def initAttributes(self): self.showMaximized() # Initialize the play list. self.playlist = [] # A list of links to the file to play. self.playlistTmp = [ ] # A temporary play list, use to shuffle play list. self.repeat = False # A timer showing the playing time. self.tmrTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.tmrTimer.setInterval( 250) # This will emit a signal every 1/4 second self.tmrTimer.timeout.connect(self.on_tmrTimer_timeout) self.tmrTimer.start() #Volume control. self.sldVolumeSlider.setAudioOutput(self.vdpVideo.audioOutput()) self.sldSeekSlider.setMediaObject(self.vdpVideo.mediaObject()) # initialize the current mouse position and time. self.mousePos0 = QtGui.QCursor.pos() self.mouseT0 = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # A list of uploading video. self.uploadingList = {} self.uploadDialog = UploadDialog(self) self.downloadingList = [] self.feed = None # The current feed, displayed on the search result page. self.entry = None # The current entry, playing. self.currentDirectLink = "" # Direct link to the current video. self.currentVideo = None # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # Search thread. self.threadPool = [] self.threadType = [ ] # Store the function names that run as threads in self.threadPool. # Search box: Enter pressed. self.lineEditSearch.returnPressed.connect( self.on_btnSearchVideo_clicked) # The page showing search result. # Enable the flash plugin QWebSettings.globalSettings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) QWebPage.DelegateAllLinks) self.videoList.connect(self.videoList, QtCore.SIGNAL('linkClicked(const QUrl&)'), self.linkClicked) # A seperate frame for login. self.logged_in = False self.yt_service = None # Advance search options self.advancedSearchDialog = SearchOptionDialog(parent=self) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSearchTerm, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.advancedSearch) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.on_lineeditUserFeed_returnPressed) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTrending, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTrending_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopRated, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopRated_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnRecentlyFeatured, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnRecentlyFeatured_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopFavorites, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopFavorites_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostShared, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostShared_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostResponded, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostResponded_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostDiscussed, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostDiscussed_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostRecent, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostRecent_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostPopular, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostPopular_clicked) # Menu bar actions. self.action_Save_playlist.triggered.connect( self.on_action_Save_playlist) self.action_Load_playlist.triggered.connect( self.on_action_Load_playlist) self.action_Open_download_folder.triggered.connect( self.on_action_Open_download_folder) self.action_Quit.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Quit) self.action_Guide.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Guide) self.action_About.triggered.connect(self.on_action_About) self.actionS_earch_option.triggered.connect( self.on_actionS_earch_option) self.vdpVideo.finished.connect(self.on_btnNext_clicked) self.btnLogout.setEnabled(False) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), self.showMessage)
def initAttributes(self): self.showMaximized() # Initialize the play list. self.playlist = [] # A list of links to the file to play. self.playlistTmp = [] # A temporary play list, use to shuffle play list. self.repeat = False # A timer showing the playing time. self.tmrTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.tmrTimer.setInterval(250) # This will emit a signal every 1/4 second self.tmrTimer.timeout.connect(self.on_tmrTimer_timeout) self.tmrTimer.start() #Volume control. self.sldVolumeSlider.setAudioOutput(self.vdpVideo.audioOutput()) self.sldSeekSlider.setMediaObject(self.vdpVideo.mediaObject()) # initialize the current mouse position and time. self.mousePos0 = QtGui.QCursor.pos() self.mouseT0 = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # A list of uploading video. self.uploadingList = {} self.uploadDialog = UploadDialog(self) self.downloadingList = [] self.feed = None # The current feed, displayed on the search result page. self.entry = None # The current entry, playing. self.currentDirectLink = "" # Direct link to the current video. self.currentVideo = None # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # Search thread. self.threadPool = [] self.threadType = [] # Store the function names that run as threads in self.threadPool. # Search box: Enter pressed. self.lineEditSearch.returnPressed.connect(self.on_btnSearchVideo_clicked) # The page showing search result. # Enable the flash plugin QWebSettings.globalSettings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) self.videoList.connect(self.videoList, QtCore.SIGNAL('linkClicked(const QUrl&)'), self.linkClicked) # A seperate frame for login. self.logged_in = False self.yt_service = None # Advance search options self.advancedSearchDialog = SearchOptionDialog(parent=self) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSearchTerm, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.advancedSearch) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.on_lineeditUserFeed_returnPressed) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTrending , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTrending_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopRated , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopRated_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnRecentlyFeatured , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnRecentlyFeatured_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopFavorites , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopFavorites_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostShared , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostShared_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostResponded , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostResponded_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostDiscussed , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostDiscussed_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostRecent , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostRecent_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostPopular , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostPopular_clicked) # Menu bar actions. self.action_Save_playlist.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Save_playlist) self.action_Load_playlist.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Load_playlist) self.action_Open_download_folder.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Open_download_folder) self.action_Quit.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Quit) self.action_Guide.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Guide) self.action_About.triggered.connect(self.on_action_About) self.actionS_earch_option.triggered.connect(self.on_actionS_earch_option) self.vdpVideo.finished.connect(self.on_btnNext_clicked) self.btnLogout.setEnabled(False) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), self.showMessage)
