%3]
                if (seg[0] == t0) and (seg[1] == t1): #inside triangle
                    trianglesInside[trigIndex] = 1
                elif (seg[0] == t1) and (seg[1] == t0): #outside triangle
                    trianglesInside[trigIndex] = 0

    #finally find remaining triangles (usually all triangles are on boundary, so nothing remains):
    undefinedTrigs = True
    while undefinedTrigs: #iterate as long as there are undefined triangles; usually only few iterations necessary
        undefinedTrigs = False
        #print("iterate neighbors")
        for i in range(len(trigs)):
            if trianglesInside[i] == -1: #still undefined
                found = False
                for j in range(3): #look at all neighbors
                    tn = trigNeighbors[i, j]
                    if trianglesInside[tn] != -1:
                        trianglesInside[i] = trianglesInside[tn]
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    undefinedTrigs = True

    #now create new list of interior triangles
    interiorTrigs = []
    for i in range(len(trigs)):
        if trianglesInside[i] == 1: 
            interiorTrigs += [list(trigs[i])]
    tri.simplices = np.array(interiorTrigs)
    return tri
 def _make_delaunay_mesh(self, coords, connectivity):
     mesh = Delaunay(coords)
     mesh.simplices = connectivity.astype(np.int32)
     return mesh
Exemple #13
def wet_circles(A, B, thetaA, thetaB):
    """Generates a mesh that wets the surface of circles A and B.

    A,B : Circle
    theta : list
        the number of radians that the wet covers and number of the points on
        the surface range

    vector = -
    if vector.x > 0:
        angleA = np.arctan(vector.y / vector.x)
        angleB = PI + angleA
        angleB = np.arctan(vector.y / vector.x)
        angleA = PI + angleB
    # print(vector)
    rA = A.radius
    rB = B.radius

    points = []
    for t in ((np.arange(0, thetaA[1]) / (thetaA[1] - 1) - 0.5) * thetaA[0] +

        x = rA * np.cos(t) +
        y = rA * np.sin(t) +
        points.append([x, y])

    mid = len(points)
    for t in ((np.arange(0, thetaB[1]) / (thetaB[1] - 1) - 0.5) * thetaB[0] +

        x = rB * np.cos(t) +
        y = rB * np.sin(t) +
        points.append([x, y])

    points = np.array(points)

    # Triangulate the polygon
    tri = Delaunay(points)

    # Remove extra triangles
    # print(tri.simplices)
    mask = np.sum(tri.simplices < mid, 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask < 3, mask > 0)
    tri.simplices = tri.simplices[mask, :]
    # print(tri.simplices)

    m = Mesh()
    for t in tri.simplices:
                Point([points[t[0], 0], points[t[0], 1]]),
                Point([points[t[1], 0], points[t[1], 1]]),
                Point([points[t[2], 0], points[t[2], 1]])

    return m
Exemple #14
    def run(self, setup):
        """Run a preprocessing task.

        :param obj setup: inputSetup object.
        :return: None
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Initialization
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Start timer

        # Parameters shortcut (for code legibility)
        model = setup.model
        output = setup.output

        # Obtain the MPI environment
        parEnv = MPIEnvironment()

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Import mesh file (gmsh format)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Read nodes
        nodes, _ = readGmshNodes(model.mesh_file)

        # Read connectivity
        elemsN, nElems = readGmshConnectivity(model.mesh_file)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing nodal coordinates
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Nodal coordinates')

        # Build coordinates in PETGEM format where each row
        # represent the xyz coordinates of the 4 tetrahedral element
        num_dimensions = 3
        num_nodes_per_element = 4
        data = np.array((nodes[elemsN[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
        data = data.reshape(nElems, num_dimensions*num_nodes_per_element)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/nodes.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing mesh connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Mesh connectivity')

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = elemsN.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], elemsN)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/meshConnectivity.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM connectivity in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing edges connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Edges connectivity')

        # Compute edges
        elemsE, edgesNodes = computeEdges(elemsN, nElems)
        nEdges = edgesNodes.shape[0]

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = elemsE.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], elemsE)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/edges.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # Reshape edgesNodes and save
        num_nodes_per_edge = 2
        num_edges_per_element = 6
        data = np.array((edgesNodes[elemsE[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
        data = data.reshape(nElems, num_nodes_per_edge*num_edges_per_element)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/edgesNodes.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edgesNodes in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing faces connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Faces connectivity')

        # Compute faces
        elemsF, facesN = computeFaces(elemsN, nElems)
        nFaces = facesN.shape[0]

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = elemsF.shape
        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], elemsF)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/faces.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing faces-edges connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Faces-edges connectivity')

        N = invConnectivity(elemsF, nFaces)

        if nElems != 1:
            N = np.delete(N, 0, axis=1)

        # Allocate
        facesE = np.zeros((nFaces, 3),

        # Compute edges list for each face
        for i in np.arange(nFaces):
            iEle = N[i, 0]
            edgesEle = elemsE[iEle,:]
            facesEle = elemsF[iEle,:]
            kFace = np.where(facesEle == i)[0]
            if kFace == 0:  # Face 1
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[0], edgesEle[1], edgesEle[2]]
            elif kFace == 1:  # Face 2
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[0], edgesEle[4], edgesEle[3]]
            elif kFace == 2:  # Face 3
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[1], edgesEle[5], edgesEle[4]]
            elif kFace == 3:  # Face 4
                facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[2], edgesEle[5], edgesEle[3]]

        num_faces_per_element = 4
        num_edges_per_face = 3
        data = np.array((facesE[elemsF[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
        data = data.reshape(nElems, num_faces_per_element*num_edges_per_face)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/facesEdges.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing dofs connectivity
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     DOFs connectivity')

