Exemple #1
def multiply_into_group(group, mx):
  if mx in group:
  mx = matrix.sqr(mx)
  for mg in list(group):
    multiply_into_group(group, (matrix.sqr(mg) * mx).elems)
Exemple #2
def mci(m, c, i):
    """RBDA Eq. 2.63, p. 33:
Spatial rigid-body inertia from mass, CoM and rotational inertia.
Calculates the spatial inertia matrix of a rigid body from its
mass, centre of mass (3D vector) and rotational inertia (3x3 matrix)
about its centre of mass.
    cx = matrix.cross_product_matrix(c)
    return matrix.sqr((i + m * cx * cx.transpose(), m * cx, m * cx.transpose(),
                       m * matrix.identity(3))).resolve_partitions()
Exemple #3
def crm(v):
    """RBDA Eq. 2.31, p. 25:
Spatial cross-product operator (motion).
Calculates the 6x6 matrix such that the expression crm(v)*m is the
cross product of the spatial motion vectors v and m.
    v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 = v
    return matrix.sqr(
        (0, -v3, v2, 0, 0, 0, v3, 0, -v1, 0, 0, 0, -v2, v1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -v6,
         v5, 0, -v3, v2, v6, 0, -v4, v3, 0, -v1, -v5, v4, 0, -v2, v1, 0))
Exemple #4
def xrot(e):
    """RBDA Tab. 2.2, p. 23:
Spatial coordinate transform (rotation around origin).
Calculates the coordinate transform matrix from A to B coordinates
for spatial motion vectors, in which frame B is rotated relative to
frame A.
    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = e
    return matrix.sqr((a, b, c, 0, 0, 0, d, e, f, 0, 0, 0, g, h, i, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                       0, 0, a, b, c, 0, 0, 0, d, e, f, 0, 0, 0, g, h, i))
Exemple #5
 def __init__(O, qe):
   O.qe = qe
   O.q_size = len(qe)
   c, s = math.cos(qe[0]), math.sin(qe[0])
   e = matrix.sqr((c, s, 0, -s, c, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # RBDA Tab. 2.2
   O.cb_ps = matrix.rt((e, (0,0,0)))
   O.cb_sp = matrix.rt((e.transpose(), (0,0,0)))
   O.motion_subspace = matrix.col((0,0,1,0,0,0))
Exemple #6
 def __init__(O, qe):
     O.qe = qe
     O.q_size = len(qe)
     c, s = math.cos(qe[0]), math.sin(qe[0])
     e = matrix.sqr((c, s, 0, -s, c, 0, 0, 0, 1))  # RBDA Tab. 2.2
     O.cb_ps = matrix.rt((e, (0, 0, 0)))
     O.cb_sp = matrix.rt((e.transpose(), (0, 0, 0)))
     O.motion_subspace = matrix.col((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0))
Exemple #7
def xtrans(r):
    """RBDA Tab. 2.2, p. 23:
Spatial coordinate transform (translation of origin).
Calculates the coordinate transform matrix from A to B coordinates
for spatial motion vectors, in which frame B is translated by an
amount r (3D vector) relative to frame A.
    r1, r2, r3 = r
    return matrix.sqr(
        (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, r3, -r2, 1,
         0, 0, -r3, 0, r1, 0, 1, 0, r2, -r1, 0, 0, 0, 1))
def mci(m, c, i):
  """RBDA Eq. 2.63, p. 33:
Spatial rigid-body inertia from mass, CoM and rotational inertia.
Calculates the spatial inertia matrix of a rigid body from its
mass, centre of mass (3D vector) and rotational inertia (3x3 matrix)
about its centre of mass.
  cx = matrix.cross_product_matrix(c)
  return matrix.sqr((
    i + m*cx*cx.transpose(), m*cx,
    m*cx.transpose(), m*matrix.identity(3))).resolve_partitions()
def crm(v):
  """RBDA Eq. 2.31, p. 25:
Spatial cross-product operator (motion).
Calculates the 6x6 matrix such that the expression crm(v)*m is the
cross product of the spatial motion vectors v and m.
  v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6 = v
  return matrix.sqr((
      0, -v3,  v2,   0,   0,   0,
     v3,   0, -v1,   0,   0,   0,
    -v2,  v1,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0, -v6,  v5,   0, -v3,  v2,
     v6,   0, -v4,  v3,   0, -v1,
    -v5,  v4,   0, -v2,  v1,   0))
Exemple #10
def xtrans(r):
  """RBDA Tab. 2.2, p. 23:
Spatial coordinate transform (translation of origin).
Calculates the coordinate transform matrix from A to B coordinates
for spatial motion vectors, in which frame B is translated by an
amount r (3D vector) relative to frame A.
  r1,r2,r3 = r
  return matrix.sqr((
      1,   0,   0, 0, 0, 0,
      0,   1,   0, 0, 0, 0,
      0,   0,   1, 0, 0, 0,
      0,  r3, -r2, 1, 0, 0,
    -r3,   0,  r1, 0, 1, 0,
     r2, -r1,   0, 0, 0, 1))
Exemple #11
def xrot(e):
  """RBDA Tab. 2.2, p. 23:
Spatial coordinate transform (rotation around origin).
Calculates the coordinate transform matrix from A to B coordinates
for spatial motion vectors, in which frame B is rotated relative to
frame A.
  a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i = e
  return matrix.sqr((
     a,  b,  c,  0,  0,  0,
     d,  e,  f,  0,  0,  0,
     g,  h,  i,  0,  0,  0,
     0,  0,  0,  a,  b,  c,
     0,  0,  0,  d,  e,  f,
     0,  0,  0,  g,  h,  i))
Exemple #12
def d_unit_quaternion_d_qe_matrix(q):
  Coefficent matrix for converting gradients w.r.t. normalized Euler
  parameters to gradients w.r.t. non-normalized parameters, as produced
  e.g. by a minimizer in the line search.
  Mathematica code:
    nsq = p0^2+p1^2+p2^2+p3^2
    p0p = p0 / Sqrt[nsq]
    p1p = p1 / Sqrt[nsq]
    p2p = p2 / Sqrt[nsq]
    p3p = p3 / Sqrt[nsq]
    n3 = (p0^2+p1^2+p2^2+p3^2)^(3/2)
  p0,p1,p2,p3 = q
  p0s,p1s,p2s,p3s = p0**2, p1**2, p2**2, p3**2
  n3 = (p0s+p1s+p2s+p3s)**(3/2.)
  c00 = p1s+p2s+p3s
  c11 = p0s+p2s+p3s
  c22 = p0s+p1s+p3s
  c33 = p0s+p1s+p2s
  c01 = -p0*p1
  c02 = -p0*p2
  c03 = -p0*p3
  c12 = -p1*p2
  c13 = -p1*p3
  c23 = -p2*p3
  return matrix.sqr((
    c00, c01, c02, c03,
    c01, c11, c12, c13,
    c02, c12, c22, c23,
    c03, c13, c23, c33)) / n3
Exemple #13
def d_unit_quaternion_d_qe_matrix(q):
  Coefficent matrix for converting gradients w.r.t. normalized Euler
  parameters to gradients w.r.t. non-normalized parameters, as produced
  e.g. by a minimizer in the line search.
  Mathematica code:
    nsq = p0^2+p1^2+p2^2+p3^2
    p0p = p0 / Sqrt[nsq]
    p1p = p1 / Sqrt[nsq]
    p2p = p2 / Sqrt[nsq]
    p3p = p3 / Sqrt[nsq]
    n3 = (p0^2+p1^2+p2^2+p3^2)^(3/2)
    p0, p1, p2, p3 = q
    p0s, p1s, p2s, p3s = p0**2, p1**2, p2**2, p3**2
    n3 = (p0s + p1s + p2s + p3s)**(3 / 2.)
    c00 = p1s + p2s + p3s
    c11 = p0s + p2s + p3s
    c22 = p0s + p1s + p3s
    c33 = p0s + p1s + p2s
    c01 = -p0 * p1
    c02 = -p0 * p2
    c03 = -p0 * p3
    c12 = -p1 * p2
    c13 = -p1 * p3
    c23 = -p2 * p3
    return matrix.sqr((c00, c01, c02, c03, c01, c11, c12, c13, c02, c12, c22,
                       c23, c03, c13, c23, c33)) / n3
Exemple #14
def run(args):
  assert len(args) == 3, 'radius isituation cutoff'
  radius = int(args[0])
  isituation = int(args[1])
  cutoff = int(args[2])