class VideoPlayer(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): # Initialize: calling the inherited __init__ function. super(VideoPlayer, self).__init__() # Load the defined UI. uic.loadUi('../share/ui/new_ui.ui', self) self.initAttributes() ################################################################################################ # Initialize class attributes. ################################################################################################ def initAttributes(self): self.showMaximized() # Initialize the play list. self.playlist = [] # A list of links to the file to play. self.playlistTmp = [ ] # A temporary play list, use to shuffle play list. self.repeat = False # A timer showing the playing time. self.tmrTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.tmrTimer.setInterval( 250) # This will emit a signal every 1/4 second self.tmrTimer.timeout.connect(self.on_tmrTimer_timeout) self.tmrTimer.start() #Volume control. self.sldVolumeSlider.setAudioOutput(self.vdpVideo.audioOutput()) self.sldSeekSlider.setMediaObject(self.vdpVideo.mediaObject()) # initialize the current mouse position and time. self.mousePos0 = QtGui.QCursor.pos() self.mouseT0 = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # A list of uploading video. self.uploadingList = {} self.uploadDialog = UploadDialog(self) self.downloadingList = [] self.feed = None # The current feed, displayed on the search result page. self.entry = None # The current entry, playing. self.currentDirectLink = "" # Direct link to the current video. self.currentVideo = None # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # Search thread. self.threadPool = [] self.threadType = [ ] # Store the function names that run as threads in self.threadPool. # Search box: Enter pressed. self.lineEditSearch.returnPressed.connect( self.on_btnSearchVideo_clicked) # The page showing search result. # Enable the flash plugin QWebSettings.globalSettings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) QWebPage.DelegateAllLinks) self.videoList.connect(self.videoList, QtCore.SIGNAL('linkClicked(const QUrl&)'), self.linkClicked) # A seperate frame for login. self.logged_in = False self.yt_service = None # Advance search options self.advancedSearchDialog = SearchOptionDialog(parent=self) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSearchTerm, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.advancedSearch) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.on_lineeditUserFeed_returnPressed) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTrending, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTrending_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopRated, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopRated_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnRecentlyFeatured, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnRecentlyFeatured_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopFavorites, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopFavorites_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostShared, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostShared_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostResponded, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostResponded_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostDiscussed, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostDiscussed_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostRecent, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostRecent_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostPopular, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostPopular_clicked) # Menu bar actions. self.action_Save_playlist.triggered.connect( self.on_action_Save_playlist) self.action_Load_playlist.triggered.connect( self.on_action_Load_playlist) self.action_Open_download_folder.triggered.connect( self.on_action_Open_download_folder) self.action_Quit.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Quit) self.action_Guide.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Guide) self.action_About.triggered.connect(self.on_action_About) self.actionS_earch_option.triggered.connect( self.on_actionS_earch_option) self.vdpVideo.finished.connect(self.on_btnNext_clicked) self.btnLogout.setEnabled(False) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), self.showMessage) ################################################################################################ # Actions related to playlist ################################################################################################ # Some menu action. def on_action_Save_playlist(self): if self.playlist is None or len(self.playlist) == 0: warning = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("There is nothing to save!", self) else: # Create a dialog showing the place to save the playlist. file_types = "Playlist (*.playlist);; All file (*.*)" filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileNameAndFilter( self, QtCore.QString("Save play list"), '', file_types) filename = unicode(filename.__str__()) try: # save the playlist. playlist_file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.playlist, playlist_file) playlist_file.close() print "The play list is saved." except: warning = WarningDialog.WarningDialog( "Sorry, the play list cannot be saved!", self) def on_action_Load_playlist(self): # Create a file dialog to load the playlist. file_types = "Playlist (*.playlist);; All file (*.*)" filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter( self, QtCore.QString("Load play list"), '', file_types) filename = unicode(filename.__str__()) playlist_file = open(filename, 'rb') temp_playlist = pickle.load(playlist_file) if temp_playlist is None or not isinstance(temp_playlist, list): raise ValueError self.playlist = [] for entry in temp_playlist: # Check the validity of the entry. if isinstance(entry, self.playlist.append(entry) # update the playlist. self.updatePlayList() # except: # warning = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("Sorry, the play list cannot be loaded!", self) # # finally: playlist_file.close() # Event: The next button is pressed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnNext_clicked(self): print "The next button is clicked." if self.playlist == []: # Nothing to do. return # Get the reference to the current selected media. curIndex = self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() if curIndex + 1 < len(self.playlist): # Not the last video index = curIndex + 1 else: # This is the last video. if not self.repeat: # No repeat: just return. return else: index = 0 # Select the next media in the play list, and play it. self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) self.on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked() # Action: click on the 'previous' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnPrevious_clicked(self): if self.playlist == []: return # Get a reference of the current selected media. curIndex = self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() # If the current selected media index is greater or equal to the first # index of the play list... if curIndex > 0: # decrease the index of the current media. index = curIndex - 1 else: # This is the first item in the list. # If the repeat mode isn't selected then do nothing. if not self.repeat: return # otherwise, the next media to play will be the last in the list. index = len(self.playlist) - 1 # Select the previous media in the play list and play it. self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) self.on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked() # Action: Click on the 'Remove media' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnRemoveMedia_clicked(self): # For each selected media... for media in self.lswPlaylist.selectedItems(): try: # get it's index and remove it from the play list. del self.playlist[self.lswPlaylist.row(media)] except: pass self.updatePlayList() # Action: click on the 'Repeat' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnRepeatPlayList_clicked(self): self.repeat = not self.repeat # Action: Click on the 'Show Play list' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnShowPlayList_clicked(self): if self.dckShown: self.dckPlayList.hide() else: self.dckShown = not self.dckShown # Action: Click on the 'Shuffle Play list' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnShufflePlayList_clicked(self): if self.playlistTmp == []: # this mean the play list is not shuffled. self.playlistTmp = self.playlist[:] # Now shuffle it. item = len(self.playlist) - 1 while item > 0: index = random.randint(0, item) tmp = self.playlist[index] self.playlist[index] = self.playlist[item] self.playlist[item] = tmp item -= 1 else: # Return the list to the original state. self.playlist = self.playlistTmp[:] self.playlistTmp = [] # Update the play list. self.updatePlayList() def updatePlayList(self): currentRow = self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() # Remove all items in QListWidget self.lswPlaylist.clear() # add the new play list. for item in self.playlist: self.lswPlaylist.addItem( QtCore.QString(unicode( self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(currentRow) # Action: Double an item in the play list to play it. @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QModelIndex) def on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked(self): # If the play list is empty, do nothing. if self.playlist == []: return # Get the index of model_index, use it to obtain corresponding link self.entry = self.playlist[self.lswPlaylist.currentRow()] # Switch to the playerPage # Play the selected video. print "Processing the link,", self.startThread(self.getYoutubeLinkToPlay, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneGetDirectLinks(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedGetDirectLinks(QString)"), self.playVideo, self.dummy, ################################################################################################ # Action related tp main menu. ################################################################################################ def on_action_Open_download_folder(self): print "Open download folder here." def on_action_Quit(self): self.close() def