        # Compute degrees of freedom connectivity
        dofs, dof_edges, dof_faces, _, total_num_dofs = computeConnectivityDOFS(elemsE,elemsF,model.basis_order)

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = dofs.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], dofs)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/dofs.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing boundaries
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Boundaries')

        # Compute boundary faces
        bFacesN, bFaces = computeBoundaryFaces(elemsF, facesN)

        # Compute boundary edges
        bEdges = computeBoundaryEdges(edgesNodes, bFacesN)

        # Compute dofs on boundaries
        _, indx_boundary_dofs = computeBoundaries(dofs, dof_edges, dof_faces, bEdges, bFaces, model.basis_order);

        # Build PETSc structures
        vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(indx_boundary_dofs)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/boundaries.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing sigma model
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Conductivity model')

        # Read element's tag
        elemsS, nElems = readGmshPhysicalGroups(model.mesh_file)

        # Build conductivity arrays
        conductivityModel = np.zeros((nElems, 2), dtype=np.float)
        for i in np.arange(nElems):
            # Set horizontal sigma
            conductivityModel[i, 0] = model.sigma_horizontal[[i])]
            # Set vertical sigma
            conductivityModel[i, 1] = model.sigma_vertical[[i])]

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = conductivityModel.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], conductivityModel)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/conductivityModel.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing receivers
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master('     Receivers')

        # Open receivers_file
        fileID = h5py.File(model.receivers_file, 'r')

        # Read receivers
        receivers = fileID.get('data')[()]

        # Number of receivers
        if receivers.ndim == 1:
            nReceivers = 1
            dim = receivers.shape
            nReceivers = dim[0]

        # Build Delaunay triangulation with nodes
        tri = Delaunay(nodes)

        # Overwrite Delaunay structure with mesh_file connectivity and points
        tri.simplices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)
        tri.vertices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)

        # Find out which tetrahedral element points are in
        recvElems = tri.find_simplex(receivers, bruteforce=True, tol=1.e-12)

        # Find out which tetrahedral element source point is in
        srcElem = tri.find_simplex(model.src_position, bruteforce=True, tol=1.e-12)

        # Determine if all receiver points were found
        idx = np.where(np.logical_or(recvElems>nElems, recvElems<0))[0]

        # If idx is not empty, there are receivers outside the domain
        if idx.size != 0:
            Print.master('        The following receivers were not located and will not be taken into account ' + str(idx))
            # Update number of receivers
            nReceivers = nReceivers - len(idx)

            if nReceivers == 0:
                Print.master('     No receiver has been found. Nothing to do. Aborting')

            # Remove idx from receivers matrix
            receivers = np.delete(receivers, idx, axis=0)

            # Remove idx from recvElems
            recvElems = np.delete(recvElems, idx, axis=0)

        # If srcElem is empty, source not located
        if srcElem == 0:
            Print.master('        Source no located in the computational domain. Please, improve the mesh quality')

        # Compute number of dofs per element
        num_dof_in_element =*(model.basis_order+2)*(model.basis_order+3)/2)

        # Allocate
        data_receiver = np.zeros((nReceivers, 53+num_dof_in_element), dtype=np.float)

        # Fill tmp matrix with receiver positions, element coordinates and
        # nodal indexes
        for i in np.arange(nReceivers):
            # If there is one receiver
            if nReceivers == 1:
                # Get index of tetrahedral element (receiver container)
                iEle = recvElems
                # Get dofs of element container
                dofsElement = dofs[iEle]
            # If there are more than one receivers
                # Get index of tetrahedral element (receiver container)
                iEle = recvElems[i]
                # Get dofs of element container
                dofsElement = dofs[iEle, :]

            # Get indexes of nodes for iand insert
            nodesReceiver = elemsN[iEle, :]
            data_receiver[i, 0:4] = nodesReceiver
            # Get nodes coordinates for i and insert
            coordEle = nodes[nodesReceiver, :]
            coordEle = coordEle.flatten()
            data_receiver[i, 4:16] = coordEle
            # Get indexes of faces for i and insert
            facesReceiver = elemsF[iEle, :]
            data_receiver[i, 16:20] = facesReceiver
            # Get edges indexes for faces in i and insert
            edgesReceiver = facesE[facesReceiver, :]
            edgesReceiver = edgesReceiver.flatten()
            data_receiver[i, 20:32] = edgesReceiver
            # Get indexes of edges for i and insert
            edgesReceiver = elemsE[iEle, :]
            data_receiver[i, 32:38] = edgesReceiver
            # Get node indexes for edges in i and insert
            edgesNodesReceiver = edgesNodes[edgesReceiver, :]
            edgesNodesReceiver = edgesNodesReceiver.flatten()
            data_receiver[i, 38:50] = edgesNodesReceiver
            # Get receiver coordinates
            coordReceiver = receivers[i,: ]
            data_receiver[i, 50:53] = coordReceiver
            # Get dofs for srcElem and insert
            dofsReceiver = dofsElement
            data_receiver[i, 53::] = dofsReceiver

        # Get matrix dimensions
        size = data_receiver.shape

        # Build PETSc structures
        matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(size[0], size[1], data_receiver)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/receivers.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM receivers in PETSc format
            writeParallelDenseMatrix(out_path, matrix, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # Compute number of dofs per element
        num_dof_in_element =*(model.basis_order+2)*(model.basis_order+3)/2)