  group_symmetry_masks = []
  r90 = (0, -1, 1, 0)
  mx = (-1, 0, 0, 1)
  group = set()
  multiply_into_group(group, r90)
  multiply_into_group(group, mx)
  ij_lookup_table = build_ij_lookup_table(radius)
  num_bits = len(ij_lookup_table)
  for mx in reversed(sorted(group)):
    mx = matrix.sqr(mx)
    symmetry_masks = [None] * num_bits
    a = 0
    for i in xrange(-radius, radius + 1):
      for j in xrange(-radius, radius + 1):
        p = matrix.col((i, j))
        q = mx * p
        b = get_ipacked(radius, *q.elems)
        if b is not None:
          assert ij_lookup_table[a] == p.elems
          assert ij_lookup_table[b] == q.elems
          symmetry_masks[b] = (0x1 << a)
          a += 1
    assert None not in symmetry_masks
    for a in xrange(num_bits):
      p = mx * matrix.col(ij_lookup_table[a])
      b = get_ipacked(radius, *p.elems)
      assert apply_symmetry_masks(symmetry_masks, (0x1 << a)) == (0x1 << b)
  group_symmetry_masks = tuple(group_symmetry_masks)
  assert len(group_symmetry_masks) == 8

  for ipacked in xrange(num_bits):
    assert get_ipacked_from_bit(0x1 << ipacked) == ipacked

  moves = build_moves(radius)
  center_bit = 0x1 << get_ipacked(radius, 0, 0)
  situations = (
      (0x1 << get_ipacked(radius,  0, -2) |
       0x1 << get_ipacked(radius, -2, -1) |
       0x1 << get_ipacked(radius, -1, -1)),
      ~center_bit & ((0x1 << num_bits) - 1),
      (0x1 << get_ipacked(radius, -3, -1) |
       0x1 << get_ipacked(radius,  1, -3) |
       0x1 << get_ipacked(radius,  3,  1) |
       0x1 << get_ipacked(radius, -1,  3)),

  print 'Constants for dfs_core.cc:'
  print num_bits
  print situations
  print get_ipacked(radius, 0, 0);
  for symmetry_mask in group_symmetry_masks:
    print symmetry_mask
  for move in moves:
    print move.fingerprint

  situation = situations[isituation]
  show_game(radius, situation)
  show_equiv_games(radius, situation, None, group_symmetry_masks)

  imoves_canonical = (
      7, 13, 0, 4, 20, 11, 22, 29, 32, 0, 30, 32, 40, 3, 45, 40,
      66, 47, 50, 5, 35, 58, 8, 65, 57, 74, 41, 72, 74, 63, 68)

  imoves = None
  if cutoff in [100, 101]:
    imoves = imoves_canonical
    if cutoff == 101:
      imoves = imoves[:-1] + (55,)
  elif cutoff == 200:
    imove_by_wiki = {}
    wne = build_wikipedia_notation_english(radius)
    for imove, move in enumerate(moves):
      pair = []
      for i in [0, 2]:
        ipacked = get_ipacked_from_bit(move.fingerprint[i])
      imove_by_wiki[''.join(pair)] = imove

    wiki_solution = (
    imoves = tuple([imove_by_wiki[pair] for pair in wiki_solution.split(',')])

  if imoves is not None:
    tracked_situations = [situation]
    for imove in imoves:
      move = moves[imove]
      next_situation = move.apply(situation)
      if next_situation is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid move.')
      show_equiv_games(radius, next_situation, situation, group_symmetry_masks)
      situation = next_situation

    if cutoff == 200:
      tracked_iter = iter(tracked_situations)
      situation = tracked_iter.next()
      for imove in imoves_canonical:
        move = moves[imove]
        situation = move.apply(situation)
        tracked_situation = tracked_iter.next()
        print 'Canonical'
        show_game(radius, situation)
        print 'Wikipedia'
        show_game(radius, tracked_situation)
        for symmetry_masks in group_symmetry_masks:
          equiv_situation = apply_symmetry_masks(symmetry_masks, situation)
          if equiv_situation == tracked_situation:
            print 'MATCH OK'
          print 'MATCH OFF'


  all_lexmins = {}
  pruning_counts = []
  for len_path in xrange(num_bits - 1):
    all_lexmins[len_path] = set()
  path = []
  continue_play(radius, cutoff, group_symmetry_masks, moves, all_lexmins,
                situation, path, pruning_counts)
  for len_path in xrange(num_bits - 1):
    print len_path, len(all_lexmins[len_path]), pruning_counts[len_path]
  print 'Done.'
Exemple #15
def rbda_eq_4_12(q):
  p0, p1, p2, p3 = q
  return matrix.sqr((
    p0**2+p1**2-0.5,   p1*p2+p0*p3,     p1*p3-p0*p2,
      p1*p2-p0*p3,   p0**2+p2**2-0.5,   p2*p3+p0*p1,
      p1*p3+p0*p2,     p2*p3-p0*p1,   p0**2+p3**2-0.5)) * 2
Exemple #16
def rbda_eq_4_12(q):
    p0, p1, p2, p3 = q
    return matrix.sqr(
        (p0**2 + p1**2 - 0.5, p1 * p2 + p0 * p3, p1 * p3 - p0 * p2,
         p1 * p2 - p0 * p3, p0**2 + p2**2 - 0.5, p2 * p3 + p0 * p1,
         p1 * p3 + p0 * p2, p2 * p3 - p0 * p1, p0**2 + p3**2 - 0.5)) * 2