on_actionS_earch_option(self): print "Setting search option here!" def on_action_Guide(self): r'') def on_action_About(self): aboutDialog = about.About(parent=self) ################################################################################################ # Search ################################################################################################ def getAdvancedSearchOptions(self): vq = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSearchTerm.text()) author = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed.text()) results_number = self.advancedSearchDialog.spbMaxResults.value() sort_by = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSortby.currentText( )).lower() # Change to standard name. if sort_by == 'published date': sort_by = 'published' elif sort_by == 'view count': sort_by = 'viewCount' racy = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSafeSearch. currentText()).lower() startIndex = self.advancedSearchDialog.spbStartIndex.value() time = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.cbTime.currentText()).lower() return [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] # User's feed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_lineeditUserFeed_returnPressed(self): # Start a thread for searching. self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed self.startThread(self.ytUserFeedSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("searchFailed()"), self.setHtml, self.dummy) # Return an instance that helps us to use youtube's services. def getYouTubeService(self, username='', password=''): if (username != '' and password != ''): # new instance. self.yt_service = YouTubeService(username, password) return self.yt_service elif self.yt_service != None: return self.yt_service else: self.yt_service = YouTubeService() return self.yt_service def ytUserFeedSearch(self): try: [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] = self.getAdvancedSearchOptions() print[vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] yt_service = self.getYouTubeService() query = = author query.max_results = results_number query.orderby = sort_by query.racy = racy query.start_index = startIndex feed = yt_service.client.YouTubeQuery(query) html = getHtmlFeedDescription(feed) except: html = "Sorry, no such user." feed = None self.feed = feed self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneSearching(QString)'), QtCore.QString(html)) # Click on the Search options button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnSearchOption_clicked(self): self.advancedSearchDialog.setFocus() # Click on the 'search' button in the search tab. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnSearchVideo_clicked(self): # Get the order option. if self.lineEditSearch.text() == '': return # get the search term. vq = str(self.lineEditSearch.text()) # searching not done: Print the defaul message. self.videoList.setHtml( "<html><body><h1>Searching ...</h1></body></html>") # Create a thread to do the search. self.startThread(self.ytSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("searchFailed()"), self.setHtml, self.dummy, vq, 'relevance', 'include', 1, 40, 'all_time') # Set the content of the playlist page. def setHtml(self, html): self.videoList.setHtml(html) self.twgWebpage.setCurrentIndex(1) # Do the search. # TODO Re-implement using YoutubeService. def ytSearch(self, vq, orderby, racy, start_index, max_results, time): print "Calling ytSearch with ", [ vq, orderby, racy, start_index, max_results, time ] try: # Init service. yt_service = self.getYouTubeService() # vq must be converted to str. feed = yt_service.SearchWithVideoQuery(vq, orderby, racy, start_index, max_results, time) except: print "Something weird has occurred!" feed = None self.feed = feed html = getHtmlFeedDescription(feed) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneSearching(QString)'), html) def advancedSearch(self): [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] = self.getAdvancedSearchOptions() # print [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy,startIndex, time] # Create a thread to do the search. self.startThread(self.ytSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("searchFailed()"), self.setHtml, self.dummy, vq, sort_by, racy, startIndex, results_number, time) ################################################################################################ # ################################################################################################ # Click a link in the list of videos. def linkClicked(self, url): print url tmp = None # Find the entry that has that url. if (self.feed == None): pass else: for entry in self.feed.entry: # print entry.GetSwfUrl() if entry.GetSwfUrl() == str(url.toString()): tmp = entry break self.addMedia(tmp) ################################################################################################ # Functions related to threads. ################################################################################################ def startThread(self, function, signal_ok, signal_fail, function_if_ok, function_if_fail, *args): # Connect signals and slots. self.disconnect(self, signal_ok, function_if_ok) self.connect(self, signal_ok, function_if_ok) self.disconnect(self, signal_fail, function_if_fail) self.connect(self, signal_fail, function_if_fail) # Start this thread. # Stop all the thread of the same type as this thread first. name = function.__name__.lower() # there should be only on 'search' thread. if name.find('search') != -1 or name == 'getyoutubelinktoplay': count = len(self.threadPool) - 1 while count >= 0: if self.threadType[count].find('search'): # Stop this thread first. if self.threadPool[count].stopped(): print "This thread (%s) is stopped already" % count else: try: print "Stopping thread number", count self.threadPool[count].stop() except: pass break count -= 1 elif name.find('setplayerpage') != -1: # Thread of this type should not run concurrently. # Stop all previous thread of this type. count = len(self.threadPool) - 1 while count >= 0: if self.threadType[count] == name: # Stop this thread first. if self.threadPool[count].stopped(): print "This thread (%s) is stopped already" % count else: try: print "Stopping thread number", count self.threadPool[count].stop() except: pass break count -= 1 # Update the thread pool self.threadPool.append(GenericThread(function, *args)) self.threadType.append(name) self.threadPool[len(self.threadPool) - 1].start() self.setFocus() def dummy(self): print 'This function do nothing' # Event: The 'About' button is clicked # Show the about dialog. def on_btnAbout_clicked(self): ab = about.About(self) # Event: The button 'Clear Play list' is pressed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnClearPlayList_clicked(self): # Clear the original and temporal play list. self.playlist = [] self.playlistTmp = [] self.updatePlayList() ################################################################################### # Video playback controls. ################################################################################### # Event: The 'play/pause' is pressed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnPlayPause_clicked(self): # If there is some selected item, and it is either 'playing' or # 'paused', then switch between the two states. if self.vdpVideo.isPlaying(): print "Change to pause" self.vdpVideo.pause() elif self.vdpVideo.isPaused(): print "Change to play" else: # There is no media being played/paused. The state is 'stop'. # Select one video and play it. if self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() < 0: # Nothing has been played. # Select the first item self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow( 0, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # Now play the video. self.on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked() # Response to timer event. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_tmrTimer_timeout(self): # Update the playing time and the label. currentTime = self.vdpVideo.currentTime() if currentTime == 0: # This is the first time the label is changed. self.lblTime.setText('') else: # Get the total play time totalTime = self.vdpVideo.totalTime() # If the total playing time is less than 1 hour, just show minutes # and seconds. tFormat = 'mm:ss' if totalTime < 3600000 else 'hh:mm:ss' # We use Qtime for time conversions. currentTimeH = QtCore.QTime() # Convert times to a human readable strings. ct = currentTimeH.addMSecs(currentTime).toString(tFormat) totalTimeH = QtCore.QTime() tt = totalTimeH.addMSecs(totalTime).toString(tFormat) # Set time to label. self.lblTime.setText(ct + '/' + tt) # Now update the mouse status. # The window is in full-screen mode... if self.isFullScreen(): # Update the current mouse time and position. mousePos = QtGui.QCursor.pos() mouseT = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # Normally, when the program is in full-screen mode, the mouse must # be hidden until user move it. if (mousePos != self.mousePos0 and self.cursor().shape() == QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor ) or self.wdgVideoControls.isVisible(): self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) # Reset the time count for calculating the mouse moving time. self.mouseT0 = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # If user stops moving the mouse, it must stay visible at least some # seconds. elif self.cursor().shape( ) == QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor and self.mouseT0.secsTo(mouseT) > 1: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor)) # Update the current mouse position. self.mousePos0 = mousePos # Convert the global mouse position in the screen to the window # local coordinates. And get the coordinate for Y axis. mouseY = self.mapFromGlobal(mousePos).y() # If the mouse approaches to the position in which must be the # controls bar, it must be visible. if mouseY < self.height() and \ mouseY > self.height() - self.wdgVideoControls.height(): if self.wdgVideoControls.isHidden(): # otherwise it must stay hidden. elif self.wdgVideoControls.isVisible(): self.wdgVideoControls.hide() # The window is in normal mode... else: # If the mouse cursor is hidden, show it. if self.cursor().shape() == QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) # Show play list. if self.wdgVideoControls.isHidden(): # mouseDoubleClickEvent is a protected method which called when user # double clicks in the GUI and this event isn't caught by any other widget. def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # Always, before process the event, we must send a copy of it to the # ancestor class. QtGui.QMainWindow.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event) # Go to full-screen mode or exit from it. self.on_btnFullscreen_clicked() # Event: The 'Full screen' button is clicked. # Switch between 'normal' mode and 'full screen' mode. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnFullscreen_clicked(self): if self.isFullScreen(): # switch to normal mode. self.showNormal() # show the play list. else: # Switch to full screen mode. self.showFullScreen() # Hide the play list. self.dckPlayList.hide() # Hide the mouse cursor. self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor)) # Get direct link for one video. def getYoutubeLinkToPlay(self, link): try: # In this version, we will just get any link. print "Decoding the link", str(link) # Get the video quality. desired_resolution = str(self.cbQuality.currentText()) print "Desired resolution:", desired_resolution # Find the resolution nearest to the desired resolution. direct_link = YouTubeDl().getDirectLink(link, desired_resolution) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("doneGetDirectLinks(QString)"), QtCore.QString(direct_link)) except: self.emit( QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), QtCore.QString( "Sorry, it seems that you have to watch this video on YouTube." )) def playVideo(self, link): print "link:", link match ='(.*)\n\"(.*)\"', link) if match: link = # Play the video. if link.startsWith(QtCore.QString(r'http://')) or link.startsWith( QtCore.QString(r'https://')) or link.startsWith( QtCore.QString(r'mms://')): print "Link: via web" print "Asking the phonon player to play." self.currentDirectLink = str(link) else: print "Link: local file" print "Asking the player to play." @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnDownloadPlaying_clicked(self): try: # In this version, we will just get any link. link = # Get the video quality. desired_resolution = str(self.cbQuality.currentText()) # Find the resolution nearest to the desired resolution. direct_link = YouTubeDl().getDirectLink(link, desired_resolution) match ='(.*)\n\"(.*)\"', direct_link) if match: media = [,] command = 'aria2c "%s" -o %s' % (media[0], media[1]) command = command.replace("\n", "") print command.find("\n") Popen(command, shell=True, close_fds=True) except: self.emit( QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), QtCore.QString( "Sorry, it seems that you have to watch this video on YouTube." )) # Add to the play a link # Url must be a string. def addMedia(self, entry): print "Adding media to playlist." self.playlist.append(entry) # update the play list. self.updatePlayList() # If the play list has been loaded and there isn't a media playing, # play it. if len(self.playlist) == 1: self.entry = entry # Start a thread getting the direct link play. self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(0) self.startThread(self.getYoutubeLinkToPlay, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneGetDirectLinks(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedGetDirectLinks(QString)"), self.playVideo, self.dummy, @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnUpload_clicked(self): if not self.logged_in: messageBox = WarningDialog.WarningDialog( warning="You have to log in first", parent=self) else: print "Calling the function upload" # Get the video information. self.connect(self.uploadDialog, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.doUpload) # Managing the upload queue. def doUpload(self): print "Inside the function doUpload" # upload the file. # Get the video's info. video_location = str(self.uploadDialog.lineEditFilePath.text()) video_title = str(self.uploadDialog.lineEditVideoName.text()) tags = str(self.uploadDialog.lineEditTags.text()) description = str( self.uploadDialog.plainTextEditDescription.toPlainText()) # This will work on Windows only. video_location = video_location.replace('/', '\\') print video_location, type(video_location) print video_title, type(video_title) print tags, type(tags) print description, type(description) print "trying..." # Show an upload dialog. uploadDialog = UploadStatusDialog('Uploading', video_title, video_location, self) self.startThread(self.doRealUpload, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneUpload(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL('uploadFailed(QString)'), self.doneUpload, self.uploadFailed, video_title, description, tags, video_location, uploadDialog) # Do the upload. def doRealUpload(self, video_title, description, tags, video_location, uploadDialog): print "doRealUPload" try: self.getYouTubeService() new_entry = self.yt_service.DirectVideoUpload( video_title, description, tags, video_location) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneUpload(QString)'), QtCore.QString(video_location)) # Setting the upload dialog. uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText( QtCore.QString( 'Video uploaded. Waiting for YouTube\'s acceptance.')) # Wait and check for Youtube Status. for i in range(10): # wait for at most 10 * 30 seconds. time.sleep(30) uploadStatus = self.yt_service.client.CheckUploadStatus( new_entry) if uploadStatus is not None: status = str(uploadStatus[0]) print status uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString(status)) else: uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString("Done.")) break except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('uploadFailed(QString)'), QtCore.QString(video_location)) uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Failed.')) # A message notifying upload sucessfully event. def doneUpload(self, message): pass # self.uploadingList[str(message)].lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Done.')) def uploadFailed(self, message): pass # self.uploadingList[str(message)].lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Failed.')) # Search for popular feeds. def on_btnTopRated_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("topRated") def on_btnTopFavorites_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("topFavorites") def on_btnMostShared_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostShared") def on_btnMostPopular_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostPopular") def on_btnMostRecent_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostRecent") def on_btnMostDiscussed_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostDiscussed") def on_btnMostResponded_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostResponded") def on_btnRecentlyFeatured_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("recentlyFeatured") def on_btnTrending_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("trending") # Search a feed of given name. def searchFeed(self, feedName): print "Searching", feedName # Create a thread to do the search. self.startThread(self.ytFeedSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedSearching(QString)"), self.setHtml, self.dummy, feedName) def ytFeedSearch(self, feedName): yt_service = self.getYouTubeService() if feedName == 'topRated': feed = yt_service.RetrieveTopRatedVideoFeed() elif feedName == "topFavorites": feed = yt_service.RetrieveTopFavoritesVideoFeed() elif feedName == "mostShared": feed = yt_service.client.GetYouTubeVideoFeed( "" ) elif feedName == "mostPopular": feed = yt_service.client.GetYouTubeVideoFeed( "" ) elif feedName == "mostRecent": feed = yt_service.RetrieveMostRecentVideoFeed() elif feedName == "mostDiscussed": feed = yt_service.RetrieveMostDiscussedVideoFeed() elif