        # Build data for source insertion
        vector = np.zeros(50+num_dof_in_element, dtype=np.float)

        # Get indexes of nodes for srcElem and insert
        nodesSource = elemsN[srcElem, :]
        vector[0:4] = nodesSource
        # Get nodes coordinates for srcElem and insert
        coordSource = nodes[nodesSource, :]
        coordSource = coordSource.flatten()
        vector[4:16] = coordSource
        # Get indexes of faces for srcElem and insert
        facesSource = elemsF[srcElem, :]
        vector[16:20] = facesSource
        # Get edges indexes for faces in srcElem and insert
        edgesFace = facesE[facesSource, :]
        edgesFace = edgesFace.flatten()
        vector[20:32] = edgesFace
        # Get indexes of edges for srcElem and insert
        edgesSource = elemsE[srcElem, :]
        vector[32:38] = edgesSource
        # Get node indexes for edges in srcElem and insert
        edgesNodesSource = edgesNodes[edgesSource, :]
        edgesNodesSource = edgesNodesSource.flatten()
        vector[38:50] = edgesNodesSource
        # Get dofs for srcElem and insert
        dofsSource = dofs[srcElem,:]
        vector[50::] = dofsSource

        # Build PETSc structures
        vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(vector)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/source.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Sparsity pattern
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Setup valence for each basis order (adding a small percentage to keep safe)
        valence = np.array([50, 200, 400, 800, 1400, 2500])

        # Build nnz pattern for each row
        nnz = np.full((total_num_dofs), valence[model.basis_order-1],

        # Build PETSc structures
        vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(nnz)

        # Build path to save the file
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/nnz.dat'

        if parEnv.rank == 0:
            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Print mesh statistics
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master(' ')
        Print.master('  Mesh statistics')
        Print.master('     Number of elements:   {0:12}'.format(str(nElems)))
        Print.master('     Number of faces:      {0:12}'.format(str(nFaces)))
        Print.master('     Number of edges:      {0:12}'.format(str(nEdges)))
        Print.master('     Number of dofs:       {0:12}'.format(str(total_num_dofs)))
        Print.master('     Number of boundaries: {0:12}'.format(str(len(indx_boundary_dofs))))

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Print data model
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Print.master(' ')
        Print.master('  Model data')
        Print.master('     Number of materials:    {0:12}'.format(str(np.max(elemsS)+1)))
        Print.master('     Vector basis order:     {0:12}'.format(str(model.basis_order)))
        Print.master('     Frequency (Hz):         {0:12}'.format(str(model.frequency)))
        Print.master('     Source position (xyz):  {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_position)))
        Print.master('     Source azimuth:         {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_azimuth)))
        Print.master('     Source dip:             {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_dip)))
        Print.master('     Source current:         {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_current)))
        Print.master('     Source length:          {0:12}'.format(str(model.src_length)))
        Print.master('     Sigma horizontal:       {0:12}'.format(str(model.sigma_horizontal)))
        Print.master('     Sigma vertical:         {0:12}'.format(str(model.sigma_vertical)))
        Print.master('     Number of receivers:    {0:12}'.format(str(nReceivers)))

        # Apply barrier for MPI tasks alignement

        # Stop timer
Exemple #15
        b = points_3d[simple[1]]
        c = points_3d[simple[2]]
        mesh.add_facet((a, b, c))
        # print(a, b, c)

    for simple in tri.simplices[mask]:
        a1 = [points_3d[simple[0]][0], points_3d[simple[0]][1], points_3d[simple[0]][2]]
        a1[2] = zscale * zmin + args.base
        b1 = [points_3d[simple[1]][0], points_3d[simple[1]][1], points_3d[simple[1]][2]]
        b1[2] = zscale * zmin + args.base
        c1 = [points_3d[simple[2]][0], points_3d[simple[2]][1], points_3d[simple[2]][2]]
        c1[2] = zscale * zmin + args.base
        mesh.add_facet((a1, b1, c1))
        # print(a1, b1, c1)

    tri.simplices = tri.simplices[mask]

    ch = ConcaveHull()

    hull_points = np.vstack(ch.boundary.exterior.coords.xy).T.tolist()
    # print(hull_points[:2])

    points_2d = points_2d.tolist()
    # print(points_2d[:2])
    for i, hp in enumerate(hull_points):
        if i == len(hull_points)-1:
        # print(hp)
        ind = points_2d.index(hp)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Preprocessing receivers
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    Print.master('     Receivers')

    # Setup receivers
    receivers = np.vstack((inline, broadside))
    # Number of receivers
    nReceivers = receivers.shape[0]

    # Build Delaunay triangulation with nodes
    tri = Delaunay(nodes)

    # Overwrite Delaunay structure with mesh_file connectivity and points
    tri.simplices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)
    tri.vertices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)

    # Find out which tetrahedral element points are in
    recvElems = tri.find_simplex(receivers, bruteforce=True, tol=1.e-12)