feedName == "mostResponded": feed = yt_service.RetrieveMostRespondedVideoFeed() elif feedName == 'recentlyFeatured': feed = yt_service.RetrieveRecentlyFeaturedVideoFeed() elif feedName == "trending": feed = yt_service.client.GetYouTubeVideoFeed( "") else: feed = None print 'Invalid feed' self.feed = feed html = getHtmlFromFeed.getHtmlFeedDescription(feed) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneSearching(QString)'), html) def login(self, email, password): ''' Log in to YouTube, using an email and password. ''' print "Inside the login function" print email, type(email) try: self.yt_service = YouTubeService(email, password) self.logged_in = self.yt_service.loggedIn if (self.logged_in): self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("doneLogin(QString)"), email) else: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("failedLogin()")) except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("failedLogin()")) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnPost_clicked(self): ''' Post a comment to the current video. If the user has logged in, post a comment, otherwise display a warning message. ''' if self.yt_service == None or self.yt_service.loggedIn == False: messageBox = WarningDialog.WarningDialog( "Sorry, you have to log in first.", self) else: # Get the in the textEditComment text = str(self.textEditComment.toPlainText()) print "You want to post a comment:", text self.startThread(self.postComment, QtCore.SIGNAL("donePostComment()"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedPostComment()"), self.dummy, self.dummy, text) def postComment(self, comment): ''' Post a comment to the playing video. ''' print "You want to post a comment." try: self.yt_service.AddComment(getVideoId(self.entry), comment) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("donePostComment()")) except: self.emit("failedPostComment()") @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnRate_clicked(self): ''' Handle the event that the user click on the 'Rate' button. ''' print "You want to rate the video." if self.logged_in: self.startThread(self.addRating, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneAddRating()"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedAddRating()"), self.dummy, self.dummy) else: message = WarningDialog.WarningDialog( "Sorry, you have to log in first.", self) message.showNormal() def addRating(self): ''' Rate the current (playing) video. ''' number = self.value() try: self.yt_service.AddRating(getVideoId(self.entry), number) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("doneAddRating()")) except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("failedAddRating()")) # User clicked on the 'login' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnLogin_clicked(self): # Start a login thread. username = str(self.ledUsername.text()) password = str(self.ledPassword.text()) self.startThread(self.login, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneLogin(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedLogin()"), self.setUsernameView, self.failedLoginWarning, username, password) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnLogout_clicked(self): self.yt_service = YouTubeService() self.logged_in = False self.labelGreeting.setText('Hello') # Show the username. def setUsernameView(self, username): self.labelGreeting.setText("Hello, %s" % username) self.ledUsername.setText('') self.ledPassword.setText('') self.btnLogout.setEnabled(True) def failedLoginWarning(self): print "Sorry, login failed!" self.yt_service = YouTubeService() self.btnLogout.setEnabled(False) warningDialog = WarningDialog.WarningDialog( warning="Sorry, logging in failed", parent=self) def _htmlForFlash(self, url): html = ''''<embed src="%s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="480"></embed> ''' % url return html def showMessage(self, message): wd = WarningDialog.WarningDialog(message, self)
class VideoPlayer(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): # Initialize: calling the inherited __init__ function. super(VideoPlayer, self).__init__() # Load the defined UI. uic.loadUi('../share/ui/new_ui.ui', self) self.initAttributes() ################################################################################################ # Initialize class attributes. ################################################################################################ def initAttributes(self): self.showMaximized() # Initialize the play list. self.playlist = [] # A list of links to the file to play. self.playlistTmp = [] # A temporary play list, use to shuffle play list. self.repeat = False # A timer showing the playing time. self.tmrTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.tmrTimer.setInterval(250) # This will emit a signal every 1/4 second self.tmrTimer.timeout.connect(self.on_tmrTimer_timeout) self.tmrTimer.start() #Volume control. self.sldVolumeSlider.setAudioOutput(self.vdpVideo.audioOutput()) self.sldSeekSlider.setMediaObject(self.vdpVideo.mediaObject()) # initialize the current mouse position and time. self.mousePos0 = QtGui.QCursor.pos() self.mouseT0 = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # A list of uploading video. self.uploadingList = {} self.uploadDialog = UploadDialog(self) self.downloadingList = [] self.feed = None # The current feed, displayed on the search result page. self.entry = None # The current entry, playing. self.currentDirectLink = "" # Direct link to the current video. self.currentVideo = None # The dock widget: show or hide? self.dckShown = True self.lineEditSearch.setFocus() # Search thread. self.threadPool = [] self.threadType = [] # Store the function names that run as threads in self.threadPool. # Search box: Enter pressed. self.lineEditSearch.returnPressed.connect(self.on_btnSearchVideo_clicked) # The page showing search result. # Enable the flash plugin QWebSettings.globalSettings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) self.videoList.connect(self.videoList, QtCore.SIGNAL('linkClicked(const QUrl&)'), self.linkClicked) # A seperate frame for login. self.logged_in = False self.yt_service = None # Advance search options self.advancedSearchDialog = SearchOptionDialog(parent=self) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSearchTerm, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.advancedSearch) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.on_lineeditUserFeed_returnPressed) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTrending , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTrending_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopRated , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopRated_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnRecentlyFeatured , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnRecentlyFeatured_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnTopFavorites , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnTopFavorites_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostShared , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostShared_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostResponded , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostResponded_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostDiscussed , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostDiscussed_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostRecent , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostRecent_clicked) self.connect(self.advancedSearchDialog.btnMostPopular , QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_btnMostPopular_clicked) # Menu bar actions. self.action_Save_playlist.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Save_playlist) self.action_Load_playlist.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Load_playlist) self.action_Open_download_folder.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Open_download_folder) self.action_Quit.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Quit) self.action_Guide.triggered.connect(self.on_action_Guide) self.action_About.triggered.connect(self.on_action_About) self.actionS_earch_option.triggered.connect(self.on_actionS_earch_option) self.vdpVideo.finished.connect(self.on_btnNext_clicked) self.btnLogout.setEnabled(False) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), self.showMessage) ################################################################################################ # Actions related to playlist ################################################################################################ # Some menu action. def on_action_Save_playlist(self): if self.playlist is None or len(self.playlist) == 0: warning = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("There is nothing to save!", self) else: # Create a dialog showing the place to save the playlist. file_types = "Playlist (*.playlist);; All file (*.*)" filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileNameAndFilter(self, QtCore.QString("Save play list"), '', file_types) filename = unicode(filename.__str__()) try: # save the playlist. playlist_file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.playlist, playlist_file) playlist_file.close() print "The play list is saved." except: warning = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("Sorry, the play list cannot be saved!", self) def on_action_Load_playlist(self): # Create a file dialog to load the playlist. file_types = "Playlist (*.playlist);; All file (*.*)" filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter(self, QtCore.QString("Load play list"), '', file_types) filename = unicode(filename.__str__()) playlist_file = open(filename, 'rb') temp_playlist = pickle.load(playlist_file) if temp_playlist is None or not isinstance(temp_playlist, list): raise ValueError self.playlist = [] for entry in temp_playlist: # Check the validity of the entry. if isinstance(entry, self.playlist.append(entry) # update the playlist. self.updatePlayList() # except: # warning = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("Sorry, the play list cannot be loaded!", self) # # finally: playlist_file.close() # Event: The next button is pressed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnNext_clicked(self): print "The next button is clicked." if self.playlist == []: # Nothing to do. return # Get the reference to the current selected media. curIndex = self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() if curIndex + 1 < len(self.playlist): # Not the last video index = curIndex + 1 else: # This is the last video. if not self.repeat: # No repeat: just return. return else: index = 0 # Select the next media in the play list, and play it. self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) self.on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked() # Action: click on the 'previous' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnPrevious_clicked(self): if self.playlist == []: return # Get a reference of the current selected media. curIndex = self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() # If the current selected media index is greater or equal to the first # index of the play list... if curIndex > 0: # decrease the index of the current media. index = curIndex - 1 else: # This is the first item in the list. # If the repeat mode isn't selected then do nothing. if not self.repeat: return # otherwise, the next media to play will be the last in the list. index = len(self.playlist) - 1 # Select the previous media in the play list and play it. self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) self.on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked() # Action: Click on the 'Remove media' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnRemoveMedia_clicked(self): # For each selected media... for media in self.lswPlaylist.selectedItems(): try: # get it's index and remove it from the play list. del self.playlist[self.lswPlaylist.row(media)] except: pass self.updatePlayList() # Action: click on the 'Repeat' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnRepeatPlayList_clicked(self): self.repeat = not self.repeat # Action: Click on the 'Show Play list' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnShowPlayList_clicked(self): if self.dckShown: self.dckPlayList.hide() else: self.dckShown = not self.dckShown # Action: Click on the 'Shuffle Play list' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnShufflePlayList_clicked(self): if self.playlistTmp == []: # this mean the play list is not shuffled. self.playlistTmp = self.playlist[:] # Now shuffle it. item = len(self.playlist) - 1 while item > 0: index = random.randint(0, item) tmp = self.playlist[index] self.playlist[index] = self.playlist[item] self.playlist[item] = tmp item -= 1 else: # Return the list to the original state. self.playlist = self.playlistTmp[:] self.playlistTmp = [] # Update the play list. self.updatePlayList() def updatePlayList(self): currentRow = self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() # Remove all items in QListWidget self.lswPlaylist.clear() # add the new play list. for item in self.playlist: self.lswPlaylist.addItem(QtCore.QString(unicode( self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(currentRow) # Action: Double an item in the play list to play it. @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QModelIndex) def on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked(self): # If the play list is empty, do nothing. if self.playlist == []: return # Get the index of model_index, use it to obtain corresponding link self.entry = self.playlist[self.lswPlaylist.currentRow()] # Switch to the playerPage # Play the selected video. print "Processing the link,", self.startThread(self.getYoutubeLinkToPlay, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneGetDirectLinks(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedGetDirectLinks(QString)"), self.playVideo, self.dummy, ################################################################################################ # Action related tp main menu. ################################################################################################ def on_action_Open_download_folder(self): print "Open download folder here." def on_action_Quit(self): self.close() def on_actionS_earch_option(self): print "Setting search option here!" def on_action_Guide(self):'') def on_action_About(self): aboutDialog = about.About(parent=self) ################################################################################################ # Search ################################################################################################ def getAdvancedSearchOptions(self): vq = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSearchTerm.text()) author = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed.text()) results_number = self.advancedSearchDialog.spbMaxResults.value() sort_by = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSortby.currentText()).lower() # Change to standard name. if sort_by == 'published date': sort_by = 'published' elif sort_by == 'view count': sort_by = 'viewCount' racy = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.optionDialogSafeSearch.currentText()).lower() startIndex = self.advancedSearchDialog.spbStartIndex.value() time = str(self.advancedSearchDialog.cbTime.currentText()).lower() return [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] # User's feed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_lineeditUserFeed_returnPressed(self): # Start a thread for searching. self.advancedSearchDialog.lineeditUserFeed self.startThread(self.ytUserFeedSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("searchFailed()"), self.setHtml, self.dummy) # Return an instance that helps us to use youtube's services. def getYouTubeService(self, username='', password=''): if (username != '' and password != ''): # new instance. self.yt_service = YouTubeService(username, password) return self.yt_service elif self.yt_service != None: return self.yt_service else: self.yt_service = YouTubeService() return self.yt_service def ytUserFeedSearch(self): try: [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] = self.getAdvancedSearchOptions() print [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] yt_service = self.getYouTubeService() query = = author query.max_results = results_number query.orderby = sort_by query.racy = racy query.start_index = startIndex feed = yt_service.client.YouTubeQuery(query) html = getHtmlFeedDescription(feed) except: html = "Sorry, no such user." feed = None self.feed = feed self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneSearching(QString)'), QtCore.QString(html)) # Click on the Search options button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnSearchOption_clicked(self): self.advancedSearchDialog.setFocus() # Click on the 'search' button in the search tab. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnSearchVideo_clicked(self): # Get the order option. if self.lineEditSearch.text() == '': return # get the search term. vq = str(self.lineEditSearch.text()) # searching not done: Print the defaul message. self.videoList.setHtml("<html><body><h1>Searching ...