    # Determine if all receiver points were found
    idx = np.where(np.logical_or(recvElems > nElems, recvElems < 0))[0]

    # If idx is not empty, there are receivers outside the domain
    if idx.size != 0:
            '        The following receivers were not located and will not be taken into account '
            + str(idx))
        # Update number of receivers
        nReceivers = nReceivers - len(idx)
Exemple #17
x_res = 141.7/512
y_res = x_res
z_res = .8

res_arr = np.array([x_res, y_res, z_res])

x_pix = 512
y_pix = x_pix
z_pix = 151

mesh ='ProcessedMSHs/Gel4I.msh')

points_pix = mesh.points/res_arr
mins = np.floor(points_pix.min(0)).astype(int)
maxs = np.ceil(points_pix.max(0)).astype(int)

test_points = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(mins[0], maxs[0]+1),
                                   np.arange(mins[1], maxs[1]+1),
                                   np.arange(mins[2], maxs[2]+1))).T.reshape(-1,3)

tri = Delaunay(points_pix)
tri.simplices = mesh.cells['triangle'].astype(np.int32)
output = np.asarray([tri.find_simplex(point) for point in test_points])
ind = np.argwhere(output>=0).flatten()
inside_points = test_points[ind]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(inside_points[:, 0], inside_points[:, 1], inside_points[:, 2], s=3, c='g')

Exemple #18
    def run(self, inputSetup):
        """Run a preprocessing task.

        :param obj inputSetup: inputSetup object.
        :return: None
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Obtain the MPI environment
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        parEnv = MPIEnvironment()

        # Start timer

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Preprocessing (sequential task)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        if (parEnv.rank == 0):
            # Parameters shortcut (for code legibility)
            model = inputSetup.model
            run =
            output = inputSetup.output
            out_dir = output.get('directory_scratch')
            # Compute number of dofs per element
            basis_order = run.get('nord')
            num_dof_in_element = * (basis_order + 2) *
                                        (basis_order + 3) / 2)
            if (model.get('mode') == 'csem'):
                mode = 'csem'
            elif (model.get('mode') == 'mt'):
                mode = 'mt'
            # Get data model
            data_model = model.get(mode)

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Import mesh file
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            mesh_file = model.get('mesh')
            # Import mesh
            mesh =
            # Number of elements
            size = mesh.cells[0][1][:].shape
            nElems = size[0]

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing nodal coordinates
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Nodal coordinates')

            # Build coordinates in PETGEM format where each row
            # represent the xyz coordinates of the 4 tetrahedral element
            num_dimensions = 3
            num_nodes_per_element = 4
            data = mesh.points[mesh.cells[0][1][:], :]
            data = data.reshape(nElems, num_dimensions * num_nodes_per_element)

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = data.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], data)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/nodes.dat'

            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            # Remove temporal matrix
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing mesh connectivity
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Mesh connectivity')

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = mesh.cells[0][1][:].shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], mesh.cells[0][1][:])

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/meshConnectivity.dat'

            # Write PETGEM connectivity in PETSc format
            # Remove temporal matrix
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing edges connectivity
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Edges connectivity')

            # Compute edges
            elemsE, edgesNodes = computeEdges(mesh.cells[0][1][:], nElems)
            nEdges = edgesNodes.shape[0]

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = elemsE.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], elemsE)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/edges.dat'

            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            # Remove temporal matrix
            del matrix

            # Reshape edgesNodes and save
            num_nodes_per_edge = 2
            num_edges_per_element = 6
            data = np.array((edgesNodes[elemsE[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
            data = data.reshape(nElems,
                                num_nodes_per_edge * num_edges_per_element)

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = data.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], data)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/edgesNodes.dat'

            # Write PETGEM edgesNodes in PETSc format
            # Remove temporal matrix
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing faces connectivity
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Faces connectivity')

            # Compute faces
            elemsF, facesN = computeFaces(mesh.cells[0][1][:], nElems)
            nFaces = facesN.shape[0]

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = elemsF.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], elemsF)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/faces.dat'

            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            # Remove temporal matrix
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing faces-edges connectivity
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Faces-edges connectivity')

            facesE = computeFacesEdges(elemsF, elemsE, nFaces, nElems)

            num_faces_per_element = 4
            num_edges_per_face = 3
            data = np.array((facesE[elemsF[:], :]), dtype=np.float)
            data = data.reshape(nElems,
                                num_faces_per_element * num_edges_per_face)

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = data.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], data)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/facesEdges.dat'

            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing dofs connectivity
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     DOFs connectivity')

            # Compute degrees of freedom connectivity
            basis_order = run.get('nord')
            dofs, dof_edges, dof_faces, _, total_num_dofs = computeConnectivityDOFS(
                elemsE, elemsF, basis_order)

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = dofs.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], dofs)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/dofs.dat'

            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing sigma model
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Conductivity model')

            i_model = data_model.get('sigma')

            if (run.get('conductivity_from_file')):
                # Open sigma file
                sigma_file = i_model.get('file')
                fileID = h5py.File(sigma_file, 'r')

                # Read sigma file
                conductivityModel = fileID.get('data')[()]

                # Get physical groups
                elemsS = mesh.cell_data['gmsh:physical'][0]
                elemsS -=  # 0-based indexing

                # Get horizontal sigma
                horizontal_sigma = i_model.get('horizontal')
                vertical_sigma = i_model.get('vertical')

                # Allocate conductivity array
                conductivityModel = np.zeros((nElems, 2), dtype=np.float)

                for i in np.arange(nElems):
                    # Set horizontal sigma
                                      0] = horizontal_sigma[[i])]

                    # Set vertical sigma
                    conductivityModel[i, 1] = vertical_sigma[[i])]

            # Get matrix dimensions
            size = conductivityModel.shape

            # Build PETSc structures
            matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                size[0], size[1], conductivityModel)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/conductivityModel.dat'

            # Write PETGEM edges in PETSc format
            del matrix

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing boundaries
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Boundaries')