</h1></body></html>") # Create a thread to do the search. self.startThread(self.ytSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("searchFailed()"), self.setHtml, self.dummy, vq, 'relevance', 'include', 1, 40, 'all_time') # Set the content of the playlist page. def setHtml(self, html): self.videoList.setHtml(html) self.twgWebpage.setCurrentIndex(1) # Do the search. # TODO Re-implement using YoutubeService. def ytSearch(self, vq, orderby, racy, start_index, max_results, time): print "Calling ytSearch with ", [vq, orderby, racy, start_index, max_results, time] try: # Init service. yt_service = self.getYouTubeService() # vq must be converted to str. feed = yt_service.SearchWithVideoQuery(vq, orderby, racy, start_index, max_results, time) except: print "Something weird has occurred!" feed = None self.feed = feed html = getHtmlFeedDescription(feed) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneSearching(QString)'), html) def advancedSearch(self): [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy, startIndex, time] = self.getAdvancedSearchOptions() # print [vq, author, results_number, sort_by, racy,startIndex, time] # Create a thread to do the search. self.startThread(self.ytSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("searchFailed()"), self.setHtml, self.dummy, vq, sort_by, racy, startIndex, results_number, time) ################################################################################################ # ################################################################################################ # Click a link in the list of videos. def linkClicked(self, url): print url tmp = None # Find the entry that has that url. if (self.feed == None): pass else: for entry in self.feed.entry: # print entry.GetSwfUrl() if entry.GetSwfUrl() == str(url.toString()): tmp = entry break self.addMedia(tmp) ################################################################################################ # Functions related to threads. ################################################################################################ def startThread(self, function, signal_ok, signal_fail, function_if_ok, function_if_fail, *args): # Connect signals and slots. self.disconnect(self, signal_ok, function_if_ok) self.connect(self, signal_ok, function_if_ok) self.disconnect(self, signal_fail, function_if_fail) self.connect(self, signal_fail, function_if_fail) # Start this thread. # Stop all the thread of the same type as this thread first. name = function.__name__.lower() # there should be only on 'search' thread. if name.find('search') != -1 or name == 'getyoutubelinktoplay': count = len(self.threadPool) - 1 while count >= 0: if self.threadType[count].find('search'): # Stop this thread first. if self.threadPool[count].stopped(): print "This thread (%s) is stopped already" % count else: try: print "Stopping thread number", count self.threadPool[count].stop() except: pass break count -= 1 elif name.find('setplayerpage') != -1: # Thread of this type should not run concurrently. # Stop all previous thread of this type. count = len(self.threadPool) - 1 while count >= 0: if self.threadType[count] == name: # Stop this thread first. if self.threadPool[count].stopped(): print "This thread (%s) is stopped already" % count else: try: print "Stopping thread number", count self.threadPool[count].stop() except: pass break count -= 1 # Update the thread pool self.threadPool.append(GenericThread(function, *args)) self.threadType.append(name) self.threadPool[len(self.threadPool) - 1].start() self.setFocus() def dummy(self): print 'This function do nothing' # Event: The 'About' button is clicked # Show the about dialog. def on_btnAbout_clicked(self): ab = about.About(self) # Event: The button 'Clear Play list' is pressed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnClearPlayList_clicked(self): # Clear the original and temporal play list. self.playlist = [] self.playlistTmp = [] self.updatePlayList() ################################################################################### # Video playback controls. ################################################################################### # Event: The 'play/pause' is pressed. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnPlayPause_clicked(self): # If there is some selected item, and it is either 'playing' or # 'paused', then switch between the two states. if self.vdpVideo.isPlaying(): print "Change to pause" self.vdpVideo.pause() elif self.vdpVideo.isPaused(): print "Change to play" else: # There is no media being played/paused. The state is 'stop'. # Select one video and play it. if self.lswPlaylist.currentRow() < 0: # Nothing has been played. # Select the first item self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(0, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # Now play the video. self.on_lswPlaylist_doubleClicked() # Response to timer event. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_tmrTimer_timeout(self): # Update the playing time and the label. currentTime = self.vdpVideo.currentTime() if currentTime == 0: # This is the first time the label is changed. self.lblTime.setText('') else: # Get the total play time totalTime = self.vdpVideo.totalTime() # If the total playing time is less than 1 hour, just show minutes # and seconds. tFormat = 'mm:ss' if totalTime < 3600000 else 'hh:mm:ss' # We use Qtime for time conversions. currentTimeH = QtCore.QTime() # Convert times to a human readable strings. ct = currentTimeH.addMSecs(currentTime).toString(tFormat) totalTimeH = QtCore.QTime() tt = totalTimeH.addMSecs(totalTime).toString(tFormat) # Set time to label. self.lblTime.setText(ct + '/' + tt) # Now update the mouse status. # The window is in full-screen mode... if self.isFullScreen(): # Update the current mouse time and position. mousePos = QtGui.QCursor.pos() mouseT = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # Normally, when the program is in full-screen mode, the mouse must # be hidden until user move it. if (mousePos != self.mousePos0 and self.cursor().shape() == QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor) or self.wdgVideoControls.isVisible(): self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) # Reset the time count for calculating the mouse moving time. self.mouseT0 = QtCore.QTime.currentTime() # If user stops moving the mouse, it must stay visible at least some # seconds. elif self.cursor().shape() == QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor and self.mouseT0.secsTo(mouseT) > 1: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor)) # Update the current mouse position. self.mousePos0 = mousePos # Convert the global mouse position in the screen to the window # local coordinates. And get the coordinate for Y axis. mouseY = self.mapFromGlobal(mousePos).y() # If the mouse approaches to the position in which must be the # controls bar, it must be visible. if mouseY < self.height() and \ mouseY > self.height() - self.wdgVideoControls.height(): if self.wdgVideoControls.isHidden(): # otherwise it must stay hidden. elif self.wdgVideoControls.isVisible(): self.wdgVideoControls.hide() # The window is in normal mode... else: # If the mouse cursor is hidden, show it. if self.cursor().shape() == QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor: self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) # Show play list. if self.wdgVideoControls.isHidden(): # mouseDoubleClickEvent is a protected method which called when user # double clicks in the GUI and this event isn't caught by any other widget. def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # Always, before process the event, we must send a copy of it to the # ancestor class. QtGui.QMainWindow.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event) # Go to full-screen mode or exit from it. self.on_btnFullscreen_clicked() # Event: The 'Full screen' button is clicked. # Switch between 'normal' mode and 'full screen' mode. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnFullscreen_clicked(self): if self.isFullScreen(): # switch to normal mode. self.showNormal() # show the play list. else: # Switch to full screen mode. self.showFullScreen() # Hide the play list. self.dckPlayList.hide() # Hide the mouse cursor. self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor)) # Get direct link for one video. def getYoutubeLinkToPlay(self, link): try: # In this version, we will just get any link. print "Decoding the link", str(link) # Get the video quality. desired_resolution = str(self.cbQuality.currentText()) print "Desired resolution:", desired_resolution # Find the resolution nearest to the desired resolution. direct_link = YouTubeDl().getDirectLink(link, desired_resolution) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("doneGetDirectLinks(QString)"), QtCore.QString(direct_link)) except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), QtCore.QString("Sorry, it seems that you have to watch this video on YouTube.")) def playVideo(self, link): print "link:", link match ='(.*)\n\"(.*)\"', link) if match: link = # Play the video. if link.startsWith(QtCore.QString(r'http://')) or link.startsWith(QtCore.QString(r'https://')) or link.startsWith(QtCore.QString(r'mms://')): print "Link: via web" print "Asking the phonon player to play." self.currentDirectLink = str(link); else: print "Link: local file" print "Asking the player to play." @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnDownloadPlaying_clicked(self): try: # In this version, we will just get any link. link = # Get the video quality. desired_resolution = str(self.cbQuality.currentText()) # Find the resolution nearest to the desired resolution. direct_link = YouTubeDl().getDirectLink(link, desired_resolution) match ='(.*)\n\"(.*)\"', direct_link) if match: media = [,] command = 'aria2c "%s" -o %s' %(media[0], media[1]) command = command.replace("\n", "") print command.find("\n") Popen(command, shell=True, close_fds=True) except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("IWantToBeNoticed(QString)"), QtCore.QString("Sorry, it seems that you have to watch this video on YouTube.")) # Add to the play a link # Url must be a string. def addMedia(self, entry): print "Adding media to playlist." self.playlist.append(entry) # update the play list. self.updatePlayList() # If the play list has been loaded and there isn't a media playing, # play it. if len(self.playlist) == 1: self.entry = entry # Start a thread getting the direct link play. self.lswPlaylist.setCurrentRow(0) self.startThread(self.getYoutubeLinkToPlay, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneGetDirectLinks(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedGetDirectLinks(QString)"), self.playVideo, self.dummy, @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnUpload_clicked(self): if not self.logged_in: messageBox = WarningDialog.WarningDialog(warning="You have to log in first", parent=self) else: print "Calling the function upload" # Get the video information. self.connect(self.uploadDialog, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.doUpload) # Managing the upload queue. def doUpload(self): print "Inside the function doUpload" # upload the file. # Get the video's info. video_location = str(self.uploadDialog.lineEditFilePath.text()) video_title = str(self.uploadDialog.lineEditVideoName.text()) tags = str(self.uploadDialog.lineEditTags.text()) description = str(self.uploadDialog.plainTextEditDescription.toPlainText()) # This will work on Windows only. video_location = video_location.replace('/', '\\') print video_location, type(video_location) print video_title, type(video_title) print tags, type(tags) print description, type(description) print "trying..." # Show an upload dialog. uploadDialog = UploadStatusDialog('Uploading', video_title, video_location, self) self.startThread(self.doRealUpload, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneUpload(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL('uploadFailed(QString)'), self.doneUpload, self.uploadFailed, video_title, description, tags, video_location, uploadDialog) # Do the upload. def doRealUpload(self, video_title, description, tags, video_location, uploadDialog): print "doRealUPload" try: self.getYouTubeService() new_entry = self.yt_service.DirectVideoUpload(video_title, description, tags, video_location) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneUpload(QString)'), QtCore.QString(video_location)) # Setting the upload dialog. uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Video uploaded. Waiting for YouTube\'s acceptance.')) # Wait and check for Youtube Status. for i in range(10): # wait for at most 10 * 30 seconds. time.sleep(30) uploadStatus = self.yt_service.client.CheckUploadStatus(new_entry) if uploadStatus is not None: status = str(uploadStatus[0]) print status uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString(status)) else: uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString("Done.")) break except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('uploadFailed(QString)'), QtCore.QString(video_location)) uploadDialog.lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Failed.')) # A message notifying upload sucessfully event. def doneUpload(self, message): pass # self.uploadingList[str(message)].lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Done.')) def uploadFailed(self, message): pass # self.uploadingList[str(message)].lbStatus.setText(QtCore.QString('Failed.')) # Search for popular feeds. def on_btnTopRated_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("topRated") def on_btnTopFavorites_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("topFavorites") def on_btnMostShared_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostShared") def on_btnMostPopular_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostPopular") def on_btnMostRecent_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostRecent") def on_btnMostDiscussed_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostDiscussed") def on_btnMostResponded_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("mostResponded") def on_btnRecentlyFeatured_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("recentlyFeatured") def on_btnTrending_clicked(self): self.searchFeed("trending") # Search a feed of given name. def searchFeed(self, feedName): print "Searching", feedName # Create a thread to do the search. self.startThread(self.ytFeedSearch, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneSearching(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedSearching(QString)"), self.setHtml, self.dummy, feedName) def ytFeedSearch(self, feedName): yt_service = self.getYouTubeService() if feedName == 'topRated': feed = yt_service.RetrieveTopRatedVideoFeed() elif feedName == "topFavorites": feed = yt_service.RetrieveTopFavoritesVideoFeed() elif feedName == "mostShared": feed = yt_service.client.GetYouTubeVideoFeed("") elif feedName == "mostPopular": feed = yt_service.client.GetYouTubeVideoFeed("") elif feedName == "mostRecent": feed = yt_service.RetrieveMostRecentVideoFeed() elif feedName == "mostDiscussed": feed = yt_service.RetrieveMostDiscussedVideoFeed() elif feedName == "mostResponded": feed = yt_service.RetrieveMostRespondedVideoFeed() elif feedName == 'recentlyFeatured': feed = yt_service.RetrieveRecentlyFeaturedVideoFeed() elif feedName == "trending": feed = yt_service.client.GetYouTubeVideoFeed("") else: feed = None print 'Invalid feed' self.feed = feed html = getHtmlFromFeed.getHtmlFeedDescription(feed) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('doneSearching(QString)'), html) def login(self, email, password): ''' Log in to YouTube, using an email and password. ''' print "Inside the login function" print email, type(email) try: self.yt_service = YouTubeService(email, password) self.logged_in = self.yt_service.loggedIn if (self.logged_in): self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("doneLogin(QString)"), email) else: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("failedLogin()")) except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("failedLogin()")) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnPost_clicked(self): ''' Post a comment to the current video. If the user has logged in, post a comment, otherwise display a warning message. ''' if self.yt_service == None or self.yt_service.loggedIn == False: messageBox = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("Sorry, you have to log in first.", self) else: # Get the in the textEditComment text = str(self.textEditComment.toPlainText()) print "You want to post a comment:", text self.startThread(self.postComment, QtCore.SIGNAL("donePostComment()"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedPostComment()"), self.dummy, self.dummy, text) def postComment(self, comment): ''' Post a comment to the playing video. ''' print "You want to post a comment." try: self.yt_service.AddComment(getVideoId(self.entry), comment) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("donePostComment()")) except: self.emit("failedPostComment()") @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnRate_clicked(self): ''' Handle the event that the user click on the 'Rate' button. ''' print "You want to rate the video." if self.logged_in: self.startThread(self.addRating, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneAddRating()"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedAddRating()"), self.dummy, self.dummy) else: message = WarningDialog.WarningDialog("Sorry, you have to log in first.", self) message.showNormal() def addRating(self): ''' Rate the current (playing) video. ''' number = self.value() try: self.yt_service.AddRating(getVideoId(self.entry), number) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("doneAddRating()")) except: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("failedAddRating()")) # User clicked on the 'login' button. @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnLogin_clicked(self): # Start a login thread. username = str(self.ledUsername.text()) password = str(self.ledPassword.text()) self.startThread(self.login, QtCore.SIGNAL("doneLogin(QString)"), QtCore.SIGNAL("failedLogin()"), self.setUsernameView, self.failedLoginWarning, username, password) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def on_btnLogout_clicked(self): self.yt_service = YouTubeService() self.logged_in = False self.labelGreeting.setText('Hello') # Show the username. def setUsernameView(self, username): self.labelGreeting.setText("Hello, %s" % username) self.ledUsername.setText('') self.ledPassword.setText('') self.btnLogout.setEnabled(True) def failedLoginWarning(self): print "Sorry, login failed!" self.yt_service = YouTubeService() self.btnLogout.setEnabled(False) warningDialog = WarningDialog.WarningDialog(warning="Sorry, logging in failed", parent=self) def _htmlForFlash(self, url): html = ''''<embed src="%s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="480"></embed> ''' % url return html def showMessage(self, message): wd = WarningDialog.WarningDialog(message, self)