            # Compute boundary faces
            bFacesN, bFaces, nbFaces = computeBoundaryFaces(elemsF, facesN)

            # Build array with boundary dofs for csem mode (dirichlet BC)
            if (mode == 'csem'):
                # Compute boundary edges
                bEdges = computeBoundaryEdges(edgesNodes, bFacesN)

                # Compute dofs on boundaries
                _, indx_boundary_dofs = computeBoundaries(
                    dofs, dof_edges, dof_faces, bEdges, bFaces, basis_order)

                # Build PETSc structures
                vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(indx_boundary_dofs)

                # Build path to save the file
                out_path = out_dir + '/boundaries.dat'

                # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
                del vector

            elif (mode == 'mt'):
                # Compute to what plane the boundary face belongs
                planeFace = computeFacePlane(mesh.points, bFaces, bFacesN)

                # Compute boundary elements
                bElems, numbElems = computeBoundaryElements(
                    elemsF, bFaces, nFaces)

                if (nbFaces != numbElems):
                        '     Number of boundary faces is not consistent.')

                # Allocate
                data_boundaries = np.zeros((nbFaces, 53 + num_dof_in_element),

                # Fill tmp matrix with data for boundary faces
                for i in np.arange(nbFaces):
                    # Get index of tetrahedral element (boundary element)
                    iEle = bElems[i]
                    # Get dofs of element container
                    dofsElement = dofs[iEle, :]

                    # Get indexes of nodes for i-boundary element and insert
                    nodesBoundaryElement = mesh.cells[0][1][iEle, :]
                    data_boundaries[i, 0:4] = nodesBoundaryElement
                    # Get nodes coordinates for i-boundary element and insert
                    coordEle = mesh.points[nodesBoundaryElement, :]
                    coordEle = coordEle.flatten()
                    data_boundaries[i, 4:16] = coordEle
                    # Get indexes of faces for i-boundary element and insert
                    facesBoundaryElement = elemsF[iEle, :]
                    data_boundaries[i, 16:20] = facesBoundaryElement
                    # Get edges indexes for faces in i-boundary element and insert
                    edgesBoundaryFace = facesE[facesBoundaryElement, :]
                    edgesBoundaryFace = edgesBoundaryFace.flatten()
                    data_boundaries[i, 20:32] = edgesBoundaryFace
                    # Get indexes of edges for i-boundary and insert
                    edgesBoundaryElement = elemsE[iEle, :]
                    data_boundaries[i, 32:38] = edgesBoundaryElement
                    # Get node indexes for edges in i-boundary and insert
                    edgesNodesBoundaryElement = edgesNodes[
                        edgesBoundaryElement, :]
                    edgesNodesBoundaryElement = edgesNodesBoundaryElement.flatten(
                    data_boundaries[i, 38:50] = edgesNodesBoundaryElement
                    # Get plane face
                    ifacetype = planeFace[i]
                    data_boundaries[i, 50] = ifacetype
                    # Get global face index
                    localFaceIndex = bFaces[i]
                    data_boundaries[i, 51] = localFaceIndex
                    # Get sigma value
                    sigmaEle = conductivityModel[iEle, 0]
                    data_boundaries[i, 52] = sigmaEle
                    # Get dofs for boundary element and insert
                    dofsBoundaryElement = dofsElement
                    data_boundaries[i, 53::] = dofsBoundaryElement

                # Get matrix dimensions
                size = data_boundaries.shape

                # Build PETSc structures
                matrix = createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(
                    size[0], size[1], data_boundaries)

                # Build path to save the file
                out_path = out_dir + '/boundaryElements.dat'

                # Write PETGEM receivers in PETSc format
                del matrix
                del data_boundaries

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Preprocessing receivers
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master('     Receivers')

            # Open receivers_file
            receivers_file = model.get('receivers')
            fileID = h5py.File(receivers_file, 'r')

            # Read receivers
            receivers = fileID.get('data')[()]

            # Number of receivers
            if receivers.ndim == 1:
                nReceivers = 1
                dim = receivers.shape
                nReceivers = dim[0]

            # Find out which tetrahedral element source point is in (only for csem mode)
            if (mode == 'csem'):
                # Allocate vector to save source data
                data_source = np.zeros(50 + num_dof_in_element, dtype=np.float)

                i_model = data_model.get('source')

                # Get source position
                i_source_position = np.asarray(i_model.get('position'),

                # Build Delaunay triangulation with nodes
                tri = Delaunay(mesh.points)

                # Overwrite Delaunay structure with mesh_file connectivity and points
                tri.simplices = mesh.cells[0][1][:].astype(np.int32)
                tri.vertices = mesh.cells[0][1][:].astype(np.int32)

                srcElem = tri.find_simplex(i_source_position,

                # If srcElem=-1, source not located
                if srcElem < 0:
                        '        Source no located in the computational domain. Please, verify source position or improve the mesh quality.'

                # Build data for source insertion
                # Get indexes of nodes for srcElem and insert
                nodesSource = mesh.cells[0][1][srcElem, :]
                data_source[0:4] = nodesSource
                # Get nodes coordinates for srcElem and insert
                coordSource = mesh.points[nodesSource, :]
                coordSource = coordSource.flatten()
                data_source[4:16] = coordSource
                # Get indexes of faces for srcElem and insert
                facesSource = elemsF[srcElem, :]
                data_source[16:20] = facesSource
                # Get edges indexes for faces in srcElem and insert
                edgesFace = facesE[facesSource, :]
                edgesFace = edgesFace.flatten()
                data_source[20:32] = edgesFace
                # Get indexes of edges for srcElem and insert
                edgesSource = elemsE[srcElem, :]
                data_source[32:38] = edgesSource
                # Get node indexes for edges in srcElem and insert
                edgesNodesSource = edgesNodes[edgesSource, :]
                edgesNodesSource = edgesNodesSource.flatten()
                data_source[38:50] = edgesNodesSource
                # Get dofs for srcElem and insert
                dofsSource = dofs[srcElem, :]
                data_source[50::] = dofsSource

                # Get matrix dimensions
                size = data_source.shape

                # Build PETSc structures
                vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(data_source)

                # Build path to save the file
                out_path = out_dir + '/source.dat'

                # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
                del vector

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Sparsity pattern
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Setup valence for each basis order (adding a small percentage to keep safe)
            valence = np.array([50, 200, 400, 800, 1400, 2500])

            # Build nnz pattern for each row
            nnz = np.full((total_num_dofs),
                          valence[basis_order - 1],

            # Build PETSc structures
            vector = createSequentialVectorWithArray(nnz)

            # Build path to save the file
            out_path = out_dir + '/nnz.dat'

            # Write PETGEM nodes in PETSc format
            writePetscVector(out_path, vector, communicator=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Print mesh statistics
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master(' ')
            Print.master('  Mesh statistics')
            Print.master('     Mesh file:            {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Number of elements:   {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Number of faces:      {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Number of edges:      {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Number of dofs:       {0:12}'.format(
            if (mode == 'csem'):
                Print.master('     Number of boundaries: {0:12}'.format(

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Print data model
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Print.master(' ')
            Print.master('  Model data')
            Print.master('     Modeling mode:       {0:12}'.format(str(mode)))
            i_sigma = data_model.get('sigma')

            if (run.get('conductivity_from_file')):
                Print.master('     Conductivity file:   {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('     Horizontal conductivity:  {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('     Vertical conductivity:    {0:12}'.format(

            if (mode == 'csem'):
                i_source = data_model.get('source')
                Print.master('     Source:')
                Print.master('      - Frequency (Hz):  {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('      - Position (xyz):  {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('      - Azimuth:         {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('      - Dip:             {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('      - Current:         {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('      - Length:          {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('     Frequency (Hz):           {0:12}'.format(
                Print.master('     Polarization:             {0:12}'.format(

            Print.master('     Vector basis order:       {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Receivers file:           {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Number of receivers:      {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     VTK output:               {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Cuda support:             {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Output directory:         {0:12}'.format(
            Print.master('     Scratch directory:        {0:12}'.format(

        # Stop timer

        # Apply barrier for MPI tasks alignement

def create_alpha_mask(points,
        Creates interpolation grid, then masks over the alpha shape spanned up by points and defined by distance_limit.
            points              - Required  : points spanning up alpha shape
            distance_limit      - Required  : distance threshold for removing Delaunay simplices  
            resolution_x        - Optional  : resolution for grid in x, default is 1000
            resolution_y        - Optional  : resolution for grid in y, default is 1000
            visualization       - Optional  : boolean for visualizing result, default is False
            grid_mask           : An array containing 1 for cells inside, and 0 for cells outside

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
    import matplotlib.path as mplPath

    # Create Grid

    # Create meshgrid
    xi = np.transpose(
        np.linspace(min(points[:, 0]), max(points[:, 0]), resolution_x))
    yi = np.transpose(
        np.linspace(min(points[:, 1]), max(points[:, 1]), resolution_y))
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)

    # Reshape into vector
    gridpoints_x = np.reshape(X, resolution_x * resolution_y)
    gridpoints_y = np.reshape(Y, resolution_x * resolution_y)

    # Combine into gridpoints array
    gridpoints = np.transpose(np.asarray((gridpoints_x, gridpoints_y)))

    # Create Alpha Shape

    # Start Delaunay triangulation
    tri = Delaunay(points)

    # Auxiliary function for plotting, if required
    if visualization == True:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        edges = set()
        edge_points = []

        def add_edge(i, j):
            """Add a line between the i-th and j-th points, if not in the list already"""
            if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
                # already added
            edges.add((i, j))
            edge_points.append(points[[i, j]])

    # Remove simplices outside of distance_limit
    simplex_flag = np.zeros(len(tri.simplices[:, 0]))  # Flags bad simplices
    counter = 0
    for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
        # ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the triangle
        if np.sqrt((points[ia,0]-points[ib,0])**2+(points[ia,1]-points[ib,1])**2) < distance_limit and \
            np.sqrt((points[ia,0]-points[ic,0])**2+(points[ia,1]-points[ic,1])**2) < distance_limit and \
            np.sqrt((points[ib,0]-points[ic,0])**2+(points[ib,1]-points[ic,1])**2) < distance_limit:
            # do nothing
            simplex_flag[counter] = 0
            # simplex has at least one side larger than threshold, flag it
            simplex_flag[counter] = 1
        counter += 1
    tri.simplices = tri.simplices[simplex_flag == 0, :]  # Remove bad simplices
    tri.vertices = tri.vertices[simplex_flag == 0, :]  # Remove bad simplices

    # Visualize, if requested
    if visualization == True:
        # Mark all remaining simplices
        for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
            add_edge(ia, ib)
            add_edge(ib, ic)
            add_edge(ic, ia)
        # Draw them
        lines = LineCollection(edge_points)
        plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'o')

    # Mask over Alpha Shape

    # Prepare point flag
    flag_gridpoints = np.zeros(len(gridpoints[:, 0]),

    # Evaluate gridpoints
    for sim in range(len(tri.simplices[:, 0])):

        # Print progress bar
        cv = sim
        mv = len(tri.simplices[:, 0]) - 1
        print('\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' %
              ('Masking: ', '\033[33m' + '█' * int(50 * cv // mv) + '-' *
               (50 - int(50 * cv // mv)) + '\033[0m',
               ("{0:." + str(1) + "f}").format(100 *
                                               (cv / float(mv))), ' Complete'),

        # Create simplex path
        bbPath = mplPath.Path(
                points[tri.simplices[sim, 0], :], points[tri.simplices[sim,
                                                                       1], :],
                points[tri.simplices[sim, 2], :], points[tri.simplices[sim,
                                                                       0], :]

        # Flag points that are inside this simplex
        for gridpts in range(len(gridpoints[:, 0])):
            if flag_gridpoints[
                    gridpts] == 0:  # only process points not already allocated
                if bbPath.contains_point(
                    (gridpoints[gridpts, 0], gridpoints[gridpts, 1])) == True:
                    flag_gridpoints[gridpts] = 1

    # Plot, if required
    if visualization == True:
        plt.scatter(gridpoints[flag_gridpoints == 1, 0],
                    gridpoints[flag_gridpoints == 1, 1],
        plt.scatter(gridpoints[flag_gridpoints == 0, 0],
                    gridpoints[flag_gridpoints == 0, 1],

    # Reshape flag_gridpoints into a 2D array
    global grid_mask
    grid_mask = np.reshape(flag_gridpoints, (resolution_y, resolution_x))

    # Return result
    return grid_mask
Exemple #20
def morph_face(src_face, src_pts, tgt_pts, tgt_width, tgt_height):
    src_y, src_x, _ = src_face.shape
    if not src_x == tgt_width and not src_y == tgt_height:
        adjusted_face = cv2.resize(src_face, (tgt_width, tgt_height), interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        adjusted_pts = np.copy(src_pts)
        adjusted_pts[:, 0] = adjusted_pts[:, 0] * float(tgt_width) / float(src_x)
        adjusted_pts[:, 1] = adjusted_pts[:, 1] * float(tgt_height) / float(src_y)
        adjusted_pts = np.rint(adjusted_pts).astype(dtype=int)
        adjusted_face = np.copy(src_face)
        adjusted_pts = np.copy(src_pts)
    s_pts = np.append(adjusted_pts, [[0, 0], [tgt_width - 1, 0], [tgt_width - 1, tgt_height - 1], [0, tgt_height - 1]], axis=0)
    t_pts = np.append(tgt_pts, [[0, 0], [tgt_width - 1, 0], [tgt_width - 1, tgt_height - 1], [0, tgt_height - 1]], axis=0)
    avg_shape = (s_pts + t_pts) / 2.0

    tri = Delaunay(avg_shape)

    src_tri = Delaunay(s_pts)
    src_tri.simplices = tri.simplices.copy()
    tgt_tri = Delaunay(t_pts)
    tgt_tri.simplices = tri.simplices.copy()

    morphed_face = np.empty(shape=(tgt_height, tgt_width, 3))

    src_mat = []

    for t in tri.simplices:
        p1 = src_tri.points[t[0]]
        p2 = src_tri.points[t[1]]
        p3 = src_tri.points[t[2]]
        A = np.matrix([[p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]], [p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]], [1, 1, 1]])

    tri_mat = []
    for t in tri.simplices:
        p1 = tgt_tri.points[t[0]]
        p2 = tgt_tri.points[t[1]]
        p3 = tgt_tri.points[t[2]]
        A = np.matrix([[p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]], [p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]], [1, 1, 1]])
        tri_mat.append((A, A.I))

    y = np.arange(0, tgt_height)
    x = np.arange(0, tgt_width)
    points = np.array(list(itertools.product(x, y)))
    one_column = np.ones(points.shape[0])[np.newaxis].T
    points_homo = np.transpose(np.hstack((points, one_column)), axes=(1, 0))
    inTri = Delaunay.find_simplex(tgt_tri, points, bruteforce=True)

    count = 0

    for t in tri.simplices:
        indices = np.where(inTri == count)[0]
        tri_bary =[count][1], np.take(points_homo, indices=indices, axis=1))
        src_pixels = np.array(np.rint([count], tri_bary)[0:2,:]).astype(dtype=int).T)
        tgt_pixels = np.take(points, indices=indices, axis=0)
        morphed_face[tgt_pixels[:, 1], tgt_pixels[:, 0]] = adjusted_face[src_pixels[:, 1], src_pixels[:, 0]]
        count = count + 1

    # plt.imshow(morphed_face)

    # misc.imsave("morphed_face.png", morphed_face)
    return morphed_face

# morph_face(np.asarray("./Faces/Marq.png")), np.asarray("./Faces/Marq.png")), np.loadtxt("./Faces/Marq.csv"), np.loadtxt("./Faces/Smile.csv"), 1000, 667)
def fieldInterpolator(solution_vector, nodes, elemsN, elemsE, edgesN, elemsF,
                      facesE, dof_connectivity, points, inputSetup):
    """Interpolate electromagnetic field for a set of 3D points.

    :param ndarray-petsc solution_vector: vector field to be interpolated
    :param ndarray nodes: nodal coordinates
    :param ndarray elemsN: elements-node connectivity with dimensions = (number_elements, 4)
    :param ndarray elemsE: elements-edge connectivity with dimensions = (number_elements, 6)
    :param ndarray edgesN: edge-node connectivity with dimensions = (number_edges, 2)
    :param ndarray elemsF: element-faces connectivity with dimensions = (number_elements, 4)
    :param ndarray facesE: face-edges connectivity with dimensions = (number_faces, 3)
    :param ndarray dof_connectivity: local/global dofs list for elements, dofs index on edges, dofs index on faces, dofs index on volumes, total number of dofs
    :param ndarray points: point coordinates
    :param obj inputSetup: inputSetup object.
    :return: electromagnetic fields for a set of 3D points
    :rtype: ndarray and int
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initialization
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Parameters shortcut (for code legibility)
    model = inputSetup.model
    run =
    basis_order = run.get('nord')
    if (model.get('mode') == 'csem'):
        mode = 'csem'
        data_model = model.get(mode)  # Get data model
        frequency = data_model.get('source').get('frequency')
    elif (model.get('mode') == 'mt'):
        mode = 'mt'
        data_model = model.get(mode)  # Get data model
        frequency = data_model.get('frequency')
    omega = frequency * 2. * np.pi
    mu = 4. * np.pi * 1e-7
    Const = np.sqrt(-1. + 0.j) * omega * mu

    # Number of elements
    size = elemsN.shape
    nElems = size[0]
    # Number of nodes
    #size = nodes.shape
    #nNodes = size[0]

    # Num dof per element
    num_dof_in_element = * (basis_order + 2) *
                                (basis_order + 3) / 2)

    # Number of points
    if points.ndim == 1:
        nPoints = 1
        dim = points.shape
        nPoints = dim[0]

    # Find where receivers are located
    tri = Delaunay(nodes)

    # Overwrite Delaunay structure with mesh_file connectivity and points
    tri.simplices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)
    tri.vertices = elemsN.astype(np.int32)

    # Find out which tetrahedral element points are in
    points_in_elements = tri.find_simplex(points, bruteforce=True, tol=1.e-12)

    # Determine if all points were found
    idx = np.where(
        np.logical_or(points_in_elements > nElems, points_in_elements < 0))[0]

    # If idx is not empty, there are points outside the domain
    if idx.size != 0:
            '        The following receivers were not located and will not be taken into account '
            + str(idx))
        # Update number of receivers
        nPoints = nPoints - len(idx)

        if nPoints == 0:
                '     No point has been found. Nothing to do. Aborting')

        # Remove idx from points matrix
        points = np.delete(points, idx, axis=0)

        # Remove idx from points_in_elements
        points_in_elements = np.delete(points_in_elements, idx, axis=0)

    indx_ele = points_in_elements

    # Allocate array
    fields = np.zeros((nPoints, 6), dtype=np.complex)

    # Interpolate electromagnetic field for all points
    for i in np.arange(nPoints):
        # Get element index
        iEle = indx_ele[i]

        # Get dofs of element container
        dofsEle = dof_connectivity[iEle, :]
        # Get receiver coordinates
        coordPoints = points[i, :]
        # Get indexes of nodes for iEle
        nodesEle = elemsN[iEle, :]
        # Get nodes coordinates for iEle
        coordEle = nodes[nodesEle, :]
        # Get indexes of faces for iEle
        facesEle = elemsF[iEle, :]
        # Get edges indexes for faces
        edgesFace = facesE[facesEle, :]
        # Get indexes of edges for iEle
        edgesEle = elemsE[iEle, :]
        # Get node indexes for edges in i and insert
        edgesNodesEle = edgesN[edgesEle, :]

        # Compute jacobian for iEle
        jacobian, invjacobian = computeJacobian(coordEle)

        # Compute global orientation for iEle
        edge_orientation, face_orientation = computeElementOrientation(
            edgesEle, nodesEle, edgesNodesEle, edgesFace)

        # Transform xyz source position to XiEtaZeta coordinates (reference tetrahedral element)
        XiEtaZeta = tetrahedronXYZToXiEtaZeta(coordEle, coordPoints)

        # Compute basis for i
        basis, curl_basis = computeBasisFunctions(edge_orientation,
                                                  face_orientation, jacobian,
                                                  invjacobian, basis_order,

        # Get global dofs from x vector
        realField = np.real(
        imagField = np.imag(

        for j in np.arange(num_dof_in_element):
            # Exyz[k] = Exyz[k] + real_part*basis + imag_part*basis
            fields[i, 0] += realField[j] * basis[0, j] + np.sqrt(
                -1. + 0.j) * imagField[j] * basis[0, j]
            fields[i, 1] += realField[j] * basis[1, j] + np.sqrt(
                -1. + 0.j) * imagField[j] * basis[1, j]
            fields[i, 2] += realField[j] * basis[2, j] + np.sqrt(
                -1. + 0.j) * imagField[j] * basis[2, j]
            # Hxyz[k] = Hxyz[k] + real_part*curl_basis + imag_part*curl_basis
            fields[i, 3] += realField[j] * curl_basis[0, j] + np.sqrt(
                -1. + 0.j) * imagField[j] * curl_basis[0, j]
            fields[i, 4] += realField[j] * curl_basis[1, j] + np.sqrt(
                -1. + 0.j) * imagField[j] * curl_basis[1, j]
            fields[i, 5] += realField[j] * curl_basis[2, j] + np.sqrt(
                -1. + 0.j) * imagField[j] * curl_basis[2, j]

    # Following Maxwell equations, apply constant factor to compute magnetic field
    fields[:, 3::] /= Const

    return fields